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Alcubierre et al.

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2014, 12:131



Open Access

A prospective cross-sectional study on quality of

life and treatment satisfaction in type 2 diabetic
patients with retinopathy without other major
late diabetic complications
Nuria Alcubierre1, Esther Rubinat1,2, Alicia Traveset1,3, Montserrat Martinez-Alonso4, Marta Hernandez1,2,
Carmen Jurjo1,3 and Didac Mauricio1,5*

Background: To assess quality of life and treatment satisfaction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic
retinopathy (DR) using validated instruments, with comparison to patients without DR.
Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was designed to assess the influence of retinopathy on quality of life and
treatment satisfaction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who do not have any other advanced late complications
that could interfere with these outcomes. We included 148 patients with DR and 149 without DR, all without
other advanced diabetic complications. Quality of life was assessed using the Audit of Diabetes Dependent Quality of Life
(ADDQoL) questionnaire, and treatment satisfaction was assessed using the Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire
(DTSQ). Clinical and treatment variables related to diabetes were also collected. The degree of DR was classified according
to the International Clinical Classification System. Multivariate linear regression models were used to model the ADDQoL
and DTSQ scores according to sociodemographical and clinical characteristics, and to model the adjusted relationship of
DTSQ with ADDQoL. In DR patients, a subanalysis assessed the relationship of these scores with the degree of retinopathy,
severity of macular edema, and previous photocoagulation treatment.
Results: DR was associated with significantly lower quality of life (p < 0.001), when examining the two general quality
of life items and most of the specific domains. Concerning DTSQ, no difference was found in the total score, and only
two domains that assess the perception of glycemic control (hyper- and hypoglycemia) showed a worse score in DR
(p < 0.001 and p = 0.008, respectively). Quality of life was significantly affected by the severity of DR, and treatment
satisfaction was significantly affected by the severity of macular edema. In the multivariate analysis, a significant effect
of the interaction between diabetes duration, insulin therapy, and the presence of DR was found for both, ADDQoL
and DTSQ.
Conclusion: In the absence of other major complications, DR has a negative impact on quality of life in patients with
type 2 diabetes. Further, treatment satisfaction was not affected by the presence of DR.
Keywords: Diabetic retinopathy, Quality of life, Treatment satisfaction, Specific questionnaires, Type 2 diabetes mellitus

* Correspondence: didacmauricio@gmail.com
Institut de Recerca Biomdica de Lleida, University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain
Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition, Hospital Germans Trias Pujol,
Carretera Canyet, S/N, 08916 Badalona, Spain
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
2014 Alcubierre et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public
Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this
article, unless otherwise stated.

Alcubierre et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2014, 12:131


Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a diabetes-specific ophthalmic
complication that is still very common and often severe. It
is the leading cause of preventable blindness in workingage adults [1,2]. In Spain, 15.6% of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus are affected by the disease in its different
stages, with a 4% prevalence of proliferative DR [3,4].
Improving quality of life is a primary goal when treating
diabetic patients with DR. Diabetic visual impairment
places the individual in a situation that can profoundly
affect their quality of life [5-7]. Photocoagulation, the firstline and most frequently used treatment for diabetic retinopathy, has an adverse effect on health-related quality of
life and treatment satisfaction in these patients [8].
We understand treatment satisfaction to be the confirmation of expectations for a patient, that is, the agreement
between what the patients expects from the treatment and
the results obtained [9]. Although new treatment standards
advise reconciling traditional measures of vision assessment
with the use of patient-reported outcome measures, choosing the most appropriate instrument to measure quality of
life can be difficult [10]. The primary reason for using specific measures of diabetes-related quality of life is to provide
an accurate, comprehensive, and personal assessment of
this complication, analyzing its role in the patients life and
maximizing the variability in the responses of patients with
the same pathology or in certain groups [11].
In a recent review, Fenwick et al. established that DR is
a threat to the quality of life of patients with type 1 or type
2 diabetes, especially in later stages, and illustrated the
way in which different psychometric properties of the
most frequently used scales can lead to very different outcomes [12]. However, the presence of other diabetic late
complications is the very frequent in participants included
in studies assessing quality of life in diabetic retinopathy
[13,14]. For instance, in the study by Davidov et al.,
complications like coronary heart disease, nephropathy,
peripheral vascular disease or cerebrovascular disease
have been shown to be frequent in patients with retinopathy; in that study, patients had a mean of 2.4 associated co-morbidities and only 11% of them were free of
any of this major health conditions [13]. In a very large
study, the Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study [15], the
authors showed the specific adverse impact in terms of
quality of life of different eye diseases i.e. cataract, corneal
diseases, retinal diseases, glaucoma and uncorrected refractive deffects. Specifically, in that study diseases of the
retina with a very similar impact on visual health, like
macular degeneration, showed an unfavourable impact
on quality of life. Therefore, the specific impact of retinopathy on quality of life in type 2 diabetes deserves
further research.
Few studies have assessed the impact of DR on the quality of life of type 2 diabetic patients. In addition, none of

