Adam Gainsburg
Adam Gainsburg
Adam Gainsburg
What we're going to do before we dive into your content, Adam, I'm going
to ask you a couple of questions, so that the audience can get to know you
a little bit better.
Go ahead.
The first question is, "What attracted you to the field of astrology in the
first place?"
It was a visceral experience I had out underneath the night sky. At that
point in my life, I wasn't getting up early enough to go see the morning sky
before the sun moves towards the planets and stars there, but I was
watching after sunset well into the night. I really don't know how to
describe it. I guess, these days the word that people use is "download." I
don't know.
I received something one evening from just looking up and really relaxing
my body, not particularly looking for anything. I wasn't aware of astrology.
Once that experience happened, it changed things for me, and then I
sought out some classes, workshops, and then my home studying, which is
mostly self-taught. I went deeper. I just want to say I definitely had some
wonderful teachers.
Yeah. I don't have the words exactly right, but it's something to the effect
of basically, "Just because you're looking up at us ..." meaning the stars, "...
just because you are seeing us with your eyes, doesn't mean that we don't
live inside of you." It was something like that. It was like that breaking the
wall of separation between the observer and the observed. I was like, "Now,
what's happening?" It was a lot of energy running to my body. I don't mean
to say it's just a flipping thing. There's a lot that's happening there. I had
set meditation for a while before that.
I'm just curious, because there are is a wide variety of when people ...
Because I am asking all the astrologers this. There was a wider variety of
when they first were introduced, but it's normally relatively young that
people are getting into this field. My second question is, "What are you the
most passionate about in the field of astrology today?"
The simplest way I could say it is the unification of opposites, the union of
opposing forces, intelligences, the union of polarities, and the way that
tasks shape very succinctly is, in my work, is in two words. Number one,
the unifying of one soul, one's divine and timeless essence with ones
identity, once very human linear, mortal self, that union, which I sometimes
see as vertical access between those two.
Then the other is this union of opposites, this union of polarities between
the masculine and the feminine and how those co-mingled and intertwined.
When I used the word "masculine" and "feminine," Amanda, I am not talking
about gender here at all. I'm talking about the masculine in women and
men, and the feminine in women and men. That's really then the fuel for
me doing all this work with Venus, and now a lot of work with Mars. Finding
or discovering, and now sharing in teaching this incredible overlay when
you look at the Venus map on the sky with the Mars map on the sky, it
creates this what I called, it's a celestial picture of conquered union, but
it's not mystical. It's very practical.
Right here, you need to study and learn about the phases. Tonight, I'm
going to be talking about one of the phases of Venus only. This beautiful
thing about this dance of Venus and Mars that they do together is incredibly
powerful and incredibly transformative for anyone who opens themselves
Awesome. I would love to learn more about that. That sounds incredible. I
know that we're going to dig a little bit into some aspects of that tonight at
least from a Venus perspective. Why don't we go ahead and start your
What is a phase? The ancient word "phasis" comes from Greek, which is
where we get out Latin word, which then produces our English word
"Phase." "Phasis" means, "An appearance that speaks." That's what the word
"phase" actually comes from. That's its ancestor. An appearance that speaks
to us such as what the experience I had underneath the evening sky years
ago, whether it's not seeing someone and you feel drawn to them, whether
it's looking at the title of a book, and the ripple, I need to read that book.
Anything that speaks to you that resonates with you, that's really the root
of the word "phasis".
In Sanskrit, the native sacred language of India, there a word "Prakash."
"Prakash" in the Sanskrit translates to "to shine forth with that which
appears as experience." In other words, "My direct experience is what is
shining within me." These are two great ways to understand "phase." When
I'm using the word "phase" tonight, I hope people who are watching and
listening to this, they don't just think, "It's just the way of dividing time."
No. There's actually a transmission. There's a teaching, or learning, or
resonance of information that's coming to you, that's resonance for each of
Two basic ideas I want to start with here. The celestial environment which I
term "our living sky" operates beneath, behind, or before are charts,
horoscope. In other words, when we're really getting good at our birth
chart and reading charts, whether it's birth or more transit charts, it's really
good to remember that there's a sky, a living natural, very tangible sky that
is operating, again, beneath, behind, or before this 2D chart will ... Let me
on a a piece of paper or a computer screen. That living extensions, that
seems to be where I really root a lot of my teaching these days. My mission
is to get astrologers and astrology people back in-touch with this living
sentient sky underneath the chart.
