Nitin Sangwan

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Rank (
28 Nitin Sangwan: IIT-Madras, Infosys...

[Toppers Interview] Nitin Sangwan (Rank-28/CSE-2015) IIT-Madras,

Sociology, Infosys, India Cements, hails from Haryana

motivation ( / 3 weeks Ago /

1. Candidate Prole
2. Education
3. Introduction
4. Electronic Vs Paper material
5. Tempo and style
6. Working professional
7. Prelims (CSAT) General studies
8. Prelims (CSAT) Aptitude
9. Prelim accuracy
10. Mains: Compulsory language paper
11. Mains: Essay
12. General Studies (Mains) paper 1
13. General studies (Mains) paper 2
14. General studies (Mains) Paper 3
15. General Studies 4: Ethics, Integrity, aptitude
16. Mains answer-writing?
17. Mains Optional Subject
18. Before the interview
19. During the interview
20. CSE-2015 Marksheet
21. Career Backup
22. Views on UPSC reforms
23. Insecurity about prole
24. Wisdom
25. Credit: Friends/family
26. BOGUS Marketing Propaganda

Candidate Profile
1 Rank
of 32

in CSE-2015

Nitin Sangwan

Saturday 17 September 2016 11:45 PM

IAS Rank 28 Nitin Sangwan: IIT-Madras, Infosys...

Roll No.




Total attempts in CSE (including

this one)

Optional Subject


Schooling Medium


College medium


Medium chosen for Mains



Medium chosen for Interview


Home town/city

Charkhi Dadri, Haryana

Work-experience if any

After Engineering: India Cements (6 Months), after MBA:

ABB Ltd (6 Months), Infosys (22 Month), Tehsildar in
Haryana (1 year), DANICS (9 Months), IRS C&E

Details of other competitive

exams, including

State PCS cleared in 2013. Appeared for SSB via NDA and

Details of coaching, mock tests,

postal material for any
competitive exam (if used)

Coaching for optional (Sociology) from an institution in


Service preferences (Top-5)


state cadre preference (Top-5)

Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, MP

My Blog to download notes (

% in class 10


% in class 12


Graduation course and %

BE Mechanical 72%

Name of college, city,

passing out year

PDM College of Engineering, Bhadurgarh, Haryana

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IAS Rank 28 Nitin Sangwan: IIT-Madras, Infosys...


MBA, Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Madras

Any other professional

Hobbies & Extracurricular

Cartooning and Blogging (


Q. Tell us something about yourself, your family, when and why did you enter in this eld of
competitive exams?

I am from a small town Charkhi Dadri with rural roots. My father is in banking and mother a
housewife. I am married since last 4 years and in fact started preparation around the time of
marriage and now we have a 3 year old daughter. I didnt have any person in my circle who had
cleared civil services exam, so guidance was lacking. My schooling and graduation were also from
of 32

institutions. However, after graduation I decided to write

CAT and
was the2016

gave serious thoughts to studies. But Civil Services was still not in my mind at that time. Finally, in

28 INitin
was Sangwan:
in InfosysIIT-Madras,
and was on
bench I
saw the question
paper of that years preliminary

exam. That was the time I started the preparation while still being in the job.

Electronic Vs Paper material

Q. In recent times, there is spur in electronic material- blogs, sites, pdfs, RSS-feeds. Many
aspirants feel bogged down by this information overload. So, how much do you rely on
electronic material and how much on the paper material (Books, newspapers)? If possible,
narrate a typical day in your study life. What is your style of preparation (e.g. I continue
making notes no matter what Im reading, I just read multiple times but dont maintain
notes, I make mindmaps on computer or xyz style)
As I was working when I started preparation, it was dicult to carry books in the oce and read
them. So, I started to read NCERT books, newspapers etc online and started making notes out of
them. Later I found making notes online very convenient as well as one can edit them anytime
anywhere. You are also saved a lot of hassles of carrying the bulky books around. I typically mixed
online/computer reading with the text book reading as reading on computer alone can be very
tiring for eyes as well. I used to write a few paras now and then on my own (without joining any test
series) as it helps you in organizing your thoughts. I always emphasize on making on notes making
in your own language and I did that regularly. I never accumulated newspapers, but rather made
soft notes out of that on regular basis (these notes are also available on my blog ( Making your own notes in own
style improves your understanding of the things and helps in minimizing the bulky study material
to manageable notes. It is true that there is information overload these days, every website claims
to have the best material and sources and every topper also suggests the same things. So, it is
utmost necessary that you read the basic books again and again and dont get distracted by the
other material. Once you are done with the basic stu, explore other material and buy/download
only that much which you can read and digest. This exam is about developing an understanding of
things around you, so, do that rst.

Tempo and style

Q. People know what books and syllabus points are to be prepared. But most of them lack
consistency in their preparation. So, how do you keep study momentum going on? How do
you ght against the mood swings and distractions?
Maintaining the study momentum is a very personal thing. It is about the self-motivation and the
drive that one have. Everyone has his or her share of distractions, but one has to know his or her
priorities in life. I kept myself away from social media for the whole phase of my preparation. I had
a simple phone without internet. I used to feel low at times, but never let that feeling to overpower

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me as what I wanted to achieve was over and above my mood and distractions.

