Singapore Airlines (SIA)
Singapore Airlines (SIA)
Singapore Airlines (SIA)
Production and Operation Management
travel with competitors and report back giving detailed intelligence on competitive
Lastly, SIA recognizes that its competition does not just come from within the
industry, as a rule, SIA sets its sights high, and instead of aiming to be the best
airline, its intention is to be the best service organization. To achieve that, SIA
employs broad benchmarking, not just against its main competitors, but against the
best-in-class service companies:
It is important to realize that [our customers] are not just comparing SIA with other
airlines. They are comparing us against many industries, and on many factors. So
when they pick up a phone and call up our reservation, for example, they are
actually making a mental comparison, maybe subconsciously, to the last best
experience they had. It could be a hotel; it could be to a car rental company. If they
had a very good experience with the hotel or car rental company and if the next call
they make is to SIA, they will subconsciously make the comparison and say how
come youre not as good as them? They do not say you have the best telephone
service system out of all the other airlines Ive called. Being excellent, our
customers, albeit subconsciously, will benchmark us against the best in almost
everything. The new ball game for SIA is not just to be the best of the best in the
airline industry but to work at being the best service company.