Hajj Guide

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The key takeaways are that Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and an actual duty that Muslims owe to Allah. It also discusses the different types of Hajj - Ifrad, Tamattu, and Qiran.

The three types of Hajj are: Ifrad, which is for those living in Makkah; Tamattu, for those wishing to perform Umrah and then Hajj; and Qiran, for those wishing to perform Umrah and Hajj together in one intention.

The best method of performing Hajj according to the Prophet is Tamattu Hajj, which involves entering Ihram with the intention of Umrah first, completing it, then entering Ihram again with the intention of Hajj.

Summary from the Book:

Getting the Best out of Al-Hajj

by Abu Muneer Ismail Davids.

Excerpt from the book :

Getting the Best out of Al-Hajj (Pilgrimage)

by Abu Muneer Ismail Davids.
2nd Edition 2006

"Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for Mankind was that at Bakka (Makkah), full
of blessing, and a guidance for Al-Alamin (mankind and jinns). In it are manifest signs (for
example) the Maqaam (place) of Ibraheem; whosoever enters in, he attains security. And Hajj
(pilgrimage to Makkah) to the House (Ka'bah) is a duty that mankind owes to Allah, those
who can afford the expenses (for one's conveyance, provision and residence); and whoever
disbelieves (i.e. denies Hajj, then he is a disbeliever of Allah), then Allah stands not in need of
any on the Alamin (mankind and jinn)." - Surah Al-Imran (3:96-97).
As we can see from the preceding Ay'at, Hajj is not only the fifth pillar of Islam, but it is an
Keep your mind open. Do not follow anything or anybody BLINDLY, as YOU will be
answerable for your actions on the Day of Judgement. It is important that for any act of Ibadah
you should have authentic proof from the Qur'an and Sunnah.
"Abu Hurrairah (RA) related that the Prophet (SA) said: "All my followers will enter Paradise
except those who refuse.' They said, 'O Allah's Messenger! Who will refuse?' He said, 'Whoever
obeys me will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys me is the one who refuses (to enter it)'." (Bukhari:7280).

When should one go?

"It is reported on the authority of 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas (RA) that the Prophet (SA) said :
'Expedite the performance of the duty of Hajj. For nobody knows what may obstruct one.' - (Ibn
Maja: 2883 & Ahmad: 1/214,225).

Methods (types of Hajj) :

There are three types of performing Hajj.

Ifrad : - It is for those who live in Makkah.

Tamattu : - Those who wish to perform Umrah and then Hajj.
Qiran : - Those who wish to perform Umrah and Hajj in one Niyah and take animal for
sacrifice with them.

The best method is Tamattu as recommended (instructed) by the Prophet (SA), as narrated in
Sahih Muslim.

Hajj Tamattu

Hajj combined with Umrah with two Niy'at, one for Umrah and then one for Hajj.
Pilgrim is call Mutamatti.

Regulations :

Enter into Ihraam at the Meqaat with the Niyah for Umrah.
Complete the Umrah during the Hajj months of the same year, and this must be
completed before beginning the rites of Hajj.
The first Tawaaf made is that of Umrah and the welcome Tawaaf (Qudoom) is not
The performance of Sa'ee is a must. This is Sa'ee for Umrah and not for Hajj. The Sa'ee
for Hajj must be performed with Tawaaful-Ifadah.
The Mutamatti should clip his hair after Umrah instead of shaving it to come out of the
state of Ihram after the Sa'ee for Umrah.
The Mutamatti MUST come out of the state of Ihraam after Umrah (all the Ihraam
restrictions are lifted for the Mutamatti).
Animal sacrifice is compulsory for the Mutamatti. If one cannot afford it, then one is
required to fast for then days.
The Mutamatti enters back into the state of Ihraam with the Niyah for Hajj (second
Niyah), from where he is on the 8th of Dul-Hijjah, before departing for Mina.

The "Best Actions" are :

1. Perform Hajj Tamattu.
2. Prepare for Ihraam (cut, nails, pubic hair, under arm hair, etc., if needed).
3. Perform Ghusl.
4. Men perfume themselves.
5. Adopt Ihraam at the Meqaat with the Niyah for Umrah.
6. Perform Umrah upon reaching Makkah.
7. Cut your hair (out of Ihraam).
8. 8th of Dhul-Hijjah:
9. Prepare for Ihraam (cut nails, pubic hair, under arm hair, etc., if needed);
10. Perform Ghusl;
11. Men perfume themselves;
12. Adopt Ihraam from where you are, with the Niyah for Hajj;
13. Proceed to Mina before Salatul-Zuhr;
14. Perform 5 Salawaat in Mina (Zuhr, 'Asr, Maghrib, 'Eshaa & Fajr);
15. Always perform the two Sunnah Rak'at Salah before Salatul-Fajr.
16. Always perform Salatul-Witr.
17. Enter Arafat after the sun has declined from its zenith (Zawaal) on the 9th Dhul-Hijjah.
18. Listen to the Khutbah.
19. Join the congregation to perform Salatul-Zuhr and Salatul-Asr shortened (2 each) and
joined at the time of Zuhr (one Adhaan and two Iqaama't).
20. Spend the time from Zuhr until Maghrib in supplication.

