Foundation of Mapeh

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The document discusses the Bachelor of Secondary Education in Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (BSEd MAPEH) program in the Philippines.

The BSEd MAPEH program takes 4 years to complete. An on-job training or internship is done on the third and fourth years of the program.

Subjects included in the BSEd MAPEH program are Solfeggio & Applied Piano/ Rondalla Playing & Instrumentation, Anatomical, Mechanical & Physiological Bases of Movement, and others related to music, arts, physical education and health.

Foundation of

10:00-1:00 (Friday)
-1st semester \ 2nd Year

Submitted to:
Submitted by: Group 2

BSEd in Music, Arts, Physical

Education and Health in the
The Bachelor of Secondary Education in Music, Arts, Physical Education and
Health program (BSEd-MAPEH) is designed to provide knowledge and skills to
students in the educational foundations of Physical Education, Art, and Music
The program aims to produce graduates who are prepared to become
effective educators and are equipped with relevant teaching techniques in
physical education, arts, health and music education.

Admission requirements for BSEd in Music,

Arts, Physical Education and Health the

Must have recommendation from high school principal and guidance


Must have the Original copy of high school card (Form 138A)

Must have most recent medical and dental health record

Must take and pass the College Entrance Examination

Must have a copy of NSO certified birth certificate

Must have a certificate of good moral character

Must have a copy of high school diploma

One 2x 2 copy of latest photo

Duration of BSEd in Music, Arts, Physical

Education and Health program in the
The BSEd in MAPEH program takes 4 years to complete.
An on-job training or internship is done on the third and fourth years of the
program, where students are exposed to both in-campus and out-campus
teaching. The practical training will take at least a month for each level (for a
total of at least two months).

Subjects included in the BSEd in Music, Arts,

Physical Education and Health program

Solfeggio & Applied Piano/ Rondalla Playing & Instrumentation

Anatomical, Mechanical & Physiological Bases of Movement

Coaching & Officiating Sports, Dance & Music Activities

Org anization & Management of MAPEH Activities

Fundamentals of Music &Integrated Music Theory

Athletics, Individual ,Dual & Combative Sports

Aquatics, Swimming & other Water Activities

Philippine Folk Dance & Other Dance Form

Methods & Strategies in Teaching MAPEH

Elementary of Astronomy & Meteorology

InfoTech/ Word Proc / Spreadsheet /OA

Philosophy of Ethics/Ethics in Education

Fund of Rhythmic Activities & Dancing

Ecology/Environmental Education

Music Literature( Western Music)

Child & Adolescent Development

Basic Grammar & Composition

Komunikasyon sa Akad Filipino

Research & Academic Writing

Social Dimensions of Teaching

Special Education for MAPEH

Choral Works & Conducting

Literature of the Philippines

Safety Education & First Aid

Music & Arts Appreciation

Art Education - Visual Arts

Public Speaking & Debate

Elements of Mathematics

Philippine & Asian Music

Developmental Reading

Educational Technology

Introduction to Geology

Reading & Composition

Special Topics Seminar

Foundation of MAPEH

Principles of Teaching

Facilitating Learning

Leadership Seminar

Research in MAPEH


Licensure examination required in order to

practice as MAPEH teachers in the
A graduate of BSEd in MAPEH needs to pass the Licensure Examination for
Teachers in order to practice the as s teacher in the Philippines. The

examination is given by the Board of Professional Teachers under the

supervision of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).

Requirements for the Licensure Examination

for Teachers

Must be a holder of a degree in BSEd in MAPEH with academic credits on

required subjects from a university recognized by the Philippine

Must have a copy of the Transcript of Records with Special order and date
of graduation with remarks FOR BOARD EXAMINATION PURPOSES ONLY

Must not have any case filed or pending for moral turpitude in any court in
the Philippines that involves moral turpitude

Must have an original copy of community tax certificate (cedula)