Second. Our living sky is in fact the vitality of celestial movements and
cycles. Again, we can regain our connection to this vitality by grounding
astrology in the living sky. It doesn't mean replacing the chart. It doesn't
mean replacing the horoscope or any of our wonderful astrological
techniques that we're using today, but it does mean staying in-touch with a
kind of living vitality, a life force, a shati, a love, and appreciation of
beauty, anything, anywhere like that that would particularly connect us.
Maybe it's the pursuit of truth. For other people it's the pursuit of
beautifying their environment, and that's their thing.
Versus only looking at the charts and only looking at the horoscope that
That's the kind of way to get in-touch. Then from there, wherever one
specialty or one special interest comes what would arise from, then you
can dial in and help someone to find out exactly how they want to continue
their experience, their study, their investigation.
The next slide here I just want to share is this is the kind of ... This is the
Venus cycle. You can see here, just to orient you here, that the purple line
is simply marking how far Venus is from the sun. You can see it forms this
end looking shape. The green line across the bottom is the horizon. With
this also not just shows there's longitude difference, in other words, where
a planet is by degree that's its longitude. There is simplistic chart also
shows where Venus will be invisible or visible.
In this first little point here to start, you can see the sun is behind the
purple line. That means that from earth, Venus is between us and the sun.
This is when Venus is closest to earth. Then Venus rises where it gets far
enough from the sun to become visible in the morning sky. She then comes
up through these phases. She then proceeds through this long descending
phase to eventually reach the horizon again, but this time almost on the
other side of the sun, whereas she started in front of the sun. When she
disappears, of course, she disappears here in this space. She then reaches
exact conjunction with the sun now on the other side of the sun.
Imagine, Amanda, you and I are talking here. I'm earth, you're the sun.
Venus is behind you like through that door behind you. From earth, we
cant's see Venus because she's behind the sun. Some people who are born
here are born with this incredible Venus power, but it's initially occluded
and the work that feminine dharma, the feminine practice in life is to bring
her forward, bring that power forward to make what is invisible visible or
Tonight, as we're discussing here, we are in the remembering and
embodiment things. We are about 20% through this remembering
embodiment phase, mid September. Our summit is going on for a week, so
that means we're about between the 20% and 25% marks. That put us where
Venus is now right around here.
I'm going to spend most of our time tonight talking about the remembering
embodiment phase, but I just want to complete this. Then Venus reaches
this part up here where she's fully distant from the sun that she ever gets,
and she has had her maximum brightness. She can see here to here at this
point in the morning sky, and this part as an evening star, Venus is at her
maximum distance from the sun, both of them. Therefore, she is the most
visible for the longest amount of time. Then she rather quickly descends.
For those who know about Venus station retrogrades, this is where she
stations retrograde is around here. Then she accelerates to disappear,
reaches this point again, and then another end begins to be formed from
that point.
This whole period is 19 months, specifically 584 days long. Venus is like the
secondhand in our solar system. Venus is the most regular planet when it
comes to her period, her orbital period. All other planetary periods are less
consistent than hers. She's just let it every 19 months. Every 19 months we
get this beautiful pattern in our stars.
I just wanted to share here that remembering an embodiment we can see is
the process of going from a dim Venus down in here to becoming brighter
and brighter and brighter as a brightening Venus to reach this point here.
This is what I call later the "the home in space."
Just to orient us here, this is the movement in our phase that we're in right
now. Venus is dim, but getting brighter. She's very fast in direct motion, but
slowing down very almost in perceptively. She's still carrying a lot of speed
where we are right now. She's growing in brighten. In other words, she's
becoming a brighter and brighter evening star in the sky.
That means evening star means that when the sunsets every night over your
local western horizon, she assumes that sunsets, you'll be able to see Venus
in the sky. Each night, if you were o go out with once a week for the entire
five-and-a-half to six months long of the remembering an embodiment
phase, you would see Venus every week. Wow. Look at that. At sunrise she's
higher. At sunset she's higher. The next week sunset, she's higher, sunset,
she's even higher. That progression every sunset is what we call "getting
higher and brighter." Is that makes sense?
Wholeness will happen January 12th of next year, 2017. We have quite a
while. We have the whole fall in winter time. We have to go through our
elections here in the US. We have a lot to go through during this Venus as
remembering an embodiment phase.
Let me now share with you some of the ideas about remembering an
embodiment phase. I call these phases very specific names. First of all, it's
really important to understand that this phase remembering an
embodiment comes as the 10th phase in a cycle of 13 phases, one, two,
three, four, five six, seven, eight, nine, and this is the tenth phase. We're
already we passed the halfway point of the entire cycle. That means Venus
has already gone through a whole lot of life experience.
