Neuro Critical Care
Neuro Critical Care
Neuro Critical Care
By the end of this module you will be required to:
Define Mechanism of Injury and understand its relationship to patients
clinical presentation
Describe the components of the CNS
Describe the layers of Meninges and Spaces within the skull
Discuss the anatomy and physiology of the brain
Apply the Mechanism of Injury to various regions of the brain in order
to predict expected deficits
Outline the basic functions of the 4 major areas of the brain:
Outline the function of Brocas Area
Outline the function of Wernickes Area
Describe the activities at the Circle of Willis
Define the regions of the brainstem and list the functions of each
Discuss the ventricular system of the brain
Define CSF and its functions
Briefly explain the brains circulation
Relate the circulation to brain injury pathologies
Define Autoregulation
Understand the limitations of Autoregulation and relate this to brain
Describe the function of the Blood Brain Barrier
Discuss the anatomy of the spine
Identify the vertebral regions of the spine
Describe the components of the PNS
Describe the function of the ANS
Describe the function of the SNS
Discuss the basic anatomy and function of nerves
Describe Nerves Impulses and their mechanism of action
Relate the mechanism of nerve impulses to spinal injuries
Describe the medical implications of Aneurysms
Compare the etiology, presentation, diagnosis, treatment and
interventions of:
Subarachnoid Hemorrhages
Epidural Hematomas
Subdural Hematomas
AV Malformations
Discuss Vasospasm
Relate interventions to the prevention of Vasospasm
Understand the importance of early rehab on neuro and spinal
Understand the role of early nutrition in neuro and spinal conditions
Understand the Rashid Hospital TBI Guidelines
SDH Subdural
SCDs Sequential Compression
Blood Pressure
SBP Systolic Blood Pressure
Heart Rate
Respiratory Rate
CNS Central Nervous System
PNS Peripheral Nervous System
SNS Somatic Nervous System
Before starting with Neuro, I want to talk about Mechanism of
Injury. This is a trauma term that you will hear me use a lot. It tells
you a great deal about how an injury occurred and gives you an idea
of what kind of damage you can expect. For instance, looking at
spinal injuries, what kind of injury would you expect if a patient was
hit from behind in her car? What about if it was a head-on collision?
What if she were hit from the side? What if she were unbelted? Do
you see how your body responses will all be in different directions
with different impacts? We can take this a step further and discuss
gunshot wounds. What kind of bullets were used? If they were
exploding bullets what kind of damage would you expect to see vs
non-exploding bullets? What if the bullets had a high rate of
velocity or a slow rate of velocity? What if it was a shotgun instead
of a rifle/handgun?
Even though we receive the patients already diagnosed, secondary
injuries can frequently get missed in the excitement of a trauma
resuscitation. It is important that ICU nurses inquire about the
Mechanism of Injury so that when we do our assessment we can
consider what type of injuries we should be seeing and do an indepth assessment on those particular areas to ensure nothing was
missed. It is also important in many cases (especially women and
children) to be sure the injuries are consistent with what is
expected; if they are not consistent for instance, if a female says
she fell down the stairs but has very specific blunt abdominal
trauma and no other bruises, this doesnt correlate with her story.
You should consider that the story is perhaps inaccurate and this
may warrant further investigation, possibly by police.
Your nervous system is divided into two sections:
o Brain
o Spinal Cord
Think of the CNS being located in the central part of your body,
and the PNS as everything branching off the CNS to other parts of
your body.
We will look a little closer at these two sections now.
Your CNS is very fragile, so the major components are surrounded by
bones to help protect things. Because of this, we should know a bit
about not only the CNS itself but also these protective coverings. So
lets look at your skull first. Your skull is made up of bones joined
together by sutures. The skull is divided into the cranium and the
facial area. Well focus on the cranium. The major bones are:
Temporal (2)
Parietal (2)
Aside from the bones, your brain has some other protective devices
as well there are a few linings (meninges) under your cranium
before reaching the brain. Think of cracking open an egg. There is
a slimy film covering the yoke that you can usually peel off with a
little effort. Then there is another filmy lining attached to the shell,
which you can also peel away. The inside of the cranium is similar.
These meninges lay on top of each other but are not joined; there is
a potential for space between these linings. Therefore, if a bleed
were to occur, it could separate these meninges and settle in the
space. So from skull to brain:
Epidural Space: contains small arteries and lymphatic's
Dura Mater: Flush with the bone
Subdural Space
Arachnoid: very thick; loosely encloses the brain
Subarachnoid Space: lots of spongy connective tissues. CSF
flows through here
Pia Mater: mesh-like film which lies on top of the brain along
the lumps and valleys
These linings and spaces help with shock absorption and reduce
friction by allowing fluids inside, much like your joints have synovial
fluid so the bones dont grate together.
