Clinical Questions: Histidine To Histamine
Clinical Questions: Histidine To Histamine
Clinical Questions: Histidine To Histamine
81. Oral contraceptives are known to lower blood levels of folate and vitamin B6. Which of the
following conversion processes might be directly affected?
Ornithine to Citrulline
Histidine to histamine
Glutamate to Glutamine
Propionyl co A to Methyl malonyl co A
Phenyl alanine to Tyrosine
Answer- B- The correct answer is conversion of Histidine to histamine. The reaction is
catalyzed by decarboxylase that requires B6-P as a cofactor (Figure-1) that gets deficient in
women upon long-term oral contraceptive usage. Folic acid is not required in this reaction.
Figure-4- Propionyl coA to methylmalonyl coA conversion is an intermediate step in the actual
conversion of propionyl coA to Succinyl coA, which is an intermediate of TCA cycle.
Phenylalanine to Tyrosine conversion requires Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) as a coenzyme. The
reaction is catalyzed by Phenylalanine hydroxylase and it is the first step of metabolism of
phenylalanine (figure-5)
82. During a medical rotation, a medical student volunteered for a respiratory physiology exam
that determines basal metabolic rate and the respiratory quotient. She followed the protocol
for a resting individual in the post absorptive state. Which of the following amino acids
would be found in the highest concentration in serum?
(2) by synthesizing new glucose molecules from the breakdown products of lipid and protein
catabolism (gluconeogenesis)
Most other tissues shift to energy production from lipid and protein catabolism. Adipocytes
liberate fats (triglycerides) into the bloodstream (lipolysis) to support the metabolism of these
other tissues, the glycerol released from triglycerides is used to synthesize glucose
(gluconeogenesis); the liver oxidizes free fatty acids for fuel, producing ketone bodies
(ketogenesis) as by-products (figure)
Nervous tissue is not responsive to glucagon, but continues to utilize the glucose.
83. A new-born becomes progressively lethargic after feeding. His respiratory rate increases and
he becomes virtually comatose, responding only to painful stimuli, and exhibits mild
respiratory alkalosis. Suspicion of a urea cycle disorder is aroused and evaluation of serum
amino acid levels is initiated. In the presence of hyperammonemia, production of which of
the following amino acids is always increased?
Answer- The correct answer is Glutamine. Urea cycle disorder results in reduced ammonia
disposal and hence the patients present with symptoms of hyperammonemia.
Ammonia is detoxified by coupling with Glutamate to form Glutamine. This is the first line of
defense. The reaction is catalyzed by Glutamine synthetase (figure-1).
The reversible reaction is catalyzed by glutamate dehydrogenase. The direction of the reaction
depends upon the levels of NADH/NADPH. In normal health the forward reaction is favored,
while in hyperammonemia the reaction proceeds towards formation of glutamate.
Ammonia intoxication
Excess of ammonia depletes glutamate and hence GABA level in brain, since Glutamate upon
decarboxylation produces GABA (Figure-3). To compensate for glutamate, alpha ketoglutarate
is used, the decreased concentration of which subsequently depresses TCA and thus deprives
brain cells of energy. Excess Glutamine is exchanged with Tryptophan, a precursor of
Serotonin, resulting in hyper excitation. The symptoms of ammonia intoxication are all due to
energy depletion and a state of hyper excitation.
Figure-3- Formation of GABA from glutamate.
As regards other options - Glycine, histidine and proline have no roles in detoxification of
ammonia and hence the concentrations of these amino acids remains unaffected.
Arginine level can increase depending upon the level of blockage in the urea cycle.
84. A 55-year-old man suffers from cirrhosis of liver. Toxins such as ammonia are not properly
metabolized by the liver in this disease and can damage the organs such as brain. Which of
the following amino acids covalently binds ammonia, transports and stores it in a non toxic
glutamate, alpha keto glutarate is used, the decrease concentration of which subsequently
depresses TCA and thus deprives brain cells of energy. Excess Glutamine is exchanged with
Tryptophan, a precursor of Serotonin, resulting in hyper excitation. The symptoms of ammonia
intoxication are all due to energy depletion and a state of hyper excitation.
As regards other options, Tryptophan has no role in the transport of ammonia. Alanine is a
transporter of ammonia from muscle- Glucose Alanine cycle. Aspartate is required for
transamination reactions and glutamine is produced from glutamate by coupling with ammonia.
85. A 45-year-old female presents to her primary care doctor with fatigue and
tingling/numbness in her extremities (bilateral). Examination reveals a beefy red and
fissured tongue. Further evaluation reveals a low Glutathione reductase activity in the red
blood cells. Which of the following vitamin deficiencies could have caused her symptoms?
