The Main Sources of Seerah PDF

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Gabriel Keresztes
Professor Muatassim Al Humaidi
Fiqul Seerah
2 August 2011
The Main Sources of Seerah and the Correct Way of Approaching Them
An Exposition of the Faulty Orientalist and Missionary Approach Towards Seerah
and its Sources
The Great Mans sincerity is of the kind he cannot speak of: nay I suppose he
is conscious rather of insincerity; for what man can walk accurately by the law of
truth for one day? No, the great man does not boast himself sincere, far from that;
perhaps does not ask himself if he is so; I would say rather, his sincerity does not
depend on himself, he can not help being sincere!1 This was stated by Thomas
Carlyle in the 18th century during a series of lectures given to a Western audience in
defense of prophet Muhammad pbuh, with the aim of exposing the lies and dishonest
approach that most Orientalists at that time were taking when dealing with the
subject. Such approaches are nothing new and have existed since the beginning of
time. Anyone who has read the Bible or the Quran will find out that one of the most
common techniques for dealing with people who came as prophets in the name of
God, was to accuse them of evils, discredit their status and persona, and malign them
without any remorse in the name of scholarship and so called service for humanity.
M. Watt2 says that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him (pbuh) is without a doubt
one of the most maligned historical figure in the world, people competing for who can

Thomas Carlyle in Heroes and Hero Worship p 59 as referenced by Deedat Ahmed,

Muhammad the Greatest, Abul-Qasim Publishing House, Jeddah, p21.
Watt M. Muhammad at Medina, Oxford University, 1981, p 324.

make more money and more television shows instigating hatred and discord towards
the man himself and his followers. People such as Robert Spencer3, Daniel Pipes,
Sam Shamoun, and others of old such as John of Damascus, Dante, have aimed to
distort the life of prophet Muhammad and to portray the religion of Islam in a
negative way in order to created hatred towards and rejection of the faith that was so
attractive to so many people and gained so many converts as it still does today. Such
people have not only made fortunes by their ways, but have also served as advisors to
different organizations and government bodies inciting hatred and spreading lies
within communities which lead to Muslims being discriminated against. One of the
reason that such people gained so much credibility and support is their ability to
manipulate Muslim scriptures such as the Quran, Ahadith and biographical works,
citing and quoting information that exists in our own sources, the very basis of Islam.
However in doing so, such people have made the most categorical mistake4, and have
ignored traditional scholastic approaches in dealing with such information. Prophet
Muhammad taught us an axiom that should be the principle of every Muslim in their
daily life and that is leave that which is unauthentic or unsure for that which is
authentic or sure. This is a principle that the Quran teaches us and warns us not to go
It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are
verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and
others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth],
they will follow that of it, which is unspecific, seeking discord and
seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true]
interpretation except Allah. But that firm in knowledge say, "We

Wrote a book called The Truth About Muhammad

Most likely on purpose.

believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded
except those of understanding.5
It is without a doubt a clear warning and a clear picture of who such people who take
not only ambiguous things as their basis but an ambiguous approach.
In this paper I will discuss the main sources that are used in studying the life of the
Prophet Muhammad pbuh and I will show an example of how Orientalists have
misused and taken a different approach to such sources in propagating their hatred
for Islam. To do this I have divided this paper in 4 sections: The first section will
deal with the life of the prophet in the Quran and will touch shortly upon one
example or refutation of faulty approach of the Seerah, and that is the claim of the
prophet being a slave owner and encouraging slavery. The second will look at the
ahadith, while the third will deal with the early sources called Al Magahzi (the
Wars). The forth section will deal with the most often used authors Ibn Hisham and
Al Tabari.
The Quran is by all standards, be it historical, be it contextual, be it religious,
be it non religious, the most authentic document in the world. It is more authentic
that any history book, more authentic than any religious scripture, more authentic
than any document that exists. Why? Well simply because its mutawatir nature,
meaning the amount of people who have recorded it, memorized it and passed it on
from different times and different places with virtually no difference (other than the
Qiraat, which is itself part of the Quran). The Muslims follow a strict line of
command in terms of seeking and relating authentic knowledge. The Quran is at the
top of the pyramid, the most authentic document that narrates the life of Prophet

The Quran, Abul-Qasim Publishing House, Jeddah, 1997, Suratul Ali Imran vs 7.

