Your Secret Wealth Book
Your Secret Wealth Book
Your Secret Wealth Book
you have everything you need right now to bring greater wealth, freedom and control to
your life.
Every human being I have ever met, irrespective of the business, the job, or the
life situation they are in, possesses at least one (and normally multiple) instant jackpots
that are within their grasp. All they have to do is identify them, recognize them, believe
that they are there, and believe that they are entitled to harvest those jackpots and the
financial and personal wealth and riches that come along with them. Once they do, all
these people have within their possession within 30 days or less incredible treasure troves
of instant wealth, success and riches, both financial and personal.
I want to share your instant jackpot opportunity now with you. My goal here is to
help you not only identify, but immediately harvest at least one and preferably multiple
- instant jackpots for yourself and your family.
The concept of the instant jackpot is based upon your recognition that virtually no
one takes full or complete advantage of the opportunities or assets that they have
available to themselves or their business. Your job, when you want to collect an instant
jackpot (and you can do it as often as you desire) is to become a value detector.
A value detector is the flip side of being a value creator or generator, but it all ties
together. Being a value detector simply means that youve identified, spotted or located
overlooked or hidden value in others, in other businesses, and in yourself, and (and this is
tremendously important) youve figured out what to do with that value to mine it for
yourself and for others.
The key here is mining the value. It does no good to know you have or possess
huge oil reserves, for example, or mineral deposits under the ground if you dont know
how to (or you cant) get them out of the ground and sell them. So your job is not only to
identify, but to mine or profitably and productively utilize the hidden values youve
identified. To do this, you start out by saying, What are my specific business or work
skills, individually identified?
For example, perhaps you can run an accounting department more effectively or
efficiently than anybody else. Or perhaps you can sell intangible products better than
anyone else in your company, or in your industry. Or perhaps you can cold call and get
new prospects at a more rapid and successful rate than anybody else in your field. Or
perhaps you can organize your office and operate it more efficiently and effectively than
anyone else in other departments, or anyone else doing a comparable job. Or perhaps
you can motivate employees to work harder or longer, or produce more, or have more
Make an extensive list about yourself first, then focus on five or six other people
you know outside of your direct business or department and prepare similar lists for them
based upon what you currently know about their skills and abilities as an observer. This
is step one in harvesting your instant jackpot.
After youve listed as many different business attributes and skills as you can
about yourself and others on separate lists, ask this question:
Can that skill or ability be measured, quantified, or compared? What does
this mean? It means, can I figure out for myself or my employer exactly what or at
least approximately what that skill Ive just listed is worth to them on a performancedenominated basis? In other words, what does the rendering of this skill mean to my
employer or my companys bottom line? And if you cant compute it that way, its OK.
Try instead to figure out what its relative impact might be to productivity, or production,
or to any other aspect of your companys business system that your skill applied impacts.
Let me make it easy by giving some examples.
Say you are masterful at selling more masterful, in fact, than anyone else in
your company. Say that skill produces an extra $200,000 in sales a year above any other
salespersons performance. Say that $200,000 represents 200 new customers your
company would have never had without your effort. What are the additional positive
implications that no one else ever realized about your ability?
Well, perhaps the 200 additional customers your unique skills bring to your
employer every year remain customers for 10 to 20 years, whether you stay there at the
company or not. In other words, the additional 200 people you bring in are many times
more profitable to your employer than the rest of the business they get from the other
salespeople because all their overhead is covered by the basic sales everyone else brings
in, and your sales are many times more profitable.
I could take this analysis much deeper, but it could cover pages and its just one
example. But you probably get the general idea.
Before I tell you the options you have available, I must make a point. Youve got
to believe two things: not only in your own value and entitlement to harvest the benefit
therein, but in the fact that until and unless that value is made known to other people,
they wont appreciate, benefit and capitalize on it anywhere close to the level they are
entitled to. So its very essential that as I take you down the path to harvesting your
instant jackpot, you recognize your responsibility, your obligation, and your commitment
to do this - not for yourself, but for your employer, or for other businesses or people you
share Your Secret Wealth with.
Your first option is to present these facts about the value and the impact of your
performance to either your employer or whatever individual will most appreciate and be
benefited by the realization and in the process of presenting it, request a higher
compensation than the one youre getting.
Now, lets make an aside. Im using a financial example because most of the
people that I counsel want a bottom-line payoff. The payoff you may want is more love
or more respect. It doesnt matter. Whatever the reward you seek, it is achievable using
the same process.
So you ask that person, once youve presented the reasons (keep in mind, reasons
why are a key) why your contribution is so valuable. You ask them for a higher
compensation or a bonus then and there, relating it and justifying it to all the productivity
and increased value you have already and will continue to contribute to them value that
is far more profitable, however they determine or define profit. For this illustration
again, were talking about dollars and cents. Profit may mean security, love, happiness
whatever youre trying to accomplish.
Point out also the fact that if you left their employ, one of two things would occur:
most of the productivity (if we use the sales example) would continue, so theyd still
benefit, because every day, every customer, every effort you continued making would
accrue enormous annuity income to that employer. You could draw a similar analogy in
any aspect of your life.
Number two, theres the flip side. Every day you decide not to be there they are
losing out on future benefits. So youve got basically the old carrot and the stick working
for you.
Option two and Im going to use again, the fact that you are a salesperson with a
skill, but its only for illustration. This applies to any application of any skill that can be
benefited, that can increase productivity, or saving, or benefit in any way to an employer
or to a customer, or to anybody individually that youre trying to impact. But let me use
the sales example, because its clear and more tangible.
You can offer to teach your selling skills or method to all the other current and
future new salespeople your employer ever hires. You ask for either a combination of a
flat rate, or a percentage of the improved sales performance your methods helped the
other salespeople produce.
If its hard to understand this, all you have to do is tell your employer, Look,
right now you can measure what the average salesperson is doing or what each individual
salesperson is doing. John Schmidlapper has averaged $20,000 production a month. A
good month might be $24,000. A bad months $18,000. Sara Stone over there, shes
been doing $32,000. All youve got to do is tell me what their baseline best case is and I
dont get anything for that. But if they start producing $45,000, we know pretty
accurately that the increased $10,000 a month came from my efforts. So I want either a
fee to teach them, and/or some kind of a share or benefit that correlates to the added value
my methods helped produce for you.
Number three: recognize the enormous worth of the incremental sales you are
contributing above and beyond what every other salesperson is producing, and ask for a
higher compensation than normal for those incremental sales and/or (and this is going to
really blow your mind) request to actually be paid commission for those people forever,
even if you leave the company.
Daring concept, but you will be surprised what happens when you value yourself
and your contribution - and you ask for it. Certainly they may refuse. But theres a great
saying that Leo Burnett once quoted: If you reach for the stars, one thing is for certain:
You wont come up with a handful of mud. All youve got to do is ask for and believe
you are entitled. You may not get everything, but youll probably get a lot more than you
already have.
Option four: Ask yourself what other companies outside your employers direct
marketplace would value learning to sell. (Again, were using the sales example only as
an illustration.) It may be they would value learning to manage learning to produce
more goods learning to operate the personnel department better learning to organize.
Whatever you do, it doesnt matter.
What other companies outside of your employer would appreciate, would value,
would benefit by learning whatever the advantage skill you possess might be? Keep in
mind, its very easy. All youve got to do is ask yourself, At what level are other
companies performing that function now? Everything is a process. Whatever level of
improvement you can get them to - provided you can help them see the measurable
benefit - you can ask for and receive a reward for doing.
Offer to teach these companies your techniques, or your approach, or your
method, or your ability in person on the weekends so you wont jeopardize your job
or by telephone in the evenings or you could do it on tape or you could even write it
down whatever is most comfortable for you. Ask them for either a combination of a fee
and/or an actual bonus that may be a percentage of the improved whatever
performance, savings, productivity that your methods bring to their company
knowing itsnot hard because youve already done it for yourself to measure, analyze,
identify and know precisely, not abstractly, what your value to others really is. That is
When youre selecting which one or combination of these options you want to
use, (and since you make the rules you have every right to employ all four of them. You
dont have to just do one) you can offer them to your employer or to companies outside,
to customers, to significant people in your life always on risk reversal, where you dont
receive, or you dont ask for the benefit, the reward, or your instant jackpot until and
unless you perform what you say you will. Its a great way to increase your success
quotient many times.
Are you starting to see the advantage and value youve really got, that you offer,
that youve always had, but youve never recognized your own Secret Wealth? Its
exciting, isnt it?
Now, in case youre saying, Well, thats well and fine if you can sell. But what
if Im an office worker, or a supervisor, or a manager, or a technical person? What do I
do then?
Its exactly the same. You examine and identify the overlooked positive
implication and long-term significance to your department, to your company, to its profit,
to its performance, to its productivity, or efficiency, or savings, or security is and you
value yourself, your skills, your current, your past, and your future contribution at a much
higher level than you ever have in the past.
By merely valuing yourself more highly, most people I teach the jackpot theory to
receive an almost instant raise or bonus. Many get a promotion too, if they work for
someone else. If they own their own business they get far greater loyalty, far larger units
of purchase, far more repeat sales from their customers - and its application to your
personal life is extraordinary. And thats only the first part!
At the same time, all these people in business grow in their jobs and their careers.
They are growing outside consulting or joint venture relationships galore with companies
and individuals all over their city, the country, and the world. And more often than not,
they end up making more money on their outside activities than they do on their job so
their job becomes a wonderful money hobby, a delightful activity that they do because
they enjoy it, not because they need to. Its a very interesting position to put yourself in.
One of the byproducts which I personally find very rewarding is that the people
who use the jackpot theory receive a far greater degree of respect and appreciation from
their outside activities than they did from their original job. But dont despair, because
once you revere yourself, and you identify, understand and accept the enormously
increased value and worth you have to your employer, your customers, or your business,
your employer or your customers will respect and revere you at such a higher level it will
be wonderful.
You can, and you absolutely must do this for yourself, because if you dont you
will not be contributing the way you should to others. Why? Because until and unless
they can appreciate not only the value you offer and will continue to offer them, but the
leverage theyve got available to them in various aspects of their life or their business
leverage they are not yet taking full advantage of they cant enjoy the true riches that
life holds for them either.
Let me share with you probably the greatest instant leverage you have, and its
achievable just by a shift in thinking.
Everybody else you work with, you live with and you compete with looks at life
more drudgingly, more mundanely and monotonously than you do. Just by changing your
focus from the moment you get up in the morning to looking at the person next to you, or
the company youre working for, or the customers youre dealing with, and recognizing
the enormous, significant and continuous value you are contributing the added
significance you are adding to their life and their businesses you gain a powerful instant
advantage, a competitive edge over everybody else in business, in your job, in your
relationships you will ever compete against.
So if youre confused about what value or contribution you are making to your
relationships, your organization or your customers, you must this very moment get out
your paper and pencil and invest (invest is a very appropriate word) the time and the
energy to recognize, inventory and discover the real fact that you do, believe me, render
value probably many different kinds of value to your relationships.
But exactly what that value is is critically important to identify, know and believe
this very moment. So please, please, please stop right now if youre at all confused. Sit
down. Think about what you do. Think about what it impacts. Think about the
significance. Start analyzing the value and the advantage your efforts, your actions, your
contributions mean to other people, other organizations and other relationships in your
Let me add another important point at this junction. Ive shown you that you
must become a value detector to really utilize and maximize your own Secret Wealth
and in doing so, claim your own instant jackpot.
A lot of people when I first explain this get very queasy and apprehensive. They
say, Well, I dont know that I have anything within myself that I can detect. Believe
me, you have value. Thats not even necessary once you become a value detector. If you
study all the great wealth, all the great fortunes, all the great achievements that have been
realized in business and in life, you will see that it came by and large because people
were able to detect and discover opportunities.
All youve got to do is start focusing your attention on wherever opportunity lies.
Where is that? Opportunity lies on the flip side of obstacles or problems. A slight shift,
again one more tiny little shift for you, the newly anointed value detector. You really
do possess business or job skills you perform better or more effectively if not than other
people in your business, then certainly you perform them better than other people outside
your business or your situation.
Just as youre reading this because you wanted to improve your income, your
wealth, your relationship, your security or your prosperity owners of businesses of all
kinds, all sizes, and all types in all locations in this country and around the world are
exactly the same as you.
There are 19 million small businesses in the United States alone. How many
could you teach your specific skills to for a fee, or for a share of the improvement, or of
the increase in savings, or profit, or productivity? Its a very exciting thought to
By the way, dont pooh-pooh this thought. Try this test. Identify your skill or
skills. Figure out what their real, measurable worth is to your company. Identify five
businesses outside your company and they can be in a similar or a totally different and
unrelated field who would benefit by increasing their competency in the area you excel
Call up all five. Introduce yourself. Tell them what you excel at. Tell them what
it has meant in tangible terms to your employer, or your customers, or other people you
have impacted. (Remember, youve got the data because youve analyzed, measured and
recognized what it was for yourself.) Ask them if they too would like to learn how to
apply it to their business, or their situation, or their life. Dont be surprised if you get five
job offers in the process, all at much higher levels of pay and respect than your current
And by the way, for all you nervous bosses and employers who want to get a
jump on employees who learn this strategy, theres a flip side. You can go to your
employees. You can get them to identify and package their skills so that they can be
taught and applied to others. Then set up a separate profit center within the company
whose rewards they can participate in, and get them to help you help them to help others
prosper and everybody benefits in the process.
Now, recognize this: This example only takes you as an individual into
consideration. Once youve proved the power of the jackpot principle on yourself in your
situation, you have all the other people you know, or work for, or have ever known, or
ever will know in your life that you can do this for also.
Exciting? Yes it is. How do you profit from these other people? Three different
First, you help them realize their true worth and value to themselves and to others.
Thats the most wonderful gift you can give anyone, and the reward youll get from doing
it is one of the greatest feelings ever known.
Second, you can say to them, If I can help you increase your own income or get
a bigger raise or a promotion from your present employer than you ever thought youd
receive, will you give me 25% of the first year only? Remind them that if you get them
$10,000 or $25,000, or $500 a month that they never would have had on their own, its
all found money, and that you want your 25% to be after taxes are taken out. Most will
say yes. Ask a lot of people if you dont believe me. Try it out. See for yourself.
Third, arrange to represent their skills as an agent, contacting all kinds of other
people and businesses who could profit from learning and applying their skill methods.
Arrange weekend, evening, telephone, tape or written means of teaching these methods to
the companies and individuals you contact as their agent. You can instantly transform
yourself and become a skills agent.
If you only identify ten people with skills and Secret Wealth that you can
represent, and you only receive 25% of the fees or the increases you are able to secure for
them to both their current employer or customer, and all kinds of external ways you could
sell, license or apply their skills for others the riches youd amass could be massive.
I read an article once in People Magazine about a famous Hollywood agent. He
only made 10% of the fees his stars got for doing pictures. But his combined income
from the 20 stars he represented was singularly more than any one of those stars made
You can do the same for yourself - just by deciding to do it.
If youre at all afraid to contact your employer or other companies outside your
business for your own skills or on behalf of anyone elses skills, thats not a problem. In
your skill detector role and in your skill detection process, merely find or identify a
friend, coworker, past coworker, or another person who is consummate at either selling or
at writing sales letters. Ask him or her to represent your skills or the skills of your clients
to others for a small share of the rewards that develop.
A lot of people may find themselves in a quandary, thinking, Well, maybe I
should be doing this nobly for people. The value you contribute in a situation like this is
so great that until and unless you realize a reward for doing it, you probably wont do it
consistently and effectively for other people. It is perfectly, perfectly acceptable for you
to receive a share of the rewards for the additional and new value you create for all kinds
of other people in life.
An aside, just as a reference for you - if youre not willing to charge for your
intangible service and value, most people wont respect, appreciate or really utilize that
value and service. I used to give free advice to people, and no one acted on it. When I
started charging people $3,000 an hour, everybody acted on it because they saw value in
the investment and a necessity to get a result or a reward to justify the commitment. Its
very important.
No matter what your background or current position, you have many instant
jackpots just waiting to be uncovered. The key is becoming a value detector. Take the
time to make a list of your specific work skills, as well as the skills of five or six people
outside your direct business, and youll begin to find countless sources for immediate
Are you ready for more powerful ideas that can instantly improve your bottom
line? Let me share some additional approaches for getting more out of your life and
business. As youll soon discover, the possibilities are endless when you focus on the
Everything is a process. As such, it can be and should be recognized, identified,
measured and improved. That goes for your life, your job, and most definitely your
business. By merely understanding and identifying all the processes within your business
(for those of you who own a business) and measuring them, you instantaneously discover
three golden jackpots at the same time.
First, you recognize and identify super-performers within your company
people whose performance and contribution you havent in the past realized or
recognized - and you can identify how they do it so that you can teach their methods to
others and get everyone in your organization to perform at a much higher level. They
will be rewarded. You will be rewarded. You can reward them more. Youre putting an
incredible perpetual motion machine into play.
Second, you can better reward these super-performers by incentivizing them
to perform at even higher levels, and to document what they do so they can teach it to
others. It allows you to create a performance training manual that becomes a permanent
part of your operating system a manual you can use not just today, but also in the future
when these superstars may be gone, or get promoted.
Number three, you can sell these skills or methods to all kinds of businesses
outside your industry, even to your direct competitor. Think thats silly? Let me tell
you a story, because I think it might get you excited.
Once I made a small fortune for a client just by getting them to make a distinction
that their competitor was not their enemy, but their greatest friend.
This client sold office products copiers, shredders, fax machines and the like.
He obtained his customers by sending letters out to prospective businesses all around the
marketplace. The letters cost $1,000 per 1,000 letters to mail, or $1 apiece. When he
mailed to 1,000 people the mailing would produce a 5% response, or 50 prospects, leads
or inquiries. Of the 50 leads, approximately 10%, or five people, turned into customers.
That meant that 45 did not. 45 out of 50, or 90% of the investment my client
made in his mailings was a waste because 45 out of the 50 people who inquired didnt
buy. All my client was doing at the point when I met him was throwing away the 45 nonconverted leads every month.
I asked why. He said, Well, because they didnt buy. I said, Well, did it ever
dawn on you that they didnt inquire, follow through and ask for information because
they werent interested? They probably responded because they had some level of
abiding interest in either getting a copier, or a fax machine, or a shredder. But they
probably didnt buy from you because of one of a number of reasons. Either your
product didnt represent the attributes, the performance characteristics, the benefits that
they were looking for; or perhaps your product offered far more benefits than they
needed; or perhaps your product was priced higher, or the payment structure was too
rigid for their budget; or perhaps the salesperson you assigned to that prospect did not get
along - they were not compatible. Maybe they grated negatively upon them.
The point is, you invested $900 of the $1,000 in the 45 non-converted leads
youre throwing away. Dont you think you owe it to yourself to get a greater yield, to
get greater salvage value out of that action?
He looked at me, bewildered, and said, Yes, I guess. So I said, I want you to
give me a vote of confidence and take a leap of faith. Trust me blindly for about 30 days.
Let me take all the unconverted leads that you throw away, and let me offer them (are
you ready for this?) to your competitors to those people who may have products or
services, or financial terms, or payment plans, or pricings, or salespeople that are more
appealing or appropriate for the people who turned your approach down.
He was very shocked, but grudgingly allowed me to prove a point. Without
belaboring the issue I will just tell you this: I negotiated a deal with all kinds of
competitors where we got 50% of the profits those competitors realized from the leads we
had generated but not sold, and that we shared with them. We ended up making more
money from the people we didnt sell than we made from the ones we did.
The point is that your competition can be your greatest ally - if you understand the
opportunity. The whole premise, the whole basis, the whole essence of your Secret
Wealth is understanding where possibilities lie where others see impossibilities. This is a
great philosophical example to get you to open your mind.
What kind of processes are we talking about? Everything and anything, but here
are a few specific ones that clients of mine have successfully sold, licensed, profit shared
to others:
I had client with a car wash whose process for getting people to buy the hot wax
option produced two times more hot wax buyers than the industry average. I persuaded
him to sell that process on a monthly usage basis to other car washes all over the country.
He got approximately 1,000 car washes to pay him about $200 a month to use the
What happened? That car wash started making more money from their licensing
fees every month than they did from the years worth of profit from the car wash.
I have a very good client who owns a lumber mill. As a byproduct of his lumber
mill processes, he had developed a process for kiln drying wood. Thats what you do
when you get the raw log in you cut it, and the wood is green, and its very wet. The
way you dry it has everything to do with two things: its grade and usability. If its dried
wrong, you have a high level of warpage, so you have to scrap much of the wood. If you
dry it the right way, wood goes from being Grade C to Grade B, or A, or AA, and is
worth a lot more per board foot. Same wood coming in, far more value going out.
My client developed a process that produced far less waste and far higher quality
of wood for less time, less effort, less fuel waste (because it takes a lot of fuel to drive the
ovens that heat and dry wood.) I persuaded him to take that process and make it available
to all kinds of competitors out of his area. Wood is a weight-sensitive product. You only
can deliver it within 100, or 200, or 300 miles for it to be cost effective. Outside of a
300-mile range, another lumber mill is not really a competitor.
He recognized that fact when I mentioned it to him. He took the methods he had
developed for kiln drying and offered those techniques to all his competitors warehouses and big companies around the world - and he made an extra $565,000 from a
process he didnt even realize had value.
I have another client whos a dentist. He understood the Secret Wealth Principle.
But didnt want to use it at an extensive level of application, so he tried it at a small level.
He had a letter he used in his practice offering his patients a process that he had
developed to whiten their teeth through a month-long bleaching mechanism. Whenever
he sent it out, he would get hundreds of patients to come in, and hed make tens of
thousands of dollars.
I persuaded him to offer the letter the letter hed already written, the letter he
used only in his practice to other dentists all over the country. He offered it to them for
a nominal amount (I think $500.) But he got thousands of dentists to pay it to him.
Pretty exciting.
Im giving you these examples to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that
everybody has skills. These skills and abilities have value. The value is prized by all
kinds of people outside your situation. People will pay you instantly and continuously
for sharing it with them.
You have instant jackpots all around you. You must only recognize them and
take advantage.
Let me give you a few more examples to make it more exciting:
I had a dry cleaner who developed a series of very effective methods for getting
customers to come in and buy dry cleaning, and keep coming back over and over again.
These were methods that most other dry cleaners didnt know about. I got him to create a
monthly newsletter where he charged $50 a month for every subscriber. His subscribers
were other dry cleaners who didnt know his methods. Every month he just shared with
these thousands of subscribers the methods he was using that month, and let them use
them freely outside his competitive marketing area. He ended up doing $2 million a year
reselling his own success principles.
A lawyer that I know is a master at building and growing his practice, and
operating it with minimal time wastage, stress and personnel. He has a million dollar law
practice. He operates with one secretary. Thats exciting. But he only works 35 hours a
week. Thats really exciting, because the average lawyer generates about half that billing
with three employees and works 60 stressful hours a week.
This man organized his approach and offered to teach it to other attorneys who
were beleaguered, stressed out, and not realizing much profit for their effort. Hundreds
took him up on it. Hes making almost $1 million a year teaching his process to
Ill give you another example from my own life. I had skills and abilities I cant
use as a marketing expert. Why? Because I work two ways: I either get paid $3,000 an
hour for an hour-long consultation, or I get paid 25% to 50% of the increased profit when
I work with clients. The only problem is most people cannot afford $3,000 an hour, or
they think its unconscionable, so they dont engage me.
I cant afford to work with most smaller companies because it takes me the same
amount of effort to make a half million dollars on percentage as it does $25,000. So there
are hundreds of thousands, and probably millions of companies out there who are sitting
with their own Secret Wealth that no one would have ever helped them liberate, because I
could never access working with them and they could never justify working with me.
So I had an idea. Why not teach my methods to other people who would be
tickled to make $25,000, or $50,000, or $100,000 extra from working with smaller
companies? I was able to charge $15,000 (and later raised it to $20,000) teaching my
methods to 1,000 other people.
Its so easy. All you have to do is identify, realize and respect the incredible
value your contribution represents, and make it available to other people. Its that simple.
Now, youre probably wondering, What are some of the processes or abilities the
company that I own, or run, or work for might have that Ive never recognized in
addition to my own Secret Wealth?
Let me at least give you a mind-jogging little starting block to think about. It
might be a manufacturing process. It might be a selling approach. It might be an
advertising approach, or copy that you use. It might be a production or management
method. It might be a personnel approach you use that produces a higher-than-industryaverage sustaining rate, a lower attrition rate, a higher satisfaction and performance rate.
It might be a tax-savings approach you have used. It might be software you have created
for your own application, but which could be directly or indirectly used by all kinds of
other people within or outside your industry.
It might be anything, and it definitely could be everything, because everything
you do within and outside your business and your life is a process. Its an opportunity for
you to prosper, profit and contribute.
The best part of all is that the timing and the receptivity for this kind of thinking
in life, in business, and on the job is better today than in any other documented time in
history because people are desperate to maximize to optimize to get maximum value
of their time to get greater yield to get more productivity and efficiency to get
competitive advantage.
What you hold in your hand this very moment is competitive advantage for
everyone and every company you ever impact for the rest of your life.
Bear in mind, there is no one way for you to harvest your own instant jackpot, just
like theres no one way for you to apply your Secret Wealth Principle. So Im going to
give you some other possibilities that you can do separately, in combination, or use to
create a new innovation.
When trying to find your own instant jackpot, a particularly easy and immediate
opportunity lies with leveraging the performance of various facets and aspects of your
business operations.
Ive trained 1,000 people to become contingency consultants in the last few years.
In essence, all they do is look at underperforming aspects of a business and install more
effective, productive, logical or profitable alternative ways to do something for a business
and they share in the rewards, the savings, the improvements or the increases their
actions and strategies produce.
You can become, in essence, a contingency-based peak performance advisor to
yourself, your own company and other companies simply by identifying the primary
areas where most companies are underperforming, and instituting or implementing better,
more effective, more productive or profitable ways to do something.
The possibilities really are endless, but Ill share a few easy starting points to get
you off and running, and tell you some success secrets I have learned to make certain you
really soar.
Here are the easy areas for instant improvement that I think you might want to
start concentrating on:
First of all, advertising. Almost everybody does advertising. Almost no one
does advertising effectively. Almost no one understands the immediate leverage points
that exist in all advertising. If you understand that and that alone, you can help almost
anybody instantly and massively improve the result, the yield, the profitability, and the
number of customers that result from any and all future advertising they ever perform.
Almost no one I meet uses a headline in their advertising, when in fact, just by
adding a headline you increase the results, and the pulling power, and the profitability of
the advertising many times.
Those people who use headlines rarely if ever test headlines. Just by
changing a headline in an ad you can improve the pulling power and the results of that ad
by up to 21 times. That means youre sitting on 21 times potential leverage, or
You Can Laugh At Money Worries If You Follow This Simple Plan
The point? Its that by changing a headline you can give your company, your
employer, or any companys ad almost an instant and immediate boost in the number of
people it pulls, in the number of customers it produces, in the amount of sales that are
generated, in the amount of profits that are created.
If you can help your company (or any company) do that, they are normally very,
very eager and willing to share with you some reward for the accomplishment. It may be
a percentage of the improvement in sales. If thats too difficult it may just be a dollar
figure of the improvement. (Remember what we taught you about risk reversal.)
For those of you who know nothing about the advertising function of a business,
let me make one additional point: Probably the biggest goldmine you can direct your
Secret Wealth towards is the area of advertising or direct mail, sales letters, because
almost every company invests between 5% and 35% of their revenue in advertising or
selling mechanisms of some kind - and almost none of them test anything.
By just helping them improve the performance of their advertising, you do them
an incredible service. You bring enormously greater profits in up front. You bring
substantially more customers in up front. Those customers come back and keep
repurchasing and repurchasing for years to come - so you give them the greatest gift of
increased revenue and wealth for years to come. And those customers, if satisfied, bring
and refer even more customers.
Are you starting to see the incredible gift and contribution you make to others by
helping them perform better and in the process, enriching yourself?
Let me tell you another easy way to leverage performance. Every company thats
profit motivated gets their profit from selling something a product or service to some
individual or company, right? Right. When they sell that product or service, if they
dont use some form of risk reversal, they probably are not maximizing the number of
people or customers who could be saying yes.
Just by getting your company, or any company who sells anything in any way, by
any form - whether they sell by phone, in person, by advertising, at trade shows all you
have to do is get them to add risk reversal to their method of selling, or advertising, or
promotion and you will almost always increase the number of people who will buy
which correspondingly increases the amount of sales and the level of profits the company
By doing so, you have every right to request and receive some kind of a reward
for helping the company maximize their performance. The reward can be a share, a
percentage of the increased sales, or the number of new customers, or the dollars
If the company youre dealing with (your own or another one) or your employer
will not do that, you can then ask for a specific dollar bonus, or a fee if, when, and after
your change of getting them to add risk reversal makes a positive impact. Its
instantaneous and immediate.
More importantly, they can try it out, test it the same day you offer it to them.
Theyll know in a heartbeat that it works, so theres no long-term waiting. How well it
works may take time, but if you say to them, Look, I want $1,000, or $10,000, or
$100,000 if this increases sales by at least 10%, youll have an indication the same day.
Its that powerful.
Another instantaneous performance enhancer that you have available is the
concept of upselling. It is nothing more than recognizing that at the point of
commitment, at the point of sale, a customer is very receptive to being led to buy
additional products or services that are either the same or complement the product or
service theyve just agreed to buy.
By doing nothing more than recommending at the customers point of
commitment that he or she add to the purchase a supply of any other product or service
that goes along with it or a larger supply of the product theyve just agreed to buy so
long as you explain the reason why so they can understand and appreciate the value, and
so long as you take away the risk by telling them that if its not to their advantage, they
can return the excess or the addition between 30% and 70% of every customer you
upsell to will take advantage.
What that means (without going through a long, protracted explanation) is that
you dramatically increase not just the units of purchase, but the unit of profit that each
sale, each new customer, each transaction represents to your employer. You can increase
the profit by two, or three, or four times just by adding upsell to your company, or to any
company you know of.
Are you starting to realize how easy this is? Are you starting to see how many
possibilities there are everywhere? Are you starting to see that youve got not just one
way, or two ways, but an infinite number of ways to use the same realization inside and
outside your life, and your business, and your relationships? Its pretty exciting, isnt it?
Its very much like the old Mark Twain story about Tom Sawyer, where he got
everyone else to whitewash the fence for him. You can do the same thing by getting
control and leveraging your own and other peoples assets and opportunities.
By the way, you can work out your own instant jackpot reward in other words,
the compensation or payment youre going to receive for achieving this instant reward. It
can be anything you want. Remember, you make the rules. Youre not dictated to by
society any more. Its whatever game you want to play. The only dictate I would give
you is that it has to be legal. Anything else is up to you.
You can do whatever you want, any way you want, on any basis you want, for
any consideration or compensation, tangible or intangible, you want one time, limited,
ongoing, lump sum, performance-based, or any combination thereof. You can get a
percentage of the result, the increase, the profitability, the savings. You can get a single
fee if something works, after it works. You can get a percentage for increased retention
for employees that dont leave, for employees who contribute more, for sales that are up.
You name the function. You name the measurement. You name the basis of
measurement. And you can expect and request and receive compensation for it. Its
totally your call.
One of the final areas of jackpot opportunity thats right before your eyes lies in
recognizing and identifying obsolete and abandoned opportunities and assets companies
no longer appreciate or value. If you find tangible and intangible assets your company
has that they no longer value or use, you can develop profitable and immediate
applications for them. In the process, you can regenerate and create renewed value and
worth inside or outside of your company.
Most companies have equipment, machinery, space, people or processes they
either no longer use because the application in the business is no longer being done, or
because its been replaced by a newer or a better version.
Theres a very interesting nuance, an area of important recognition youve got to
make when dealing with this concept of improving, of leveraging and getting the highest
and best use of yourself and your assets. In the process of testing, improving and
eliminating certain processes that dont perform as well as others, you must recognize
that just because something doesnt perform as well for you, this obsolete process may
still outperform the way somebody else outside of your situation is operating.
So if you can find an old piece of equipment that your company no longer uses,
one that doesnt seem to have value to them because theyre growing, it might have
enormous value to somebody whose business is constricting and doesnt want to buy new
equipment, but needs to replace an even older or more obsolete piece.
If you have techniques or processes you used to use when you made a certain
product, or when you rendered a certain service, and you no longer do that, that doesnt
mean there isnt some company or person who is still rendering that service who could be
benefited greatly by replacing the way theyre doing it with your process.
If you have space in your business and youre not fully utilizing it, that doesnt
mean you couldnt find somebody else who would pay to share space, or store their
If you have service people that arent being fully utilized, and youre paying them
on a salary basis but theyre only being used 70% of the time, that doesnt mean you
couldnt find somebody else who would pay a premium just to have access to them for
the other 30% of their time. And on, and on, and on.
There is enormous opportunity here for you to recognize obsolete or abandoned
assets and processes, and take charge of them by applying them either inside your
business, or by finding someone outside who would benefit and treasure them, and sell
them, or license them, or joint venture with them for yourself, for your employer, for
your company - or any combination thereof.
Its probably evident to you by now that I could go on for not hours, but days.
This is what I concentrate my business activities on. This is what I do for a living. This
is how I developed my understanding and my accidental awareness of the Secret Wealth
Principle, and its powerful impact on individuals.
