Paganism To Christianity in Anglo Saxon England PDF
Paganism To Christianity in Anglo Saxon England PDF
Paganism To Christianity in Anglo Saxon England PDF
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with little violence and few dramaticstands by organizedheathenism, the opposition of tradition and embeddedculture can be seen
as the chief bulwarks against the triumph of the Cross. It is not
merely that the new theology was translatedinto terms of northern
life, with "the Chief of princes, the Ruler of all peoples" giving
mund to his fyrd from his high-seat in the wine-hall of Heaven,3
as Christ on earth had summonedhis thanes to him.' This often
startling imagery has frequently been commented upon, and I
have no desire to do so again.
But heathenismitself continued. In Kent King Eadbald, son of
the converted Aethelberht, returned to the older faith, leading his
people ad priorem vomitum.5 There is no evidence that it was
outlawed in Kent until A.D. 640, when King Eorcenberht,Aethelberht's grandson, "was the first of the kings of the English who
orderedby his supremeauthority that the idols in his whole realm
be abandonedand destroyed."' In the last surviving Kentish law
code, dating from the very end of the century, it is still necessary
for King Wihtred to forbid both freemen and slaves from making
offeringsto devils.' In the realm of the East Saxons, the three sons
of King Sabert, all of whom had remained pagan, "gave free
licence to the people subject to them to worship idols" after their
father's death, and, Bede tells us, the people could not be recalled
to faith in Christ even after Sabert's sons had been killed in battle
against the West Saxons.8 The apostasy of Redwald of East
Anglia, the fourth of Bede's bretwaldas,is perhaps too well known
to cite, with his attempt to serve both Christ and the old gods.' In
See, e.g., Christ, 514; Christ and Satan, 93, 219, 309; The Lord's Prayer II,
47-48. Line references to Anglo-Saxon poems throughout this paper are, unless
otherwise stated, from The Anglo-Saxon Records (ed. Krapp and Dobbie; New
York, 1931-1953). Cf. Jean I. Young, "Glaed waes ic gliwum - Ungloomy Aspects
of Anglo-Saxon Poetry," The Early Cultures of North-West Europe (H. M. Chadwick Memorial Studies, ed. by Sir Cyril Fox and Bruce Dickins; Cambridge, 1950),
p. 276.
4 "The mighty Lord, / The Prince of splendour, summoned His thanes, / The
well-loved band, to Bethany": Christ, transl. in C. W. Kennedy, Early English
Christian Poetry (New York, 1952), p. 98. Christ, 456-458.
SBede, Hist. Eccl., II, 5.
6 Ibid., III, 8.
' Wihtred c.
12, 13: F. L. Attenborough, The Laws of the Earliest English Kings
(Cambridge, 1922), p. 26; cf. p. 3 for dating of code.
8 Bede, Hist. Eccl., II, 5.
9 Ibid., II, I5.
Even before the reintroduction of paganism by the Viking invasions, the synod of Clovesho in 747 and the legatine report to
Pope Hadrian in 786 give evidence of the strength of a continuing
paganism.12 The numerous references to heathen practices in
Anglo-Saxon laws after the invasions - under Alfred, Edward
the Elder, Athelstan, Edmund, Aethelred the Redeless, and Cnut
- as well as in canonical collections13 stem undoubtedly largely from their reintroduction in an age when, as Pope Formosus
wrote to the bishops of the English in the 89os, "the abominable
rites of the pagans have sproutedagain in your parts."14 However
much the merging of the two strands complicates the problem of
survival,1"the latter is well attested - perhaps especially in the
Anglo-Saxon charms16- and the resulting syncretism at times
makes for a virtual neo-polytheism. "Woden wrought idols; the
Lord wrought the spacious skies," says a gnomic poem.7 That
the culture of the tribes and the old religion which helped form it
in their turn shaped Christianity, which was assimilated to them,
is in its principle surprising to no historian of the Conversion
1"Dorothy Whitelock, ed., English Historical Documents c. 500-1042 (London,
1955), P. 331. This volume has been used for many sources in this paper because of
its convenience to most readers.