Muhammad pbuh. So it is only reasonable that when Muslims want to know about
their most revered figure, they go to the Quran first and foremost. The Quran is by
consensus of all Muslims, even heretical sects, the word of God, and no one, not
even groups such as Nation of Islam and 5 % ers deny such a fact. Rather all forms
and sects of Islam agree upon the Quran.6 This is a huge and significant difference
for example from Protestants, Catholics, Assyrians, Ethiopians and others. Having
said all that, the first step in dealing with the Seerah is to study to Quran, to
understand its chapters and verses that deal with the life of the prophet, with his
struggle, the issues that he had in his daily life, the call that he was calling to day and
night, the morals that he was teaching, the socio-economic platform that he was
laying. One of the most important and revolutionary steps that we see prophet
Muhammad undertaking in his life is the abolishment of slavery:
But he has not broken to through the difficult pass.
And what can make you know what the breaking through the difficult
pass? It is freeing a slave, or feeding on a day of severe hunger an
orphan of near relationship or a needy person in misery7
The prophet Muhammad pbuh laid a clear foundation on the importance and
merit of freeing a slave, something that no person who believed in him at that
time (and it soon came that within a few decades the whole Arabian peninsula
did), could ignore, as it was the path to paradise. Freeing a slave was
equivalent to saving your neck from hellfire, the expiation of sins, the
expiation of mistakes, and the expiation of certain oaths that people of that

There have been some individual Shia scholars who claimed that there are some
parts missing of the Quran, but their own contemporary colleagues have refuted even
such people. Some Christian missionaries always try to point out from ahadith that
some parts or the Quran are missing however when scrutinized we see them being
blameworthy of the same faulty approach that we are dealing with in this paper.
The Quran, Abul-Qasim Publishing House, Jeddah, 1997, Suratul Balad vs 12-16

society were so hasty and making. So it became that within a short period of
time, slavery was taking a huge turn towards being extinct. Such events that
are clearly stated in the Quran, showing the true character of prophet
Muhammad are ignored most of the times by Orientalists and twisted in most
cases by skipping the basic steps in approaching the Seerah and looking in
places where a piece of a puzzle can be taken by itself loosing all value and
all context, only to push an ideological battle of lies and distortions against
Muslims. They claim that prophet Muhammad was a slave owner, and they
quote different sayings and examples where prophet Muhammad dealt with
slaves, took slaves, and gave away slaves. This information is correct,
however misquoted and distorted. The prophet came with this revolutionary
message of freeing slaves in a society where slavery was at the core of its
viability. People were drowned in it, and would not have it otherwise.
Unlike the wisdom of political parties today who change rulings and laws
based on their own whims and desires, from day to day, prophet Muhammad
understood the principle of gradual change (a principle confirmed by modern
Psychology when any drastic change is to be done), and implemented it in the
best manner. Slavery was still in the system so he dealt with it and so did his
companions, but any time one of them would commit a sin, would do
something wrong, they would rush to free a slave as per the new teaching,
and it became an issue of will rather than governmental compulsion for this
reform to be implemented, something that no system has ever done,
especially Christianity which as per the New Testament, is silent on the topic.
People such as Robert Spencer who have ignored all calls by the
Muslim community to be honest, have not only ignored the proper approach