All this protection gives you an idea of how fragile your brain is!
Also note that these layers are continuous with the spinal column as
well, as this picture illustrates:
4 Major areas
important in
A person will usually have a dominant side of his
cerebrum, either right or left, which means thatYOU
they will have a skill set leaning towards those TRAIN IT AND
more in one side than the other; however,
everyone uses both sides of their brainscan you
imagine reasoning without intuition? Of courseTHINK?
Thinking: Is a GCS
Memory storage
score applicable
with an
injury to Brocas
GI activity
Emotionally labile
Emotional affect
And what of that gray matter inside? The basal ganglia provide an
inhibitory effect on our motor control of fine body movements.
Damage to the basal ganglia results in increased motor tone.
DIENCEPHALON: The diencephalon is a relay station between
higher and lower brain areas. It contains:
o Physiological needs temperature regulation, water
metabolism, endocrine function
o Physical expressions in response to emotions (blushing,
dry mouth, clammy hands)
o Sleep-wake cycle/Circadian rhythms
BRAINSTEM: Think of the brainstem as the ice cream cone that the
brain sits on. It is composed of three areas. The higher and lower
areas of the brain communicate through these different areas, as
well as it being the relay centre for any messages between the spine
and brain. From top to bottom of the cone:
o Centre for auditory and visual reflexes
o Cranial Nerves III and IV
o Some control of respiratory function
o Cranial Nerves V VIII
o Motor and sensory tracts run through here
o Controls heart rate, respiratory rate,
dilation/constriction of blood vessels
o Vomiting and coughing reflexes
o Cranial Nerves IX XII
o Continuous with the spinal cord
Coordinates movement
Maintains balance
Spatial coordination
VENTRICLES: These are the hollow areas inside your brain. There
are 4 cavities:
They hold fluid, just like the ventricles of the heart, only the brain
ventricles hold cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
25 ml/h produced
Like the brain, the spinal cord needs protection; this comes in the
form of the Spinal Column a column of bones, ligaments, and
cartilaginous disks that encircles the spinal cord, producing a
flexible frame that protects the cord yet still allows us movement.
The spinal column is comprised of 33 bones called vertebrae
(singular = vertebra):
7 Cervical
12 Thoracic
5 Lumbar
Between the non-fused vertebrae lie disks. They vary in size, shape
and thickness, and contain fluid for shock absorption; when they
lose their fluid content (age, trauma), damage can occur.
The spinal cord runs down through the vertebrae and is the
transmitting pathway for sensory and motor signals coming from the
brain to various parts of the body, and vice versa. Different nerve
fibres throughout the spinal cord conduct impulses at different
speeds (the thicker the myelin sheath the quicker the conduction).
Sensory impulses enter the cord from the brain via regions called
dermatomes (remember this for later). Impulses to the peripheral
regions leave via the ventral root and head out to the body. Sensory
deficits occur only when the sensory component of two or more
spinal nerves is interrupted. If only one spinal nerve is involved you
will have pain or paresthesia.
Remember how your brain has linings to protect it? Well, your
spinal cord has similar protective linings:
Dura mater: Encases spinal roots, ganglia and nerves
Arachnoid: Continuation of cerebral arachnoid
Pia Mater: Thicker and less vascular than the Cerebral Pia Mater
12 Cranial Nerves
Before we get into neuro pathologies, it is important to cover the
nerves themselves, and to understand a bit about the anatomy of a
nerve, including conduction. Dont worry about memorizing this;
just have an idea in your head about how conduction occurs,
understand the neurotransmitters, and think about what happens at
this level when brain injuries occur.
There are two types of nerve cells:
A. Neuroglia cells
Provide supportive functions (structural
support, nourishment, protection) for
neurons, ie they wrap around neurons.
40% of the brain and spinal cord are made
up of neuroglia cells
(5-10 times more than neurons)
Can divide by mitosis
Major source of primary tumours
Central nervous system neuroglial cells:
1. Astroctyes: multiple processes (star-like). Responsible for
nutrition, removing debris, controlling movement of molecules
from blood to brain, regulating synaptic connectivity
2. Oligodenroctyes: have a few branching processes. Produce
the myelin sheath neurons in the CNS. An individual oligo-cell
can maintain the myelin sheaths of several axons
3. Ependyma cells: Line the ventricular system. Aid in
production of CSF; act as a barrier to foreign substances within
the ventricles
4. Microglia: scattered throughout the CNS; phagocytes for
neuron waste.
