Handbook For Newly Qualified CAs PDF
Handbook For Newly Qualified CAs PDF
Handbook For Newly Qualified CAs PDF
Newly Qualified
Chartered Accountants
: March, 2009
Second edition
: April, 2009
Third edition
Fourth edition
: July, 2010
Fifth edition
: February, 2011
Sixth edition
: July, 2011
Seventh edition
: January, 2012
Eighth edition
: March, 2012
Ninth edition
Tenth edition
: August, 2012
Eleventh edition
: August, 2013
Twelfth edition
: February, 2015
Sixteenth edition
: August, 2015
: www.icai.org, www.cmii.icai.org
: cmii@icai.in
ISBN : 978-81-8441-393-9
Price : ` 100/Published by
Best Wishes
Section I
Personality to Succeed
Good Grooming
Communication Skills
Section II
Making a point in GD
Section III
Facing the Interview
Section IV
Preparing a Resume
Section V
Working in organizations
Business Etiquettes
CMII Activities A Platform for Members in Industry
Section I
In this section...
Good Grooming
Communication Skills
Good Grooming
The process of judging starts as soon as you enter the interview room. It is important
that your first impression on the panelist is very good. You should keep a number of
tips in your mind. Some of these should form part of your daily routine.
Avoid use of strong perfumes as many people have strong averse and
even allergic to them.
Make sure that your hair is well shampooed. Avoid oily hair.
Bring a professional looking folder to carry resume, mark sheets,
certificates and testimonials with you.
Keep your cell phone switched-off or in silent mode before entering the
room. Keeping it even on vibrating mode may distract you.
If there are moustaches, they should be well trimmed, above the lip level
and not drooping.
Interview attire
The following are the dress requirements needed for formal interview attire, as
well as suggestions on how to achieve an overall professional look:
Wear a pastel colour shirt which should be full sleeved with contrasting
Wear formal trousers. The best colours to go for are conservative ones
like black or blue.
Avoid jewellery.
Should be of black or dark brown colour and must be coordinated with
the clothes worn.
Laces should be tied neatly at all the times. Avoid shoes without laces.
The colour of the socks should match with the colour of the trouser.
hould be left open only if they are of shoulder length. The following are to
be avoided:
laborated hairstyles, knots or coils. Low loose knots tied at the nape
of the neck.
Oily hair.
Short hair
Should be cut in an elegant contemporary style which is manageable and
looks neat.
Eyebrows should be neat and well shaped, skin should be well-cared for
facial hair should be bleached or removed regularly.
Make up
Should always be clean and well manicured. Mehndi designs should be avoided.
Low-heeled or high-heeled shoes or sandals are appropriate with most
Light authentic jewellery, e.g., a thin gold chain, a light gold bangle, small
gold, pearl or diamond earrings add to style.
Artificial or costume jewellery in oxidized silver or plastic should be
strictly avoided at work.
Avoid anklets.
Interview attire
Women should wear a well tailored business suit in conservative colours
such as black, dark blue or dark grey with a fine print.
Scarf and shoes must be well coordinated with the business suit.
Sarees must be well ironed. If cotton, a little starch adds wonders. The
falls must be well stitched on, with no bits hanging apart.
Communication Skills
Communication is a two way process of exchanging messages in form of
information, views or ideas. It involves transmitting and receiving verbal and
non-verbal messages. Communication is considered effective if it achieves the
desired response from the receiver.
Every message, whether oral or written, involves a certain process. This process
can be adequately represented through the communication model given below:
he starting point for any type of communication is a thought that the
sender of the message wants to share with the receiver. A thought is the core
idea behind the message. It need not have a base in any language.
aving conceived of a thought, the sender now looks for ways of converting
it into symbols that can be understood by the receiver. Thoughts are
converted into symbols by the process of coding. Coding involves
deciding upon the message from (word, tone, body language, facial
expression, gesture), length, organization, tone and style all of which
depend on your idea, your audience, and your personal style and mood.
Therefore language is a code that is known to and shared by a group of people.
Similarly, certain non-verbal expressions are given the same meaning by a
set of people belonging to the same region.
f the sender and the receiver share the knowledge of the same code, the
sender can use it to translate his thought into symbols that can be understood
by the receiver. Symbols can be words or expressions or pictures that are
transmitted across to the receiver.
ransmission is the actual act of transferring the symbols from the sender to
the receiver through a communication channel (verbal, non verbal, spoken
or written) and medium (telephone, computer, letter, report, etc.)
he channel and medium you use depends upon your message, the location
of your audience, your need for speed, and the formality of the occasion.
Transmission involves the study of clarity and relative audibility of oral
communication, and the readability and clarity of written communication.
f transmission is good, then the receiver hears/ watches/ reads/ perceives/
recognizes the symbols created by the sender. The receiver physically receives
the signals around him including those made by the sender, through his sensory
organs. The signals received by them are sent to the brain in a continuous stream.
Only strong and relevant signals actually register in the receivers brain.
he receiver then proceeds to decode the message and then analyses it,
understands it and absorbs it. This information is then stored in the
receivers brain. If all the steps in this process are accurate, then the message
is interpreted correctly by the receiver and he understands exactly, the idea
that the sender was trying to communicate to him/her.
he last step in this process is the feedback loop, i.e. the response that the
receiver sends back to the sender. Feedback is a key element in this process
because it allows the sender to gauge for himself/herself, the effectiveness
of the message. If the receiver has not understood the message, then
the feedback allows the sender to alter his/her message to make it more
Pupil size.
Speed of speech.
Facial expressions.
Eye contact.
Eye movement.
A mass of literature has appeared in recent years on this topic and there is a
range of different groupings and names for the various elements of non-verbal
communication, which we have detailed here. The term body language is often
used to mean non-verbal communication.
The most significant features of non-verbal communication are body language
(visual) and voice (sound attributes, not spoken words).
How do we communicate?
Purpose: To establish the significance of non-verbal communication.
What to do: Imagine you are meeting someone for the first time.
Ask yourself how much you communicate by:
The way you say those words, e.g., tone and speed.
Put in basic terms, body language is the message you receive when you watch a
silent film, or a television programme with the sound turned down.
Body language tells you more about what people really mean than all the words
in any spoken language in the world. Anyone you communicate with-male or
female, customer, colleague, family, friend, child, sales person, politician - all
use non-verbal communication.