Up to this point, youve discovered a wide range of instant opportunities. Now
its time to take a closer look at the Secret Wealth Principle. Lets now focus on the
entire spectrum of assets you have available to you. This will form the foundation for
getting what you truly deserve in life.
I believe you owe it to yourself to get the absolute most out of everything you do.
If you agree with this proposition, this next concept is key. You see, you cant possibly
get the most out of what you do until you understand all your options. Thats what your
Secret Wealth Inventory is all about.
As we start the process of uncovering your Secret Wealth, we must first identify
the entire spectrum of assets you have available to you. Now, lets discuss assets for a
An asset is something that has value. Now, value is a very key word thats going
to run through this entire program, so let me discuss a misconception that most people
have about assets. They think that the only assets that have any value to them are
tangible ones the kind you would list on a personal or a business balance sheet, like
cash in the bank, or automobiles, or real estate, or stock, or bonds.
In fact, when it comes to understanding your real Secret Wealth, tangible and hard
assets are probably your least valuable possession. What youll find to have far more
worth and impact and importance to you in the Secret Wealth process are what Ill call
intangible, or off the balance sheet-type assets.
Im not yet going to go into exactly what they are because its more important to
broaden your definition and your understanding. For purposes of determining and
utilizing your Secret Wealth, an asset means anything - tangible or intangible, real or
otherwise - that has value and worth and can connect you to the outcome you seek.
Most people I counsel take so many things for granted about their own asset base.
They assume that just because they have competencies, because they have abilities, that
everyone possesses those same abilities. Thats not true. You possess unique, powerful
and invaluable intangible assets that will form the basis of your Secret Wealth.
Let me explain how to mine those assets and put them to work for you. Its
important to discuss the role your belief plays, particularly when it comes to dealing with
intangible assets.
A lot of people say, Well, I dont have any worth other than what Ive got in the
bank, and thats not really that much, or Things that arent real and hard and cant be
seen must not have any worth. Im going to give you a few examples of how big
corporations have identified, utilized and harvested their own Secret Wealth from their
intangible assets to give you greater proof that it really does exist.
Copyright 2006 The Abraham Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Lets start with Coca Cola. Coke has used its name and licensed it to all kinds of
other people for clothes, for products - for all kinds of things. They make millions of
dollars just on the goodwill theyve developed over time.
I did work for the Curtis Publishing Company a few years back. They are the
ones that publish The Saturday Evening Post. When the current owners bought the
magazine, they realized they had an incredible intangible asset in their archives because
they had the right to use the Norman Rockwell prints and license their image to anybody
they wanted.
They found greeting cards companies. They found towel makers. They found
pots and pan makers, and cups and saucers, and all kinds of oddities they were able to
license those images to - people who paid them over a million dollars a year in royalties,
because by licensing Norman Rockwell on their items it increased their own sales
Intangibles can add enormous value. They have value. They just need to be
recognized and utilized.
When the Olympics were held in Los Angeles, I remember they licensed the
Olympic logo to all kinds of people, and they generated something like $100 million
worth of real, hard, tangible cash by doing it.
I can go on and on, but the point Im trying to make is that intangibles have
enormous worth - but only to those people farsighted enough to identify it, recognize that
worth, and then harness it to their advantage. Thats what youre about to learn to do.
Its important to take a personal inventory of your Secret Wealth assets for a
number of reasons. Its not unlike a financial inventory. If youre trying to determine
where you are financially, what your net worth is and your financial condition, you
couldnt possibly do it unless you ask yourself these questions: How much money do I
have in the bank? What property do I own, net of debt? What other assets do I have?
You cant begin to take fullest advantage of where you are and what youve got
until you first understand what it is. So youve got to identify it.
And identifying it serves another purpose. It helps you to develop a greater
respect and appreciation for the unique aspects of your being, and your life, and your
relationships that truly have worth and value.
As a profit-based businessman or woman, would you ever sell a product or
service you produced for less than you owned it for? I doubt seriously if youd say yes.
Then why would you sell yourself shorter than you have to?
You cant demand out of life what your service is worth until you first identify
what its value is. That all comes about by first and foremost identifying, listing and
inventorying all the elements and the intangible assets that combine together to help form
your Secret Wealth.
Getting started is a progressive process. I dont recommend you do this in one
sitting for a very simple reason: Im introducing you to an incredible discovery. Youre
going to have to develop your focus and your awareness, and it may take a few days to
get clear vision.
So I recommend that you create lists, and you keep adding to them, and refining
them, and expanding them over two or three, or even five days. This is one of the few
times I will ever tell you to take longer to accomplish something, because there is
probably so much more richness in your life, in your job, in your business, in your
experiences, that youre going to take a couple of days to fully recognize and see clearly.
So start today, but keep working on the list a little bit more every day for
approximately two to five days. I recommend you take your lists with you wherever you
are and keep a pencil handy, because as you start opening up your mind and seeing things
with greater clarity, your mind will start providing you with all kinds of different
additions to that list.
It would be really sad to get an inspiration or to discover an important and a
valuable aspect about yourself and not be able to capture it and make it a prisoner forever
on that piece of paper. Keep it in your pocket, or in your attach case, or with you at all
times for the next few days.
The first list youre going to make is what I call a skills list. Now, a skills list is
anything you do well, personal performance-wise. It could be things like writing
business correspondence, or writing personal correspondence, or writing sales letters. If
you know that you do that well and well means you know that when you do it, it
produces a very positive and a powerful effect. People call you and comment. People
order things. You get your message across. You persuade people your customers, your
employers, your employees to take action that you want. Then consider that a skill, and
put it on your list.
Negotiating maybe youre great, or at least good at effecting the result or the
outcome you, or your employer, or your employees, or people important to you want. If
thats the case, put it down. Maybe you dont even know, but think about it. When you
go out to buy a car, are you great at it? When you try to get a job, do you usually get the
job you want and the salary you want? When you go out to buy something that is not
fixed in price, do you normally acquire that product at or around the price that you want?
A lot of people dont even realize theyre great at certain things. Think about it.
Are you a negotiator? If so, put it on the list.
A few others that I think of would include: organization skills; listening skills;
nurturing skills; inspirational skills (being able to inspire people); learning skills;
coaching skills; training skills; problem-solving skills; decision-making skills; public
speaking skills; logic, reasoning skills; intuition skills; team player skills; and anything
else you can think of as you analyze and examine yourself.
If you have any difficulty doing this, ask a number of people who know you your husband or wife, your family, your coworkers, your employer, your former
employers, your neighbors. Identify every skill youve got and put it on the list.
Youre going to be very surprised at how much you come up with, and how many
more skills and abilities you possess than youve ever given yourself credit for - and how
valuable those skills will ultimately be, not just to yourself but to so many others in your
Even though Im certain as you compile this list youre going to amass an
enormous asset base right now, youll be delighted to know youre going to continue to
add to that list throughout your life, particularly as you adopt the process of discovery
and learning that Ill teach you a little later. But right now, list every skill you can
identify on the page.
The next list youre going to make is what well call our knowledge list. Now,
knowledge is the familiarity with information or a subject, as opposed to the skill at it.
So there are a lot of things you have familiarity with that youve never recognized as an
asset. Were going to list a lot of them here as examples, but its only a springboard for
you to start.
One area you obviously have knowledge in is education. Youve been educated
in some way about something or you wouldnt be doing whatever it is youre doing in life
and in business. So whatever that education is, put it down and define it.
Specialization you probably have some specialized knowledge about something
deeper than the general education that youve been able to apply in whatever it is you do.
List that, and list any other past specialized knowledge you might have gotten, even if
you no longer use it. Even if you were in the Army and you were a radio technician, put
it down for purposes of this list.
Knowledge of other ways of doing business, perhaps in other countries. Maybe
you work in the international department of a company and you know how to clear
customs, or how to use brokerage and international shipping, or anything like that. List it
and define it.
The trick in life, as youll learn in a little while, is going from the abstract to the
very specific making life as tangible and real.
Next, people youve worked with in the past. Go back throughout your working
life. I dont care how far. List the same categories again: people you worked for; people
you worked with; people who worked under you; people who were customers; people
who were vendors.
Be mindful of critical people you might have forgotten, like the person who hired
you or the person who you hired at the end. Make every attempt to recall all the
important and seemingly unimportant people from the past in your life.
Next list family. Start with your direct family. List your father, your mother, (if
theyre alive), your father-in-law and mother-in-law, and all the subrelatives on both
sides of the family.
Then list all your friends, current and past, wherever they live, however old they
are, and wherever they might be in your life.
Then list mentors people who have been inspirational or beneficial or critically
important in getting you to wherever it is youre at in this point in your life.
Next is people you do and have done business with in your personal life in other
words, you may own a business or work for a business and you have customers and
vendors there. In your own life, you transact business with all kinds of people. You go
to a grocery. You go to a dry cleaner. You go to a pharmacy, etc., etc. A car dealer.
List them all on your list.
Then go back and think, who were your friends at college? Who are your
neighbors? Who were your neighbors?
Now (and this is going to be fun) as we develop your understanding of how to use
all these lists, once you start harvesting and liberating your Secret Wealth and producing
for yourself all the instant jackpots youll learn to discover, I want you to then take this
list. After youve used it for its primary purpose, do me a favor. Look at this list, and
take every person in it, and pass them through the other two lists. By subcategorying
what you know about them and all the other skills, and all the other knowledge
categories, it will open up such vistas for you.
But thats premature. Dont do it now. Its unnecessary. Youre going to have so
much wealth and so much prosperity from just using this list for its intended initial
Weve been talking so far about all these positive attributes about you. You
might ask yourself, Well, what about all the areas that Im not quite as proficient, or
skillful, or dont have the experience or current competency?
Well, my answer may surprise you, but I think that is your greatest opportunity,
and Ill give you a little reason why.
I had the very good fortune of doing some work with a very famous martial arts
grand master a couple of years ago. He shared with me a most wonderful insight and
perspective that changed my whole attitude about what I thought were weaknesses in my
He said, A great master in martial arts is exhilarated when they discover some
part of their being they have not yet perfected because it shows them where to direct their
efforts, where to direct their sense of discovery and direct their energy.
All you need to know today is this: by the end of this program we will tell you
how to acquire and compensate and develop, and become extremely proficient or at
least access the extreme proficiency you need in any area you may not possess direct
ability or skill for today. Its not a problem, trust me. Itll become evident to you as the
program progresses.
You should never again be frustrated about the skills or abilities you dont think
you have, because as youll learn when you master your own Secret Wealth principles,
you dont need it. But if you want it, well show you how to access it from so many other
people whove got it, and thatll give you leverage. Well learn about that just a little bit
After youve laid all these assets out on paper, an incredible thing will start
happening. First of all, youll start seeing yourself with about ten times more dimension
and value and ability than you did a few days or hours ago. Second, youll start seeing
possibilities and opportunities naturally become evident to you, even before you
understand from the tapes what to do with them.
Its exhilarating, and as such, you become empowered not superficially, but
permanently empowered, because you see life now from all the different dimensions you
have always possessed but never opened yourself up to. The trick is going to be to
discipline yourself to take fullest advantage of the best and the most important
opportunities and assets youve now discovered about yourself, and not waste your
opportunity. Thats not a problem. Well give you a basis and an understanding of a
very simple process to do so as we progress.
For right now, the important point is to recognize this: you began reading not
thinking you possessed anywhere close to the enormous abundance of skills, ability,
knowledge and desirable value that you now recognize clearly exists in your being. All
youve got to do now is understand and identify what to do with it; and then, whats the
highest and best use of it; and how can you get maximum result? And thatll be a piece
of cake. Just come along with me for the next step.
What I am gently and subtly accomplishing for you is to recreate your perception
of your own reality relative to what you really are worth; what you really can accomplish;
what you really can do; and how many ways you can really contribute, and add, and offer
value to others.
That will become really evident when we start combining possibilities from two
or three of these different lists together, because youll see, through the wonderment of
the kaleidoscope process, whole new combinations become evident to you. That will
give you unique power and unique benefit that you can basically communicate and offer
to others.
Its very exciting. Im positioning and maneuvering you to take a giant step
forward a quantum leap, if you will thats possible only because I can help you
combine two or three or more assets together to allow you to catapult far higher than you
normally would expect yourself to progress.
Before continuing, be sure to complete your wealth inventories, including a skills
list, a knowledge list and a relationships list. Then youre ready to take the next step in
maximizing the power of the Secret Wealth principle.
Next, let me ask you to make a decision: to choose to look at life from a broader,
wider, deeper perspective. Get ready to change your mindset and your life for the
Copyright 2006 The Abraham Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Principle #1: There are no rules. Everybody in life seems to believe that they
are forced by some law thats going to incarcerate them if they deviate one iota from the
way everyone else operates their business, or their job, or their lives.
Nothing could be further from the truth. That is simply unnecessary. You have so
many options available. You have so many possibilities you can draw from.
A good example a very good friend of mine came to my home a couple of
nights ago. She is a merchandise buyer for a very large department store. She was
lamenting about how difficult it was to get advantage for her job, and for her store, and to
stand out, and I was asking her a couple of questions. I asked her how she bought. She
explained the process that she used. I asked her, Well, how do other people buy? She
said, The same way. I said, Why? She said, Well, because thats the way we do it.
And I said, Why? She said, Thats the way we were taught.
And I said, Is that necessarily the most effective? Is that necessarily going to
give you the greatest advantage? Is that going to introduce you to breakthrough concepts
and styles before anybody else? She said no. I said, Well, doesnt it make sense to
identify all the possibilities, all the different ways you can possibly get advance access to
these ideas, to these styles, to these fashions, to these products before anyone else?
Doesnt it make eminent sense to try to tap into all the different sources, and bring that to
She said, Yes, but and I said, Yes, but what? She said, Yes, but thats not
the way we do it. And I said, Why? And she said, Because thats the way Ive been
My whole goal in life is to teach people that youre not constrained by selflimiting rules. I know youll find, once you adopt this changed mindset, that all kinds of
possibilities will make themselves known to you that where you used to be able to
move, and grow, and achieve at little incremental gains, youll now start growing at
exponential gains.
The reason why is simple because youre allowing so many more opportunities,
so many more easily accessible possibilities to make themselves known to you. Youre
seeing how many other ways you can accomplish something.
Once I worked with a real estate agent who was very, very successful, and she
sold her business. One of the problems with selling her business was she was
contractually prohibited from working in her area for 2 years. That posed a real
problem, and she came to me trying to find a new career, though she knew only real
She was very successful at listing real estate properties. She was probably the
best person in her area, however she was prohibited from doing it. She was just really
frustrated. I asked her, Well, who says youve got to do it strictly in your area? She
said, What do you mean? I live here. Ive got a big house. My family is here. I said,
But that doesnt mean you couldnt teach other realtors outside of your direct
competitive field the principles, the techniques, the secrets, the process and the strategy
you have developed over the years that have made you so successful. She said, You
know, there arent any rules that say I cant. I just never thought that I could.
In 30 days she made $25,000 by going outside of the city that she lived in and was
prohibited from working in, teaching real estate agents and brokers her secrets, her
technique, her system of how she listed real estate. She got 25 people to pay her $1,000.
Sixty days later she did it again and made $65,000, and Im told that shes been
averaging about a quarter million dollars a year doing it for the last few years just
because she realized that though her paradigm or her mindset at the time said, Youve
got to do business this way in this city, there were no rules prohibiting that she went
outside, that she reached above that.
When you change the questions you ask yourself, all kinds of possibilities and
opportunities become known. Let me give you another example.
A person came to me who was out of work. He had been a highly pressured (as
opposed to highly-paid) critical executive at a prominent mail order catalog company.
He couldnt get a raise. He couldnt get ownership. He couldnt get any of the things he
wanted. It was a horrible drive to work. There was no future, and he was basically
burned out. My frank recommendation to him would have been Dont quit before you
have an alternative opportunity, but he just couldnt handle it and quit.
He came to me forlorn. He needed to make $80,000 a year. He had no income.
He had about a months worth of money left in his bank account. He was desperately
trying to either get into some other field or get another job. I said, Why? and he said,
What do you mean, why? This is what I do. And I said, But it doesnt mean you have
to do it as an employee. He said, Well, what do you mean? I said, Well, why dont
you step back.
And when I helped him evaluate what his skills were, what his impact had been
on that business, it became evident to him that he had contributed to a $300 million
growth of that business. He had saved that business $20 million a year. He had
pioneered breakthroughs for that business, and he had shepherded that business from
$20,000 in monthly sales to $2 million, and then to the next level of $20 million a month.
He didnt realize that he had also trained the key executives that turned out
working for DAK, the big catalog company, Sharper Image and three or four other
companies, and he had never realized that that was an asset.
I said, Do you think maybe in this world, given the fact that theres 1,000 catalog
companies (and I knew this from my own experiences) working in that industry, maybe
out of 1,000 catalog companies there might be one, or two, or three who would love to
have access to the skills you bring, but couldnt afford because theyre so small, to pay
you $85,000, but would be eager to just tap into your mind would be excited to learn
what youve already had to discover and what youve spent 20 years learning, and lord
knows how many tens, or hundreds of millions? Do you think maybe theyd be willing
to pay you $3,000 or $4,000 or $5,000 a month just to get your overview on the things
they were doing, and get your advice? Do you think maybe you could get two, or three,
or four or five of them to do that? He said, You know, I bet youre right.
He did that one time. He got 50 of the most exciting companies to solicit him for
the privilege of paying him $3- to $10,000 a month to get him to stay at home and just
look at their work. He went from not being employed and being literally one month
away from losing his home to making a quarter million dollars a year working half
time, staying in his beautiful home in the mountains, having the time of his life, having
more richness, and more joy, and more time with his family and friends than he ever
imagined possible only because he changed the rules he played life and business by.
Id like you to do me a favor. Id like you to make a list a written one, please,
not a mental one of the rules you currently live your life, your job, your relationship or
your business by. I want you to start asking and examining and questioning and the key
is questioning why you do that; what they are; that they are; where you learn them;
whether or not theyre necessary; what the alternatives are; how other people who dont
follow your rules live their lives, run their businesses, operate their relationships.
I think if you start doing this, the mindset will come into play and youll start
enthusiastically and continuously seeking to go above the limitations you have imposed,
the rules you have allowed society, yourself, your organization, your business, your
employer to impose upon you. There is no law that says you have to live your life, your
relationship, your career or your business by those rules ever again.
Principle #2 is waking up from cultural hypnosis and mental myopia. Im
sure all of you reading this have probably traveled before. Certainly youve traveled
outside of your city to another city. Probably youve traveled to another state. Most
likely youve traveled across the country. And I would presume a lot of you have
probably traveled outside of the country.
Each step you have taken broadened your awareness. You saw different cultures.
You saw different climates. You saw different lifestyles. You saw different values. You
saw different architecture. You saw different aspects of nature.
Each time you did that, it probably increased your appreciation of what was
possible, of the options you had, and the richness that was there for your life. When you
came home you probably had grown and expanded not only on your understanding, but
on your personal development.
Well, the same basic premise holds true in a business, and in a career, and in a
relationship. Traveling outside of what is normal broadens your mindset.
The easiest, and the most powerful, and the most effortless way I could
recommend anybody wishing to develop this facet of the mindset is very simple: change
your whole focus from being internal to being external. Change your whole philosophy
of life from trying to be the most interesting person to becoming the most interested.
Change your whole approach to being more curious.
Make discovery the most fascinating and primary facet of how you live your life
for at least the next 30 days. Whenever you meet anyone, engage them in a very
meaningful, not a patronizing discussion. Ask a lot of questions. The quality and the
achievement of your life the richness, the passion, the wealth, whatever you want to
denominate is going to be in direct proportion to the clarity and the quality of the
questions you ask yourself and you ask others.
The process of observation, examination, and analysis is going to play a key part.
You want to start looking externally at how others do things. You want to start
identifying, what is their process? What is their strategy? What are their rules? What do
they do that I dont? Almost anybody will gladly answer almost any question you can
possibly ask - if you ask it sincerely and attentively and respectfully. And all youve got
to do is everywhere you see anyone who is successful, more successful than you, or does
something different than you ask them questions.
The questions can range from Tell me how you do this. Tell me the basis upon
this. Tell me, whats your strategy? Tell me who taught this to you. Tell me what you
think the most important thing about how you do this is. Those kind of questions are so
revealing provided you add one more ingredient to the process, and that is the ability to
then do what I call interpretive extrapolation.
Dont let the complicated words confuse or intimidate you. All it means is then
asking yourself, What about that answer can I directly apply to my life, my career, my
business or my relationship? If you cant answer anything, then ask yourself a
secondary question: What about that answer can I indirectly apply? And if you cant
find anything, ask yourself a third question If I could apply any part of that to my life,
or my business, or my career, what would it be? And youve got to think in terms of
interpreting, of extrapolating, of importing parts of, all of related applications of it so you
see the possibilities.
Principle #3: Its easier to make large leaps than little steps. Now, let me
introduce you to a very simple explanation of something that is going to govern your
achievements from now one, once you apply the Secret Wealth Principle - and thats
quantum physics.
Quantum physics is a fascinating, fascinating area of science its probably the
most powerful where theyve discovered how particles move not sequentially, not
incrementally, but from one plateau to one perhaps 10, or 20, or 30 stages higher in one
seemingly effortless and instantaneous move.
Most people I meet live their lives in a linear manner. They progress from one
stage to another in a straight line. The biggest revelation youre going to make is in the
concept of leverage.
In whatever you do in your life it doesnt matter whether its with your loved
one, with your job, with your business, with your hobby it cost you the same effort, the
same amount of emotion, the same amount of time, to do something and produce X
result as it does 2-, 3-, 4-, 5X. The difference in the outcome is a difference in strategy.
Ill use a business example to make this clear, and then well draw an analogy to your
Most businesses that I look at build or bring in customers through either
salespeople, through advertisement, or through use of letters or telephone. If they had
salespeople in the field, the same salesman or woman expending all day long might
produce one sale a day, while another one might produce 20 sales a day. The same
salesperson might produce an average order of $100, while another salesperson might
produce an average order of $300. The same customer might come to you one time and
never come again, whereas another approach might bring a customer back to you three,
four, five times a year.
There are approaches you can use in all aspects of your life, your job, or your
business that have the capacity to produce far greater yield for the effort, the time, and
the activity. And the yield is not necessarily just an initial yield. Youve got to look at
what it produces now and the ongoing or residual value that effort, that activity, that
action or that approach produces for you forever.
Were going to deal with specific illustrations of this as we get into the next
segment of Your Secret Wealth Program, but right now all you have to understand is that
the greatest leverage you have is to get far greater outcome from every action, every
effort, every human or financial investment you make, and it is absolutely possible.
One approach may produce X; a different, a more powerful, a more optimal
approach could produce 5X, or 10X, or 20X. You owe it to yourself to always get the
highest and best use of your time, your efforts, your emotions, your passions.
So often, people that I meet lament about how little they get out of their
relationships, their jobs, or their businesses and as such, their lives. My response to
them is very simple, and it ties into this rule and this part of the mindset for the Secret
Wealth Principle, and that is you cant get a lot until you give a lot. Its a very simple
You cant give a lot until you understand the other sides needs and desires, and
you become very sensitive and compassionate towards what their objective is. And its a
whole change of thrust. The moment you understand how to look outside yourself, the
moment youll start making massive and quantum leaps in what you accomplish.
Principle #4: Knowing how and where to invest your Secret Wealth. Once
you develop this mindset, once you start practicing the Secret Wealth Principle, you will
be amazed to discover how many continuous opportunities, large and small, present
themselves. You will have to develop a simple process for investing in those
opportunities. You will actually be able to pick and choose, and the basis upon which
youll do it will depend largely on what you want for yourself.
Well get into a very exacting process of how to do it later on in this program.
For the moment, however, Id like to leave you with one simple understanding. You will
very quickly start seeing an almost limitless array of business, financial and relationship
possibilities presenting themselves to you.
The way to organize and take fullest advantage is very simple. The first thing you
need to do is identify the easiest, the most immediate, and the most tangible ways you can
act or apply Your Secret Wealth Principle to give you a result. And a result is very
essential for you to go to the next step.
I believe the easiest way to build Your Secret Wealth is to start small and easy,
just to validate it for yourself. You will take, as we will see later in the program, the most
immediate, the most easy, the most instantaneous and accessible opportunities or options
first, not because youll make the biggest amount of money, or not because youll make
the biggest improvement in your life, or not because youll get the biggest raise or the
biggest promotion, but because youll see that it works.
And once you see that it works, youll believe in it and youll commit yourself to
it at a much higher level. Its more important for the mindset to work for you than how
much you make, or how big the improvement.
So the key is starting small and validating it. The key is showing yourself how
easily, how immediately, how tangibly, and how wonderfully the principle works for you.
Principle #5 is what I call stepping outside of your box. The way I envision
it is the way Id like you to as well. Picture a two foot by three foot rectangular
cardboard box with no top on it. Envision it on the floor next to you, and youre standing
Now envision yourself stepping into that box, becoming somewhat of a
contortionist, and somehow managing to stuff yourself all cramped up inside that box.
Envision that for no apparent reason youve managed to live your life inside that box,
thinking you had no other possibilities, only the limitations of the way youve done it in
the past, the way people have responded to you, the way that you have progressed - or not
Then look up, and realize two things: A) There is absolutely no top on that box
holding you down; and B) The moment you realize what a silly joke youve played on
yourself, you can stand fully erect. Youll see that the box will come up to maybe
halfway between your ankle and your knee. With the easiest motion, you can step
outside of it, kick the box away, and never again be shackled, constrained or limited by
the non-existent rules and beliefs that you have imposed on yourself.
This applies to everybody people who think they have to conduct their
relationship the way its been conducted; people who believe they have to progress in
their job the way theyve progressed; people who believe every day has got to be as
monotonous or boring or passionless; people who believe their business has to be run the
same mundane, unfulfilling, beleaguering way.
It simply is not true. This limiting belief system is one you alone have imposed
on yourself. It has nothing to do with what reality can be. Reality is instantly changed
the moment you realize that you have all the control. You always have. You always
will. You do at this moment.
Let me make a very important point of clarification at this junction. You will
notice, if Ive done my job correctly, that a number of the principles here and the
strategies that drive them are very similar. Thats because I have learned through
experience that revelation the aha! the opening of the possibilities in the window
of your mind thats necessary for you to believe and achieve is due in great part by
presenting facts to you in a number of different twists.
So my job is to present it from so many different points of view, from so many
different slight twists almost like a CAT scan. In the medical field, when theyre
trying to find a malady theyll perform a CAT scan, which is looking at an area of the
body up and down and sideways and externally and pivotally. They look at it from so
many different points of view until Aha! They finally see the problem, or they see the
opportunity to change or eliminate in a manner that no one else has seen. Well, thats
what Im trying to do with this process.
Principle #6 is turning obstacles into opportunities. Ive learned that the
greatest achievements in life occur when people focus on the concept of innovation.
Innovation is nothing more than solving problems, than delivering products or
services more effectively, more beneficially, more successfully for people. Understand
that problems are actually screaming opportunities waiting to be solved, and the people
who can bring relief or answers to people or companies who have problems are richly
Change the focus of your mind from thinking about how terrible a problem is, or a
negative is, or an obstacle is to saying, Where is the opportunity? How can solving
that problem produce a productive and a profitable advantage or outcome for me? By
doing it for somebody else you will change your whole point of view. The greatest
achievements, the greatest successes, the greatest wealth in the world has come when
people solved problems.
Youll see the same thing if you look at relationships. Successful relationships
are a subtle byproduct of people solving problems. Somebody may think theyre not
loved. If you can make them feel loved, if you can make them feel secure, you solve a
problem. You become successful. You are richly rewarded maybe in love, maybe in
affection, maybe in other aspects.
The whole of life from a success point of view has been built, unknowingly to
most people (but from this point on you now recognize it) on the premise that obstacles
and problems are the foundation of great achievement. They are the true basis of
The best part about this principle is that you can use the subconscious mind to
help you leverage your solution to all these problems. When problems arise, you dont
have to strain. You dont have to struggle. All youve got to do is take a deep breath and
know that by acknowledging one simple distinction that an obstacle or a problem is
your greatest opportunity for growth and success and prosperity and just relegate it to
your subconscious. Dont struggle with it. Dont worry about it. Go on about what
youre doing and in fact, have fun with what youre doing.
Once you orient your thinking to the fact that your greatest opportunity lies in
solving these problems, the answers will come to you - and theyll be great answers. Let
the power of your subconscious mind do a lot of, and oftentimes most of the work for
Let me make another interesting additional comment on the power of your
subconscious mind, and what youre actually doing for yourself. By changing your rules
and stepping out of the box, youre installing in your subconscious mind some of the
most powerful tools known.
Mankind got unbelievable leverage with the creation of tools. Before somebody
ever came up with the fulcrum, or wrenches, or other kinds of devices, people couldnt
get leverage. They had to do things in a linear mode. Now they could accomplish with
one easy motion achievements that used to take ten men and ten hours.
Thats the same dynamic you are subtly and easily and automatically creating by
eliminating all the negative factors, and replacing them with an awareness of how much
is possible. Its automatically being installed, being engineered into your subconscious
mind as you go about the basic rules that build Your Secret Wealth mindset.
Principle #7, and one of the most powerful and exciting aspects of forming
the mindset, is the use of creative emulation. By that I mean simply that you start
identifying and discovering the processes, the strategies, the philosophies that all kinds of
other people use to drive, to fuel, to operate their lives, their businesses, their
relationships by. Then you incorporate the best, the most usable, the most directly or
applicable parts over to your life. Its so powerful.
So many people think theyve got to sit in a room and be hit by divine inspiration.
It doesnt have to be that hard. Its so much easier.
All you have to do is start a process an adventure, if you will of deciding that
from this point forward throughout the progression of your life, every time you see or
meet or hear of anybody who is successful at what they do that relates to what youre
trying to work on, you will not only observe what they do, but you will engage them, and
you will ask them a simple series of questions that will be very natural when you
understand more of The Secret Wealth Principle later in this program.
Its very simple. You meet somebody who is basically very happy, and very
successful, and very effective, and very powerful in a job. You ask them four or five
simple questions.
The first thing you ask them is, What is it about your job that gives you the most
happiness? What is it youre trying to do? What have you built your whole philosophy
upon? And when they give you an answer, you ask them a deeper question. You ask
them, What influenced you? Whats the basis that got you to approach this job the way
youre doing it?
While they answer, youre not just shaking your head and saying, Aha! Youre
thinking, What about that answer has direct application to the way I can conduct my
career, or operate my job?
You will get the power and the leverage of the 20 years it might have taken each
one of them to figure it out, and the ten years of experimentations, and the three
marriages, or the four businesses someone had to go through, or the $100 million they
had to spend, and all the experiments that didnt work to come to the conclusions. Youll
save all that time, all that effort, all that emotion. And its such an easy and wonderful
I want to quickly review with you the seven principles that will allow you to
develop The Secret Wealth mindset.
Principle #1: There are no rules. You can play the game of life with any set of
rules you want. You are not constrained. There is no law anywhere in this country or in
the world that says that you are limited to play the way the rest of the world plays.
Principle #2: Wake yourself up from cultural hypnosis and mental myopia.
In short, stop living by tunnel vision. Convert that attitude to one of funnel vision.
Travel outside of your job. Travel outside of your business. Borrow freely from other
people and other industries and other situations that have already made the mistakes you
dont have to that have already taken the years you dont have to expend that have
already put the money you dont have to invest on the line to learn the answers, and
incorporate those into your life or business or career.
Principle #3: Its easier to make big leaps than little ones. Change the
strategy. The same effort, the same time, the activity can give you so much more yield,
so much more result, so much more effectiveness once you learn the options.
Principle #4: Know how you want to invest your Secret Wealth, but be certain
that you take action now so you will validate, so you will see proof, so you will have the
belief system you need to have faith that the Secret Wealth Principle will guide, will
protect, will enrich you and your family for the rest of your life.
Principle #5: From this moment on, step outside of your box. Knock down all
the limiting, self-imposed beliefs you have created. Realize that everything and anything
truly is possible. You are your reality. It has nothing to do externally. It has nothing to
do with the economy. It has nothing to do with your looks, your resources or your
intellect. It has everything to do with how you leverage your time, your efforts and your
opportunities pure and simple.
Principle #6: Turn obstacles, turn problems into the most leverageable
opportunities you possibly have available. Install yourself as the person who looks for
a way to solve the difficulty; who understands that innovation is the mother of
achievement and enrichment, and innovation is nothing more than helping people or
businesses, individuals or organizations, get solutions. Instead of looking at the negative
side of obstacles, look at all the boundless opportunity it holds for you.
Principle #7: Use the leverage of creative emulation. Let all the successful
principles and techniques and strategies that all kinds of people outside of your realm of
life and business have already perfected and developed work for you. Identify them.
Study them. Learn them. Question them. Incorporate the elements that work best and
more powerfully, and more productively for you, and replace those factors you are
currently using which are less effective and give you less leverage.
Once you take on a possibility mindset, you allow so many more opportunities
into your life and you begin to think like an entrepreneur, which is the focus of our next
session. What do you really want out of your business and your life?
what theyre doing. Theyre adding pleasure to you dining. You know its hard, and you
know its difficult, and you appreciate it, and youre thankful. Its smiling from the depth
of your heart because you know that gives them acknowledgment, that makes it
worthwhile, that thanks them for their effort. Its carrying that same sense of purpose and
passion everywhere you go and in everything you do, and realizing its always all about
them. Its never about you.
