Minnesota State OSHA Information Page
Minnesota State OSHA Information Page
Minnesota State OSHA Information Page
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Consultation Services
Workplace Safety Consultation
443 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155-4307
(651) 284-5060
(651) 297-1953 FAX
The Minnesota Occupational Safety and Health program is administered by the Minnesota Department of
Labor and Industry. The department's Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Division is responsible for
compliance program administration, conducting enforcement inspections, adoption of standards, and
operation of other related OSHA activities. Workplace Safety Consultation provides consultation services, on
request, to help employers prevent workplace accidents and diseases by identifying and correcting safety
and health hazards, and operates several employer assistance programs.
Management and administration of Minnesota OSHA (MNOSHA) is the responsibility of the OSHA
Management Team (OMT). The OMT is comprised of the five Minnesota OSHA area directors, an
administrative director, the consultation director, and the Federal OSHA Minneapolis Area Office director.
The mission of Minnesota OSHA (MNOSHA) is to make sure every worker in the State of Minnesota has a
safe and healthful workplace. This mandate involves the application of a set of tools by MNOSHA including
standards development, enforcement, compliance assistance, and training and education, which enable
employers to maintain safe and healthful workplaces.
In addition to the traditional enforcement and consultation activities, MNOSHA operates several specialized
programs aimed at assisting employers in making their workplaces safer and more healthful including
"Minnesota First," an enforcement-based inspection program for employers with 100 or more workers in
high-hazard industries (other than construction) who have injury and illness rates above the current
average for all Minnesota employers; and "MNSHARP" (Minnesota Safety and Health Achievement
Recognition Program), a voluntary, consultation-based program which assists small high-hazard employers
in achieving safety and health improvements and to recognize them for doing so. MNOSHA also operates a
Labor-Management Safety Committee Program, a Loggers' Safety Education Program, a Workplace Violence
Prevention Program, and a Safety Grants Program. More information about Minnesota First may be found at:
html#mnfirst. More information about MNSHARP and the other programs operated by Workplace Safety
Consultation may be found at: www.doli.state.mn.us/wsc.html.
The largest industry in Minnesota is health care. Minnesota is also an agricultural state with the related grain
handling and processing, dairy, poultry, and meat packing industries. The four largest manufacturing
industries include industrial machinery, printing and publishing, food and kindred products, and forest
products (paper, lumber, wood, etc.).
State Publications
Minnesota OSHA is currently reviewing all state publications for relevancy, needed updates, etc. Once this
process is completed, MNOSHA publications will be made available on the agency's home page. Questions
about available publications may be directed to MNOSHA at (651) 296-2116.
Training Materials/Information
Educational seminars, training sessions, and public meeting schedules of agency advisory committees are
posted on Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry home page at: http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/
owaredirect.html?p_url=http://www.doli.state.mn.us/events.html. This "Coming Events" page lists public
meetings and training sessions that have been scheduled by all divisions in Labor and Industry including
Minnesota OSHA and Workplace Safety Consultation. Training materials for distribution to the public are not
currently available on the home page. Questions about training sessions and/or available training materials
may be directed to Minnesota OSHA at (651) 296-2116 and/or Workplace Safety Consultation at (651) 297-
State Standards
Minnesota OSHA generally adopts Federal OSHA standards by reference. With the exception of the
standards listed below, all federal OSHA standards for General Industry (29 CFR Part 1910) and
Construction (29 CFR Part 1926) have been adopted by Minnesota OSHA. Minnesota OSHA has also adopted
state-specific standards which address hazards not covered by federal OSHA standards. Major differences
between federal and MNOSHA regulations include:
1. Employee Right-to-Know (Minnesota Rules Chapter 5206) is enforced by MNOSHA instead of the
federal Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). Employee Right-to-Know covers harmful
physical agents and infectious agents as well as hazardous substances and requires annual refresher
training in addition to initial training. The rule covers employees in general industry, construction, maritime
operations, and farming operations with more than 10 employees or a temporary labor camp.
2. Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) (29 CFR 1910.1000 - Air Contaminants). In 1989, federal
OSHA revised its PELs under 1910.1000, which MNOSHA adopted. Although federal OSHA has since reverted
to the pre-1989 PELs, MNOSHA still enforces the 1989 PELs for substances that are not covered by separate
standards. (These are available on the MNOSHA website.)
3. Confined Spaces (Minnesota Rules 5205.1000 through 5205.1040 and 5207.0300). MNOSHA
adopted its own confined spaces standard prior the federal adoption of 29 CFR 1910.146, Permit-Required
Confined Spaces. The Minnesota Confined Spaces rules cover both general industry and construction.
Employers engaged in shipyard employment are to follow 29 CFR 1915.7-1915.16.
4. Lockout Devices in Construction (Minnesota Rules 5207.0600). MNOSHA has adopted its own
lockout/tagout standard for the construction industry. This standard is in addition to 29 CFR 1926.417,
Lockout and Tagging of Circuits, and the portions of 29 CFR 1926 Subpart O, Motor Vehicles, Mechanized
Equipment and Marine Operations, which address the control of potential energy. Employers in general
industry must comply with 29 CFR 1910.147, Control of Hazardous Energy.