At any given moment, your brain can assume a certain attitude and communicate
this to various parts of your body, which promptly responds with specific actions
or expressions, i.e. Body language. Many of the gestures and signals sent out by
the body are communicated to the surrounding world without us consciously
realizing it.
Body language includes
Movements, posture, sitting position, use of the arms, facial expression,
emotions, eye movements, handshake, way of walking, distance from others
(territories), dress, etc. Even apparently very small, ordinary gestures are
It is one thing to be able to interpret other peoples body language but it is quite
another to be able to master your own body language and realize its relevance
to the message you are giving.
If you want some cast iron examples of the importance of body language,
Consider actors, teachers, instructors, salesmen (and service-givers with direct
customer contact).
The words they use are often the same (or most), but whether they are good
or bad in the role, succeed or not, depends entirely on their mastery of body
language and the degree to which their words and body language convey the
same message. When you have learned how to interpret body language you will
have opened the door to a new world!
Words may lie but the body seldom does!
It requires training to interpret other peoples body language, but it can be done.
You can ascertain whether the people you are communicating with are lying,
bored, impatient, sympathetic, defensive, agreeing or disagreeing. You can
decide whether they are open, nervous, calculating, suspicious, angry, worried,
insecure, etc.
The importance of this to people in a service situation is obvious. You can also
learn to see hidden, social, emotional and other intentions in the gestures of
someone you know or want to know.
Not looking directly at the face and eyes of the person speaking to you.
Instead, looking down or shifting eyes around the room.
Head thrown back and looking and speaking down over the node.
A patronizing and over-confident manner puts people off and makes one
a most unacceptable candidate.
The language of confidence
Turn by turn creating eye contact with all the members of the board you
speak to.
Speaking naturally.
Section ii
In this section...
How to succeed in a Group Discussion
It is a skill to put forth ones view point in a group and get it across to others
emphatically without showing signs of aggression or dominance. A group discussion
exercise is conducted to assess how well a candidate can place his view points in a
convincing manner, put relevant issues/concerns to others, maintain their focus on
the topic and not digress from the central theme.
Higher level objective
To assess the candidates ability and skill to ensure participation of all and to
generate a consensus.
Very often everyone in a group will say different things which may or may not be
identical. Sometimes the candidates may make incoherent points which may have no
or remote relation with the topic assigned. First and foremost, the attention of the
group should be brought back to the topic of discussion, and not waver ambiguously.
If members present divergent views, the different points should be discussed and
a conclusion should be drawn. At the end of the discussion, the entire group must
have arrived at some degree of common understanding and generated consensus i.e.
Reached a decision/understanding acceptable to all.
If all members keep making points of their own without establishing any connectivity
between the points floated, it would be more like a crowd or a cacophonous setting. A
group leader is one who synergizes the energy of all by discussing each view point in
the common forum and establishing common understanding on the issues discussed.
Unless this activity is carried out, it would be more a motley crowd seated together
and saying different things, than a group heading towards a fruitful discussion.
The objective is to assess if one is a good team player, has leadership potential, is
facilitative by nature, empathizes with others, encourages others and at the same
time displays good communication skills and stays focused on the subject.
Topic for discussion
A topic of common interest is floated by the interview board. A member of the board
announces a topic and leaves the forum open for the members to participate in. The
interview board usually does not introduce the topic or give any qualifying remarks.
The candidates should keep a paper and pencil handy to jot down their thoughts and
keep their points ready before speaking in the group. It is usually a good practice as it
helps to organize oneself and also to make a note of the point of view of others, which
they may want to question.
The first milestone in a group discussion is understanding the objective and relevance
of the topic in the context of the post being interviewed for, though there need not be
any clear linkage. The importance of understanding the title of the topic cant be over
emphasized. In case you are confused on the subject, wait for others to start and try
to decipher the import of the topic.
However, if you feel that the title of the topic is nowhere close to your imagination, do
not hesitate to put up the issue of clarifying the meaning of the topic. You may instead
earn credit points for your candour. Take care not to ask the meaning of presumably
well known topics that you may be unaware of as that would be tantamount to
displaying your ignorance.
To facilitate the process, familiarize yourself with the topics that are very much
in the news during the last one-month and have relevance to the interview. Other
topics, which may bring milestone type changes in business world e.g., sustaining
development in the era of financial crisis, should also be studied.
Who begins the discussion ?
One who initiates the discussion usually earns credit points to himself, a fact very
well noted by the board. In a test setting, everyones eyes are keen on who begins the
discussion. As soon as the topic is announced you must gather your thoughts and
determine if you have matter worthy of an opening remark. If you have command
over the topic, you may begin the discussion with an opening remark that will be
Take care not to miss the bus, thinking that a point should be made only if it is extremely
good. You can quickly chip in to make your point otherwise someone else will state
that point. It is also important to remember that what you speak will automatically
capture the attention of the rest of the members of the group. You would realize
that after you have made your presence in the discussion felt, your nervousness/
hesitation will wear off. If you are able to change the course of discussion and give it
a new direction by factual data and logic, you may perhaps win a point.
Two approaches may be followed to determine the order of members participation.
Unregulated: Any candidate can participate in any sequence. No rule or order is
defined for participant to speak. It may be important to understand that in real life
situations, nobody will necessarily give specific time to all to express themselves and
thus this approach may actually be more realistic.
Regulated: The order in which members will participate is predetermined by the
candidates themselves at the beginning of the discussion. All candidates are asked to
speak in sequential order to present their ideas. After each one has spoken his/her
point, the forum becomes open and unregulated by any order or sequence.
A variation of this method may also be followed where all the participants may be
required to summarize the session in a determined sequence.
The opening remark and/or closing remark may be made by the group nominated
leader or by any one at random chosen by the supervisor. It is at the discretion of the
Example: At the end of the group discussion, the members of the board say we would
like each one of you to summarize the outcome of the discussion in 2 minutes. Please
remember clearly that the summary has to be of the discussion which actually took
place. Some students make mistake by incorporating the points which they wanted
to emphasise but they could not because of time constraints or loss of memory at the
desired time. Here, they try to achieve two objectives:
2 Find out how attentive a candidate is and how well he/she has grasped the gist
of the discussion.
A time limit is predefined at the start of the discussion. A specific time will be given to
the participants to go through the reading material given to them if the discussion is
to be based on case situation. Usually 10 to 20 minutes are allotted for the discussion.
The candidates discuss the topic for the specified time with no interference.