21. Leave Arafat fro Muzdalifah immediately after sunset.

22. Perform Salatul-Maghrib (3) and Salatul-Eshaa (2) joined upon arrival in Muzdalifah, or
where you are in you have not reached Muzdalifah by midnight.
23. Perform Salatul-Witr.
24. Spend the night in rest and sleep.
25. Perform 2 Rak'at Sunnah for Salatul-Fajr.
26. Perform Salatul-Fajr.
27. Supplicate.
28. Proceed to Mina just before sunrise.
29. Collect 7 pebbles in Muzdalifah or on the way to the Jamrah.
30. Stone the big Jamrah (Aqaba) only (7 stones, casting one at a time).
31. Perform the animal sacrifice yourself.
32. Have your head shaved (men), starting from the right side.
33. Women cut about one inch of hair from one place only.
34. Proceed to Makkah.
35. Perform Tawaaful-Ifadah.
36. Perform Sa'ee for Hajj.
37. Return to Mina to spend the night (10th).
38. Spend the next 3 days and 2 nights in Mina (11th, 12th and 13th).
39. Stone all three Jamr'at after Zawaal on all 3 days (collect 21 pebbles daily).
40. Stone, starting at the small Jamrah and finishing at the big Jamrah.
41. Turn to Face Qiblah and make a long supplication after stoning the small and middle
Jamar'at (all 3 days).
42. Leave for Makkah on the 13th after stoning the Jamar'at (after Zawaal).
43. Perform Tawaaful-Wadaa' as the last rite before going home.

Some undesirable actions done against the Sunnah :

Men wearing an Ihraam with studs to keep it closed.

Keeping the right shoulder uncovered all the time.
Women insisting on wearing white clothes for Ihraam.
Reciting loudly (or behind a group) during Tawaaf and Sa'ee.
Kissing the Rukn-Yamani Corner.
Kissing and touching/rubbing the Maqaam Ebraheem.
Stopping at the starting place and repeating "Allahu-Akbar" many times.
Adhering to special booklets that contain specific Dua' for each circuit.
Adding to the Sunnah Dua' read between the Yamani Corner and Black Stone.
Men and women standing next to each other while performing Salah.
Insisting on entering the Haram from Baabus-Salaam.
Insisting on collecting the pebbles in Muzdalifah.
Washing the pebbles.
Pelting the Jamr'at before Zawaal (11th, 12th & 13th).
Deputising the pelting due to fear of the crowds.
Refusing to shorten their Salah while in Mina.
Omitting Tawaaful-Wadaa'.

Planning and Preparation

Hold 'twenty of bags of patience'. Mentally prepare yourself:

To maintain positive attitude;

To say "Alhamdulillah" for everything, be it good or bad.
To think of those who are possibly in worse satiation, when your situation is not to your
To make Dhikr and make Istighfaar (seen Allah's pleasure and forgiveness) when you get
impatient with people or situations;
To cope with crowds.

Take the following items with you:

1. Headache tablets;
2. Vitamin C tablets (take one of these daily);
3. Moisturising cream;
4. A small pocket size Qur'an;
5. Hajj books;
6. Any special medicine;
7. Non-perfumed soap;
8. Hair & Body wash soap;
9. Toothbrush;
10. Clothes for at least 2 days;
11. Underwear;
12. Spare Ihraam;
13. Joggers/Shoes;
14. Socks;
15. A hat/cap/Koefia or head-scarf;
16. A towel

What NOT to take:

1. Lots of clothes;
2. Expensive jewellery;
3. Any political books or fashion magazines;

Preparation :

Trim you finger and toe nails, if needed

Shave under your arms, if needed
Shave your pubic hair, if needed.
Only the moustache should be trimmed and beard should not be shaved.

Prophet (SA) said :

"Oppose the polytheists. Let your beards grow and trim your moustaches". - (Bukhari &
Muslim: 5892:259).

Put on your Ihraam clothes.

The white towel cloth is better than any other cotton cloth. Your right shoulder is open during
Tawaaf for Umrah and welcome Tawaaf (Tawaaful-Qudoom). It should covered at all other
times, especially while performing Salah.


It is acceptable to wear a money belt to assist in "keeping up" the lower part. A safety pin
is also very useful to keep the top part from falling off or constantly opening up.
watches, hearing aids, eye-glasses, contact lenses, sunglasses, etc. are all acceptable to
wear while in Ihraam.
No head gear (men only)
No underwear (men only)
Slippers/ shoes must not cover the ankles
Women should cover their feet. They can wear socks. The Hadith related in Bukhari
states that a woman should not cover her face with a Niqaab (sewn face cover) or cover
her hands with gloves.

Recite your Niyah out loud.

The Niyah should be uttered at the Meqaat or close to it after your transport has started moving
towards it.
This is only instance where one's Niyah is make aloud. All other time any Niyah is to be done by
hear only, and no the tongue.
To enter the state of Ihraam one must make Niyah for Umrah or Hajj by saying :
For Umrah (Hajj Tamattu)
- (the Niyah for Hajj is to be made later):

"Labbayk Allahumma Umratan"

(Oh Allah here I am performing Umrah.)
For Hajj only (Hajj Ifrad and for Tamattu later):
"Labbayk Allahumma Hajjan."
(Oh Allah here I am performing Hajj.)
It is preferred that this done after a Salah. (The Prophet (SA) pronounced his Niyah after having
performed Salatul-Zuhr.)
There is no Saltul-Ihraam as some books teach (to perform 2 Rak'at Salah after adopting
There are also no other Niy'at to recite (i.e., "Allahumma Innee Ureedu Hajj..."). Both these
actions have not been established in the Sunnah whereas the listed method has.
Men should recite the Talbiyah loudly once they are in the state of Ihraam as often as possible.
W woman raises her voice only to the extent of being heard by the person next to her.
"Labbayk Allahumma labbayk. Labbayka laa shareeka laka labbayk. Innal-hamda wanni'mata laka wal mulk. Laa shareeka lak."
('Here I am O Allah, Here I am. Here I am, you have no partner, here I am. Surely all praise,
grace and dominion are Yours, and You have partner'.)
You are now in the state of Ihraam! A person in state of Ihraam is a Muhrim.