5. Additional MNOSHA requirements. Minnesota OSHA has also adopted the following standards covering
topics not addressed in federal OSHA standards. All MNOSHA standards and rules may be accessed at:
Public-sector employers in Minnesota (with the exception of federal agencies and exclusive federal
jurisdiction properties) are covered and are treated exactly as any other employer. Public-sector employers
are subject to the same enforcement protocols as private sector employers including inspection scheduling,
inspection procedures, complaint and nondiscrimination procedures, informal conference and contestation
procedures, employee access to information provisions, recordkeeping, and voluntary compliance programs.
Minnesota OSHA's goal is to conduct at least three percent (3%) of its inspections in the public sector.
Workplace Safety Consultation, the MNOSHA consultation program, offers consultations on request to small
private-sector employers and some public-sector employers to help them prevent workplace accidents and
One strategy used by Minnesota OSHA to address hazards in the public sector is the development of a
Special Emphasis inspection program. For example, when the Fire Brigade Standard was adopted in 1980,
Minnesota OSHA established a Special Emphasis inspection program for fire departments. All fire
departments in the state were listed and each year fire departments were randomly selected for a
comprehensive inspection. There are approximately 800 fire departments in Minnesota, both paid and
volunteer; all fire departments were inspected under this program over the course of several years.
In July 1999, Minnesota OSHA donated 14 unneeded noise measuring equipment the Minnesota Department
of Children, Families and Learning for their use in schools throughout Minnesota.
Training and outreach programs on standards and other OSHA-related topics of general interest are made
available to public as well as private sector employers and employees. Programs have been, and when
requested will be, conducted for specific types of workplaces, such as fire departments, schools, correctional
facilities, etc.
Although not specifically geared toward public sector employers and employees, the Loggers' Safety
Education Program, one of the programs under Workplace Safety Consultation, has provided safety training
to numerous public sector employers and employees, primarily from public works departments. The "logging
work" done by these workers is not a daily activity but is usually related to cleanup following storms or other
uncommon events and involves trees that are damaged and hazardous to work on. The training sessions
cover the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.266, including personal protective equipment, chainsaw safety and
maintenance, and proper tree felling techniques.
The Minnesota Department of Health website includes health information in many categories, including
asbestos in schools.
The Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning includes information for schools including
recommendations on school safety and violence prevention.
The Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management, provides information for emergencies
including county and statewide response plans.
The University of Minnesota Extension Service provides information on a broad range of topics including
solid waste, pesticide safety, and indoor environmental issues such as air quality and air systems.
5205.0120 Minimum Levels of Illumination
5205.0130 Diffusion and Distribution of Light
5205.0140 Exit and Emergency Lighting
5205.0150 Maintaining the Level of Illumination
Steam Boilers
5205.0330 Steam Boilers
Platform Manlifts
5205.0550 Installation Limitations
5205.0560 Inspection
5205.0570 Types of Manlifts
5205.0580 Hand-powered Platform Passenger Type Manlifts
5205.0590 Special Purpose Personnel Elevators
5205.0750 Motorized Self-propelled Vehicles
5205.0755 Police and Patrol Vehicles
5205.0760 Powered Industrial Truck Operations
5205.0765 Scissor Point Protection
5205.0770 Grease Racks, Hoists, and Pits
Machine Guarding
5205.0850 Pneumatic Power Tools
5205.0860 Machines with Revolving Parts
5205.0865 Foot Actuated Machines
5205.0880 Motor Start Button
5205.0890 Hydraulic Presses
Confined Spaces
5205.1000 Scope
5205.1010 Definitions
5205.1020 Operating Procedures and Worker Training
5205.1030 Preentry Procedures
5205.1400 Inspection of Hoppers
5206.1000 Labeling Hazardous Substances
5206.1100 Labeling Harmful Physical Agents; Label Content
5206.1200 Certification of Existing Labeling Program
Environmental Controls
5207.0320 Gas Fired Machines and Appliances
Machine Guarding
5207.0600 Lockout Devices
5207.0610 Motor Start Button
5207.0620 Machine Controls and Equipment
5207.0630 Foot Actuated Machines
5207.0800 Privies at Construction and Engineering Projects
5207.0810 Jobsite Shelters
5207.0900 Powered Industrial Truck Operations
5207.0910 Servicing Multipiece and Single Piece Rim Wheels
Adoption of Standards
5210.0020 Scope
5210.0040 Petition for Adoption, Modification, or Revocation of a Standard
5210.0050 Initiation
5210.0060 Objections
5210.0070 Conduct of Hearing
5210.0080 Powers of Presiding Officer
5210.0090 Certification of the Hearing Record
5210.0100 Decision
5210.0800 Purpose and Scope
5210.0810 Effect of Variances
5210.0820 Temporary Variances
5210.0830 Permanent Variances
5210.0835 Interim Orders
5210.0850 Order Denying Variance
5210.0860 Objection to Variance Denial
5210.0870 Multi-state Variances
Statutory Authority/Legislation
Enabling legislation for the Minnesota OSHA program is codified in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 182 which
may be accessed at: http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owaredirect.html?p_url=http://www.doli.state.mn.
State Webmaster
James Honerman
Communications Office
(651) 297-3313