The User
The User
The User
of human-centric interactive computer systems. A user interface, such as a GUI, is how a human interacts with a
computer, and HCI goes beyond designing screens and menus that are easier to use and studies the reasoning
behind building specific functionality into computers and the long-term effects that systems will have on humans.
HCI is a very broad discipline that encompasses different specialties with different concerns regarding computer
development: computer science is concerned with theapplication design and engineering of the human interfaces;
sociology and anthropology are concerned with the interactions between technology, work and organization and the
way that human systems and technical systems mutually adapt to each other; ergonomics is concerned with the
safety of computer systems and the safe limits of human cognition and sensation; psychology is concerned with the
cognitive processes of humans and the behavior of users; linguistics is concerned with the development of human
and machine languages and the relationship between the two.
As computers become more and pervasive in culture, designers are increasingly looking for ways to make interfacing
with devices easier, safer and more efficient.
HCI consists of three parts: the user, the computer itself, and the ways they work
The User
When we talk about HCI, we dont necessarily imagine a single user with a desktop
computer. By "user", we may mean an individual user, a group of users working
together, or maybe even a series of users in an organisation, each involved with some
part of the job or development. The user is whoever is trying to get the job done using
the technology. An appreciation of the way peoples sensory systems (sight, hearing,
touch) relay information is vital to designing a first-class product. For example, display
layouts should accommodate the fact that people can be sidetracked by the smallest
movement in the outer (peripheral) part of their visual fields, so only important areas
should be specified by moving or blinking visuals. And of course, people like designs
that grab their attention. Designers must decide how to make products attractive without
distracting users from their tasks.
The Computer
When we talk about the computer, were referring to any technology ranging from
desktop computers, to large scale computer systems even a process control system