When youre externally focused, when youre connected and compelled to make
the experience or the transaction better for the other side than even for you, you cannot
help but succeed at higher levels than you ever dreamed possible.
As my dear friend Fran Tarkenton likes to put it, In everything you do your
purpose should be to help make someones life better.
When it comes to getting what you want, youve got to believe you deserve it, and
what were talking about right here is the foundation for that. Its the foundation for
using what my New Age friends like to call your infinite power. Now, this may sound
kind of out there to you, but its very real. You can feel it, and it changes the way you
see yourself, and therefore it changes everything you do. Its that basic.
Another extremely important element in this mindset is passion. To think like a
marketing genius, you must have passion. The kind of passion Im talking about is a
function of five critical factors. Now, there may be more, but Ive isolated these as being
absolutely essential:
The first is energy. This is so basic to everything you do in life. You cant allow
yourself to dissipate your energy by dwelling on negative issues. It all starts out with a
healthy sense of self worth, and an appreciation for the value you bring to others.
Remember what I said earlier: For others to revere you, you must first revere yourself.
I think far too many of us ask the wrong question. We get it exactly backwards.
Its like a friend of mine said: Instead of asking yourself, Am I worthy of this goal? the
question should be, Is this goal worthy of me?
You have an honest contribution to make in every transaction you engage in, so I
want you to have a healthy appreciation of exactly what your work or efforts are really
worth. Its going to be so much easier to be passionate about what youre doing when
you stop wasting energy questioning your worth. Its that simple.
The second factor is a vision that inspires you, a clear picture of what is
possible for you and what you can give to others. Your vision is a picture of how
youre going to fulfill your purpose. This is so important I want to say it again. Your
vision is a picture of how youre going to fulfill your purpose. And remember, your
vision is only going to happen when you see it as worthwhile, when you see it in terms of
what its going to do for others.
Once again, the key here is to identify the value and contribution you add to every
transaction youre involved in. Now, youve got to know whats possible for you, and
you must not limit yourself to a substandard achievement.
For example, I have a client who was making $100,000. I helped him increase it
to $500,000, and was like a kid in a candy store he was so happy. So he stopped doing
anything more. But I could see so much more that was possible, so much more that we
could do and achieve. And thats what you need to do. You cant stop with a
substandard achievement.
So how do you do it? Its like another client of mine once said to me: Jay, if
you can make $100,000, you can make a million, so why content yourself with only a
fraction of your true achievement potential?
I say the same to you. Dont be satisfied with $100,000 if your efforts and actions
deserve making you multiples of two, three, five, ten, a hundred times that amount.
Youve got to give yourself permission to succeed and stop limiting what you can
accomplish, not only in your business or profession, but in your family, in your
community, in the world.
As your vision unfolds, youve got to know what your enterprise should look like
at critical intervals along the way. Let me give you an example of what I mean:
I had a client who sold two-for-one restaurant dining cards, where you buy one
meal and get the second one free. He knew exactly where he was going at all times. A
lot of people didnt understand his strategy, but he was very astute in what he was doing.
He understood that in the first few years of building a dining card, your goal is not
to make a lot of money - its to build a lot of happy, satisfied dining club members. Why?
Because if every year you add 10- or 20,000 members, even if you dont make a lot of
money on the acquisition, guess what? After two or three years you have such critical
mass, such a quantity of satisfied customers they start renewing over and over again, and
the cost to renew them is almost nothing.
So he was moving constantly towards a very clear goal that he kept monitoring
and correcting, where he knew each and every year he had to add at very least 10- to
20,000 new customers while pleasing, satisfying and retaining his previous customers.
What happened? After three years of building a moderately successful growing
enterprise, he hit pay dirt just as his strategy told him he would. After year three he
started making so much money and having so many people renew. Everyone around him
was surprised except guess who? He and I. Why? Because we followed a strategy that
had specific expectations at given intervals and just as our strategy told us, at year three
we started really coining the money.
You can coin all the wealth you want if you do the same thing. Keep in mind, the
game you are playing is not for the moment. Its long term. And when you do that, this
interval picture, this constant review and monitoring will contribute to your wealth at a
level youve never, ever even imagined.
In the case of my client, his interval pictures revealed to him that his short-term
profits would be minimal, but that every cluster of 1,000 new customers he brought on
board today would accrue for him substantial wealth and profit down the road.
When you connect those interval pictures, if you will, youve got a road map for
the kind of success you really want. You could also think of it as an escalator, a smooth
and gradual progression, as opposed to having to do a pole vault. You know exactly what
you should be doing, and where you should be every step of the way.
Now, once you have this defined you need to maintain, number three, a laser-like
focus on the worthiness of your purpose. This comes very naturally when you have
real conviction about the value your product or service can bring to others. And that
conviction is based on defining value and promoting that value according to the
perspective of those you serve.
To give you an idea of how far you can go with this, lets take a look at the
experience of somebody youre very familiar with. According to his autobiography, Lee
Iacocca took over Chrysler and realized he needed loan guarantees from Congress to
have any hope of saving the company. He recognized first of all that the political climate
was hostile to what he was asking for.
So he went back to the cardinal rule he learned from Dale Carnegie. (And this
just might be the cornerstone of all his success.) Always try and see the situation from
the other persons point of view. Pretty simple, huh?
Lee Iacocca talked to Congress in terms of their interest as political leaders, not
just in terms of Chryslers needs. He talked to them in terms of the impact on the
national economy; that 600,000 jobs were at stake; that there was much more involved
here than just saving one corporation. So what happened? They saw the relevance to
themselves, and they voted to guarantee the loans. And as they say, the rest is history.
So once again, you need a laser-like focus on the worthiness of your purpose that
translates to selling others on the value of your product or service according to their
perspective, not yours. And of course, this also extends to your relationships with
everybody you deal with in your business and personal life. Thats how you maintain
your passion.
Once youre certain of the value you have to offer you need, number four,
commitment. You have to mean business. You have to decide how you want it to be,
and be totally dedicated to your purpose and totally unwilling to take no for an answer.
Youve got to be on a crusade to add value to as many people as possible, and have real
conviction about it. And having this kind of passion doesnt mean you have to beat
yourself up on the process.
Let me give you an illustration of what I mean. I have a tendency to gain weight.
There are two indicators I go by. The first is how my clothes fit. If they seem a little
tight, I verify it by getting on the scales, which is the second indicator. To correct the
situation I might increase my exercise, eat less, or a combination of both. Again, it
doesnt have to be a pole vault. I can do it gradually.
Now, the decision is a matter of relevancy. To me, staying close to my ideal
weight is an imperative. It may not be to you, and thats all right. But if it becomes
important enough you do it.
You might be saying, I want to follow through like that when Ive gained a few
pounds, but I generally dont. How can I get it to be important enough to me to do it?
Well, you havent really made a decision yet. So far its just a wish. To get to the point
of decision, first of all you need to realize that the system is not rigged for you to have to
struggle. We work too hard at it.
For me it becomes important enough to follow through with losing extra weight
because Im actively enjoying the vision of the benefits of maintaining my ideal weight,
so I have present moment joy and satisfaction in following through that exceeds the
pleasure I might get if I didnt follow through and ate more than I should. Im enjoying
living in the benefit, and as I do I trust my subconscious mind to take over the process, so
in a very real sense, its out of my hands. I dont have to try and force it on myself.
Instead, what I enjoy most of all is watching the power of decision work in my life. And
all this gets reinforced when I see so many people who are suffering the drawbacks of
being overweight and out of shape, so thats an additional incentive for me.
Its simply a matter of getting out of your own way. Youll never get anywhere if
you obsess over what you want and try to force yourself. But if you can fall in love with
your vision and let yourself dwell on the benefits of staying with it, guess what? The
struggle is over. More importantly, any worthwhile goal you desire is virtually assured.
I invite you to experiment with this approach over the next 30 days. I guarantee
you youll get a real taste of what the power of decision can do in those difficult areas of
your life. Remember, its very simple: Get a clear picture in your mind of yourself
already enjoying the benefits of reaching your objective. Trust your subconscious mind
to take over the process, and as you do, the specific steps you need to take day by day
will become clear to you. And dont forget to consider the consequences in your life of
not following through.
And finally, number five, to build and sustain your passion you need a code of
conduct. In every aspect of your life you need to take the high road. Its your dedication
to being of service to others; its your commitment to excellence in all you do that will
command the respect and loyalty of everyone you encounter in your life.
I know you know this already, so you wont mind my emphasizing it here. I cant
say it too often. To experience the across the broad success and fulfillment youre
capable of, you have to believe you deserve it, and that becomes impossible if you
compromise your integrity. Once again, your whole focus should be helping to make
someones life better.
And one more thing. Im sure you realize that its a whole lot easier to regenerate
revenue than it is to restore a tarnished reputation, so code of conduct becomes pretty
These five components of true passion energy, a vision that inspires you, focus
on the worthwhileness of your purpose, commitment, and a code of conduct these are
basic to the mindset of a marketing genius. The ability to discover and seize the hidden
opportunities that surround every one of us and, sad to say, remain undiscovered by most
people. But youre an exception. So lets go on.
To me, the mindset of a marketing genius is the mindset of the entrepreneur. The
entrepreneur is an achiever. He or she is someone who makes something happen. As
you continue to develop the entrepreneurs mindset, your thinking will be increasingly
driven by the twelve elements Im going to describe for you now.
The first element: you look at everything and ask, Wheres the opportunity
in this? Youre constantly looking for hidden assets and opportunities, both tangible
and intangible, in every area of your life. You define yourself as an opportunist.
The second element of the entrepreneurs mindset is flexibility. It means you
realize there are always many ways to get where youre going, so you remain open to
discovering the ones that fit you best, that youll enjoy the most.
Let me give you an example. I have two friends in the chemical manufacturing
business. Both are extremely successful, but the routes they took to achieve their success
are totally different. One built his business predominantly through direct salespeople in
the field and by attending trade shows, while the other one uses only inside telephone
marketers and direct mail.
My point? You can get to where you want to be many different ways. Your
challenge and goal is to find the road you want to be traveling, then enjoy yourself every
step of the way. So flexibility means you have a dynamic orientation. The ability to
constantly adapt, improve and change strategies. You invite and celebrate change, rather
than resisting it. You think outside the box, and you realize, like everything else in
nature, if youre not growing you start dying. Dont get stuck in one approach. There
may be others that suit you much better.
Element #3 in the entrepreneurs mindset is a bias towards action. Many people
stop at contemplating action. The entrepreneurs concept is Ready, fire, aim! What
this means to me is once you get the basic concept clear in your mind you go out and
apply it, and then you adjust your aim as you go to hit the center of your target.
Far too many people fret forever over getting something perfect. If your strategy
and the basic concept behind it is correct, it will work. You can always refine and
improve upon any success, so dont hesitate to act on your ideas. Just get started. You
can make any needed adjustments as you go.
Number four: the entrepreneur realizes that marketing is the life force of all
business achievement. He or she realizes that marketing really is educating your
customers and prospects to appreciate and desire the results your product or service can
give them. People wont buy from you unless you get them to want what youre selling
or realize they need it. So your focus should be to continually demonstrate and compare
the benefits and advantages they can expect to enjoy by becoming your customer or
Two really important points to remember here: Number one, people cant desire
you over your competitor until they first want the benefits youre offering. And number
two, once someone becomes your customer, marketing to him or her does not stop. In
effect, youre putting your customer or client into a continuing education program. In
other words, you take every opportunity to keep them aware of the fact that you
understand and fulfill their wants and needs better than anyone else can.
Number five: living in the present, not resting on past achievements, or dwelling
on past failures, or worrying about the future. And of course, this doesnt preclude
learning from the past or planning for the future. Now, its been said that a strong
indicator that youre on the right path is that you lose your sense of time while youre
working. And not only that living in the present keeps you free of pressure and stress.
An author named Walter Lanyon wrote a series of three books back in the 40s.
At the end of a chapter in the first book he described how valuable living in the present
was to him. Heres what he said:
When these books suggested themselves to me, I was naturally delighted with
the idea and proceeded to insert a piece of paper in the machine. Presently they will be in
your hands. But if I stopped to think what launching them entails I see 1001 things
entering in to dismay me the hundreds of hours of work, the correcting, proofing,
publishing and distribution. It looks like a whole flock of white elephants. Yet as I go
from letter to letter, presently it will fall out in perfect shape, everything coming to pass
at the right moment.
And so it did, because Mr. Lanyons idea became this stack of books sitting here
right now. I think he understood two key distinctions. First, the past and the future are
illusory. All thats real is this present moment. So to get to where you want to be, like
Mr. Lanyon, you should focus your attention on the very next step you need to take right
Second, he was obviously enjoying the process. Why? Because of his confidence
that everything would come out just right if he stayed focused on the immediate task at
hand. That left his mind free to take charge and do its best work.
So if youre looking for the real key to having more fun and being more creative
and resourceful, this is it: Live in the present.
Number six: being tenacious. Basically, tenacity or persistence comes from the
dedication and commitment we talked about earlier, and this ultimately translates to
having fun, not being enslaved to a neurotic obsession.
Tenacity also stems from your ability to see an idea as real, alive, taking shape,
being implemented and succeeding wildly before it ever becomes visible in your world.
In order to achieve greatness, you first have to fully identify yourself with greatness in
your mind. Once you do, it becomes extremely compelling sort of like being pregnant.
You have to give birth to it, so naturally you become very tenacious in protecting and
nurturing what youve created.
Element number seven is being pragmatic. By that I mean you focus on
maximizing the quality and value of your product or service, along with maximizing your
next profits and minimizing your risk.
Ive looked at something like 10,000 successful businesses. The one factor their
owners all seem to have in common is their ability to get their egos out of the way. They
approach their businesses logically, intelligently and prudently. Thats not to say they
dont innovate. They do. However, they refuse to take unnecessary risks. They will never
impetuously bet the farm on any idea just because it appeals to them. Instead, they prefer
to safely test and pursue only those opportunities and challenges that offer the highest
probability of success.
The successful entrepreneurs Ive studied are like expert marksmen they keep
their eye on the center of the target. They arent in business to be the biggest. They are
there to serve the most, and to make the most. Its not about how much gross revenue
you generate. Its about how much net profit you get to keep and how much fun you
have doing it.
Far too many people think that success means having 1,000 employees and an
eight-figure overhead or being the fastest growing in their industry or profession. While
the image you project to your customer is important, remember: it should be built upon
the value you give to them rather than the size of your operation.
The eighth element is realizing theres a logical order to things. Getting to
where you want to be is not random. Theres an immutable order, and all youve got to
do is figure out what the best order is for your particular objective. Once thats done it
becomes relatively simple to achieve what you want. Remember, youre not pushing a
boulder up a hill. Youre riding an escalator.
And now we come to element number nine: certainty and faith. Certainty and
faith come from being in touch with the life force within you. Being in touch means you
trust it, respect it, and draw from it constantly. Its about recognizing that you have a
destiny and purpose you can choose to discover and fulfill. It involves respecting and
trusting your natural talents and what interests you most.
Listen to what Ralph Waldo Emerson said about this over 150 years ago:
We must hold a man amenable to reason for the choice of his daily craft or
profession. It is not an excuse any longer for his deeds that they are the custom of his
trade. Has he not a calling in his character?
Each man has his own vocation. The talent is the call. There is one direction in
which all space is open to him. He has faculties silently inviting him there to endless
exertion. He is like a ship in a river. He runs against obstructions on every side but one.
On that side all obstruction is taken away, and he sweeps serenely over a deepening
channel into an infinite sea. He inclines to do something which is easy to him and good
when it is done, but which no other man can do. He has no rival, for the more truly he
consults his own powers, the more difference will his work exhibit from the work of any
Now, I dont know about you, but I know what hes talking about here. Once
youve found your own path, it is like youre being swept along, and youre unstoppable.
If you havent experienced that yet, believe me, youre about to in the weeks and months
to come.
Number ten: using leverage effectively. This means you are predisposed to
choosing methods and approaches that give you the greatest advantage and control. More
specifically, you wouldnt think of expending time or money for less than the maximum
return possible. You continue to improve the performance and yield of everything you
do. Because you know how much is possible, you wont settle for less than the highest
and best result you can produce.
Number eleven: you become an idea-generator, an innovator. Youre inspired
to constantly seek breakthroughs and improvements. You enjoy the challenge of
developing fresh approaches. As a result, you begin to see new and better combinations
of old processes and ideas. Youre keen on finding out the driving principles behind
every successful activity, and you find new and inventive ways to adapt and apply these
principles and approaches to your enterprise. You understand that innovation is not just
some intimidating high-tech process; it may be nothing more than finding a simple way
to bring a single new benefit or advantage to your customer or client.
Now, with that broad understanding youre free to try all kinds of elegant and
imaginative new approaches to attracting, selling and reselling your customers and that
means youre no longer limited in what you can do for them.
And finally, element number twelve of the entrepreneurs mindset: refusing to
take yourself seriously. So theres no misunderstanding, maintaining your integrity,
never compromising your self respect does not mean not having fun. It does not mean
not enjoying the moment. It does not mean not being part and connected to whats going
The most important gift I can share with you at this point in our relationship is the
moment you become part of the process, and its no longer about you, and youre not
self-conscious, and youre just having fun, and youre watching it unfold, and youre
enjoying watching your customer or client benefit, and youre having so much fun and
excitement coming up with new ways to innovate and add value And you get up on a
Monday morning and youre excited and frankly, when you go to bed on Friday night
youre a little disappointed that you have to wait until Monday to start again youve got
it. Its there. Dont lose it, because frankly, the fun, the challenge, the excitement of the
process is what its all about.
Ive worked with hundreds of very, very successful men and women. I can tell
you the ones that are product-driven meaning the ones that are obsessed with ending up
with a million dollars, or being the biggest company in their industry, or having a
Mercedes automobile, or a big house on a hill Once they acquire that goal, they are
very dissatisfied.
Why? Because, as you may already know or are finding out, the process is what
life and business or professional practice is really all about. This is as good as it gets
and thats wonderful, because each and every day, each and every hour, each and every
person you interact with, each and every activity, challenge, problem you face is a
wonderful opportunity to discover, to experience, to grow, to master. And what you will
find is every day will be a success. Every day will be exhilarating. Every day youll give
and youll get.
Remember, life and business (or professional practice) is a game a joyous,
exciting, perpetual game, and you have the right and the opportunity to play that game
from this day forward by whatever rules you alone decide you want to play it by. And
you can change those rules any time you want, as often as you want, for any reason you
Years ago I made an important discovery for myself the day I realized I could
order my life, and my business, and my income at any level I wanted. In other words, I
realized I could make the money I wanted the way I wanted, working with the people I
wanted, working the hours I wanted, working from the location I wanted, working as
often as I wanted or not. I realized I could hang out with the people I wanted, deal with
the kinds of people, both employees, and customers, and vendors I wanted and that I
alone had total and absolute control over that.
And the most exciting part of my work is helping you discover that you can do the
same for yourself and your enterprise.
Lets consider once again the five critical factors of passion: energy, vision, focus,
commitment and integrity. Do you have a passion for life, for your career? If your
answer is yes, you have what it takes to generate the passion of others. And as youll
learn in our next session, that passion will be returned to you in the form of profit.
doing for them. And that basically is the secret that drives businesses to great success
and will drive you to great success in all aspects of your life and financial wellbeing
through the Secret Wealth Principle.
Let me draw an analogy to your life and show you why you may not fail, but
dont succeed anywhere close to the level you deserve and you easily could be operating
at. Lets take this first from the position of you as an employee.
Until and unless you can step outside of your own box and be sensitive and
recognize what your employer needs and wants - not only from your contribution or from
the service or the product you render for him or her, but also from their business as a
whole you cant fully extend yourself. Until you do that, you cant fully harvest the
bounty and the rewards there is within the job opportunity itself.
In your relationship, until and unless you understand what your spouse, or your
significant other, or your lover, or your children want and need, and you are sensitive and
understand and respect that, you cant begin to possibly provide it, render it, and help
them achieve it. And until they get what they want, youll find out in life, you will never
be able to get what you want first.
Let me give you an example that might bring this all together. A client and very
dear friend of mine is one of the original founders of Federal Express. They started in an
industry that had no sensitivity to what their customers wanted. They quickly realized
that their real customer was the secretary or the manager. It was somebody who had to
be a hero to their superior, and what they wanted was to be a hero. They wanted to know
turnkey, without a doubt, that the problem was taken care of.
The moment they realized that their purpose wasnt to sell the owner of the
business it was to make the secretary a hero to her or his superior was the moment
their business skyrocketed from #279 to #1. Then they empowered all their people to be
sensitive to the needs and the desires of their customer, and to be responsive to them.
And the moment they started basically focusing all their attention on empowering their
customers their business took off, and I dont think theyve yet been equaled by anybody.
Let me give you a couple of clear examples that may bring this possibility to light.
I had as a client a young lady who worked for a software company. Most of you by now
are familiar with software. You buy a piece of software whether its for your own home
use, or whether its for business use. And you get it, and you may or may not have access
to support, but a lot of software is complicated, or your applications or your usage of it
may be unique, and it may have confused you.
This young lady worked for a company that had support, had all kinds of very
qualified people there, but they werent being used very much because people didnt avail
themselves of it. And because people didnt avail themselves of it, they didnt buy more
of the software from the company. So the company was really the loser because they
didnt understand their goal, which was to make it easier to use and benefit from the
software than not. They just thought their job function was just to get the software in
peoples hands, and it was up to the people to figure out how to apply it.
This very, very bright woman who developed this concept of seeing yourself as a
profit-paying proposition, as a company rendering a service to her employersaw that
she had to help her employer see better ways to get buyers of their software to understand
the magnitude and the expansive possibilities of applying it, because the more
applications, the more they buy upgrades, the more they buy more units for their other
employees, the more they buy the systems that tied them together.
So she created continual educational programs that she mail and by telephone
communicated to all their customers offering them all kinds of very specific applicationbased training programs they could come to or they could learn about by telephone. So
she showed people how to add value and benefit from the software they had already
In the process of doing that she grew her department something like 300%. She
turned a losing proposition, which was the support department (which basically was there
costing money) into a $500,000 a year profit center, because in the process of not even
trying to make money, she created a profitable training department that made money.
She got a raise. The company expanded it three times over. Each time she got promoted
three times to a higher level.
She took the same philosophy and applied it to different departments, and the
company grew something like 300% in a downward recessionary market just because
she was able to demonstrate to them that just selling a product wasnt their goal. Their
goal was to help the buyer understand all the different ways he or she could use it to their
maximum, and their continuous, and their changing advantage.
Another man who I worked with (and he ran a regional division of a billion dollar
company) realized that the goal in life is once you get a customer, to never, ever, ever let
them go. And I dont mean that in a covetous or a possessive standpoint. I mean it in a
respectful standpoint. When they stop buying from you is not the time to drop them.
His companys goal was to sustain the relationship they had bred through all
kinds of years of investment, effort, expertise, and relationship with all their inactive
clients, even though the clients werent buying from them now. He got all his employees
under him and all his superiors to start focusing on all their inactive clients and start
dealing with them, because he recognized they had sunk such an investment in the
relationship so much time, so many people, so much human and financial capital that
they started questioning, why werent they buying today? What had they done? What
changes had occurred?
By going back to all the inactive customers, they reactivated something like $5
million in a one-year period. He became a hero. He got a massive raise. The company
made something like $2 million more in pure profit because the cost of reactivating an
inactive customer was almost nothing. They had already found them. They had already
worked on them. It was just bringing it back to life. Because he saw that when people
stop doing business with you, its normally because youve stopped providing them with
something they currently need or somebody else has taken charge of that business or of
the buying facet of that business and doesnt have the history, doesnt have the
knowledge, doesnt have the understanding and the education of why you provide value.
Ive used two examples, so Ill use both of the people because they both adopted a
very similar transformation. They converted from an attitude of This is what we do and
this is the way we do it, so take it or leave it to questioning how they could serve or
fulfill, or assist, or improve the quality of their customers business or life. They
refocused their attention to what they could do themselves, or more importantly, through
and on behalf of their company, for their customer to make that customers business or
life more successful. And in the process, they turned their attitude from one of self
serving, to one of selflessness.
One of the biggest philosophical breakthroughs we have established in the
business arena (which I think is directly applicable here) is teaching people how to adopt
an attitude of what Ill call a super servant. And when you think of a servant, it may
conjure up a negative image, but its really quite positive because what your goal in life,
in business, in jobs must be is to identify and understand how many more, and better, and
continuous ways you can help serve, or fulfill, or clarify the non-verbalized needs and
desires of your customer or your marketplace and your marketplace, again, is
whomever it is youre trying to positively impact.
This is one of the most wonderful secrets of Your Secret Wealth Principle. The
moment you switch your focus from internal to external from self-serving to selfless
from Whats in it for me? to How can I be a super servant? How can I enrich the life,
the business, the profitability, the satisfaction or the happiness of the other side- your
own situation starts improving massively.
In the case of these two people, for example, within months of the woman doing
this for the software company, she got not one, but two separate promotions. She got not
one, but two increases in salary. She got not one, but two bonuses. She got an incredible
surge of empowerment, of fulfillment, of liberation, of understanding of her purpose and
her companys purpose, and she got the distinction of understanding things about doing
business that none of her competitors did.
The man who runs the regional division for the very large, billion-dollar company
he, too, got a promotion. He, too, got a raise. But he, too, got something else. He
reported to me that he got something he never realized was possible. He got continuous
and perpetual control and certainty of his ability to always create the business, the future,
the success, and the happiness he wanted, because he realized exactly what people and
what business, and what customers wanted.
As powerful as all those financial accomplishments were, there was one more
realization that both these people made that is key to your achieving the success you
They realized at that moment that they no longer were dependent on their
businesses. They no longer needed those businesses, their employers, for financial
security, for their personal effectiveness. They were their security. They were their
power. They possessed from that moment forward all the control of their life, their
income, their achievements and their security, and that liberation is the most powerful
and exhilarating realization you too will recognize the more you realize the concept of
being a super servant, the more you take full control of your life. Its not dependency.
Its liberation.
One of the greatest experts on business in the world is Peter Drucker. Hes
written 35 books. He writes articles for The Wall Street Journal. He has contributed to
some of the most successful enterprises in the world. Mr. Drucker says the following:
Business, because its function is to create a customer and sustain it, has only two
purposes: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation are the only two
functions that build business that sustain paying revenue. Everything else is an expense.
What does that mean to you? It means this: as a business, you too have to learn
how to market and innovate. Dont be confused or intimidated. Marketing is just the
process you use to educate your customer (and the customer could be your mate, your
spouse, your employer, your supervisor or your actual customer) to see, understand,
appreciate, and want to seize the advantage you offer.
Whatever you are, wherever you are, whoever youre trying to impact, as a
business youve got to educate and explain to those people why and how what you do is
more valuable to them than what other people are doing, and why you make their life
better off, more secure, or more profitable. Its that simple.
You are a business. You are a paying proposition. As such, youve got to learn to
market your product or service and the advantage and benefit you bring to them. Once
you do that, enormous and continuous success and wealth and riches can come to you.
Society, the system, your employers and your competition is insistent on trying to
relegate everybody to the role of being a commodity nondescript, equally comparable,
nothing unique.
Your challenge, your goal, your charge, your purpose in life, in your job, in
your relationship, in your business has got to be, from my vantage point, making yourself
distinctive making yourself proprietary making yourself so incomparable on a value
and benefit and advantageous basis that there is no choice available to your customer be that customer your employer, your wife, your husband, your children but to value
and embrace the product, the proposition, or the service you are offering them.
Let me give you a couple of examples that will help you put this into easy
reference so you can apply it to your own situation. I have a number of doctors Ive
worked with, and the most impactful change we have made for them is so embarrassing
that its almost funny.
Most people dont know the difference between doctors technical skills, but they
know and can appreciate the profound difference between caring and not caring. All it
takes is for a doctor, when they see a patient, to engage that patient in discussion about
their life asking questions, taking the time to be interested in their life, and their
families, and their problems not just looking at them as a bodily specimen. And when
they leave, taking the time to have either their secretaries, or their office managers, or
their nurses, or even themselves call and follow up to make certain the patient is all right.
Its a simple little process of extending themselves, of acknowledging and
demonstrating, You are special to me. I sense that you need to know that I am
concerned about your welfare, and I genuinely want to know if youre doing better, or if
youre doing worse, or if youre doing the same. That simple little distinction makes the
few doctors who do that stand out so favorably.
Ive known realtors who have changed their whole focus of trying to make their
clients get the greatest outcome. They try to educate them. They try to help the client
develop a strategy. They dont sell them something to sell it to them. First of all, they
help the client get clear on what it is theyre trying to accomplish, and realize that there
are a lot of different ways to do it. Maybe the way they want to do it or initially came to
the realtor to do it isnt the best outcome for them. In the process the realtor could
conceivably lessen his or her commission, but by doing so they do such a noble service
that they distinguish themselves - because theres no other realtor doing that.
The things that we do that are above and beyond what the average commodity
husband, or employee, or business, or spouse, or mate, or lover would do are what
distinguish us. In the process, it brings to bear the concept of being a servant - not in the
negative or the lowest concept, but in the most enriching and empowering sense, because
it brings such incredible advantage, both to the other side and to us.
The secret to my ability to grow businesses and professions of all kinds is an
awareness that almost no business owner has ever realized. Its this: there are just three
ways to grow any business. Its not complicated. Its not difficult. Its not foreboding.
Its really simple.
There are only three ways that any business can be grown. The first way is you
increase the number of customers that you deal with. The second is you increase the
amount of purchase or the size of the purchase those customers make. And the third is
you increase the frequency or the repeat factor those customers do business with you.
If you increase any one of those factors, you increase your business linearly or
arithmetically. But if you increase all three the business grows by quantum leaps,
because you bring to bear the quantum theory of geometric progression. Its very
What does this mean to you personally? It means the same thing. There are
probably only three significant ways you can grow the richness of your life. Let me draw
In business, you increase the number of customers. In your life, you increase the
number of relationships. In business, you increase the size of the transaction. In life, you
increase the dimension, or the richness, or the level that those relationships take on. In
business, you increase the frequency of purchase. In life, you increase and extend the
frequency of communication, of interaction.
I want to repeat this lesson once more very simply, because I think its going to be
the driving thrust that catapults you to your Secret Wealth.
Remember, in business Ive learned that the easiest way to give almost any
enterprise an immediate and a massive quantum leap is these three simple ways.
In business, the first way is to increase the number of customers. In life, your first
way will be to increase the number of relationships you establish. And once you start
developing these extra and expanded relationships, youre not going to believe the
byproduct of profitability and enjoyment that it produces, because relationships will
breed relationships. People will introduce you to other people. Opportunities will be
presented to you. Knowledge will reveal itself.
You will have initiated a perpetual motion machine, a never-ending cycle that will
keep giving and giving and giving back to you at such increased levels of richness and
benefit, you cant believe it until you apply it.
The second principle of growing a business is increasing the size of the unit of
sale. What does that mean in your life? It means increasing the size of effort or
contribution you make, or the dimension you give to the relationship. Its not passive,
superficial or mono-dimensional. You strive to extend yourself by asking, How many
additional and beneficial ways can I extend myself, can I contribute, can I serve?
The third most powerful way in business is increasing the frequency of purchase.
Your correlation in life is increasing the frequency of communication, of interaction.
You dont really have a relationship if you never call upon it. Think about how
wonderful it feels to you when somebody out of your past calls you up for no self-serving
reason but to reconnect, to rekindle the relationship. Think of how rich your ongoing
friendships are. Think of how important and meaningful they are to your life. Think
about how they are in your job. Think about how they are in your business.
The same will be true of doing this in any aspect of your life today. Surprisingly,
youll find when you conclude this program that the secret to your Secret Wealth lies in
the depth, dimension, quality, commitment and contribution you make to relationships
and its right there for you.
So now youre at the point where you recognize that you are a business, a wealthy
business who has now decided to harvest and liberate all the wealth and all the riches that
are just waiting to be plucked from the tree. You realize that you have unique abilities,
unique assets, and unique opportunities to contribute, to impact, to advantage others - and
in the process, massively advantage yourself.
Its important at this point that you recognize you can have the greatest product in
the world you can possess more assets than anybody you compete against you can
have the greatest service. But until you communicate it clearly, and until the other side
recognizes the advantage you offer them, itll never be fully realized.
The following few examples will graphically demonstrate to you the importance
of communicating the assets and the uniquenesses that you have recognized so that the
marketplace, your customers or others can take advantage of them, because they
recognize and respect them and desire it. So lets go through a few examples.
Years ago Schlitz Beer boosted themselves from #9 in the market to #1 in six
months through a simple process. Back then, everybody and their brother was a
commodity. They were all saying, Our beer is good because it is pure. And there was
nothing distinctive about that.
A person who happened to be a marketing expert toured the Schlitz brewing
factory, and he was incredulous and amazed. The facility was on the shoreline of Lake
Michigan. The first thing that struck him was the fact that even though they were right
on the shore of a water source, they had dug down 5,000 feet and had three artesian wells
to draw up water because it had to be a certain mineral content, and it had to be a certain
purity. That fascinated him.
Then he walked inside and he saw the way they brewed their beer. The beer was
brewed by a method that started with a mother yeast cell, which was the basic progenitor
or creator of all the subsequent yeast that was used to brew the beer. That yeast cell was
the result of 1,537 different experiments that the Schlitz Brewing research team had
conducted to find the perfect balance, the perfect embodiment of yeast, one that would
produce balance, richness, taste, and robustness.
