Low-Energy Architecture: Solar Heating
Low-Energy Architecture: Solar Heating
Low-Energy Architecture: Solar Heating
Energy for buildings accounts for an important part of Jamaica's energy
requirements. The best known domestic use of solar energy is for heating
water. Solar heaters have no adverse environmental effect at any time in
the life of the system.
the solar gain by the same amount but they will alter the view
through the aperture quite differently in each case.
6. Evaporative Cooling: applicable mainly in arid regions, this
process is adiabatic with no heat being gained or lost. The air is
cooled by mechanical evaporative cooling. Evaporative cooling can
be produced by the use of porous roof materials (Kimura, 1994).
The roof materials soaked by rain water are naturally evaporated by
solar radiation. The roof materials used traditionally include thatch,
wood shingles, wooden skin and unglazed roof tiles. They are all
moisture absorbent, allowing evaporative cooling, while glazed roof
tiles are not.
Day lighting involves the skilful use of natural light as an effective lighting
source for a building during its daytime operation.
According to De Herde and Nihoul (1994), day lighting design
approaches include four concepts:
penetration; collection of natural light inside the building,
distribution; homogenous spreading of light into the spaces or
alternatively focusing of the light,
protection; reducing the direct penetration of the sun's rays into the
building by shading,
control; controlling light penetration by fixed or moveable screens to
avoid visual discomfort.
The strategies for day lighting, cooling and heating are shown in Figure
Interest in day lighting became important in the 1970s with the
awareness that in many large buildings the single largest energy
consumer was electric lighting and not cooling. However, energy savings
do not result if electric lighting cannot be turned off or dimmed. Day
lighting has merits beyond mere energy savings. It is extremely effective
at reducing peak load which will lower peak cost to the utility. The building
owner benefits from reduced consumption whilst the utility benefits by
being able to spread out demand in order to lower peak cost. This could
help to reduce the long-term need for new power plant construction. It may
be well to consider providing direct financial incentives for day lighting
strategies in order to reduce demand.
wall during the day is passed to the air at night, creating a rising current.
This is an ancient system of air-conditioning with variations found in
buildings in Italy and many Mediterranean countries dictated by the need
to provide interior comfort before elaborate artificial systems came into
use. Wind towers, with an element of evaporative cooling from moist
surfaces, may well find practical application in the Caribbean.
Conventional and modern versions of wind towers can be incorporated
aesthetically into the design of modern buildings.
The primary purpose of passive solar designs is to reduce commercial
energy consumption. Such designs need to be managed effectively after
occupancy if potential benefits are to be realised (Nutt, 1994). Figure 12.4
sets out a matrix for the phases for important decision making. It can
provide a structure for describing
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