IAS Working
Rank 28 Nitin
Sangwan: IIT-Madras, Infosys...

If youre a working professional, share some tips on how to manage studies with job
For working professionals, following tips will be useful (as I was also working for the most of my
preparation time, I also used to do the same):
First of all, never ever waste even a single minute of your time. Even your lunch time should be
limited and the rest of the time should be devoted to studies. If you spend signicant time in
commuting, always carry some study material with you to utilize that time which is otherwise
wasted. Similarly, whenever you go to your hometown, utilize the travelling time to study.
Secondly, for working professionals who sit on computer for work, the computer can be used to
store the study material. Read that and make soft notes whenever you get even 10 minutes
Thirdly, if your prole provides you exibility to move in such a division of your organisation
which has lesser workload, move into that division.
Fourthly, if the above doesnt work, move to other organization if possible. Also try to switch to
such an organisation where you have to commute a little and have a Saturday and Sunday o.
Finally, dont get discouraged y that fact that you get lesser time as compared to other full-timers.
We also learn a lot of other things while being in job which can be used in this exam. If others take
one year to prepare, you will take one and a half year at the max. Just believe in yourself and keep

Prelims (CSAT) General studies



Ancient and

For both ancient and medieval history, NCERT books (read both new as well as
older ones) are more than sucient. This portion is also helpful to cover the
culture part. You cannot read culture notes alone without knowing the history
our society as culture is a product of our society and its working. Generally a
very few questions are directly asked from this portion and hence you need to
have a broad chronological idea only. Further, there are some important
aspects like related to administration, social setup and political dynamics that
need to be given special attention.


For this portion, old NCERTs or the Orient Blackswan book on history (slimmer
one) by Bipan Chandra will be sucient as the basic material. You may build
upon it by using new NCERTs, internet, last years papers and so on. I have
myself prepared some elaborate notes and they are available on my blog
( ( for
reference of the aspirants.
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IAS Rank 28 Nitin Sangwan: IIT-Madras, Infosys...

Culture and

For beginners, the NIOS notes/book and the NCERT 11th class book is
sucient. On this topic also, I have myself prepared some elaborate notes and
they are available on my blog (
( for reference of the aspirants. To
develop an understanding of culture and society, have a background
knowledge of things in terms of our history. So, never ignore the ancient and
medieval history books. Have a bare minimum basic idea of that. Try to
visualize things elated to culture and history by looking at the related pictures
from internet.

Polity (theory
+ current)

Laxmikant Jindabad! This is the one book that I found is made for UPSC only.
Read it umpteen times for both pre and mains. Apart from that, for current
any good newspaper like The Hindu or Indian Express is sucient.

(theory +

You may refer any standard book like Ramesh Singh and Dutt and Sundaram.
Apart from that, for current any good newspaper like The Hindu or Indian
Express is sucient. Some people have jitters about economy portion due to
some issues like a dierent background. They should rst clarify the basic
denitions and concepts. Some website oer very good explanations on basic
denitions. Doing that can be helpful

(theory +

Gone are the days when questions were asked from the basic sciences. So, I
dont think one should spend time on reading the NCERTs on science. Only
those who have some phobia of science topics should read NCERTs. Now a
days only those questions are asked which are related to day today science. So,
read newspapers thoroughly.

(theory +

It has two sections one is historical developments and other is current

eorts. For the rst portion, take notes of any popular institution or read any
standard book. For the other part, again, newspaper is the only source.

physical +
India + World

For all topics of geography, NCERTs (both old and new) are adequate. Leave
the obsolete data of Old NCERTs. Apart from these, the Certicate Physical and
Human Geography by Goh Che Leong is also a very good book. Read these
books thoroughly. You make take help of internet and take diagrams from
there to understand some physical phenomenon better.

Policy & Filler

Earlier, direct questions were asked on schemes, but now a days you can you
these schemes only in your general GS answers. So, in a way, you need not to
cram all the small details of such schemes, but their broad feature, their
objectives and shortcomings. Newspaper is the only source. You may also read
the India Book released by Government of India.

Q. Any observation / comments / tips about GS prelim 2016 paper?

Never ever ignore the basic books in over-enthusiasm to attend test series. Always remember, test
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be of any use only if you are well prepared. 40-50% questions

very conceptual
and PM
Saturday are
17 September
2016 11:45

are asked from basic topics, so you should read them quite well.

Rank that
28 Nitin
Q. Now
has become
qualifying, obvious
more attention needs to be paid

on the GS paper so apart from the books that you already have gone through, what else
would you have tried for CSE-2016 (if you were going to appear)?
I would have gone through solved objective papers of past couple of years of the other exams
conducted by UPSC. This gives you a better idea about the kind of question UPSC is expected to
Secondly, I would have tried to solve multiple objective types test papers and have noted down
those areas in which my preparation is lacking.

Prelims (CSAT) Aptitude


strategy / booklist


There is only one strategy for all these practice till you feel comfortable
enough to attempt the actual exam.