After they had created the perfect yeast cell, they then went through a purification
process which was amazing. First, there were massive rooms with six foot thick glass
plate walls where water was condensed and distilled, and condensed and distilled - three
or four times so that it had all the impurities taken out of it.
Then the bottling plant they took bottles and then cleansed them three times.
Then they put them into live steam at 1500 degrees. The bottles then went through one
more cleansing and purification process before they added the purified water to it, and
then added the yeast product.
At the end of the production line there were samplers who would arbitrarily pull
off one bottle out of every 150 and taste them. Occasionally they would reject entire
batches because they were slightly off. Most people would never have noticed, but their
samplers would.
At the end of this tour, this man was incredulous. He said, My God, why in the
world dont you tell the marketplace how distinctive and unique your beer processing and
manufacturing function is? And the owners said, Well, because everybody makes it,
plus or minus, that way. The expert said, But the world doesnt know that, and the first
person to explain it to them will gain proprietary advantage.
They allowed him to do just that, and in six short months their beer rose from
being #9 in sales to being #1 - and stayed there for about 20 years.
Think about your own life, your own job, your own business. What assets are you
concealing or not acknowledging and sharing with your customer that could be of
significant and profound importance? It might be something as basic as a process that is
so evident and inherent to you that you dont think anything of it. It may be the
construction or the creation of the product, and how uniquely you do it where others
It might not be a product at all. It might not be a service. It may the life
experiences, or the perspective, or the expertise you bring into it, and your ability to
assess and determine what is right for the customer before you allow them to waste their
effort, their time, their emotion, their finances.
Whatever it is, until and unless you convey, communicate and explain it fully and
dimensionally to others in a way that the others can appreciate the significance of whats
in that for them, the advantage that you have brought to bear for them youll never get
full value from the transaction.
OK. Let me give you a few others.
About two years ago I had as a client a very, very ambitious-minded young lady
who had started a software company with her husband. They specialized in a very
complex field called computer imaging. This is where you take hundreds of thousands of
documents, scan them and image them into a very sophisticated piece of software that
can help a law firm, a research facility or a manufacturing concern access key
information at the touch of a finger.
They were so obsessed with selling the technical sophistication of their product
that they had failed to recognize what the result, or the advantage, or the significance of it
really was to users, or could be to new customers.
I asked them a few questions. I didnt ask them about how sophisticated or
complex or cutting edge the technology was. I refocused their attention on the question,
What is the measurable result in terms of benefit this brings to your customer?
And I was surprised. They told me, Well, it can allow them to do in an hour
what used to take ten weeks. I said, Well, thats very interesting. From a standpoint of
financial impact, what does that savings mean to them? If had taken them ten weeks,
how many people would it have taken to do that research? They said, Conceivably, 20
people. I said, Well, 20 people researching for ten weeks times 40 hours seems to be a
lot of money, doesnt it? And they said yes.
I said, Well then youre telling me that with any one application its perfectly
reasonable that that level of savings, or even a greater savings and reduction and
achievement could be realized. They said, Yes, all day long. I said, Well, then why
in the world are you trying to impress your customers with the technological
sophistication when they should be eager to save ten weeks, and maybe $50,000 every
time they had an application?
Theyd never done that. They had never allowed their customer to realize the
advantage financially - on labor, on productivity and on time that they were bringing to
bear. That one simple awareness communicated to the customer made these people $4
million extra in approximately 18 months; got them designated as Inc. Magazines one
of the fastest growing 500 companies; got a major, big six accounting firm to invest
millions of dollars in them; and got a group of investors to buy them out for a sevenfigure amount - just because they made that distinction.
In summary, let me ask you a question that you should ask yourself. Its this:
Are you limiting or restricting the amount of business and remember, business can be
defined as whatever achievement you as a self-recognized company want to accomplish
or produce. Are you limiting or restricting the amount of business your customer and
remember, your customer can be customer literally, it can be your employer, it can be
anyone in a relationship, or any combination.
Are you limiting or restricting the amount of business and the frequency of
business and the profitability of business your customer could be doing with and
from you because you dont communicate clearly and powerfully the advantage and the
significance of why its important to them?
If the answer is yes, all you have to do is change that one realization in your life.
In conducting your life as the head of your own business, incredible increases and
improvements and quantum leaps cant help but occur because people will seize the
advantages you now make clear and evident to them.
At the beginning of this session I asked you a question: Are you going to be a
non-profit organization or a paying proposition? Your involvement in this program
provides a clear answer.
As a profit center, your goal is to maximize your profit. Remember, there are
three ways to do that. First, increase your customer base. Second, increase the price or
size of each purchase, and third, increase the frequency of repeat business. Youll be able
to accomplish all three by communicating the value you offer to others in a compelling
way, and thats the focus of our next session: establishing your Unique Selling
Copyright 2006 The Abraham Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
A lot of people I meet in business (and equally so in life in general) seem to have
a difficult time initially identifying their own advantages, or their own benefits, or their
own special traits or gifts. Oftentimes they think they dont have any - and thats
absolutely not the case.
Each and every one of you possess unique, extraordinary, valuable and quite
profound special advantages, gifts and benefits that so many others will treasure, will
value, and will truly benefit from. All you have to do is identify them.
Theres a process that will get you clarity and awareness of your single, or
multiple advantages or uniquenesses very quickly. The first step is to embrace self
discovery. Start looking at yourself and your life, and asking yourself a number of
The first is, What am I good at? Not necessarily better than the people who are
expert, but better than a large number of other people I know or am aware of?
It can be anything. It can be your punctuality at getting somewhere. It can be
your organizational skills. It can be your helpfulness. It can be your discipline. It can be
your sense of humor. It can be your knowledge of sports. It can be your performance at
work. Start by identifying that, and making a list.
Next ask yourself, What is the overlooked or undervalued benefit that occurs
when I am able to exercise this advantage or this skill? And occurs means whats the
outcome? Whats the beneficial result that is produced for you, or for others for your
employer, or for people in relationships with you when you are able to consistently
utilize that advantage or gift?
Go through a whole matrix of asking yourself questions like that. Its easy.
Then you start honestly doing your own little focus group study process. Now, a
focus group is a marketing term that big consumer brands like Proctor and Gamble and
many, many of the food, soap, and pharmaceutical companies use to determine how other
people see their product - its positioning, its application, its unique advantage, if you will.
You can do the same thing, except do it more informally. Go up to people who
you know who see you either objectively or subjectively who are the beneficiaries
who are the observers who are the collaborators with you as you utilize this advantage
and this gift - and ask them what they think about you. How do they see your
contribution? Where do they see your strongest strength? Ask them not to be abstract,
but be very specific.
What is it about me that you think is the most advantageous? What do you think
Im best at? Who do you think benefits most from that? Keep asking them questions
like that, and ask them to honestly answer, specifically and clearly. Keep questioning
them in a Socratic way. A Socratic way is the way Socrates used to interview deeper,
deeper, deeper.
If they say, Well, youre really friendly, ask them, Well, whats the advantage
of that? And theyll say, Well, people who are shy, or people who dont meet a lot of
people are drawn to you and you open them up. Whats the advantage of that? Well,
people get more out of the experience. Whats the advantage of that? And you keep
asking them deeper and deeper, and you record their answers.
Pretty soon you begin to get a picture of the real implication, the real value, the
real significance of the result that you bring to other people in a measurable way, or that
you bring to other companies, or that you bring to your employer - by exercising your
unique advantage, or your special gift, or purpose.
The reason Im using the initials USP in this illustration (for Uniquely Special
Person) is that I want you draw a vivid, an indelible, and a permanent reference in your
mind that you revere, that you respect, that you acknowledge that you have special
distinctions, great benefit, and great advantage you bring to others.
And until and unless you understand, you acknowledge, you respect, and you
recognize on a continuing basis that advantage, that distinction, that contribution that you
can, do and will make to others on an ongoing basis you cannot begin to fully harvest
the power of your Secret Wealth, nor can you put its enormous magnitude to work for
Youre probably wondering how specifically you should and can educate people
to appreciate your advantage or your uniqueness. The answer is extremely so, but youve
got to do it with respect respect for them in the fact that just because they have not yet
recognized or valued your unique advantage or special gift bear in mind, neither did
you until you began this program. So its not incumbent on them to understand it. Its
incumbent on you to present and educate and communicate it.
You can do this through a gentle communication and sharing realizations. For
example, you can say things like this: You know, I just realized that Im able to help
other people appreciate humor more because I enjoy laughter, and my laughter seems to
be contagious. And that makes me happy. I hope that its a good trait that I give to you.
You can do it gently.
Or, if its in a business relationship you can be a little more firm. You can say to
your boss, You know, I spent this whole weekend analyzing the implications of the
study we just did, and what it could mean to the company if we act upon it. I dont think
anyone ever looked at it the way I did, because I studied this table, and that table, and I
put everything together and I realized that its going to probably not just save us three
or four hours a day. Those savings could mount up to $25,000 a week, and thats blank
a year - and thats double what the company makes.
you can use them as references to help others appreciate for themselves the power you
contribute to them.
Another question that you either are or should be asking yourself is this: What
happens if I dont have a USP? Well, why dont I use my business experience and tell
you what happens when businesses dont have a USP?
First of all, only by sheer luck do they stay in business. If you dont have really
powerful, meaningful, and easy to appreciate reasons why you add value and empower
the lives or the businesses of others - its only a matter of time before your usefulness in
their lives or in their business becomes obsolete.
Theres no law that says you have to have a Unique Selling Proposition, or that
you have to exercise and develop your uniquely special attributes or gifts. However, if
you dont its only a matter of time before your worth or your value to others will lessen
and diminish. And youll never get out of life anywhere close to the riches, and the
rewards, and the wealth life wants to give you.
How many of you have met or known people whooh, theyre OK, or theyre
nice, or theyre all right but theres nothing special? Theres no reason why you would
crave having them as a part of your lifehaving them do whatever they do, because you
know either intellectually or intuitively that they add little value or benefit to whatever it
is youre trying to do in your life, in your job, in your business, in your relationship.
Your goal is to escalate yourself from the position of being a generic commodity
thats just another OK to somebody that is so valuable, so distinctive, and so
unique And that is only going to be achievable by you developing and clearly
expressing your own unique selling advantage, or your own uniquely special gift.
Now youll remember you put together your personal asset list. I want you to
play with it, and I want you to arrange it and rearrange it in a manner that helps you better
establish and recognize what your singular or multiple USPs are one that helps you
identify what the resulting advantage or benefit is to others so that you can communicate
My recommendation is this: put together a number of different combinations.
Identify a number of different ways of communicating, or expressing, or illustrating, or
demonstrating it. And then try them out on a number of different people.
I assure you, however, if you express and communicate it with genuine concern, it
will be embraced and accepted very positively. It will be very impactful on others. Your
real opportunity is going to be in determining which expression, which presentation,
which communication of your USP produces the maximum result not just a good or a
positive result, because I would venture to say every expression will have a positive
Your goal, if youll remember, is to get the highest and best use of every action,
every opportunity, every effort. You want to settle on the USP or the USPs that produce
the maximum impact and the maximum residual value.
I have a philosophy. Its that people are silently begging to be led. By that I
mean they want you to intelligently, respectfully and with integrity help lead them to
more clear, a better, a more powerful understanding of all the activities, the impact, and
the advantages going on in their lives that they have not recognized.
Theres a radio station here in Southern California that has a bumper sticker that
says, Too Hip. Its a joke, but I actually think a lot of our society has become too hip.
We assume so much. We assume everyone understands the implication. We assume
everybody is clear, and absolutely perceives all the advantages, all the implications, and
all the nuances of what things are all about and what they mean to them, positively and
They dont know. Most people havent got a clue, and I submit that because they
dont know because theres this void they feel uncomfortable. They are not happy.
You can give happiness to others by helping them better understand and
appreciate, and connecting the dots of the vague and the unclear aspects of their life, the
voids. In other words, your purpose as a value creator, as a contributor, as somebody
focused externally is to help people fill the voids in their life. And one of the biggest
crevices in peoples lives is the lack of understanding and appreciating what something
means to them.
By your helping educate them, you are doing one of the most ennobling, one of
the most valuable, one of the most enriching services and in the process, delightfully,
you will be enriching yourself also.
There are five simple steps that I think you could start with that would be a real
good basis for you to create and communicate your public USP:
1) Let people know specifically who you are and what you have to offer by
denominating the advantages and the benefits. And the benefits are really critical. Id
like to go on a little bit of a tangent to point out something very fascinating. Its a
phenomenon that Ive observed in my business dealings, and I think it has a great
application here. Id like to share it with you.
When I meet and interview the hundreds and thousands of businesses I deal with
in the course of any given year, I perform a funny little exercise with them. I ask them to
explain the business theyre in to me. Theyll say, Im a retailer, or Im a wholesaler,
or Im a doctor, or Im a this, or Im a that.
And then Ill say, Well, what do you think your customers really see you as?
And they wont have the foggiest clue, except theyll repeat, Well, they see me as a
doctor, or a retailer, or a lawyer, or a whatever. And Ill say, Thats not true.
People see you as a result. People are not buying a doctor. Theyre buying relief.
Theyre buying a cure. People dont buy static, generic things. They buy results.
When you understand that simple distinction, you have an advantage over 1,000%
of the people you compete against, either for love, for money, for job, for security, or for
customers - because you are providing, selling and communicating a result. Very
important. Thats what you have to offer. That is number one.
2) Lead people in the direction youre traveling. Help make it easy. Provide
them with a path of understanding and education to follow. Dont delude yourself by
believing that they have nothing better to do than stop all the confusion and figure out,
Well, what is it that you do, and how does that benefit me? Believe me, if they are
forced to do that for themselves, its much easier for them not to, so theyll never
appreciate you - and youll be the loser, and so will they.
So make it easy. Give them a road map. Give them a stair step. Put a banister in.
Make it clear. Make it easy. Make it progressive. Make it educational. Make it
advantageous for them so they can make it advantageous for you.
3) Explain what make you better or differently for their advantages, not for
yours. In other words, they could care if youre a Rhodes Scholar. They could care if
youre 68. They could care if your company has great financial stability. They could
care if you can lift 587 pounds.
What they can and do care about is, what is the implication to them in their lives?
So focus your explanation on what is special about you to them, and in their lives, and
how it relates to the person with whom you are dealing, or who youre trying to impact.
4) Never, ever, ever, ever stop educating and informing others and yourself
about who you are, about what youre becoming, about the impact and
implication they have to them.
In business we have a saying: You either grow or you die. Theres no such thing
as constancy. Youre either progressing or youre regressing.
Thats never more important than in its implication to relationships. You either
progress and grow your relationship with people, or you regress. And when you regress,
somebody else takes over. Your goal in life has got to be to keep growing the
relationship with them while at the same time growing your relationship with yourself.
And that growth with your own relationship is only achieved by your extending outside
Remember, you enrich others by sharing your gifts, so you owe it to yourself and
others to create and communicate your USP. Lets recap the five steps for doing just
First, be specific about your personal advantages and benefits. Second, make it
easy for people to follow your lead. Third, explain how your advantages meet their
specific needs. Fourth, never stop educating others about your implication in their lives.
And fifth, know your audience.
Remember, I introduced you earlier to the theory of optimization, which is the
basis upon which I created the Secret Wealth Principle. Now were going to demonstrate
how to put that power to maximum and continual use for you getting people to buy you,
your ideas, and your product or service.
providing or fulfilling the health club service can be virtually zero - particularly if you go
to that health club during off hours, and all you do is use the facilities that are already
there. The only time a health club really incurs extra expense is if they have so many
members that they have to expand their facilities or their equipment.
So I went to a health club and pointed out to them that if I brought in thousands of
new members who would only use the facilities in the off hours when they were
absolutely empty, it wouldnt cost them anything but it would bring to them potentially
thousands of people who would be inclined, if they got used to using the facilities, to
rejoin at the end of that initial period and pay them a lot of money.
They found that appealing, and I persuaded them to let me buy from them in bulk
thousands and thousands of memberships that had a value of $100 apiece for 75 cents. I
took those memberships and went to the retail clothing store. I showed them how for 75
cents I had just given them a $100 value that they could offer their clients when they
bought $100 worth of clothes.
So we started a very simple process. The retailer offered anybody who bought
$100 worth of clothes a $100 membership in the health club. Thousands of people
bought. They paid 75 cents to get thousands of $100 sales that they never would have
had before. The health club got thousands and thousands of new members for virtually
nothing (as far as marketing costs) and in fact, got paid 75 cents instead of losing
money on the acquisition. At the end of six months, a very large portion of those people
renewed their membership and paid hundreds of dollars for another year directly to the
health club.
Whats the lesson? The lesson is youve got to ask yourself, What can I add to
my offer or my proposition that makes the value of my product or service so much more
appealing, or so much more valuable, or so much more desirous that in spite of any
other reticence a customer might have, theyre more compelled to buy from me than
Now Im going to teach you a series of proven money-making strategies that I
have used many, many, many, many times over the years to make large, quick and
continuous profits for customers and clients of all kinds. Many of these can be converted
and modified to help you achieve your own personal goals other than wealth building as
With your new Secret Wealth mindset youll find yourself open to a variety of
possibilities. Ill start off by explaining to you the three primary strategies I use when I
work with businesses, and then were going to evaluate how to modify them or adapt
them to all aspects of your life.
The three primary strategies are risk reversal, guarantees and referrals.
Lets talk about risk reversal and its application in a business context first,
because I think itll be so evident that youll easily see its implication to all aspects of
your life.
When any two parties come together to do business or conduct any mode of
commerce, one side is always asking the other side to assume more or all the risk in the
transaction than the other. To the extent you can reduce the risk for the other side in the
transaction, you have lowered and/or eliminated the barrier that restricts or keeps them
from doing business with you.
Now, there is a story, and Ill use it as an example here.
A man wanted to buy a pony for his ten-year-old daughter. There were two
ponies for sale in his city. He went to the first ponys owner and said hed like to buy the
pony. The man responded, Sure. Pay me for the pony. Take it home. If you dont like
it, bring it back in a day or two and Ill give you back your money. The gentleman who
wanted the pony for his daughter thought about it and thought, Well, thats not so bad.
But he went ahead and visited the other gentleman anyway.
The gentleman with the second pony responded very differently. He said the
following, My pony is kind, and gentle, and loving, and is extremely good with children
your daughters age. But of course I would say that - its my pony, and Im trying to sell
it. I would like to suggest the following: let me bring my pony to your home, put the
pony in your stable. Let me bring you a months supply of oats and hay. Let me send my
groom to your stable every day and make sure theres no mess. Allow your daughter to
ride the pony as if it were hers for the entire month.
At the end of a month Ill come to your home, and one of two things will occur.
Either the pony and your daughter will fall in love with each other, and youll see that
every word I have uttered is the truth and if thats the case, Ill ask you to pay me for
the pony or for whatever reason, the two of them will not get along, and I will gladly
take the pony back, clean out the stable for you with my people, and therell be no
obligation on your part whatsoever.
Which of the two do you think the man bought? Its axiomatic. He bought the
pony from the man that eliminated the element of risk. That simple realization can
empower you to a level of achievement and a level of wealth creation you cannot
Imagine, for example, going to a prospective employer. Imagine 200 other people
going for the interview, but you are the one person who says, I dont want to be paid
until Ive worked for you for three weeks, or two weeks, or a month. And until (and
then you denominate a very specific result or performance outcome they should expect.)
If I fail to do that, I wouldnt expect to be paid for my time, nor would I be expected to be
on the payroll, and Ill give you a written warrant to that effect.
Do you think maybe if you did this, you might have an inside edge on getting the
The same thing holds true in asking for a raise. What if you said, I want a raise,
but I want you to accrue it for six months. Until and unless I demonstrate tangibly that I
add to the company a multiple of ten times or more that amount in measurable
improvement, or savings, or profitability, or productivity I wont ask for the checks to
be paid to me. Do you think maybe theyd give you that?
Lets talk also about how this applies to building friendships and relationships. If
you can contribute unhedgingly to building a new relationship if you can give, if you
can serve, if you can contribute, but you dont ask or expect anything in return and its
clear youre doing it selflessly and without reciprocal expectation, you lower the
resistance. You get people to open up to you.
Im a big believer in risk reversal myself, as is evident by the way that many of
my clients are able to buy my programs. First of all, I dont want you to pay me unless
the program performs for you, and I mention it again and again, because its that
important to me.
In my professional activities where people pay me $3,000 an hour, I take away all
the risk of the transaction. I should probably explain to you how I do it, because its
pretty exciting and it may give you another illustration of the possibilities you can
incorporate into your own life situations.
When I conduct hourly consultations for $3,000, somebody sends me a check.
My normal manner of conduct is I do not deposit the check until after I have engaged in
the first 15 minutes of the transaction. At the end of 15 minutes, I will normally stop the
consultation and say, Mr. Client, if you have not already gotten at least $3,000 worth of
value, I am honor bound to return your money. Do you want it? Ive done that probably
500 times, and Ive given back two checks.
Now, let me allay a fear you might be gripped with, and reduce the clutches of
emotion that are tightening the nape of your neck. No, youre not going to lose
everything. No, the world isnt going to collapse.
First of all, in your world there is a risk reversal already being conducted. If you
dont perform for your employer, guess what? You dont keep your job, or you dont get
a raise. If you dont perform in your marriage (and Im talking predominantly from an
emotional level, but you could take any implication you want to this) you probably dont
stay in the marriage. If you dont perform as a business owner to your customer, you
probably dont keep the customer. If they are dissatisfied, they probably ask for their
money back and you refund it anyhow.
I advocate formalizing the risk reversal and making it a strong and a primary
condition of transacting business, or doing the transaction, or selling the product or
service. Thats the first point.
Number two if you are the slightest bit uncomfortable or concerned about the
value or the clear benefit of the result you, your product or service offers, you dont have
to initially make the switch over to that in every aspect of your life. You can try it out in
a very non-threatening, very low risk, very limited test environment. Try it one time.
If youre looking for a job, dont try it with every employer. Try it with one, and
if you stay on the job for ten days and then get fired, you ask, Whats wrong with this
picture? It could be that your promise is too big, or dont be offended the value of
your product is lower than your estimate. So you work on it, and then you stop and you
But the truth of the matter is this: if your product or service is of value, and you
focus on making that value clear and more advantageously known to others, the odds of
many people exercising their right of return for your risk reversal is very low.
I have implemented risk reversal programs with over 10,000 companies. It is rare
and yet, this is one of the most fundamental parts of Your Secret Wealth. Why?
Because almost no one is willing to step up to the plate and guarantee the performance of
themselves, or their product, or their company.
The person, the company, the employee that sees and seizes the opportunity of
taking the risk out of the transaction for others normally is the beneficiary of such
incredible wealth, and prosperity, and richness, and success I cannot even do justice to
putting words to the payoff.
All I ask you to do is have faith in me. Youve got 30 days to test this out. Put it
to a test. Try it in some aspect of your own life knowing the following: in the beginning,
because its so awkward and youre probably a bit apprehensive, you may not articulate
or execute it with absolute certainty and absolute confidence. You may have to try it a
number of times until you get it right. Thats why I recommend that for the first couple
of times, apply it in situations where, if youre rejected or if it doesnt work right, its not
going to be the end of the world.
I believe that the whole world is on a performance-based, guarantee-based,
operating basis whether they acknowledge it or not. Its pretty certain that you are
indirectly guaranteeing your performance when you purvey yourself in any form as a
commodity because if you dont, the question is, what are the terms of the guarantee?
I think thats something youve got to evaluate for yourself, but the higher the
level of guarantee (and corresponding risk reversal) you can offer others, normally, the
more success.
And he said, Well, much of my business comes from referring agencies social
services, hospitals, school systems and the like. (And he was not an inexpensive
psychiatrist. I think his services were $150 an hour.)
We evaluated the flaw in that kind of a situation, and the flaw is pretty much this:
the first time anyone seeking professional mental health services meets with a psychiatrist
or a psychologist, its a very awkward process. Most of these professionals transact their
services in increments of 45 minutes, or 55 minutes, or an hour. Its very rarely longer
than that.
This psychiatrist and I evaluated and determined that it was not uncommon that in
the first introductory session with a prospective patient, nothing of any consequence
occurred for half of the session because the patient was already depressed when they
came to him. They were distrusting. They were awkward. They were inhibited. They
werent open. Adding insult to injury, they were sitting there and becoming more
depressed by racking up $150 an hour.
I said, Lets just talk about this concept of risk reversal. What would make it
much more comforting for the patient or prospective patient to come to you, and even
much more comforting for the referral agency to be eager to refer qualified patients to
The suggestion that I gave him was very simple. I said, If I were you, what I
would do is Id approach every organization who had knowledge of and access to these
qualified people in need of services like yours and Id tell them the following: I would
say that you had evaluated the whole process and determined that there was something
wrong with the picture when somebody had to spend $150 an hour on the first hour just
to determine whether they could get help or not. It defeats the whole purpose. You dont
want to contribute to increasing their negativity or their despondency. You want to
contribute to their improved mental health.
So you have made a decision that you want to personally buy the first hour of
your time for anybody who might benefit from your services without any risk or
obligation to go forward. Your basis behind that is that in that hour, because the
prospective patient hadnt had to pay, they would be more open. They would lower their
skepticism, their resistance, and open up and talk more. You could determine whether
you were right for them and could help them, and whether they were right for you and
could be the kind of a qualified patient you could do the most good for and with.
No one had ever done that before. When he offered that and explained it the way
I suggested, all the referring mental health organizations opened up the spigots. He got
them to be discriminating and only refer people who were, indeed, qualified - but his
practice in an 18-month period grew from $500,000 to $2.5 million strictly from that
single device. It was that powerful. It really has application and implication in
everybodys lives.
When most people go to a dentist, the dentist is only too eager to have them as a
patient. Paddy Lund took a different approach. He used to be moderately successful, but
he was miserable. He had a very unhappy existence because half of his patients were
miserable people who didnt like dentists, didnt like him, didnt keep their
appointments That didnt work.
He made a conscious decision that if he was going to live and live happily, it had
to be because he was doing business with a quality of people patients, or clients, if you
will that respected him and the value he contributed to their lives, and people he
enjoyed as rich, dear, valued friends.
The first thing he did was he eliminated all the marginal or the unqualified or
unsuitable patients that he had accepted over the years. They were shocked.
Then he changed the whole strategy of his practice. He locked the front door and
put a sign out saying, By referral only. Im sorry if youve come to this practice for
normal dental assistance, we cannot render it to you unless and until you are referred by
an existing patient. However, if youve got an emergency, push the buzzer. Well try to
find you another dentist.
He took out the typical waiting room and front desk, and instead he created five
wonderful little salons, like booths in a restaurant. He got a part-time chef, and when any
new patient came to him he would sit down with them first and have a cup of tea. He
made it a point to invest himself to engage them as a friend and learn all about their life,
their family, their hopes, their dreams, their values those things that were important,
and far beyond the mere aspect of their mouth.
Then when he sat down with a new patient, he would very simply explain to them
the basis upon which he felt the two sides should be transacting this business. The first
thing he would tell them is he would help them frame exactly what they should expect
from him as their dentist, and that expectation was very specifically explained.
First, they should expect him to be timely and professional, and never render any
pain or discomfort. Second, when they had an appointment they should expect to get
into his office within two minutes of the allotted time unless there was a horrible
emergency, at which time he would pre-alert them. Third, they should expect him to deal
with them and their dental problems the same way he would an important member of his
own family with respect, with reverence for the outcome, for the quality and the
integrity of the mouth and the cosmetic attributes. Fourth, they should be so satisfied in
dealing with him that they should be eager and delighted to introduce him and his
services to their most valued friends.
Then he would stop, and he would tell them what he expected of them. What he
expected was very simple. If they made an appointment he expected them to keep it on
time. He expected them to be more than a patient, because they were more than a patient
to him. They were a dear and valued friend, or he didnt want to have a relationship. If
they didnt want someone to care about them far beyond the limitations of just their oral
health, he suggested they find a discompassionate dentist, and he would not be offended.
After he had rendered the service he expected them to pay the bill then and there. He
didnt want to be their banker. (I should point out that he has no receivables.)
Fourth and this is the brilliance of it. If he didnt perform as he promised, and
they didnt get satisfactory results, and they didnt see him demonstrate his ability to
provide them with a superior benefit, he didnt want to keep their money, and he would
give them a refund and politely relinquish them as a patient.
But if they recognized and appreciated the value, the contribution, and the unique
and self-serving benefit he brought to them, he expected them to immediately contact at
least two, and up to five of their valued friends, relatives, and coworkers, and refer them
to him and by referring, he didnt mean give him the names for him to call. He
meant he wanted them to go home, get on the phone and call them.
Now the interesting thing about this is that he works on a referral waiting list. He
put them on a list that he couldnt even accommodate for months, or for half a year. How
was he able to do that?
He was able to do that because he evolved to the point that he understood, and
redenominated, and recognized the extreme and profound value his unique approach to
dentistry rendered to his patient and he clearly and continuously communicated,
demonstrated, educated and informed them. He made his own rules, and it worked.
Now let me review and summarize what Ill call a four step system for gaining
and sustaining referrals, or networking. Its very simple.
Remind people of the value and the result of what your actions, efforts or
service has meant to them on a benefit basis.
Let them know that you feel that your greatest contribution is continuing
to do more of that, not expending your efforts in trying to do the
accessing, or the meeting, or the networking on your own because that
doesnt allow you to make the greatest contribution to others, because you
divert your time.
Demonstrate to others how and why its to their best interest, and selfserving advantage, responsibility and almost moral obligation if they have
within their lives friends, or customers, or clients, or associates of any
kind who should, would and could benefit from the contribution or the
value of the service you bring to introduce them to you - because their life
will be enhanced and enriched because of it.
Ask a favor that they will extend it. Show them how you will appreciate it
in the process, and how they will do themselves a service and frankly,
theyll feel better about it because theyll know that they enhanced, that
they benefited other people too the people youll touch yourself in the
People want to buy what you have to sell. Its your responsibility to make the
buying process as easy and rewarding as possible. Thats why the money-making
strategies in this section are so powerful. When you introduce risk reversal, guarantees
and referrals into your selling process, the barriers to buying are virtually eliminated. As
a result, you create a network of satisfied customers. Its this network thats the key to
ongoing success.
Copyright 2006 The Abraham Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Well, I thought that was quite fascinating, and it was something I certainly had
never engaged in talking before about in my life, so I was very interested. What resulted
was a 90-minute interrogation on my part of the man. I started asking him a battery of
progressive questions that seemed logical, obvious, and interesting to me.
First of all I wanted to know how he learned how to do that. Then I wanted to
know how they established their presence all over the world. Then I wanted to know
how in the world you met a third world health minister. Then I wanted to know what they
were like, whether their motives were noble or whether they were self-serving. I wanted
to know all kinds of things. I wanted to know what life was like in Germany, what it was
like for his children, what the cost of living was. I just kept asking questions, and one
question would take me deeper, and another would take me deeper.
Finally after about 90 minutes I realized that I hadnt slept for two days, and I
became very tired. I stood up and excused myself, and I started to leave the room
because I wanted to go to my hotel room and take a nap. He stopped me and said, Jay,
Ive got to tell you this. You are absolutely the most interesting man I have met in the
last five years.
That grabbed me. Well, first of all, all I told him about me was my name and that
I was in Australia to do a business seminar. I revealed not one other iota of relevant
information about myself, my skills, my purpose. But I was genuinely, passionately,
thoroughly, totally immersed in learning all I could about him, and going deeper and
broader, and deeper and broader, and deeper and broader.
In that instant I discovered, I think, the essence of power and leverage with
relationships in life, and its simply this: Most people have it all backwards. Theyre
struggling and striving to be interesting, when all you have to do is turn it around. If you
are interested in others, genuinely, you will endear yourself. You will stand out so
favorably and incomparably, and you will learn so much that will broaden your
understanding, and your mindset, and your knowledge - and your power.
I strongly urge everyone to recognize this fact, and instantly and immediately and
permanently from this point forward, change your attitude about engaging people in
relationships. Stop telling them how great you are. Start asking them about themselves,
and start listening to their answers, and start learning from them, not just patronizing
them. And with each answer, start going deeper and asking yourself, Thats so
fascinating. Whats the next step of depth, deep and wide, deep and wide?
If you practice this process of engaging people and being interested instead of
trying to be interesting for only a few weeks, you will not believe the transformation that
will occur in their view of you, in your confidence and knowledge, and in your power
from yourself. I urge you to adopt this philosophy.
I want to share with you right now a little secret that will help you determine the
solutions to almost all your personal, career and business challenges. It has to do with
this philosophy of optimization that I shared with you earlier, and I want to explain it
from a business analogy first, and then draw it to your real life.
Let me be far more specific. When we talk about something in business like,
How do you grow your customer base? many businesses only do it through having a
passive referral system. Certain customers and clients will occasionally or infrequently
refer others, and thats the only device they use.
But when you look at hundreds and hundreds of industries as I have, you learn
that here are a few other ways different industries have found to grow their customer
bases. Some of them guarantee the purchase or perform risk reversal, as we talked about
earlier. Some of them use newspaper advertising. Others use magazine advertising.