towards the subject but have started a whole movement of hatred and lies that
has powered Christian groups to violence against Muslims in the West and all
over the world. Such people go and give lectures and advice to military
bodies, secret service personal that in turn are involved in operations in
Afghanistan, Iraq and other Muslim lands. Need we to say more other than
check the news to see what happens? Robert and his clan take a shady
approach in their writings and expositions, by quoting sayings of the prophet,
something that is even easier to misquote than the Quran, and requires even
more Muslim scholarship and adherence to a strict way of procedures.
The life of prophet Muhammad as per the ahadith or prophetic sayings
or narrations of companions is a very important and integral part of the
Muslim tradition. It comes second only to the Quran. In the Masjid of the
prophet in Medina, every morning after the pre dawn prayer, different
scholars are surrounded by their students reciting the sayings from their own
memory in many cases, expounding on the narrations, connecting them to
other narrations from different collectors, putting them in the context of the
Quran, commenting on their authenticity or weakness based on chains of
narrations, based on credibility of narrators, and based on the text itself. It is
a very compound process that those who want to claim scholarship study for
years at the feet of their teachers who have acquired this knowledge in the
same way from their teacher who has done the same through a link all the
way to the companions who have seen it, and acquired it from the prophet
himself. Each link of the chain has to be sound, each procedure has to be
solid, each letter and dot checked, and there is no room for any other way.

But of course such a process is only ignored by those who claim western
scholarship, and cut short and shot dead at the hands of those who are not
only not worthy of being listened to based on their morals and characters, but
who are not worthy of being listened to because of their evil plans and the
consequences of such plans. We claim to want peace, we claim to be tolerant,
and we blame terrorism and extremism on individuals who are zealous and
intolerant. However there is something common to extremist terrorist and
people like Robert Spencer, Sam Shamoun, Daniel Pipes, Ali Sina and others:
they all use the same faulty approach in dealing with the Islamic texts and
that is ignoring the traditional way (which originates from the prophet
himself), taking their own interpretations, misquotations and deliberate
mistranslations. This is what leads to lives being lost, lands being invaded
without any remorse, and cultures and society being destroyed.
The approach in studying the prophetic sayings by Orientalists can be
compared to what Shaikh Moustafa Zayed said: If I have 100 dollars in cash
and 40 dollars in debts, and you asked about my financial well being, and
someone answered: He owes 40 dollars, then he certainly you even though he
has stated a fact. However if I owe not one penny and someone claims
repeatedly that I have nothing but debts, then our subject case gets in the
absurdity mode. I dont want to ruing your conclusions, but to sum up Robert
Spencers claims about Islam in one simple analogy: Shaquille ONeal is such
a poor, short, white guy!8 People who want to attack Islam, claiming that we
as Muslims do the same thing, often ignore the authenticity of the ahadith.
As Muslims we have the prerogative to approach the inauthentic ahadith in a

Zayed Moustafa, The Lies about Muhammad, Unknown, 2011, p 16.

different manner as long as they do not contradict established authentic texts,
and do not introduce any different or new shariah ruling opposing what is
solid evidence previously established. We look at inauthentic ahadith with
the intention of trying to fill in the gap where we are lacking information
based on authentic ones. Such an approach is what lead the early collectors
of the prophets life to gather all narrations overlooking degree of authenticity
(but stating the chains and all the other required information for scholars to
sort through them) in order to try to get a full picture of the Seerah. Such
honest approaches have turned out to be detrimental in our times as with the
dawn of the technological ear, the internet and translations, such information
that was meant for Muslims to study (using the proper approach) fell into the
hands of non Muslims who have taken high jacked it. I can only give the
following analogy to define the situation we are faced with today: a mature
person who has a driving license and has gone to driving school and has been
driving every day many years, verses a reckless teenager who hijacked his
neighbors car, with his friends, with no driving license, behind the wheel, out
for a joy ride, running over innocent pedestrians (Muslims and non Muslims).
Such is the case of todays Orientalist and such is the case of those before
them with the exception of a few. They try to make prophet Muhammad look
like a war lord, a violent person inciting others to violence, digging deep in
the ancient texts on the wars that prophet Muhammad fought as part of his
revolutionary endeavor.
One of the most controversial topics is the war that prophet
Muhammad fought during his lifetime. Even though wars are not only at the