Now, I'm going a little deeper here. Because it's Venus, Venus represents on
one level, on one side of her what can be lost, what we can have in our
lives and believe we never can lose it and yet it's taken from us. Let's say is
a beloved, it's a family member, or it's a certain amount of money, or it's a
career, or it's a home. Venus represents what can be taken from us, but she
also is the same force that gives it back or returns it to us. It's in this diode,
this dualistic nature that we get Venus astrology as signifying relationships,
other people, good friends, lovers, people that we get along with or that
we have a shared simpatico with.
Venus speaks all about this. Specifically, Amanda, this phase is the heavy
lifting of all the 13 phases, the remembering and embodiment phase is a
time where we've been through have the cycle already. We've gone through.
We've made mistakes. We've discovered guest. We've lost them. We've
regained them. We've gone on a journey. We're lost ourselves and found
ourselves again.
Now, remembering the embodiment is putting it all starting to putting it
altogether. Again, this phase is five-and-a-half months. Nobody born in this
phase ... By the way, most of the population is born in either this phase,
remembering embodiment, or the surrendering and discovery phase and
this seems like the longest of all of them. This is like, again, the long-term
practice. If I break my leg and I get it fixed by the doctor, it's not going to
heal overnight. I'm going to do therapy. I need to stay off it. It's going to be
a longer process of recovery.
It's the same thing here. We are each collectively now, because we are in
the remembering and embodiment phase now. We're each collectively going
forward remembering who we can be, who we can be for each other, to
each other, to be there for each other. We're also remembering false ways
that we've been, so as to stop being those.
In terms of the embodiment, the embodiment doesn't happen if we don't
have skin in the game. What I mean by that is, true healing doesn't happen
in our heads. Just because I understand what my issues are and I just had a
great healing experience, and I could give you five bullet points about why
that is, it doesn't mean I actually got it in my cellular tissue yet. I might,
but it doesn't that I have just because I've got the information in my head.
This is where embodiment gets to be really skin in the game.
We need to have something at risk. And this is where it ties into
psychological series of the ego development, attachment, projection,
victim patters, falsely believing that we are deficient or superior. That's
where all this stuff ...
Again, this duality, this one, two punch transformation we're speaking of
remembering who I am, like bringing the pieces to me, and then actually
putting it into my body into that whole part of me, so that whatever is
there taking up space that might be false or time to leave can be left, can
be let go off, and this new party that I may not know yet that may not be
refined, it might be a little ugly or a little uncomfortable for people who
know us, because we are changing. That's the remembering embodiment
contribution that it gives the entire cycle of this being this wholeness thing.
It's a very, very powerful time.
You talk about having skin in the game and something at risk. I have a
couple of questions.
Can you give me an example of that? Are you saying for example through a
relationship or something you are going to be remembering who you are.
There's something at risk, because the relationships at risk. Is that what you
Yeah, it is. Basically, you're saying this phase that we're in the remembering
and embodiment is bringing to the surface where those attachments are, so
that we can release those and the truth about who we are can come forth
more fully.
No. That's a great question. This end that we're looking, Amanda, is the
relationship of Venus in the sun as seen from earth. This is not just Venus
moving to the sky. This is Venus in relationship to the sun. There's this
dynamic complex movement. Within this rubric, within this context or this
frame of Venus sun, planets are still going around going through the
zodiacs. You could have a powerful Uranus transit or Pluto could jump the
moon or something was happening within this remembering and
embodiment phase. Yes, other planets forming aspects to it themselves or
to other things could definitely play into this.
Whenever I'm looking at the next Venus cycle upcoming or the next
remembering and embodiment phase, I will always look at the whole chart
for the entire five months, and I would look at what are the most powerful
transits happening during this period, because what's contextualizing those
transits is this Venus sun. In other words, we might have actually more
access for healing and transformation than in any other time in our life,
because it's happening right now within this Venus sun. It's like a container
of healing transformation and lights and energy.
That's brilliant.
Maybe not always the most comfortable, but definitely ... The other
question I have is you talked about this being beyond cognitive
understanding, which I feel like sometimes astrology can really stay in that
realm of like, "Okay. I get it. I understand my chart." Can you talk about
getting into your body in the cellular? How do we do that?
Every planet, Amanda, and I don't mean just general, but I truly share
something from my experience many years of astrological counseling,
teaching all that. Every planet on our chart, including the moon and the
sun, are opportunities to embody who we truly are. Every single physical
body on the chart is our won embodiment and process. That's the theory.