Group size: The size of the group may vary from 6 to 10, beyond which however
such a group becomes unmanageable. Ideally a group should have 7 to 8 members.
Test of skills: Broadly speaking group discussions test two types of skills. They are
managerial skills and leadership skills.
Managerial skills to be tested: communication (clarity of thought and
expression and appropriate language), catch presentation (forceful argument
to the attention of others), interpersonal skill (ability to interact with others,
place others, objectivity, listening to others), problem solving (analytical and
logical approach, creativity and innovation).
Leadership skills to be tested: team building (involve others), initiative
and drive (provide direction), self confidence, ability to work under stress, vision and
Points to improve the performance in group discussion
Take Initiative
Personal skills
Be relaxed.
Show consistency of ideas: all points stated should have consistency of thought.
Display knowledge
Have the facts right, before expressing them before the group.
If you are not able to understand the technical term/Abbreviations used by
another member, it is in order to ask for clarifications (as long as that is not
your own area of specialization)
Quote examples of recent developments that have taken place in the USA and
Europe or changes that are in the pipeline in those places and in India in the
related field covered by the topic.
Participation is not necessarily the duration and frequency of your speaking,
but the number of value inputs you give to the discussion.
It is not necessary that your participation has to be by making a fresh point.
At the same time, just agreeing to what someone else mentions is no real
contribution. You can disagree with the views of others by giving logic as to
why you disagree.
Get in the midst of discussion only when the current speaker has completed
a sentence and given a pause. This is to ensure that he/she is not unduly
interrupted. Otherwise, he/she may put you down by saying, Let me finish.
Value addition
Each point you make should enhance the quality of the discussions.
Make original points rather than expressing options about someone elses
Decide what stand you would take about the topic and stick to it.
Do not be repetitive.
Communication skills
Express your ideas clearly. Clarity of expression comes naturally to those who
have clarity of thought. So think clearly before communicating to the group.
Listen attentively to others point of view. Not only should you listen to others
carefully, it is your duty to show it to others. For example you should not
look around when others are making their points, though physically you are
Group skills
You should be able to state clearly whenever the group agrees on any point,
before passing on to the next.
Towards the end, try to develop a team consensus on the subject and make
concluding remarks.
If you feel, right in the middle of the discussion, that things are not moving in
the right direction, take the initiative to set things right.
Points to note
In group discussions, it is important not to get agitated even if some one
contradicts your argument in an unfair manner.
There should not be any attempt to sneer at the observations of the team
members statement
A quote from a learned authority on the topic of discussion always provides an
edge over others.
Statistics do add weight-age to ones observations but these should be quoted
only when they are relevant and accurate.
6. Is administered price mechanism actually dismantled in the oil and gas sector ?
Why cant we be world players in manufacturing as we are in software
development ?
Section iiI
In this section...
General awareness
It is essential to follow the news and current business events by reading general
and business newspapers and magazines. Any events of current importance such
as budget/central legislations, international events which affect business company
should be studied carefully.
Study thoroughly your favourite subjects
It may not be practical for the interviewer to test you on all the subjects of your
education. Usually the interviewer would ask you to choose one or two favourite
subjects to test your knowledge. Be sure to study these thoroughly. Not being able
to answer questions on your favourite subject would give a negative impression. You
should also understand and remember important rules/laws/formulae of the chosen
subjects. Be careful not to choose fancy, irrelevant subjects, say European history, for
a job in management accounting.
Have structured answers
Keep a well thought structured answer ready about what you have done during the
last three assignments that you have handled either in your work or during your
articleship training. This should include what are your points of learning and
You are almost certain to be asked questions pertaining to your strengths and
weaknesses. Know your strengths and emphasize those that relate specifically to the
position for which you are being considered. Be prepared to back up your claim. An
interviewer can suddenly ask How can you say that ?
The real issue, and the only one at stake, is whether or not your prospective employer
is willing to pay what you are worth. And, your worth is a function of the job itself,
your capability and your willingness to perform it.
In most organizations, there are clear parameters for a given job, a range of salary
that is adjustable depending upon the market and the applicants experience in
most cases, unless you are very good, you will have to work within those limits. But,
within the limits, what you are worth is a matter of mutual agreement based on the
knowledge of your worth and your ability to convince the person interviewing you.
Know the range of compensation for the job you are seeking, make your own realistic
assessment of what you are worth, and then be prepared to stand your ground.
Important certificates to serve as documented proof for all the information
given in the resume.
A copy of the days newspaper: you could read it on the way to relieve your
tension. Also, you could be asked some questions from the same.
Enough cash and loose change so that you do not waste time trying to get
change for say ` 500 or ` 100 note to pay for transport.
An umbrella, especially during the monsoon season else you could get yourself
and your original certificates drenched.
Carry notes on your objectives in life, your skill sets, your strengths and
Before the interview
Knock at the door gently before entering the interview room. On entering, smile
at each of the interview panel members and greet the time of the day, softly. Wait
standing straight, with arms resting easily and sit only after being asked to.
After being asked to sit, draw the chair gently and swiftly and sit setting into a
convenient posture. Avoid making creaking noise by dragging the chair or by violently
flopping into the chair. Sit comfortable, but erect.
Maintain eye contact with each of the interview panel members, but avoid looking
defiantly. It is ok to bend forward but if there is a table in front, you should not put
the elbows/hands on the table.
Remember, all your actions and body language are observed by the interviewer. It
is essential that the first impression you make of yourself is a very good impression.
If for any reason, the interview is halted in between, do not start wandering
around or start reading whatever is lying in front of you. Also do not show
your displeasure if the interruption takes some more time you must trust the
judgment of the employer about his priorities. Do not show that you are in a
hurry to complete the interview-unless specifically asked to do so or you are
really in a hurry to catch your train/flight.
You should be able to describe your significant knowledge acquisitions during
your articleship period.
You should be convincingly able to describe what new improvements were
brought about during the audit period as also how you dealt with any conflict
situation which may have arisen.
You should reasonably be up to date on the recent changes in the professional
world, be it all the new accounting standards, amendment to laws, economic/
financial developments, fiscal changes etc.
On general topics, you should not worry about correct answers but should
answer honestly what you feel. You should not be afraid of giving controversial
answers as long as you have the logic to support them. Never give answers
which you think the interviewer wants to hear.
Any gaps in the career should be confidently presented, without feeling
defensive, emphasizing how you utilized the period constructively. If you did
not clear an exam in the first attempt, do not feel defensive or try to hide the
Cracking knuckles.