Makkah Al-Mukarramah
"Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for Mankind was that at Bakka (Makkah),
full of blessing, and a guidance for Al-Alamin (mankind and jinns). In it are manifest signs
(for example) the Maqaam (place) of Ibraheem; whosoever enters in, he attains security.
And Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) to the House (Ka'bah) is a duty that mankind owes to
Allah, those who can afford the expenses (for one's conveyance, provision and residence);
and whoever disbelieves (i.e. denies Hajj, then he is a disbeliever of Allah), then Allah
stands not in need of any on the Alamin (mankind and jinn)." - Surah Al-Imran (3:96-97).
It is desirable to have a bath (Ghusl) before entering Makkah. When the pilgrims enter Makkah,
their first duty is to perform Umrah (Tamattu).
Most pilgrims are very anxious to complete their Umrah. However, before you go rushing off to
the Haram, first settle yourself into accommodation.
Have something to eat or drink, if you feel hungry or thirsty, and have a rest if you are tired.

It is not an good idea to perform Tawaaf when it is very hot. If you are not used to extreme heat,
delay your Umrah until later in the day when the weather is little cooler. You will need your
strength and energy later.
Take an address card of the hotel with you and keep it in your pocket, in addition to your identity

Entering Haram (or any Mosque)

Salatul-Tahiyatul-Masjid - Necessary upon entering a mosque prior to sitting down. If you plan
to perform Tawaaf then you should proceed directly to do so as this is the Sunnah. If you are not
going to perform Tawaaf, then Tahiyatul Masjid Salah becomes necessary.
Abu Qatadah (RA) related that Allah's Messenger (SA) said: "When one of you enters the
mosque you should pray two Rak'at Salah before sitting down". - (Bukhari, Muslim: 1163:714).

Personal Behaviour

Allah has instructed us that the best provision we can take with us on Hajj, is good
conduct. You are now a guest of Allah!
Always try to be first to render your assistance. Try to be "charitable" in all your actions.
Abu Hurrairah (RA) related that the Prophet (SA) said :
"The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the
one who controls himself while in anger." - (Bukhari:6114).
Avoid backbiting, at all levels, including at nationality or group level. It is very common
among many pilgrims to talk "bad" about different nationalities and their behaviour.
There are only 3 places at the Ka'bah that you can and should touch, if at all possible :
The Hajrul-Aswad (Black Stone) - kiss it if possible, otherwise touch or gesture.
The Rukn Yamani (South Corner) - Touch it right hand, but do not kiss or rub it.
The area from the Black Stone Corner to the end of the Ka'bah door (Multazam) - The pilgrims normally hang on to this area as the companions did, but it is not to
be kissed. There is no reward but it is contrary to the Sunnah to touch, rub or hand
on to the Maqaam Ibraheem, the doors, the Ka'bah cloth, etc. Refrain from kissing
Lower your gaze...! We are instructed in the Qur'an and Sunnah to do so.
Maintain a positive attitude and always say "Alhamdulillah" for everything, be it good or
If you get impatient with people or situations, make Dhikr and make Istighfaar (seek
Allah's pleasure and forgiveness).
Do not spit or throw litter in the street.
Some people rush violently in order to touch and kiss the Black Stone. Such behaviour is
wrong. It is lawful (Sunnah) to touch and kiss the Black Stone when possible. It is
sufficient for a pilgrim to merely point at it, whereas causing other harm or
inconvenience is sinful (haram).

Do not harm people even with words or behave impolitely. Remember that the mouth can
be serious weapon of Harm. Always thin first before you speak, and ask yourself it what
you are about to say will be hurtful or not. Always consider the feelings of your fellow
Do not perform Salah close to the Maqaam Ibraheem, if it is crowded. It is acceptable to
perform your 2 Rak'at Salah after Tawaaf anywhere in the mosque.
Your behaviour is of the utmost importance at all times. Do not let bad behaviour ruin
your good deeds. It is your deeds that you will take with you to your grave.

Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. Drinking very cold drinks after being in the hot sun
is NOT very good for your throat. It may cause sore throat or cough.
Drinking yogurt or laban (milky drink) helps in providing the salt your body needs.
Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are two of most common clinical disorders pilgrims face during
Hajj. Stay out of direct sunlight as much as possible.
Diarrhoea: Only eat fruit with a thick skin (i.e. that must be peeled); boiled water or drink bottled
beverages; don't drink tap water; don't use ice cubes; don't fried or fatty foods, dairy products,
spicy foods or acidic fruits or vegetables (e.g. oranges, tomatoes); try to eat boiled rice or
potatoes, toast (without butter, but with jam or honey) or plain biscuits; drink plenty of fluids (no
fruit juices or milk).
Upper respiratory track infections (sore throat, coughing): This usually caused by viruses.
Minimise the risk of infection by unnecessary exhaustion, taking proper bed rest and using a fact
mask when required. Don't share the same drink.