Vitamin C
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B12
Figure-1- Glycerol -3-P the product of glycerol kinase reaction is converted to Dihydroxy
acetone-P before its entry in to the main pathway of gluconeogenesis.
The overall reaction of gluconeogenesis is-
Six nucleotide triphosphate molecules are hydrolyzed to synthesize glucose from pyruvate in
gluconeogenesis (Figure-2)
But in case of Glycerol only 2 ATP are hydrolyzed to synthesize glucose. DHAP (Dihydroxy
acetone-P) condenses with glyceraldehyde-3-P forming fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate and there is
no energy expenditure onwards (Figure-2).
38 ATP
Figure-1- Pyruvate and lactate are inter-convertible, the net amount depends upon the ratio of
NADH/NAD+. In conditions of NAD+ excess, (as in the liver) pyruvate is the end product,
whereas under anaerobic conditions or in the cells lacking mitochondria, lactate is the important
product of this reaction.
This reaction serves two critical functions during anaerobic glycolysis.
1) Regeneration of NAD+ In the direction of lactate formation, the LDH reaction requires
NADH and yields NAD+ which is then available for use by the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase reaction of glycolysis. These two reactions are, therefore, intimately coupled
during anaerobic glycolysis (figure-2).
Figure-2- Coupling of reactions for the continuation of glycolysis. The purpose of the reduction
of pyruvate to lactate is to regenerate NAD+ so that glycolysis can proceed in active skeletal
muscle and erythrocytes.
2) Gluconeogenesis- The lactate produced by the LDH reaction is at a dead-end in metabolism.
It must be converted back, therefore it is released to the blood stream and transported to the
liver where it is oxidized to pyruvate, through the same reaction catalyzed by lactate
dehydrogenase favored by the low NADH/NAD+ ratio in the cytosol of liver cells. Pyruvate in
the liver is converted into glucose by the gluconeogenic pathway. Glucose then enters the blood
and is taken up by skeletal muscle. Thus, the liver furnishes glucose to contracting skeletal
muscle, which derives ATP from the glycolytic conversion of glucose into lactate. Contracting
skeletal muscle supplies lactate to the liver, which uses it to synthesize glucose. These reactions
constitute the Cori cycle (figure-3). The formation of lactate buys time and shifts part of the
metabolic burden from muscle to other organs.
Figure-3- Cori cycle- Glucose is transported to skeletal muscle, for energy needs.
The product of glycolysis, lactate cannot be converted back to pyruvate due to high
NADH/NAD+ ratio, lactate is transported back to liver for reconversion to pyruvate and then to
glucose through the pathway of gluconeogenesis. Glucose is again transported to muscle for
usage and this cycle continues for waste disposal and making the best use of the waste product.
An overview of gluconeogenesis
The three irreversible reactions of glycolysis are substituted by 4 alternative reactions1)
First barrier- Pyruvate cant be converted directly to phosphoenol pyruvate due to
irreversible reaction catalyzed by pyruvate kinase. To overcome this barrier, alternatively
pyruvate is first converted to oxaloacetate and then oxaloacetate is converted to Phospho enol
pyruvate by two separate reactions (figure-4).
2) Second barrier- From phosphoenol pyruvate onwards up to fructose 1,6 bisphosphate, the
reactions are reversible, the second barrier lies at the level of conversion of fructose 1,6,
bisphosphate to fructose 6, phosphate, which is overcome by fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase
3) Third barrier- The conversion of glucose-6-P to free glucose (third barrier) is carried out by
glucose-6-phosphatase (figure-4), which is the third and the final barrier of gluconeogenesis.
88. A 22- year-old diabetic comes to the Accident and Emergency department. She gives a 2day history of vomiting and abdominal pain. She is drowsy and her breathing is deep and
rapid. There is distinctive smell from her breath. She has been diagnosed with Diabetic
ketoacidosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis is a complication of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. The
TCA cycle in diabetes mellitus is suppressed and the excess Acetyl coA, resulting from fatty
acid oxidation is channeled towards the pathway of ketogenesis.
Which of the following intermediates of TCA cycle is depleted in Type 1 Diabetes mellitus to
suppress TCA cycle?
-Keto glutarate
Basis of ketogenesis
Figure-2- a) The rate of lipolysis is increased; fatty acids are oxidized to produce Acetyl CoA.
b) Due to non-availability of oxaloacetate, which is diverted towards pathway of
gluconeogenesis, TCA cycle is suppressed.
phosphorylated form, and glycerol kinase deficiency in adipose tissue makes glycerol a waste
product (figure).