Avoid asking pointed question on the salary. However on being asked for
salary expectations you should give a broad range, commensurate with relative
market worth vis--vis the industry you are desirous of joining.
Location of posting.
At the end of the interview if the panel has nothing more to ask, you should usually
conclude by thanking the panel for giving opportunity for being interviewed.
You should shake hands only if offered by the panel members. You should wish the
panel the time of the day with a smiling face and take their leave. Put back the chair
in position, collect your things in a swift motion and softly walk out of the room.
Avoid slamming the door.
Some relevant points to note
The candidate is asked to narrate one or two instances of his achievements.
It is expected that the achievements are narrated without any self-adulation,
in a normal and honest manner. In such an achievement he/she should not
hesitate to mention the contribution of other team members.
In the event of job profile not being clearly defined at the time of interview
call, the candidate must acquire sufficient knowledge. For example, if the job
is that of treasury operation, the basics should be well known to the candidate
even if he/she has not gathered sufficient experience-a fact which can be
admitted at the very outset.
Quoting the correct statistics in the answer has a positive effect but the same
should be brought in if the candidate is absolutely confident about the figures.
Quoting incorrect data about international trade of India, for instance, will
have greater negative impact rather than admitting ignorance.
It is quite common for the interview board to judge the candidates from the
angle of honesty and dependability, integrity and commitment. Alternatively,
he/she may be asked his/her preference out of two business honchos-one
who amassed wealth through questionable means and the other in a straight
manner to cull out his/her view with regard to honesty in operations. (It will
be appropriate for the candidate to follow the age old adage - honesty is the
best policy.)
At times the interview board may raise a politically sensitive topic, which has
been highlighted in the media, in the interview. The candidate should do well
to avoid extremes in his/her answer and should not favour any political party.
The interview board may put the candidate in the adverse team environment
and his/her conflict handing style. (the candidate should not lose calm in such
a situation and submit the answers in a cool confident manner). This type of
interview is called stress interview. The real purpose of the employer is not
to harass the candidate but to understand how the candidate will function
amidst the difficulties, uncertainties and at times chaos.
Quite often, the candidate is asked to name his/her model preferably in the
business world. The candidate should prepare well for such a question and
narrate the basic traits of such a person in a lucid manner.
The candidate can be asked to give reference of the latest book which he/
she has read, both in his/her professional field and otherwise. The candidate
should be well prepared to answer such questions.
Tips for an outstation interview
Decide on the travel date, time and mode, giving a clear margin for any delays
Reserve if possible in advance for a hotel stay room preferably near the
interview location.
Keep the original copy of railway ticket or air ticket and boarding pass for
obtaining reimbursement of travelling expenses.
Wear separate clothes during outstation travel and at the time of Interview.
Keep sufficient money with you for any prolonged stay for interview as
sometimes companies conduct more than one round of interview and keep
the other rounds on subsequent days.
Whether the interviewee is willing to make commitments and assume
responsibility for mistakes and shortcomings?
11. Does the interviewee take accountability and make commitment to achieve
organization objectives?
12. Whether the interviewee has the ability to demonstrate courage/confidence to
stand for his/her beliefs and ideas?
13. Does the interviewee care for relationships while making difficult decisions?
Does the interviewee encourage risk-taking and out of the box thinking?
Does the interviewee listen effectively and constantly probe for new ideas?
Does the interviewee use facts & rational arguments to persuade others?
Can the interviewee form teams across multiple functions and layers?
18. Does the interviewee encourage & promote shared ownership for team vision
and goals?
19. Whether the interviewee has the potential to spot talent in other people;
provide coaching and feedback to develop team members to their fullest
Does the interviewee possess knowledge & intellect to handle the job?
21. Does the interviewee delegate tasks; empowers team to maximize effectiveness?
22. Can the interviewee fully utilize diversity of team members (cultural, race,
gender) to achieve success?
27. Can the interviewee anticipate problems and initiate innovative ways to solve
Does the interviewee treat others with dignity, trust and respect?
Whether the interviewee possesses the entrepreneurial skills and has
willingness to work like an entrepreneur.
30. Whether the interviewee has sufficient level of Intellectual Quotient (IQ) and
Emotional Quotient (EQ) like pressure handling skills.
31. Whether the interviewee has the ability to act both as a good team leader as
well as a good team member.
Personal Questions
1. What are your strengths?
Describe your strengths that match the job profile being offered to you. Emphasize
up on your practical strengths, experience and reliability in the tasks undertaken.
Narrate a few incidents where you have demonstrated these qualities. Inform the
panel that you have completed the tasks efficiently.
Before facing an interview the candidates must be mentally prepared with a
list of strengths they possess.
A few traits that an employer would seek in their employees are loyalty,
integrity, hardworking, positive attitude, good communication skills
dedication, confidence, punctuality, determination, ability to prioritize etc.
2. What are your weaknesses?
Try to turn negatives into positives i.e., present a strength of yours disguised as a
weakness. The interviewer is not interested to know your personal deficiencies;
instead concentrate on professional traits that you are developing.
For example: I am too focused on work and need to develop some after office hours
hobbies. Or I have to work on having more patience and giving myself a break because
I always want everything to be done at once.
ry and uncover what the employer actually requires, this will help you
understand what is he actually looking for and you can mould your answers
Are you willing to relocate or travel (if yes, then how much- 50%,
80% or 100%) ?
13. Would you agree to put interest of the organization ahead of your personal
16. What do you think KRAs (Key Result Areas) and ICAs (Individual contribution
Areas) should be, if we select you, for the position?
How do you think your skills will be useful in discharge of your duties?
What is your total notice period? (If the candidate is already in some
employment the numbers for the answer should be correct, as joining time is
dependent on the same)
Articleship Training
2. Where have you done your training from ? What type of audits have you dealt
5. What are the major findings during articleship and how have you dealt with
the issues?
What are the major contributions made by you in the process of audit work?
7. Any major point which you would like to highlight about your work experience
during your training.
Current Affairs
Swachh Bharat
Between Rewari
and Rohtak in
Mr. Raghuram
Rajan - RBI
Engineers India
Ltd. (EIL) &
National Buildings
GOOGLE in India?
Urban Water
What is the full form of AMFI? The Association of Mutual Funds in India.
Ans: Sale of commodity at different prices in different market, lower than the price
being charged at the domestic market where the demand is relative elastic.