Sadaqah (Charity)
Perform as many charitable acts as possible and also distribute charity (money, food, etc) to the
poor while you are Makkah and Madinah. Remember smile is also an act of charity. A
suggestion is to give some your Sadaqah to the cleaners in the Haram and also street cleaners.
There are various types of beggars in and around the Haram. There are :

the poor
the children
the physically deformed
the "not so sure"
the professionals.

The first three categories are easily recognisable, and you can decide on whether you would like
to give them any money or not.

The "not so sure" category is those who do not appear to be poor.

The last category is the most skilful ones. Do not part with your money unless you are 200% sure
the beggars with his "sad story" is authentic. Do not be fooled by the tears or the medical papers.
Remember they are professional. According to Qur'an, Miskins (beggars) are those who are poor
but do not stretch their hands for help. In that perspective, the cleaners from India, Pakistan and
Bangladeshi deserve more than others, as they come for Rizk from thousands of mile away and
do not beg for fear of losing job.

Access to the Haram

It is neither a Fard nor a Sunnah requirement to enter from Baabus-Salaam. There are 92 doors
around the Haram.
There is huge air-conditioned basement area in the Haram which is not very well known to all.
There are some stairs inside the Haram that go down to the basement. There are other gates
inside the Haram that have white metal gates at the entrance. It provide direct access to the
basement area from inside the Haram. The big doors are underneath the minerates. There are 9

The prophet (SA) said:
"Zamzam water is for whatever (purpose) is drunk for." - (Ahmad & Ibn Majah: 14849: 3062).
"it satisfies as food and cures illness." - (As-Sahihan:1056).
There is no particular supplication established in the Sunnah when drinking Zamzam. However,
Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) used to recite the following after drinking Zamzam water:
"Allahumma innee asaluka 'ilman naafi'an wa rizqan waasi'an wa shifaa'an min-kulli
(Oh Allah, I ask of You beneficial knowledge, abundant provision, and a cure from all disease.)
There is no evidence from the Qur'an or the Sunnah about soaking one's Ihraam clothes or any
other shroud in Zamzam water to be later used for one's burial, as a means of salvation.

Where to sit
Try to sit in the middle or front areas. Directly in front of the Qur'an stands is also a good place.

There are five recommended actions in relation to the Adhaan:

1. Repeat after the Muadhdhin. (Allah's Messenger (SA) said: "Whenever you hear the
Adhaan say just as the Muadhdhin is saying." - (Bukhari:611).
2. On completion of the Adhaan, read the Dua' - "Allahumma Rabba hadhihid-da watittammati...".
3. Followed by making Dua' for yourself and for your fellow Muslims (Ummah).

Janazah Salah
Women should not miss this opportunity to perform the Janazah Salah, as they are equally
rewarded. There are not many other places where they may have this opportunity. There are
many pilgrims that either sit or perform Sunnah or Nafl Salah during the Janazah Salah. You can
always perform your Sunnah Salah later.
Abu Hurrairah (RA) reports that Allah's Messenger (SA) said:
"He who offered prayer over the dead, but did not follow the bier, for is the reward of one qirat,
and he who followed it, for him is the reward of two qirats. It was asked what the qirats were. He
said the smaller among the two is equivalent to Uhud." - (Muslim:945).

How to perform Janajah Salah:

Follow the Imam
There are 4 Takbir's
After the 1st Takbir, read Suratul-Fatihah
After the 2nd Takbir, read the Salawaat - "Allaahumma sallee alaa Muhammad..." (Darud
After the 3rd Takbir, make Dua' for the deceased
After 4th Takbir, make Dua' for the Muslims in general
Make Tasleem, to the right only.

Sunnah before Maghrib

Instead of disputing or discussing with the person next to you about those that choose to perform
it, recite Quran, make Zikr or Dua', or perform it. Make Dhikr instead of idle talk. Do not neglect
the Dhikr after the Fard Salah.
Allah, the Exalted said:
"Therefore member Me (by praying, glorifying), I will remember you, and be grateful to
Me (for My countless favours on you) and never be ungrateful to Me." - Surah Al-Baqarah
"... and remember Allah much, that you may be successful." - Surah Al-Jumu'ah (62:10).
Abdullah bin Mughaffal (RA) relates that Allah's Messenger (SA) said:


"Offer two (Sunnah) Rak'at before Salatul-Maghrib (sunset prayer) and he repeated this
direction twice. On the third time he added:
One who like may do so so that people may note take this direction as Muakkadah (essential)." (Bukhari:1183).

Other recommended actions

Reciting Qur'an
Utilise your time in Makkah to recite as much Qur'an as possible. When you are in the Haram,
do not read aloud, as you may disturb the person next to you, who may be engaged in Salah or
other forms of Ibadah (Dua', Zikr).
Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-'Aas (RA) narrated that Allah's Messenger (SA) told him that:
"One will not able to comprehend fully the meaning if one recites the whole Qur'an in less than
three days." - (Abu Dawud, Ahmed: 1394:6535).

And your Lord said: "Invoke Me, I will respond to your (invocation)..." - Surah Ghafir
"Invoke your Lord with humility and in secret..." - Surah Al-A'raf (7:55).
Anas bin Malik (RA) relates that Allah's Messenger (SA) said: "When one of you is to supplicate
he should do so with full confidence and should not say, "O Allah, grant me if Thou will" for
there is no power which can force Allah." - (Bukhari:6338 & Muslim:2678).