Therefore, Glycerol is transported to liver, where upon conversion to dihydroxy acetone
phosphate, (figure), it is either converted to glucose (through pathway of gluconeogenesis), or is
completely oxidized through glycolytic pathway. The fate of glycerol is decided by the cellular
1) In the fasting state- Glycerol released from lipolysis of adipose tissue triacylglycerol is used
solely as a substrate for gluconeogenesis in the liver and kidneys. The conversion of glycerol to
glucose requires phosphorylation to glycerol-3-phosphate by glycerol kinase and
dehydrogenation to Dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) by glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase (G3PDH) (Figure). The G3PDH reaction is the same as that used in the transport
of cytosolic reducing equivalents into the mitochondrion for use in oxidative phosphorylation.
This transport pathway is called the glycerol-phosphate shuttle.
Figure-Glucose-Glycerol cycle. Glycerol released from adipocyte is used in the liver either for
energy production or is utilized as a substrate for gluconeogenesis. Glycerol is initially
converted to glycerol-3-P, in a reaction catalyzed by glycerol kinase. Subsequently glycerol-3-P
is converted to Dihydroxy acetone-P (DHAP) by glycerol-3-p dehydrogenase. It is a reversible
reaction. DHAP can then enter the pathway of glucose production. Glucose produced is
transported back to adipocyte to complete the cycle. The entry of glucose in the adipocyte is by
GLUT4 receptors that are regulated by Insulin.
2) In the well fed state- Glycerol upon conversion to DHAP in liver (as described above), is
oxidized completely through the pathway of glycolysis. Glycolytic pathway is involved both for
the utilization and production of glycerol-3-P.
It is noteworthy that glycerol-3-P in adipose tissue is obtained through glycolytic pathway
(figure), and not by direct phosphorylation of glycerol (glycerol kinase is absent in adipose
tissue). In fact adipocytes require a basal level of glycolysis in order to provide them with
DHAP as an intermediate in the synthesis of triacylglycerols.
As regards other options:
Glucose to Galactose
Activated galactose to activated Glucose
Lactose to galactose
Excretion of galactose by kidney
Excretion of glucose by kidney
Answer- The correct answer is- B-Conversion of activated galactose to activate glucose.
As evident from the clinical features, the child is suffering from Galactosemia.
Galactosemia is associated with the following 3 enzyme deficiencies;
1) Classical galactosemia is a major symptom of three enzyme defects. It results from loss
of the enzyme galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase.
2) The second form of galactosemia results from a loss of Galactokinase and
3) The third disorder results from a deficiency of UDP-galactose-4-epimerase (Figure)
91. A 7-month-old baby girl, the second child born to unrelated parents was brought to
Pediatrics outdoor department. History revealed that she did not respond well to breastfeeding and was changed entirely to a formula based on cows milk at 4 weeks. Between 7
and 12 weeks of age, she was admitted to the hospital twice with a history of screaming after
feeding, but was discharged after observation without a specific diagnosis. Elimination of
cows milk from her diet did not relieve her symptoms; her mother reported that the
screaming bouts were worse after the child drank juice and that she frequently had gas and a
distended abdomen. The child was diagnosed having Hereditary fructose intolerance. The
mother of the child was instructed to eliminate fructose containing foods from the childs diet
and was strictly instructed to feed milk without table sugar. The table sugar (sucrose), a
disaccharide, contains glucose and fructose linked as:
O--D-glucopyranosyl-(1->6)- -D-fructofuranoside
O--D-glucopyranosyl-(1->6)- -D-fructofuranoside
O--D-glucopyranosyl-(1->2)- -D-fructofuranoside
O--D-glucopyranosyl-(1->2)- -D-fructofuranoside
None of the above
conversion of glucose to pentose, including ribose. This can lead to decreased regeneration of
reduced glutathione and susceptibility to oxidative stress.
Transketolase is the only TPP (Thiamine pyrophosphate) dependent enzyme in the list. The
reaction catalyzed by Transketolase is shown in the figure
The correct answer is E- All of the above. Excess carbohydrate ingestion is a major cause of
obesity. Obesity is a state of excess adipose tissue mass. Adipose tissue is composed of the
lipid-storing adipose cell and a stromal/vascular compartment in which cells including
preadipocytes and macrophages reside. Adipose mass increases by enlargement of adipose cells
through lipid deposition, as well as by an increase in the number of adipocytes. The
predominant lipid in the adipose cells is triglyceride. Triglyceride contains a glycerol backbone
and three fatty acids.