Ans: Samuelson has coined the term Net Economic Welfare as it is an adjusted
measure of total national output that includes only consumption and
investment items that contribute directly to economy welfare
Ans: The basic goals of macroeconomic policy in most of the countries are full
employment, price stability, rapid economic growth, balance of payments
equilibrium and economic justice. Economic justice refers to equitable
distribution of income. The government tries to achieve the goals through
macroeconomic policy. Macroeconomic policy can be broadly divided into
monetary policy and fiscal policy. Of course, the government follows other
policies such as industrial policy, agricultural policy, tariff policy and so on.
But we limit our discussion only to monetary policy and the fiscal policy. In
the present chapter, we shall study the monetary policy with reference to our
country. Monetary policy is policy that employs the central banks control
over the supply and cost of money as an instrument for achieving the objectives
of economic policy
Ans: The law of demand states that there is a negative or inverse relation between
the price and quantity demanded of a commodity over a period of time. Alfred
Marshall stated that the greater the amount sold, the smaller must be the
price at which it is offered, in order that it may find purchasers; or in other
words, the amount demand increases with fall in the price & diminish with
rise in price
Geneva, Switzerland
Vatican City
Who was the first Indian to win the Nobel Shri Rabindra Nath Tagore
Prize ?
for literature
What is XBRL?
How will the FDI in Multi Brand retail impact Indian Counter Part?
What is RTI?
28. PONZI Schemes are flourishing at a very higher rate, what do you know about
such schemes?
30. I lead India Youth Brigade - is an initiative by the times of India, have you ever
participated in any such movement?
Section iV
Preparing a resume
Prospective employers look for the following personality characteristics:
Being pleasant.
Team spirit.
Communication skills
Leadership qualities.
I f you are responding to a job opening, mention your qualifications; how your
skills are transferable and relate to the position applied for.
If enquiring about a job opening, mention how your skills can meet the
Employers expectations.
In the concluding paragraph
Writing a resume
Resume is the first contact point of the candidates with the prospective employers.
It therefore needs to be given at least the same level of importance as the interview
itself. This is so because in most cases the questions would relate to or emerge from
the resume sent by the candidate. Whatever is mentioned in the details of the job in
the advertisement must be covered either in the resume or in the covering letter. It
may thus make sense to consider the job requirements of each prospective employer
and revise the resume to suit the requirements. Thus writing resume need not be and
should not be the one that fits all kinds of jobs:
1. The length should not exceed two pages. In the first screening round, the
Resume gets scrutinized in a few minutes. Therefore, a good presentation is
a must. Remember that your resume is not your biography and hence only
relevant and material information should be furnished.
Check for grammatical errors and mistakes. Ask someone to review the
resume. Apart from using standard spell check features of office-suite
function, one needs to go through each and every word of the resume to see its
appropriateness and proper placement.
Emphasize your skills, accomplishments and experience. Wherever you
can see the linkage of your skills and achievements with the job, you stand
better chances of selection-give it a thought before you list down your skills,
achievements and experience details.
4. Make an honest presentation even if you have been out of employment.
Prospective employers verify antecedents.
5. Make a presentation in the skills oriented format if you are unemployed. For
those in employment, the chronological format will be relevant.
6. Try and use key words and phrases as stated in the advertisement, which
match the position applied for.
7. Dont respond to every advertisement that you see. If you are not qualified for
the position, do not apply.
Short sentences with bullets create a better impact. Avoid lengthy Paragraphs.
10. Follow the same style of numbers and bullets throughout the resume so that
you are methodological in your approach to everything.
11. As it is said, in the resume talk about your career journey and not your carrier
Print your resume on standard letter size, white or ivory rag paper.
2. Have the resume professionally typed, but not typeset, with plenty of space
between paragraphs, and allow for adequate margins.
3. Use conventional English. Stay away from a multi-syllable word when a one
or two syllable word is clearer. Understand that resume is not a test of English
language and thus using very flowery and ornamental language should be
Make sure the resume and the cover letter are error-free, proofread.
6. Rewrite a resume for a specific company, its extra work, but may well Pay off.
8. Allow the most space to the jobs that are most relevant to the job youre
applying for.
9. List your activity with professional, trade and civic associations-but only If
theyre appropriate.
10. Keep a permanent file of your achievements, no matter how inconsequential
they may appear to be. This is the basis for a good resume, and it is also
essential information to get a raise or promotion.
12. Re-read your resume before the interview. Chances are the interviewer did
just that too.
1. Give reasons for termination or leaving a job on the resume. In almost all cases,
the reader can find negative connotations to even the best reason. Youre far
better off explaining it in person.
2. Take more than two lines to list hobbies, sports and social activities. When in
doubt, leave them out.
5. Include the date your resume was prepared. If your search takes longer than a
few months, the resume will appear outdated.
Include your height, weight or remarks about your physical appearance
or health.
8. State your objectives in your resume unless the resume is targeted to that job
or occupation.
9. Use professional jargon unless youre sure the resume will be read by someone
who understands the buzz-words.
10. Do not provide salary information on the resume. Save it for interview. If you
are required to give that information, reveal it in the cover letter
After sending your resume, it will be a better idea to follow-up over phone regarding
its receipt with relevant organization.
An example:
This is (name of the candidate) calling. A few days ago, I had applied for the (position)
in your organization (dept./division). I would like to ascertain whether you have
received my resume and to reiterate my interest to the position.
Section V
In this section...
Business Etiquettes
Business Etiquettes
Reading current business articles make interesting revelations. Old theories of
management are getting redefined as we see new forms of competition, new definitions
of business and a whole new avatar in the name of strategy. In such a dynamic world,
people management challenges assume a new dimension altogether.
Etiquette is the customary code of polite behaviour in a society, about presenting
yourself with the kind of polish that shows you can be taken seriously. The difficulty
in defining etiquette when the environment itself is in rapid change is a management
Most behaviour that is perceived as disrespectful, discourteous or abrasive is
unintentional, and could have been avoided by practicing good manners or etiquette.
Basic knowledge and practice of etiquette is a valuable advantage, because in many
situations, a second chance may not be possible or practical.
The world around us is fast changing & progressing. The real question is, are we
keeping up pace as individuals in this new scenario or are we still mentally 20 years
back. We have to consolidate, sustain & strengthen our chosen profession, in doing so
we have to boldly & smartly face a lot of challenges, problems, conflicts & mindsets.