That's the principle.
Now, specifically, here's one great way to do it. Every time you have a
challenging experience, let's say emotionally in your life, try to stay and
not leave and go to reaction. Try to feel it.
Another way, the next time you're reacting to something or someone that
you really don't like or that is wrong, try to find that part of you that you
don't like or you believe is wrong first. Don't make excuses for a real jerk
and certainlly don't stick around for abuse, but try to find the source of the
reaction inside. That will create a much easier time of taking that principle
about every planet is our embodiment and process, and making it actually
Even though I can talk very phisolophically and mystically, because I have
studied a lot of that stuff, and I did meditation a long time, all that, I
think my favorite is to make it very right here, very practical and
pragmatic. That's what I'm all about with my clients, embodiment. Here's
your chart. Here's a brilliant architecture of your chart. Here's the plan.
Now, put down the plan, open your eyes, be willing to risk something, like
risk a little bit of vulnerability, risk a little bit of emotional whatever, little
bit of being exposed and see what more you can take in embody and
embrace, embody yourself.
One, Michael Beckwith. I don't know if you are familiar with him. He's a ..
He always says you have to feel it to heal it. That's basically what you are
saying. Allow ourselves to feel it. The other thing is I'm having a very direct
example of this right now. Correct me if this is not what you meant. I had a
realization. When I lived in New York, it was a very masculine environment,
and I had to be in that young energy all the time to basically survive. Then I
moved to Hawaii, and Hawaii is all yin. It's like now that I've been in this
feminine, I'm loving it. I'm in this big pendulum swing.
What I realize is that in the pendulum swing to the feminine, I had to deny
the more masculine elements of myself. A friend recently gave me a
magnet and my son is Capricorn. She gave me a magnet and it had this cute
gold on it instead of Capricorn and had all these qualities of Capricorn. It
was like goal-oriented, and ambitious, and reliable, and loyal, and
committed, and perseverance, and all these things. I had this moment of,
"Wow. I am not in that right now." I'm not embodying my Capricorn. I was
like been denying my Capricorn. It feels like this moment is like, "Let's
come back together." I like that part of me, and I've been denying it,
because I just have for a lot of reasons. Is that ... That's that process for
me, I guess, is when you are talking it was like, that will be coming back to
embodying my sun, and my Mercury, and my Venus, by the way, embodying
Exactly. What's great about this example you are giving is you have already
lived the young forum of Capricorn, like you said, during the New York
period of your life. It's not like you are sitting here where you are and on
Hawaii and go ahead, "I don't know what young is. I'm going to new York.
Let's see." You already have it in you. Remembering it is literally that
becomes literalized for you. You had an experience of it, so you have a
reference for it in your body, in your heart, but you know what that is to be
kind of in that nervous system, driven New York, Manhattan thing.
Yeah. I'm trying to bring it back without that part, without the control and
all those other things that aren't quite as attractive.
I am not saying that this is phase, but let's say this is the phase that you are
going in. I guess, I am speaking here to people who were born in the
remembering embodiment phase. Let's just pretend with your little back
story that you've shared that this is you [needle 00:36:04] phase. That
means that what you just said I don't want to recreate New York, but I want
to remember, put back together my Capricorn high qualities in within the
context of this beautiful lush yin place on earth. That's a polarity looking
for unity, looking for union, looking for the "hieros gamos," the sacred
marriage of opposites.
I love that.
What I love about this, when I started my work years ago, I played around a
lot with the term "sacred marriage." What I found is if someone really finds
a taste for the sacred marriage of their own opposites, they will never
exhaust it. They could live to be 150. They will still be exploring, feeling,
leaning into, playing with this, and then how does this go together? That
part of my life is dropping away and something else, I don't know what is
replacing it, which is changing my relationship to this other thing. It's that
dance that's a great way to fill into that astrological polarity as a way of
life, not as a source of conflict and self-doubt and over intellectualizing
what I'm supposed to be doing. It's rich.
It's rich. I could go off on so many tangents from that, but I am not going
What happens is this other factor brings in the moon as Venus. Remember, I
said, it's a five-and-a-half month period. It's a very slow deliberate coming
up ascending. It is as if every month, the moon needs Venus and bring ...
Let's say Venus is right here where we are now, around 20% through the
remembering embodiment phase, like Venus is in Libra. If the moon comes
through transmits to Venus and then leaves. Venus go out, Venus goes
higher. There comes the moon again, transmits the next sign.