Face Qiblah if possible, though it is not obligatory.

Begin by praising Allah.
The ask for blessing on the Prophet (SA).
The supplicate.
Implore Allah by His names and attributes which are mentioned in the Qur'an and
Sunnah (e.g.: "O Most merciful, have mercy on me"; "O Most Forgiving, forgive me for
my sins"; "O Allah, I ask You O Allah, as You are the One, the Only, As-Samad (the
Self-Sufficient Master, Possessor of perfect attributes who all of creation turn to in all
their needs)"
Admit your own faults and plead to Allah and be persistent in the request.
Ask with confidence and do not say: "If Allah wills".
Ask for the best (if you ask for Jannah, ask for Jannatul-Firdous).
Finish by saying "Ameen".

Choose the best times (and places) when response is most likely. Below are some of the best
times to make supplication:

The last third of night.

The time between the Adhaan and the Iqaamah.
At the time of breaking fast.
While travelling (Musafir).

During Salah:

In the last Tashahud, before Tasleem.

While in Sujood (only the duas taught by Allah & His Rasul sa).
On a Friday (special time, hour before Maghrib).
During Tawaaf.
During Sa'ee.
Day of Arafat.
After Salatul-Fajr in Muzdalifah.
After throwing (Ramy) at the small and middle Jamar'at in Mina.
Seek nearness to Allah and also how you can improve your chances of your Dua' being
accepted (Tawassul), e.g: by means of Names & attributes of Allah (as stated above),
saying "O Allah by my Eemaan in You, and my love for You, and my following of Your
Messenger, forgive me...".

General guidelines
Tawaaf is the best Ibadah to perform other than the Fard Salah in the Haram. Tawaaf is superior
to Nafl Salah in Haram.
There is no fixed time for Tawaaf
If you plan to perform Tawaaf, then you should proceed directly to perform it when entering the
Haram. Tahiyatul-Masjid Salah is only performed if you plan to sit down prior to the Tawaaf.
There is no Sa'ee after Nafl Tawaaf. (There is no Nafl Sa'ee).
There is no Niyah to be uttered audibly. The Niyah is in the hear as with all other acts of Ibadah.
Dua' in your own language, Dhikr, and reciting Qur'an are all acceptable forms of Ibadah while
performing Tawaaf. If you have stopped in the middle of your Tawaaf, after Adhan and moved
positions several times before the actual Salah, start again with that round (if you can not
remember the exact position where you stopped).
If you are in doubt about the number or rounds you have made, rely on the lesser number you
Avoid walking against the flow of people. Rather walk right around to the starting place.
There is no need to actually stop at the starting area.

It is important to note that if one in unable to reach the Black Stone, one's Umrah or Tawaaf is
NOT decreased in merit in any way, but if one pushes and shoves his Muslim brethren in order
to do so, he risks incurring Allah the Almighty's displeasure.
Types of Tawaaf

Umrah Tawaaf
Welcome Tawaaf (Tawaaful-Qudoom)
Tawaaf for Hajj (Tawaaful)Ifadah also known as Tawaaf-uz-Ziyarah or Tawaaful-Hajj).
Fare Tawaaf (Tawaaful-Wadaa).
Nafl Tawaaf
& you should be Ihraam.

How to Perform Tawaaf

The Niyah is in the heart (Umrah, Ifadah, Wadaa, etc.).
Start at the Hajrul_Aswad (Black Stone):
Kiss it if possible;
If no, touch it with your right hand (Istliam) and kiss your hand;
If this is not possible, then face the Black Stone and with your right hand gesture towards it
ONCE only, and DO NOT kiss your hand.
Say only ONCE:
"Bismilla-hi wallahu-akbar"
(In the Name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest.)
Proceed in an anti-clockwise (towards the Maqaam Ibraheem) direction.
Supplicate, make Dhikr, recite Qur'an (Surahs).
Once you reach the Rukn-Yamani (the southern corner) touch it with your right hand (Istilam)
and say "Allahu Akbar". Do NOT kiss it. If you are unable to touch it, do not gesture towards it,
but proceed towards the Hajr-al-Aswad, without saying 'Allahu Akbar'.
It is Sunnah to recite the following between the Rukn-Yamani and the Black Stone Corner (note
that the Dua' stops at ... adhaabannaar):
"Rabbanaa aatina fiddunya hasanatan wa fil aakhirati hasanatan wa qinaa adhabannaar"
(Oh Allah, give us the good of this world and good of the Hereafter and protect us from the
punishment of Hellfire.) - Sura Al-Baqarah (2:201).