Prelim accuracy
Q1. Did you attend any mock tests? do you think theyre necessary for success?
I never attended any mock tests for prelims or even mains. I dont think that they are even
necessary. They are often time consuming and are very unreasistically designed and their
outcomes can be very frustrating. Just read past years papers of UPSC and practice those kind of
questions yourself. That would be much more helpful.
Q2. Approximate no. of attempted answers vs. correct answers. in CSAT-2015
attempted Q.

correct (Expected)

Ocial score


I dont remember now



I dont remember now


Mains: Compulsory language paper

Compulsory language paper

Your preparation strategy / booklist?

English paper

Read past years papers of UPSC only.

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IAS Rank 28 Nitin Sangwan: IIT-Madras, Infosys...

your regional language

Hindi. Read one Vyakaran

Q. other observations / tips / comments on the length / diculty level of compulsory

language papers in CSE-2015
Language papers may look like easy target for the most of us, but if you have slightest fear about it,
I would suggest that you spare 15-20 minutes daily for 2-3 months before the Mains. Failing in the
language papers is the worst thing as you are not even informed of score of your other GS papers.
Language paper is an issue for many due to particular education and social setup we live in. In
urban areas, Hindi and other regional languages are a casualty, in rural areas English is a casualty.

Mains: Essay
Q1. How did you prepare for the essay paper?
I never prepared separately for the essay paper and always paid my greatest attention to GS
papers. However, I tried to learn a few quotes, note down some interesting and catchy information
and jot down some basic facts for use in essay.
The foremost thing that you should keep in mind is that your essay should have a clear well
dened structure and smooth ow. If you can have a catchy opening (with some anecdote,
non-cliched quote, some short story etc) and a though provoking conclusion (preferably with some
suggestions if the topic demands so), nothing like that.
I never referred any book, but you may refer one if you feel you need some idea about good
essays. Try to have a look at good essays from dierent sources and extract the good points from
Q2. Which two essays did you write and what key points did you include in it?
1. Lending hands to someone is better than giving a dole.
2. Dreams which should not let India sleep.
It is very dicult to recall the points that I had included. However, for the second essay, I can throw
some light. Dreams that should not let India sleep included challenges and aspirations that India
faces in various walks of life. I also borrowed from the legacy that India has and its eorts to regain
that. I also included the agenda of its peaceful rise and its aspiration of a global leader. I included
the dire need of addressing social issues from gender to caste to education. I also touched upon
the quality of life issues. I also made a beautiful diagram or two depicting these dreams on a map
of India. I tried to explore every single social, economic and political dimension related to essay. I
also tried to link its aspirations and dreams to the outside world. I also enumerated the challenges
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and opportunities in achieving those dreams. Mine essays were well structured and had some

Rank 28 Nitin

General Studies (Mains) paper 1


How did you prepare?


This section of the examination is considered as the most scaring

part by most of the aspirants if not by all. However, it should not be
the case. Indian culture is something that we all can relate to as we
are part of it and we create it daily as we live our lives.
My suggestion would be rst of all familiarize yourself with a broad
outline of our history from ancient to modern. This is because
culture is all about our accumulated achievements in both tangible
and intangible sphere. It is not about monuments and gures, but
about the people and their lives also who created these.
Secondly, culture is also about visualization of human creation.
When you see and hear things, you become more comfortable with
them. So, whenever you read about some cultural item, google its
image or videos. It will deepen your understanding and will also
simplify the things.
Thirdly, dont understand culture in terms of facts and data, but
understand it in terms of stories and narratives. Stories which are
driven by political factors, religion, geographies and above all
human values.
To start with, there is a beautiful book of class 11th by NCERT An
Introduction to Indian Art. It doesnt cover all the things, but it is very
graphic and easy to understand. Attempt the questions given in it to
deepen your understanding. Another book is by NIOS Indian
Culture and Heritage. The book fairly covers all the topics, but has
some factual errors in it, so verify wherever you have a doubt.
Apart from these, I read too many a books and sources from
internet. I nally complied them in form of a document which I think
shall be very useful to all future aspirants and it can be found here
at my blog

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IAS Rank 28 Nitin Sangwan: IIT-Madras, Infosys...

Indian history

It is advisable that you read Old NCERTs absolutely thoroughly or

may read History of Modern India by Bipan Chandra, Orient Black
Swan Publication (It is a thin book and is a republication of the old
NCERTs, read either of these). They cover almost all the topics. Dont
miss even a single word. (Attempt all the questions which are given
at the end of those chapters in case you read NCERTs. It will also
serve you as a sort of answer writing practice as well).
After reading these, you may refer to the new NCERTS as well. Why
new NCERTs? Because they are more graphic and have an
interactive style. At times they are more engaging than the older
ones and had explained a few topics in a much lucid manner.
Google those events/topics which are not adequately covered in
these (but are mentioned just in a few lines), but never go too deep
into that as you just need to have a conceptual clarity about that
particular event. After doing that, you may refer to my notes which
are there at
I have tried to arrange my these notes as per the requirement of the
new syllabus of Mains Exam and have come up with these after
intensive study of dierent resources, so these notes should be of
special help to you.

World history

It is advisable that you read Old NCERTs (9th and 10th class)
absolutely thoroughly. They cover almost all the topics. Dont miss
even a single word. Attempt all the questions which are given at the
end of those chapters. It will also serve you as a sort of answer
writing practice as well. I have my notes on my blog as well.