Peripheral nervous system cells:
5. Schwann cells: form myelin sheath around axons (equal to
oligo-cells but in the PNS). When they wrap around an axon
their outer layer encloses the myelin sheath. The outer layer
is called the neurolemma, and is said to be necessary for the
Conducting impulses
Releasing chemical neuroregulators
Components of a neuron:
a. Cell body: includes nucleus, cell membrane and cytoplasm
b. Axon: carries impulses away from cell body. Can be very
long; branches near end of projection
c. Dendrites: direct impulses towards cell body. Extend only a
short distance from cell body and branch profusely
85% occur in the Circle of Willis (so what are the deficits going to
Localized headache
Possible photophobia
Medical Management
Augmenting CBF:
o Optimize CPP
o Improving blood viscosity
o Euvolemia (no hypovolemia)
o ICP interventions
BP Control
Prevent Vasospasm
Nursing Management:
Frequent Neuro Checks, including Cranial Nerves
ICP Control (whether with ICP/EVD or not, treat as an increased
ICP patient)
Anti-seizure prophylaxis
Stool softeners
Narrowing of a cerebral blood vessel causing reduced bloodflow
distally. Usually occurs 3-14 days after SAH. It is unclear why this
happens, but is thought that mediators or chemicals are released as
the clot breaks down. 1/6 of patients die from vasospasm. The site
of the original bleed can predict where a vasospasm is likely to
occur, so if you watch for deficits related to this area you can catch
things early and limit damage.
Transcranial Dopplers
Triple-H therapy:
Hypervolemia (Keep CVP > 12 with fluids)
Hemodilution (Keep Hct 30-35%)
Hypertension (Norepi; titrate for CPP; during vasospasm
keep SBP>170, MAP>70)
This keeps the blood thin, making it easier to get through the
narrower vessel to keep post-narrowing structures perfused. The
hypertension and hypervolemia help increase CBF.
Risk factors for vasospasm include electrolyte disturbances,
primarily Hyponatremia. This is a good time to discuss Sodium and
Volume Issues in Neuro patients:
Serum Na
Urine Na
Normal to
Normal to
to Low
Be sure to understand the chart above so that you may distinguish
which condition your patient has. Be specifically clear about the
difference between SIADH and CSW.
Case Study:
Mrs. B was brought into the ER by her family; she collapsed at home
about 20 minutes ago, right after complaining of the worst
headache shes ever had. On examination, her vitals are BP
190/120, HR 62, RR 18 and regular, Temp 37.6C, O2 saturation 94%.
You do a neuro check:
Eyes open to pain
Pupils are 4, equal and sluggish to respond
She is saying inappropriate words when aroused; otherwise
She is moving her left arm spontaneously but is not squeezing your
hand or following commands. Her motor control is poor. Her left leg
moves laterally across the bed. There is no movement on the right
A CT scan shows a ruptured aneurysm to the Right Middle Cerebral
Artery. She is taken to the OR for repair and evacuation of the clot
and then sent to you in the ICU. You look after her for 4 days in a
TFI 70cc/h
Keep MAP 60
EKG q day
CXR in a.m.
Nimodipine 30 mg po TID
1. What EKG changes might you expect to see with this patient?
2. If this patient wakes up she is likely to have difficulty with
extraocular eye movements, and possible visual impairment.
This indicates damage to which cranial nerves?
Keep in mind all bleeds and injuries can present with a multitude of
symptoms. It is not important to know them specifically but it IS
important to be able to recognize a change in behaviour and a
change in the level of consciousness.
So, if a patient comes in after bumping his head and in a few hours
suddenly gets irritable, this is a reportable finding! REPORT ANY
Epidural Hemorrhage/Hematoma (EDH): Frequently caused by
blunt trauma, this bleed results from a tear in the meningeal artery
which runs directly below the temporal bone. This artery then
bleeds rapidly into the epidural space. Because this is an arterial
bleed, this is a serious emergency and surgery is warranted.
ICP Control
Monitor labs
Sensory disturbance
If left untreated the symptoms will worsen slowly and can result
in irreversible damage and death.
SDHs are classified as acute or chronic, based on the size of the
bleed and the potential for trouble ie if we know the impact was
high-speed we will expect a more acute problem and possibly a
larger bleed. Despite being a slower bleed, acute SDHs are
the most lethal of all head injuries and have a higher
mortality rate than even EDHs.
Treatment: Depending on the size and rate of the bleed, some
can be managed medically and with time. Others may require
catheter insertion to evacuate the clot, and others still will
require surgical intervention to remove the clot and stop the
bleeding. Sadly, depending on the location and extent of a
bleed, some are inoperable and will require palliative measures.
Nursing Management: Same as above
There are two types of strokes:
Ischemic, caused by clots, emboli, etc. Account for 85% of
Hemorrhagic, cause by an intracerebral bleed or an SAH.
