Face Expression

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Background: The work of Paul Ekman

How to Spot a Terrorist on the Fly

By Paul Ekman
Sunday, October 29, 2006

The man in the cheap brown jacket stood slumped in line, staring at the ground. His
hands were fidgety, reaching repeatedly into his inside jacket pocket, or patting it from
the outside. A momentary look of anguish, just 1/15th of a second or so, occasionally
flashed across his face -- the inner corners of his eyebrows would go up, so that his
brows sloped down from the center of his forehead, his cheeks would rise, and the
corners of his lips would pull down slightly. He was exhibiting what I call a microexpression, a sign of an emotion being concealed.
The question was: What was he concealing? And why?
To the behavior-detection officers I was with at Boston's Logan International Airport,
his combination of mannerisms -- the micro-expression, the slumped posture, the
pocket-patting -- was unusual enough to raise a red flag. They called a uniformed state
police officer, who asked the man the purpose of his travel. It turned out that he was on
the way to the funeral of his brother, who had died unexpectedly. That was the reason
for the bowed head. The frequent chest-patting was to reassure himself that he had his
boarding pass. The micro-expression was an attempt to conceal his grief.

The man was not a terrorist, nor a malefactor of any kind, but just an innocent traveler
carrying some extra emotional baggage that day. So why single him out for
questioning because of a fleeting expression and a sad-sack posture?
Critics of the controversial new security program I was taking stock of -- known as
SPOT, for Screening Passengers by Observational Techniques -- have said that it is an
unnecessary invasion of privacy, based on an untested method of observation, that is
unlikely to yield much in the way of red-handed terrorists set on blowing up a plane or
flying it into a building, but would violate fliers' civil rights.
I disagree. I've participated in four decades' worth of research into deception and
demeanor, and I know that researchers have amassed enough knowledge about how
someone who is lying looks and behaves that it would be negligent not to use it in the
search for terrorists. Along with luggage checks, radar screening, bomb-sniffing dogs
and the rest of our security arsenal, observational techniques can help reduce risks -and potentially prevent another deadly assault like the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
A lot has been said about the 9/11 hijackers' unusual behavior in the days before they
boarded their ill-fated flights. Several of them were repeatedly questioned, but no one
recognized their lies. An airport screener later said he had been suspicious of one

because of his strange demeanor on the day of the attacks. But the screener had no
training that would have given him the confidence to act on his suspicions.
The hijackers' lies -- to visa interviewers and airport check-in workers -- succeeded
largely because airport personnel weren't taught how to spot liars. They had to rely on
their hunches. The people who might have saved the lives of many Americans were
needlessly handicapped.
Imagine if that screener had been taught to discern the signs of deception in a person's
facial expressions, voice, body language and gestures. With such training, he could
have been confident enough to report the hijacker's behavior. SPOT, which the
Transportation Security Administration introduced this year at 14 U.S. airports,
including Washington's Dulles International, is the first attempt at using observational
techniques as part of our security approach, and it is promising. Preliminary findings
show that the overwhelming number of those who are taken out of line and detained
for further investigation were intending to commit or had committed some kind of
wrongdoing: They were wanted criminals, drug smugglers, money smugglers, illegal
immigrants -- and, yes, a few were suspected terrorists.
SPOT's officers, working in pairs, stand off to the side, scanning passengers at a
security checkpoint for signs of any behaviors on the officers' checklist, such as
repeated patting of the chest -- which might mean that a bomb is strapped too tightly
under a person's jacket -- or a micro-expression.
The items on the SPOT checklist are culled from law enforcement experience and
research on deception and demeanor. What about your face, voice and body betrays the
fact that you're lying? I've been studying this question for nearly 40 years, ever since I
began researching it in the 1970s with Maureen O'Sullivan of the University of San
Francisco and, several years later, with Mark Frank of the State University of New
York at Buffalo.
In our studies, we recorded interviews set up in such a way that we knew when a
person was lying. Afterward, we replayed the videotapes over and over in slow motion
to identify the expressions and behaviors that distinguish lying from truth-telling. We
spent hours identifying the precise moment-to-moment movements of the facial
muscles based on my Facial Action Coding System (FACS) -- a catalogue of every
conceivable facial expression that I created and published in 1978 -- to get
comprehensive evidence of the kinds of facial looks that accompany spoken lies. Once
such expressions are identified, people can be quickly trained to recognize them as
they occur.
If Fox's Fringe is full of junk science (including people who walk through walls and communicate with the
dead), then Lie to Me, the network's newest law enforcement-themed drama, is just the opposite.
At the show's center is Cal Lightman (Tim Roth), a scientist whose expertise is detecting and interpreting "micro"
expressions--involuntary facial expressions that last just a moment--a useful skill if you want to want to figure out
whether someone's lying, and why. Lightman runs a consulting firm from which he and three supporting
characters traverse the Washington, D.C., area solving mysteries for the police, FBI and pretty much any other

client who needs a lie detector.

Lightman's character is based on that of clinical psychologist Dr. Paul Ekman. The Oakland-based scientist-whose books include Telling Lies, Emotions Revealed and Unmasking the Face--is an expert lie detector who's
advised everyone from the Secret Service and the Department of Defense to Pixar on the science of reading
facial expressions. Ekman's research indicates that our facial expressions for emotion are innate, universal and
nearly impossible to conceal. From the U.S. to Japan, Africa and New Guinea, happiness, anger, surprise and
despair trigger the same facial muscles. It's an idea that Darwin hypothesized but had been largely dismissed by
scientists who, before Ekman's research, believed that facial expressions are culturally determined.
When we're lying about emotion--pretending to be happy when we're sad, for example--microexpressions can
flash across our faces before we can get hold of them. And if most people aren't great at lying about their
emotions perfectly, then it's also true that most people can't detect those little facial lies. That's where Ekman's
consultancy comes in--his programs help train FBI and TSA agents to tell when someone is lying.
A very small percentage of people (less than 1 percent, according to Ekman) are natural lie detectors who can
detect microexpressions and lies without being trained. The show takes this into account in the form of character
Ria Torres (Monica Raymund), a "natural" whom Lightman recruits from the TSA in the show's pilot episode. In
reality, Ekman does bring naturals (he likes to call them "wizards of deception detection") with him when he
reviews tapes of investigation subjects.
Ekman acts as a scientific advisor on Lie to Me. But too often we've seen TV dramas hire "scientific consultants"
only to jettison their suggestions for the sake of drama (think many of the TV shows that take place in a
hospital). Lie to Me, Ekman assures PM, is different: He says the professional and scientific elements on the
show are around 90 percent accurate. Although the character is based on what Ekman does, he is nothing like
Lightman. "He's younger, edgier, arrogant, brusque, and he's English," says Ekman. "But the science that he
does, and the applications, are exactly what I've been doing, particularly in the past five years, in applying this
with law enforcement and national security."
If the show is 90 percent accurate, as Ekman claims, what about the other 10 percent? It turns out that PM won't
have to fact-check every show (as we do Fringe and Lost), because Ekman is doing it himself. He'll have a blog
on the show's website called The Truth About Lie to Me that will give a post-mortem of each episode, explaining
nuances that the hour-long drama didn't have time to explore. He's also writing a free biweekly newsletter about
the science behind the show: One differentiates lies, flattery, exaggeration and politeness, while another explains
the problems with polygraph and fMRI lie-detection systems.
But in order to make sure that big mistakes don't make it onto the show, Ekman is involved with each episode's
development. The show's writers go over ideas with him before they start an episode, and then send him a draft
of the script when it's done. He tells them if anything's wrong, and also sends them a battery of video-clip notes,
portraying facial expressions exactly for the actors to imitate. He says that it's been much more work than he
anticipated. But if the show is informative and entertaining, the upside for Ekman will be huge: He has written 15
books, but just the first episode of Lie to Me will reach more people than even his most popular title.
"I'm enthusiastic about the show. It's more than met my expectations," Ekman says. But is he lying?
Probably not. Unlike Roth's Dr. Ligthman, who is both a master lie detector and a convincing liar, Ekman claims
that he's a terrible liar. "We know from our research that the ability to catch a liar and the ability to lie successfully
are totally unrelated," he says. "They rely on very different skills. And although I have been asked to train liars, I
don't work that side of the street."