Post-independence India

For this section the recommended books (India After Independence

by Bipan Chandra or India After Gandhi by Ramchandra Guha) are
quite bulky. But if you have patience, read them once thoroughly
and make your own notes out of them (I also did the same). You can
google some of the topics and add to your notes. While reading
these books, keep in mind that you need not memories those points
which are totally of political nature and remember only that much
which is necessary to formulate a narrative of all the events.
Dont miss the nationally and socially important events understand
their background, causes if any and their consequences on national
democratic and socio-economic framework.

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IAS Rank 28 Nitin Sangwan: IIT-Madras, Infosys...

Indian society, Role of

women, poverty,
globalization on Indian
society etc.

This area is very generic and you have to use your common sense.
Many of the aspects are covered in the syllabus of history (i.e. origin
of various institutions like caste, family and marriage etc to their
change over the time). For contemporary issues, try to locate the
articles in newspapers and magazines. Dont stress yourself too
much on this area by reading specialized books. Do that only if you
have sucient spare time. This is because if you are an aware
member of society, then you know most of these issues. For their
solution, it requires certain amount of critical thinking that you must
exhibit in the examination hall.
Even if you want to read something, read sociology NCERTs (new

regionalism, secularism

Bipan Chandra has explained meaning and evolution of

communalism quite well. However, that is not the only source. You
can google such topics and you should get fairly good articles.

World geo physical,

resource distribution,
factors for industrial
location, earthquake
tsunami etc, impact on

I myself relied on new NCERTs and Goh Che Leong book. Try to
google a bit about the physical phenomenon that you read. Also
read past years papers to get a hang of the kind of questions they

General studies (Mains) paper 2


How Did You Prepare?

Indian Constitution, devolution,

dispute redressal etc. parliament,
state Legislatures, executive-judiciary,
ministries departments, pressure
group, informal asso., various bodies:
Constitutional, statutory,

Laxmikanth only + read newspaper diligently.

comparing Constitution with world

A short compilation is given in the Public

Administration book by Laxmikanth and that is quite
useful and lucid.

Representation of peoples act

Just have a look at the important provisions of the bare

act. However, the questions will not be asked from it.
They are more likely to be asked from the
contemporary issues related to elections etc. For
example the recent scrapping of a section pertaining
to disqualication or recent Rajya Sabha elections and
controversies thereof.

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IAS Rank 28 Nitin Sangwan: IIT-Madras, Infosys...

NGO, SHG etc, welfare schemes,

bodies, social sector, health, edu, HRD

Here your beloved Yojna or Kurukshetra can be of

some help. For basic denitional concepts, you may
google the terms, but their actual functioning and
challenges, articles in these mags and newspapers can

governance, transparency,
accountability, e-governance

It is more of a recent origin. Try to follow the relevant

news items. Also read the basics from India Book.

Role of civil service

Just google it or read a few relevant pages of

Laxmikant book of Public Administration

India & neighbors

Any good book on foreign policy (or refer to Ministry of

External Aairs website for detailed IR related
documents) and newspaper. Refer

Bilateral/global grouping, international

bodies- structure mandate

Newspaper and any standard notes or books

eect of foreign country policies on

Indian interest



Refer to Ministry of External Aairs website and google

the topic. There are some good articles available on
internet, especially on history and evolution of

General studies (Mains) Paper 3


How Did You Prepare?

Indian economy, resource


Any standard book like Ramesh Singh or Dutt and Sundaram

Inclusive growth

Newspaper and Yojna etc


Read the highlight of recent budget and eco survey apart from
Laxmikanth for the general process.

Major crops, irrigation

NCERT geographic books

Agro produce storage,

e-technology for famers
of 32subsidies,


Newspaper articles + you may refer my notes at (
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IAS Rank 28 Nitin Sangwan: IIT-Madras, Infosys...

PDS, buer, food security

technology mission
animal rearing economics
food processing
land reforms
investment models

India after independence notes or books

Newspaper only

science-tech day to day life

Indian achievements in
awareness in IT, space,
biotech, nano, IPR
environmental impact
Disaster Management
non state actors, internal

India book, newspaper plus any standard notes of any

institution or website

internal security role of

media, social networking site
cyber security
money laundering
border Management
organized crime, terrorism
security agencies- structure

General Studies 4: Ethics, Integrity, aptitude

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How Did You Prepare? Saturday 17 September 2016 11:45 PM

IAS Rank 28 Nitin Sangwan: IIT-Madras, Infosys...

ethics and interface, family, society

and all the hathodaa topics
attitude, moral inuence etc.
civil service: integrity, impartiality,
tolerance to weak etc

I referred to only one book for Ethics by Donald

Menzel (Ethics Moments in Government).

emotional intelligence, its use in

moral thinkers of India and world

I never referred to any thinker as I think it is a paper of

your own original approach and logical thinking.

ethics in, accountability, laws,

rules etc.
corporate governance
probity in governance, work culture
citizen charter, ethics code, work
culture etc.

This is GS stu, so use your common sense and GS


challenges of corruption
case studies on above topics
Q. Many candidates found Mains-2015 Ethics paper very peculiar and out of the book.
What are your observations and tips for future aspirants regarding preparation of this
I guess the paper was more of reasoning based. It was very generic and didnt require any
theoretical perspective. For ethics paper, follow your heart and try to explore as many options you
can (where your suggestion is solicited).

