Lesson Plan (Measurment)

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The key takeaways are that students will learn about non-standard units of measurement and work on their interpersonal skills by collaborating in groups.

The student learning objectives are for students to understand the connection between units of measure using nonstandard units, work on their knowledge of measurement including centimeters, inches, and feet, and work with different classmates to improve their interpersonal skills.

Students will demonstrate their learning by completing a worksheet where they measure different objects using nonstandard units of measurement. They will also create a digital presentation to share the results of their measurements with the class.


Student Teacher: Lindsey Pelletier

Lesson Date: TBD

Grade Level: Third Grade

Name of Lesson: Lets get measuring

Common Core State Standard(s)

CCSS Math Practice. MP5
Use appropriate tools strategically

CCSS Math Practice. MP6
Attend to precision

Student Learning Objective(s)
What is the intended learning outcome of this lesson? Be sure it is observable and includes clear criteria.
Consider if there are students who will require an accommodation or modification to meet this lessons objective.
SWBAT: Understand the connection between units of measure using nonstandard units
SWBAT: Work on their knowledge of measurement (including centimeters, inches, and feet.)
SWBAT: Work with different classmates and work on their interpersonal skills
SWBAT: Summarize what they have learned and make a ThingLink to share their thoughts throughout the classroom
Rationale for Objective: How does this lesson support previous and subsequent learning?
This lesson is supported by other lessons using units of measure including centimeters, inches and feet that we used
when measuring objects inside the classroom. With this lesson it is now time to expand students knowledge of
measurement so the students can have optimal mastery of the subject.

State the specific strategy (ies) and tool(s) used to collect the data for each SLO (i.e., essays, projects, quizzes, exit slip,
worksheet, etc.). Are there students who will require an accommodation or modification to this lessons assessment?
SLO 1: The teacher will tell all the students to get all of their math materials out from their desk that they have used in
previous measurement lessons. While the students are getting ready the teacher will be handing out the worksheet called
Lets Get Measuring to each student with different objects needed to be measured
SLO 2: Students will stay seating at their desks while the teacher explains the lesson. The teacher will show the students the
nonstandard objects that are going to be used for measuring tools. In order to get a variety some of the objects will be big
and some will be small (penny, pencil, shoe, standard math textbook, feather)
SLO 3: The teacher will explain what they will be measuring with each nonstandard unit. A Shoe will measure the length of
one side of the classroom. The feather will be measuring the length of the Smart Board, the Pencil will measure the height
of their chair, the penny will measure the length of their nametag, and the math textbook will be used to measure a friend.
SLO 4: Students will then be broken up into 5 different groups and spread out around the classroom and placed at a station
that has one of the 5 different nonstandard measurement objects. They will collect data at each center and it will be
recorded on the worksheet provided by the teacher.
SLO 5: By the end of the lesson students will create a ThingLink as a group. They will take a picture of the 5 materials and
upload it to the computer and post their results to the picture. After everyone is done the teacher will go through all the
ThingLink and the groups will get up and show the class the results they got using the nonstandard measurement tools

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Classroom Learning Environment Focus
(i.e., standards of behavior, routines, procedures, group work, transitions, instructional arrangement, etc.). Explain
specific needs.

Students will take all of their math materials out of their desk and will sit quietly with great listening ears and
their eyes on the teacher showing him/her that they are ready (2 minutes)
After all the students are sitting quietly at their desk and focused on the teacher, the teacher will start passing
out the worksheet to the class and will explain the directions to the class. The teacher will remind the
students that if they have any questions to have a raised hand and quiet mouth to be called on (5 minutes)
Once understood, the teacher will explain the next step of the lesson to the students, she will show the five
nonstandard measurement units that they will be using to measure the classroom, Smart Board, Chair, name
tag and a friend. (3 min)
The teacher will then break up the students into five groups. Once group will be placed at the penny, pencil ,
shoe, standard math textbook and feather. The students will be instructed not to touch anything once they
get to their center, they are to stand and listen to the teacher attentively until directions are finished. (5 min)
The teacher will inform them that they will have 5-10 minutes at each station to measure the allotted
amount, collect their data and record on the sheet that was provided to them
The teacher will walk around the room checking on students, making sure they are staying on task and asking
any questions that the child may have.
On the second day of the lesson student will once again get all of their math materials out that they used in
this activity from the first day, and they will get back into the same groups as they were in the previous day. (3
The teacher will then hand out laptops to each group, they will use these to work on their ThingLink. (2
The teacher will give an example of the ThingLink, they have used this application before so they will know
how to access it and use it correctly.
They will use the picture of the five nonstandard measurement units. They will create a link to each of them
and explain what they did to measure. (3-5 minutes for each group)
While the groups are presenting the teacher will create a class data chart to show what the whole class got
for their different measurements using the nonstandard units.
Once created the teacher will finish the lesson by discussing the different results from the five different
groups and how this lesson was useful for them with learning how to measure (10 minutes)
For assessment The teacher will create a quiz using Plickers. I will have them estimate how long certain things
are in the classroom based on the nonstandard measurement tools that they used in this activity

