JANUARY 2010.: Assets Management
JANUARY 2010.: Assets Management
JANUARY 2010.: Assets Management
Issue No. 1
Issued By:
Revision No. 0
This manual describes the policies and procedures to be followed and the
documentation to be used for the management of Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) fixed
assets. It covers the fixed assets policy, data preparation, data input, processing,
control and the distribution of reports.
The purpose of this manual is to guide in the management of assets and to provide a
training resource and reference document to KWS management, users and auditors.
1. Introduction
2. Fixed Assets Policy
3. System overview
4. Key Controls
5. System Administration
6. Back-up and Restoration
7. Appendixes
Maintenance of the manual is the responsibility of the fixed assets manager who must
ensure that:
The manual is kept up to date and that it continues to set out the procedures
that must be followed in the management of the fixed assets.
The fixed assets manager shall maintain a record of the versions of the
manuals, approved amendments and ensure appropriate communication to the
relevant persons of such amendments.
S/he should also ensure that such changes have been effected appropriately.
The Fixed Assets Policy is based on generally accepted accounting practices and
International Financial Reporting Standards.
The policy takes cognizance of the nature of business that KWS is involved in and
therefore the inherent assets.
Resources controlled by KWS as a result of past events and from which future
economic benefits or service potential are expected to flow to the entity.
2. Summary of responsibilities
4. Receipt of assets
8. Capitalisation
9. Scrap value
10. Disposals
14. Donations
The responsibility chart below identifies positions or job titles of users who operate or
provide oversight and transaction inputs to the fixed assets management system and
defines their reporting relationships.
Senior accountant in the manual refers to the senior accountant in charge of fixed
2.3 Procurement
Fixed assets shall be procured through the procurement and supplies department who
shall ensure that proper documentation, procedures and authorizations are observed.
The procurement of fixed assets shall be governed by fundamental principles:
All assets received will be labeled/ tagged as per asset labeling procedures by a
staff member thereby assigned the duties by the fixed assets manager in parks and
stations. The stores at the headquarters shall notify the fixed assets manager,
directly, of assets received to facilitate the tagging of assets received.
Details of tagged assets will be forwarded immediately after tagging for updating
into BAUD Fixed Assets Management System.
Due care and diligence shall be exercised in the handling of the fixed assets.
All serviceable fixed assets shall be subject to documented regular and
routine/planned maintenance and service by the relevant department.
Proper records shall be maintained by the Airwing, Administration, Infrastructure,
Development & Management department to show the frequency of the
maintenance service accorded to each fixed asset. Parks/stations with marine
equipment shall maintain similar records.
Maintenance and service contracts shall be entered into, where the company lacks
the expertise internally, with reputable firms for the service of its fixed assets.
A program that regularly monitors and demonstrates calibration and function of
equipment shall be established. There shall also be a record of programmed
preventive maintenance for all equipment. Appendix D provides a sample of the
details to be maintained.
BAUD will be the software that will be used at KWS for management of fixed assets.
KWS shall adopt the straight line method of depreciation. The assets shall be
depreciated to a residual value of 5% of the purchase price/cost. Depreciation charge
shall be computed monthly from the date of acquisition of an asset.
The above explanations of the asset classes are not exhaustive and act as a guide for
assets classification.
Asset with a value of less than Ksh. 10,000 shall not be capitalized. However, the
senior accountant and fixed assets manager shall use discretion in capitalisation of
some assets in cases where an assets value is below Ksh. 10,000.
Expenditure incurred in respect of the purchase of assets having a useful life in excess
of three years shall be capitalized. These assets should be capable of being separately
identified and tagged.
Purchase price is the actual price of the asset plus expenses incidental to its
Labor costs of own employees arising from construction for example site
workers, in house surveyors/architects.
Stamp duty, import duties and non refundable taxes.
Installation cost
Delivery costs
Professional fees
Each fixed asset lasting for the full estimated economic working life shall be considered
to have a scrap value of 5% of the historical cost.
2.9 Disposals
Any disposal of assets must be conducted in a manner that achieves the best return.
Fixed assets shall be considered for disposal due to the following reasons.
The fixed assets manager shall compare the assets authorized for disposal and the
assets disposed. In case of discrepancy s/he shall notify the same to the director’s
office. BAUD will thereafter be update with the disposals.
Damaged assets shall be removed from the fixed assets register. The carrying value of
the asset, at the date of damage/destruction, is then netted against the insurance
proceeds, with the resulting gain or loss going to the income and expenditure account.
The new asset replacing the damaged asset is capitalized at cost.
The management may at the discretion of the Deputy Director Finance &
Administration recommend for a professional revaluation of the assets after every four
(4) years or any other reasonable period deemed necessary. The revaluation
recommendation shall be forwarded to the Director.
The Board of Trustees shall appraise the need of a revaluation of assets through a
report tabled before them by the Director.