Read more: The (Real!) Science Behind Lie to Me - Popular Mechanics

Mind & Brain / Depression & Happiness

The Physiology of . . . Facial Expressions

A self-conscious look of fear, anger, or happiness can reveal more than a lie detector
by Mary Duenwald

From the January 2005 issue; published online January 2, 2005

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Courtesy of Paul Ekman, copyright 2003

ABOUT FACE: Eve Ekman, the daughter of psychologist Paul Ekman, is an accomplished facial mimic
like her father. Here she demonstrates the seven major categories of facial expressions. Top row, from left
to right: Fear, anger, happiness, contempt. Bottom row: surprise, disgust, and sadness. True anger is
difficult to fake because most people cannot narrow the outer margins of their lips properly. True fear is
hard because the eyebrows must be raised and drawn together simultaneously.
Chances are, youre not very good at faking a smile. You can raise the corners of your lips into a neat grinas
one does for the cameraand you can probably tighten your eyelids a bit to enhance the effect. But unless youre
amused, excited, grateful, relieved, or just plain happy, you probably cant pull your cheeks up and your eyebrows
down to form a smile that looks genuine. No more than one in 10 people can voluntarily control the outer
orbicularis oculi, the muscles surrounding the eye sockets, with that much precision.
Paul Ekman has spent 40 years watching thousands of people try. An emeritus professor of psychology at the
University of California at San Francisco, Ekman is a world authority on facial expressions. He is also
extraordinarily skilled at faking them. In the course of cataloging more than 10,000 human expressions, he has

taught himself to flex each of his 43 facial muscles individually. He can even wiggle his ears one at a time. If only
they had an Olympic event for facial athletes, he says.
Ekman may never win a gold medal, but he has no shortage of admirers. In recent years, as the war on terrorism
has escalated, he and his colleagues have taught hundreds of police officers, judges, airport security officers, and
FBI and CIA agents to size up their suspects and to read clues in their facial expressions. He is now an adviser
for the Department of Defense, which is developing computer technology that can scan and analyze facial
movements on videotape.
Charles Darwin was convinced that facial expressions dont vary from culture to culture, but by the 1950s most
social scientists had come to believe the opposite. To see who was right, Ekman traveled to the highlands of
Papua New Guinea in 1967 and visited the Fore people, who had never been exposed to movies, television,
magazines, or many outsiders. When Ekman showed the Fore photographs of faces with various expressions,
they interpreted them exactly as Westerners would. A sad face, for instance, made them wonder if the persons
child had died.
Similar studies by other scientists have since shown that facial expressions across the globe fall roughly into
seven categories.
SADNESS: The eyelids droop as the inner corners of the brows rise and, in extreme sadness, draw together. The
corners of the lips pull down, and the lower lip may push up in a pout.
SURPRISE: The upper eyelids and brows rise, and the jaw drops open.
ANGER: Both the lower and upper eyelids tighten as the brows lower and draw together. Intense anger raises the
upper eyelids as well. The jaw thrusts forward, the lips press together, and the lower lip may push up a little.
CONTEMPT: This is the only expression that appears on just one side of the face: One half of the upper lip
tightens upward.
DISGUST: The nose wrinkles and the upper lip rises while the lower lip protrudes.
FEAR: The eyes widen and the upper lids rise, as in surprise, but the brows draw together. The lips stretch
HAPPINESS: The corners of the mouth lift in a smile. As the eyelids tighten, the cheeks rise and the outside
corners of the brows pull down.
Whether faces can express any more than these seven emotions is a matter of some debate. There could be
specific expressions for contentment, excitement, pride, relief, guilt, and shame, Ekman says, but they have yet to
be delineated. Individual elements of each expression can occur in varying intensities or may be missing
altogether. A look of mild surprise can be shown by the eyes alone, for instance, if the mouth doesnt move.
Emotion usually leads to an expression, but studies have shown that the process can also work in reverse: If you

force your face to look sad or angry, the rest of your body will react as well, and you may involuntarily begin to feel
those emotions. A look of anger will make your heart speed up and your blood vessels dilate until your skin turns
red; a look of fear can make your hands cold and clammy and your hairs stand on end; a look of disgust can
make you nauseated.
These internal responses may last a full minute or morefar
longer than the expressions themselves, which last no more than
two or three seconds. When people try to hide their emotions, their
expressions may flash for one-fifteenth to one-twentieth of a
secondjust long enough for others to see them. After that,
people can wipe away their microexpressions, as Ekman
describes them. It is much harder to remove all traces of feeling
from the voice. Thats why Ekman tells police to keep their
suspects talking.

Courtesy Paul Ekman, copyright 1885

Ekmans weeklong classes teach law enforcement officers not only

Which is real? Paul Ekman demonstrates a to analyze expressions but also to interpret voices and gestures,
polite smile (left) and a true smile (right).
ask questions, and build a rapport with suspects. He shows his
Charles Darwin launched the study of facial students how to recognize the basic emotions and spot
expressions in the 1870s with observations asymmetriesa crooked smile, for instance, or a half-closed eye
of his own children and of animals at the