Mains answer-writing?
Please tell us how many marks worth attempt did you give? along with comments if any, in the
following cells:

Best attempted

Average quality

namesake answer

Total attempt






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Q. What was your approach in the exam (I wrote all, I only focused on the questions where I
could answer perfectly, I just not to high quality points to reach the word limit etc.) Because
the UPSC aspirant Community is divided over what counts as a good paper. Some experts
claim you should attempt all- even if it involves making up an answer with ller lines,
some claim attempt only those questions you know perfectly. Where do you stand on this?
I tried to answer all the questions, but this doesnt mean that I also answer those questions also
about which I have no idea. If you are prepared well, you would like to attempt maximum. Try to
learn to organize your thoughts in a lucid manner and dont waste the time and space in the paper.
Q. How was your experience with the xed space answer sheet?
I think it is a nice initiative. It also gives a level playing eld as question sequence is same for
everyone. It also curbs on your temptation of over-writing in those questions in which you feel
more comfortable.
Q. Did you write answers in bullet points or in paragraphs? Some players (who cleared mains
and got interview call letter) were claiming that they wrote entire paper in bullet points, so
it doesnt matter.whether examiner is asking examine, comment, discuss or xyz.simply
write in bullets and points.
It doesnt matter actually, you should write as per the demand of the question and situation and
your capabilities. If you know less about a question, writing in paras is preferred.
Q. Did you follow the introduction-body-conclusion format? because some mains-qualied
candidates claim they simply wrote the points they could recall within the time, instead of
bothering with proper introduction and conclusion.
I too think that it is futile to think too much about introduction, conclusion etc. Writing to the point
saves time and also gives examiner what he or she really looking for.
Q5. Did you use highlighters / sketchpens in your answers?
No, I didnt use them, but used to underline a few points with the same pen.
Q6. Did you draw any diagram in any paper? (e.g. in GS1 Geography)
Yes, I used to draw diagrams wherever possible.
Q7. If yes, Did you draw diagrams with pencil or pen?
I preferred drawing with the pencil.

you use ruler to draw the lines in diagram? Or did you

just make
it by hand?
17 September
2016 11:45 PM

Normally by hand.

You 28
in blue pen
or black


Blue pen.

Mains Optional Subject

Q. Whats your optional subject and why did you chose it and not something else?
I had Sociology as the optional and it was by sheer chance that I took it after someone advised it to
me. However, I think choice of optional should be made after a lot of deliberations, interests and
consultation as once you take it, there is no looking back.
Q. If a new player wants to pick this subject, would you advice for it or against it? (e.g. every
senior player in Public Administration seems to be advising against
As I said, it is not about advising something or the other optional. It should be largely driven by
interest and situational factors. Indeed sociology is an optional with comparatively smaller syllabus
and everyone can relate to it. So, one can think over it.
Q. First the essential book/resource list. (Also mention which one is the Base book for
covering the theory? + Whatever comments youve for a particular book e.g. my seniors said
read xyz book but I found that ABC book was better. xyz topic not given properly in this
book, so prepare from xyz website or book OR and so on.)
Most of us are generally familiar with the topics which are part of syllabus (except the thinkers
part), so this subject is relatively familiar to every aspirant with Sociology as an optional. However,
due to very this fact, some people become complacent and take many topics taken for granted.
You should try to read thoroughly, but should never overlook the core concepts (for example, while
studying caste you should not overlook the very basic denition and perspectives on caste. You
should ask yourself What is caste? How it has changed historically? What is the theoretical
framework lying beneath it? Is that framework accepted as it is by various social thinkers? If not,
how and why?)
Then, the question comes What to read? To this question, I would suggest following material
New NCERTs on sociology According to me, new NCERTs are much well designed than the older
ones. They also have less factual errors and have a better ow. They also take a lot of examples
from the day to day life which can be put in the answers. Try to read them again and again during
various phases of your optional preparation. (Old NCERTs were more suitable for the older syllabus
and hence may not be as useful, but if you have a hell lot of time, you may read them as well).
Sociology: Themes and Perspective (Haralambos and Heald) (the one with reddish cover and not
so thick) I have never read the thicker one, but read this book (available on ipkart etc). It is a bit
outdated in terms of the data it uses as it has not been revised since long. But the case studies it
has used are classical ones and are still referred by the social scientists and students alike. Try to
match the topics of syllabus and read selectively. Its writing style is extremely lucid and most of the

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concepts are explained very well.