He who balances his Emotions WINS!! Emotional Quotient (EQ) is the power within
us which the majority have overlooked. Its this EQ which has the tremendous capacity
to convert your Potential into Performance (P to P). What is only required is
Belief in Yourself - YES!! I can do it.
Our educational system overemphasis Intelligence Quotient (IQ). But higher IQ is
no guarantee for success in life. Securing even 99% marks in school and college or
even pursuing higher education does not guarantee great success in life but yes it
definitely supports remarkable efforts. The key difference is EQ.
As a professional you have to realize your value and role in the Society & Corporate.
The world offers new windows of opportunities for those who can say from their
heart Yeh Dil Mange More not cold drink of course but the desire to scale new
heights and have the courage to Dream BIG. All that a man achieves and all that he
fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. A.W. Robertson
says - If a man does only what is required of him, he is a slave. The moment he does
more, he is a FREE MAN. Its your ability that counts - Not your disability. Use what
yon have. Emotion is created by motion.
A mentally matured person in perfect sense has a high degree of balance between his
inner and outer personality. What you communicate or do is a direct result of your
inward traits of Personality. Positive Attitude is a big Personality plus Advantage.
He who controls his attitude defines his altitude in life. Overcoming the negatives on
daily basis like, worries, tensions, abuses, traffic jams or overdose of media exposure
gives a ray of hope to sustain and progressively move forward.
Communication is nothing else but outward manifestation of your inward personality.
The more your inner base is strong in terms of your Self-image, Confidence,
Knowledge & Attitude, the more effective is your communication. Its a skill which
can be improved and can prove very useful while making presentations, appearing in
interviews, making impression in group meetings, among friends & family members,
in negotiations or in interpersonal relations.
Effective Commnnication = Vocal / Speech + Body Language + Dress Code.
Body Language or Expressions play the most decisive role in effective communication.
How you say many times has more impact than what you say. Smiling face, Firm
handshake, Eye contact, Face expressions, Hand movements, Sitting posture and
good dressing sense can make a vital difference.
Listening also holds a decisive key in effective communication. Listening is not the
same as hearing. Hearing is physiological process. Listening is a mental and emotional
process. People who care, listen. People who listen, care.
The ability to Communicate clearly and concisely is an art. That writer does the most,
which gives the reader the most information, and takes from him the least time
whether its writing a letter/report/book/e-mail.
Your current conditions do not reflect your Ultimate potential. There is a scope
for improvement in all of us and whatever we do. The key word is Kaizen. This
Japanese word literally means improvements done on a daily basis. It must be a
constant commitment backed up by action. EXCELLENCE is dreaming more than
what others think is practical and expecting more than what others think is possible.
Successful companies today understand & believe that quality costs less and once
they produce a quality product or service they would not just have satisfied customers
but have made loyal customers.
Most of us are late in life because we start late. Time is our most precious commodity
far more precious than Gold or Diamond because once gone you can never get it
back. In a bank you can keep your money to enhance its value but no where any bank
keeps your spare time to have advantage of increased hours in future.
People complain lack of time but actually the problem is lack of priority. Learn to
value time - just like you value interact browsing time or while making a STD / ISD
call because you pay for it. Scheduling your day by doing most important things first
and routine tasks afterward is the best form of time management.
Its about ability to influence a group towards achievements of goals. Success of any
organization or any group within an organization depends largely on the quality of
its leadership. The emergence of leadership is a natural process when human beings
get together to accomplish the task.
A leader has to lead and deal with people, situations, challenges, resources,
uncertainties and own responsibility to deliver results. Thus we have different styles
of leadership.
CA. Manoj Fadnis, President, ICAI alongwith Shri Ajit M. Sharan, Honble Secretary, Department of Sports, CA. Charanjot
Singh Nanda, Chairman, CMII and CA. Navjeet Singh Sobti, Chairman & Managing Director, Almondz Global Securities
Limited inaugurating the Orientation Programme held on 15th March at Hotel Piccadily, New Delhi
CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda, Chairman, CMII & CA. Manoj Fadnis, President, ICAI felicitating to
Shri Ajit M. Sharan, Honble Secretary, Department of Sports during Orientation Programme
held on 15th March at Hotel Piccadily, New Delhi
CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda, Chairman, CMII alongwith HR Heads of renowned organizations
and staff members inaugurating the ICAI-Industry HR Meet held on
29th July, 2015 at Hotel Lalit, Mumbai
(R-L) CA. Manoj Fadnis, President, ICAI and CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda, Chairman, CMII
during the ICAI CMII Industry Interactive Meet held on 22nd April, 2015 at New Delhi
CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda, Chairman, CMII inaugurating the ICAI-Industry HR Meet
held on 26th June, 2015 at Hotel Lalit, New Delhi
CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda, Chairman, CMII addressing during ICAI CMII Industry Interactive Meet
held on 9th June, 2015 at Hotel Le-Meridien, New Delhi
(R-L) CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda, Chairman, CMII and CA. Amit Arora during the
ICAI CMII Industry Interactive Meet held on 12th May, 2015 at New Delhi
CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda, Chairman, CMII felicitating to Smt V. Iyer, Ex-Chairman & Managing Director,
Bank of India during Orientation Programme held on 7th March, 2015 at Hotel Rangsharda, Mumbai
CMII Activities
A Platform for Members in Industry
An Overview
The Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is a statutory body established by the
Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 for the regulation of the profession of Chartered
Accountants in India. The ICAI has achieved recognition as the premier accounting
body in India and today it is the second largest accounting body in the world.
ICAI is the sole regulator of Chartered Accountancy profession in India. During
its more than six decades of existence, ICAI has achieved recognition not only for
maintaining high standards in technical, ethical areas but also for sustaining stringent
examination and education standards. ICAI is playing a critical role in the core
domain of standard setting, Financial reporting, Auditing, Corporate Governance,
Fiscal Policies, Research and alike.
In this ever changing economic environment, ICAI has all along endeavored to keep
its members abreast with the professional and technological changes taking place
around the globe through the process of continuous skill honing, creating awareness
on capacity building, ethical technology and addressing their queries from time to
time on accounting, auditing and allied matters.
ICAI, as a part of its role in aiding proactive process towards better governance is
called upon to interact with various regulatory/statutory authorities on issues of
interest touching upon the profession and otherwise. In this process, the Institute,
at regular intervals, provides technical advice and necessary inputs on matters of
economic relevance and alike to various Ministries- Ministry of Corporate Affairs,
Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of HRD, ICAI also provide
technical advice to various bodies CAG, RBI, SEBI, CBDT,CBEC, IRDA etc.