Instructional Model/Strategy
(i.e., concept formation, concept development, direct instruction, cooperative learning, inquiry, discussion model).
Explain how you will best facilitate student learning through a specific model of instruction. Be sure to include a
rationale for the chosen model(s). You may use more than one:
Concept development: students will further develop their understanding of measuring units for different objects and
know that there are other standards of measurement that are less traditional in the real world

Cooperative Learning: students will work in group of 5 in order to go through each station. They will learn how to
share and use materials appropriately together

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Discussion model: when the lesson is completed, students will re-create their data on a ThingLink and present their
finding to the whole class. While they are presenting their findings the teacher will create a class data table that they
will discuss as whole and share in classroom and school community

Materials/Resources needed for this lesson

Lets Get Measuring worksheet

pencils or any written utensil
Nonstandard measurement tools (pencil, feather, shoe, math textbook, and penny)
Camera (provided by teacher to take picture)

Daily Formative Assessment
How will you check for understanding and student achievement during the lesson?
I will be walking around the room during the lesson. I will make sure that all groups are on task and
understanding what they are doing.
I will check on their progress to make sure they are paying attention to the time they have at each center.
On the second day when they are creating their ThingLink I will be helping them take pictures, and inserting
links to help them describe their findings better.
In order to assess their understanding, I will have each person hand in their Lets Get Measuring worksheet
and assess them using a rubric. I will assess their mathematical concepts, terminology, use of nonstandard
tools and how they worked with others to complete this assignment
As a class we will hang up our finished class poster with our results that were conducted by the individual
ThingLink on one of the classroom walls
I will also create a summative assessment using Plickers. This will have a series of questions for them to
estimate how long something is using the nonstandard measurement tool as the ruler. This will assess if
they really understood the lesson as a whole, and what students need more help.

Differentiating Instruction
How will you differentiate to meet the needs of your learners (i.e., what you teach, how you teach, or how you will
assess). Explain:
In order to modify this lesson for those students with special needs, I will have them complete this activity with the
special education teacher in their classroom because those students may have a harder time working with big groups
and will work better independently, with some assistance if it is needed for them. This will help them to be able to
concentrate more on the activity and with the special education teacher. As a result, it will be easier for them to ask
questions since they will be working one on one. For the second half of the lesson, they will be brought back into the
classroom to work with the entire class to discuss the different groups findings.
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Cite how you will engage and motivate learners, activate prior learning and present the lessons objective.
Explain: A) What they will be doing and learning in the lesson; B) How they will demonstrate learning;
C) Why it is important to their everyday lives.
In this lesson the students will be learning other ways in order to be able to estimate when measuring, using
nonstandard units of measurement. This will help them develop a since of measurement and get them engaged in a
more fun way for third graders. This activity as a whole will help the students get a understanding of measurement in
relation to the real world, such as using pennies lined up one after the other as a measuring tool. Students will be able
to demonstrate their learning by completing the worksheet given to them to help them guide the measurement of a
object. It is an important lesson because it helps them to develop ideas about direction and space through these
nontraditional measuring tools

Lesso Development

Day 1:

On the first day the lesson the teacher will start b y reviewing with the class the concepts of u nits of
measure in order to make sure they remember and understand what was previously taught. They will n eed
to understand, centimeters, inches and feet in order to understand this a ctivity.
The teacher will then ask them If there are any other tools we can use in order to measure surrounds
objects, why the unit of measure would work and why it would not work
As a class we would d ecide on 5 units of nonstandard measures to measure different things around the
room, the five nonstandard measurements would b e a penny, p encil, shoe, feather, and math textbook.
After the lesson of the day is explained fully to the class and questions form students may b e asked at this
The teacher will then break the class into groups. These groups have a lready been prechosen based on the
students level of math s kills. They will then move to the s tation that they have b een d irected too.
Any special n eeds s tudents will b e instructed to go to their special education classroom to work with their
This first part of this lesson will take about a n hour or s o and once rotated b etween all 5 stations, the
student will return to their d esk and get ready for the next a ctivity

Day 2:

On the s econd day of the lesson the teacher will have student get back into groups and complete their
They will then present them in front of the class and the teacher will create a class poster and discuss the
different findings with the rest of the class

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To finish out the lesson the teacher has created a Plicker quiz to assess the students understanding of the
topic in a fun way.

How will you question students in order to evaluate if the objective(s) was met? How will you question students to
connect this lesson to previous and subsequent lessons as well as connect to their own lives? How will you question
students to see the relevancy of the lesson by understanding the purpose/importance of the learning?
After the lesson is completed, each s tudent will create there ThingLink as an assessment tool. They will work in same
groups to create this. Each group will go up and present to the class and the teacher will chart the results from each
group on a poster paper/smart board whatever resource is easier. The teacher will s ee if there are any outliers or
whether a ll of the students data is roughly the same. The teacher will ask each group how they got to their answer,
and what was there favorite nonstandard measurement tool to use? How and when would they use what they
learned outside of the classroom?
The next step would be for the teacher to hand out Plicker cards to each s tudent. The teacher will use this
assessment to check their knowledge on the subject even more. They would answer a s eries of questions that would
ask them to estimate certain things are using nonstandard measurement tools

For homework they will b e to use nonstandard units at home and measure 5 objects of their choosing and bring the
sheet in to b e graded.


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