Final Autopsy Report

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'3189 Eden Averue, Cincrnat, Oho fice 515-246:8700 Fax 513. 846-8727 Hamilton County Coroner 3 Tee Franc Ctiland WD rte of ForersicNedne Toxegoar ard Ciminaisios & eee CHRISTOPHER RHODEN, JR. CC16-01419 OPINION |. Multiple gunshot wounds to the head OPINION PAGE 2 Christopher Rhoden, Jr. CC16-01419 CauseofDeath: itis my opinion, bused on the autopsy findings and the information available to me at the time of the autopsy that the cause of death iy multiple gunshot wounds to, the head, 7/11/2016 Date Raren Looman, D.. Chief Deputy Coroner, Forensic Pathologist Hamiition County, Ohio POSTMORTEM EXAMINATION OF THE BODY OF CHRISTOPHER RHODEN, JR. A postmortem examination of the body identified by Pike County Coroner's Office as "Christopher Rhoden Jr.” is performed at the Hamilton County Coroner's Office on Sunday. April 25, 2016 at 7:03 AM by Dr. Karen Looman. HISTORY: ‘The decedent is a 16-year-old white male who was found deceased in his home with multiple gunshot wounds. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION GENERAL: ‘The body is that of a normally developed, well-nourished, young adult male who is 165 pounds, 70-inches in height. and appears appropriate for the stated aze. ‘The scalp hair is short, straight and blonde. There is no The mouth has native denti mn. ‘The chest has a normal ‘The spine is straight, The pelvis is stable to manipulation, The extremities are not edematous and are free of dvsmorphic features. There the hands. An identification toe tag within name “Christopher Rhoden” and “1 1/4/90" ison the lef wreat toe. SCARS/TATTOOS: Multiple small white sears are on the ‘There is an irregular purple scar on the (EEE A purple sear is on MARKS OF THERAPY: None. CC16-01419 PAGE 2 OF 5 EVIDENCE OF INJURY: ‘There are multiple gunshot wounds to the pe ne [HEME The wounds are numbered for convenience rin they were inflicted. Other There is a scab proximal to the peiechial contusion disial to the left elbow. The left volar forearm has a 2-inch linear red petechial contusion. A [/8-inch scab is on the GE There isa 3-inch linear scab on te [I CC16-01418 PAGE 3 OFS X-RAYS: Films of the head and upper chest are taken. INTERNAL EXAMINATION SEROUS CAVITIES: right posterior Jung surface is adherent to the chest wall NECK ORGANS: ‘The thyroid gland is congested and purple. Upon sectioning, there are no focal lesions. There is thymic remnant in the anterior mediastinum, HEART: The heart is 365 grams. ‘The coronary arteries arise normally and are right-sided dominant. ‘There is no coronary artery disease, The myocardium is red, soft and without scars. The septa are intact. The foramen ovale is sealed, The left ventricular wall is concentric, The valves are thin, delicate, and unremarkable, AORTA: The aorta is free of fatty streaks, plagues or caleifications, There is mild, red hemolytic staining along its length LUNGS: ‘The right lung is 20 grams, and the left lung is 450 grams, {IU ‘The mucosa is also stained dark red-purple. The lumen is free of Le re reer pr fluid. foam or obstruction. Both lungs are normally aerated but congested. [NN MR Treo no Yon esr LIVER AND GALLBLADDER: ‘The fiver is 1,530 grams. The capsule is intact and covers a red-brown parenchyma, Upon sectioning. there are no focal lesions. The gallbladder contains 10 milliliters of green-yellow bile. There are no stones in the lumen, SPLEEN: ‘The spleen is 175 grams. The capsule is intact and covers partially liquefied, dark red parenchyma. The white puip is not visualized and there are no focal lesions, CC16-01418 PAGE 4 0F 5 PANCREAS: The panereas has mild autolytic changes but has a congested, tan, lobulated architecture without focal lesions, ADRENAL GLANDS: The glands have mild autolytic changes but have retained their normal yellow cortices and softened tan medulae without focal lesions. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: The gastroesophageal junction and gastric mucosa are autolytic. There are no rugel folds present. ‘The stomach contains 100 milliliters of GE the small and large intestines are distended with gas. The appendix is present. KIDNEYS: The right kidney is 130 grams, and the left kidney is 155 grams, Both capsules strip with ease fiom cach smooth cortical surface. Upon bisection, the ealyces are patent and free of stones or hydronephrosis. BLADDER: ‘The bladder contains 200 milliliters of clear, yellow urine. The mucosa is light tan and unremarkable. GENITALIA: ‘The prostate and testicles are not examined, BRAIN AND MENINGES: Te bai is 1725 9s TTT ein cnt congested, slightly swollen, and red across the superior surface purple ross the inferior ‘There are is a thin layer of subdural hemorrl subarachnoid hemorhage CC16-01418 PAGES OF5 ‘There are a ase hemorrhages | RIBS/STERNUM: ‘The ribs and sternum are NN and within normal limits. VERTEBRAE: ‘The vertebrae are (IEEE and within normal limits. PELVIS: ‘The pelvis is (INN and within normal limits. EXTREMITIES: ‘The extremities have scars, scabs and [IEEE as previously described. LABORATORY EXAMINATION Laboratory examinations were ordered, and the results are attached. 