ICAI plays a proactive role to ensure compliance of professional ethics and Code
of Conduct in terms of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 as well as various
pronouncements issued by the Institute. ICAI not only entertains complaints from
Stakeholders/ User Groups but also takes suo-motu action in cases which are brought
to its knowledge through external information. The provisions under code of conduct
are strict and stringent actions are taken against the defaulting members ICAI is
the founder member of IFAC (International Federation of Accountants), CAPA
(Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants), SAFA (South Asian Federation
of Accountants), IIN (International Innovation Networks) and Edinburgh Group
and its members are holding important positions in Boards/Committees of these
organizations. The ICAI overseas Chapters continue to spearhead ICAI work program
important jurisdictions globally.
Mentorship scheme
Mentees are able to learn from someone who has travelled the path before them!
CMII has launched the Mentorship Programme requesting the experienced Members
of the Institute to take up the mentorship roles & guide the mentees through this
hand holding exercise.
CMII has started the execution of the Mentorship Programme by reaching out to
both the interested mentors and mentees and CMII is receiving huge response from
both the senior members and newly qualified & aspiring Chartered Accountants.
Till date 56 groups of mentors and mentees have been formed for the Mentorship
Programme and many are in process of formation.
CMII is hopeful that many senior & experienced CA professionals will come forward
and extend their full support to the programme.
In fact, the initial response is very encouraging and the Scheme has been highly
appreciated and CFOs and DFs have started responding their readiness and
willingness to become mentors.
CMII organises "Campus Placement Programmes" almost all over the Country twice a
year for creating opportunity for both to employing organisations as well as the young
professional CAs to meet and explore the possibility of having a mutually beneficial
relationship in terms of employment. The scheme has been evolved to provide an
opportunity both to employing organisations as well as the young professional
aspirants to meet and explore the possibility of taking up positions in Industry.
Members are requested to provide their valuable feedback/ suggestions to popularize
our Campus Placement Programme so that CMII is able to place more and more
Newly Qualified Chartered Accountants in the Industry.
The Members who would like to coordinate the above programme are requested to
send/e-mail their details at cmii@icai.in
4. Orientation programme
The Committee for Members in Industry organizes Campus Placement Programme
for newly qualified Chartered Accountants, twice a year. Before the placement
programme, the Committee organizes Orientation Programme for the participants
with a view to brush up their soft/technical skills to face the interview process.
The Members who are interested to be faculty or coordinate the Orientation programme
at any of the centre are requested to send/e-mail their resume at cmii@icai.in
6. Outreach Programmes
The Committee for Members in Industry is organizing Outreach Programme in the
Corporate having more than 25 Chartered Accountants. ICAI comes to campus of
Corporate having more than 25 Chartered Accountants and does half day or full day
programme free for members. The Outreach programme has been conceived with
the idea of bringing the Members in Industry closer to ICAI and the broad agenda for
each outreach programme is as under:
To highlight the activities of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India (ICAI) and the Committee for Members in Industry (CMII).
To interact on matters of professional interest.
To encourage new members to apply for membership.
To solicit views from members in industry about what they expect from
Participation of Members in Industry in research projects of ICAI.
To discuss on the topics relevant to Members in Industry.
CMII intends to reach in the premises of more and more corporates to conduct the
CMII Outreach Programmes. I request Corporate having more than 25 Chartered
Accountants to conduct Outreach programme.
7. Industry Specific eGroup
The CMII intends to form Industry Specific eGroups for the Industries like Banking,
Cement, Hotels & Hospitality Education, Training & Research, Financial Services,
Insurance, Petrochemicals, Power, Generation & Distribution, Telecommunications,
Travel & Tourism and so on.
Terms of Reference of the Group shall be:
To identify Accounting Issues relating to Particular Specific Industry.
To identify Auditing Issues relating to Particular Specific Industry.
To identify the role that the Institute can play for that Particular Industry.
To identify the help or the assistance which the Particular Industry can
provide to the Institute.
To identify the faculty in the Particular Industry for the CPE programmes
meant for the members and the students of the Institute.
Any other issue which the group may consider appropriate
Members are requested to form Industry Specific eGroup on the industries the
Members belong to.
8. CA CEOs Guild
This Guild is for the executive who is responsible for a companys operations, usually
the President or the Chairman of the Board.
9. CA CFOs Guild
The Committee for Members in Industry has set up CFOs Guild. This guild is for our
members who are occupying high positions (CFO/Treasury Head/Head of Analyst,
GM or above) in Industry. The Primary objective of setting up such a guild is to
develop a platform where highly intellectual & talented pool of people from various
organizations can discuss various issues. They can plan, formulate and strategize
policies for improving the image of the Chartered Accountants in the eyes of the
10. CA Corporate Accountants Guild
This Guild is for the Members in Industry who are not covered in above two Guilds.
The Primary objective of setting up such a guild is to develop and maintain an
industry wise database of the members of our Institute serving in industries. Further,
the guild acts as a forum where various issues concerning the profession in general
and for Members in Industry in particular can be discussed.
Members are welcomed to be a member of any of the above said guilds according to
suitability by visiting www.cmii.icai.org
11. CPE Study Circles for Members in Industry
The responsibility to lead world-class organizations requires regular training
specific to the industry segment and the level in which our members have been
serving in industry. Realizing such requirements, the Institute has made Continuing
Professional Education (CPE) mandatory for members of the Institute in industry as
well. Appreciating the necessity for a unique delivery mechanism for such CPE, the
Institute has introduced the concept of CPE Study Circles for Members in Industry.
The Committee for Members in Industry (CMII) has been empowered to approve,
guide and supervise the CPE Study Circles for Members in Industry, which will conduct
Continuing Professional Education Programme for the Members in industry. The
norms provide for the minimum number of members required and the application
procedure, rules for functioning, administration and accounts of these CPE Study
Around 119 CPE Study Circle for Members in Industry have already been formed so
far by the CMII.
Members are requested to come forward to form CPE study circle in their organization/
12. Invitation to be a Resource Person
CMII organizes Industry Specific Programme for the members in industry of various
leading corporate of the country on diverse topics which are broadly relevant to the
industry like International Financial Reporting System (IFRS), Direct Tax Code,
XBRL, GST, Service Tax, Income-tax, Corporate Governance, Customs, Central Excise
& CENVAT, Transfer Pricing, Due Diligence, Preparation of Financial Statements,
Tax Audit and on the subjects related to chartered accountancy profession.