The moon becomes this monthly mostly harbinger, bringer, transmitter,
almost like an insemination to Venus to keep her current with what's
happening, because moon is our satellite. The moon is not of the solar
system. The moon is of the earth. That's very very important to understand.
The moon is of the earth. It's our satellite. It's our other.
Every month as the moon is bringing Venus higher, if you will, you get this
incredible very tangible, very real ... How is this longer remembering
embodiment cycle? What am I supposed to be remembering in embodying
this month? You find that from the sign.
A couple of weeks ago, September 3rd, Venus and the moon met at five
Libra. That's the remembering and embodiment instructions that we have
going on now in mid September. The next one will happen on October 3rd,
and that will happen at 12 Scorpio.
Are you going to tell us what that means a little bit, what that means ...
Absolutely. Yeah. In order for me to tell you what it means, I need to zoom
out one more step though. If we can look at this, and again in the big
picture, just the full M, where Venus is at her birth down here, where
means the sign of Venus tells us the cycle sign, the sign of the entire cycle,
if you will, the developmental intention of the entire cycle. Just like you
and I, if I were to say, "Hey, Amanda. What's your sign?" You would think to
your son sign. Specifically, what are you looking towards? You are looking to
the sign of the sun at the moment of your birth. When was the last time
some said, "Amanda, what's your sign?" You went back nine months before
when you were conceived and went and gave that sign?
Why is birth so important? It's because the first time we are autonomous
physical beings. Same thing with Venus. At the birth phase, so this cycle
that we are in now is the Leo cycle of Venus. This is the Leo cycle.
Whatever sign, Venus is in throughout the entire 19 months, and she goes to
all of them, a couple of them twice. We are overall serving, and this is
where it gets a little bit more archetypal, serving the Leo goddess as
opposed to the Aries Goddess, or the Taurean Goddess, or the what have
you. This is the Leo goddess.
Now, to your question, the question that you're asking, I would rephrase
that as, "How is, right now, with Venus in the moon just recently conjunct
in Libra, how is Venus and Libra contributing something to the overall
human Leo feminine through remembering and embodiment?" How is Libra
contributing something to Leo awakening, Leo realization for men and
women on the planet?
Very clearly, one huge thing that Libra gives to Leo is an awareness of
others that Leo sometimes really struggles to have. I mean that with
gentleness and kindness about me. It's very difficult sometimes for person
that's strong willed to sensitized themselves to the reality or the picture of
another person. All signs have their weakness. All signs have their
That's one thing that we are doing right now all the way through October
3rd. Venus and Libra, that transit is serving this overall Leo goddess, if you
Now, I want to make a little bit of a comment here and I very rarely do
this. People knew that my work that you don't know, but people who've
been following me for a long time they are like, "Oh my god. Is he talking
about politics or what? Is that Adam?" Is this upcoming election. This is so
clearly these candidates, this is so clearly a battle of Leo, and I would say
the lower vibration, the lower octave of Leo energy. This is clearly a Leo
battle. It's not just, "Look at me," it's, "My way. This is what the country
needs." There is such myopic thinking. It's really disturbing to me. Now,
that's in the US.
Take it further. Remember a few months ago, Brexit happened during the
Leo cycle. The UK as a county said, "Being a member of all of you isn't
working for us." That's a Leo rules.
Now, in a larger sense, because I follow some of the financial and economic
cycles, especially the relationship of governments with central banks,
governments with different stock markets. There is definitely a movement
now on behalf of central banks around the world to gradually reduce
economic borders between countries. What starts to happen, what we start
to see is by hook or by crook, we are going to be becoming more affected
and influenced by one another as you was a great experiment of.
This is all happening within the Venus cycle of Leo, Venus as the planet that
rules, if you will, personal finances, investments, personal resources.
Venus, as a planet, despises Taurus and Libra, so it's both "what I have" and
"who I have." Who is with me? Who are my resources ally's networks
[inaudible 00:46:22] in a very immediate way?
Venus then in this rule of cycle, for example, when we get the wholeness in
January, which will be after the election and the completion, and then the
cycle ends, it's going to become very interesting what happens. How do we
come out of this Leo Cycle? I'm a little bit concerned about this wholeness.
You see this mark up here with the ad reaches in extreme up here? That's
like an extreme of Leo wholeness.
At the personal level, not the collection that I'm talking about political
international. At the personal level, this is going to be an incredible time.