base of our existence but at the base of our current societies, Orientalists and
Christian missionaries choose to indulge in double standards more that they
walk, claiming that prophet Muhammads time was spent mostly on engaging
in wars with different people, killing them, taking prisoners etc. While we
can deal with the falsehood of this on many different levels, it is quite
interesting and hypocritical that such people choose to make a case (an in
many cases a salary) out of pointing these things out to the people of a society
that is based on such wars, and not only that, but a society that praises, studies
in academic institutions, hangs pictures of historical figures who have done
the same thing or even more. Moses, Alexander the Great, Cesar, Napoleon,
Christopher Columbus (Dont we celebrate Columbus day?), and many others
are historical figures that are admired in our society and culture. So why the
double standard when it comes to Muhammads life. Yes he fought wars, but
it was necessary for the removal of the oppression that he was faced with and
that his people were faced with. It was necessary to stop the infanticide that
was taking place, the slavery and the degrading of women, and the idolatry
that was the cause of most of these ills. He reformed society and established
values that democracy can only envy, and much like America and other
countries do today, he had to go to war, because it was the right thing to do to
achieve safety and piece. However prophet Muhammad had more than 100
dollars in his pocket in terms of his civil life, and much less than 40 in debt in
terms of his military life. He was a man of kindness and humbleness who
used to stop wile walking on the street every time he would see children
playing, greeting them and whipping over their heads, sprinkling water on
their faces and laughing with them. Little girls used to take him by the hand

throughout the city and he would not tell them that he is too busy and that he
has to fight a war. He would be in the service of his family and would mend
his own shoes and clothes. He would ride a donkey and a camel and would
always encourage people to treat their animals kindly. He was married, had
children, and cried on many occasions as he was tested with the death of his
progeny more than once. If you would walk on him in a gathering you would
not see him sitting at the front, actually you would not even recognize him as
you would the leaders of the other empires such as the Persian and Roman
empires. I could go on and on talking about his civil life. Enough is to point
out the shadiness and dishonesty of those who ignore such facts and try to
take out of context his military life like it is something unheard of. Hypocrisy
is very painful and harms others, especially when one keeps screaming out of
the top of his lungs: Please do not distort our facts, do not misquote our
traditions, and do not use inauthentic information.
Two of the most renowned and most ancient authors of the Seerah are Ibn
Hisham and Al Tabari. They have written on the life of prophet Muhammad
extensively, gathering different traditions regardless of their authenticity, in order to
try to get a full picture of his life. In doing so of course they were not able to predict
that one day such information (not being scrutinized for authenticity except by other
scholars) will fall in the hands of people with agendas to destroy Islam who will
ignore the authors pleads for caution when dealing with the narrations they have
gathered in their books. Orientalists did not seem to understand that such Seerah
books are subject to the same scrutiny that other ahadith are, and that certain
narrations that are mentioned in such books are present in their most authentic forms

in books such as Bukhari and Muslim who are the most authentic after the Quran.
They used different narrations from whichever book seemed to fit their train of
thought, having no standard or no measuring stick in doing so, taken from here and
there and making a mix of things, as they would create a painting with different
shades of colors ignoring any kind of artistic science that pertains to the modality of
using such colors in order to create a sound painting. Everything has principles in
life, starting from music, to art to education to social interactions, and playing a
bunch of musical notes on a guitar, or throwing a bunch of colors on a paper does not
make a symphony or a Picasso.
Ibn Hisham editing ibn Ishaqs work is recorded to have said himself about his
Seerah that it contains both authentic and fabricated narrations and that only God
knows which one is correct.9 Keeping in mind such a powerful statement how can
such be ignored by Orientalists and missionaries when approaching the life of
prophet Muhammad? Do they not read the introductions, the authors notes the
warning sings and pleads? Do they not care about truth and sincerity, about
scholarship and integrity, or is it just the money and the fame, the podium and the
advancement of their movement that they are after? Ibn Hisham is without a doubt a
great resource for the Muslim scholars, those who have the tools to deal with his text,
but it has been sold on the market under the translation of Guillaume, which makes
quite a strong attempt to put doubts on the Muslim scholarship from the first page.
The second author that the Orientalists often use and misuse is Al Tabari. The book
Tarikh ar Rasul wal Maluk is a very comprehensive book which collects different
accounts even though on many occasions opposing clear fundamental principles laid
out in the Quran. For example we find in it the infamous event of the Satanic Verses,