2.13 Donations
The recipient of the donation will liaise with the donor for the documents of title and any
supporting documentation for the assets donated. Incase the recipient fails, the fixed
asset manager will ensure that the same together with any other information regarding
KWS shall only engage a valuation firm, in valuing of an asset (s), if the experience and
expertise of the professionals employed by KWS cannot establish the value of an asset
related to their field of expertise. If valuation is undertaken, they shall be updated in the
system in the month of valuation.
Regular verification of assets will be coordinated by the fixed assets manager. This
shall be aimed at ensuring all assets are tagged as per the laid down procedures.
The internal audit department will incorporate the verification of fixed assets in their
audit program. An internal auditor will request the fixed assets manager for an asset
listing for the sites to be visited prior to the visit. The auditor will verify that the assets in
a location are as per the asset listing and explanations sought in cases of discrepancy.
The internal audit department shall advice on any weaknesses in the management of
fixed assets if any is noted in the course of the verification exercise.
Ownership of asset: attained through verifying that assets disposed are not in
the system and documents of title are with the respective parks or stations.
Disposal, write-offs, and idle assets: Disposals shall be identified as per the
procedure 2.11. Write-offs, in additions to some disposals shall be identified
after interviews with the asset users or technical departments. Idle assets
shall be identified through physical verification in the various locations.
2.14.2 Introduction
BAUD system accepts data entry in the interactive mode or on-line entry where
transactions are entered one at a time from a workstation using the user interface. This
section of the manual describes the procedures that should be followed when
processing transactions to be posted into Sun System.
This section gives an overview of BAUD fixed assets system and sets out its main
This section of the manual describes the hardware and software procedures and
controls to be followed at the end of the month and the year.
The Financial Controller has the overall responsibility to ensure that all procedures
and controls are adhered to.
The Information Technology manager has the responsibility of deciding who has
access to data and developing security procedures with the Financial Controller.
The fixed assets manager has the responsibility of ensuring that the data in the
fixed assets register is kept up to date.
The users given access to the system have the responsibility of using the data and
operating the system in such a way that all requirements for data security are met
and administrative controls are adhered to.
This section of the manual describes the procedures that should be followed when
backing up and restoring the system. Back-up procedures are designed to ensure an
up-to-date back-up copy of both data and program files are maintained.
Weekly back-up in a safe cabinet controlled by the IT support staff assigned by the
Information Technology manager (week I - week 4)
The Monthly (weekly) back-ups can be re-used at the beginning of each week, the
monthly back-ups at the beginning of each quarter and the quarterly back-ups at the
beginning of each year.
Transfer Decision
Print a list of
transfers for filing Transfer
and reconciliation authorization via
purposes asset transfer form
Update transfer in
BAUD System
From Expected
Asset Number Asset Description Room Repair Company Return Date
Requested By:
Authorized By:
Asset Number Asset Description Serial No Book value Expected Reason for
Sale Disposal
Requested By:
Authorized By:
The above is a sample donation sheet. The asset donation sheets for motor vehicles and aircrafts is available
with the fixed assets manager. The aforementioned sheets contain additional information required due to
the nature of the assets such as Log book number and aircraft registration details.
The fixed assets manager should ensure the following operations are performed before
running any month-end procedures for depreciation;
Ensure that all assets purchases have been tagged and the tag numbers written on the
invoices. This will ensure that the asset can be linked directly to the invoice used to pay
for it.
Update BAUD system with details of the new assets from the aforementioned
** It is important to note that purchases can only be updated in BAUD system for
assets purchased during the current month of depreciation i.e. all purchases done
during a particular month should be updated before calculating depreciation**
6.7.2 Disposals
Ensure that all disposals have been properly approved by the relevant persons.
The fixed asset manager should ensure that s/he has a copy of items approved for
disposal by the director.
The fixed assets manager should liaise with the finance department and the disposal
committee to obtain a list of assets disposed.
A comparison of assets approved and assets disposed should be done to ensure that
only assets approved for disposal are disposed.
6.7.3 Transfers
Ensure that all transfers are properly approved by the relevant persons.
Ensure that you have received returns on the transfers i.e. signed copies by the person
who has received the assets clearly showing asset number, description and room
Ensure that you run the back-up procedure before running the month-end depreciation
process. Below is the procedure;
Go to the server where you have the "DATA" folder of the system.
Copy this file to a backup folder that you will create and name DATA BACKUP.
This should ONLY be done once procedures 7.7.1 – 7.7.4 above have been run as it is an
irreversible action. Log on to BAUD system
click on RUN MONTH END
Click on PRINT on screen and check that the control total at the bottom is 0.00
Should a back up from a previous month/period need to be restored the procedure below
shall be followed:
Ensure the restoration is authorized by the relevant authority. This should be filed for
future reference.
Make a backup of the current DATA folder and delete the DATA the contents
contained in the DATA folder.
Go to the folder named DATA BACKUP and select the data that you need.
Copy the contents from the backup folder into the original DATA folder which should
have already been emptied.
Requested By:
Authorized By:
KSHS. Book Value Estimated Sale
(a) Amount allowed in Capital NIL Proceeds
Budget. -
(b) Amount now estimated
(c) Installation cost
(d) Total cost (b+c) COST CENTRE
Gross Savings
Net Savings