WRC Input Instruction
WRC Input Instruction
WRC Input Instruction
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Occasional - (OCC) Irregularly occurring loads such as wind loads, seismic loads, and water
The following WRC 107/537 force/moment convention is used for a cylindrical vessel:
P - Radial Force
Vc - Circ. Shear Force
Vl - Long. Shear Force
Mc - Circ. Moment
Ml - Long. Moment
Mt - Torsional Moment
The following WRC 107/537 force/moment convention is used for a spherical vessel:
P - Radial Force
V2 - Shear Force, D to C
V1 - Shear Force, B to A
M1 - Moment, B axis
M2 - Moment, C axis
Mt - Torsional moment
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AD-160 s to see if the fatigue effect needs to be considered. These factors are used for
estimating the peak stress intensity due to internal pressure.
Peak stress intensity due to external loads is included in the analysis by selecting Use Kn and
Kb (to find SCF). For normal (elastic) analysis, do not select this option or Use Kn and Kb (to
find SCF).
The software does not perform the complete fatigue analysis of Section VIII Div.2 Appendix 4
and 5 rules. Instead, the value of peak stress intensity is reported for fatigue effect comparison.
For more information, see the June 2000 COADE newsletter.
Using WRC 368 with WRC 107/297 is not accurate for calculating the combined stress from
pressure and external loads. So, this option is only available when the attachment type is round
and when no external loads are specified.
For more information on WRC 368 and pressure thrust, see Modeling of Internal Pressure and
Thrust Loads on Nozzles Using WRC-368 in the July 2001 COADE Newsletter.
Peak stress intensity due to internal pressure is included in the analysis by selecting Include
Pressure Stress Indices per Div. 2?.
For normal (elastic) analysis, do not select this option or Use Division 2 Stress Indices.
The software does not perform the complete fatigue analysis of Section VIII Div.2 Appendix 4
and 5 rules. Instead, the value of peak stress intensity is reported for fatigue effect comparison.
For more information, see WRC-107 Elastic Analysis v/s Fatigue Analysis in the June 2000
COADE newsletter.
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