Case Study Teaching Practice
Case Study Teaching Practice
Case Study Teaching Practice
Case Study
Case Study
Teaching practice I
The present paper has a variety of sub title really interesting for
us like another one than want to know about it, and the many
interesting things that you can find in this project. Consequently the
following pages that you are going to see are full of interesting
research about the cases that happen in the practice one with the
author of this paper Azucena Rodriguez , it can be a successful
challenge if you want to see it in this way, but if you know or do you
like the practice as teacher because this is you labor passion you can
say it really interesting and it can be an opportunity to be better and
be creative in my teaching practice and always be prepared, well; in
this case I am going to narrate about some features in this paper and
first we have the explained the experience from the practitioner and
in this part we can see the challenge and difficulties that she needed
to pass in the practice.
Consequently; in this work also we can find the description of
each features of the institute for instance: the description of the
teachers, the institute, the students, the principal, and another one
that form an important part in this practice that she did. However;
this paper also describe with literature from internet the important
information about the obstacles and barriers to learn English, well;
this paper has an brief information about teaching context situation
methodology, and it is refer to the problems that in the practice she
has passed, and also it present the goal short and long that she has
as teacher, and the measures that she had as teacher it is refer about
the goals that she need to have as teacher and the obstacles and
limitation or barriers that she has relating with the teaching, and then
it is present the recommendation and the conclusion to conclude the
research and the reference that this paper has with quote from
internet to prove our point of view and know more about our area.
Teaching practice I
This paper has a lot of important information that as teachers
we need and to develop our work successful because the author of
this work narrate about the experience that she has had in her
practice in the background of her we can find more information
relating with her practice and the exactly information of her
advantages-difficulties and success that she passed during her
practice ,well; this work can help us to be better in our practice and to
know the real job that we want to realize, with the experience that
she passed she cans say that it is so cool to be in the classroom with
difficulties but it is an unique experience that we can have.
Consequently; this work is refer to the experience that she had during
the practice and relating with the teaching and with the knowledge
that she had from her practice in the institute of Santa Maria, and the
goals that she has achieved and the things that she did bad.
Consequently; we have the topic of research that she did about
teaching called obstacles to learn English, well; in this part we can
learn about a lot of important things relating with the teaching and
relating with the learning a second language and in this case is
English language, however; we can learn about the uses of our
methodology if it is correct or not, because there are a lot of cases
that the method the we use inside of the classroom is the problem
that cause that our students do not learn a foreign language and that
can be interesting topic that as teachers it is necessary to know about
it, and like that there are more cause or problems that we can have as
teachers or our students have but in all the cases the problem is from
the teachers because as the teacher thus will be the students.
Consequently like that and some important information we are going
to find in this paper.
Teaching practice I
Background information:
Teaching practice I
During the practice I can say that although everything that I
need to pass it was success because everything was ok, like I was
thinking, in my mind the things that I keeping was fear and terror to
be in front of teenagers that just want to play and not learn and it
make me to be fear but although my mind it was great in my point of
view. Consequently I am going to describe a little bit about the
teacher that is in this institute in charge to the English subject and I
can say that she is so sweet and when I went to the institute to talk
with the principal about my practice he does not there, and I found
the teacher in charge called Kellyn and she was the first person that
with an smile she told me that she was agree with my practice and
then she said that I must to convince the principal for he will say ok.
And in this moment I was happy because another classmate told me
that the principal does not let me to do my practice and that was in
my mind, however; in another day I went to talk with the principal and
he told me that anyone have the permission to do the practice in this
institute and I said ok.
Consequently; I was telling him about the teacher and he asked me
about how I know the Miss Kellyn and I said him that she had been my
teacher and the teacher in charge that we have in this moment. And
he said ok you will be the last students that we let to do the practice
in this institute and for that you will signature an act. And in this
moment stared my practice as teacher in English, however; then I
was losing a lot of classes because my students had to play soccer
and they was all the afternoons in the field and for that at least one
month I lost of classes. Consequently when finished the plays I stared
again to give classes and to keep the hours correctly I needed to go
another days to give classes so; I went to give classes at first and
second Secretariado and first and second Contador. However, I
enjoyed my practice and I did evaluation too,
Teaching practice I
hours that I needed to cover and with this experience finished the
I did the practice in the instituto de Santa Maria, and the
teacher in charge is call Kellyn del Cid Orellana, the institute have a
good infrastructure just is smaller than other ones but the teaching in
this institute is good I can say that with authority and sureness
because I studied in this high school and the teacher that is in there
are very preparedness and really are good people all the work there,
maybe are angry sometimes and it not account with technology
equipment adequate to the lever as other but without it, the
education is good and the students can learn a lot of in it, well; the
students are imperatives but I think that it is common in teenagers,
and they are little bit lazy or bore because they did not want to work
all the time they want to be playing and another times just talking
and talking in the class if the teacher not show or demonstrate
pressure they do not pay attention because they do not want to learn
and in the special case that is in English, they have a lot of knowledge
and are really intelligent but sometimes they do not want to do
anything and that cause that they do not learn because I think they
are so lazy to learn.