" This is true even though one may hesitate to accept T. C. Lethbridge's explanation that this was probably the kingdom in which "the race of Angles remained
relatively free from a large admixture of British blood"; T. C. Lethbridge, Merlin's
Island (London, 1948), p. 129.
12 Whitelock, op. cit., pp. 75, 772.
~3References are collected in F. Grendon, "The Anglo-Saxon Charms," Journal
of American Folk-Lore, XXII (1909), pp. 140-142.
1 Whitelock, op. cit., p. 820.
In Wulfstan's "Sermon to the English," probably preached in 1014, for example,
in discussing the presence of "wizards and sorceresses" in England, he uses the word
"valkyries" for the latter but apparently not in the customary Scandinavian sense
of the term; ibid., p. 859 and n. i.
1' F. Grendon,op. cit., pp. 123, 134; G. Storms,Anglo-SaxonMagic (The Hague,
1948), esp. pp. 27-48, 114-115, and, for the Christianization of the charms, 115-117.
Cf. the recorded forfeiture of an estate in the late tenth century because of the
practice of witchcraft: Whitelock, op. cit., p. 519'1 Maxims II, 132-133.
period. As a result, the societal emphases in Anglo-Saxon Christianity may themselves be a test of the vexed problem of AngloSaxon paganism's similarities to the religion of early Scandinavia,
that "womb of nations," as Jordanes calls it. As a matter of fact,
the Sutton Hoo finds have revealed hitherto unsuspected connections between at least the East Anglian royal house and the Uppland district of Sweden.'8
Although no Anglo-Saxon work gives us full information on
pre-Christian religion in England, almost no poem from before
the Norman Conquest, no matter how Christian its theme, is not
steeped in it,'" and the evidences for pagan survivals and their
integration into the new faith go beyond even the literary sources.
Thus, as Lethbridge reminds us, "to say, 'this is a monument
erected in Christian times and therefore the symbolism on it must
be Christian,' is an unrealistic approach. The rites of the older
faith, now regarded as superstition, are practised all over the
country today. It did not mean that people were not Christian;
but that they could see a lot of sense in the old beliefs also."20
The rites of pre-Saxon gods in England, such as Helith at Cerne
Abbas and Gourmaillonat Wandlebury, survived the coming of
both the Anglo-Saxonsand Christianity,21and the Germanicprecursors of the Christian God seem to have been no less vigorous.
We shall examine this continuity from paganism to Christianity
primarily in two areas, theology and kingship, in relation to the
heavenly and earthly leaders of the folc.
The importanceof Woden for both is proverbial. The genealogies of the royal houses of Kent, Wessex, East Anglia, Mercia,
Bernicia, Deira, and Lindsey all record the descent of their kings
from Woden. The kings of Essex trace their lineage from SeaxIs F. P. Magoun, Jr., "Beowulf and King Hygelac in the Netherlands," English
Studies, XXXV (1954), pp. 203-204; for an extensive bibliography of SwedishEast Anglian connections, cf. Prof. Magoun's review of D. Whitelock's The Beginnings of English Society in Speculum, XXVIII (1953), P. 220.
19 Cf., e.g., Friedrich Brincker, Germanische Altertiimer in dem angelsichsischen
Gedichte "Judith" (Hamburg, 1898), p. 5, where this point is insisted upon, and
Lethbridge, Gogmagog. The Buried Gods (London, 1957), p. 136.
21 Ibid., esp. pp. 23, 81-82,
159 (in which the imaginative author tells of a May
ist night spent looking in vain for still surviving rites at the head of the fertile
Cerne Giant); cf. also Lethbridge, "The Anglo-Saxon Settlement in Eastern England. A Reassessment," Dark Age Britain. Studies Presented to E. T. Leeds (D. B.