This would help in the sustenance and growth of the noble profession and to enable
more competitive edge to the profession.
The Members who are interested to be associated with the Committee for Members in
Industry as Resource Persons are requested to send/e-mail their resume at csnanda@
gmail.com or at cmii@icai.in. It would be appreciated if the resume including all
details regarding qualification, membership no., experiences, areas of specialization,
contact address, etc., is sent at the earliest.
13. eNewsletter Corporate Communiqu
The Committee released eNewsletter namely Corporate Communiqu. The
eNewsletter is one such endeavor by the Committee for Members in Industry to share
recent developments with regards to initiatives that have been taken by Committee
for Members in Industry.
14. ICAI Re-Connect
The Committee has launched ICAI reconnect with the aim to communicate the
privileges and other benefits of being members of the Institute so that the Chartered
Accountants who are not keeping the membership status active understands its
importance and renew it on continuous basis.
To co-ordinate with various branches regarding holding of committee
IV. To report back to the committee of special problems of members in industry
of different state.
VII. To conduct counseling sessions to members who switch over from industry to
practice and vice-versa.
VIII. To discuss the various exposure drafts issued by the institute.
IX. To have a dialogue with Chambers of Committee, Trade Associations and
discuss holding of Job Fairs etc..
Other salient features of the State Task Force would be:1. Maximum number of members in these Task Forces should be twenty only.
2. Each State Task Force might constitute and run a maximum of two
industry specific study groups (as given in 1 (vi) above) whose strength
should not exceed ten.
18. G
eneral Publication for the benefits of Members in Industry
and Invitation to provide Articles for publishing in Business
Magazines and Business Newspapers
18.(a) The Committee would like to update its existing following publications:
1. Publication on Business Planning
2. Publication on Sustainabilty Reporting
3. Handbook for newly Qualified Chartered Accountants
The above publication are available at www.cmii.icai.org
We Invite members to come forward to provide your inputs on the above publications.
Invitation to provide Articles for publishing in Business Magazines and
Business Newspapers
Members are requested to provide Articles for publishing in Business Magazines
and Business Newspapers etc at csnanda@gmail.com, cmii@icai.in
Webcasts of Seminars & Conferences.
To increase number of mentors and mentees in the Mentorship
Constitution of State wise Task Forces for Members in Industry.
Request to Member in Industry to be member of CA CEOs Guild.
Request to Member in Industry to be member of CA CFOs Guild.
Request to Member in Industry to be member of CA Corporate
Accountants Guild.
Hosting videos on demand on subjects like IFRS, Direct Tax Code and GST.
Impact Seminars for Members in Industry- the impact of IFRS, DTC,
GST on their industry.
Setting up Industry wise groups for different Industry verticals for
designing and developing courseware.
Involvement of Members in Industry in Research activities of Institute
Membership Revival Campaign
is doing
g things
g right,
g , leadership
p is doing
g the right
(Warren Bennis and Peter Drucker)
Standard Definition
L d
hi is
i a process whereby
b a person influences
i fl
achieve a goal and inspires through motivation and direction.
Talk to people
Thank People
t at g
Creating a Team
Giving new information to the group, keeping them in the picture
Receiving information from group
Strengths of CAs
Analytical skills number crunching
Technical knowledge though restricted to laws/regulations
Rigorous work ethic can work 24/7
Meeting deadlines thanks to the rigorous ICAI curriculum
Ability to handle work pressure but may not be peer pressure
Quick grasping
CA as Growth enablers
Contribute in managerial decision-making add value.
gy formulation Think off the road less
Involve in strategy
Partner in driving the organization towards its vision be a
team player.
Shed the not my job tag.
Avoid being road-blockers.
Skills of CA to CFO
Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can
- Paul Tournier
Handling Corporate Banking Working Capital,
Capital Term Loan,
Loan External
Commercial Borrowing, Equity raising, etc
Looking Trade Finance Domestic & Import LCs, Domestic and Exports
bills, Discounting of LCs and Bills, Remittances, etc
Managing Forex Treasury Forwards, Derivatives , RBI & FEMA
Compliances, etc
Seeing Other Treasury Operations Placement of CPs and NCDs, Mutual
F d IInsurance , Equity
E it ttrading
di and
d Oth
Other iinvestments,
t etc
Actively working in case of Mergers & Acquisition, Due diligence, etc
Dealing with Legal aspects ( Security creation, documentation, etc)
Responsible for Internal Control & Internal Audit, Statutory
Audit and Compliances
Overseeing Direct & Indirect Taxation
g Financial Ratios and Covenants
Making projections and Project report
Getting credit rating and Equity research
Keeping update about Company , Industry and Economy
Key input provider to
Mergers and
Risk Management
Investor and analysts
Face of the entity to bankers
Face of the entity to capital
Face of the entity to regulators
Skills of CA to CFO
Operator: Balance
capabilities, costs and service
levels to fulfill the Finance
organisations responsibilities
As a Focussed Leader
The Visionary
1. Administration
st at o and
a d Support
Suppo t to tthe
e Board
oa d
of Directors
2. Overseeing (the Program, Product and
Service) Delivery
3. Financial Management
4. Human Resource Management
5. Business Image and Public Relations
6. Raising Capital
Managing oneself
Basic, EntryEntry-Level Skills in Organizational Management
Core Competencies for Leading
Boards of Directors
Organizing Functions
Human Resources Management
Organizing Staff
Organizing Various Types of Groups
Organizing a New Business (whether forfor-profit or non profit)
Guidelines to Reorganize a Current Organization
Skills of CA to Entrepreneur
Todays Chartered Accountants are trained and equipped
to be at the helm of wherever they are!
Entrepreneurs Mind
It takes a unique insight into the entrepreneur's
mind to be able to understand why you do things
the way you do, and to show you ways you can
improve your business and your life while still
letting you do things your own way
The mind of CA is known to be the best in the
business.. But to become an Entrepreneur a CA
h to
t focus
on the
th minds
i d off the
th others
l i.e.
to say Step into the Shoes of Others
Entrepreneur Skills
Th skilful
kilf l entrepreneur
mustt b
be able
bl tto cutt
costs, increase productivity, negotiate better and
plan for future investment.
Certification Programmes