Once you reach the Hajrul-Aswad again you have completed 1 circuit.
Proceed and repeat the aforementioned steps until you have completed 7 circuits.
Upon completion of Tawaaf, proceed to the Maqaam Ibraheem or any place in the mosque if this
area is too crowded.
It is commendable to say:
"Wattakhithu min Maqaami Ibraheema musall"
(And take the station of Ibraheem as a place of prayer.)
Cover your right shoulder and perform 2 Rak'at of prayer. If you are fortunate enough to
perform it near the Maqaam, then stand with the Maqaam between you and the Ka'bah (if
possible). As with kissing of the Black Stone, remember it is best to avoid harming and causing
difficulties to fellow Muslims.
It is Sunnah to recite Sruatul-Kafirun (109) after Suratul-Fatiha in the first Rakah and SuratulIkhlas (112) after Suratul-Fatiha in the second Rakah.
For Nafl Tawaaf or Tawaaful-Wadaa : At this point you completed.
Some hints for Tawaaf
If you cannot stand being pushed and squashed you perform your Tawaaf on the roof level. It is
much easier than the middle floor level as the middle floor has lots of people and pillars to
After finishing the two Rak'at Salah it is Sunnah to proceed to the well of Zamzam and drink
your fill. Then return to the Black Stone and kiss it, if possible, saying "Allahu Akbar". If it is
not possible, proceed to the Sa'ee area without gesturing or saying "Allahu Akbar".

About Sa'ee
There is no Sa'ee after a Nafl Tawaaf or after Tawaaful-Wadaa.
Starting at Safaa one proceeds to Marwah. This is one lap. From Marwah to Safaa (this is lap
two) and so on, finishing lap seven at Marwah.
Between the green light (indicated on the side of the walls nearer to Safaa), the male pilgrims
walk briskly (or run). If your are taking care of elderly or female pilgrims, you can refrain from
running between the green lit areas.


Sa'ee MUST be interrupted for Fard Salah and recommended for Jahazah Salah. Resume from
where you have stopped. It is important to remember exactly where you have stopped, otherwise
start that lap again.
Avoid performing Sa'ee in groups or following and reciting behind a leader.
Avoid raising your voice while performing Sa'ee (or Tawaaf).
It is preferable but not a requirement to have Wudu while performing Sa'ee.

Types of Sa'ee

After Tawaaf for Umrah

After Tawaaful-Qudoom (Sa'ee for Hajj)
After Tawaaful-Ifadah.

There is no Nafl Sa'ee, and you should be in Ihraam.

Normally not in Ihraam unless you perform it prior to the cutting of your hair.

How to Perform Sa'ee

Proceed to Safaa. When you get close to Safaa it is Sunnah to say:
"Innassafa walmarwata min sha'aa irillah."
(Indeed Safaa and Marwah are among the signs of Allah) - Surah Al-Baqarah (2:158).
Followed by saying:
"Abda'u bima bada'a Allahu bihi."
(I begin with that which Allah has begun.)
Please note that both the above are only to be said ONCE, that is the beginning of the Sa'ee and
not at beginning of very lap.
When ascending Safaa, go up until the Ka'bah is visible (if possible) and facing it, it Sunnah to
repeat the following 3 times while raising your hands as in making Dua', and not with your
palms facing the Ka'bah. And do not gesture towards the Ka'bah with your hands as in Tawaaf.
In between these 3 times you may make your own supplications (i.e. say the following;
supplicate; say the following; supplicate; say the following):
"Alhamdu lillah, wala ilaha illallah, wallahu Akbar. Laa ilaha illallahu wahdahu la shareeka
lahu, lahulmulku wa lahulhamdu, yuhyee wa yumeetu wa Huwa ala kulli shay'in Qadeer. La
ilaha illallahu wahdahu, sakaqa wa'dahu, wa narara abdahu, wa hazamal-ahzaaba wahdahu."


(All praise is due to Allah, there is no God but Allah, and Allah is Greater. There is none worthy
of worship but Allah alone, no partners are unto Him, His is the dominion (kingdom) and His is
the praise. He give life and He gives death and He is capable of everything. There is none worthy
of worship but Allah alone, who fulfilled His promise, and gave victory to His servant and
defeated the confederates alone.)
Walk toward Marwah. When you arrive at the green fluorescent light, the men should run
briskly, until the next green light. Women should NOT run.
There is no prescribed supplication during the Sa'ee or between the two green light, though you
can supplicate and mention Allah as you like. It is good to recite the Qur'an (surah) during the
Sa'ee. It is not Sunnah to make any particular prayer during Sa'ee, but Ibn Masood and Ibn Umar
(RA) used to say: (without any particular reference to any particular place):
"Rabbighfir warham innaka Antal Azul-Akram".
(Oh Allah, forgive and have mercy upon me, for You are the most Mighty and Honourable.)
There is no Dua' at the end of the 7th lap at Marwah.

Proceed to have your hair cut

For men, it is recommended NOT to have your head shaved after Umrah, as you will be doing so
on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah.
Women should cut no more than one inch of hair (one place only).
The Umrah is now complete and you are out of the state and restrictions of Ihraam.

Leaving the Haram

There is no special supplication upon leaving Al-Masjid Al-Haram. However, the one offered
upon leaving any mosque should be recited:
"Bismillahi wassallatu wa salamu alaa rasullillahi; Allahumma innee asaluka min
(In the name of Allah. Blessing and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah. Oh Allah, I ask of
You Your favour. - (Muslim:713, Abu Dawud:465, Nasa'i:730 & Ibn Majah:772).
Do not walk backwards out of the Haram. There is no evidence for this practice in the Sunnah.