Harden, ed.; London, 1956), p. II9.
has pointed out, with our Lord." If I may be permitted an excursus into wild Wales, this has its parallel in the court-pedigree
of Hywel the Good, who traced his descent from "Amalech, who
was the son of Beli the Great and his mother Anna, whom they
say to be the sister of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Lord
Jesus Christ";3 since Anna is probably Ana or Anu, a variant of
Danu, the Earth Mother, and Beli Mawr may be, but less likely,
the god Belenus, our Lord would be the nephew of the Mother of
the gods, and the assimilation of a royal genealogy to the new
religion would indeed be analogous to the Anglo-Saxontransition.
The absorptionof the other gods into Christianitycan be treated
more summarily. In the case of Thunor or Thor the Thunderer,
we may well ask if an Anglo-Saxonwarriorwould react as we do
to a land-grantof King Edwardthe Elder in A.D. 901 which opens,
"In the name of the High Thunderer, Creator of the world," or a
generation earlier (A.D. 872) to the phrase, "by the abundant
grace of God and the gratuitous gift of him who thunders and
rules."3 As late as William of Malmesbury, Athelstan the Glorious is described as being "like a thunderboltto rebels."3 These,
I believe, would be seen by northernersless in terms of Jupiter
Tonans or of the "sons of thunder" of Mark's gospel and more
in terms of northern religion. One of the panels of the Gosforth
Cross in Cumberlandhas recently been interpretedas Thor's fight
with the Midgard Serpent, a theme probably reintroducedduring
the later Norse settlement, as have three fragments of crosses in
Durham Cathedral as his battle with Mdkkurkalfi ("Cloud
Calf").40 Neither of these identifications can be accepted with
' F. P.
Magoun, Jr., "King Aethelwulf's Biblical Ancestors," Modern Language
Luke iii, 36-38 is the suggested source for the
Review, XLVI (I951), Pp. 249-250.
Biblical names.
" A. W.
Wade-Evans, Nennius's "History of the Britons" (London, 1938),
p. 102; N. Chadwick, ed., Studies in Early British History (Cambridge, 1954),
pp. 132, 196.
Whitelock, op. cit., pp. 499, 490; cf. p. 522, a grant of 977: "inspired with
speech of the Thunderer." For non-Anglo-Saxon parallels of God as "the Thunderer," cf. Hibernicus exul, MGH., Poet., I, p. 395, v. io ff., and Godeschalk, ibid.,
p. 94, no. 7 (in which the appelation refers to Christ); H. Fichtenau, The Carolingian Empire (transl., P. Munz; Oxford, 1957), pp. 47-48.
8 Ibid., p. 280.
'oBrian Branston, The Lost Gods of England (London, 1957), PP. 116-117,
However, cf. Christabel F. Fiske, "Old English Modification of Teutonic
Racial Conceptions," Studies in Language and Literature in Celebration of the 7oth
that god; Loki, after all, is paraphrasedby the later Snorri Sturluson as "Forger of Evil" and "the Bound God,""4and the AngloSaxon Guthlac describes the devils as "smiths of woe.""6 This
would help to explain the puzzling presence of smith's tools on the
Halton Cross from Lancashire,which, even though here probably
connected either with the Sigurd or the Weland story, would have
further meaning because of its presence on a Christiancross, since
smith's tools are found elsewhere on scenes of the Crucifixion.