These are usually caused by uncontrolled HTN, aneurysms,
AVM etc. They account for 15% of all strokes
Ischemic Strokes: This is equivalent to a heart attack in the brain. A
clot or emboli occludes the artery and causes tissue death beyond
the clot. There will be minimal blood flow to the area but maximum
vasodilation surrounding it; this is due to lactic acid formation. If
you administer a cerebral vasodilator at this time, only the healthy
areas will dilate, and this steals blood from the unhealthy area. Be
very careful with the use of antihypertensives at this time.
Goal: Reperfusion/anti-thrombolytic therapy. There is usually a 3hour window from the time of onset of symptoms to the time of antithrombolytic therapy. It is important, then, that first responders,
families and friends recognize the need to take the patient to a
stroke centre (a hospital experienced in treating strokes, that has
the systems in place to triage, assess, diagnose and treat within
those 3 hours. Much like reperfusion treatment post-MI, the
outcomes are quite favourable.
Epileptic seizures: recurrent seizures. Usually associated with
a specific focal point
Aura: pre-monitory warning; remembered. Can be visual,
auditory, olfactory, etc.
Automatisms: coordinated but involuntary motor activities
that occur during a state of impaired consciousness (lip
smacking, fidgeting). Often assocd with temporal lobe
Clonus: spasms; a continuous pattern of rigidity and
relaxation repeated. 2nd phase of a seizure
Ictus: actual seizure
Tonus: degree of tone or contraction present in muscles when
it is not undergoing shortening.
Todds paralysis: temporary focal weakness following a
seizure; can last up to 24 hours. neuronal exhaustion.
During Todds paralysis, depending on whats not working, you
can determine the focal site of the seizure.
Status Epilepticus: continuous seizures lasting at least 5
minutes, or two or more distinct seizures between which there
is incomplete recovery.
1. Partial (aka Focal): 3 types - simple, complex and evolving (into
generalized). If consciousness is not impaired we call it a simple
partial; if consciousness is impaired we call it a complex partial. .
2. Generalized: 6 types
a. Absence (aka Petit-Mal): Absences seizures are brief, usually
less that 20 seconds. They have a sudden onset and
Managing a Seizure:
Lie the patient somewhere at no risk for falls (ie bedrails up)
or injury (away from sharp edges or hard surfaces they can
bang into, such as the base of the toilet or bathtub)
Remove eyeglasses and restrictive clothing
Tumours arise in association with multiple specific
structural/molecular alterations within cells, and can cause the cell
to proliferate abnormally and/or to invade surrounding tissues.
Tumours can be caused by a cessation of cellular activities or an
increase in them. These space-occupying lesions compress healthy
brain tissue, causing an increased ICP. Patients will present with a
variety of symptoms, depending on location of tumour and how
much it is compressing healthy tissue headaches, altered LOC,
seizures, motor or sensory deficits, etc. Tumours are named for the
structure they invade:
Control ICP
Prevent Infection
Neuro Checks
Patient/Family Education
HOB 30o
Head in alignment
And what about those pesky clots? Sometimes, clots are small
enough that they are not impeding ICP substantially, or they
are in an area where surgeons cannot reach. In these cases,
you must wait several days for the clots to lyse by themselves
and get reabsorbed. If the clots are large enough, though,
immediate evacuation is warranted in order to prevent
b. Brain: What about limiting ICP from a brain tissue standpoint?
We can only consider shrinking the edema, really. Hence, we
give Mannitol. If the brain continues to swell, however, we
can think about giving it more space.via a Bone Flap. If we
remove a piece of skull bone then suddenly theres more room
to shift/to swell, etc.
c. CSF: Normally the appropriate amounts of CSF will slip down
into your spinal column, or get reabsorbed via the venous
circulation. But if our brain is swollen perhaps these avenues
arent working optimally. What we want to do is provide
another route for CSF to exit. Hence, the EVD. By decreasing
the amount of CSF in the ventricles, they will shrink and allow
the brain to swell a bit more. We will discuss EVD
management later.
This is how you approach ICP management. But there are a few
more things we can do to help control ICP, and it goes back to
optimizing bloodflow. What are some other influences on dilation
and constriction?
Natural neurogenic regulators will help regulate CBF: The
release of norephinephrine will constrict (sympathetic response)
while acetylcholine will dilate (parasympathetic response).
CO2: This is the major influence on blood vessel dilation. When
the PCO2 is high, dilation occurs, which increases cerebral bloodflow
(which means it takes up >10% of the space in your skull, leaving
less room for the brain to swell). When the PCO2 is low CBF
decreases, allowing brain swelling to take up more space without
compromising ICP.
If our goal is to limit bloodflow while not compromising perfusion, we
should aim, then, for a CO2 on the lower side of normal (ie 35-38).