Zayed Moustafa, The Lies about Muhammad, Unknown, 2011, p 17.

which are a total invention not befitting to the place where it supposed to have been
laid even to a five year old Muslim who can read and understand Suratul Najm and
its topic10. However Al Tabari and others have recorded it and people like Selman
Rushdie have taken it upon themselves and made a fortune and fame on it. First of
all it should be mentioned that Al Tabaris book is not a hadith book but a history
book thus its authenticity level is far below any hadith book. Going back to the
Muslim approach in dealing with texts when studying the life of prophet
Muhammad, we analyze the saying of Al Tabari himself who said regarding his own
Let him who examines this book of mine know that I have relied, as
regards everything I mention therein which I stipulate to be described
by me, solely upon what has been transmitted to me by way of reports
which I cite therein and traditions which I ascribe to their narrators, to
the exclusion of what may be apprehended by rational argument or
deduced by the human mind, except in very few cases. This is because
knowledge of the reports of men of the past and of contemporaneous
views of men of the present do not reach the one who has not witnessed
them nor lived in their times except through the accounts of reporters
and the transmission of transmitters, to the exclusion of rational
deduction and mental inference. Hence, if I mention in this book a

No matter how much we have shown the missionaries that such reports are
unauthentic they still reproduce the same arguments ignoring any kind of scholarship.
The so called Satanic verses do not fit in the surah in any direction and no sensible
person would ever believe that prophet Muhammad praised idols in one verse and the
rest of the 62 verses deal with condemning idols, and that the idolaters somehow did
not get angry or noticed that prophet Muhammad was literarily smashing their gods,
and not to mention that after having their idols digested and thrown out the window,
they all still prostrated at the last verse praising God and God alone, and shunning
their idols. It is out right foolishness to believe in such a thing, however the out right
foolish insist on doing so.

report about some men of the past, which the reader of listener finds
objectionable or worthy of censure because he can see no aspect of truth
nor any factual substance therein, let him know that this is not to be
attributed to us but to those who transmitted it to us and we have merely
passed this on as it has been passed on to us."11

Interestingly enough Orientalists continue to deny the Muslims criteria, setting up

their own criteria, which is based on their own understanding of scholarship and
tradition. It seems that this is a battle that will keep going on forever.
We have taken a deep look at the main sources of Seerah that Muslim
scholarship insist be followed and in a certain order I might say, however we have
seen the ongoing ignoramus type of approach that Orientalists and missionaries have
entertained. We have showed that authenticity is at the base of Muslim scholarship,
while integrity of the reporter is one of its main pillars. I remember one scholar
saying that based on the science of hadith and the subset called ilmul rijal (the
knowledge of men, the character of the reporters), no one in our time, from our
historians, politicians, presidents, leaders and others, would be able to stand scrutiny
and be accepted as a credible narrator. Yet our world is full of books, full of claims,
full of information, full of ideas and philosophies written by people who have a DR.
before their name or just lame thugs such as Sam Shamoun and others, while their
morals and characters are in the gutter. How can anyone take such people as
credible? How can anyone take such people as authorities on a subject so deep as
Islam, let alone on anything else?


Tarikh Al Tabari 1/3 as cited by Waqar Akbar Cheema, A Compendium of Answers

to Allegations Against Islam vol. 1, Pakistan, 2010, p 21.


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