Others use radio and TV advertising. Some send letters in the mail. I can go on for hours
and hours with the different possibilities.
Whats the point? The point is that there are many, many options available to
you. So its not abstract, let me try to draw at least some connectivity right now for you.
I gave you a list of the possible ways you can grow your customers if youre a
business. Well, what does that mean to you if youre trying to grow your relationships?
It means you can start introducing yourself to people on a formalized basis. It means you
can start writing letters to people. It means you could start an ongoing process of
contacting old friends and organizations, and making new friends by telephone. It means
you can set up an ongoing process for yourself. You can host parties.
You can do so many effective and powerful things other than the one limiting
activity you probably have depended upon so far to get you where you are in your
relationship, in your job, in your business and by doing those things, two different
results occur.
You put together the combined power of geometric progression, which is what
gives you quantum leaps in enrichment, in wealth, in success. But you also learn so
much - and it makes you feel so good - because youve got knowledge. You grow. Its
an incredible transformation that comes about automatically, instantly, almost
When Im talking to business owners about the folly of building their enterprise
and having it founded and dependant on only one channel of revenue or activity, I use the
analogy that they have built their business like a diving board platform. The graphic
image of a diving board, to me, is one weak little leg upon which this long, wobbly board
is suspended.
The long, wobbly board, relative to a business, represents to me the whole
foundation of the business. The one single support represents the one single way they
have depended upon growing, sustaining, driving, and making that business operate in
this case, the one channel of marketing or of new customer generation.
I explain to them that a diving board, by its nature, is not a mechanism for going
up for very long. Its a device you use for going down. Consequently, I use the analogy
that if your business is built like a diving board, its only a matter of time before you dive
down and you are very exposed.
If you are dependent upon one process to build that business, you can saturate it,
you can easily have competition emulate it, you can have changes in society, economics,
regulation that can make it invalid, and you are compromised.
Now I want you to take the pencil and paper if youre at home or at your office
and draw on it, first of all, a diving board a little, short line with a horizontal, very long
board on the top. I want you to envision that, because it directly applies to your
relationship (or relationships.) It directly applies to your job and career. It directly
applies to your business, and it directly applies to every other aspect of your life in
general. If youre just supporting that aspect of your life with one way of seeing things,
or doing things, or one terribly self-limiting belief system, you are compromising your
ability to have so much more achievement, so much more wealth, and so much more
control of your life, it is scary.
So look at that drawing for a minute, and then ask yourself this question: Is this
me? And if the answer is yes, dont feel bad, but identify and acknowledge to yourself
what that basic one mode of operation is that I have been operating my relationship or
relationships, my job or career or my business by. Then at least you have a basis of
knowing where you can grow from.
Now, draw another picture on that paper - or if youve taken the whole paper, turn
it over and draw on the other side. Draw your version of the famous Greek Parthenon.
Youll remember its the building that has so many columns supporting it. You can have
seven columns. You can have eight columns. You can have ten columns. You can have
all the columns in life you want.
Think of those columns as pillars. Think of those pillars as opportunities to grow
and expand the richness of your life, your career, your business and your financial
You look at the diving board. You can see its very self-limiting. Youve got one
aspect. Youve got one access. Youve got one mechanism driving the entirety, and
youre totally dependent upon it.
If you look now at the Parthenon again, you see all the possibilities. So lets look
at how and what you might do in at least one illustrative situation to make that come
Lets presume were talking about developing relationships, and all youve got
right now are the relationships you have developed at work, and work is the pillar on the
diving board. How many other ways are there? There are an infinite number of ways.
First of all, you can get involved in people in your industry. Thats another pillar.
You can get involved with people in your neighborhood. Thats another pillar. You can
get involved with people who have similar hobbies or recreational interests as you do.
Thats another pillar. You can get involved with people who have similar philosophical
or political views as yours. Thats another pillar. Those are who.
Now, lets look at how, because its another series of pillars. You can do it by
contacting organizations and gaining membership or entrance. You can do it by asking
people at work to introduce you to other people who have similar interests to these other
categories youve identified. You can do it by writing people and inviting them to your
home for meetings or for discussions. You can do it by joining organizations.
You have so many different options that could come together to give you so much
more power and effectiveness and results but you cant accomplish anything until you
first recognize and identify all the options available, then organize them to decide which
ones are most impactful and appropriate and powerful for you, and then implement them.
Im now going to take another traditional, hard-core business example and use
that to demonstrate, and then to introduce and bridge a powerful facet of the relationships
I need you to understand.
When I have the chance to impact a business owner, the first thing I get them to
recognize the incredible value they have in their old customer relationships. Now, I dont
know what you know about business, but in order to build a customer or a client, most
business owners have to expend an enormous amount of effort. They might have knocked
on 100, or 200, or 1,000 doors to end up with 10 or 15 genuine customers.
After they have acquired these customers (presuming they produced a valuable
product or rendered a valuable service) they already have goodwill. They already have a
strong, a credible, an integrity-based relationship in place.
Most businesses, in fact, fail to recognize how much easier and economical it is to
sustain, reactivate and continue the relationship with an existing customer. Instead, most
businesses go outside once again, and try to keep building new ones and forget or
disacknowledge the enormous value and the incredible increased profitability that an old
customer has.
If you have 10,000 old customers, all you do is you send a letter, or you pick up
the phone and call them, or you go knock on their door and you get business enormous
business from them, just by asking.
The same realization should be true to you in your relationships. You have
invested massively in time, in emotion, in building these business, these personal, these
career relationships. You probably have allowed some incredible assets, some enormous
riches to lie dormant because you havent recognized how much value they hold for you.
My strongest recommendation to you is to reactivate those relationships. Spend
time contacting them, sustaining them, interacting with them, rekindling them. You owe
it to yourself to contact, sustain, and implement an ongoing process of calling, of
meeting, of contacting and interacting and talking to them of being interested, of
telling them what youre doing - because thats how opportunity presents and manifests
I want to use an analogy in automotive lingo to make the next point. You can pull
yourself to success, but youve got a lot more leverage if a number of people are behind
you pushing along the way.
How do you get people to push you to the higher levels you seek to achieve? Its
simple. You basically make certain that you invest your Secret Wealth in relationships
where other people have more to gain by helping or seeing you be successful at your
objective than not. Now, what does that mean?
It means that when people realize that your achieving your objective or your
purpose gives them a bigger or greater self-serving payoff, theyre going to move heaven
and earth to see to it that you get your outcome.
Now, thats very abstract. Let me try to be more specific so its evident.
When someone youre having or trying to have a relationship with realizes that
your purpose and your goal is to get them what they want, theyre going to move heaven
and earth to help you get your result, because your result is their result. When somebody
in the company that you work for realizes that your goal is to make them a hero with their
boss, or your goal is to make your boss or the owner more money, or save him or her
money, or make them a star - theyre going to move heaven and earth to see to it that you
get your desired outcome, because its theirs.
Does that make sense? It should, because all youve got to do is put yourself in a
position where youre working on relationships with people who have got more to gain
by seeing you successful than not. Let me use an example of where that didnt work in
my life so you can understand what Im talking about.
I had an assistant once. She was one of the nicest people I had ever met.
However, she didnt have as much to gain by me achieving my goals as I did. Why?
Because she was, frankly, independently well off financially, and she was bored, and she
just wanted a fun, enjoyable 8-to-5 experience that would keep her from shopping too
much, and keep her from doing things that were not enjoyable. But she didnt want to
extend herself past 5. She didnt want to do any of the things that I needed someone to
do to help grow me to a higher level.
After a short duration of involvement with me, she was replaced by somebody
else who frankly didnt have her sophistication, but had enormous desire to see me and
see my company succeed more, because that person realized that with my growth came
her growth; with my successes came more successes with her.
So youve got to recognize, the goal in life is to align, affiliate and position
yourself to where everybody youre developing relationships with has more to gain by
helping and seeing to it that you achieve your outcome - because they clearly understand
that your outcome is their benefit.
I want to share with you one of the absolutely most powerful, powerful, powerful
principles in my business activities, one that I am eager and anxious to share its
implications with you in your personal and in your career activities.
The concept is what I call host/beneficiary, and its one of the most
extraordinary and overlooked exercises in harvesting and commandeering infinite
leverage that you have available. Let me give you the business illustration first.
The idea stems from the fact that so often in business, business owners struggle
and expend enormous and ineffectual amounts of effort in going to an outside market
trying to introduce themselves and their product and service to people who dont know
them, dont trust them, who are uncertain about their performance. They spend a lot of
money initially getting customers.
However, there are so many other companies and businesses in the world who
have already gone through the years of effort, the enormous amounts of human capital
tens, or hundreds of thousands of dollars, or millions of dollars worth of advertising and
sales efforts, and follow through, and follow up that in a matter of a blink of an eye or a
heartbeat, they can go to their customers, and just by telling them that they respect and
trust my clients companies, get their customers to do business with my clients without
any of the time consumptive, diversionary and expensive time, money and capital
expenses necessary to get customers from the outside market.
Stated differently, why spend a lifetime trying to convince somebody to do
business with you if you can spend an instant and do it immediately by going to
somebody else whos already done that spent enormous effort and time when all they
have to do is use their affinity with that customer and direct them, and recommend, and
endorse them to you?
I call that the host/beneficiary. In this context, it applies directly to you. All
youve got to do is say, Who has already expended the enormous, the Herculean effort
of time, of money to develop the goodwill and the trust and the access to the kind of
people or situations that I want to access in my life? You can find an organization that
may have spent $10 million building goodwill, and by one phone call to them, you can
get the result without any of the effort or time. Thats pretty powerful leverage.
You can meet somebody whos worked for a number of companies and is highly
regarded who knows what organization would treasure and value you the most, and
give you the greatest environment for you to grow and develop instead of you having to
make a choice just out of chance, and make a mistake. Thats incredible leverage.
Lets talk about some of the rules, or at least the philosophy of doing the deal.
The deal is the transaction. The deal is the approach. The deal is the process that you
engage in to effect the outcome you seek.
First of all, youve always got to set up the situation so its better for the other
side perceptively than you. In other words, you want to figure out what will make them
the happiestwhat will give them the most comfortwhat will relieve them from the
most riskwhat will give them the greatest outcome. Because only by getting them
those objectives can you really get what you want.
Youve got to be sensitive to their objectives and needs. Youve got to realize
they may not know what their needs are, so youve got to go through this educational
process to help them get a crisper, clearer understanding of what they want. Youve got
to help them understand their own interpretive awareness of their own Secret Wealth so
that they can demand more of themselves because remember, for you to get what you
want, theyve got to want more of what they can get. That may sound a little confusing,
but its not.
It means that if people dont realize they are deserving and entitled to more
richness, more achievement, more security, more of everything in their life they arent
going to help you get you what you want, which is the same. So youve got to help
transfer some of this awareness to them, and youve got to take the time to educate. So
your point is also to be flexible.
Ive got to use a little story that taught this lesson to me. Ill go back 7,000 miles
across the Pacific to Australia once more and talk about what happened once (because I
go there about once every year or two) on a trip back.
My story starts on the runway, on the approach to our descent. By the way, this
was right when they first developed the 747 SSP 400, which were the long distance
versions that had the capacity to fly from Los Angeles to Sydney, Australia and back
This was the first time Id ever flown on this plane, and the pilot announced a
couple of things. The first thing he said is, Please dont be afraid when you watch the
plane go down the runway, because itll take almost to the entire end before itll gain
lift. Just as he said, we were moving, and rolling down the runway, and rolling down
the runway And Im sweating bullets because flying is not my favorite activity and
its not lifting off. But as he said, right before we almost careened into the fence, we did
lift off, and we made it into the wild blue yonder, and it was a very nice flight for the first
three or four hours.
And then, as we progressed, we encountered some very inclement weather. It
bounced the plane all the heck over the sky, and we were up, and we were down, and we
were sideways, and we were bouncing, and we were bouncing... I happened to have the
interesting fortune of being seated on the wing, but it gave me an interesting
philosophical vantage point.
Id sat by the engine many times, but Id never seen what there was to see. This
particular time, for whatever reason, I focused on that wing, and I saw something very
miraculous. I saw a wing that flexed something like 20 feet. It would move up, and it
would move down, and I thought, This is amazing. It was a little scary.
I was scared, but then I thought, Wow, how can it do that? Then I realized
something that was much more profound. It was, What would happen if it didnt do
that? What would happen is the first time we hit inclement weather that really stressed
out the wing it would probably snap, and the whole plane would careen to the ground
and we wouldnt be here.
It taught me a very interesting life lesson which ties directly to this concept of
how to do deals, how to negotiate, how to make the process or the transaction work. Its
that you have to be flexible. You cannot be rigid.
I know that may seem abstract, but it ties to so many different situations. Its a
very simple, easy process. All youve got to do is be empathic, considerate, respectful,
committed, and focused on seeing to it that the other side is more advantaged in their life
or their situation, and believe and care about that absolutely, totally and genuinely, and
everything will work itself out.
Im going to share with you now a discovery that I have made accidentally just
through observing - passively and actively - all kinds of different people, situations,
possibilities and scenarios in business, in relationships, in life. Its the discovery of what
specific actions and personality traits make it irresistible for people to be your friend or
become your most loyal and supportive business associate.
What Ive learned is that all you have to do is ask yourself this question: What is
it about others that attracts me and makes me want to spend time or do business with
them? And when you start looking at that question and identifying it, you learn that
normally its a very simple process. They are genuinely interested in me and my life and
business, not just on a limited, linear basis, but on what Ill call a holistic or a totalistic
basis. The more people have a total interest in the total or holistic being, the more people
are drawn to do business and have relationships with them.
registering the impact, starting the process of reflection and thinking and expanding upon
it That is only possible if you discover how to listen.
And its easy to listen. Im not going to give you some scientific process. All Im
going to do is tell you the way I do it. I have a picture in my mind of a valuable reward,
and every time I engage in discussion with somebody I flash that picture, because I
realize that contained in the gems of information theyre going to share with me, I will
discover new and valuable ways to improve my performance in either my dealings with
my customers, my dealings with my family, my dealings with my employees, my
dealings with other associates, friends and colleagues in my life.
Whenever I adopt that simple little process of seeing the rich reward before I
engage in the discussion, I always receive a productive and a valuable payoff from the
discussion. You will too, if you develop the process of listening attentively to discover
the valuable reward in every conversation.
Principle #2: Speak to people in their own language. Remember earlier we
talked about not talking down to people; that the best way to engage somebody is to
discover through questioning and respectfully asking them to explain to you the key
phrases, the key language, the references, the words and the phrases that are most usable
in their situation? Until and unless you understand what they are what they relate
tohow that relationship applies to their transacting whatever it is they transact in their
business, in their life, in their situation you cannot appreciate, you cannot communicate,
you cannot contribute.
The greatest gift you can give to yourself is to respect others enough to learn the
language they deal with in their life, that they communicate their thought process by, and
communicate with them in the same language.
Principle #3: Let people talk to you and tell you what they need. People are
only too happy to let you know their innermost needs and desires if you can make
yourself accessible to them, or make them accessible to you. Its a simple process.
One of the easiest and most wonderful ways to do that is to be vulnerable, be a
little self-effacing, and be honest. Instead of trying to be all-knowing and cocky, go to
people you deal with in your life, in your job, in your business, and share with them the
fact that youre not certain you fully understand what you can do best for them, or what
they really want, or what you contribute, or how they see you, or what they want from
you, or what you could do to be of more value. You think its such and such. You think
its this. You think its that. But youre not certain.
Ask them questions, and then close your mouth and listen to their answers, and if
their answers are clear, take them deeper. If theyre abstract, get them to clarify. Dont
patronize yourself or others by not listening and registering, because youve got to
remember, there is a profitable payoff in the answers you will get if you ask the right
In the beginning of this program I shared with you that the quality of your life and
the success you achieve will be in direct proportion to the quality, and the clarity, and the
depth of the questions you ask yourself and others, and the answers you receive back.
Its a very important point.
Principle #4: Be a solution provider. Thats another way of saying be a value
creator. Always focus on what you can do for someone, not what you cant do, or what
they can do for you.
I was vividly impacted by John Kennedy when he stated, Ask not what your
country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. Thats a great, great
reference mode for you to indelibly embed in your mind when trying to adopt the Secret
Wealth Principle.
Youve got to identify and always be focused on solving peoples problems.
Thats the foundation of innovation. You always need to ask yourself, How many
additional, or different, or expansive ways can I add value? Because adding value is
nothing more than solving a problem, oftentimes a problem people have never even
realized they have.
The more solutions you provide, the more invaluable you become, the more
enriched your life is, financially as well as personally.
Principle #5: Be externally focused, not self-absorbed. Always concern
yourself with other peoples needs.
Understand this about life: sadly but truly, people dont care about what you need.
Theyre consumed about themselves. If youre the one person who understands and
respects that in them, and addresses it, and provides for it theyre going to love you.
Theyre going to respect you. Theyre going to want you to be such a deep and a
continuous part of their life, because you will be unique. You will be distinctive. You
will be the only person that understands them. They will relate to you and respect you
at such a high level, you can only imagine it.
Once you change your focus from me to you, and from yourself to others,
your whole life changes. All kinds of opportunities open up. All kinds of possibilities
make themselves known.
Principle #6: Uncover emotions. Try to understand what emotions drive other
People do things for many different reasons. Very rarely do they do things purely
for financial or personal gain. There are so many underlying reasons, and they are
different for different people. If you learn to identify and speak to these emotions rather
than talking about yourself, or about your product, or about your own enterprise, or your
own interest, or your own desiresyou will gain great advantage in your pursuit of
happiness, success, wellbeing and prosperity.
Understand this: You must talk from now on about results. You must talk from
now on about benefits. You must look at what people want and people only want a few
things. They want love. They want happiness. They want distinction. They want
wealth. They want comfort. They want security. They want to be special, and they want
to be acknowledged.
There are a few other factors they want, but you have to only observe and
examine how they respond to different test communications you try with them to
determine what their highest and most important hot button is, and then deal with that by
discussing the result youre going to provide them by dealing with you, by hiring you, by
marrying you, by loving you, by buying from youthat will solve that problem, that will
fulfill that specific emotional need.
Principle #7: Dont take people for granted. Dont assume you can keep
relationships alive without attention. The greatest secret to growing and sustaining
relationships, and thus, growing and sustaining your own personal and financial success,
is to keep reinvesting in them.
Too many people believe that the moment they close a sale and that can mean
the moment somebody says theyll go out with you, or the moment somebody says they
will marry you, or the moment somebody says they will have children with you, or the
moment somebody says they will hire you, or the moment somebody buys from you the
first time you have that person, that customer, if you will, locked up and yours forever.
Thats not the case. It can be anything but that.
Dont delude yourself to think that while youre preoccupied with yourself and
not attending to them and extending yourself to render greater and continuous value and
service, and fulfilling their needs, and solving their problems, and giving them greater
value theyre sitting around waiting for you. If youre not doing that, and youre sitting
consumed with yourself, somebody else is attending to them, or theyre considering
somebody else, or some alternative besides you. Thats human nature. Its a fact of life.
Its the greatest opportunity you have, because no one else realizes it.
If you recognize it and act upon it proactively and continuouslyif you devise for
yourself an ongoing strategy that keeps adding value, keeps contributing, keeps
acknowledging, keeps solving problems, keeps communicating youre going to have
such a strong and growing relationship with everybody you want to have one with in your
life, your business, your job, your career, its unbelievable.
Principle #8: Be real. Be genuine. Reveal yourself. Share real stories. Share
emotional dimension about yourself. Dont just deal in the monodimensional context of
the transactional part of the relationship. By that I mean if youre dating someone, dont
be afraid to talk about issues that are deeper than just going to the movies, or just getting
a kiss, or just having a glass of wine. Talk about life. Talk about your hopes. Talk about
your dreams. Talk about your thoughts about family, and childhood, and marriage, or
If you work with people, talk about their lives. Reveal yourself. Tell them your
feelings, your hopes, your dreams. Share your philosophies. Make yourself more
If youre dealing with a customer, deal on a deeper level than just them buying
your widget or your gadget. Deal with them on a life issue. Tell them about life, your
thoughts about their family, your family, raising children, making money, growing a
business, preserving wealth, having fun, managing stress, staying healthy anything that
reveals what youre all about. And if you dont know what youre all about, discover it
because youre all about so many wonderful things you can share, and reveal, and
contribute to others. But it will never be possible until you decide its important to do so.
I think to make this point evidently clear to you, I should reveal myself first, so let
me do so. Let me tell you a little bit about myself and some of the things I do, and Ill
tell them with a metaphoric intent so that I can tell you about myself, but in the process
its illustrating to you a little story you can follow.
First of all, I love to learn. I love humanity. I love to discover the values, the way
all kinds of other people see life. Originally I loved it just because I was fascinated about
it, but I soon discovered that through that process, without preconceived outcome I got so
much information, and so many ideas, and so many new values that I could utilize in
aspects of my own life.
And so it became a lifes ambition not just the typical engaging people on
airplanes. I go to airports, and I pick up a conversation with the skycaps. I learn about
their life, about their family. Ill get them to take me home instead of a cab. Ill get a cab
driver to go out of his way for two or three hours off the clock, driving me around so he
and I can have a conversation on his life, how he became a cab driver, what his values
are, or her values, what about their family.
Once I met a Hells Angel who moonlighted as a cab driver, and we spent three
hours together off the clock, with him telling me all about what it was like to be a Hells
Angel, how he became one, taking me to the hideout, introducing me to his friends. It
was wonderful.
My wife actually taught me one of the greatest lessons. I tended to be very, very
shy, very, very to myself. She taught me how much passion there is within people if
youll only help them emancipate it. She taught me that everybody has something
valuable to share. She taught me that everybody has different takes, different focuses,
different understandings, different experiences with life, and if you can understand what
they are it helps you dramatically dimensionalize and expand and support your own basis
of understanding and action. It gives you so much advantage. So my wife is my beacon.
If youre having trouble getting started, let your wife, or your husband, or your
child, or your father, or your mother, or somebody you respect listen to this and be your
beacon for you to get you started, because once you start its contagious. It is impossible
not to enjoy interacting with others. It is impossible not to enjoy sharing intimacies about
your life, because it engages other people and compels them to share intimacies about
their life not embarrassing intimacies, but wonderful intimacies that show you the
dimension, show you the richness, show you the emotion, show you the hopes, the
dreams, the compassion, and all the wonderful gifts each person has to contribute to other
You will never discover this unless and until you first start practicing it. I really
hope you will do it. Its my fondest and most powerful hope and wish for you.
Id like you to ask yourself a question. Go back in time in your job, in your
business, in your life and ask yourself how many times have you ever had anyone come
up to you or engage you, and really share with you intimacies and dimension about their
life relative to something they were discussing with you.
In other words, how many times did you ever have an employer sit down with you
and really share with you what he or she did to start the company the struggles, the
anguish, what their vision for that company was, and how its turned out, and what
theyre trying to do with it now; the hopes, the dreams, the struggles that theyre
enduring, and how important it is that they are able to sustain it; and then tell you where
you fit in in that picture?
How often has anyone ever told you about their family, and then really, seriously
connected with you where you knew, when they asked you about yours, that it was
genuine, and they were listening, and they cared?
Didnt you feel wonderful? Didnt you feel extremely important? Didnt you feel
a higher level of attachment, and involvement, and connectivity to that person?
That same feeling is what you will give, and what you will get, every time you
allow yourself to reveal yourself and connect with people on a real, deep, emotional and
humanistic level. Its very, very powerful.
The more you understand about people, the more effective youll be. Thats why
the time you invest in establishing, sustaining and reactivating relationships is truly an
investment in your future.
Next, youll learn how to make the investment grow exponentially by creating
innovation and adding value. As youll soon discover, there is a very simple, low-risk
way to get everything you can out of everything youve got.
Copyright 2006 The Abraham Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Boarding commences. To make a long story short, we get to the first seat we had
assigned. It was on a bulkhead. We had one seat. It was the outside of the bulkhead, and
the flight attendant, because it was so hectic and frenetic, was extremely rude to my wife
when she asked if it was possible that they could seat her with one of our children. She
said, Im sorry, theres no guarantees. This is a terribly overfilled flight. Its frenetic.
My wife was very, very firm, but very, very respectful. There was a man sitting
next to our seat, and the stewardess asked him if he would be willing to exchange for one
of our seats so that we could sit with one of our children. My wife wanted to sit with the
baby. He said, No. I paid for this seat. I reserved the seat months and months ago. Im
not going to relinquish it.
I was very upset because this is when I tended to become extremely ballisticminded, and I found myself getting redder and redder, and my blood pressure rising
higher and higher, and my emotional state getting more and more intense. But there was
something wrong, because the angrier I became the more my wife smiled. I didnt get
it. What did she know that was good about the situation that I was basically overreacting
to and was furious about?
Well, let me tell you. She looked at the man who was unwilling to relinquish his
seat and she said, Are you sure you wouldnt consider exchanging seats with us? And
he looked at her firmly and said, Absolutely not. She smiled even more. Then she bent
down, took the baby car seat, strapped it into the chair, stuck the baby in the car seat,
belted him in, and then she looked at the man who refused to relinquish his seat and she
said, Sir, if he starts to cry a little bit give him this. And she handed the man his bottle.
If he cries a lot, you might try this. And she gave him a diaper and diaper wipes and
she walked away.
Now, whats the point of this story? First, I told you earlier in the program that
you make the rules you live by. Second, being willing to test different responses than the
normal ones you might be inclined to use, because of habit or because of cultural
hypnosis, and watching to see the different, the more productive or positive or desirable
outcome they produce.
Testing is the most powerful and meaningful and overlooked and underutilized
advantage youve got available to you in pursuing and applying and harvesting your own
Secret Wealth.
I am very privileged. Early in my life I was introduced to some very analytical
minded scientists. They taught me the philosophy of testing. They showed me that one
approach to something might produce a massively different outcome. Let me explain an
example from a good friend of mine to show you the power.
Tony Robbins is a friend and a colleague of mine. I introduced and explained to
him a few months back the concept of the three ways to grow a business, and the testing,
and the different possibilities that I use in business, and showed him all kinds of
applications it had in interpersonal life. He took it to an even neater application.
A few months ago he was called in to do some consulting with the Los Angeles
Kings hockey team. He took the concept to a different application. Instead of three ways
to grow a business, he identified the finite number of ways you improve the performance
of a hockey team, and he reduced it down to the ten or twelve most important. I dont
know hockey, but I think it was scoring, and defense, and offense, and power plays, and
whatever the opposite of power plays are, and seven other key components.
Then he value ranked the performance of the team at that particular point in time
from one to ten. Then he had the team themselves come up with solutions and
possibilities for different options, different ways, different approaches they might make
each category somewhat to very much more effective or productive.
For example, if you did this strategy, maybe you could make your defense 10%,
or 15% more effective. He went through an incredible listing of all the different options
they might try. Then in the subsequent game they went out and they tried different
combinations they had listed, and when one worked they kept it in. When one didnt
work any better, or worked less effectively than what they were doing, they went back to
what they had been doing and tried another one until they found something superior.
The result? In that one game they were able to score over six goals, which was
unbelievable just by understanding the power of this geometric progression and the
power of testing.
It applies directly to your life too. Youve got all kinds of situations. From this
point forward youve got to say to yourself, How many different ways could I respond,
or could I communicate, or could I approach the situation? And then youve got to try
different possibilities, and youve got to gauge what the outcome was, what the result
was, what you get out of it. One approach will always outproduce another by a little, or
by a lot.
Your obligation to yourself, your challenge, your goal, is to find those
approaches, those techniques, those strategies in each aspect of your life and your
relationships that produce the optimum benefit, the optimum outcome, the optimum
result and performance for you, and those are the ones you should use to replace the ones
youve been using.
I think its appropriate now to go back to my illustrative basis of what weve done
with a technique or a concept in business, and bring it back home tangibly for you. So
lets talk about testing.
When I work with business owners I teach them the following: by understanding
and utilizing testing you become the absolute optimum business owner, and marketer,
and advertiser, and selling company in your marketplace. Why? Because you question,
and you examine, and you try, and you compare, and you test all kinds of different ways
of saying something, of advertising something, of pricing something, of guaranteeing
something. And you find by trying different possibilities that one always outproduces the
other by a big margin. So you end up getting the best yield you can from every activity
you engage in.
Parenthetically, my goal for you is for you to get everything you can out of
everything youve got and everything you do.
Now, lets talk about what testing has meant to business owners. Very early in
this program I talked to you about the fact that it takes you the same effort, the same
emotion, the same hours, the same money (if you spend money) to do anything that
produces X as it would if you got 2-, or 3-, or 5-, or 10X yield out of it. The difference in
the yield is the difference in the strategy you use, not the time or the effort or the emotion
you invest.
In business we use testing to tell us all kinds of things. Ill give you the basic way
we do it so youll get a familiarity. Itll be fun for you if you dont know about business.
Itll be very valuable if youre in business. Itll be interesting either way.
When you run advertising, the most powerful element you can change to alter
massively the upside effect of an ad is the headline. Most people who run ads dont even
use headlines, but the headline is in fact the ad for the ad. It is the opening statement. It
is the cluster of words that does more to determine how many people will read the ad and
respond to it, and how the ad positions your company, or your product, or your service, or
your offer.
By changing only the headline and nothing else, you can improve the
performance of that ad by as much as 21 times, which is 2100%. Stated differently, the
same ad somebody runs full page in a newspaper on Sunday could produce 21 times
more response, more customers, more prospects, more business, more profit just by
changing the headline.
With that said, I go out of my way to get every client of mine and everybody who
comes to my training programs to test their headlines all the time. Ill give you an
example of what one test did for a client of mine a few years ago.
I was involved in the precious metals business. I had a client who sold gold and
silver. They ran ads in The Wall Street Journal offering potential customers and
investors the chance to buy gold and silver on a basis where a bank would finance a large
part of the purchase. They ran ads that had the following headline:
Two Thirds Bank Financing On Silver And Gold.
When that client ran those ads, they were satisfactory enough in the result they
produced that the client made enough money to pay for the ad. The sales made enough
money to make an adequate living and a commission. There was enough money left over
to pay the overhead and have money to run the ad again.
But I asked them a simple question. I said, Have you ever examined other and
better and more graphically illustrative ways of stating that headline? In other words,
have you ever tried to address whats in it for the customer? Because when you make a
statement that says, Two Thirds Bank Financing thats just a declarative statement.
That doesnt really go very far to demonstrate and illustrate and prove what the value, or
the benefit, or the advantage is to the customer for taking action. They said, No, we
never have.
So I sat down and I tried three different headlines that I wrote out. It took me
about five minutes. They tried them in three different ads the next month. One headline
outproduced the other headlines by five times. Stated differently, the old ad that used to
produce $50,000 in sales every time it was run started producing $250,000 in sales from
the same $5,000 investment.
What did I do to change it? All I did was denominate and explain the result and
the advantage that would accrue to the customer more clearly, better, and in a more
exciting way. Remember, this ad was running adequately with the headline, Two Thirds
Bank Financing On Silver And Gold.
Gold was selling back then for $300 an ounce. Silver was selling for
approximately $6 an ounce. I changed the headline to say this: If gold is selling for
$300 an ounce, send us just $100 an ounce, and well buy you all the gold you want. I
did the same for silver. If silver is selling for $6 an ounce, send us just $2 an ounce, and
well buy you all the silver you want.
That simple repositioning, that simple illustration of what was in it for the reader in their pocket, advantageously, self-servingly - changed the entire pulling power of that
ad from bringing in $50,000 every time it ran to $250,000.
You have within your life the very same power. All you have to do is test all
kinds of different approaches. When Im looking at the factors to test in business I look
on a descending basis as follows:
The first thing I test and try out is the headline. Now, the headline is not just the
opening statement in a print ad. Its the first paragraph that appears in a letter. Its the
first words that are uttered when somebody starts a selling proposition or presentation.
Its the first words that are uttered when somebody walks into somebodys retail store, or
somebodys company. Its the first words that are uttered when somebody calls
somebody on the phone to get an appointment, to introduce them, to sell them something.
What does the headline (or its equivalent) mean to your life, to your job, to your
business? Well, its probably the first words you utter when youre trying to make a case,
or sell your point of view to a friend, to an employer, to a customer.
The next element that I will test in a business application is the proposition, or the
concept upon which a business is basing their proposition of offering their service or their
product to the customer.
What does this mean to you? Well, it means you might want to question or
examine the whole basis upon which youre presenting or offering yourself in a
relationship, because you may be failing to recognize the key element, which is whats
the value in it for others? Whats in it for the other side?
Keep in mind, normally the closer you can get (and this is what we found from
testing hundreds of thousands of possibilities and different ways of doing things) the
more, and the closer, and the clearer you get in your focus on your purpose, or on the
basis of offering your product or service to the fact that the customer in this case, others
youre dealing with in whatever relationships were talking about business, job, or life
they want to know whats it going to do to improve the quality, or the profitability, or the
security of my blank life, situation, business, performance. All youve got to do is
keep your eye focused on that.
The next thing I test is how well or how many different ways they go about
relieving or eliminating the risk for the other side to take action. If you dont relieve the
risk from the other side, you limit your successes. You limit your effectiveness. If you
have currently no risk reversal, the mere fact that you add it and integrate it into the way
you communicate your offer and keep in mind, it doesnt matter what the application.
You are a business. Someone is your customer.
