How Would You Evaluate Eli Lily's Strategy To Enter India?
How Would You Evaluate Eli Lily's Strategy To Enter India?
How Would You Evaluate Eli Lily's Strategy To Enter India?
2. Consider the three leaders of the JV? What are the unique challenges each faced?
Andrew Mascarenhas selected to become the first managing director of the Lilly Ranbaxy JV put efforts to
build the JVs operational team and positioning of the JVs products in the Indian markets. He developed the
marketing strategy to leveraging the possible markets for its products. Further he changed the JVs name from
Lilly Ranbaxy to Eli Lilly Ranbaxy as this seemed to give the JV a special foreign company identity which
favored by the Indian market as a brand of good quality drugs. Challenges he faced in the hiring of a good
sales force, doctors and financial team including training them on the JVs philosophy and Eli Lillys code of
conduct. He faced the challenge to protect companies patents as there was no authoritarian laws for
protection of patents was in action and company was losing due to leakage of its patents and IPRs to local
generic drug manufactures .He introduced a new employee management scheme to cope with the high
employee turnover rate. As a result till the end of his tenure the JV reached its breakeven and started
operating independently with profits.
Rajiv Gulati, became managing director in the year 1999 of the Lilly Ranbaxy JV. He enlarged the staff
numbers to correspond with the growing operations of the JV.He pioneered in creating a separate medical and
regulatory unit to handle the product approval process with government. Gulati faced challenges related to
how to expand JVs supporting systems to cope with its growing business thus he put the systems and
processes together in order to make the company bigger than ever before.
Chris Shaw succeeded Mascarehas and focused on build systems and processes by hiring senior level staff
and created a team in developing standard operating procedures (SOPs) as a preparedness for future growth
and expansion .Shaw streamlined the sales and marketing processes around therapeutic areas to enhance
the knowledge capabilities of the sales and marketing team. Shaw faced challenges in getting processes and
systems organized which were in a scattered manner in the company. Thus he aimed to bring uniformity first
and foremost within the organization.
Recommendations: Keep rapid market growth as Indian Foreign trade policies are becoming more liberalized
so new entrants could dilute its existing market share.Stretegic Shift towards chronic therapies. Stay attached
to patent products and aim for more strategic expansion in Asia. Maintain the current operations with Ranbaxy
with existing 50:50 partnership and develop ways to protect valuable synergies under changed markets.
Eli Lilly needs to be more independent in its Indian operations so that both the companies will be able to
perform at their full capacity.