Saturday 17 September 2016 11:45 PM

Rank 28(Anthony
Nitin Sangwan:
you a conceptual framework, Giddens

Sociology is more about the contemporary perspectives in sociology. It gives a fresh and novel
perspectives through novel examples and illustrations. It helps you in developing a unique
sociological perspective.
Sociology Dictionary (Penguin) Dictionaries are helpful because, they provide the fundamental
denitions of the topics of syllabus. They also carry reference to the works of important social
thinkers and their works also. This dictionary is relatively simple in its language than the Oxford
ones. You should read the dictionary thoroughly from rst to last page and note down those terms
and topics which are either part of syllabus (directly or indirectly) or have appeared in previous
years exams. Some case studies may also be found here.
IGNOU Notes (Only graduation level, not post graduation) They carry more or less the whole
syllabus. They are especially useful for the Paper Two as one generally doesnt nd the topics
anywhere else and that too compiled in one source.
Other supplementary sources Apart from these, for specic topics, you may refer to some other
books as well. For example, for Mead (you may refer the Sociology book by Ritzer), for Indian
thinkers, you may refer a book by B K Nagala and so on.
Finally, as I always say, the exam is not only about reading books, but also about managing what
you have read. Try to consolidate what you have read at a single place as it is easier to revise that
during exam. Making your own notes also serves as a kind of writing practice and boosts your
condence as well.
From the day one, you should keep in mind that since the subject is about society and its
relationship with individuals, so, you should be very keen observer of it. Whether there is some
news article (say on marital trends, caste, family, demography, tribes, polity, socio-economic
indicators of development and so on), some development in your neighborhood or even a personal
observation, you should try to think over these and note down a thing or two. Such illustrations
about society and its working will come handy in form of examples while attempting the questions
in the mains paper and will denitely fetch you some extra marks.
I have also shared a few notes on the so called dicult portion of the optional, they are there on
my blog (
Q. How much of internet-research / current aairs is necessary for this optional? OR can one
simply rely on the books and be done with this subject?
Not much. Most of the syllabus is covered in standard books and unlike various other optionals
(political science, economics etc), very few things change. So, reading newspaper is sucient.
Q. How many months did it take to nish the core optional syllabus?
3-4 months
Q. How many days/ weeks before the exam, you started answer writing practice?
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Saturday 17 September 2016 11:45 PM

I never did this. I prefer utilizing my time in reading more and more and learning out of it.

Nitin Sangwan:
Q. Do
for revision
In which format- electronic or paper?

Yes I made my own notes. Making your own notes is akin to writing practice of answers. It helps
you in organizing your thoughts.
Q. Your observation about the dicultly level of 2015 mains vs previous papers. And what
precautions / rectications are necessary in the future strategy for given optional subject?
I think there was not much dierence. If you have sound concepts and are well read, you can score

Before the interview

Q1. How did you prepare for the interview? for college grad, hobbies, place of origin,
current aairs at national and international level?
For interview prime focus should be your DAF and the current aairs. Though questions might be
asked from your graduation or your optional, but they will be very basic questions and hence you
may only brush up your optionals/grad subject.
Q2. Did you attend any mock interviews by coaching classes? How were they similar /
dierent than ocial interview? Do you believe it is necessary to attend such mock
Yes I attended 1-2 mocks (but not more than that) each time. They help you in rening some
behavioral aspects (the way you sit, enter the room, greet, look at the board or answer the
question). Doing it with your colleagues and friends can benet you a lot as they know a lot of
things about you which even you may not be knowing, but still can be asked in the interview. It
doesnt matter if the mock-interview is same or dierent to the actual interview (and it can never
be), it gives you an opportunity for self-introspection which is required at this stage.
Q3. Where did you stay for the interview? (Hotel / friends home ) and what books/material
did you bring for the revision before interview?
I stayed in NACEN hostel before interview and went by Metro till the Khan Market station and then
walked till UPSC. I never carried revision books material along with me. I believe, if you carry those,
they add extra stress which you must avoid. However you may take 1-2 popular newspapers along
to keep yourself aware about the previous days developments.
Q4. Any words of wisdom about Medical checkup?
Read instructions carefully. Sometimes people go to the board with a heavy breakfast and it may
cause some trouble in Sugar tests etc.
Q5. Describe the formal-dress worn by you in interview.
I wore a plain light blue shirt and dark grey pants each times.

During the interview

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Q1. Who was the chairman of you interview board?

Saturday 17 September 2016 11:45 PM

28 Nitin Sangwan: IIT-Madras, Infosys...
D k Diwan

Q2. How long was the interview?

Around 40 minutes.
Q4. Please narrate your entire interview- what questions did they ask and what did you
reply and other pleasant or uncomfortable experiences during the interview. (Earlier some
toppers only tell me their question but not their answer. I would appreciate if you give both
Question + your original answers)
Here is the full interview
Q5. Was your interview on the expected lines of what you had prepared or did they ask you
totally unexpected questions? Was it a stress interview, did they ask any uncomfortable
questions? If yes, how did you handle it?
It was more or less on expected lines, though they didnt ask many questions from my core areas of
hobbies and interests. I was expecting a generealish interview and there it was. There was one
dierent question in which I was asked to deliver a speech. However, overall interview was more or
less formal and congenial.
Q6. Any side details about technicalities like make sure you bring xyz document or do xyz
thing, or youll face problem?

CSE-2015 Marksheet
Q1. Please attach both prelim and nal marksheet
CSE 2015 mark sheetPrelims mark sheetSubject

Marks obtained

Paper 1


Paper 2


Mains mark sheetSubject

Marks obtained

Essay Paper-1


19 of 32

General Studies Paper 2

Saturday 17 September 2016 11:45 PM


IAS Rank 28 Nitin Sangwan: IIT-Madras, Infosys...