So if you have a patient with a risk of increased ICP you should
monitor your ABGs frequently to ensure you keep things where they
need to be.
pH: pH affects CBF as well Acidosis will cause vasodilation,
whereas alkalosis will produce vasoconstriction.
O2: Oxygen has the opposite effect on vessels they dilate when
oxygen is low and constrict when oxygen is high (this makes sense;
if your body feels there is an oxygen deficit to the tissues it is going
to send more blood there). Usually we try to reduce FiO2 to the
lowest possible levels as long as PaOs is 80-100, but in the case of
ICP patients, as long as you are not in the toxic range of FiO2
(>50%), you neednt rush to keep your PaO2 within normal limits.
Temperature: As you know, patients suffer vasodilation when they
are febrile. You now know that we need to limit vasodilation in an
effort to control CBF; therefore, we keep the patient cool, aiming for
35-37oC. For every 1 rise in temp, cerebral metabolic rate s by 5-7
% and oxygenation requirements by ~ 18%.
Another reason to keep a patient afebrile is their metabolic rate,
which increases with fever. We know that the brain is already a
major user of oxygen and glucose. With a fever we need even more
in order to combat it; if we can limit that then these nutrients can go
towards healing. The cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen extraction is
d 50-75 % for every 1 drop in Temp.
It is important to catch rises in temperature early so that we can act
before problems get too bad. It is important, therefore, to keep a
close eye on your patients temperature; you should be doing temps
every hour at minimum. Better yet, your patient should have a
continuous temperature probe.
One more influence on cerebral bloodflow is blood viscosity. A low
hemoglobin could increase bloodflow by 30%. It is important,
therefore, to monitor a CBC and transfuse to keep hemoglobin
Avoid constipation
Electrolyte Balance
Quiet environment
Reduce Stimulation
Arterial in origin
Transmission is from the intracerebral blood vessels
to the brain parenchyma and CSF, and/or from the
choroid plexus to the CSF and parenchyma
Venous in origin
o Sharp spikes every 30 seconds or so, occurring with
normal or elevated ICP.
o Results in ICP peaks up to 50, but not sustained
o Related to fluctuations in CBF and are usually due to
increased compliance
o 4-8 times/minute, occurring with normal changes in
systemic BP
o Can create nonsustained peaks up to 20
o Not clinically significant
Herniation is a shifting of the brain from an area of high pressure to
an area of lower pressure. As pressure is exerted on the brain
tissue, it gets pushed out of the way. There are a few types of
herniations, some of which result in lateral movement and others
which result in vertical movement. The important thing to think
about is that if herniation is occurring it is because swelling inside
the head is still going on and theres just nowhere else to go. The
situation is worsening.
Central (Transtentorial Herniation): This is also known as Coning.
A downward displacement of the cerebral hemispheres occurs,
putting pressure onto the brainstem. This is almost always fatal.
Signs of Deterioration
ITS NOT JUST A GCS!!!!!!!!!!!
If there are changes in the GCS you should also report how long it
has been since the last check (ie 4 hours, 1 hour) so clinicians have
an idea of how quickly things are changing.
No Response
Inappropriate Words
Incomprehensible Sounds
No Response
No Response
Now that weve done our GCS we must do a more thorough investigation for all the components:
Pupil Size: After changes start to occur braindeath is already in progress and deterioration can occur rapidly
Interaction with environment: Stating that the patient is opening his eyes spontaneously does not tell us about his level of
consciousness, does it? Think about it: What about the patient who has his eyes open but is staring straight ahead, not
focusing, barely blinking...hes scoring well on his GCS but hes still not in a good way, is he? Hence we need to assess how
the patient is interacting with his environment:
o Is he focusing on objects?
o Is he tracking your movement as you walk around the room?
Motor tone and strength: Remember that the GCS is the best score. A persons ability to recognize a painful stimulus and try
to remove it tells us that that particular part of his brain is still able to interpret signals, but it doesnt tell us much about his
actual motor function.
o Is the movement spontaneous or just to command?
o Is it purposeful? For example, is he actually straightening his bedsheets or is he just playing with them in his fingers?
o Hand grasps are they equal in strength
o Movement of all extremities are these equal?
o Define the maximum ability:
Against resistance
Against gravity
Laterally Only
Your assessment, and subsequent actions, should be guided by the following questions:
What do I see?
What does it mean?
How does it relate to previous assessments? (Is there a deterioration going on?)
What do I need to do?
Also, keep in mind that auditory, tactile, and peripheral painful stimuli could result in reflexive movements. Its better to use a
central stimulus when doing neuro checks.
We will cover GCS and motor checks more in-depthly in class.
What cranial nerves are involved in the corneal reflex? What about Dolls Eyes?