These have been suggested as symbols of the tortures of Christ,47
but I believe they are more readily explained as the triumph of
Christ over the "Forger of Evil," Loki, the fettered god, and, by
projection, over the bound Satan.48 The relations of these figures
to the animal-headedor bird-headedfigures on the Kirklevington
Cross and similar figures at the foot of a Lancaster Cross, in place
of the soldiers, with its probable relationship to a group on the
Franks Casket and the figure between two beasts on the pursemount from Sutton Hoo, serve to complicate the picture with possibilities of pre-Christian ritual,49but the possible translation of
Satan and lesser devils of Christianity into these terms remains
too strong to ignore. It may simply be noted here that a devil as
human form with animal characteristics- familiar to us in his
horns and tail - was known to Germanicpeoples before the coming of Christianity and continues in part - for example, in Aelfric's homiletic descriptionsof the Devil.50
May I now simply list other characteristics of Anglo-Saxon
paganism which were so much a part of the tribal culture and
outlook that the transition to Christianity was facilitated, even
though they translated the new religion into sometimes wondrous
forms? The Dream of the Rood, for example, important sections
of which are carved on the pre-Viking Age Ruthwell Cross (c.
A.D. 700) draws almost undoubtedly in its non-Biblical portrayal
of the Crucifixionupon the death of the god Baldur; here "the
Skaldskaparmal, c. 16; A. G. Brodeur, transl., The Prose Edda by Snorri
Sturluson (New York, 1916), pp. 114-115.
48 Guthlac, 205; cf. Jean I. Young, op. cit., p. 285.
, Davidson, op. cit., p. 1354s For the later Norse similarities between Loki and Satan, cf. E. A. Philippson,
op. cit., esp. pp. 48, 56, 71, 73.
Davidson, op. cit., pp. 127-129,
136-138, where these works are discussed.
0 Halvorson, op. cit., p. 30.
sion reigns even more completely when the Three Persons are
merged, as in the Christ: "The third leap, the bound of the heavenly King, was when He, the Father, the Comforter, was raised
on the cross.""5 This is not Roman or Mediterranean in origin,
but Germanic. To a people accustomed to conceiving of god or
the gods as immanent in nature, this refusal to distinguish a
transcendent Father from an immanent Son is perhaps not surprising. Its influence continues, as in a letter from Boniface to
King Ethelbald of Mercia57and the dooms of Alfred the Great; 58
indeed, I should have suspected Anglo-Saxondeterminationin this
matter in the Norman Anonymous, had not the President of the
American Society of Church History removed him firmly from
York to the archepiscopalpalace of Rouen; 59 the Scandinavian
home of the Normans, however,was also full of the creating Christ.
Parallels of Heaven and Valhill, and of Hell and the Germanic
regions of Niflhel, abound in poems such as the Anglo-Saxon
Judith; 6o wyrd, fate, becomes Christianized among the AngloSaxons; 61 heavenly Grace appears in Beowulf as Christianized
mana; 62 the monsters of paganism become absorbed into the new
faith also, as Grendelturns into the seed of Cain; 63 the possibility
of a Flood story in the North independentof the Christian importation of Noah's Flood appears,64as does the possible use of the
word husel (related to the Gothic hunsl, a sacrifice) before the
Conversion for a sacrificial victim and after Anglo-Saxon Chris1926), pp. 171, 146, 214, respectively; other examples on pp. 144 (Christ and Satan,
160 (Christ, 659-660), 206, 213, 215 (all from Andreas, 324-328,
786-787). In the Gnomic Verses of the Cottonian MS., we find "God alone knows
it, our Father the Savior": A. S. Cook and C. B. Tinker, Select Translations From
Old English Poetry (revised ed.; Boston, 1926), p. 68; cf. pp. 80, 82-83, 87, 99, 123.
A. S. Cook, "King Oswy and Caedmon's Hymn," Speculum, II (1927), p. 71I,n. 2,
on reference in 7th-8th century Voyage of Bran to Christ as Creator.
Gordon, ed., op. cit., p. 161; Christ, 726-728.
* E.
Emerton, tr., The Letters of St. Boniface (New York, 1940), p. 126.
8 F. Liebermann, ed., Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen (Halle, 1903), I, pp. 26 f.
9 George H. Williams, The Norman Anonymous of iioo A.D. (Harvard Theological Studies, XVIII; Cambridge, Mass., 1951), p. 130o.