that are often a sign of conscious lying. The techniques work


best when a suspect is telling a lie for the first time. The more

often you tell a lie, the more likely you will come to believe it is the truth, Ekman says. Thats why its important
that police and security officers learn to spot a liar on first contact. By the time something gets to court, the lie
has been rehearsed.
No matter how skilled a person becomes at reading the clues, its always easier to recognize when someone is
lying than when he is telling the truth. And some lies are easier to catch than others. A polite liewhen a person
tells his host that dinner was delicious or remarks on how much he likes a friends new suitis harder to spot than
one that is laced with emotion. When people lie about whether they believe in the death penalty, for instance, they
are not so good at hiding their true feelings. High-stakes lies, including whether one is engaged in illegal activity,
for instance, are likewise difficult to cover up.
The computer system that Ekman is helping the Department of Defense develop will be able to read all 10,000
facial movements involved in emotion. The system is a few years from completion, but even if its successful,
Ekman would put his money on a human being if he had to choose between the two. Human beings have a
complex computer sitting up there in their brains, he says. With enough training, humans can do very complex
evaluations very quickly. They also dont have to wait for a suspect to be videotaped and thus get more time to
practice lying.
When Ekman trains police and security officers, whether in person or with a version of his program on CD, it takes
them only about an hour to learn to recognize microexpressions. But some are far more skilled than others. As a
group, U.S. Secret Service agents tend to be better than averagea third of those Ekman tested could
distinguish a lying face from a truthful one about 80 percent of the time. Psychologists, police officers, CIA and
FBI agents, lawyers, and college students tend to do little better than chance.
Ekmans colleague Maureen OSullivan has found that a select few can become nearly 100 percent accurate at
catching liars: Of the more than 13,000 people she has tested in the past 10 years, 31 were wizards, as she

calls them. Wizards see the whole picture, not expression alone. Some people, when theyre lying, dont show
anything on their faces, OSullivan explains. Wizards tend to be unusually intelligent, but they also have plenty of
practice and are eager to hone their skill. You have to have the basic talent but also the motivation to work at the
skill, she says. Although the majority of police officers are not that good at catching liars, her small group of
wizards includes unusually savvy cops, as well as lawyers, dispute mediators, and therapists who have taken
their natural people instincts far beyond the norm.
Ekmans next challenge is to identify more specific expressions of anger. Are there subtle facial movements that
separate, say, aggression and petulance or rage and plain annoyance? Law enforcement agencies are eager for
the answerparticularly if Ekman can identify
any expressions or body language that signal
a forthcoming attack. Even if they exist,
Ekman probably wont publicize his findings
otherwise, criminals will just learn to better
mask their intentions. We will make this
available for law enforcement and security
agents alone, he says.

Psychologists Dacher Keltner and LeeAnne

Harker, at the University of California at
Berkeley, analyzed womens expressions in
college yearbooks from 1958 and 1960, then
surveyed the same women decades later. The
more positive their expressions in the photos,
the more cheerful and well organized they

The Naked Face



August 5, 2002

Can you read people's thoughts
just by looking at them?

Some years ago, John Yarbrough was working patrol for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.
It was about two in the morning. He and his partner were in the Willowbrook section of South Central
Los Angeles, and they pulled over a sports car. "Dark, nighttime, average stop," Yarbrough recalls.
"Patrol for me was like going hunting. At that time of night in the area I was working, there was a lot of
criminal activity, and hardly anyone had a driver's license. Almost everyone had something
intoxicating in the car. We stopped drunk drivers all the time. You're hunting for guns or lots of dope,
or suspects wanted for major things. You look at someone and you get an instinctive reaction. And the
longer you've been working the stronger that instinctive reaction is."

Yarbrough was driving, and in a two-man patrol car the procedure is for the driver to make the
approach and the officer on the passenger side to provide backup. He opened the door and stepped out
onto the street, walking toward the vehicle with his weapon drawn. Suddenly, a man jumped out of the
passenger side and pointed a gun directly at him. The two of them froze, separated by no more than a
few yards. "There was a tree behind him, to his right," Yarbrough recalls. "He was about seventeen. He
had the gun in his right hand. He was on the curb side. I was on the other side, facing him. It was just a
matter of who was going to shoot first. I remember it clear as day. But for some reason I didn't shoot
him." Yarbrough is an ex-marine with close-cropped graying hair and a small mustache, and he speaks
in measured tones. "Is he a danger? Sure. He's standing there with a gun, and what person in his right
mind does that facing a uniformed armed policeman? If you looked at it logically, I should have shot
him. But logic had nothing to do with it. Something just didn't feel right. It was a gut reaction not to
shoot-- a hunch that at that exact moment he was not an imminent threat to me." So Yarbrough
stopped, and, sure enough, so did the kid. He pointed a gun at an armed policeman on a dark street in
South Central L.A., and then backed down.
Yarbrough retired last year from the sheriff's department after almost thirty years, sixteen of which
were in homicide. He now lives in western Arizona, in a small, immaculate house overlooking the
Colorado River, with pictures of John Wayne, Charles Bronson, Clint Eastwood, and Dale Earnhardt
on the wall. He has a policeman's watchfulness: while he listens to you, his eyes alight on your face,
and then they follow your hands, if you move them, and the areas to your immediate left and right-and then back again, in a steady cycle. He grew up in an affluent household in the San Fernando
Valley, the son of two doctors, and he is intensely analytical: he is the sort to take a problem and break
it down, working it over slowly and patiently in his mind, and the incident in Willowbrook is one of
those problems. Policemen shoot people who point guns directly at them at two in the morning. But
something he saw held him back, something that ninety-nine people out of a hundred wouldn't have
Many years later, Yarbrough met with a team of psychologists who were conducting training sessions
for law enforcement. They sat beside him in a darkened room and showed him a series of videotapes of
people who were either lying or telling the truth. He had to say who was doing what. One tape showed
people talking about their views on the death penalty and on smoking in public. Another featured a
series of nurses who were all talking about a nature film they were supposedly watching, even though
some of them were actually watching grisly documentary footage about burn victims and amputees. It
may sound as if the tests should have been easy, because we all think we can tell whether someone is
lying. But these were not the obvious fibs of a child, or the prevarications of people whose habits and
tendencies we know well. These were strangers who were motivated to deceive, and the task of spotting
the liars turns out to be fantastically difficult. There is just too much information--words, intonation,
gestures, eyes, mouth--and it is impossible to know how the various cues should be weighted, or how
to put them all together, and in any case it's all happening so quickly that you can't even follow what
you think you ought to follow. The tests have been given to policemen, customs officers, judges, trial
lawyers, and psychotherapists, as well as to officers from the F.B.I., the C.I.A., the D.E.A., and the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms-- people one would have thought would be good at spotting
lies. On average, they score fifty per cent, which is to say that they would have done just as well if they
hadn't watched the tapes at all and just guessed. But every now and again-- roughly one time in a
thousand--someone scores off the charts. A Texas Ranger named David Maxwell did extremely well,
for example, as did an ex-A.T.F. agent named J.J. Newberry, a few therapists, an arbitrator, a vice
cop-- and John Yarbrough, which suggests that what happened in Willowbrook may have been more
than a fluke or a lucky guess. Something in our faces signals whether we're going to shoot, say, or
whether we're lying about the film we just saw. Most of us aren't very good at spotting it. But a handful
of people are virtuosos. What do they see that we miss?