Carbohydrates increase the triglyceride load by the following mechanisms:
Glucose is the principal representative of carbohydrates. The metabolism of glucose provides all
the substances required for the synthesis of triglycerides, for example,
a) Glycerol- Glycerol is obtained through glycolysis (figure-1). Dihydroxyacetone-P
(produced by the cleavage of Fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate) is converted to glycerol-3-P by
the action of Glycerol-3-P dehydrogenase. Glycerol-3-P or active glycerol is used for the
synthesis of Triglyceride (figure-1).
b) Fatty acids- Acetyl co A, the precursor of fatty acids is obtained from Pyruvate, the end
product of glycolysis (Acetyl co A can also be obtained through alternative sources).
c) NADPH- HMP pathway, the alternative pathway of glucose utilization provides NADPH,
for this reductive pathway of fatty acid biosynthesis.
d) Role of insulin- Insulin released as a result of excess plasma glucose load, activates
Acetyl co A carboxylase, the rate limiting enzyme of fatty acid biosynthesis. Insulin also
promotes glucose uptake through GLUT-4 receptors, and hence provides precursors for
fatty acid synthesis and activates Lipoprotein lipase, providing more fatty acids, obtained
through degradation of lipoproteins for esterification with glycerol.
Hexokinase has a much higher affinity for glucose than Glucokinase. It is not about number
of Glucose molecules metabolized, or about energy of activation. Km signifies the affinity of
the enzyme for its substrate.
95. During an extended period of exercise, the enzymes involved in the glycolytic pathway
in muscle tissue are actively breaking down glucose to provide the muscle energy. The
liver, to maintain blood glucose levels, is synthesizing glucose via the gluconeogenic
Which of the following enzymes involved in these pathways would be most likely to
exhibit MichaelisMenten kinetics, that is, have a hyperbolic curve when plotting
substrate concentration versus velocity of the reaction?
A. Fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase
B. Hexokinase
C. Lactate dehydrogenase
D. Phosphofructokinase-1
E. Pyruvate kinase
The correct option is C- Lactate dehydrogenase. All the above mentioned enzymes are allosteric
except Lactate dehydrogenase.
96. A 23 year- old female was brought for consultation by her mother who was troubled by
her daughters continuous fatigue, dizziness and loss of weight. The patient was 6 feet 2
inches tall and weighed 100 pounds. Further questioning revealed that the young woman had
been virtually fasting for 4 months hoping to obtain a skinny figure as a prelude to a career
in modeling.
Physical examination revealed dehydration and a fruity odor in her breath.
Laboratory results revealed Blood glucose 50 mg%.
Which substance would most likely be detected in abnormally high concentration upon
patients urine test?
A. Protein
B. Hemoglobin
C. Acetoacetate
D. Lactate
E. Pyruvate
The correct answer is- Acetoacetate.
The patient shows many signs of Anorexia Nervosa (AN), which is an eating disorder.
The etiology of AN is unknown but appears to involve a combination of psychological,
biologic, and cultural risk factors. The condition is characterized by aversion to food that
leads to a state of fasting and emaciation. Patients often have a distorted image of their own
body weight or shape and are unconcerned by the serious health consequences of their low
weight. As weight loss progresses, the fear of gaining weight grows; dieting becomes
stricter; and psychological, behavioral, and medical aberrations increase.
Metabolic alterations
Blood glucose homeostasis
Liver glycogen is exhausted in the first day of fasting. After several months of near
starvation, the blood glucose in these patients is maintained by gluconeogenesis, primarily
from amino acids mobilized from tissue proteins (figure-1). The impaired conversion of
amino acids in to glucose is responsible for producing hypoglycemia in these patients.
Figure-1- All the intermediates of TCA cycle, beyond - Ketoglutarate are glucogenic, since
they ultimately produce oxaloacetate which is channeled towards pathway of
gluconeogenesis. Acetyl co A is not glucogenic, as firstly the conversion of pyruvate to
Acetyl Co A is irreversible and secondly, in TCA cycle, it loses both of its carbons in the
form of CO2, hence it has nothing to contribute to Glucose production.
97. A 32-year-old body builder has decided to go on a diet consisting of egg whites to ensure
only proteins for muscle growth. After a few weeks he experiences decreased energy and is
found to be hypoglycemic. A nutritionist tells the patient that he most likely has the
deficiency of vitamin Biotin. Which of the following enzymes is unable to catalyze its step
in synthesizing glucose from pyruvate?
Pyruvate carboxylase
Phospho enol pyruvate carboxy kinase
Fructose 1, 6 bisphosphatase
Phosphoglycerate kinase.
98. Skin fibroblasts incubated with radioactive amino acids synthesize polypeptide chains that
assemble to form a triple helix. Which of the following amino acids is most avidly consumed
by the fibroblasts?