Some tips for Mina :

If you are accommodated in a big tent in Mina, choose a sleeping area closer the rear of the tent.
Also try to find a spot in the back or side that is 'away' from Qiblah, so that your spot is not in the

front row, but the back row for Salah. The front and middle areas are normally used for eating,
Salah and lectures, which mean you will constantly have to move your bags.
As soon as you enter the tent for the first time, throw open your mat on the selected area and sit
or lay down on it. Ignore the arguments around you and just stick to your spot.
Try to avoid the bathrooms about 20 minutes before Salah or immediately after meal.
Set your alarm (especially for Fajr) at least one hour earlier to avoid the rush at the bathrooms in
the morning. Also use the showers and bathrooms at times, when everybody is sleeping, eating
or listening to a lecture.
In most cases there is least one upright toilet in each row of toilets.
Minimise your food intake in Arafat, to avoid the need for the toilet in Muzdalifah. If you only
wish to urinate, then sometimes you are forced to do so in the bushes or somewhere on the
mountain. This is one reason why you should use the toilets in Arafat before you leave.
Keep a small torch light. If you have to go to the mountain for toilet, you will need it avoid stools
on the area.

Ramy (casting of pebbles)

You need to collect seven pebbles for each Jamrah for each day (i.e. on the 10th you need 7 only;
on the 11th, 12th and 13th you need 21 for each day. i.e, = 70). Collect a few more in a separate
pouch, just in case you miss the target or drop some of them. The pebbles can be collected in
Muzdalifah or Mina.

The actual stoning of the Jamr'at

There is no special Niyah. On the 11th, 12th and the 13th is to start from the small Jamrah and to
finish at the big one (Akaba).
The pilgrims casts seven pebbles, one at a time, saying:
"Allahu Akbar".
(Allah is the Greatest.)

It is Sunnah to face Qiblah after throwing at the small and middle Jamr'at and to make
supplication. Move away from the Jamrah itself and stand away from the crown. It is reported
that the Prophet (SA) stood and supplicated there for a very tong time.

There is no supplication after throwing at the big Jahrah.

You may deputise someone to cast the pebbles for you.
This only valid if you are old, sick, pregnant or very weak. You cannot ask or pay someone else
because you are afraid of the crowds. Able women should perform the Ramy themselves.
If you are stoning on behalf of someone else, the method is as follows:

First cast (stone) your seven pebbles at the Jahrah, one at time;
Follow this casting seven pebbles on behalf of the other person, one at time.
Move towards the next Jamrah and repeat the process.
There is no special Niyah, and you should say "Allahu Akbar" as you throw each

The best times stone: The busiest time is immediately after midday. Just before and immediately
after Salatul-'Asr seems to be when the crowds are less. Also at night it is less crowded. This
applies for the 11th and 12th. On the 13th anytime after about 1.30pm is okay. On all 3 days,
avoid the time immediately after Zawaal, if you have women or children with you. On the 10th
(first day), it is better to wait until after Zuhr.
It is only on the 10th that you are in Ihraam when throwing at the big Jamrah. After that you are
out of Ihraam; therefore it is better to wear shoes (runners, joggers, tennis shoes), as this will
give you better balance and grip in the crowds.

After slaughtering the sacrificial animals the Prophet (SA) had his head shaved. Then he
supplicated to Allah three times to forgive those who had their head shaved (Halq) and one for
those who had their hair cut short (Qasr). Start shaving from the right side.
Ibn Umar (RA) reported that the Prophet (SA) said:
" May Allah have mercy upon those who had their heads shaved.' They said: 'Messenger of
Allah, what about those who had their hair clipped?' He said: 'May Allah have mercy upon those
who had their heads shaved.' They said: 'Messenger of Allah, what about those who had their
hair clipped?' He said: 'May Allah have mercy upon those who had their heads shaved.' They
said: 'Messenger of Allah, what about those who had their hair clipped?' He said: '(Oh Allah,
have mercy upon) those who had their hair clipped'." - (Muslim:1301).
Shaving is referred to as Halq and cutting as Qasr (or Taqseer).
Women cut only about one inch of hair from one place only.

The Journey
Upon your arrival home, avoid providing misleading information to the local customs about the
items (jewellery, electronic equipment, etc.) you purchased on your trip. Apart from lying, it also
leaves a very bad impression about Muslims. It is not worth it; you have just completed Hajj.

Supplication (Dua) from the Qur'an and Sunnah

Some selection of Dua's that out beloved Prophet (SA) used and recommended to use. In some
books there are many long Dua's for every round of Tawaaf and Sa'ee, most of which have no
basis in the Sunnah. Use the following Dua's, especially in Arafat.
"Rabbana zolamna anfusana wa-illam tagfirlana wa tarhamna lanakunanna
minal'khasireen". - Sura Al-A'raf (7:23).
("Our Lord, we have wronged our souls, so if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us,
(then) we will surely be among the losers").
"Alla- ila'ha illa- anta subh'anaka innee kuntu minaj zoalimeen". - Surah Al-Anbia (21:87).
("There is no god except You. Glory unto You. Truly was I among the wrongdoers".)
"Watub 'alaina innaka antat tawa-bur Rahim". - Surah Al-Baqarah (2:128).
("And accept our repentance. Truly, You are the One who (continually) accepts repentance, the
Most Merciful.")
"Rabbana la tuakhijna inn naseena aw akhtoana, Rabbana wa'la tahmil aalaina isran
kama hamaltahu aalal lajina min qablina, Rabbana wala tuhammilna ma la toa'kata lana
bih', ofu anna wagfirlana warhamna anta Mowlana fansurna' alal qawmil kafireen". Surah Al-Baqarah (2:286).
("Our Lord, blame us not if we forget or fall into error. Our Lord, lay not upon us a burden like
that which You placed upon those before. Our Lord, lay not upon us a burden greater than we
can bear. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people.")
"Rabbana la tujig qulubana' ba'da ij hadaitana wa'hablana milladunka Rahmatan, innaka
antaal wah-hab". - Sura Al-Imran (3:8).
("Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate after You have guided us and give from Yourself mercy.
Indeed, it is You who is the Giver (of all things)."
"Rabbigfirlee wali' wa-lidaiya waliman dakhla baitia muminaw wa'lil mumineena wal
muminaat, wala tajidiz zoalameena illa tabara." - Sura Nuh (71:28).
("My Lord, forgive me and my parents and whoever enters my house a believer and the believing
men and believing women. And increase not the wrongdoers except in ruin.").
"Rabbana aatina fiddunia hasanatao wa fil aakhirati hasanatao waqina ajaa bannar." Surah Baqarah (2:201).
("Our Lord, give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good and
protect us from the torment of the Fire."