07/07/2016 njb ‘The Frank P, Clevelard. M.D. lastiute of Forrnsie Medicine, Tosseoloey ard Criminalistin ie HAMILTON COUNTY CRIME LABORATORY } 319 Bien Avenue, Cincinnati bio 15219-2299 (Cefne Laboratory 513-346-8950 Fax 513-946-8772 eae hs = TOXICOLOGY REPORT SUBJECT NAMES): Rhoden, Jr, Christopher FILE #: CCIG-O14I9 SUBMITTING AGENCY: Pike County Corener DATE REPORTED: — 05/202016 RESULTS: Page 1 of Hamilton County Coroner ‘The Frank ?. Cleveland, MLO. Instiute of Forensic Medkine. Texcclogy end Crininatsics ‘3159 Eden Avenue, Cincint, Ono 452182283 ‘Ofice: 813-946-8700 Fax 513 946-8727 SArror oo” CHRISTOPHER D. RHODEN, SR. CC15-01416 OPINION Diagnoses: 1. Multiple gunshot wounds to the bead, torso and upper extremity: INION Christopher D. Rhoden, Sr. OPINION PAGE3 Christopher D. Rhoden, Sr. CC16-01416 4. Postmortem toxicology Cause of Death: It is my opinion, based on the autopsy findings and the information avsilable to me at the time of the autopsy that the cause of death is multiple gunshot wounds te the heed, torso and upper exiremity. Karen Loman, D.O. Chief Deputy Coroner, Forensic Pathologist Hamilton County. Ohio 5/2016 Date POSTMORTEM EXAMINATION OF THE BODY OF CHRISTOPHER D. RHODEN, SR. A postmortem examination of the body identified by Pike County Coroners (fk "Christopher Rhoden, Sr." is performed at the Hamilton County Coroner's Offi the extemal examination was performed on Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 2:07 pm, The ‘external and entire internal examination was performed on Monday, April 25. 2016 at 8:30 a.m. by Dr. Karen Looman. HISTORY: The decedent is a 40-year-old white male who was found deceased in his home with multiple gunshot wounds. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION DoUY 18 cool to the touch due to Teiriveraion. ‘The scalp has male pattem balding and the tir is short. tly curly, Th wna Sil igh ng the sides of the head. There is a gray-brown mustache. beard and stubble across the hair-bearing portions of the inward. The sclerae are free of petechia, icterus or hemorrhage. corneas are sligit!y opaque. The irides are blue. The mouth has native dentition. | ‘The chest inas a slight eased anteroposterior diameter with costal flaring. EERE A brown mole is in a spine is straight. The pelvis ts stable to manipulation. The upper extremities are not edematous. There are paper bags on the hands. The fingernails are short. The lower extremities have no dysmorphic features. CCI6-01416 PAGE 2 OF 8 SCARS/TATTOOS: EERE 0v0i coor is on EE 4 wide horizons! sear is in the right anterolateral chest wall. The chest wall is slightly depressed at this site.‘ Vncar scur is in the lower right chest. Two puckered, linear scars [There is a longitudinal scar between| A sina! sear is on| MARKS OF THERAPY: None, EVIDENCE OF INJURY: ‘There are multiple gunshot wounds to the beed. torso and u; The gunshot wounds are numbered for convenience and do not te the order CCI6-01416 CC16-01416 CC16-01416 PAGES OFS X-RAYS: Films of the head. neck, terso and upper extremities are taken, INTERNAL EXAMINATION SEROUS CAVITIES: The abdomen is free of Muid collections. There are enter’ The diaplra adherent to the anterior and superior surface of the liver. Several blue s identified within the adhesions. There are sutures within the lower anterior abdor Within the area of the xiphoid process is a calcified 1-inch x 4-inch fragment of so fascia that contains blue suture material. The intestines have scant adhesions NECK ORGANS: posterior wl wall “The left anterior descending coronary artery has focal $0, 20 and 10-pe Bish circumflex coronary artery is free of disease. The myocardium is red, i and without sears. Both the right and left ventricles are mildly dilated. The lef is approximately 1.S-centimeters in thickness. The valves are thin, delicate, and un CCi6-01416 PASE SOF B AORTA: The aoria has mild fatty streaks wong is length. LUNGS: ‘The right lung is 480 grams, and the left lung is 260 grams. obstruction present. Both lungs are congested, red-black and free of acrait | Upon sectioning there is minimal edema and no focal lesiers tess LIVER AND GALLBLADDER: ‘The liver is 1.340 grams. The capsule is intact and covers a red-brown bor oR e gallbladder contains 3 milliliters of green-yellow — single lobulated, black stone is identified within the lumen. no focal ntimeter SPLEEN: The spleen is 170 grams. The capsule is friable and covers liquefied, dark red parse ym, The white sulp is not visualized. There are no focal lesions. iytic changes including saponification. ‘The parenchyma is o'arg:-brown, slightly lobulated and tree of lesions. ADRENAL GLANDS: ‘Yellow cortices ard soviore. beywn medullae are present, No lesions are identified. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: comach contains 100 milliliters of orange-ten fiuid. ‘The small and large intestines are dissed svith [The appendix is not identified. CCI6-01416 PAGE 7 OFS KIDNEY! The right Kidney is 130 grams. and the leit kidns from each smooth cortical surface.

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