However; although everything they learn a little bit, at least
they learn some parts of the topic but staying in front of this kind of
student I can say goal achieved. Consequently ; the major of time
they are free I think that it can be another cause of they are lazy and
it is the loss of classes and if they are not in the class they are doing
another thing like activities from the high school like dancing for an
special day or something creativity for the same cause, for doing a lot
of things like these they loss much classes and I think but I do not
sure that for this cause that when they are in the classroom they do
Teaching practice I
Teaching practice I
Teaching practice I
researched that they commonly do not use the technology and for
that I show them videos and slides to catch the attention from my
students and I achieve it, in some cases they are uncontrolled but
everything was good.
and funny
preparedness all the time, that or these aspect can be the most
important things as teacher but first to do it, I need to got a job
and my goal is find a good job in a good place, and to be able to
give a professional class, and that will be my goal for all my career
and then when I will be inside of the classroom as the teacher in
charge of the english subject, that wil be so cool and great for me
that is my priority in this moment thinking as a person that want to
be a teacher. Consequently; I want to be a great person all the time
I do not want to forget my difficulties to have or achieve this career
with God I know that I am going to achieve this goal it is to
graduate from this career.
Consequently; I think that my goal I do not sure if it as
teacher but it is necessary to be a teacher because if I do not pass
it I cannot to be a teacher and it is pass the toelf test. I am some
nervious for it like anothet classmates that I have, and when I pass
it and graduate me I want to be a good teacher have a good job
and be always preparedness I do not want to improvise in the
moment of give a class, well then I want to be a supervisor of other
teacher maybe will be a principal or something like that, in my
Teaching practice I
The measure that we need to have in the knowledge of English
need to be high if we want to be teachers because when we treat with
students there are many kind of students and there are students that
need to know more and ask and ask to the teacher and if the teacher
do not know it there is like the teacher do not know anything for that
we need to keep a lot of knowledge of the English language it is our
presentation letter, we need to have a lot of knowledge, however; if
we have the knowledge is necessary that we have the performance
too, to be equal in the way or in method to teach. Consequently; the
knowledge and the performance is necessary to be great teacher and
in this stage or part I want to show you that is not enough know some
of the English language if not we need to know a lot of about it.
However; the exact measure I do not know just I can say that
we need a lot of knowledge and it can help us to develop a good class
in other words to have a good performance inside of the classroom,
well; in the way if teaching we can find the priorities that we have and
the things that we need to achieve, consequently; we also need to
know in which areas we need to arrive. The limitations or problems
that we can have to develop a class can be the lack of vocabulary and
the barriers or obstacles that we can have to achieve these goals or
we have to be a great teachers can be the less interest that we can
have to be great teacher and to be better in teaching area. However;
Teaching practice I
I will recommend to the ugb that need to be improve in its
service because if they do not care the education of their clients, well;
their priority came down or in another words their prestige will be fail,
they need to form good professionals and for that they need to care
the education that they are offering to the students. And if they are
interesting about the education that they are offering their prestige
will be best and we as students will not have obstacles to be good
professionals. However; we can say in this moment is ok everything
but I said that because when I stared this career I think that I had
learnt much in English language if I had had a better pressure or the
necessary to know a lot of things that in this moment I am learning
but I think that I had learnt that before and now learn of focus in other
important things.
Consequently; I recommend to the faculty almost the same
thing that they need to be priority in the education area to offer the
best service to their clients, and I recommend to my teacher that he
need to be angry but in the same time need to be patient because
there are many students that they know that have the enough
capacity to understand the things that he wants that we will do, and
there are another students that needs that the teacher explain and
explain understandable to understand his point of view and I consider
that I am not the first class of students neither the second one
because I think that I have the capacity but there are some point of
Teaching practice I
In this paper we can find the different topics that already we
saw, and many important things that as teacher will be so interesting
for us, however this paper show us a little bit about the experience
that the author of this paper have with her practice, it shows the
disadvantages an difficulties that she passed, consequently this
document is a research about the obstacles or limitations and barrier
that we can have to learn the English language, and it can be an
opportunity to learn more about teaching and how to teach because if
we know the causes that make the students do not learn we can find
the solution of this problem and we can be better in the moment of
giving our class, well; if we want this work can be a good tool for you
if you want to be better and also learn from her experience with her
students, also this work has a part called literature review and this is
veridic information that can help us to research the problem that we
can have inside of the classroom.
Consequently; to sum up, this work have a single point of view
of the author of this paper except for the quotes that is in the
literature review, it has the single point of the practitioner referring or
concerning with her practice and the quotes that I mentioned before
in the final of this paper we can find the bibliography to know where is
the information that this paper has and the research that is done to
know deeply the teaching relating with the foreign language.
Teaching practice I
Consequently; this work also have the goals that the practitioner has
about the teaching and the goals that she has achieved in this
moment in the part practitioner background she narrates almost
exactly the things that happen in her practice and the success that
she had had with her students and also this paper shows the
problems that surged during the practice but with research she could
take the control of the class, and that is all the paper, hoping it can be
informative and interesting for you.
Teaching practice I
Teaching practice I
Teaching practice I
Teaching practice I
Teaching practice I