The way you express and communicate your offer just by adding risk reversal to
it, tests have proven it will normally go through the roof. It will increase the
effectiveness, and the success, and the profitability defined as being whatever profit
means to you.
The next thing I test is the ability of the company to clearly express the benefits to
their customer. I talked about this earlier on a different tape, but lets review it again.
How many ways, and how effective are the ways you are currently, or you could be
currently helping your customer, whoever he or she may be. How many ways can you,
do you help them see the benefits in their behalf of doing what you want them to do?
The more, and the more clearly, and the more powerfully you can help
dimensionalize the advantage and the benefit to them and you do it by showing benefits
many different ways the more effective, the more successful, the more profitable youll
be in your endeavors.
Finally, we analyze and test different ways to get people to take action. And by
the way, in different applications there are different ways to be most effective.
Performing in life at your optimum level is going to be different for each individual who
listens to this tape. You might find that the way you lead people to action is more direct.
Someone else might find because of the application that they use this for, theyve got to
be more gentle. They might have to be more indirect, and let the other side make the
final conclusion.
There is no right or wrong in the process of using and mastering your Secret
Wealth. There only is the fact that you need to test all kinds of different propositions, all
kinds of different approaches until you find that approach, or that combination of
approaches that produces for you a far superior result than the one youre getting right
If you seek to optimize your effectiveness, your performance and your
profitability, you do not have the right to decide what your customer wants. You do not
have the right to decide what they are going to respond best to. You have, instead, the
obligation to ask them by posing to them different test possibilities, and evaluating and
measuring which approaches produce the greatest response. Its so easy its shameful if
you dont do it.
Now, for those impatient listeners among you, let me give you another point of
clarity. When I explain the concept of testing from business, and then I translate it to life
and to jobs, and back to business and relationships, a lot of people initially have a knee
jerk reaction. Their first response is, Well, Im in a hurry. I dont have a lot of time or a
lot of money, and I dont know why I would want to test.
Well, let me give you an answer that stems from a lot of work I did with the
people who were behind the discoveries of management genius, W. Edwards Deming.
This is the man whose discoveries and philosophies allowed the Japanese to, in a very
short period of years, escalate their success levels hands above this countrys, just
because they understood and they applied the simple rules youre about to discover.
What Dr. Deming discovered was simply this: He was the man who identified
and articulate the concept of the law of optimization. He said, With every aspect of a
business is a process, and as a process it can be identified. It can be measured. It can be
If you have a goal of improving your profit, your performance, your success, your
effectiveness, your richness of relationship, you cant do it by hoping and wishing. All
you have to do is identify the various processes you currently use to do whatever it is you
do, or to accomplish whatever it is you accomplish; break it down to the simplest
identifiable level; and then work on improving each facet. It is so simple.
In your job you might have seven areas of performance. One may be your
technical performance. One may be your interpersonal performance. One may be your
extending yourself above and beyond the call of duty. One may be your ability to mentor
and teach other people. One may be your leadership performance and on and on. Im
just using an example in your job.
You might find that youre great in one, but you could be greater. You might find
that youre mediocre in another, but you could be great. You might find that youre
absolutely lousy in another, but you could be at least mediocre.
By going from lousy to mediocre in one category, from great to greater, and from
good to great, you could increase your overall performance, effectiveness and
profitability by tens or hundreds of percent.
What Dr. Deming taught people was how to optimize every aspect of their
situation. Its very simple. The first thing you do is you identify what the processes are
in your life, in your job, in your business. Then you measure how those processes
currently perform.
Theres one other little trick in this, and that is it is rare that performance is
constant. Sometimes your performance may be great. Sometimes your performance may
be less than great. You should graph both of them as best you can and identify them,
because your goal in life is so simple: its to get this variance this difference between
being great or being mediocre from time to time in a certain process you want to lower
the variance to non-existent. You want to bring that to where youre constant. And when
youre constant, that becomes what you call your baseline where youre at right now.
All you have to do to massively grow, to massively improve, to massively
increase your profitability is first of all, identify your processes; second of all, eliminate
variance; third of all, work on ways to improve each process and grow above the baseline
youve been at in the past. Its so simple, its amazing nobody does it.
It is easy to continually identify, evaluate, measure and improve, because once
you get to a certain level of improvement because now youre testing; now youre
examining; now youre questioning all you do is you ask yourself, Well, what other
ways could I improve? And if you dont have any answers, you go outside yourself and
you say, What other ways are other people, or other companies, or other individuals
performing this better, or improving upon this?
Its a very simple and exciting process that will easily work for you.
In business I teach people how to track and measure their results. I encourage you
to do the very same.
We talked just a minute ago about this concept of baseline. Let me give you an
easier reference. I used Demings actual terminology originally because I want to give
credit where credit is due. Let me give you my terminology.
You identify what you are doing today, this moment, in every aspect you can
segregate, identify and measure. That becomes your control. Each process you identify
the level of performance youre at becomes your control level. You measure that. You
document that, and on a constant basis, you keep remeasuring as you add improvements,
as you test better approaches. And when you get better approaches that perform better,
they replace whatever you were doing before.
Its a simple process of stair-stepping with testing, substituting, improving and
just doing it constantly.
Look at it in navigational terms. You need to figure out where you are today,
where youre going, and then you just have to figure the most effective trajectory to get
you to your outcome. But most people dont have the slightest idea of where theyre at
right now much less where theyre going and if they have an idea of where theyre at
(which is very, very rare) where they think they want to go may be so much lower than
theyre capable of achieving because they have self limited.
By eliminating any ceiling on your own performance, it becomes easy to
accomplish anything you want.
I want to give you some guidelines to help you practice innovation on an ongoing
basis. In order to do that youve got to understand, recognize and respect the fact that
every great discovery, every great achievement, every great accomplishment that life, that
business, that science, that the arts have every known was only made possible as a direct
result of some human being practicing innovation. It was only possible by somebody
questioning whether there was a better answer, whether there was a better approach,
whether greater benefit could be produced, or brought, or delivered to somebody or
something in a better way.
Let me try to be very specific about the easiest ways to innovate. Its to create for
yourself a simple either written or mental template or matrix or list, if you will, of
questions you ask yourself daily. They can be written. They can be oral. They can be
privately asked silently to yourself. The questions might be as follows:
What is it about whats transpiring that could be made more effective? What is it
about what Im doing now that I could be doing better, more successfully, more
profitably? What is it about what Im doing right now that could bring greater benefit or
value to the other side? What is it about what Im engaged in right now that the other
side is looking to get a benefit from? What is it that someone is looking to receive from
the effort I am expending? In essence, you ask a lot of What ifs.
Another trick to develop your ability to continuously innovate is, first, go back
through everything youve learned in your relationship, job, business, and ask yourself,
How many different ways could I do that now? And then ask yourself the next
question: How many better ways could I do that now? Then ask yourself another
question: How many more effective ways could I do that now that would bring greater
benefit to my customer, my employer, my supervisor, my etc.?
Then I want you to look outside. The greatest innovations that I have studied
have come from people who made it their business to observe and study ways people
outside of their industry, or their field, or their life had conducted their life, or their
business, or their job.
Ive discussed two or three times in this program the importance of going outside
your situation; the importance of traveling outside your comfort zone. The importance of
doing this is that it is the foundational basis that stimulates more innovation than any
other factor I have been privileged to study.
The question thats posed to me most often when I discuss innovation is, Can
anyone be an innovator? Everyone is an innovator. They just dont recognize it.
Sometime in your life, you see combinations, and you come up with new ideas. All
innovation is is coming up with new ideas and applying them.
Most of us are afraid to apply them. If youre not afraidif instead of fear, you
replace that feeling with a sense of curiosity, of discovery, of adventure in the way you
look at combining new possibilities
By the way, I didnt say this one thing in testing, and I should say it now. The
wonderful thing about testing is that the downside risk is so low as to be insignificant.
Most people want definitiveness and life doesnt always give you definitiveness.
Sometimes life gives you indicativeness.
If you see something that looks like it indicates that something is more successful,
or more responsive, or produces a positive or a greater result than what you were doing,
you owe it to your Secret Wealthyou owe it to everything you believe in and
everything youre on this earth to accomplish to take it to the next level, and try it a little
deeper, and revalidate it, and retest it. Its that simple. Its that easy. Its that powerful.
Innovation is an ongoing process, because what works today may not work
tomorrow. Thats why its so important to ask yourself these key questions every day:
What am I doing now that I could be doing better? How can I bring greater
benefit to others? What do people hope to receive from my effort? How can I use what
Ive learned to increase my value?
The answers to these questions will keep you on the path toward innovation, and
they will enable you to develop and sustain your integrity, which is our focus in Session
I had an employee a few years ago actually, it was a joint venture partner in an
activity. He was a nice enough man, and he presented himself to me as being this person
who wanted very much to work on a project, and he would do anything, and he really and
truly was going to extend himself. It sounded good, so I said, OK, Ill work with you,
and we did.
It ended up that I had to do more of the work than we had originally agreed upon,
and his financial needs were much higher than he originally presented himself to need.
So what happened was even though the project we were on made about $20,000 a month,
I gave all of it to him for a duration that seemed much longer than it was supposed to be
because he needed it for his bills, etc.
After awhile I got tired of basically doing this because he never offered to me any
kind of an arrangement to give back to me or pay back the money that was mine, that I
leant to him, and I thought that was very interesting. Finally after doing two or three
projects, and realizing that the only projects that ever came to life were the ones that I
basically took charge of, I decided, while fully understanding his weaknesses and his
sincerity that I didnt want to do business with him again.
As our working relationship was coming to a close, unbeknownst to me, this
person that I had befriended, and that I had supported, and that I had contributed to
started cutting corners in the way he conducted his activities to the people we were
working with. He did a number of things that ended up being very problematic for me,
and cost me dearly in time, in emotion and in financial expense to correct and extricate
myself from, and in the process, he left, and he left very abruptly. He left without telling
me that hed created a situation. He left without worrying about how the situation might
be repaired.
I didnt get mad. I never do. I just basically observed the fact that this persons
actions were not true or consistent with the way he presented himself to be in the
beginning. I went about what I always do, bringing respectful and positive closure to the
transaction and to the relationship, because I believe you always should do that.
Well, it was interesting. In the process after he left, I desperately needed to get in
contact with him to get some clarification on a number of issues he left me in the lurch
on. I left calls for him and he didnt return them. I wrote notes to him, and I did
everything humanly possible asking only that he give me answers. I didnt ask for
money, even though he owed me about $40,000. I didnt ask him for his physical effort,
even though he got me into it. All I asked him to do was respond to my request for
clarification so I could help straighten out some problems he had, hopefully
unintentionally, but nevertheless directly caused, that had fallen on my shoulders to
He never returned my call. He never extended himself. I settled and solved the
problem, but not without enormous difficulty, expense and embarrassment.
A few weeks later, out of the clear blue I get a call from this person who was in
very bad financial trouble, and he wanted me to help him out. He wanted me to give him
more money. As a courtesy to him I did not say no, but I also did not say yes. What I did
was I said, If you want to come in Ill explain to you face to face why Im not going to
give you the money you want, and it has nothing to do with your plight. It has everything
to do with the fact that you did not conduct yourself with integrity and respect for me.
The lesson to the story? Youve got to respect yourself, and youve got to respect
others. Youve got to recognize that life is pretty amazing in how interconnected and
interlocking it really is long term.
For this moment you may not see a meaningful reason why somebody or
something will have any more value to you tomorrow, but believe me, from experience
from enormous and painful first hand experience, it will happen.
I have a simple philosophy. People think Im crazy. When I sell a house to
somebody I go out of my way to make the house perfect. If anything goes wrong with it
in the first six months after somebody buys it, I go out of my way to pay to fix it. Many
people I know tell me Im crazy, but you know what? When I run into the people I sold
that house to at the grocery or at the shopping mall, they are eager to engage me in
positive and delightful discussion. They dont walk away from me. I dont walk away
from them. I respect myself too much to do that.
The whole essence of integrity in your life has to do with how much respect you
have for yourself, and how much respect you have for others, and how much you want to
live your life without worries, and without fears. Its a very key function of bringing to
bear your Secret Wealth, and its a very powerful change in attitude that once you adopt
it you will never be the same again. You will not believe the different way people will
treat you. You will not believe the different way you will treat other people.
The keys to having a good reputation deal with a couple of issues:
1) Same thing we talked about earlier in this program recognizing the other
sides expectation, and acknowledging and fulfilling on any promise you possibly
2) Developing an attitude of promising less and performing more.
3) Always following up on everything you do to make sure not only that it was
done the way you wanted it to be done, but that the way you wanted it to be
done was in fact the way the person you did it for thought it was going to be.
Its very important, because there can easily be communication breakdown.
When there is a misunderstanding, when there is an error, when there is a
problem, when there is any strife or disagreement, use that as an opportunity
to establish greater impact on others instead of getting upset.
Reputation is nothing more than a mirror of how true you are to your word, how
sensitive you are to others needs, and the value society has for your contribution.
Youre not playing the game of life for the moment. Youre playing the game of life
forever. Multiply whatever one transaction can possibly be worth to you, whether its
one kiss, or one paycheck, or one customer, times an infinite number, because thats what
you get when you have integrity, and when youve got a great reputation, and when
youre true to yourself, and when you respect others. Its that powerful.
You have all the control in your life that you want to exercise. You can design
the life you want and the quality of people you want to have relationships with. The
moment you respect and revere yourself, you will realize that you only deserve to interact
with people who share the vision, who share the values, and who share the beliefs that
you now share.
So, what you have every right to do is decide for yourself who you want to work
with, who you want to have relationships with, who you want to deal with.
I have an enormous number of clients in my business practice who have decided
after learning this concept of Secret Wealth and applying it to their business lives that
they didnt want to work with half their customers, because they analyzed that 20% of
their customers gave them 80% of their joy and their prosperity, and 80% gave them
100% of their grief, and they decided they didnt want to work anymore with those 80%,
and they politely and respectfully stopped working for or with employers that didnt
respect them. Realtors left associations with brokers who werent in harmony with their
views. Salespeople went to work for companies who started respecting their clients and
their customers more.
You have every right and the expectation to do the same in your life. So if you
start dealing with people and they do not perform the way you want them to perform, first
and foremost I would contact them directly - preferably in person, but if not, on the phone
and I would engage them in a discussion.
Id say something to the effect of, You know, I really dont understand. We
entered into such and such transaction. (It can be a life transaction I went to work for
you, or you went to work for me. You became my customer, I became your customer
whatever the basis is.) and when that happened it was implied or explicit that certain
considerations would be given to one another. We both would perform certain
responsibilities. We both would contribute certain things to one another.
You discuss what the basis of the arrangement you entered into with them was
based upon, and if somethings awry you identify it. You say, Maybe Im not
understanding the situation right, but from my point of view, thats not whats
happening. And then you approach it and stop, and ask them politely not with anger,
not with contempt, but with genuine concern and sadness, because you respect the
situation too much. Ask them, seriously, Have I failed you? Because I must have for
this to have happened. What did I do wrong? Put the onus on them, because that will
gauge immediately for you whether or not they are men or women or organizations of
integrity. Its a very simple process.
The thing not to do is go ballistic. The thing not to do is jump to conclusions.
The thing not to do is not give them the benefit of the doubt, but do it intelligently, and
do it strategically.
Keep in mind, one of the most wonderful, wonderful, wonderful byproducts of
discovering your own Secret Wealth is you get this opportunity to teach others how to
contribute, to teach others how to have integrity. You get to do all of these things while
doing it for yourself. And the byproduct is the more you achieve it through and for
others, the more richness is bestowed on you. Its a wonderful, wonderful phenomenon.
An epilogue on the subject of integrity, reputation, and quality its too nebulous
if its not defined. You must for your own sake use that same pencil, and that same pad,
and make a defined list of what integrity means to you.
Until and unless you know what the picture of your integrity, or your reputation is
supposed to look like, you cant possibly evolve to that point. Remember I said earlier
that you cant get to where youre going until you first know where youre at, and then
where exactly the destination youre searching for is located.
People never get successful who say, I want to be successful. People always
get successful who have a clear and vivid picture of what theyre trying to get to
specifically. If they say, I want to be successful, they never are. If they say, I want to
make a million dollars, and that means Ive got to call on 17 people a day, and Ive got to
sell three of them, and each ones got to buy ten times for $50 apiece, and theyve got to
keep buying for 20 years, they have a plan. Theyve worked backwards, step by step by
step to get there. Thats all it takes in all aspects of using Your Secret Wealth.
And if you discover areas in this personal assessment that arent exactly where
you want it to be, dont look at them as flaws, and dont be disappointed. Be excited,
because theyre identifying for you wonderful and immediate opportunities that can give
you incredible quantum leaps in the quality, and the impact, and the effectiveness of your
life the moment you address and improve them.
And now that youve got the formula and the basis to do it, its only a matter of
action and effort until it gets done.
When Im trying to bring business owners into alignment, and I want to learn
from them, and I want to see what they already know and what theyve learned about life
and about business that they dont even realize they know, and I want to help them
rediscover their passion, I go back in time, almost like a hypnotist would, back to the
beginning. I ask them a series of about ten questions, and Ill share with you some of the
questions, and well try to see if we can draw a few analogies into your situation and your
life with your relationships.
First question I ask them is, What initially got you started in your business
what motivation, what occurrence, what development? A lot of people dont realize
what got them started. Theyre in a business. Theyve been there for 10 or 20 years.
They have no idea until you take them back in time and they remember. They had a
passion. They had a fire in their belly. They had a need to fill. They had a desire to
innovate. They had somebody they wanted to serve at a higher level. They worked for a
company, and they were frustrated to see how little that company did for their customers
- or something.
You might ask yourself the same thing. What got you to the point youre at
initially with whatever relationship youre talking about applying Your Secret Wealth
Principle to. If youre with somebody in a romantic situation, what got you to that? How
did it get started? If youre at a job, youve been with an employer, what originally
attracted you to that employer? What was the motivation? What was the occurrence?
Recognizing that and remembering the excitement you felt, and the goodness and
the value you saw gives you an incredible basis to rebuild a different strategy for
When you first started out, how did you attract your first customers? What
process, method or action did you use? This is important to me when working with
business owners in therapeutic process because it helps them realize that they had a basis
they used to get their company to wherever it is now. And it probably was a very
effective basis back then, because they built it from an idea to a reality from just a glint
in their eye to a living, breathing organism of sorts thats generating commerce.
Well, whats this mean to you? Well, when you first started out in the job market,
in business, how did you attract your first customer? Your customer may be your first
date, your first wife. Maybe youre a writer, and youve written books. How did you get
your first book inspired, and how did you get it sold? Maybe youre a doctor. How did
you get your first patient, or how did you get your first referral from another colleague,
another doctor?
Go back in time. Why is this important? Because youll remember a time in your
life when you had ingenuity, hope, supreme passion which you may or may not have
allowed the throttle to turn down on, and the fire to burn dim, or even out of.
Why did customers originally buy from you? Its curious, because in the
beginning they bought from companies for a far different reason than they often buy from
them today, because in the beginning most companies were different. They were
dynamic. They were alive. They were sensitive. They were respectful.
They werent angry. They werent consumed with problems. They werent
beleaguered. They werent apathetic. The same holds true to you.
Why did employers originally employ you? Why did your wife originally marry
you? Why did your customers originally buy from you? Its a great, great exercise in
remembering a time in your life when you were great, and you were focused, and you
were sensitive to others, because I guarantee, in 95 out of 100 situations its because you
were serving their needs. And the question is, are you still focused in that light today?
Probably not.
The fourth question I ask, which is really interesting. I asked originally, Why
did Now I ask, Why do customers buy from you now? Its a very, very slight
nuance. Have you changed? Is it just critical mass? Have you become ambivalent?
Have they become inertia-prone? Its a great question to ask, because it helps you
evaluate whether or not youre still contributing value at the level you originally were, or
whether youre lucky, and youre just hanging on, because they havent gotten serious
enough to move somewhere else.
But the question helps you realize that in life, nothing is forever. Youve got to
keep investing and refueling it. Its all like an automobile. You can fill the tank in the
beginning, and you can get 200, or 150, or 300 miles out of it. But if you dont replenish
it, it stops running. It burns out.
What is your current or primary mode of marketing? More specifically,
what percentage of your business comes from this? Very revealing, because companies
never look at it. I ask companies to do a quick evaluation of where their business comes
from versus how much of their effort or time they expend in that activity, and its really
funny. People will find that 80% of their business will come from referrals, but 100% of
their efforts will be spent on running ads.
And Ill say, Well, that doesnt make sense to me. Why wouldnt you want to
redirect your efforts to a formalized referral system so youll get ten times more people
from the area that youre already getting the most of accidentally?
Well, the question has direct applications to your relationships and your situation,
too. In other words, if youre basically using one method to produce or sustain yourself,
is that method the most effective? Is that method even effective? Is that method
countereffective, and maybe even destructive to your long term goal?
What ongoing sales efforts do you personally perform today, versus what
sales functions did you perform when you started your business? I dont know
about you, but I remember when I was younger - Im in my mid 40s, but when I started
out I was 20, and I was full of vim and vigor, and I extended myself, and I was alive, and
I was curious, and I was electric, and I was always learning, and I was always
contributing, and I was always communicating earlier in my life.
I went through a period when I got tired of doing that, because I got tired. I
decided it didnt have value for me. I didnt even think about what value it may have had
for the other side, like my employer. Ive since reevaluated. Maybe you should also.
What do you believe your greatest single competitive advantage is? Its a
very good question to ask anybody. And whats competitive advantage? Well, if you
have a job right now, just because you have that job doesnt mean it will be there forever
unless your performance stays competitively superior. If you are a business, obviously
you know today in this kind of environment you arent going to keep your customer, and
keep that customer coming back unless you provide a competitive advantage.
Look within yourself. What is your single biggest competitive advantage in all
aspects of your life? If you cant identify it, you must identify one and develop it, or
youre not going to grow. Remember earlier, I said, You grow or die. Thats true of
your job. Thats true of your business. Thats true of your relationship.
And finally, What are you the most proud of about your business, product
or service? Think about it. What are you most proud of about yourself as an employee?
What are you the most proud of as a husband or wife, or a father or mother, or a daughter
or a son? What are you the most proud of as your contribution to some cause, or some
organization youre part of? What are you the most proud of as a business owner, of
what you do for others, preferably, but maybe youre proud of the fact that you bought
yourself a brand new Mercedes. If thats that case, its probably misdirected pride, but
its important to identify what your values are and see if they are in alignment with the
issues Ive discussed in the Secret Wealth Principle, because if they are not youre never
going to come close to harvesting the bounty if offers.
Remember the lessons of Dr. W. Edwards Deming. He got companies to achieve
massive growth. He got the Japanese companies to come from nowhere, to become the
industrial leaders of the world, in many cases, because he showed them not only whats
possible, but that whats possible continuously rises.
There are no limitations. You can grow perpetually. You can grow infinitely.
You can grow high, and wide, and deep. That will only be possible if you continuously
grow your knowledge, grow your sense of discovery, grow your interest in others, and
grow your quest for knowledge that you can use to combine in new, innovative
possibilities to render even greater and higher, and more valuable service to others. Its
that simple.
You have within your life an infinite number of wonderful and rich opportunities.
Those opportunities allow you not only to improve and enrich yourself, but give you the
great chance to contribute and enrich and improve all kinds of other people along lifes
Discovering wealth, whether it be financial or person, is so much easier than
youve ever imagined. It has always been and it always will be within you, not outside.
All you have to do is shift the way you see people, you see information, and what you do
to take full advantage of it.
I think I did you a great service on this program, but youre going to in the
beginning think maybe I did you a little bit of a disservice, because now youre going to
start seeing opportunities everywhere you look, and in everybody you meet, and see, and
work with, and live with, and deal with, and respect. And your minds going to be alive
and electric with all kinds of ideas.
Dont worry about it. Start off small. The most important lesson and
recommendation I can give you is that this process will haunt you favorably for the rest
of your life. Thats good. Theres no hurry. Start small but start. Dont look to do the
biggest, most lucrative thing possible immediately. Do the most immediate thing
possible. Just validate it. Actuate your own Secret Wealth, and it will take care of itself
for you. You dont have to try too hard. All you have to do is try. Its that simple I
guarantee it.
Copyright 2006 The Abraham Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Leverage, by the way, is nothing more than gaining the fullest advantage of the
efforts, the expenditures, the momentum and the velocity that other people or businesses
have already put into motion, and that you can get a free and a very lucrative ride off of.
I know it sounds very abstract, but Ill try to bring it to a very simple example right now.
As Im talking, there are in the world thousandstens of thousands hundreds
of thousandsprobably millions of situations where other people and other organizations
have in motion all kinds of existing momentum and velocity. They have customers being
sold. They have advertisements being run, broadcast and mailed out. They have
activities in process, in play all of which you can get a free ride upon when you
understand how to take fullest advantage of leverage.
Leverage is getting other people more motivated to help you achieve your goals
than even you are. You want to find ways to get other people or organizations to see the
benefit to themselves the self-serving benefit of helping you better achieve your goal.
Ill expand on this more later, but the first thing youve got to realize if youre
going to really manage and fully capitalize on the psychology of money making is that
its key to find areas where other people have more to gain by seeing you more successful
than even you do. Its positioning maneuvering yourself into situations where other
people have more incentive than you do to carry you to your goal.
Deal making is actually much simpler than people will have you believe. Its
merely figuring out what other people really want or need, and then finding a way to give
them what they desire by having them give you what you want.
In other words, you cant have self-serving desire and be a great deal maker.
Why? Because other people wont be motivated to do deals with you. But on the other
hand, if you take on the attitude that everything you do is first and foremost designed to
give the other side more of what they want as long as theyre getting exactly what they
want or more, theyre going to be very, very motivated to give you what you want.
Thats the attitude youve got to adopt, so that creating wealth becomes very
simple. In its purest sense, the wealth-creation process is figuring out how to bring
greater advantage, greater benefit, greater results, greater value to other peoples lives,
businesses, jobs, or situations. If you can bring more value, more benefit, more
advantage, greater results, more measurable improvements, securities or enjoyment to
people than anyone else can, you can always accomplish whatever it is you want
tangibly, financially, and achievementally.
Basically, the mindset is simply this: your goal has got to be from point one
forward that youll do nothing that doesnt first focus on bringing a greater benefit or
advantage to the other side. The other side may be the person you work for, the boss that
you work under, the employees or team members who work under you, the customers
youre trying to sell, the vendors youre trying to deal with, the bank youre trying to
raise money from, the investors youre trying to get to fund your activity - whomever.
You cannot accomplish your objective unless you first help the other side fully achieve
their objective first.
With that in mind, lets look at the key opportunities you have in your life to
tremendously leverage your outcome, your result, your success, your wealth, your
A lot of people ask me, How can I get the job I want or merely keep the job
Ive got in this kind of a competitive environment when all businesses, including my
employers, are downsizing, outsourcing, cutting out fat, re-evaluating the justification of
every department, every job, every person? Well, its a very simple answer, and its tied
to a universal lesson I want to teach you right now.
When you become more valuable than anyone else you work with, under or
above, then your employer cant help but keep you on. They cannot afford to lose you.
So the first job youve got is not to worry, but to identify instead the value, the benefit,
the full level or worth and contribution you have made and are making on a daily basis to
that employer. Almost no one who works for any other company has ever thought about
this, but its the very first thing I teach men and women to do identify exactly what
your value is to your employer.
What does that mean? It means to look at the significance of what you do and
how it connects to any kind of a measurable result the employer can denominate. By that
I mean, can the employer identify how much productivity how many customers how
much revenue is generated because of you?
If not, can they determine how many people stay employed how much
productivity is accomplished in a given day, or a given week, or a given month?
If they cant do that, can they determine how many bills get paid per hour how
much money gets collected how much inventory gets moved how much shipping
gets shipped? Can you quantify? Can you measure? Can you evaluate and determine
some kind of a measurable correlation, some kind of a direct measurement of what you
do, and what the outcome, or the result, or the benefit of your effort is?
If you can, I encourage you to do it right away. And when you do, if you are the
only person whos ever measured it, if you get that information into your employers
hand in a subtle way, itll make your contributional value, your invaluable worth to the
organization so much more evident. Itll also underscore and highlight for the employer
exactly what a great value you are.
Let me give you an example. Lets say that youre in the shipping department and
you have never measured or correlated the connection between what you do and the
outcome your employer gets. Lets say you start looking at the fact that every day,
because of your efforts, 100 packages get shipped, and the average package has a retail
value on it of $1,000.
That means because of your efforts, $100,000 worth of products go out every day.
In five days, thats a half million dollars. In 4 weeks (which is what an average month
is) thats basically almost $3 million. In the course of a year, its a heck of a lot of
Lets say youre being paid $35,000 a year right now for your job. Break it down
to what that is on a daily basis. Show your employer that for every blank and lets see
what $35,000 is. You divide $35,000 by 52 weeks, and what is it? Its not quite $700 a
week. Every time you get just under $700, your employer gets $500,000 a week shipped
out. I think thats a very powerful correlation. Given the fact that no one else has
probably ever measured that, you stand out now as an incredible value.
Also, once you realize what the correlation is, youre in an excellent position to
improve, increase or elevate your level of productivity, and point out that advantage to
your employer. If when you analyze you find that every time you make $700 your
employer gets $500,000 worth of shipments out the door What if you suddenly became
a mere 10% more productive? That means for the same $700 the employer now gets an
extra $50,000 worth of shipments. Pretty exciting, isnt it?
You can draw a measurable illustration to almost any kind of job anyone holds.
Lets say that you are an accounting department manager. Lets say you are
responsible for processing $1 million worth of accounts payable every month. Lets say
in processing that, you uncover that 3% of those accounts are erroneous billings that your
employer can save money on. Well, 3% of $1 million a month is $30,000. If youre
being paid $5,000 a month, your employer is getting a six to one return for that $30,000.
And thats only one area you can measure your performance in.
This becomes critically important in two different areas of job achievement - #1,
holding your job against other people; and #2, getting the job you want. If you are the
only person in an area of a company who understands measurement, comparability, and
correlation, your employer will see you as being a distinctive and a very unique asset
someone who justifies their existence by a huge margin because you have evaluated,
examined, and calculated the exact correlation of cost to worth.
You can say to your employer, Its pretty exciting to know that every time you
pay me $700 a week, I get $500,000 worth of billing out the door, or Every time you
pay me $5,000 a month, I save you $35,000.
Its also exciting when you want a raise to be able to say, I want an extra $1,000
a blank month, quarter, year. In exchange for that, Im willing to promise I will
produce a minimum of 100 times greater blank productivity, savings, shipments
whatever applies most directly to your job function. Do you see the advantage you have
over your competitors?
Now, lets use this in a different application. Lets say that you want a job. It can
be a job within your company. It can be a job with anybodys company. Lets say youre
out of work, or lets say youre working and you want a job in the same field of endeavor,
or in any other one.
In order to get the job ahead of and instead of anyone else who applies for it,
all you have to do is focus your eye on the one ball that no one else looks at - this
measurement correlation this value-to-cost basis that ultimately every employer should
and wants to look at, but has never really thought about.
When you apply for a job, or when a job opens up, or when you want a job
created for you (and you have every right to do that) all you have to do is go to the
employer and say, What kind of a return on investment do you have to get to make me
the best value youve ever invested in? Most of them will never have thought about it.
Your job is to help them focus on specific performance levels.
Say to them, OK, lets say that you hire me for this accounting job. What would
you expect me to accomplish, tangibly? Not just performing the roles and the functions
of the job - thats accepted and understood. What specific achievements? How many
mistakes and errors would you expect me to catch? How much erroneous billing would
you expect me to uncover? How much cash flow savings would you expect me to
accomplish, minimum, in the first three months, the first six months, the first year?
No ones ever said that to an employer. Everyone always says, Well, tell me
about the job. Tell me about the benefits. Your goal is to redenominate the way the
employer looks at the job function - and looks at you.
In addition to that kind of a focus, your second focus has got to be to ask the
employer what the biggest areas of tangible contribution you could make to that job
would be. No one has ever asked that either. By that, Im talking about what can you do
that is measurablethat is evidentthat is tangibleand that has value to that employer
that no one has ever thought about doing before. When you ask the question the
employer may not have a good answer, but it will certainly distinguish you at the highest
Your attitude, your mindset, your focus must be the following: Pursue and accept
no job unless you can add supreme and superior dimension and value by your
performance. Its not hard to do, because virtually no one takes a job with an eye toward,
How can I add more value to this job? And you will come up with the ways you can
do that when you ask the right questions of your prospective employer. What are the
right questions? They are the following:
Tell me about the biggest area of opportunity in that job not opportunity for me
to grow, but opportunity for me to contribute. Tell me about the biggest weaknesses, the
biggest problems, the biggest areas people have either not excelled in, fallen down on, or
missed out on taking advantage of opportunities for you. Tell me about what happens
before this job and after. In other words, how does the function of this job connect with
other functions, and the process of the system of getting the business transacted?
Towards that objective, how can I make the function better?
Ask the employer if theyve ever identified what the correlation should beif
they know what the productivity level should beif they have measurable benchmarks
that they expect the successful applicant to achieve. And if they dont, ask if, before you
ever take the job, you can help them identify and correlate specific achievement
benchmarks that the successful applicant should be expected to accomplish - not only in
Month 3, Month 6, Month 12, but on specific levels.