All of us, a thousand times a day, read faces. When someone says "I love you," we look into that
person's eyes to judge his or her sincerity. When we meet someone new, we often pick up on subtle
signals, so that, even though he or she may have talked in a normal and friendly manner, afterward we
say, "I don't think he liked me," or "I don't think she's very happy." We easily parse complex
distinctions in facial expression. If you saw me grinning, for example, with my eyes twinkling, you'd
say I was amused. But that's not the only way we interpret a smile. If you saw me nod and smile
exaggeratedly, with the corners of my lips tightened, you would take it that I had been teased and was
responding sarcastically. If I made eye contact with someone, gave a small smile and then looked down
and averted my gaze, you would think I was flirting. If I followed a remark with an abrupt smile and
then nodded, or tilted my head sideways, you might conclude that I had just said something a little
harsh, and wanted to take the edge off it. You wouldn't need to hear anything I was saying in order to
reach these conclusions. The face is such an extraordinarily efficient instrument of communication
that there must be rules that govern the way we interpret facial expressions. But what are those rules?
And are they the same for everyone?
In the nineteen-sixties, a young San Francisco psychologist named Paul Ekman began to study facial
expression, and he discovered that no one knew the answers to those questions. Ekman went to see
Margaret Mead, climbing the stairs to her tower office at the American Museum of Natural History. He
had an idea. What if he travelled around the world to find out whether people from different cultures
agreed on the meaning of different facial expressions? Mead, he recalls, "looked at me as if I were
crazy." Like most social scientists of her day, she believed that expression was culturally determined-that we simply used our faces according to a set of learned social conventions. Charles Darwin had
discussed the face in his later writings; in his 1872 book, "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and
Animals," he argued that all mammals show emotion reliably in their faces. But in the nineteen-sixties
academic psychologists were more interested in motivation and cognition than in emotion or its
expression. Ekman was undaunted; he began travelling to places like Japan, Brazil, and Argentina,
carrying photographs of men and women making a variety of distinctive faces. Everywhere he went,
people agreed on what those expressions meant. But what if people in the developed world had all
picked up the same cultural rules from watching the same movies and television shows? So Ekman set
out again, this time making his way through the jungles of Papua New Guinea, to the most remote
villages, and he found that the tribesmen there had no problem interpreting the expressions, either.
This may not sound like much of a breakthrough. But in the scientific climate of the time it was a
revelation. Ekman had established that expressions were the universal products of evolution. There
were fundamental lessons to be learned from the face, if you knew where to look.
Paul Ekman is now in his sixties. He is clean-shaven, with closely set eyes and thick, prominent
eyebrows, and although he is of medium build, he seems much larger than he is: there is something
stubborn and substantial in his demeanor. He grew up in Newark, the son of a pediatrician, and
entered the University of Chicago at fifteen. He speaks deliberately: before he laughs, he pauses
slightly, as if waiting for permission. He is the sort to make lists, and number his arguments. His
academic writing has an orderly logic to it; by the end of an Ekman essay, each stray objection and
problem has been gathered up and catalogued. In the mid-sixties, Ekman set up a lab in a ramshackle
Victorian house at the University of California at San Francisco, where he holds a professorship. If the
face was part of a physiological system, he reasoned, the system could be learned. He set out to teach
himself. He treated the face as an adventurer would a foreign land, exploring its every crevice and
contour. He assembled a videotape library of people's facial expressions, which soon filled three rooms
in his lab, and studied them to the point where he could look at a face and pick up a flicker of emotion
that might last no more than a fraction of a second. Ekman created the lying tests. He filmed the
nurses talking about the movie they were watching and the movie they weren't watching. Working with

Maureen O'Sullivan, a psychologist from the University of San Francisco, and other colleagues, he
located people who had a reputation for being uncannily perceptive, and put them to the test, and
that's how Yarbrough and the other high-scorers were identified. O'Sullivan and Ekman call this study
of gifted face readers the Diogenes Project, after the Greek philosopher of antiquity who used to
wander around Athens with a lantern, peering into people's faces as he searched for an honest man.
Ekman has taken the most vaporous of sensations-- the hunch you have about someone else-- and
sought to give them definition. Most of us don't trust our hunches, because we don't know where they
came from. We think they can't be explained. But what if they can?

Paul Ekman got his start in the face-reading business because of a man named Silvan Tomkins, and
Silvan Tomkins may have been the best face reader there ever was. Tomkins was from Philadelphia,
the son of a dentist from Russia. He was short, and slightly thick around the middle, with a wild mane
of white hair and huge black plastic-rimmed glasses. He taught psychology at Princeton and Rutgers,
and was the author of "Affect, Imagery, Consciousness," a four-volume work so dense that its readers
were evenly divided between those who understood it and thought it was brilliant and those who did
not understand it and thought it was brilliant. He was a legendary talker. At the end of a cocktail party,
fifteen people would sit, rapt, at Tomkins's feet, and someone would say, "One more question!" and
they would all sit there for another hour and a half, as Tomkins held forth on, say, comic books, a
television sitcom, the biology of emotion, his problem with Kant, and his enthusiasm for the latest fad
diets, all enfolded into one extended riff. During the Depression, in the midst of his doctoral studies at
Harvard, he worked as a handicapper for a horse-racing syndicate, and was so successful that he lived
lavishly on Manhattan's Upper East Side. At the track, where he sat in the stands for hours, staring at
the horses through binoculars, he was known as the Professor. "He had a system for predicting how a
horse would do based on what horse was on either side of him, based on their emotional relationship,"
Ekman said. If a male horse, for instance, had lost to a mare in his first or second year, he would be
ruined if he went to the gate with a mare next to him in the lineup. (Or something like that-- no one
really knew for certain.) Tomkins felt that emotion was the code to life, and that with enough attention
to particulars the code could be cracked. He thought this about the horses, and, more important, he
thought this about the human face.
Tomkins, it was said, could walk into a post office, go over to the "Wanted" posters, and, just by
looking at mug shots, tell you what crimes the various fugitives had committed. "He would watch the
show "To Tell the Truth,' and without fault he could always pick the person who was lying and who his
confederates were," his son, Mark, recalls. "He actually wrote the producer at one point to say it was
too easy, and the man invited him to come to New York, go backstage, and show his stuff." Virginia
Demos, who teaches psychology at Harvard, recalls having long conversations with Tomkins. "We
would sit and talk on the phone, and he would turn the sound down as Jesse Jackson was talking to
Michael Dukakis, at the Democratic National Convention. And he would read the faces and give his
predictions on what would happen. It was profound."
Ekman's most memorable encounter with Tomkins took place in the late sixties. Ekman had just
tracked down a hundred thousand feet of film that had been shot by the virologist Carleton Gajdusek
in the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea. Some of the footage was of a tribe called the South Fore,
who were a peaceful and friendly people. The rest was of the Kukukuku, who were hostile and
murderous and who had a homosexual ritual where pre-adolescent boys were required to serve as
courtesans for the male elders of the tribe. Ekman was still working on the problem of whether human
facial expressions were universal, and the Gajdusek film was invaluable. For six months, Ekman and
his collaborator, Wallace Friesen, sorted through the footage. They cut extraneous scenes, focussing