Documentation: All of the above findings need to be documented; as well, you should also be very specific as to the type of
stimulus you applied (did you pinch a trapezius or did you perform nailbed pressure? Did you get a better response talking into
the patients left ear than you did his right ear?). You can never document too much in a neuro assessment.
On Old Olympus Towering Top, A Fin And German Viewed Some Hops
Do you remember what mnemonic you used to remember the cranial nerves?
Before we discuss the cranial nerves, lets think about why we, as nurses, should know these and how to test for them.
Check III, IV, VI together by having patient trace your finger movement (up down, sideways, diagonal and in an H-pattern)
Check IX, X together with a gag check
In spinal injuries it is important to consider the mechanism of injury so that we can have an idea of where to look for damage.
Vertebrae are small and tiny fractures can be easily missed. If we know we are looking for a side-to-side injury then perhaps we
wont overlook that small crack in the bone.
Anatomy and Physiology
There are two main parts to a vertebra: the body and the arch. Vertebral bodies are separated by discs (shock absorbers). The
arch is created by a series of irregularly shaped projections. Down the middle of it all runs the spinal cord. Because everything is
jammed into a small space, the possibility of injury is high and the possibility of one injury affecting another is higher yet.
The Cervical Spine supports the head and has an 80 degree arc of movement front to back. Side to side neck rotation is possible
due to the shapes of the C-spine vertebra. The rest of the spine moves much less. Because the C-spine is not fixed like the other
parts, it is more susceptible to injuries.
Acceleration-Deceleration injuries are the most frequent, with deceleration being the major contributor to the injury. These are
caused by rear-end and head-on injuries (RTAs, sports injuries).
Body responses:
Hyperflexion produces compression of the v bodies
Hyperextension causes fractures of the posterior elements of the spinal column
Deformation happens to soft tissues and bones as a result of trying to accommodate the abnormal movements
Axial loading also known as vertical compression (up-down injuries, ie diving, falls)
Excessive rotation: Caused by side impacts. Results in fractures or tearing, fractured articular processes
The spinal cord can be involved in a variety of ways, either directly when the accel-decel forces throw your head back and sever
your cord, or from an axial loading/rotation situation where bones break and the resultant pieces sever the cord
Stable vs Unstable fractures: These diagnoses are often based on the posterior ligaments. If theyre intact, the injury is
considered stable. If ligaments are torn, the injury is unstable. Or, if more than one area of the vertebra is broken the fracture is
frequently labeled as unstable. Basically, a stable fracture is not likely to displace more than it was at the time of injury, but
unstable fractures have the potential to displace further and damage the cord.
Many spinal cord injuries can be temporary as a result of compression or edema. The resultant deficits can vary, depending on
the location of the compression (ie the anterior part of the cord, vs a lateral side). Complete cord transaction is rare. However,
partial transections can present as complete transections due to edema or compression. It is important to get good diagnostics
and to logroll a person if a complete transection cannot be radiographically visualized.
If you dont know for sure, assume neck pain.
This is the cardinal rule for spinal safety. If the patient is unable to tell you if they have neck pain, then treat them like a spinal
cord injury until cleared radiographically.
Stable vs Unstable status is important to know, in order to ensure you are providing the safest care for your patient. Even if the
doctor has ordered the removal of a collar or has said the patient can be AAT (activity as tolerated), misinformation can be costly
to the patient. If you are familiar with what constitutes a stable or unstable fracture, you can read the notes and determine for
whether the orders are safe. If there is conflict, reconfirm it with the doc read the notes back to him if need be.
Clearance of Spines must be done by the trauma team and must be written as an order. It is not sufficient to write it in the
progress notes. This is in our Standards of Care. If it is not written as an order you cannot d/c the precautions. If they refuse to
write it as an order, inform the ICU doctors.
Presentation: Cord injuries are primary (caused by the actual injury) or secondary, in which chemical and vascular changes
occur following an injury; these cause the spinal cord to initiate an intrinsic process of self-destruction. For example: edema,
altered blood flow, release of cytotoxic mediators, membrane injury, electrolyte abnormalities, enzyme release. This results in
necrosis of blood vessels and neurons. Ischemia to CNS cells can happen within 30 minutes and can lead to irreversible damage.
Because edema can ascend the cord quickly, you need to be prepared for ventilation in all patients. The good news is that some
deficits that are presenting above the injury will return once edema subsides.
The higher the injury the greater the deficits. To determine the extent of paralysis, it is easiest to think that everything below the
level of injury will be affected. Anything C-4 and above will be ventilator-dependent for life, as the diaphragm is innervated at
this level. C-5 and C-6 may be non-ventilator dependent or partially-ventilator dependent. Although rare, some C-6 patients have
full function of their upper body and are classifieds as paraplegics only; they can drive, etc.