0 Brincker, op. cit., pp. io-II.
6 Mittner, op. cit., esp. pp. 85-95, 99; cf. Brincker, op. cit., p. 8.
62 Francis P. Magoun, Jr., "On Some Survivals of Pagan Belief in Anglo-Saxon
England," Harvard Theological Review, XL (1947), PP. 33-46.
' Beowulf, 102-108.
Branston, op. cit., pp. 32, 35-37.
tianization for the sacrifice of the Mass; "5 but perhaps the point
is now clear. A violent conversion to the new religion was unnecessary when the old provided so many parallelisms that the tribal
culture could absorb the conqueringGod without disruptingmany
of its basic preconceptions; only in time were these to give way
before an ecclesiastical conquest.
Not only in concepts of theology but in those of rulershipas well
was a syncretism between pagan culture and Christian cult possible, and it is to this that I turn in conclusion. At the beginning
it may be well to emphasize an important point; in northern paganism, not only was Woden or Odin the god of the ruler,66 but
the ruler was the leader of the tribal cult."7 The king's god was
the people's god, and the king as heilerfiillt stood between his tribe
and the tribal gods, sacrificing for victory and plenty, "making"
the year. Tied into temporaland cosmic history by divine descent,
he represented and indeed was the "luck" of his people. It is in
this Germanictradition that the Anglo-Saxon ruler is to be seen;
"just within the shadow at which the records of English history
fail," as Jolliffe says, "stands the sacrificialking."
Consequently the conversion of the folc stemmed from the conversion of the king to the more powerful deity, since it was the
king's relationshipwith the gods which "saved"his people as much
as did the gods themselves; this royal function, when translated
into Christian eschatology, was to be part of medieval rulership
throughout the Middle Ages. It is this factor also that dominates
the character of the Germanic conversion; inasmuch as English
kings were converted without violent incident, by so much is tribal
conversion without great external drama; when politico-cultural
opposition is greater, as often occurred in Scandinavia, as under
Olaf Tryggvason and Olaf the Holy, by so much is religious op'
him, as Edwin, for example, "in omen of his receiving the faith
and the heavenly kingdom, received increased power also in his
earthly dominion.""s Aelfric cites Alfred, Athelstan, and Edgar
as three kings victorious through the help of God,s2 and many
battles are won by Christiankings "Christaiding."s3 On the other
hand, in a British source, Nennius reportsthat the pagan Penda of
Mercia "was victorious (at Maserfelth) by diabolical agency."84
So much is the royal person associated with victory in battle and
royal devotion to God or the gods a part of maintainingthe kingdom's "luck" that Sigbert, King of the East Angles, who had retired to a monastery,was forced to come forth to lead the fyrd into
battle against Penda; however, "ipse professionis suae non immemor," he--like
to carry a weapon but, with only a little rod in his hand, went into
battle and was slain.85
The frequent examples of sainthood bestowed upon kings who
die violent deaths may well be regardedas a Christian substitute
for the ritual king-slaying of paganism. Not only were northern
kings sacrificed to get good crops, as the Ynglingar Domaldi and
Olaf Tretelgia of Sweden,8sbut kings were worshippedafter their
death.87 So in England kings such as Edwin and Egfrid of Northumbria and Edmund of East Anglia, who fell in battle against the
heathen, Oswini of Deira, who was murdered by King Oswiu,
Aethelberht of East Anglia, beheaded by Offa of Mercia, and
others who died unjust and violent deaths become popularsaints.8"
l Ibid., II, 9.
Judges; Whitelock, op. cit., p. 854.
S E.g., A.-S. Chronicle sub anno 937 at Brunanburh; at Ashdown in 871 A.D.
Aethelred remained praying at Mass - occupying himself with blot - and refusing
to leave for the battle until worship was concluded, and "the faith of the Christian
king availed him much with God": Florence of Worcester, Chronicon ex Chronicis
(Rolls Series), I, p. 83.
s4 Wade-Evans, op. cit., p. 83.