In our hypothetical accounting job, one of the functions is identifying erroneous
billings identifying erroneous payments identifying areas that can be reduced
identifying areas of the accounting process that can be simplified. Rather than saying,
Obviously you want the head of the department to find errors, what if you said, There
should be a budgeted area, a targeted minimum number of errors that department should
be identifying and reducing until you get a standard level of acceptability that should be
much lower or higher, however you look at it than we currently are achieving. The
employer has probably never thought about that.
By putting a higher level of correlation in their mind a higher level of
productivity justification, and being the one to lead them to it, you give yourself a great
distinction in their eyes.
So when you want a job, all youve got to do is do what nobody else does. It
sounds silly, but its true. Everyone else says, Tell me about the job. Tell me about
whats in it for me. Tell me about the benefits. Tell me about my advancement. Tell me
about the insurance. Tell me about vacations. Tell me about stock options. Tell me
about retirement plans.
Instead say, Tell me about how I can make the biggest contribution. Tell me
about what the previous holder of that job did best. Tell me about what you didnt like
about their performance. Tell me about the areas of the job where you can get the greatest
benefit and leverage to the company. Tell me about where I can make the greatest
contribution. Let me talk to the person who had it last, and let me ask what they would
do differently if they were going to take the job again. Let me talk to the person who is
under them. Let me talk to all the people who interact with that job. Let me know
everything about it so we can sit down together, and if I am lucky enough to be appointed
the successful applicant, let me know in advance what I can do to add the highest level of
benefit, value, profitability, productivity and success to the company.
If thats the attitude you take, you will run rings around everyone else looking for
a job. You will run rings around everyone else qualified for a promotion, and you will
run rings around everyone else whose job is in jeopardy, because you will be the one
person in the business who understands and lives for the tangible contribution you can
make to the company. It will be a contribution that is not abstract. Its not overlooked.
It will be very clear. It will be very evident. It will be very constant. It will make the
money they pay you always seem too low and thats the position you always want to be
When people think youre overpaid and underperforming, you are the first to go
or be reassigned. When people think you are over-performing and grossly underpaid,
you are the last to go and the most invaluable person in the situation. Which of the two
situations do you want to see yourself move to? The answer is self-evident.
The next question I get asked I dont have any money, but I really dont want
to be dependent on an employer all my life. I want to start a part-time business from
scratch, but I dont have any capital. What are the best ways or is there any way to
really have a good shot at success?
The answer is yes. Its much easier than you think. Let me go through a quick
litany of the best approaches I have used for myself and for other people I have advised.
Number one, the most overlooked opportunity almost everyone has is their
employer. Within the confines of your own company there are probably dozens - if not
hundreds of overlooked opportunities you could take advantage of for your employer.
Opportunities to improve their profitabilityopportunities to improve their
efficiencyopportunities to take care of certain functions they currently may be subbing
outside, or may not be doing at allopportunities to add certain kinds of values.
All you have to do is identify what those opportunities are, and go to your
employer and ask them forthrightly, If I could add profit, or save money, or improve
productivity, or expand market, or gain greater cost containment, or improve delivery,
shipping, service, or any of the above areas for the company on my own time (the key
word is on my own time) and do it in a way that the company absolutely wasnt doing
and had no intention of doing themselves would you be willing to retain a little
business I would start on the side to do it for you?
Particularly, if I could demonstrate before you ever were asked to say yes to me
that it would pay such a higher return and dividend than the job function Im currently
engaged in and I would agree to maintain my job and have other people do this for
Well, that sounds silly, but if you go to a company and say, If I can give you
$10,000 you never would have had, or $100,000, or if I could save you 20% of the scrap
that youre wasting in your production, or if I can get your product manufactured in one
half the time, or if I can get your service calls reduced by 40%, or if I can reduce your
inventory costs by 20%, or if I can reduce your electrical bill, or utility bill, or your phone
bill by 20%...
There are very few small and private employers who will not say that they will be
willing to allow you to set up a separate business on your own time to do that for them.
If they have any reticence, any reservations, you can say, And if it works, we
could take that business to other outside companies and sell similar services, and I would
be willing to give you an interest in the business. Thats one thing you can do.
The second thing you can do is go through the Yellow Pages and look at any kind
of product or service that you find interesting. First start with the areas that you have the
most interest, skills or industry familiarity with. Contact the people who own those
enterprises and ask if they would be willing to in essence act as your back room.
In other words, will they let you set up your own business, but without any of the
inventory, or the personnel, or the equipment, or high-paid technical people that they
already employ? Would they in essence provide the product or service to you on a drop
shipment, or a directly-delivered or vended basis to any customers you sell?
What does that mean to you? It means that instead of having to start a business
and get a big office, and buy, rent or lease expensive equipment, and hire very skilled
technical people, and invest years and years and years of your time and effort making
contacts with manufacturers and suppliers you can just go to somebody whos already
got all that established, but may not be operating their business at full capacity (and thats
about 90% of the companies in any kind of endeavor) and ask them if they would be
willing to sell you their product or service at a discount, basically on a wholesale basis.
If they will and I guarantee you, if you approach it correctly, a number of
people, if not all, will say yes the spreads you can get will range between 20% and 5070% of the retail price. You can then turn around and sell the product or service to other
If you sell the product or service your only expense is selling or marketing. You
dont have the inventory. You dont have an office. You dont have equipment. You
dont have high-paid personnel. Whenever you get a sale, all you do is call up a
company thats already in that business and have them directly ship it out, or directly
install it, or provide the service, and youre basically making a spread a huge margin
on the cost they charge you vs. the price you get from the marketplace. You can make a
lot of money and get started without any major investment, any major effort.
Lets say you dont know how to sell. No problem. All you do is run ads in the
paper for a very skilled, commissioned sales man or woman. Find out what the industry
standard is. In other words, if a typical salesperson makes 3% and you work out a deal
where youve got a 20- or 30% margin, you could give a salesman or woman, or a
number of salesmen or women double the commission to start with, and youd still be
making money without any effort - just by putting together the concept.
Your real investment would be in contacting the companies who would supply the
products or services, in essence as wholesalers to you creating a letterhead and concept
for the businesssetting it up either as a corporation or a sole proprietorship, or
something in between (you have to talk to an attorney) and then going out in the
marketplace and having the salespeople sell their heads off.
You probably wonder, Well, why wouldnt a salesman or woman whos any
good just do the same thing? Well, the biggest reason is they dont have the confidence
in themselves, and the conceptual certainty to do it.
Knowing that you can go through the Yellow Pages, call people, and say, If I ask
you to sell your product to me as if it were my own so I could resell it to someone else,
would you be willing to do it, and if so, at a discount, most people would never think
that 90% would say yes but they will. It depends on the deal you get, but if you get a
30 or 40% spread and you sell on a cash basis, the difference between whatever you have
to pay your salespeople and what you pay the wholesaler that you buy it from is your
margin. Its a great way to get a business started.
After your business grows you have two choices: always operate the same way,
and never have any investment in people, in equipment, in technical staff, in inventory, in
manufacturing or delivery vehiclesor you can grow large enough to the point where
there may be certain products or services that it pays for you to do in house, because the
margins are even higher. But you still can get started without any investment.
Let me give you a couple other neat things you can do. You can go to all kinds of
other businesses and make an arrangement to get the license or the right to sell their
customers companion, or corresponding, or compatible products or services that go
along, that logically complement or follow the product or service that they sell. In doing
so, get them to endorse or in essence represent you to their customers as being a division
of their own business.
You dont have to be in business full time once you get the rights - and I stress to
you, the key asset here is the right to do it. Its not hard to do because practically no
company thinks about it. They think of themselves as just selling one product or one
If you get the right to sell complementary products or services, then all you have
to do is find real companies who provide those products and services and make a deal
with them just like you did in the earlier example, to be resellers to you. Youd buy the
product or service from them wholesale; youd vend it or offer it through the companies
you have the joint venture associations with, and you keep the spread.
There are lots and lots of other ways to start a business without any capital or fulltime effort. Let me give you a masterful little secret that I have used.
The Yellow Pages has got to be one of your greatest friends. Look through the
Yellow Pages and as you look at the generic categories of businesses in other words,
bowling alleys, clothing stores, physicians, pharmacies ask yourself what products or
services those people need most and use least. Make a list.
When you find a number of different businesses that need something frequently
and recurrentlyin other words, lets say you find that every retail company needs their
windows dressed and cleaned, but you know that half of them dont do it, or they dont
do it regularly. Or they need signs, but they dont do it very often. Then you know a
business you can go into.
Then all you have to do is look up companies who supply that business in other
words, window cleaners or sign companies. Go to them and say, I want to set up a
business with you as my partner. Ill get the customers. You provide the people, the
capital, the material, the skills. Ill get the deal together, and well split (whatever
basis you can negotiate 50/50, 25/75, 60/40).
If you do it right, youll get people to eagerly say yes to you because youre
bringing them areas of business theyve never pursued themselves, and youre turnkeying
it for them. Youre putting it together into a systematic concept they can get excited
Find a window cleaner whos not doing all the business he wants and say, Im
going to put together a business where we go out and we get every retailer. Not only will
we clean their windows, but well dress and decorate their windows twelve times a year,
and were going to charge them a fixed fee. You can get a window cleaner excited to
provide you with the labor and the skill. Then all you have to do is set the deal up.
Well, you may say, I dont know how to sell it. Again, no problem. Since
youve got half the profit, all you have to do is figure out a fair price to charge and do
what I suggested earlier run ads in the paper for very, very motivated salespeople. Find
out what fair commission is, and then double it or triple it.
If you know that the service can sell for $100 a month, and the cost to do it is
about $10, and the gross profit is $90, and you can get retailers to sign up to do it
monthly, forever and monthly means, basically, a $100 a month, $1200 a year revenue
forever and the cost on that revenue to fulfill it is all of about $120 then you know
youve got a lot of money you can pay in commissions, because even splitting it with the
window cleaner, youre going to make a lot of money just for masterminding just for
being Tom Sawyer.
Think about Tom Sawyer in the ethical terms. Think that your goal is to get other
people excited about whitewashing the fence. If you do that, you can start all the
businesses you want, part-time, with no capital, just by masterminding and putting it
And then youve got the best of all worlds. If it grows you can get checks forever
for doing nothing. Or you can quit your full-time job. Or you can keep starting new
versions of it over and over again, every three or four months as a previous part-time
business gets solid and stabilized. Or you can take a part-time business you start and
build in your city, and replicate it in as many other cities as you want or anything in
Youre only limited by your sense of how much you deserve to accomplishhow
successful and prosperous you deserve to be and for my money, you deserve to be
many, many times more successful and many, many times more prosperous and
many, many times richer than you are right now.
Let me move on. A lot of people say, Ive got a small business and Im
struggling. How can I turn it into a large one without any risk?
Very simple. Remember, there are three ways to grow any business and every
business and almost every business owner focuses on the hardest and the most difficult
way first. They all try to grow more customers. Instead of growing more customers, do
more with the customers youve already got.
Lets review. When people buy from you, you have three different opportunities
for making more money. The first one is selling them something turning them from a
prospect to a customer. The second way is to increase the size of the purchase and the
profit on that purchase that they make with you. The third way is to increase the number
of times that they buy from you, and the number of other things they come back, literally
or figuratively, and buy from you.
Most companies prefer to be reactive, because no ones ever pointed out to them
that they have the opportunity and the responsibility to lead a customer to a more
strategic buying philosophy. If at the point of initial purchase when a sale is made you
direct the customer to the fact that he or she has more to gain by buying larger and higher
quality units of purchase and that they have more to gain by coming back at strategic
frequencies, because theyre going to get a greater outcome from using the products or
servicesand you offer and identify for them additional products and services they can
acquire through you the odds are they will do so. At least a large portion of them will.
And if they do so if they come back and buy larger amounts, and they come
back more often you cant help but make more money. As you make more money you
can take some of that additional profits and invest it into new customer-generating
programming. And theres about 50 different ways you can grow customers or clients for
your businesses that I guarantee you no one else in your industry understands.
I dont have time here to get into it, but what I will tell you is this: spend some
time going through thats right, the Yellow Pages and calling companies who are in
businesses other than the one youre in.
In other words, if you are in the retail business, call people in the wholesale
business. Call people in the service business. Call people in the manufacturing business.
Ask for the owners of those enterprises, and ask them if they would mind sharing with
you the singularly most productive way they use to generate sales. If they say, Selling,
ask them if they would mind defining and explaining the exact selling procedure and
process they use.
Why do I want you to do this? Because if you call 100 noncompetitive
companies in 100 noncompetitive industries other than yours, you will identify probably
70 or 80 unique and fresh, new ways you can grow more customers for your business.
When youve identified those ways, you can start using them and funding them
with the added profit and revenue you make by selling your customers larger and more
continuous purchases. You can bring more people through the system, and it becomes
basically a perpetual process. More people come in you sell them larger units of sale.
You sell them more often. You sell them more things. You use the money you make
from selling them more often and more things to fund new customer acquisition
programs that are fresh, and unique, and innovative from anything else anyone in your
industry is doing. And you do it over and over again.
Behind all this has to be a driving philosophy and this is a secret the crux of
what turns more smaller businesses into larger ones than anything else Ive studied. And
that is the right frame of reference.
Your goal cannot be to fall in love with your company, your product, or your
service. It has to be to fall in love with your customer, your prospect, or your client. And
by that I mean youve got to see your function and your purpose as bringing the greatest
level of benefit, advantage, security, prosperity, improvement, protection, helpfulness,
wellbeing, certainly whatever it is your product or service provides. Youve got to see
your goal and challenge, your purpose, your opportunity as being bringing the highest
level of that benefit or advantage or result to your customers in exchange for doing
business with you. Because I guarantee you, thats not the philosophy any of your
competitors follow.
If you champion and advocate the needs, the interests, the desires, the wellbeing
of your customer or client first and foremost, and you follow up with the philosophy I
shared with you a few minutes ago, your business cant help but grow massively.
A lot of people come to me and say, I work for a really fine company. I work
hard, and I appreciate them, and I think they appreciate me. But I need to get more
money. I need to get a promotion, and frankly, my companys cutting back. My
companys telling people theyre lucky to keep the jobs theyve got. With that kind of
negative psychology working against me, how can I possibly get a raise or a promotion?
The answer is very simple. It goes right back to what we talked about before. All
you have to do is refuse to play the game of employment by the same rules all your
counterparts play by. Dont let your employer, consciously or unconsciously, relegate
you to the role of a commodity. Make yourself proprietary and by that, I mean make
yourself distinctive and invaluable.
Sit down and analyze what your value has been to the employer tangibly,
measurably, specifically in whatever terms best denominates the value and the tangible
benefit and result that employer gets from every day, every hour that you work in other
words, what the correlation is to what you do, to what the outcome is. Maybe all you can
correlate is the number of papers you process, or the number of calls you take, or the
number of claims you settle, or the number of customer service calls you dispatch or you
go out on. But theres got to be a correlation.
Once you have that correlation, Id love for you to be able to comparatively know
what it looks like against everybody elses. In other words, if you accomplish 100
service calls a day and your closest competitor does 80, that means you are 20% superior
just in base performance. But it may mean that the employer gets something like $1,000
to $2,000 worth of greater achievement from you every day.
Once you know that value, you can then go to your employer and say one of three
things. Look, I understand business is down. I understand times are tough and youve
got to keep your costs very, very well managed. But I dont think anybody in this
company because I didnt even know it realizes that I accomplish 20% more every
day than anyone else I work with. And that 20% more accomplishes for the company
$2,000 more a day.
Im getting 10% less than the best person that I work with and its not fair. I
need a raise. Id like you to give me a raise on the merit that I am underpaid right now.
But Id like to make the investment in me worth your while because Id like to guarantee
if youll do that, I will give you an even greater performance every day of every week of
every month. If I fail to give you at least 10% improved performance evaluated on a 30day, or a 90-day basis, you can take any raise you give me away.
And by that I mean, be the one person in your job category who demands that
your employer judges you on the tangible contributions you make. Promise them an even
greater achievement if they will reward you just for what youve already done and the
superior level of performance youve done it at. Tell them if you dont achieve and
maintain that level, they can take any reward they give you now away. No ones ever
done that. Its the easiest way I know.
Sit on the same side of the desk of a bottom line, P&L-oriented employer would.
Say, Look, lets not talk about my passion for the company. Lets not talk about the
years of loyalty. Lets not talk about my abstract skill. Lets talk about bottom line,
tangible, black and white numbers. Lets talk about what I achieve in profit, in calls, in
results, in productivity, that no one else in the company does. And lets talk about how
much more I will promise in writing I will achieve if I get what I want. If you do that,
youll blow them away.
A lot of people ask me, How do I get more power and money out of my career?
Well, Ive already basically explained it to you, but let me refocus it in terms of this
question. First of all, you stop falling in love with yourself and whats in it for you. You
start falling in love with your employer and what you can do to make your contribution to
them more productive, more valuable, and you make sure they understand that. And if
you dont know, and you get them to help you know, and you get both of you to start
analyzing and tracking it And if you havent tracked it, you start coming up with a
system and a formula to identify, measure, and continually correlate what contribution
you can make to that business on an ongoing basis.
Number two you find out how many more ways you can add value to the
employer. Dont do it abstractly. Sit down and say, Look, I want more out of this job,
and I know I cant get more if I dont give more. So I want to work together to figure
what I have to do to be worth five times what youre paying me so maybe youll pay me
three times what Im getting now. I need to know where I can make the highest
contribution. I need to know where I can do the most for you. I need to know where I
can save you the most money, or add the most profit, or get more done every day, or get
more customers in the door. You have to help me get directed.
Make it a collaborative process. What normally happens in times like this is
employees and employers take on a attitude of every person for themselves, or us
against them. Youve got to be the one person in the organization that breaks ranks.
Youve got to be the one person that says, Im in this for your wellbeing, but I cant
even give you the highest level of my capacity to contribute unless you help me.
And by taking on that attitude both in words and actions itll only be a matter of
time before you will become so powerful and so enriched in your job that you will have
outgrown it, and probably grown and leap-frogged yourself many times over.
A lot of people dont want to keep their job. Frankly, theyve worked as long as
they want for another employer. They want to be independent. They want to be on their
own. They want to start a business from scratch. They dont know what business to start.
Ive got a very simple philosophy. Its worked about 950 times out of 960. I
suspect itll work for you.
Dont try to buy a business. Dont try to start a business from scratch. The odds
of starting a business from scratch and succeeding, if its a brand new business you have
no familiarity with, are massively against you. There is probably a 96% probability you
will fail.
I dont like those odds. I like 90 or 95% certainty. Theres no 100% certainty,
but you can get 95% certainty.
How do you do it? Go back to your old faithful, the Yellow Pages. Look up
categories of business that look like they would be enjoyable, fun, fulfilling, worthwhile,
satisfying something you could really get into long-term. Decide on which ones have
the highest easy entry levels in other words, something you can get into with the least
amount of learning curve and capital contributions.
Then get on the phone and call people in those businesses who tend to be
localized. Tell them the truth that youre quitting your job, or youre out of work and
youre thinking of starting a business in that field. Tell them you will never be a
competitor, and you want to pick their mind. You want to ask them ten questions.
Your first question should be, If you had to do it again, would you go into this
business today? If the answer is yes, say, Why? If its no, ask them why. Ask them
what they love about it, what they dont love about it. Ask them where the biggest
opportunity lies, the biggest pitfall. Ask them if you were trying to get started in that
business and had very little money and skills, what their recommendation would be for
the easiest, fastest path to success and profit certainty, and the way to avoid problems,
losses and frustration. Ask them if they have any aspect of the business they have never
pursued that theyd like to joint venture with you.
If you do this 100 times over, three things will happen. Number one, youll see
certain businesses you might have thought of going in not being as exciting, fulfilling or
promising as youd expected. Youll uncover all kinds of promising businesses youve
never thought about, and youll probably have to turn down more joint venture profit
business and partnership opportunities than you ever imagined possible.
A lot of people come to me at the end of the spring when school lets out and say,
Jay, I really want to develop a method for helping my children become more self-reliant.
Come up with some money-making opportunities my kids can get into on the weekends,
in the evenings, and in the summers.
Well, I think thats very commendable, but I think youve got to go back to a
philosophy of making your children excited about being entrepreneurs - getting children
excited about the chance they have to add value, to bring a benefit or an advantage to
peoples lives. When they realize that all that a society is based on financially is our
ability to add value and benefit to someone or some organizations life or situation, its
very exciting.
Ask your children, How can you add value to somebodys life? Start in your
neighborhood. Make a list of all the things they could do for the neighbors. They could
cut grass. They could wash windows. They could take care of the animals. They could
housesit. They could do odds and ends change lights, clean garages.
If the children are young, you could go up and down the neighborhood and set up
a regular route-type service, asking all the neighbors if they would let you call them every
week to see if they needed any of those things done or asking if theyd like those
things done on a regular, weekly, biweekly or monthly basis.
If they do it sincerely, and they do it with a focus towards the fact that they want
to add greater valuethey want to do a servicethey want to provide a benefitthey
want to do something worthwhile for that homeowner or that neighbor the odds are that
statistically, one out of a certain minimum number of people will say yes.
I can tell you a secret, and that is, the more your children come from a position
that they really want to do a great jobthey really want to see that neighbors yard look
good they really want to see the neighbors car look good they really want to see the
neighbors house look clean they really want to see all the lights in they really want
to see the dog or the animal healthy and fed and watered they really want to see the
grass grow well the neighbor will pick up on that and be very excited.
Most children dont try to turn a chore or an activity into a business. Its a
mindset. If they get it into a business mode, your children actually will be creating
something they could sell. It has asset value.
If you had a route of 50 or 100 homes in the neighborhood that had you calling on
them every week to cut the grass, and once a month to put light bulbs in that were burned
out, and every time they went on vacation to feed and take care of the animals, and once a
year clean out the garage and do other things all of a sudden your child has a $100 or
$200 or $300 a week income stream that he or she can do year in and year out and make a
ton of money in the summer. And if they ever get tired of it, they could literally sell it to
another child for either a lump sum, or for a share of the revenue. Thats great training.
So the first thing I try to do is get the child to look at what business or what
money making is really all about, and its all about adding value, bringing an advantage,
wanting an improved result for somebody. Then I get them to look through the
After they do that, I then have them look through the business community in the
neighborhood. There are going to be offices and retail. What do retailers need? They
need someone to do their windows, someone to clean the place, someone to deliver and
run errands for them, someone to work part-time, someone to handle shipments, labor
and on and on.
Make a list of all the things they could need, and have your son or daughter or
children go to those retailers and offer a regular service. Not just a question Do you
need anything? Because when you ask if someone needs anything, the answer is almost
always no.
Put it in the terms of an ongoing service, a benefit that you offer them on a regular
basis with the knowledge that their needs changethat your son or daughter knows that
from time to time that retailer is going to need their windows cleaned or decorated, or
their floors cleaned, or merchandised moved, or boxes packed or unpacked, or extra labor
available for special deliveries. The odds of developing a route of business are very high.
After the retailers, then go to the offices, and think about services offices need.
They need someone to get them lunches, someone to run errands, someone to pick up
things, someone to deliver things, someone to go to the store, to the office supply places.
You could develop a route and on and on and on.
And after your children have done all of that, if theyre still in need of something,
guess where they can turn? The Yellow Pages. They can call everyone in the Yellow
Pages and they can try one of the following:
Again, the purpose of this program is to start you and your family in a different
way of thinking, a different mindset, a different focus where you realize you have always
have, and you currently have, and you always will have 100% of the ability to
accomplish anything and everything you ever wanted in your life, in your job, in your
career, in the money making arena, in business, in the professions. All you have to do is
stop self-limiting.
Lets talk about money hobbies. Its a phrase I use to define how you can take
areas of your personal life skill sets, interests, things you are fascinated with or excel at
and turn it into full or part time revenue streams. These money hobbies are the most
joyous and easiest form of increased revenue you will ever take advantage of.
How do you do it? Well, first recognize that every human being I have ever met
excels in at least one area other than what they do at work. In other words, you have a
skill. It may be at memory. It may be athletic prowess. It may be a green thumb. It may
be your understanding of a hobby. It may be a skill. It may be some part of literature.
Make a list of whatever area or areas of personal interest you excel at. Once
youve made your list, then ask yourself how many other people would love to learn how
to do what you already understand at the level you understand it. In other words, how
many people can you teach to do what you do as well as you do? How many people
could you train? How many people could you coach? How many people could you work
with? How many people could you share your understandings with?
How do you do that? Well, you have a number of ways. You become a tutor or a
coach. You go to areas, or organizations, or groups of people that you know would like
to know what you do. You go to groups and areas of high concentration where you know
there are a lot of people who would love to learn what you excel at.
For example, lets say that youve got the ability to grow flowers twice as high,
and four times thicker and more colorful than the average gardener. It would seem like
you could go to Gardening Magazine, or you could go to almost any consumer
publication with an ad or a press release, and talk about your ability and your secret, and
offer to train people privately by phone, at your home, at their home, or by letter, and
get a lot of people who would call upon you.
If you understood how to play golf better than most people, you could probably
coach people, or hold a seminar, or write a book or a report, or do an audio or a
videotape, and offer it for sale. You could offer it for sale in the golf magazines, through
the golf stores, through clubs all kinds of ways.
Believe me, between being a tutor, a coach, a seminar presenter, an author, a tape
creator, an expert who made his or her services available by the hour, by the day, by the
achievement, by the group You could make more money from your hobby or Godgiven skill than you even do from your mainstream income.
And you can do it at your convenience. You could do it at night, on weekends, on
vacation, by mail, by telephone, in groups, one on one. You could teach other people to
do it for you.
I became so good, for example, at marketing consulting that I taught 1,000 people
how to do it for themselves, and some of them taught other people how to do it for them.
I have a friend whos great, absolutely great, at running a very profitable legal
practice with one assistant. He makes $1 million a year. He teaches other attorneys how
to do that.
I have a friend who absolutely understands how to live his life so stress free its
unbelievable. He never set out to do that as a livelihood, but so many people prevailed
upon him that he started teaching classes on the weekends, and now he makes tons and
tons of money doing that when hes not working.
I have a friend who is an impeccably great cook. She teaches other women in
cooking classes. Shes got a book shes written. Shes got a tape set that she sells.
Youre only limited by your imagination and guess what? The Yellow Pages,
or in a bigger picture, a directory of appropriate business around the country or around
the world. Because once you figure out what your money hobby skills are, you dont
have anyone keeping you from selling them nationally, internationally, globally. All you
have to do is get a directory of where the highest concentration of the most probable
prospects for that skill set are.
And as I said, if you have a talent thats really easy to target, like gardening, all
you do is find all the gardening magazines, and the gardening publications, and the
gardening groups, and the gardening clubs, and you offer that.
If your skill is in relaxation, you might have to go to people who buy stress
reduction products, or just people in industries you know tend to be stressed out. Go to
people who tend to work with them and see if they would refer people to you.
The point is this: you absolutely have money hobbies you owe it to yourself, and
your skills, and your God-given talents to cultivate and offer to other people who arent
as gifted and as successful at doing it as you. I encourage you to do that.
Now Id like to talk about something anybody at any level of their life can utilize
to accomplish a rather miraculous improvement in their circumstances. Specifically, Im
talking about how you can increase your standard of living without changing jobs.
Most people dont realize that you can get the same result of making more money
by acquiring things at a lower price. Ive gotten tons of people to redirect their thoughts
on quality of living issues, away from making more money and over to accomplishing
more with the money and the efforts they currently expend. Id like to do the same for
you. I want to talk about this philosophy of increasing your standard of living without
changing jobs.
First of all, lets ask ourselves this question: what has to happen in your life for
your standard of living to improve? Well, either you want to live in a nicer place, or you
want to do more things, or you want to have more things, or you want to go to nicer
places, or you want to congregate with higher qualities of people, right? Right. Well,
lets take one individually and ask ourselves, if we didnt make more money, how else
could we accomplish the same goal?
The first thing I want to introduce you to is a philosophy of barter, or trading. By
identifying what products or services you can create and produce that other people desire,
you have the capacity to create purchasing power and value at will.
Lets say, for example, you work at a business, and you are an accountant.
Maybe theres a restaurant in your neighborhood or city that youd love to start going out
to every Friday, but you know if you did that, the bill would probably be $400 or $500 a
month, and your budget doesnt allow for that. But what if you went to that restaurant
and you said, I will trade you accounting services for your restaurant in exchange for
$700 or $1,000 worth of food and beverage credit for me and my family, or my dates,
every month.
Lets say it took you a few hours a week of your time and your ability hours that
you normally would use to watch television, or read a book, or lounge around the house,
or drive into the shopping mall. For that investment of hours, you would accomplish the
exact objective you desired. You would increase your standard of living, or at least one
aspect of it, because youd be able to go neat places without spending any more money.
What else could you trade? Well, you could trade things. How do you do that?
A lot of people have the capacity to produce value, but they dont normally sell that. I
know people who are artisans at building things cabinetry, wall dcor. You could go to
organizations who would really benefit by having you produce those kinds of things for
them, and trade them for the products or services they sell.
I knew a gentleman, for example, who did all kinds of artistic dcor for a
prominent hotel in his city, and he got in exchange credit not at that hotel, but at a sister
hotel in Hawaii. He was able to go on vacation three times a year, and basically only pay
for his airfare. And I taught him how to trade artistic dcor for the office of a travel
agency that paid him in airfare, so he was able to do all of it for nothing.
The question is, what else could you trade? Products, services, skill sets, or things
you could acquire from other people that you could trade to get you the objective that you
want. Thats the first thing.
The second thing is, what could you negotiate for? Negotiation is an overlooked
aspect of lifestyle that most of us dont really think a lot about. We are very saleoriented, and very discount-oriented, but we dont realize that 90% of the products and
services that are for sale in this country can be negotiated for.
Case in point: I just came back from spending a weekend in Palm Springs at a
very luxurious tennis resort. I stayed in a suite. The suite cost me $650 a night. (Im
going to show my hypocrisy.) A friend that I met there for a business meeting is a better
negotiator than I am. He went to the manager before he arrived and negotiated a rate for
himself and his wife for the exact comparable two bedroom suite for $325.
In other words, he paid exactly 50% of what I did because he asked. He found
out that the suite was available. He told them nicely that he was going to come to Palm
Springs, and he either would stay in that suite for $325 or he would go to a deal he had at
a comparable hotel across the street. He told the manager that he need not give him a
decision until he arrived, and my friend had a similar arrangement with three other hotels.
What did he accomplish? He accomplished the lifestyle, the quality or standard
of living of my $650 expenditure for $325.
Almost everything is negotiable, from doctor bills, to restaurant bills, to you name
it. The trick is negotiating before, not after youre rendered the service, and having a
hedge or an alternative if someone turns you down.
And the trick is knowing when to negotiate and when not. If a restaurant is
absolutely packed on Friday nights, the time to negotiate with them is not for Friday night
dinner. But if they are empty on Monday night, and you go to the restaurant ahead and
say, Look, I typically go out on Friday nights, but it doesnt really matter to me if I go
out on Monday, and youre more available. Im willing to come on Monday when you
can accommodate me instead of on Friday when you probably cant even accept my
reservation, and I will be additional revenue you never would have had. I will do that if
you will let me order off the menu, and when the check arrives, reduce my bill by 40%.
Now, every restaurant wont say yes, but youll be surprised at how many would.
Youll be surprised if you go to a restaurant and say, Im going to come there ten times a
year. I want a ten time discount rate, and if I fail to achieve that, you can short rate me or
bill me back for the full rate.
If you dont ask, you dont get. But if you can reduce your expenses on
restaurants by 30 or 40%...if you can reduce your cost of vacation resorts by 30 to
60%...if you can negotiate preferential deals on all kinds of other goods or services,
including clothing, jewelry and all kinds of things that most people would not negotiate
with and for, you get the effective result of having an income thats 30 to 50% higher.
The point is to look for leverage. Look for situations where the other side
meaning what you want and who you want it from has more to gain than even you do
by accepting your business at a preferred rate or advantage. And believe me, in about
90% of the situations, you will find a time, a place, a category of product or service
where the company is more distressed than you would imagine. By that I mean they have
too much product, they have no one using it, they have vacancies, they have over supply.
And you can approach them with a simple negotiating positioning. It should be this or a
I respect the value of your product, and I know that normally you get every cent
of what you ask. And I dont deny that to you. I respect it. Im sure its worth every
cent. However, I dont require it at the level of desire that some of your other customers
or clients do. I think it would be nice to have, use or acquire, (depending on the product
or service youre talking about) but if I never get it, its not the end of the world. On the
other hand, if theres a way I can help you gain an advantage you wouldnt have, and I
can benefit in the process, and we can both do each other a nice service, that pleases me.
And with that, then you lead to the scenario. It could be that youre coming to the
end of the season, or a retailer has an oversupply of a certain kind of clothing or
You can say, I am willing to buy twice as many as I normally would if youll
give me half price. And I know you probably wont make much money, but youll
reduce your inventory and youll get cash. If cash is important, and the thought of me
having the capacity to come back again is appealingif reducing your inventory and
getting cash has valueand knowing that I am willing to buy future items from you at
retail, or at least close to itand I will never breach the sanctity of the transaction that we
have then Id like you to consider it. Its open for consideration, and all I ask is you
think about it and let me know or when I come in you can say, Ive thought about it
and Ill gladly accept it or I dont.