Immediate signs/symptoms of a spinal cord injury:
Bowel/bladder dysfunction
Spinal shock: Loss of all neuro function below the injury during the acute phase. Patients temperature goes lower than normal
because of the break between the hypothalamus and the SNS. Recovery takes 4-6 weeks. The flaccidity is replaced by spastic
hyperreflexia and bilateral Babinski reflexes. Recovery is gradual as spinal neurons slowly regain their excitability. The return of
anal reflexes signal the end of spinal shock.
Neurogenic shock: The temporary loss of autonomic function as a result of the loss of SNS input to the systemic vasculature of
the heart; this leads to a subsequent decreased peripheral vascular resistance which causes hypotension. It can occur in severe
cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord injuries (SCIs). Symptoms are hypotension and bradycardia. Neurogenic shock is shortlived, about 24-48hours, so avoid fluid overloading; accept a slightly lower blood pressure if not otherwise contraindicated (ie
head injury) the system will right itself soon enough.
Treatment: The primary goal is to optimize outcomes. This involves neural decompression, realignment and stabilization of the
vertebra and surrounding tissues. If there is cord involvement then additional goals become early rehab and prevention of
Nursing Foci:
Cardiac Dysrhythmias
Sensory impairment
Muscle Wasting
Sexual Dysfunction
Loss of Independence/Control
Financial complications
Self-care deficits
Nutrition: As with all trauma patients, it is important to feed Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) patients early. They are frequently in a
hypermetabolic state and require hi-caloric intakes.
Psychological Issues: People have a hard time believing they cannot get their body to move on command. It is difficult for
anyone to accept that they will never walk again, or have the use of their arms, never hold their child, lose their independence,
not be able to drive or play football or go to the coffee shop with friends, not be able to toilet independently, be ventilatordependent for life
It is important to keep in mind that in the acute stages of illness, such as we see in ICU, we are likely going to be exposed to only
the first three stages. To help the patient pass through these stages we need to get them involved early in their own care so they
move out of denial as soon as possible.
Anger guess who is on the frontlines for this? Yes, nurses. While we can absorb some of this anger and accept that it is not
really directed at us, we still must not condone nurse abuse. Behavioral conditioning!!! If we allow poor behavior to be accepted
this provides positive reinforcement and they will continue to behave this way to the future rehab nurses and their families. We
need to be firm for their own sake.
Revisit all those psych rotation interventions from nursing school: setting firm guidelines, making contracts and discouraging
manipulation while allowing for the patient to retake some semblance of control. Let them decide what time their bath will be,
but dont let them decide that they wont have one! Repositioning: After this is done, to avoid being called in every few minutes
for adjustments, ask if everything is OK and offer to make changes at that time. If all is well, reiterate to the patient that you will
return at x time to make minor adjustments but that they must stay on this
side for two full hours. And you must hold up your end of the bargain make sure you return when you say you will and make
minor adjustments.
Finally, human touch is a very social behavior (think of monkeys grooming each other!). The fact that these patients have
sensory deficits can be very isolating. Be sure to provide touch to the patient in an area they still have sensation, preferably
within their line of vision.
Physiotherapy/Activity/Positioning: This includes passive isometric exercises to maintain muscle mass and avoid
contractures. Get your patients involved in this early. They should be working out their upper body but they should also be
performing leg exercises by themselves. Ossification of joints, especially at the hips, can occur at 12 weeks.
A very important part of patient safety is having them be conscientious about positioning. This is an area they need to really be
involved in. When paraplegics are repositioned they should be visually inspecting their position to ensure they are not sitting on
anything, their linens are wrinkle-free and their bony structures are not rubbing together. They should frequently reposition
themselves are get assistance to do so.
This is an area we can start working on with quadriplegics as well. After repositioning a quad, encourage them to ask, Am I
lying/sitting on anything? Are my linens without wrinkles? Are my knees/ankles not rubbing together? Do I have any red
spots? This gives them responsibility for their own safety.
Aside from avoiding pressure sores, why is this so important? Do you remember the term Autonomic Dysreflexia? This is a
condition involving strong muscle spasms presented by stimuli (which, of course, the patient cannot feel). With altered
sensation, they may not know theyre sitting on their scrotum, or have a distended bladder. Signs will be extreme HTN and
tachycardia, SOB, a major headache, dysrhythmias, and sweating. The treatment is to fix the cause, but more importantly, to
avoid the cause. Always be vigilant when positioning spinal cord injured patients. Another preventative measure is to use
anesthetics on pressure ulcers. Avoid ingrown toenails; check to ensure shoes are not too tight. For men, make sure theyre not
sitting on their scrotum. Even though the patient is unaware of the pain, it may cause AD. Likewise, it is important to prevent
joint ossification, which can also cause AD.