SBede, Hist. Eccl., III, 18.
s Ynglingasaga, c. 18 and 47; H. M. Chadwick, op. cit., pp. 236, 301-302;
Andrew Rugg-Gunn, Osiris and Odin. The Origin of Kingship (London, 1940),
pp. 116-117; Vigfusson and Powell, eds., Corpus Poeticum Boreale (Oxford, 1883),
I, pp. 409-41o.
Vigfusson and Powell, op. cit., I, pp. 414-415; H. M. Chadwick, op. cit., p. 301
" A.-S. Chronicle sub anno
633; Bede, Hist. Eccl., IV, 26; A.-S. Chronicle sub
annis 870, 65o/651, and 792 (794), respectively. H. A. Wilson, ed., The Calendar
of St. Willibrord from MS. Paris. Lat. 10o837 (Henry Bradshaw Society, LV; London,
1918), dating from the first quarter of the eighth century, commemorates Edwin,
s2 From
On the other hand, these early English king-saints were not represented in the early dedications of churches, which were predominantly Roman in character, except for a church of St. Cuthbert
and St. Oswald near the spot where King Elfwald of Northumbria
was murdered." I suggest that the Church regardedit as dangerous to strengthen royal cults by official dedications of churches,
in spite of its apparent blessing of these saints and the popular
cult, since their localization might lead analogously to the local
"high places" and sanctuaries of heathenism. In spite of the general adoption of Pope Gregory's advice, the ecclesiastical organization, wary of royal saints, preferred Roman dedications. The
continuation of earlier attitudes toward ritual king-slaying is
further evidenced, however, in the commemoration in an early
eighth century Anglo-Saxon calendar of the very Osric of Deira
who was excised from the king-lists of Northumbria for returning
to the old gods; 90 his violent slaying by Cadwallon placed him,
heathen though he was, among the commemorationsof Christianized royal sacrificial victims, the saints. Here indeed we see the
enshrinementin the new religion of kings "sacrificed"by violence,
as we see the royal nature of mediatorship with God in the fact
that most Anglo-Saxonsaints belong to royal families.91
As pagan priest-kings staved off tribal calamity by offering blot
even themselves -
tim; nonetheless, the names are not without significance for the
penetrationof the heilerfiillt king of paganisminto Christiantimes.
The "Os-" prefix has also been suggested as a reminiscenceof the
Aesir, spirits of the North and a word applied in Icelandic to all
the gods but who appear only once in Anglo-Saxon, in a charm
against rheumatism, in which they are combined with elves and
hags.98 But harking back to an age when elves were larger, one
may well conjecturethat the syllable "Os-"rang bells in an AngloSaxon head that it does not in ours.
Secondly, a culture imbued with priest-kings would receive its
new cult in those terms, so that the "mixed character"of the ruler
would continue. It is in that light that we may see the AngloSaxon king speaking as a homilist, as he does in the laws, attending assemblies primarily lay, primarily clerical, and intermediate,
and signing a charter at the head of the bishops and at the head of
the princes."9 The problem of the Eigenkirche, with the king as
lay lord of monasteries, lay abbot, and perhaps even bishop (if
Henry of Huntingdon is correct in describing the ninth century
King Aethelwulf as Bishop of Winchester),100is too complicated
to enter into here, but it may be regarded,I believe, as influenced
by pagan background, as Stenton suggests in discussing the ownership of heathen shrines.101
Thirdly, the question of asylum is intimately linked with the
transition from the old to the new religion in the light of tribal
culture; the "peace" of certain places and the right of asylum, so
common in Anglo-Saxon law, stem here not from constitutional
but from sacral realms.102 We know from Bede's story of Coifi
Storms, op. cit., pp. 50, 142-143, 147; the northern smith also makes his appearance in this charm: pp. 140-141, 146-147 (in which he is related to Weland the
Smith). K. Helm, Altgermanische Religionsgeschichte (Heidelberg, 1913), p. 217.
" F.