just on closeups of the faces of the tribesmen, and when the editing was finished Ekman called in
The two men, protg and mentor, sat at the back of the room, as faces flickered across the screen.
Ekman had told Tomkins nothing about the tribes involved; all identifying context had been edited
out. Tomkins looked on intently, peering through his glasses. At the end, he went up to the screen and
pointed to the faces of the South Fore. "These are a sweet, gentle people, very indulgent, very
peaceful," he said. Then he pointed to the faces of the Kukukuku. "This other group is violent, and
there is lots of evidence to suggest homosexuality." Even today, a third of a century later, Ekman
cannot get over what Tomkins did. "My God! I vividly remember saying, "Silvan, how on earth are you
doing that?' " Ekman recalls. "And he went up to the screen and, while we played the film backward, in
slow motion, he pointed out the particular bulges and wrinkles in the face that he was using to make
his judgment. That's when I realized, "I've got to unpack the face.' It was a gold mine of information
that everyone had ignored. This guy could see it, and if he could see it, maybe everyone else could,
Ekman and Friesen decided that they needed to create a taxonomy of facial expressions, so day after
day they sat across from each other and began to make every conceivable face they could. Soon,
though, they realized that their efforts weren't enough. "I met an anthropologist, Wade Seaford, told
him what I was doing, and he said, 'Do you have this movement?'" --and here Ekman contracted what's
called the triangularis, which is the muscle that depresses the corners of the lips, forming an arc of
distaste-- "and it wasn't in my system, because I had never seen it before. I had built a system not on
what the face can do but on what I had seen. I was devastated. So I came back and said, 'I've got to
learn the anatomy.' " Friesen and Ekman then combed through medical textbooks that outlined each of
the facial muscles, and identified every distinct muscular movement that the face could make. There
were forty-three such movements. Ekman and Friesen called them "action units." Then they sat across
from each other again, and began manipulating each action unit in turn, first locating the muscle in
their mind and then concentrating on isolating it, watching each other closely as they did, checking
their movements in a mirror, making notes of how the wrinkle patterns on their faces would change
with each muscle movement, and videotaping the movement for their records. On the few occasions
when they couldn't make a particular movement, they went next door to the U.C.S.F. anatomy
department, where a surgeon they knew would stick them with a needle and electrically stimulate the
recalcitrant muscle. "That wasn't pleasant at all," Ekman recalls. When each of those action units had
been mastered, Ekman and Friesen began working action units in combination, layering one
movement on top of another. The entire process took seven years. "There are three hundred
combinations of two muscles," Ekman says. "If you add in a third, you get over four thousand. We took
it up to five muscles, which is over ten thousand visible facial configurations." Most of those ten
thousand facial expressions don't mean anything, of course. They are the kind of nonsense faces that
children make. But, by working through each action-unit combination, Ekman and Friesen identified
about three thousand that did seem to mean something, until they had catalogued the essential
repertoire of human emotion.

On a recent afternoon, Ekman sat in his office at U.C.S.F., in what is known as the Human Interaction
Laboratory, a standard academic's lair of books and files, with photographs of his two heroes, Tomkins
and Darwin, on the wall. He leaned forward slightly, placing his hands on his knees, and began
running through the action-unit configurations he had learned so long ago. "Everybody can do action
unit four," he began. He lowered his brow, using his depressor glabellae, depressor supercilli, and
corrugator. "Almost everyone can do A.U. nine." He wrinkled his nose, using his levator labii

superioris, alaeque nasi. "Everybody can do five." He contracted his levator palpebrae superioris,
raising his upper eyelid.
I was trying to follow along with him, and he looked up at me. "You've got a very good five," he said
generously. "The more deeply set your eyes are, the harder it is to see the five. Then there's seven." He
squinted. "Twelve." He flashed a smile, activating the zygomatic major. The inner parts of his eyebrows
shot up. "That's A.U. ---- distress, anguish." Then he used his frontalis, pars lateralis, to raise the outer
half of his eyebrows. "That's A.U. two. It's also very hard, but it's worthless. It's not part of anything
except Kabuki theatre. Twenty-three is one of my favorites. It's the narrowing of the red margin of the
lips. Very reliable anger sign. It's very hard to do voluntarily." He narrowed his lips. "Moving one ear at
a time is still the hardest thing to do. I have to really concentrate. It takes everything I've got." He
laughed. "This is something my daughter always wanted me to do for her friends. Here we go." He
wiggled his left ear, then his right ear. Ekman does not appear to have a particularly expressive face.
He has the demeanor of a psychoanalyst, watchful and impassive, and his ability to transform his face
so easily and quickly was astonishing. "There is one I can't do," he went on. "It's A.U. thirty-nine.
Fortunately, one of my postdocs can do it. A.U. thirty-eight is dilating the nostrils. Thirty-nine is the
opposite. It's the muscle that pulls them down." He shook his head and looked at me again. "Oooh!
You've got a fantastic thirty-nine. That's one of the best I've ever seen. It's genetic. There should be
other members of your family who have this heretofore unknown talent. You've got it, you've got it."
He laughed again. "You're in a position to flash it at people. See, you should try that in a singles bar!"
Ekman then began to layer one action unit on top of another, in order to compose the more
complicated facial expressions that we generally recognize as emotions. Happiness, for instance, is
essentially A.U. six and twelve-- contracting the muscles that raise the cheek (orbicularis oculi, pars
orbitalis) in combination with the zygomatic major, which pulls up the corners of the lips. Fear is A.U.
one, two and four, or, more fully, one, two, four, five, and twenty, with or without action units twentyfive, twenty-six, or twenty-seven. That is: the inner brow raiser (frontalis, pars medialis) plus the outer
brow raiser (frontalis, pars lateralis) plus the brow-lowering depressor supercilli plus the levator
palpebrae superioris (which raises the upper lid), plus the risorius (which stretches the lips), the
parting of the lips (depressor labii), and the masseter (which drops the jaw). Disgust? That's mostly
A.U. nine, the wrinkling of the nose (levator labii superioris, alaeque nasi), but it can sometimes be
ten, and in either case may be combined with A.U. fifteen or sixteen or seventeen.
Ekman and Friesen ultimately assembled all these combinations--and the rules for reading and
interpreting them-- into the Facial Action Coding System, or FACS, and wrote them up in a fivehundred-page binder. It is a strangely riveting document, full of details like the possible movements of
the lips (elongate, de-elongate, narrow, widen, flatten, protrude, tighten and stretch); the four different
changes of the skin between the eyes and the cheeks (bulges, bags, pouches, and lines); or the critical
distinctions between infraorbital furrows and the nasolabial furrow. Researchers have employed the
system to study everything from schizophrenia to heart disease; it has even been put to use by
computer animators at Pixar ("Toy Story"), andat DreamWorks ("Shrek"). FACS takes weeks to master
in its entirety, and only five hundred people around the world have been certified to use it in research.
But for those who have, the experience of looking at others is forever changed. They learn to read the
face the way that people like John Yarbrough did intuitively. Ekman compares it to the way you start to
hear a symphony once you've been trained to read music: an experience that used to wash over you
becomes particularized and nuanced.
Ekman recalls the first time he saw Bill Clinton, during the 1992 Democratic primaries. "I was
watching his facial expressions, and I said to my wife, 'This is Peck's Bad Boy,' " Ekman says. "This is a
guy who wants to be caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and have us love him for it anyway. There
was this expression that's one of his favorites. It's that hand-in-the-cookie-jar, love-me-Mommy-