If you always approach transactions with the evident willingness to walk away
In other words, not being rigid or curt, but being enthusiastic, but not that hell-bent on
doing the deal unless the other side is equally as willing, and approaching it the same way
Ive suggested you approach everything as a service to the other side. And there really
are situations where it is a service.
There are a lot of companies that have an oversupply of product, under-utilization
of manufacturing. The best possible way for this to work is if youll adopt the same basic
mindset and strategy that Ive suggested you incorporate in all the other methods and
ideas Ive shared in this program. And that is focusing on whats in the best interest of
the other side.
If you want a car, know that there are certain times of the year where car dealers
are loaded. If you want to rent a car say youve always wanted a convertible, but you
really cant afford one. You could go to a rental company and say, Any week it looks
like the convertibles arent rented, I would rent it from you for 40% of rate. And show
them that at 40% of rate, they cover their insurance, they cover their depreciation. Youll
have your own insurance, and its found revenue. Tell them, obviously, at the peak times
in the heart of the summer, then you wont rent it from them. But whenever theyre not
using it, if its available to you at 40% of rate its revenue they wouldnt have gotten.
If you take that attitude, in many, many, many not all, but most situations your
sincerity melded to a genuine willingness to be discreet, and youll always treat it as if
you paid full rate and respect them accordingly, youll be surprised at how much more
youll be able to acquire and enjoy in life.
So the first thing you can do is see how you can trade products and services. The
next thing you can do is negotiate.
The third strategy and its a little bit of a kindred relative to the second one is
go to people merchants, service companies and offer them trial relationship
propositions. Let me give you an example of what I mean.
Lets say you wanted to be a member of a prominent tennis club, but you dont
have the $10,000 to join and you cant necessarily afford the $500 a month, but your
career looks promising. Well, if you went to them, and you were honest, and you said,
I think I would be a great future member. Right at this moment, I dont have the
$10,000, nor can I afford the $500. But Id like to suggest that you create a modified
special trial membership for me. It will be a nine-month membership to see if I like you
and you like me. At the end of that nine months I will either go forward, or I will drop
But during that nine months, in essence I get an option to experience the
services, and I will only use them a maximum of two days a week, and I will gladly pay
you $100 a month. I will use them on days you tell me are the lightest so it doesnt take
away from other members. I will eat at least once in the restaurant and pay the additional
cost of that, so it will be additional revenue you will get. I will respect my membership
and treat it as if I had paid $10,000 and $500. At the end of that period, the very least
you will have gotten is six months worth of revenue and restaurant charges. I will bring
a high quality of people as my guests to the club. At the end, if I want to go forward I
may ask you to allow me to have payment terms on the down payment.
But the worst thing that will happen is youll have a high quality of person using
the facilities in a non-critical, non-peak time period, and I will be an asset to the
Now, everyone wont say yes, but youll be surprised at how many will. And the
trick is finding modified ways to allow people to change their pricing, change their terms,
change their access to you.
Health clubs. Theres a lot of health clubs Ive persuaded to create an off-hours
membership. You can go and do the same thing. Say, I understand its $1,000 a year to
be a member, but Id like to join, and Ill guarantee Ill come off hours, or Ill only come
two days a week. And tell them if it continues, and you want to go more, youll convert
to a full term membership. Once you start, most of them will let you continue forever.
That has been my experience.
Ive gone to scalping companies, people who sell scalping tickets, and said, Call
me when youre stuck with tickets, and I will buy them from you at the last minute for
50% of rate. Well, I got calls for tickets that normally when theyre really desirable
people would pay three, four, five times over face value for. And if Im patient and
flexible, I would get calls at least once a month where I was offered tickets at half or less
price. Now, I had to be willing to respond the same day, but my wife and I were flexible.
The same with a gentleman that I know who sells packages of tours on cruise
lines. Hes got a standing offer from me. Any time he gets stuck with a cruise at the last
moment he is to call me, and if Im available I will get the cruise for approximately 35%
of what everyone else pays for it. Well, if everyone else is on the boat for $4,000, and
Im on the boat for $1,000, Im having the same experience. Im having the same
quality of life while living at the same standard that they are, but Im paying 65% less.
This is just a start for you, a springboard of thinking, but its based or predicated
on the assumption that you recognize you have the right and the opportunity to change
the rules by which you have to deal with any supplier, any vendor, any retailer, any
clothier, any service company, any prestige vendor of products and services again.
If you call, for example, the hottest hair salon in town and you say, You know, I
would love to have you cut my hair, but I cant afford the $125. I can afford $40, and I
know its an insult, but if you ever have a slow day or week, and youd be willing, I
would be so flattered to have my hair cut by you and I associate with some very
influential and high-caliber people. Unfortunately, most of them are much better off
financially than I am, but Im a dear friend. And the fact that you give me a great haircut
cant hurt getting them interested in you. I guarantee Ill give you a tip that is as good as
youll get from someone who pays $125.
Well, if you said that to every expensive hairdresser, probably some would say
no. But the odds of someone having an opening or a light day once a month are
exceptionally high. If you approach it sincerely and genuinely with an avid respect and
desire for their service, I suspect youll end up getting a $125 haircuts for about $35.
I can go on and on, but I hope you get the idea. Theres nothing that says you
have to satisfy yourself with the quality of living your current income would normally
justify. By restructuring the terms, the basis, the pricing, the consideration, the way you
approach it, your ability to give the other side something else they want or could
appreciate - including respect and your appreciation
A lot of people basically love to be loved. If you go to somebody and say, Gosh
Id love to eat at your restaurant, but I cant afford it. But I can afford half that rate, and
Id be willing to eat there at the slowest time of the week, or month. Id be willing to eat
there if you called and said you had a cancellation at the last minute. I would just love to
eat there.
The truth of the matter is that you can have so much fun doubling or tripling the
quality of life and the standard of living you enjoy. So have at it. Have fun. The world is
literally your own bowl of cherries the moment you realize you dont have to play the
game at full retail.
Now theres a flip side to this also, a corollary as such, which I think is important
to address, and that is that those of you in businessthose of you in the professions
those of you who sell products or servicesdont minimize the fact that if you make it
easy for people who ordinarily would not be inclined or able to avail themselves of your
product or service at times and in ways that dont take away from your normal revenue
In other words, if youre the restaurateur and you know that youve got a really
light day on Mondays or you are the hairstylist and you know that there are going to be
times when you really cant be full or wont be full, and you could get great people who
hang out with great prospects to basically be a billboard or showcase for your artistry and
ability you owe it to yourself to explore the flipside. In other words, to make it easy for
people to get started, particularly if incrementally you get revenue and appreciation.
It is key that you understand that they must appreciate what youre doing for
them, and be discreet and private about any preferential arrangement you might make for
them. But by doing that you could suddenly be growing your mainstay, full-priced
business, products or services, long term at a very fast pace just by being very sensitive
and extending yourself to people who may not be able to normally avail themselves of
your product or service.
Now I want to talk about a really sensitive subject: how to know what you are
really worth - a simple formula for determining your true value in relationship to your
wife, husband, spouse, to your lover, your children, your employer, in business, to your
customer, your suppliers to everyone important to you.
It is one that has served me extraordinarily well in my life and in all my
relationships, personal and business, and Id like very much to share it privately with you
for the first time ever.
Simply speaking, there are two sides to the quotient. One is being appreciated,
and the other is appreciating.
We all, I think, want to be appreciated. I have found in my life that the best way
to be appreciated is to first appreciate. And by that I mean we all want so hard for other
people to recognize our value, but they want the same thing because we are all human
beings, and human beings are pretty similar in all ranges of the socioeconomic scale. We
want to be loved, appreciated, and acknowledged.
If you will take a moment first to appreciate your customer, your lover, your wife,
husband or children, employee, employer it will radically change the whole
perspective you have and may have on their relationship with you.
First of all, how do you do it? Well, you genuinely look for whats wonderful,
great and fulfilling about that relationship. If its your wife, you say, What is great
about this relationship? Well first of all, that woman has agreed to commit and invest
her whole life in you. She has agreed that you are the person who has the capacity to
support her, to protect her, to nurture her, to make her laugh when shes sad, to console
her when she has a problem, to inspire her, to celebrate for her when she achieves. Thats
a pretty incredible gift and responsibility she has entrusted to you.
She may have given you years and years of fulfillment. She may support you,
encourage you mentally and financially. She may have given you some beautiful
children. You may have had reversals in your life, and she was there to encourage and
inspire you. She gives you a purpose, a reason, a meaning for being alive.
And the flip side is true if youre a wife, and you have a husband. He chose you.
Youre the one he wants to spend his life with. Youre the one he wants to invest his
career and his ability to work and generate money, to create for. Youre the one he
wanted to build a home and a family with. Youre the one he wanted to share his
achievements, his joys, his happiness, his sorrows with. Thats pretty incredible.
And then your children. You created children. You have a chance to mold their
character, to influence their lives, to give them values, to see them achieve personally,
emotionally, financially, in life, in health, in years, in longevity at levels that were
never dreamed of by your parents. You have a chance to basically reproduce yourself
morally, spiritually and philosophically, and influence generations of people to come.
appreciating everybody. Then the second step is appreciating what your contribution has
been, relatively speaking, to each of those different categories.
If you work for somebody, then realize (as Ive indicated earlier in this program)
and analyze what your contribution has beenwhat transactional connection your
efforts, your work product, your daily contribution to that business results in happening.
What occurs because of you? What are the implications of that occurrence?
In other words, if your company is able to transact 1,000 sales today because you
manage the cash register, you basically connect with their customers thats a great
contribution that you should recognize. You shouldnt be cocky or smug about it, but
you should be really excited about what you are able and are continuing to be able to
contribute to your employer. You should make sure your employer recognizes that too
not in a cocky way, but in a humble and appreciative way.
You could say, You know, I never realized it, but each and every day I have the
opportunity of connecting this business with 1,000 people advancing the relationship,
maintaining it, solidifying it. Im really excited and proud.
If you are the employer, and youve created a business that has been able to
support and nurture 40 or 440 employees, you should appreciate that. If that business
has been able to contribute and add value to 20,000 customers lives, you should
appreciate that. And that appreciation should be shared continuously with those
customers and those employees so everyone appreciates each other at a higher, deeper
and clearer level.
Appreciation is the crux of knowing what you are really worth, because you cant
know what youre worth until you first recognize what everyone else in your life or your
business, your job or your family is worth.
So the first thing is appreciate them. The second is appreciate yourself. The third
is recognize and acknowledge that appreciation both ways. Make sure people know how
important they are to you, and make sure they also know without being cocky the
contribution, the significance, the supreme relevancy of what you have tried to do for
them. But dont do it cockily. Its very important. Dont do it condescendingly or
smugly. Its very important that you do it with humility and respect, and you recognize
that youre fortunate that youve been able to make that contribution to them.
If you say to your employer, You know, I never realized ten years ago when I
started this job that I would be able to contribute $500,000 a week in shipments to this
business. Or you say, You know, when I married you, I loved you and saw so much
potential. But I never realized that by loving you and nurturing you Id ever see you
develop to be such a wonderful woman or husband, or child, or friend.
You may say, You know, when I first met you and decided immediately wed be
best friends, I never realized what that friendship would produce for both of us.
Theres a subtle way to get everybody connected with you appreciating each
other, and its a two-way valve. You appreciate them first and you acknowledge it.
Then, with humble appreciation on your part, you share with them the reality of what
your contribution has been to their life, to the inter-relationship that they have had in your
life, and to the bigger picture.
Its very important. If you try it for one day you will be extraordinarily pleased
and humbled by the power and the transformational effect it has on everybody and
anybody you channel it through. In other words, all you have to do is start when you
wake up in the morning with your wife, husband, lover, children, the person who parks
your car, the person who operates the elevator, the person at the reception area, the
person you work for or who works for you, the lowest or the highest level person.
If you follow the simple little method I have just shared, your richness and your
prosperity, both financially and psychically in your life will grow by no less than ten
times over and will grow continually for the rest of your life. Youll get much more out
of every day. Youll get much more out of every relationship. You will turn
hopelessness into hopefulness. You will turn joy into exhilaration. You will become the
most beloved person, the most admired person, the most acknowledged person, and the
most appreciated person simply by admiring, appreciating and acknowledging everyone
Now I want to talk about your biggest source of future wealth. Its identifying
where your biggest future opportunity lies.
A lot of people are frustrated because they see the world passing them by. They
see computers becoming all-consuming. They see industries becoming dinosaurs. They
see careers that used to be thriving becoming dead end streets. They see huge employers
that used to be the beacons of security basically becoming dinosaurs also, and
downsizing, and outsourcing, and waylaying all kinds of employees. Theyre scared.
I dont want you to be scared. I want you to be exhilarated because opportunity
lies everywhere you can add value to peoples lives.
So start with wherever you are in life. If you have the good fortune of being on
the fast track to a trend or an area thats experiencing great growth, great, all the better.
But if youre in what most would see as a dead end situation, its no problem because the
one person who sees how to add value who sees how to bring greater advantage who
sees how to bring more benefit and more either protection, security, or tangible result to
someones life, business, or situation will always be invaluable, will always be prized.
And even in a business or an industry that is matured or trending down, the one person or
business that harbors this kind of an attitude will always be critically in demand. You
will always be paid a premium and prize.
Do you see the possibilities? They are limitless if you stop operating by the rules
that have governed everybody else you work with, or the industry you work in. You have
a brand new canvas. You can paint any picture of your career or life that you want. So
go for it, because thats where the opportunity lies in your mind. Not outside it its
inside. The moment you realize that you have the ability to take advantage of any
opportunity out there; to identify the greatest opportunities out there and be part of them
just by asking how you can make the biggest contribution; asking where the opportunity
lies; talking to people; not making a decision out of necessity or out of ignorance, but
making it out of well-reasoned, well-informed questioning and examination.
You can order your life any way you want, and if you settle for less than youre
entitled to - shame, shame, shame on you.
Now, lets talk about the biggest mistake almost everybody makes the truth
about franchises.
Most people who are looking to start a business for themselves turn to franchises.
The only problem is they misunderstand the concept of most franchises. Because
somebody sells a franchise for $50,000 or $100,000 and has a successful operating
facility installed somewhere, they think that by paying this huge franchise fee its an
assurance, a certainty, an absolute security that youre going to be successful trying to
operate a version of that franchise yourself. Nothing could be further from the truth.
What I have discovered and Ive looked at far more franchises than you
probably ever will is that most franchises only have one leg of a success quotient
covered. They have an operating system. They have procedures for managing or
operating the process of the franchise. If its fast food they have a system for processing
and preparing a consistent quality of food.
What they dont usually have, however, is a successful system for generating
customers. Food stores are probably the best, but with many of them, all you end up
doing is getting yourself a low-paying job that you cant get out of. With the more
technical, the more product-based franchises, most of them dont know how to generate
customers. They dont know how to build ongoing sales. They dont know how to grow
profits. All they know how to do is manage a successful system. But if you cant get it
successful, youre screwed.
I encourage you before you ever lay down any money for a franchise to do me
this one favor. Ask the franchisor to put you in touch with ten successful franchisees in
ten different parts of the country, ranging from small cities to large, great locations to
bad. Ask them also to put you in touch with ten people who arent doing well.
Call those 20 people. Ask them whats making them successful and what isnt.
Ask them what their most successful customer-generating system is. Ask them what their
most successful selling process is. Ask them if the franchisor is giving it to them, or did
they figure it out for themselves. Ask them what they would do differently if they didnt
own this and they were thinking about buying the franchise today. Ask the ones that
arent doing well why they think they arent. Ask them what they think would make
them more successful, and ask them what the franchisor is doing to make them more
successful, or to help them.
If the franchisor wont give you the names of those people, its no big deal. Call
the 100 or 200 major cities in the United States and ask information for the name and the
number of that kind of firm. If they are really aggressive franchisers, theyll have an
installation there. They may not want you to know that because it may not be doing well.
But you owe it to yourself to spend the few hundred dollars on the phone calls before you
spend $50,000 or $100,000 and the rest of your life in a situation that gives you a far
lesser result, return, payoff, benefit or enrichment than you deserve.
Thats the first thing. Second, before you make a decision, look up the generic
type of business they are offering in, again, the Yellow Pages but get Yellow Pages for
100 cities and call the non-franchise operators of similar types of generic businesses.
Ask them if they would be willing to franchise or license, or at least train you in their
success secrets.
You may find an independent whos ten times more successful, but he knows how
to gain and build repeat customers ten times better than the franchisor. For $3,000,
$4,000 or $5,000 he or she might let you come and work in their store for a month, and
ask all the questions, and come up with an incredible documentation of how you can do it
yourself in your city without ever paying a franchise fee.
Or you might find something so good that you might make a deal with them
where you become the model, and if it works you own a franchise company with them
and you franchise your successful company.
The key to remember is that 90% of the franchise companies that Ive seen (and
Im exempting the really big ones) the small franchisors dont know how to build
customers. All you get when you lay down your $50,000 or $100,000 is a system of how
to set up a business and how to manage a business, but you dont get certainty that youre
going to have business. And without business, the greatest setup doesnt work.
You want a system that brings you sales and brings you customers, and assures
you a profit. If a franchisor cant point to a ton of successes and isnt willing to introduce
you to the non-successes, consider the alternative. Because for a fraction of the money
and a lot more certainty, you can probably find an independent thats done it right that
would love to teach you (as long as you dont compete against them in their city) how to
do it yourself.
Now Im going to talk about intelligence. Not intellect, but smartness, and the
smartest thing you can do with your life and your opportunities. Its to adopt what I call
the optimum personal, business and career strategy. What does this mean? It means
that you refuse to get less out of an effortless out of an opportunity less out of a
day less out of a dollar less out of a relationship than the maximum that that
activity or action has the capacity to give you today and in the future.
It means that you dont do things just to be doing them that you insist on
playing life to the fullest, but to the fullest based on your sense of values. In other words,
your idea of excitement may be having plenty of time to stay home and read great
literature or listen to music. So theres no reason you ever have to nor would I expect
you to be a great athlete, to run, to play tennis. You have to figure out who it is you
are, and what it is you want.
Thats critical, because most people I meet with dont have a clue of where
theyre going in life and what they want life to give them. Life has the capacity to give
you, in your personal life and in your career or business, everything you ever want and
then some. Multiples of that, in fact. But you cant have any of it if you dont know
where youre going.
Most people remind me of travelers who are absolutely lost. Theyll call and say,
Im in Albuquerque but I dont know where Im going. Or, Im going to San Diego,
but I dont know where I am.
Well, if you dont know both points of your destination where you are and
where youre trying to get to theres no way in heaven you can ever come close. Any
success, any fulfillment, any joy, any prosperity, any goodness you get is almost
All you have to do is stop, sit down with a pad and pencil, and ask, Who am I?
What do I want? What makes me happy? What doesnt? Where is my strength? Where
is my weakness? Where can I make the greatest contribution in my life, in my job, in my
business, in my relationships?
You may only want to make enough money to have the time to enjoy it. To other
people, money making may be a real thrill. You may not care about material things.
Other people may want all the material things.
I am not passing judgment. What I am saying to you is you cant have what you
want until you first know what it is. And you cant know what it is until you really first
realize what richness means to you, because a lot of people have never sat down quietly
and concentratedly and identified what richness means to their own personal wealth
Wealth is denominated a lot of different ways. It may be a million dollars. It may
be enough to support yourself in the lifestyle you want. It may be freedom to never have
to think about problems.
I met a man who shuttled me around an airport once who absolutely had to be one
of the happiest people Ive met. He had a girlfriend. They had no material interest.
They had a nice apartment in a clean part of town. They worked very hard all day, but
they didnt want their business problems to come home with them. So they worked very
hard. They both made really good money, and from 5:00 on they enjoyed life at the
highest level.
Thats great for somebody. Other people love the excitement of business and
personal life being one. Im not passing judgment. Im saying figure out what you want
and identify it, and then make sure the path you are pursuing is the path thats going to
get you what you want out of life, because theres nothing sadder than to see someone go
through life, and in their 70th or 80th year look back regrettably because theyve pursued
the wrong target.
I want every day for you to be a day of joy and enrichment on whatever basis you
define enjoyment and enrichment.
Speaking of smart things you can do, lets talk about the opposite the dumb
mistakes smart people make.
There are a lot of very bright people Ive met that do some very dumb things.
They dont use logic. They dont use common sense. They dont humble themselves
enough to look at the simplest, most direct route to accomplish their goal. They make life
about ten times harder than it has to be, and they are oblivious to anyone elses point of
One of the first lessons I learned years ago was that a study of 500 of the greatest
achievers in the first half of this century revealed that to the man or woman and these
were industrialists, military giants, political heads of countries around the world, actors,
artists, achievers, scientists, noted authors every kind and form of human achievement
and endeavor.
The top levels, the supreme achievers of them all had one trait common to them
all. They all had mastermind groups groups of men and women from outside, not
inside their field of endeavor whose minds they picked continuously on questions,
problems, issues opportunities and challenges that they were faced with and were dealing
with on a day to day basis.
Why mastermind groups? Because these great achievers knew intuitively that
other people saw life differently; that other people had already been where they were just
now trekking; that other people had experienced their equivalent of the same issues, the
same problems, the same opportunities, but from a different pair of eyes, a different
perspective, a different vantage point. If they could tap into five, or ten, or twenty five
different perspectives from men and women who had, cumulatively, 20 or 30 years
worth of very rich business or life experiences, they could add hundreds or thousands of
years of skill, expertise, authority and certainty to any decisions they would make.
So in my mind, its the dumbest thing you can do, if youre an intelligent, smart
man or woman, in life, in business, in career, in a relationship is fail to tap into the
intelligent, experienced, well-informed, objective minds of other men and women who
have been where you are now just starting to trek.
Create your own mastermind group of friends, of advisors outside your business
people who can look at your situation less emotionally, with more objectivity and
wisdom; people who can give you unbiased answers you can at least reflect upon.
Ultimately, the decision is yours. But if you have a knowledge base of dozens, or
hundreds, or thousands of rich and very well experienced, authoritative years to tap into,
every decision you ever make will be a better one because youll have a reference base to
reflect upon that is so much deeper, wider, more accurate and realistic than anybody else
that you compete against. And you are competing in life and in relationships for the right
answer, for the right decision.
Let other people help you, because people have been where you are going now.
People have faced the demons, the problems, the challenges, and the opportunity. They
have made the right decisions. They have made the wrong decisions. They have made
different decisions. They have taken the direct path. They have taken the secure path.
Tap into their experience base and pick their minds, because its very, very easy to get
people to contribute, guide and counsel you if you but ask.
The best way to have a mastermind group? Organize it formally. Meet once a
blank week, month, quarter, day, depending on whats appropriate in your life,
business or job situation. Ask questions. Listen. Dont prejudge. Evaluate. Examine.
Observe. Question. Reflect upon the basis and the experience that goes behind any
suggestion, any answer, or any idea that your friends in your mastermind group
Get people from sophisticated backgrounds and humble backgrounds; people who
bring balance, richness, color and experience to the quotient; people who will tell you the
truth as they see it without sugar-coating it or hedging it; people who respect you enough
that they will not lie to you; who care enough about you that they will tell you what they
feel is your best path.
And then when you have all the information, sort it all out and evolve the best,
most intelligent answer or action you can make to the problem, the issue or the challenge.
You will not believe how much more powerful and effective you will become in your
business, your job, and your life.
Someone said, Jay, how do you come up with so many good, money making
ideas? I cant come up with one. I say thats not true. You can come up with all you
ever want. It only requires two simple understandings.
Number one, that all ideas are are a new combination of old ideas. And the only
way to get ideas is to study the principles and basis behind things happening.
Every time anything occurs in life a process, an event, an achievement, a
catastrophe, a windfall there is almost always a driving force, a principle, a key event
that spawned it, that created it, that is the foundational element that made it occur.
If you develop an awareness for identifying and culling out or honing in on what
the driving principle is behind everything that happens In other words, you start
looking at life, and when you see something happen you start thinking deep down to the
root. You ask whats the core reason that occurred? Whats the key factor or element, or
the fundamental occurrence that made that possible, good or bad?
When your mind starts questioning, dissecting and tightly focusing down to the
core nucleus of what principles drive every event, occurrence, result and accomplishment
that goes on in your life And I mean everything. I mean you look at your wife or
husbands smile and you say, Whats the principle that made that happen?
You look at someone whos very wealthy and you meet them one day and say,
Can I ask you one question? If you had to reduce it down to the simplest principle that
accounts for your success, what is it? And if theyll let you, ask another question.
What made that happen? What influenced you?
If you keep questioning and looking at what makes everything happen, and
culling it down to its simplest principle, your mind will start thinking differently. Youll
start storing key essences, key elements, and key principles of achievement, attainment,
and pure, creative accomplishment in your mind.
And then all you have to do, whenever youre looking to come up with a
breakthrough or a fresh new approach or perspective or new idea is combine all those
principles youre storing in your mind in fresh, new ways. And the way to do it is to not
limit the scope or the area you focus on. Make the rest of your life one constant
adventure in discovering, identifying and culling out driving principles in every activity,
experience, event, encounter, and observation you ever make.
You see an ad work that excites you? Ask yourself whats the driving principle
that makes that work - the basis, the question, the illustration, the point? Somebody gets
you to buy something you werent going to buy? Ask whats the principle that made you
do that? Something happens, good or bad, at work or in your relationship? Besides
reacting normally, emotionally, have another reaction a principle-pursuing reaction,
where you hone in and zero right in on the driving principle behind it.
And when you identify it, articulate it for yourself. If you can, write it down
because the process of writing it down on a private pad or notebook will indelibly embed
it in the recesses of your mind, where it will ready at your beck and call to be accessed
whenever you need to combine new combinations of identified principles in fresh, new
ways, because thats the simplest explanation of how new, fresh ideas get created each
and every day by people no brighter than you, and no brighter than me.
Each and every one of us me, you, everyone in your work, everyone in your
family has the capacity to come up with great ideas all day long and all night long for
the rest of their life if they will just change the way they look at everything around them.
Instead of being passive and oblivious, put on your little pair of 3D glasses, and with
everything that happens, stop and say, Whats the principle that makes that work?
Even if working means a negative result, why did that occur? Whats the principle
behind it? Its a powerful process. You wont believe what it will do for you.
Well, Ive got two more things to talk about, and then Im done. One is smart
money and easy money the two laziest methods for creating wealth that Ive ever
discovered. The second is what I call idea generating.
So lets talk about the laziest ways to create wealth, because everyone seems to
want to know that. The laziest ways Ive discovered are finding what someone else does
that no one else knows about, and charging them to teach it to them.
Ill tell you about a simple idea. If you look at any business, youll find that
almost everyone operating any business today has within that business perfected
(unbeknownst even to that business owner) methods or processes of conducting their
business that are literally superior to almost anything anyone else in the industry does.
You may manage people better. You may hire more effectively. You may get
more usefulness out of a day. You may get more usefulness out of a person. You may
get a lower capital investment to give you a higher yield per annum. You may be able to
manage a smaller staff of people and get a greater outcome. You may get more profit per
sale. You may get more sales per customer per year.
Whatever it is someone does, if you can identify it, codify it and turn it into a
process, you can take that process and sell it, lease it or joint venture it to not only others,
but to hundreds or thousands of others all over the country.
Theres so many methods, procedures and processes you can sell to your
marketplace. All you have to do is find out what other people do better than their
competitors, and see if theyll give you the right to acquire that intangible, that
intellectual property and sell it, rent it or license it to somebody else outside their area of
competition. You can make revenue forever from dozens, hundreds, thousands or tens of
thousands of other business people or individuals around the world.
The second way thats easy and lazy is to improve the performance of something
youre already doing. Most people dont realize that the processes theyre already
engaged in doing can normally produce many times greater outcome. People who run
ads can normally make their ads produce two, three, four times greater yield just by
changing certain parts. People who hire employees can normally get 15, 20, 30% more
productivity by managing them better or by organizing their time or their job functions
When you identify other people who have learned how to get greater results,
utility or yield out of something they are currently doing that other people dont do as
effectively, all you have to do is help companies improve the performance of a given
function, and you can ask and receive a massive share of either the savings, the improved
productivity or profit, or both. Its a very simple process I have used to make millions of
dollars for myself, and saved or made tens and hundreds of millions of dollars for clients
I have worked with.
Every business, every individual in the world could be a prospect for this. Its
exciting. Its easy. And the best part about it is that you never make money unless you
improve or enhance the quality, prosperity or productivity of somebodys life or business.
Last, but not least, I want to give you a few really neat ways to generate cash flow
and increase your income without doing it yourself. I broached upon it earlier, but
understand this: There are people in the world who are doers. There are people in the
world who are managers. There are people in the world who are producers. There are
people in the world who are salespeople.
Salespeople normally arent entrepreneurs. Salespeople normally dont know
how to organize a business. Organizers arent normally salespeople.
If you can be the connectorif you can put together people who can sell with
people who can manage, you can organize businesses for others and take a share either of
the equity, or a share of the revenue, or a share of the profit for a very long period of
time. Ive done that many times. Ive found people who could sell and put them together
with people who could manage or had expertise and created businesses for them and
taken a share of the profit or a fee for organizing them. Its pretty exciting.
Likewise, you can find companies who are on the verge of going out of business
but cant afford to do it and believe it or not, a lot of companies cant afford to go out of
business because the liability is too substantial for the owners. In other words, the owner
may have personally guaranteed a loan and if they go out of business theyll lose their
house and their wealth. So they keep plodding along, basically breaking even, oftentimes
not even taking a salary out of the business because its the best of a number of bad
options they have.
If you can get businesses that would like to go out of business but cant afford to
to agree to let you take their customers and combine them together into one super cluster
of customers, you can sell those customers to a third party, another business who can add
them in with theirs, operate and serve those customers very cost effectively, because
incrementally it costs very little to add them to an existing business.
You can get the acquiring company the company that ultimately assumes the
responsibility for all these customers that you have acquired from all these businesses
that cant afford to go out of business. That company will pay you 20, 30, 40, 50% of the
ongoing, perpetual profit that they get from those customers, and you can take a portion
of the profit that they pay you and repay that to the marginal company that youve gotten
those customers from.
In other words, Company A would like to go out of business but cant afford to,
so they struggle, just selling products to customers because its cheaper for them than
going out of business. You go to them. You get them to let you take their customers and
sell them to a third party. You get the third party to give you 25 to 50% of the profit
those customers generate for years and years to come. You share half of that profit with
the company you originally acquired the customers from.
The company you pay that share to is exhilarated, because they can afford to close
down their business, eliminate their overhead, but get a stream of income for many years
or for life. They can save their personal finances, and you do them a great service. But
you get half, or three quarters, or one fourth, or whatever you decide is fair and ethical of
the cash flow for years and years and years.
I had businesses do this in five different industries, and Ive seen people make
themselves tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars a month for life just by helping
struggling businesses get out of their business by taking their customers and selling them
to other companies, but selling them for an ongoing share of the profits those customers
generated, and then splitting that profit share with the company they got the customers
from. Thats one of the best ideas for passive income generation that I can think of.
The next one is to find people who are great, and dont act as a finder. Act as a
manager. No ones ever done this in business, but theres no reason you cant become a
personal manager for somebody whos great, and represent them to somebody else in the
Lets say that you know an incredible waitperson. Lets say that he or she
basically has a following of people who love them. He or she wants a different job, but
on their own probably wouldnt get much more money. Why couldnt you act like a
manager? Go to that person and offer to represent them to another restaurant. In the
process of representing them to that restaurant, negotiate a really great financial package
for them, one that gives you 10% of their revenue forever. But even on only getting 90%
for themselves, you get them such an incredible improvement and increase that theyre
You can do that for anybody in any life, in any career. Most of us dont have
enough confidence in our own ability, so that we dont really manage well when it comes
to changing jobs. We dont really fully value the contribution and the worth we have
with our employer. If somebody acted as our manager, frankly, the employer wouldnt
like it, but that manager would get great contributing people, great asset value employees,
greater deals, greater compensation, longer term contracts or be able to negotiate much
more lucrative arrangements for them with other competitors.
But many of us cant do it for ourselves. Thats why I think one of the greatest
opportunities out there is to act as a manager for employees. No ones ever done it, but I
think its an idea whose time has come. The people who super achieve deserve
everything life will reward them. The people who dont deserve to recognize that the
world revolves around contribution, achievement and value. Everybody wins if it does
Check out the legalities. Talk to an attorney. I dont know what kind of
requirements are necessary to become a personal manager, but I know that theres an
opportunity to manage and add value to all kinds of peoples lives who are really great
contributors to their employers, but arent appreciated. You can get them more
appreciation, more money, or better careers with other people and make yourself an
incredible profession and income at the same time. If you got 10% of the income from
20 or 30 clients that you represented and managed, itd be a great income. Itd be a great,
fulfilling profession, and you will know with certainty that every time you make a dollar
you enrich somebodys life.
Are you richer than you think? I think you are. I think youre many times richer
than you think, and Ive sat down today at my home to share with you 19 of the simplest,
but most powerful revelations youll ever make on ways to make your life, your career,
your business and your relationship many times more enriching to you, and to those
that you associate with. At very least, I hope I can give you the process and the tools you
need to give yourself everything and anything youve ever wanted, and all that life is
waiting to bestow upon you, financially and otherwise.
Hopefully, youll take it to a much higher level and application and enrichment
than even I have. At least thats what Im expecting, because thats the reason Im
sharing it with you. With that stated, let the game begin.
Good luck and good fortune to you.