Liebermann, The National Assembly in the Anglo-Saxon Period (Halle,
1913), p. I7; the charter is Birch 201B.
10 T. Arnold, ed., History of the English, by Henry, Archdeacon of Huntingdon
(Rolls Series, LXXIV), p. 141; Corvoc was king and bishop of Ireland: J. W. Ab
Ithel, ed., Brut Y Tywysogion (Rolls Series, XVII), p. i9.
101F. M. Stenton, Anglo-Saxon England (2nd ed.; Oxford, 1947), pp. 101-102,
538-539; H. Boehmer, "Das Eigenkirchentum in England," Texte und Forschungen
zur Englischen Kulturgeschichte (Halle, 1921), esp. pp. 338-339; Whitelock, op. cit.,
PP. 77, 83, 543, 719, 741-743, 764-765, 839, 852, and on Eadberht Praen, a priest
who was made king in Kent, pp. 27, 794; cf. p. 246, on King Osred tonsured at York
and deposed.
102 Ortwin Henssler, Formen des Asylrechts und ihre Verbreitung bei den Germanen (Frankfurt-am-Main, 1954), PP. 54-55.
defiling the pagan temple that priests of the Angli were forbidden
to carry arms and that weapons were banned from their temples,
as they were in Scandinavia.103 This priestly peace is continued
in Christiantimes in the same area of the North in the Law of the
Northumbrian Priests: "If a priest comes with weapons into the
church, he is to compensate for it."'o4 Icelandic saga informs us
that an outlaw was not permitted by the god Frey even in the
vicinity of his temple; 105 this and the early northern notion that
the area surroundingthe king was mikill grithastathr ("a place of
great peace") 106 are undoubtedly based on the premise that one
who enters a sacred area becomes himself heilerfiillt.?07This continues in Anglo-Saxonlaw, where we read in IV Aethelstan 6 that
"if (a thief) seeks the king, or the archbishop,or a holy church of
a royal asylum grantGod, he shall have respite for nine days,"'08os
ed also in the eleventh century laws Be Grithe and be munde.'?9
In the latter, however, this right, which is granted also to an archbishop or a prince, can be extended beyond the nine days - or
rather nine nights here - by the king. In yet another law, the
king's peace is said to extend from his burh-gate"III mila and III
furlang and III aecera braede and IX fota and IX scaeftamunda
and IX berecorna."110 Here the pagan North breaks througheven
more; the length of a grain of barley as one of the measures of the
king's grith combines with the number nine, found also in the
other two laws of royal asylum, which is the magic number of the
north, related to fertility, magic, and royal cult."'1 And with these
o10Bede, Hist. Eccl., II, 13; cf. H. M. Chadwick, op. cit., pp. 302-303;
op. cit., p. 74; Vigfusson and Powell, op. cit., I, p. 407.
o10Whitelock, op. cit., p. 437.
10"Bertha Phillpotts, "Germanic Heathenism," Cambridge Mediaeval History
(New York, 1913), II, p. 493.
106 H. M. Chadwick, op. cit., pp. 302-303.
1" Henssler, op. cit., pp. 71-73.
1osAttenborough, op. cit., p. 149.
1ooLiebermann, Die Gesetze . .., I, p. 470.
10 From Pax, dating c. 9Io-c. io6o A.D., in Liebermann, Die Gesetze ...,
p. 390 (with Latin text of Quadripartitus, p. 391). For scaeftamunda, the origin of
which is unclear but which was apparently a measure of about six inches, cf. J.
Bosworth and T. Toller, An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary (Oxford, 1898), p. 821.
11 This complicated problem, which I plan on treating elsewhere, is also related
to the "Nine Herbs Charm," above, but more largely to the whole problem of the
"king's number." For the ecclesiastical "mile" of asylum at Ripon and Beverley,
connected with King Aethelstan, cf. Whitelock, op. cit., p. 42. Edward the Confessor's shrine granted asylum to a thief even before the king was canonized, but