General Studies Paper 3


General Studies Paper 4


General Studies Paper 5


Optional Paper Paper-1


Optional Paper Paper-2


Written total


Personality Test


Final Total


Q2. After looking at the marksheet, suppose you had to prepare again next time, what
changes will you make in your studies?
There are hardly any such areas left after four years.

Career Backup
Q1. If you were not selected, what was your career backup plan?
This was my third time selection, so would have continued one of my earlier options. If even that
would have not been there, then I was already a Tehsildar in Haryana. I found that job very fullling
and would have continued that.

Views on UPSC reforms

What are your views on following issues?
Q. Optional subjects should be removed altogether. The present stalemate is helping no-one,
except coaching-owners, book publishers.
Yes optional should be removed altogether. Despite scaling, there is a huge disparity in the
average marks in the optional subjects and it ruins whole one year of many. Secondly, optional
subject has no relevance for the service as well. Dumping the optional will help the candidates.
Q. Your views on the decision to make CSAT paper 33% qualifying?
CSAT was a controversial step as some section of aspirants viewed it as working to their
disadvantage. But another section can now make the same accusation who have not been well
versed with humanities during their graduation etc.
Further, CSAT like portions appear in every other exam be it SSC CGL, Bank PO, CAT or any other
exam for that matter. So, why there is no protest there, but only here? It was simply because the
of 32

doesnt wanted to have a change in syllabus in Saturday

the midway
of their preparations.
17 September
2016 11:45 PM

The argument that CSAT worked in favor of English speaking section is baseless. If you leave the

Rank 28 Nitin
part, rest
paper could
be attempted
in other language as well.

Finally, the paper required preparation once in life only. Unlike GS portion which has to be
crammed almost every time, retention of CSAT could have helped in reducing some stress from the
process as aspirants could focus on the Mains exam directly instead of keeping themselves busy
and stressed throughout the year.
Q. Despite what UPSC has done in recent years, it has failed to curb the nuisance of Delhis
coaching factories. In fact its increased under the new Mains-syllabus in 2015. Lets face it,
most candidates who gave Mains-2015 have relied on (authentic OR Xeroxed) coaching notes
because there was hardly any time left to prepare so many topics in such short time. This
system work against an individual preparing from far-away area, without any nancial
resources, high-speed internet or contacts in Delhi.
I disagree with this statement. Especially in wake of numerous good online platforms and
information dissemination methods. Every information is now available on the click of a button. I
myself never relied too much on the Delhi driven guidance. I think with time, preparation will
become more secular as online platforms are maturing fast and no one will be at a disadvantage
soon, though they are pretty much at level eld with others.
Q. Half-merger of IFoS with CSE is a bad move because it has raised the cutos for players
whore solely dedicated to IFoS only (and not to IAS/IPS). Adding salt to the wounds, many
who had applied for both jobs, cleared the prelims- they did not even bother to appear in all
the papers of Mains-IFoS. (atleast that was the scene in 2013).
Again I disagree with this. Firstly, because target audience of both the services are dierent.
Secondly, it reduces the unnecessary stress of taking multiple exams. From a candidates
perspective, life should become easier as the attention is not split and there can be a sharper
focus. Regarding those who fail to appear for the exam, this is the case for every competitive exam.
Even for Civils Prelim only 50% people who have applied appear.
Q. UPSC should disclose ocial prelim answer key and cutos, immediately after prelim is
over, instead of postponing it till interview phase is over.
This can be done.
Q. UPSC should be conducted online like IBPS and CAT exam to shorten the duration of
That can be a possibility, at least for the prelims exam.
Q. If you are made the UPSC chairman, what other reforms would you initiate for the civil
service exam?
Perhaps following should be done
21 of 32

Do away with the optional

Saturday 17 September 2016 11:45 PM

IAS Rank
28 Nitin
the cycle
to just
six months
or so

Bringing more objectivity in Mains paper as well. And if possible, introduce objective papers. To
test writing and comprehension skills, a separate qualifying examination can be there.

Insecurity about profile

Q. Many candidates prepare sincerely but constantly live under fear about prole
insecurity. Im not from a big college, Im not from English medium, and I dont have
work-experience. What if they ask some stressful questions in the interview about this? Did
you suer from such insecurities? What is your message to these candidates?
I come from a small town called Charkhi Dadri with an average schooling with 64% marks in class
12th. I did graduation also from a private engineering college. However, the fact that you have
gathered courage to write this exam, should reect positively on you. It takes a lot of eort and
courage to come from some disadvantageous background and then pursue your dreams. I think
everyone appreciates it rather that pointing ngers on your past achievements. Never ever harbor
such thoughts. Be condent. If despite your so called average background you have reached till
interview, nothing can stop you.
In my case not even a single person was there in my vicinity or relations or even acquaintances
who had prepared for civil services. It is solely about determination and hard work that you are
ready to put and you will realize background is just immaterial.
The only thing you can do is try to improve those weak areas (communication for example) which
you think should be there for a good interview (and even as a successful administrator).