There's going to be such awakening I believe up for so many people about
what they are capable of and what's true for them, and how to stop
listening to all voices about what they should and shouldn't be and actually
becoming who they really are. At the collective level, there's going to be a
breakdown of this, "Hey. Let's kumbaya. Let's all get along." I think there's
going to be more this core before a new result is found years ahead.
I'm a little concerned on the big level, but on the personal level, because
that's really where my work and my creator is a little dedicated to working
with individuals, couples, and groups in a very immediate way. I'm very
optimistic, as optimistic on a personal and interpersonal into subjective
level as I am a little concern or pessimistic on the collective level about the
stability of things, systems, governments, rules, the ability to reinforce
rules and all that fairness.
Amanda, that's basically it. That what I have for you.
Just to remind everybody, you said that starts around January 12th, right?
Correct at nine Pisces. Exactly. By the way, this is where Venus is close to
Neptune, I believe. The Venus conjunct near Neptune in wholeness space.
There's going to be such hard Pisces. This is such a big cosmic even visions
opening, getting them, receiving them. Completion, though, is as I put it,
cross the [teas 00:49:21] and dock the eyes, and complete any last bits. We
set out ceiling. I got something. Now, it's time to go back and integrate and
apply it to my life, kind of thing.
Awesome. Adam, I love the idea of using astrology and the movement of
the sky to create our curriculum here on earth in terms of our own growth.
It sounds like this, the Venus phase really gives us a good framework to
work within as we're each getting to know ourselves better and getting rid
of the things that don't work, and really coming into that full expression of
who we are.
Yeah. The free gift is a chapter from my recent book, "The Light of Venus."
It's a little bit glaring, but yeah, "The Light of Venus." It's the chapter that
fully describes the astronomy, the astrology, the psychology, the evolution
of this remember and embodiment phase.
It's a whole chapter just excerpt came right from the book.
You are also offering some extra bonuses for those of the audience
members who upgrade, correct?
Yes. That's right. This map that you are seeing here, but in expanded form.
It's this map with a lot more detail and a lot more points, like where Venus
actually reaches maximum brightness and various other points for ... It's
really got both astrologers, meaning people who work with charts, and
people who work with charts in the sky. They are going to get that special
map. Also, they are going to get a whole list of all the Venus events every
single Venus-moon meeting, every transition from remembering and
embodiment, the wholeness to completion, your position, and some others
as a list that you can just plug into your calendar and live with Venus.
Google Capricorn.
Exactly. I use Google calendar. On my Google calendar, I've got all the Venus
That's awesome.
Because I work with Mars so much also. I've got the Mars events also in
Great. That's for all of you. When you upgrade, you'll get access to those
additional gift offerings from Adam. Thank you so much for doing that. I'd
love to give you an opportunity to talk about, "The Light of Venus.
Embracing Your Deeper Feminine, Empowering our Shared Future." Can you
tell us a little bit about that?
Yes. I wanted to write an astrology book. That was 100% astrology and 0%
Because it forced me. Exactly. I have some Capricorn also. The book came
out at the Venus transit when Venus was the closest to earth that she ever
gets in like 100 years or so, back at the last few [inaudible 00:54:41] in
2012. It's done really well. I am so pleased with how many people that went
in or just shared. I am using you phase with this. Can I ask a question about
that? All that.
What the book does it explains all 13 phases fully, completely. Also, it sets
up the discussion of all the phases with explanation of what the feminine
actually is. What I wanted to do there is I wanted to help people who are
assuming some things about what the feminine is and is not to stop those
assumptions and gt more clear and accurate about what the feminine
principle actually is.
It's so huge.
My sister-in-law, she's awesome. I love here. She, one time came to me,
though. She had just a reading with an astrologer. It was an aspect about
embodying more of the feminine in. She says, "Amanda, I am never going to
be the woman who's in the kitchen and baking all day. I don't know how I
would embody ..." I'm like, "Man, that's not the feminine. That's just not
what it means." There's so much misconception about what it is. I think all
in the process of discovering what it actually is.
I very much agree. These phases that we are each both into one of them,
this is our feminine genus. This is my natal Venus by sign health aspects,
round 2D chart wheel. Applied. Awakened. Choosy. Serious. True. Beautiful.
Powerful. Applied to the better men of society, the creation of a beautiful
family, the improvement of something or the contribution to the
betterment or the improvement of something in the world bigger than us.
That's how the phases any planet with the suns. Phase takes from birth
chart and then makes it very real in the society that we're living in. That's
really what the phases are.
Right. Brilliant. Everybody, you can check that out at where, Adam?