Must have a copy of the NSO authenticated birth certificate

Must be of good health and sound mind

Must be of good moral character

Must be a Filipino Citizen

Career opportunities for graduates of BSEd

in MAPEH in the Philippines

Department Head in Secondary Schools

Outdoor Activity Coordinator

Head in sports organizations

Physical Education teachers

Recreation specialists

Officials in sports

Sports Trainers

Sports Coaches


1987 Philippine Constitution Article XIV Education, Science And Technology, Arts, Culture And Sports
Section 1.
The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at alllevels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such
education accessible to all.
Section 2.
The State shall:1.
Establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of educationrelevant to the needs of the people and society;2.
Establish and maintain, a system of free public education in the elementary and highschool levels. Without limiting the natural rights of parents
to rear their children,elementary education is compulsory for all children of school age;3.
Establish and maintain a system of scholarship grants, student loan programs, subsidies,and other incentives which shall be available to
deserving students in both public andprivate schools, especially to the under-privileged;4.
Encourage non-formal, informal, and indigenous learning systems, as well as self-learning, independent, and out-of-school study programs
particularly those that respondto community needs; and5.
Provide adult citizens, the disabled, and out-of-school youth with training in civics,vocational efficiency, and other skills.
Section 3.
All educational institutions shall include the study of the Constitution as part of thecurricula.2.
They shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, foster love of humanity, respect forhuman rights, appreciation of the role of national heroes in
the historical development of the country, teach the rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and spiritualvalues, develop moral
character and personal discipline, encourage critical and creativethinking, broaden scientific and technological knowledge, and promote
At the option expressed in writing by the parents or guardians, religion shall be allowedto be taught to their children or wards in public
elementary and high schools within theregular class hours by instructors designated or approved by the religious authorities of the religion to
which the children or wards belong, without additional cost to theGovernment.
Section 4.
1.The State recognizes the complementary roles of public and private institutions in theeducational system and shall exercise reasonable
supervision and regulation of alleducational institutions.2.
Educational institutions, other than those established by religious groups and missionboards, shall be owned solely by citizens of the
Philippines or corporations orassociations at least sixty per centum of the capital of which is owned by such citizens.The Congress may,

however, require increased Filipino equity participation in alleducational institutions. The control and administration of educational institutions
shallbe vested in citizens of the Philippines.No educational institution shall be established exclusively for aliens and no group of aliens shall
comprise more than one-third of the enrollment in any school. The provisionsof this sub section shall not apply to schools established for
foreign diplomatic personneland their dependents and, unless otherwise provided by law, for other foreign temporaryresidents.3.
All revenues and assets of non-stock, non-profit educational institutions used actually,directly, and exclusively for educational purposes shall be
exempt from taxes and duties.Upon the dissolution or cessation of the corporate existence of such institutions, theirassets shall be disposed of in
the manner provided by law.Proprietary educational institutions, including those cooperatively owned, may likewisebe entitled to such
exemptions, subject to the limitations provided by law, includingrestrictions on dividends and provisions for reinvestment.4.
Subject to conditions prescribed by law, all grants, endowments, donations, orcontributions used actually, directly, and exclusively for
educational purposes shall beexempt from tax.
Section 5.
1.The State shall take into account regional and sectoral needs and conditions and shallencourage local planning in the development of
educational policies and programs.2.
Academic freedom shall be enjoyed in all institutions of higher learning.3.
Every citizen has a right to select a profession or course of study, subject to fair,reasonable, and equitable admission and academic
The State shall enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement. Non-teachingacademic and non-academic personnel shall enjoy the
protection of the State.5.
The State shall assign the highest budgetary priority to education and ensure that teachingwill attract and retain its rightful share of the best
available talents through adequateremuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment.
Section 6.
The national language of the Philippines is Filipino. As it evolves, it shall be furtherdeveloped and enriched on the basis of existing Philippine
and other languages.Subject to provisions of law and as the Congress may deem appropriate, the Government shalltake steps to initiate and
sustain the use of Filipino as a medium of official communication andas language of instruction in the educational system.
Section 7.
For purposes of communication and instruction, the official languages of thePhilippines are Filipino and, until otherwise provided by law,
English.The regional languages are the auxiliary official languages in the regions and shall serve asauxiliary media of instruction
therein.Spanish and Arabic shall be promoted on a voluntary and optional basis.
Section 8.
This Constitution shall be promulgated in Filipino and English and shall be translatedinto major regional languages, Arabic, and Spanish.
Section 9.
The Congress shall establish a national language commission composed of representatives of various regions and disciplines which shall
undertake, coordinate, and promoteresearches for the development, propagation, and preservation of Filipino and other languages.
Section 10.
Science and technology are essential for national development and progress. TheState shall give priority to research and development,
invention, innovation, and their utilization;and to science and technology education, training, and services. It shall support
indigenous,appropriate, and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities, and their application to thecountry's productive systems and
national life.
Section 11.
The Congress may provide for incentives, including tax deductions, to encourageprivate participation in programs of basic and applied
scientific research. Scholarships, grants-in-aid, or other forms of incentives shall be provided to deserving science students,
researchers,scientists, inventors, technologists, and specially gifted citizens.

Section 12.
The State shall regulate the transfer and promote the adaptation of technology fromall sources for the national benefit. It shall encourage the
widest participation of private groups,local governments, and community-based organizations in the generation and utilization of science and
Section 13.
The State shall protect and secure the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists,and other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and
creations, particularly when beneficialto the people, for such period as may be provided by law

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