Q. Through this struggle and success, what have your learned? What is the wisdom of life
and competition? What is your message to the new aspirants?
The only thing I have learned is that after all, this is also another kind of exam and you will also
land into another kind of job. It is ok to say that you want to come into this to pursue your goals,
but always remember there are so many avenues as well. You must realize irrespective of
whether you make it or not that your life is not just about UPSC. Always give some minimum time
to your health and family as well. The youthful time that you might put into this exam shall never
come back. So, never take too much stress in this exam.
Q. Many hardworking candidates have failed in Mains/Interview of CSE-2015. Theyre feeling
cynical, hopeless and depressed- what is your message to them?
Please refer above.
22 of 32

Credit: Friends/family

Saturday 17 September 2016 11:45 PM

Rank 28every
Nitin Sangwan:
Q. Behind
topper are
many people
stood by
during those uncertain times when

he/she was merely an aspirant. Would you like to tell the world, who were those people in
your case? Any specic incidence that you would like to share with the readers?
I was married by the time I started my preparation. So, my wife (Seema) has a lot of credit to her.
She stood like a friend and guide in all good and bad times. She almost sacriced her own
productive time in past couple of years. I also attribute my success to My maternal uncle Bijender
Jakhar with who I spent my graduation years. He was such an inspiration to me and he always
provoked me to work harder in life. And above all, my parents who I attribute all what I have. They
supported my every good and bad decision. They exhibited condence in me even when no one
from my community or family had cleared this exam.

BOGUS Marketing Propaganda

Q. You are well aware of the sacred rule of conducting toppers interview- the last question
must be about self-marketing. So, Did you use for your preparation and if yes, how
did it help you? And you can even reply No. Ill still publish your answer without tempering.
Yes I referred initially, but later I lost track of it. I relied more on my self-research and notes making.
However, I stumbled upon this blog now and then.

Tags: Topper-CSE-2015 (



UPSC Civil

[MPPSC] Rank 4: Ashish Kumar (TCS) shares

Preparation Strategy for Prelims, Mains, Interview
for Madhya Pradesh Public Services exam
[Toppers Interview] Pulkit Garg (Rank-27
/CSE-2015) IIT Delhi Civil Engineer, Chemistry


23 of
32 CDS:

More from this category




Optional, 2nd Attempt (

[Toppers Interview] Dr.Ravindra Goswami
17 September
2016 11:45 PM
(Rank-152 /CSE-2015) Medical

IAS Rank 28 Nitin Sangwan: IIT-Madras, Infosys...

SMS Medical

Jaipur, 2nd Attempt




[Forest Service Toppper] Prem Kumar R (Rank70/IFS-2015) 1st Attempt, Forestry, Geology; Anna

ACIO Intel


University, Tamilnadu (

[Toppers Interview] Lokesh Mishra (Rank44/CSE-2015) Sociology, IIT-Delhi, BDO RaiBareli,
Uttar Pradesh (

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So far 4 Comments posted


thank you so much for such direction. but i remain confused for the
optional writing practice and i am unable to tackle this problem can any
one help.


24 of 32

Saturday 17 September 2016 11:45 PM

thank you so much sir really respect .. you have done a lot of hardwork

IAS Rank
Nitin Sangwan:
and 28
you for IIT-Madras,
your notes
indebted to
you sir \,,/


very inspirational,thnx sir. ,


Amrita singh
thank u sir for making notes

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25 of 32

Saturday 17 September 2016 11:45 PM

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AJAY SINGH { Thank god cleared pre this tym with a score of 124 approx. GEN CATEGORY }
[UPSC-2016] Prelims/CSAT Result declared within 40 days! ~15,500 qualied...

AJAY SINGH { Thru for the mains was expecting around 124 marks, Gen Category } [RAS-2016]
Prelim Result & Cuto declared within 18 days... (

LALIT { Cleared upsc civil pre. Thanks mrunal sir. your economy lecture are so great that i cant resist
from them. please tell me ,if you would... } [UPSC-2016] Prelims/CSAT Result declared within 40

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SD { not through..i was expecting 106 general } [UPSC-2016] Prelims/CSAT Result declared
within 40 days! ~15,500 qualied... (
{ congrats }
of 32

[UPSC-2016] Prelims/CSAT Result declared

40 days! ~15,500
17 September
2016 11:45 PM

Rank 28 Nitin
Sangwan: IIT-Madras, Infosys...


MAYUR { guruji.. pichhli baar ki tarah is baar bhi aapne naiyya paar lagwa di pre ki...mains ki bhi
jabrdast taiyyari karwa dijiye apni khud ke jaadooi... } [UPSC-2016] Prelims/CSAT Result declared

within 40 days! ~15,500 qualied... (

RAKESH { 127 in obc category thanks mate for everything } [UPSC-2016] Prelims/CSAT Result
declared within 40 days! ~15,500 qualied... (

PRABHAT { as usual this is 2nd consecutive failed attempt ... no issues 2017 here we come ...
congratulations guys for mains and goodluck.. Mrunal sir this... } [UPSC-2016] Prelims/CSAT Result

declared within 40 days! ~15,500 qualied... (

OBC CAT. } [UPSC-2016] Prelims/CSAT Result declared within 40 days! ~15,500 qualied...


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Saturday 17 September 2016 11:45 PM

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32 of 32

Saturday 17 September 2016 11:45 PM

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