"Rabbana taqabbal minna, innaka antas samiul 'aleem." - Sura Al-Baqara (2:127).
("Our Lord, accept this from us. Truly, You are the most Hearing, Knowing.")
"Rabbi aojinee an ashkur neematakallatee, an'amta alaya wa'lidaiya wa'an soalihan
tardoa'hu wa aslih lee fee jurryati; innee tubtu ilaika wa'innee minal muslimeen." - Surah
Al-Ahqaf (46:15).
("O my Lord, grant me power and ability to be grateful for Your favour which You have
bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and that I may work righteousness such as will please
You; and make my offspring righteous. Truly have I repented to You, and truly do I submit (to
You) in Islam.")
"Allahumma, anta Rabbi, la ilaha illa anta, khalqtani wa ana aabduka, wa ana aala' ahdika wa
wadika ma'stoatu, abu'laka ni'matika, wa abu'laka bijambee fagfir lee, fa'innahu la
yagdirujjunuballa illa anta". - (Bukhari and Ibn Majah: 6323:5070).
("O Allah, you are my Lord. There is no god but You. You created me and I am Your servant,
and I uphold Your covenant and (my) promise to You as much as I am able. I seek refuge in You
afrom the evil I have done. I acknowledge before You Your favour upon me, and I acknowledge
my sin; so forgive me. Indeed, there is none who can forgive sins except You."
"Rabbigfir lee khatiyati wa israfee fee amri kullahi, wa'ma anta
Allahummagdir lee khataiya wa aadiee wa jahlee wa jidda, wa
Allahummagdir lee ma qaddamtu wa ma akkhartu, wa'ma asrartu
mukaddamu wa antal-muakkharu, wa anta aala kulli shaieen Qadeer".

aalamu bihi minnee.

kullu jalika eendee.
wa'ma a'lantu, antal'
- Bukhari & Musmil:

("O Allah, forgive me my sins, my ignorance and my excesses, and that which You know more
than I. O Allah, forgive me for that committed by me in jest or seriousness, in error or
deliberation, and all of that is with (in) me. O Allah, forgive me my past and present (sins) and
that committed secretly and openly and that which You know more than I. You are the
Advancer, the Postponer and You have the ability over all things.")
"Allahumma! innee auju birdwaka min sakhatika, wa bimufa'tika min uqubatika, wa auju bika
minka, laa ahsee sanan aalaika. Anta kama asnaita aalaiya nafsika". - (Muslim, Abu Dawud
and Tirmidhi: 486:879:3493).
("O Allah, I seek refuge in Your acceptance from Your anger and in Your forgiveness from Your
retribution. I seek refuge in You from You. I cannot enumerate (all of) the praises of You. You
are as You have praised Yourself."
"Allahumma'gdir lee warhamnee wahdinee wa aafinee war juqnee". (Muslim:2697)
("O Allah, forgive me, have mercy upon me, guide me, give me health, and provide me with
"Allahumma innee zolamtu nafsi zulman kasiran wala yagfiruj junuba illa anta fagfirlee
magfiratam min indika wa'r hamnee, innak antal Gafurur Rahim." - Bukhari, Muslim.

("O Allah, I have done julm on my soul, and nobody else can forgive sins except You. Therefore,
please forgive me, as forgiveness is with You. And have mercy on me, certainly You are the
forgiver, most merciful." - Bukhari, Muslim.
Muadh bin Jabal (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu
alaihi wa sallam) took his hand and said: O Muadh, by Allah I love you, by Allah I love you.
Then he said: I advise you, O Muadh, do not forget to say after every prayer,
O Allah, help me to remember You, thank You and worship You properly. [Dawud].
The wise educator, the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam), would offer advice so
skillfully that the people would have no choice but to accept the advice. Once he (sal Allahu
alaihi wa sallam) wanted to teach Muadh bin Jabal (radi Allahu anhu) some words he wanted
him to recite after each prayer. So he turned to Muadh and said, By Allah, I love you! and
concluded with teaching him these words of Dhikr (remembrance), Allahumma ainni ala
dhikrika wa shukrika wa husni ibadatik.

BEST DUA in our life: Allhumma inni as-aluka, min khyri ma-salaka, Nabiukaa
Muhammadun sallellahu alahihi wa sallam: Oh, ALLAH, I am begging the same good things
that Nabi (sallellahu alahihi wa sallam) supplicated and you have awarded.,
Related by: Hazrat abu Omama (RAH). Tirmizi. 2/192

Summarized & Translated by

M A Razzaque



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