because-I'm-a-rascal look. It's A.U. twelve, fifteen, seventeen, and twenty-four, with an eye roll."
Ekman paused, then reconstructed that particular sequence of expressions on his face. He contracted
his zygomatic major, A.U. twelve, in a classic smile, then tugged the corners of his lips down with his
triangularis, A.U. fifteen. He flexed the mentalis, A.U. seventeen, which raises the chin, slightly
pressed his lips together in A.U. twenty-four, and finally rolled his eyes--and it was as if Slick Willie
himself were suddenly in the room. "I knew someone who was on his communications staff. So I
contacted him. I said, 'Look, Clinton's got this way of rolling his eyes along with a certain expression,
and what it conveys is "I'm a bad boy." I don't think it's a good thing. I could teach him how not to do
that in two to three hours.' And he said, 'Well, we can't take the risk that he's known to be seeing an
expert on lying.' I think it's a great tragedy, because . . ." Ekman's voice trailed off. It was clear that he
rather liked Clinton, and that he wanted Clinton's trademark expression to have been no more than a
meaningless facial tic. Ekman shrugged. "Unfortunately, I guess, he needed to get caught--and he got

Early in his career, Paul Ekman filmed forty psychiatric patients, including a woman named Mary, a
forty-two-year-old housewife. She had attempted suicide three times, and survived the last attempt-an overdose of pills--only because someone found her in time and rushed her to the hospital. Her
children had left home and her husband was inattentive, and she was depressed. When she first went
to the hospital, she simply sat and cried, but she seemed to respond well to therapy. After three weeks,
she told her doctor that she was feeling much better and wanted a weekend pass to see her family. The
doctor agreed, but just before Mary was to leave the hospital she confessed that the real reason she
wanted to go on weekend leave was so that she could make another suicide attempt. Several years
later, a group of young psychiatrists asked Ekman how they could tell when suicidal patients were
lying. He didn't know, but, remembering Mary, he decided to try to find out. If the face really was a
reliable guide to emotion, shouldn't he be able to look back on the film and tell that she was lying?
Ekman and Friesen began to analyze the film for clues. They played it over and over for dozens of
hours, examining in slow motion every gesture and expression. Finally, they saw it. As Mary's doctor
asked her about her plans for the future, a look of utter despair flashed across her face so quickly that it
was almost imperceptible.
Ekman calls that kind of fleeting look a "microexpression," and one cannot understand why John
Yarbrough did what he did on that night in South Central without also understanding the particular
role and significance of microexpressions. Many facial expressions can be made voluntarily. If I' m
trying to look stern as I give you a tongue-lashing, I'll have no difficulty doing so, and you' ll have no
difficulty interpreting my glare. But our faces are also governed by a separate, involuntary system. We
know this because stroke victims who suffer damage to what is known as the pyramidal neural system
will laugh at a joke, but they cannot smile if you ask them to. At the same time, patients with damage
to another part of the brain have the opposite problem. They can smile on demand, but if you tell them
a joke they can't laugh. Similarly, few of us can voluntarily do A.U. one, the sadness sign. (A notable
exception, Ekman points out, is Woody Allen, who uses his frontalis, pars medialis, to create his
trademark look of comic distress.) Yet we raise our inner eyebrows all the time, without thinking, when
we are unhappy. Watch a baby just as he or she starts to cry, and you'll often see the frontalis, pars
medialis, shoot up, as if it were on a string.
Perhaps the most famous involuntary expression is what Ekman has dubbed the Duchenne smile, in
honor of the nineteenth-century French neurologist Guillaume Duchenne, who first attempted to
document the workings of the muscles of the face with the camera. If I ask you to smile, you' ll flex
your zygomatic major. By contrast, if you smile spontaneously, in the presence of genuine emotion,
you' ll not only flex your zygomatic but also tighten the orbicularis oculi, pars orbitalis, which is the

muscle that encircles the eye. It is almost impossible to tighten the orbicularis oculi, pars lateralis, on
demand, and it is equally difficult to stop it from tightening when we smile at something genuinely
pleasurable. This kind of smile "does not obey the will," Duchenne wrote. "Its absence unmasks the
false friend." When we experience a basic emotion, a corresponding message is automatically sent to
the muscles of the face. That message may linger on the face for just a fraction of a second, or be
detectable only if you attached electrical sensors to the face, but It's always there. Silvan Tomkins once
began a lecture by bellowing, "The face is like the penis!" and this is what he meant--that the face has,
to a large extent, a mind of its own. This doesn't mean we have no control over our faces. We can use
our voluntary muscular system to try to suppress those involuntary responses. But, often, some little
part of that suppressed emotion--the sense that I' m really unhappy, even though I deny it--leaks out.
Our voluntary expressive system is the way we intentionally signal our emotions. But our involuntary
expressive system is in many ways even more important: it is the way we have been equipped by
evolution to signal our authentic feelings.
"You must have had the experience where somebody comments on your expression and you didn't
know you were making it,"Ekman says. "Somebody tells you, "What are you getting upset about?'
"Why are you smirking?' You can hear your voice, but you can't see your face. If we knew what was on
our face, we would be better at concealing it. But that wouldn't necessarily be a good thing. Imagine if
there were a switch that all of us had, to turn off the expressions on our face at will. If babies had that
switch, we wouldn't know what they were feeling. They' d be in trouble. You could make an argument,
if you wanted to, that the system evolved so that parents would be able to take care of kids. Or imagine
if you were married to someone with a switch? It would be impossible. I don't think mating and
infatuation and friendships and closeness would occur if our faces didn't work that way."
Ekman slipped a tape taken from the O.J. Simpson trial into the VCR. It was of Kato Kaelin, Simpson's
shaggy-haired house guest, being examined by Marcia Clark, one of the prosecutors in the case. Kaelin
sits in the witness box, with his trademark vacant look. Clark asks a hostile question. Kaelin leans
forward and answers softly. "Did you see that?" Ekman asked me. I saw nothing, just Kato being Kato-harmless and passive. Ekman stopped the tape, rewound it, and played it back in slow motion. On the
screen, Kaelin moved forward to answer the question, and in that fraction of a second his face was
utterly transformed. His nose wrinkled, as he flexed his levator labii superioris, alaeque nasi. His teeth
were bared, his brows lowered. "It was almost totally A.U. nine," Ekman said. "It's disgust, with anger
there as well, and the clue to that is that when your eyebrows go down, typically your eyes are not as
open as they are here. The raised upper eyelid is a component of anger, not disgust. It's very quick."
Ekman stopped the tape and played it again, peering at the screen. "You know, he looks like a snarling
Ekman said that there was nothing magical about his ability to pick up an emotion that fleeting. It was
simply a matter of practice. "I could show you forty examples, and you could pick it up. I have a
training tape, and people love it. They start it, and they can't see any of these expressions. Thirty-five
minutes later, they can see them all. What that says is that this is an accessible skill."
Ekman showed another clip, this one from a press conference given by Kim Philby in 1955. Philby had
not yet been revealed as a Soviet spy, but two of his colleagues, Donald Maclean and Guy Burgess, had
just defected to the Soviet Union. Philby is wearing a dark suit and a white shirt. His hair is straight
and parted to the left. His face has the hauteur of privilege.
"Mr. Philby," he is asked. "Mr. Macmillan, the foreign secretary, said there was no evidence that you
were the so-called third man who allegedly tipped off Burgess and Maclean. Are you satisfied with that
clearance that he gave you?"