A. Lysine
B. Proline
C. Alanine
D. Glycine
E. Leucine
F. Cysteine
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body The collagen molecule consists of
three polypeptide alpha chains held together by hydrogen bonds to form a rope-like triple helix.
Collagen is synthesized in fibroblasts, osteoblasts, and chondroblasts. The collagen molecule
has a triple helical conformation because each of the alpha chains has a simple, repetitive amino
acid sequence in which glycine (Gly) appears at every third amino acid position. The amino
acid sequence of collagen is, therefore, designated (-Gly-X-Y-)333' To fold into a triple helix,
every third amino acid in each alpha chain must be glycine Glycine is the smallest amino acid
and it fits into the restricted space that exists when three alpha chai ns come together to form a
tri pie helix.
Many of the amino acids designated X and Yare proline residues. Proline is essential for the
formation of the alpha helix because its ring structure introduces a bend into the polypeptide
chains. Other X and Y amino acids form clusters of hydrophobic and charged regions on the
surface of the molecule that enables crosslinking to other collagen molecules. Lysine is
commonly used in collagen for this purpose
Glycine is the most abundant amino acid in the collagen molecule. It occurs in AT LEAST
every third amino acid position. The amino acid formula of collagen is (-Gly-X-Y-)333
99. Hepatocytes exposed to an external stimulus demonstrate a rapid increase in intracellular
glycogen stores and a decrease in glucose release into the blood. Which of the following most
likely promotes the effects described above?
Protein phosphatase-1
Protein kinase A
Phospholipase C
Janus protein kinase (JAK)
The response of the hepatocytes to the stimulus described in the question stem is characteristic
of the response of these cells to insulin. Insulin is an anabolic hormone that promotes the
synthesis of glycogen, triacylglycerides, nucleic acids, and proteins. Insulin inhibits
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. Insulin acts via a tyrosine kinase mechanism. The insulin
cell surface receptor is a transmembrane protein that also has Cytosolic tyrosine kinase activity.
The tyrosine kinase causes phosphorylation of a poorly characterized class of proteins known as
insulin receptor substrates leading to activation of protein phosphatase. Protein phosphatase
dephosphorylates glycogen synthase thereby activating that protein and promoting glycogen
synthesis. Protein phosphatase also dephosphorylates fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase thereby
inactivating that enzyme and inhibiting gluconeogenesis. This is also a good example of how
phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of enzymes by second-messenger proteins
can cause activation of some enzymes and inactivation of others.
Insulin is an anabolic hormone that acts via a tyrosine kinase second messenger system to
stimulate the synthesis of glycogen, proteins, fatty acids and nucleic acids. Tyrosine kinase
leads to the activation of protein phosphatase within cells, and protein phosphatase directly
modulates the activity of enzymes in the metabolic pathways regulated by insulin.
100. A 79-year-old female presents to your office with leg pain and fatigue She lives alone and
has little money to spend on food. The patient has tibial subperiosteal hematomas and
painful gums.
Which of the following nutrient deficiencies is most likely responsible for this patient's
Vitamin B1
B.Vitamin B2
Folic acid
E.Ascorbic acid
F. Vitamin K
Vitami n C cannot be synthesized endogenously and therefore must be consumed in the human
diet. This is typically not a problem, as ascorbic acid is abundantly found in fruits and
vegetables (whiIe also being present to a lesser extent in milk, liver, and fish). Deficiencies of
vitamin C are therefore rare in developed countries, but continue to be a concern in those with
inconsistent eating patterns - including the elderly, alcoholics, and persons who live alone.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency eventually results in scurvy, a disease characterized by
hemorrhages, subperiosteal hematomas, bleeding into joint spaces, gingival swelling, secondary
periodontal infection, anemia, hyperkeratotic papular rashes, impaired wound healing, and
weakened immune response to local infections.
Because ascorbic acid accelerates hydroxylation and amidation reactions, it plays a crucial role
in numerous biosynthetic pathways. One of the most important functions of ascorbic acid is its
activation of prolyt and IysyI hydroxylase precursors, both of which are necessary for the
hydroxylation of procollagen. As collagen contains considerable hydroxyproline, the quantity
and quality of the collagen produced is dramatically impaired by any reduction in available
ascorbic acid.
The symptoms of scurvy are primarily caused by impaired collagen formation, and include
hemorrhages, subperiosteal hematomas, bleeding into joint spaces, gingival swelling, secondary
periodontal infection, anemia, hyperkeratotic papular rashes, impaired wound healing, and
weakened immune response to local infections.