Rehab: When does rehab begin? It begins with diagnosis. We have to instantly begin to consider patient preservation. While
quadriplegics will generally need full care with their ADLs, paraplegics will eventually perform many ADLs independently:
Bladder Training: Many paraplegics learn to catheterize themselves at intervals throughout the day. We dont usually get
involved in this at this stage but if you are changing a paraplegics catheter you can begin education by telling him he will soon
learn to do this on his own encouraging the patient to regaining some control over his care.
Bowel Training: Paraplegics learn to recognize their bowel rhythms and by doing so can avoid accidents. Recall that the major
mass movements of peristalsis in the colon happen about four times per day only. A patient will soon recognize his times and
can work his schedule around this. Also, note that constipation is a frequent problem with paraplegics due to their lower activity
level, and they frequently need laxatives/suppositories for assistance.
A patient can help the process along by placing warm towels on their abdomen or by pushing in rhythmic motions over his
abdomen and diaphragm, stimulating movement.
This is something we can start early while patients are still in the ICU.
A dermatome is an area of skin that is mainly supplied by a single sensory spinal nerve which provides sensation to a specific
area of skin. Dermatomes are useful, therefore, for finding the site of damage to the spine.
Neuro injuries are classified as complete (no functional motor or sensory preservation)or incomplete (some sensory or motor
preservation). As mentioned earlier, complete cord transection is rare, but partial transections can present with total injury.
However, because of edema and spinal shock, it is often difficult to tell whether complete injury is present. For this reason we
test dermatomes.
The dermatomes chart on the next page, from the American Spinal Injury Association, is a standard for dermatomes testing, and
covers all the areas of the body. Some experts argue the need to include anal sphincter tests as well but to date there is no
How to Test: As noted on the chart, testing is done with light touch (many ICUs use a cotton ball), and with a gentle pinprick.
There is evidence to show that pinprick testing is less reliable than cold sensation testing using ice cubes; however, your
institution will have developed their own policy and testing will be done accordingly.
Testing is usually done once per shift but if there are signs that spinal shock is waning or that sensation is returning, they will
frequently be done more often.
If you are interested, the following website offers dermatomes learning and testing quiz online:
1. Why is CPR so important in an arrest?
2. It is said that you can develop the other side of your brain if
you train it and focus on those associated tasks. What do you
Studies show that yes, you can train your nondominant side to be more active. I have my doubts
youve all seen my drawings!
3. Is the GCS score applicable to someone with an injury to
Brocas Area?
Yes, GCS is still applicable. You would score it the
same way even though your verbal score will obviously
be affected. You can write in your notes that the injury
is in Brocas area, but the scoring is done the same
way think of how we score a patient whos had a
stroke and has motor deficits. Its the same thing.
4. Neuro patients can develop Diabetes Insipidus. What is
happening neurologically when this happens?
There is injury to the pituitary gland, making the ADH
feedback mechanism is not working properly.
5. A patient with a severe head injury has been having heart rate
fluctuations over the last 3 hours, ranging between 52 and 88
bpm. He has had a continuous fever for the last 12 hours. Is
the heart rate a reportable finding? Why or why not?
This is a reportable finding which has nothing to do
with the fever. This could be a sign of brainstem
involvement (the medulla is the heartrate regulation
6. Think about how you would expect various body systems to
respond if acting under each system. Would your pupils dilate
or shrink if you were frightened? Would your GI system speed
up or slow down? If you think about these responses and
relate them to which system is activated, you can also figure
Case Study 1:
Mrs. B was brought into the ER by her family; she collapsed at home
about 20 minutes ago, right after complaining of the worst
headache shes ever had. On examination, her vitals are BP
190/120, HR 62, RR 18 and regular, Temp 37.6C, O2 saturation 94%.
You do a neuro check:
Eyes open to pain
Pupils are 4, equal and sluggish to respond
She is saying inappropriate words when aroused; otherwise
She is moving her left arm spontaneously but is not squeezing your
hand or following commands. Her motor control is poor. Her left leg
moves laterally across the bed. There is no movement on the right
A CT scan shows a ruptured aneurysm to the Right Middle Cerebral
Artery. She is taken to the OR for repair and evacuation of the clot
and then sent to you in the ICU. You look after her for 4 days in a
TFI 70cc/h
Keep MAP 60
EKG q day
CXR in a.m.
Nimodipine 30 mg po TID
10. What EKG changes might you expect to see with this patient?
Prolonged QT interval, T-wave inversion, presence of a
See above
still quite sleepy and is only aroused with direct contact. She has
had a busy day blood cultures, CT scan, full neurological exam by
d. Ischemic Stroke
e. This is a potentially expected finding on Day 3-5 as the clot
has lysed and chemicals interfere with normal neuro
f. Vasospasm