Philby answers confidently, in the plummy tones of the English upper class. "Yes, I am."
"Well, if there was a third man, were you in fact the third man?"
"No," Philby says, just as forcefully. "I was not."
Ekman rewound the tape, and replayed it in slow motion. "Look at this," he said, pointing to the
screen. "Twice, after being asked serious questions about whether he's committed treason, he's going
to smirk. He looks like the cat who ate the canary." The expression was too brief to see normally. But at
quarter speed it was painted on his face--the lips pressed together in a look of pure smugness. "He's
enjoying himself, isn't he?" Ekman went on. "I call this--duping delight-- the thrill you get from fooling
other people." Ekman started the VCR up again. "There's another thing he does." On the screen, Philby
was answering another question. "In the second place, the Burgess-Maclean affair has raised issues of
great"-- he pauses-- "delicacy." Ekman went back to the pause, and froze the tape. "Here it is,"he said.
"A very subtle microexpression of distress or unhappiness. It's only in the eyebrows-- in fact, just in
one eyebrow." Sure enough, Philby's right inner eyebrow was raised in an unmistakable A.U. one. "It's
very brief," Ekman said. "He's not doing it voluntarily. And it totally contradicts all his confidence and
assertiveness. It comes when he's talking about Burgess and Maclean, whom he had tipped off. It's a
hot spot that suggests, 'You shouldn't trust what you hear.' "
A decade ago, Ekman joined forces with J. J. Newberry--the ex-A.T.F. agent who is one of the highscorers in the Diogenes Project-- to put together a program for educating law-enforcement officials
around the world in the techniques of interviewing and lie detection. In recent months, they have
flown to Washington, D.C., to assist the C.I.A. and the F.B.I. in counter-terrorism training. At the same
time, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has asked Ekman and his former
student Mark Frank, now at Rutgers, to develop experimental scenarios for studying deception that
would be relevant to counter-terrorism. The objective is to teach people to look for discrepancies
between what is said and what is signalled--to pick up on the difference between Philby's crisp denials
and his fleeting anguish. It's a completely different approach from the shouting cop we see on TV and
in the movies, who threatens the suspect and sweeps all of the papers and coffee cups off the battered
desk. The Hollywood interrogation is an exercise in intimidation, and its point is to force the suspect to
tell you what you need to know. It does not take much to see the limitations of this strategy. It depends
for its success on the coperation of the suspect--when, of course, the suspect's involuntary
communication may be just as critical. And it privileges the voice over the face, when the voice and the
face are equally significant channels in the same system.
Ekman received his most memorable lesson in this truth when he and Friesen first began working on
expressions of anger and distress. "It was weeks before one of us finally admitted feeling terrible after a
session where we' d been making one of those faces all day," Friesen says. "Then the other realized that
he'd been feeling poorly, too, so we began to keep track." They then went back and began monitoring
their body during particular facial movements. "Say you do A.U. one, raising the inner eyebrows, and
six, raising the cheeks, and fifteen, the lowering of the corner of the lips," Ekman said, and then did all
three. "What we discovered is that that expression alone is sufficient to create marked changes in the
autonomic nervous system. When this first occurred, we were stunned. We weren't expecting this at
all. And it happened to both of us. We feltterrible . What we were generating was sadness, anguish.
And when I lower my brows, which is four, and raise the upper eyelid, which is five, and narrow the
eyelids, which is seven, and press the lips together, which is twenty-four, I' m generating anger. My
heartbeat will go up ten to twelve beats. My hands will get hot. As I do it, I can't disconnect from the
system. It's very unpleasant, very unpleasant."

Ekman, Friesen, and another colleague, Robert Levenson, who teaches at Berkeley, published a study
of this effect inScience. They monitored the bodily indices of anger, sadness, and fear--heart rate and
body temperature--in two groups. The first group was instructed to remember and relive a particularly
stressful experience. The other was told to simply produce a series of facial movements, as instructed
by Ekman-- to "assume the position," as they say in acting class. The second group, the people who
were pretending, showed the same physiological responses as the first. A few years later, a German
team of psychologists published a similar study. They had a group of subjects look at cartoons, either
while holding a pen between their lips--an action that made it impossible to contract either of the two
major smiling muscles, the risorius and the zygomatic major-- or while holding a pen clenched
between their teeth, which had the opposite effect and forced them to smile. The people with the pen
between their teeth found the cartoons much funnier. Emotion doesn't just go from the inside out. It
goes from the outside in. What's more, neither the subjects "assuming the position" nor the people
with pens in their teeth knew they were making expressions of emotion. In the facial-feedback system,
an expression you do not even know that you have can create an emotion you did not choose to feel.
It is hard to talk to anyone who knows FACS without this point coming up again and again. Facereading depends not just on seeing facial expressions but also on taking them seriously. One reason
most of us--like the TV cop-- do not closely attend to the face is that we view its evidence as secondary,
as an adjunct to what we believe to be realemotion. But there's nothing secondary about the face, and
surely this realization is what set John Yarbrough apart on the night that the boy in the sports car
came at him with a gun. It's not just that he saw a microexpression that the rest of us would have
missed. It's that he took what he saw so seriously that he was able to overcome every self-protective
instinct in his body, and hold his fire.

Yarbrough has a friend in the L.A. County Sheriff's Department, Sergeant Bob Harms, who works in
narcotics in Palmdale. Harms is a member of the Diogenes Project as well, but the two men come
across very differently. Harms is bigger than Yarbrough, taller and broader in the chest, with soft
brown eyes and dark, thick hair. Yarbrough is restoring a Corvette and wears Rush Limbaugh ties, and
he says that if he hadn't been a cop he would have liked to stay in the Marines. Harms came out of
college wanting to be a commercial artist; now he plans to open a bed-and-breakfast in Vermont with
his wife when he retires. On the day we met, Harms was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a shortsleeved patterned shirt. His badge was hidden inside his shirt. He takes notes not on a yellow legal
pad, which he considers unnecessarily intimidating to witnesses, but on a powder-blue one. "I always
get teased because I'm the touchy-feely one," Harms said. "John Yarbrough is very analytical. He
thinks before he speaks. There is a lot going on inside his head. He's constantly thinking four or five
steps ahead, then formulating whatever his answers are going to be. That's not how I do my interviews.
I have a conversation. It's not "Where were you on Friday night?' Because that's the way we normally
communicate. I never say, "I'm Sergeant Harms.' I always start by saying, "I'm Bob Harms, and I'm
here to talk to you about your case,' and the first thing I do is smile."
The sensation of talking to the two men, however, is surprisingly similar. Normal conversation is like a
game of tennis: you talk and I listen, you listen and I talk, and we feel scrutinized by our conversational
partner only when the ball is in our court. But Yarbrough and Harms never stop watching, even when
they're doing the talking. Yarbrough would comment on my conversational style, noting where I held
my hands as I talked, or how long I would wait out a lull in the conversation. At one point, he stood up
and soundlessly moved to the door-- which he could have seen only in his peripheral vision--opening it
just before a visitor rang the doorbell. Harms gave the impression that he was deeply interested in me.
It wasn't empathy. It was a kind of powerful curiosity. "I remember once, when I was in prison
custody, I used to shake prisoners' hands," Harms said. "The deputies thought I was crazy. But I

