Hedge Fund Operational Due Diligence Master Class
Hedge Fund Operational Due Diligence Master Class
Hedge Fund Operational Due Diligence Master Class
This Cer6cate is comprised of mul6ple courses; you can choose to take the full
Cer6cate or just the courses relevant to your career.
The IMDDA has put together a rigorous curriculum that upon comple6on will provide students
with the knowledge, skills and abili6es to implement robust opera6onal and investment
management due diligence. The program is broken down into six days of learning consis6ng of
three class sec6ons. In order to receive a cer6cate of comple6on each student must take and
pass an exam administered at the conclusion of day six of the program.
Class 1 Preparing for an Opera2onal Due Diligence Onsite Mee2ng (2 Days)
Class One begins with lectures and hands on review of fund documents and materials. The students will
work in groups to dissect and evaluate oering documents, regulatory lings and marke6ng material in
addi6on to reviewing due diligence ques6onnaires and fund management informa6on in order to be
properly prepared to conduct an onsite due diligence mee6ng.
Class 2 Conduc2ng the Onsite Opera2onal Due Diligence Mee2ng (2 Days)
Class Two begins with a review of the prior material and prepara6on for onsite due diligence mee6ngs.
Once the review is complete, students will experience an onsite due diligence mee6ng through a unique
partnership created by the IMDDA and investment managers. This hands-on learning exercise will allow
students to ask ques6ons, gather informa6on and experience due diligence in ac6on by learning about
risk, infrastructure, investment style and strategy and management controls.
Class 3 Technology, Risk Assessment and Crea2ng a Superior Opera2onal Due Diligence Ongoing
Process and Exams (2 Days)
Class three begins with a review of the prior material. Upon comple6on, students will focus on whats
next in the due diligence process. This part of the program provides students with the tools needed to
con6nue to monitor investment managers, understand the role of technology in both investment
management and opera6ons as well as how to make sure informa6on gathered prior is s6ll relevant,
per6nent and truthful.
In order to earn a Cer6cate you must complete all classes and pass the exam.
Masters Level
IMDDA Certificate in
Hedge Fund and Hedge Fund of
Fund Operational Due Diligence
This Masters Level program focuses on the skills and knowledge that the investor needs
Who should aJend?
Prerequisite knowledge:
A deep and thorough background in the nancial
markets and securi6es
A complete understanding of nancial products
including; hedge funds, private equity and
separate account plaSorms
Strong knowledge and experience working with
nancial statements
Knowledge and understanding of investment
What will you learn?
Development of sound opera6onal due diligence
policies and procedures
The ability to evaluate all aspects of an
investment managers opera6ons and
Understanding fund structures and domiciles
Reading and understanding fund documents and
nancial statements
How to evaluate compliance procedures at an
investment manager
Implemen6ng a blueprint for opera6onal due
diligence policies and procedures.
Ongoing monitoring of fund managers
Understand porSolio manager valua6on
Masters Level
IMDDA Certificate in
Hedge Fund and Hedge Fund of
Fund Operational Due Diligence
Masters Level
IMDDA Certificate in
Hedge Fund and Hedge Fund of
Fund Operational Due Diligence
Masters Level
IMDDA Certificate in
Hedge Fund and Hedge Fund of
Fund Operational Due Diligence
Masters Level
IMDDA Certificate in
Hedge Fund and Hedge Fund of
Fund Operational Due Diligence
Go online at www.imdda.org/training
If you would like to discuss any aspect of the program
please contact Andrew Borowiec on +1.212.658.0423 or email andrew@imdda.org
Visit our website at www.imdda.org
The course is designed to provide accurate and
authorita6ve informa6on in regard to current best
prac6ces in the due diligence industry. It is conducted in
the understanding that the IMDDA is not engaged in
rendering professional services. If professional advice or
other expert assistance is required, the services of a
competent professional should be sought. IMDDA reserves
the right to amend the program and speakers may change
due to circumstances beyond IMDDAs control.
Masters Level
IMDDA Certificate in
Hedge Fund and Hedge Fund of
Fund Operational Due Diligence