wanted to see what happened, because that's what these men are starving for, some dignity and
Some of what sets Yarbrough and Harms and the other face readers apart is no doubt innate. But the
fact that people can be taught so easily to recognize microexpressions, and can learn FACS, suggests
that we all have at least the potential capacity for this kind of perception. Among those who do very
well at face-reading, tellingly, are some aphasics, such as stroke victims who have lost the ability to
understand language. Collaborating with Ekman on a paper that was recently published in Nature, the
psychologist Nancy Etcoff, of Massachusetts General Hospital, described how a group of aphasics
trounced a group of undergraduates at M.I.T. on the nurses tape. Robbed of the power to understand
speech, the stroke victims had apparently been forced to become far more sensitive to the information
written on people's faces. "They are compensating for the loss in one channel through these other
channels," Etcoff says. "We could hypothesize that there is some kind of rewiring in the brain, but I
don't think we need that explanation. They simply exercise these skills much more than we do." Ekman
has also done work showing that some abused children are particularly good at reading faces as well:
like the aphasics in the study, they developed "interpretive strategies"--in their case, so they could
predict the behavior of their volatile parents.
What appears to be a kind of magical, effortless intuition about faces, then, may not really be effortless
and magical at all. This kind of intuition is a product of desire and effort. Silvan Tomkins took a
sabbatical from Princeton when his son Mark was born, and stayed in his house on the Jersey Shore,
staring into his son's face, long and hard, picking up the patterns of emotion--the cycles of interest, joy,
sadness, and anger--that flash across an infant's face in the first few months of life. He taught himself
the logic of the furrows and the wrinkles and the creases, the subtle differences between the pre-smile
and the pre-cry face. Later, he put together a library of thousands of photographs of human faces, in
every conceivable expression. He developed something called the Picture Arrangement Test, which
was his version of the Rorschach blot: a patient would look at a series of pictures and be asked to
arrange them in a sequence and then tell a story based on what he saw. The psychologist was supposed
to interpret the meaning of the story, but Tomkins would watch a videotape of the patient with the
sound off, and by studying the expressions on the patient's face teach himself to predict what the story
was. Face-reading, for those who have mastered it, becomes a kind of compulsion; it becomes hard to
be satisfied with the level and quality of information that most of us glean from normal social
encounters. "Whenever we get together," Harms says of spending time with other face readers, "we
debrief each other. We're constantly talking about cases, or some of these videotapes of Ekman's, and
we say, "I missed that, did you get that?' Maybe there's an emotion attached there. We're always trying
to place things, and replaying interviews in our head."
This is surely why the majority of us don't do well at reading faces: we feel no need to make that extra
effort. People fail at the nurses tape, Ekman says, because they end up just listening to the words.
That's why, when Tomkins was starting out in his quest to understand the face, he always watched
television with the sound turned off. "We are such creatures of language that what we hear takes
precedence over what is supposed to be our primary channel of communication, the visual channel,"
he once said. "Even though the visual channel provides such enormous information, the fact is that the
voice prempts the individual's attention, so that he cannot really see the face while he listens." We
prefer that way of dealing with the world because it does not challenge the ordinary boundaries of
human relationships. Ekman, in one of his essays, writes of what he learned from the legendary
sociologist Erving Goffman. Goffman said that part of what it means to be civilized is not to "steal"
information that is not freely given to us. When someone picks his nose or cleans his ears, out of
unthinking habit, we look away. Ekman writes that for Goffman the spoken word is "the acknowledged
information, the information for which the person who states it is willing to take responsibility," and
he goes on:

When the secretary who is miserable about a fight with her husband the previous night answers, "Just
fine," when her boss asks, "How are you this morning?"--that false message may be the one relevant to
the boss's interactions with her. It tells him that she is going to do her job. The true message--that she
is miserable--he may not care to know about at all as long as she does not intend to let it impair her job
What would the boss gain by reading the subtle and contradictory microexpressions on his secretary's
face? It would be an invasion of her privacy and an act of disrespect. More than that, it would entail an
obligation. He would be obliged to do something, or say something, or feel something that might
otherwise be avoided entirely. To see what is intended to be hidden, or, at least, what is usually missed,
opens up a world of uncomfortable possibilities. This is the hard part of being a face reader. People like
that have more faith in their hunches than the rest of us do. But faith is not certainty. Sometimes, on a
routine traffic stop late at night, you end up finding out that your hunch was right. But at other times
you'll never know. And you can't even explain it properly, because what can you say? You did
something the rest of us would never have done, based on something the rest of us would never have
"I was working in West Hollywood once, in the nineteen-eighties," Harms said. "I was with a partner,
Scott. I was driving. I had just recently come off the prostitution team, and we spotted a man in drag.
He was on Sunset, and I didn't recognize him. At that time, Sunset was normally for females. So it was
kind of odd. It was a cold night in January. There was an all-night restaurant on Sunset called Ben
Franks, so I asked my partner to roll down the window and ask the guy if he was going to Ben Franks-just to get a reaction. And the guy immediately keys on Scott, and he's got an overcoat on, and he's all
bundled up, and he starts walking over to the car. It had been raining so much that the sewers in West
Hollywood had backed up, and one of the manhole covers had been cordoned off because it was
pumping out water. The guy comes over to the squad car, and he's walking right through that. He's
fixated on Scott. So we asked him what he was doing. He says, "I was out for a walk.' And then he says,
"I have something to show you.'"
Later, after the incident was over, Harms and his partner learned that the man had been going around
Hollywood making serious threats, that he was unstable and had just attempted suicide, that he was in
all likelihood about to erupt. A departmental inquiry into the incident would affirm that Harms and his
partner had been in danger: the man was armed with a makeshift flamethrower, and what he had in
mind, evidently, was to turn the inside of the squad car into an inferno. But at the time all Harms had
was a hunch, a sense from the situation and the man's behavior and what he glimpsed inside the man's
coat and on the man's face-- something that was the opposite of whatever John Yarbrough saw in the
face of the boy in Willowbrook. Harms pulled out his gun and shot the man through the open window.
"Scott looked at me and was, like, "What did you do?' because he didn't perceive any danger," Harms
said. "But I did."

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