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the instruments used in those studies, such as generic

health status questionnaires or visual function scales,
although they analyze patient-reported outcomes, can be
considered sufficiently accurate to assess quality of life
outcomes in diabetic patients [10,16]. Only one study
examined satisfaction with photocoagulation treatment
in patients with diabetic maculopathy or proliferative
retinopathy, using the Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction
Questionnaire (DTSQ), and it reported high levels of
satisfaction despite not seeing improvements in visual
acuity [17]. However, the results described in the scientific
literature regarding the specific impact of DR in patients
with type 2 diabetes mellitus should be treated with caution. The coexistence of other advanced diabetic complications, the small sizes of the samples, the heterogeneous
distribution of the variables, and the joint analysis of
results for type 1 and 2 diabetic patients all limit the
utility of previous studies [10,13,15-19]. We have found
no studies in the literature that investigate the specific
impact of retinopathy on quality of life and treatment
satisfaction in type 2 diabetic patients without other advanced diabetic complications using instruments specifically designed to assess these outcomes in diabetic patients.
Thus, we think that further research is needed to explain
the impact of retinopathy on these measures, specifically in
type 2 diabetic patients in the absence of other associated
This study hypothesizes that patients with DR have
poorer self-perceived health-related quality of life and a
lower degree of treatment satisfaction, regardless of the
contribution of other late complications of diabetes (i.e.,
diabetic foot disease, cardiovascular disease, and diabetic
nephropathy). We therefore present the first study, to
our knowledge, specifically designed to assess the impact
of DR in terms of quality of life and treatment satisfaction
assessments in type 2 diabetic patients without other complications that might have confounding effects during the
assessment. In addition, as a secondary objective, we set
out to analyze the clinical and sociodemographic variables
that may be associated with both assessments.

A prospective, observational, cross-sectional study was designed. Patients were identified from a unpublished prospective study on cerebral microcirculation conducted by
our research team in patients with and without retinopathy.
From a total sample of 314 patients and based on the
sample size calculation (see below), a total of a 299
were offered participation in the current study. All initially
contacted patients fulfilled the predefined inclusion criteria and accepted the participation in the study; however,
finally 2 subjects did not show up for the study visit even
after additional efforts were made to include them. It
should be noted that the study visits were scheduled

Alcubierre et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2014, 12:131


independently of the retinopathy status at the best patient

convenience to allow maximum participation. The group
with DR (n = 148) consisted of patients between 40 and
75 years of age with type 2 diabetes mellitus who did not
have macrovascular complications, a history of diabetic
foot disease, macroalbuminuria, or renal failure. The
group without DR (n = 149) consisted of patients in the
same age range with type 2 diabetes mellitus without DR
who also did not have the previously mentioned complications. The group of patients with DR included those who
had any degree of DR, with or without microalbuminuria
(albumin/creatinine ratio up to 300 mcg/g), but without
macroalbuminuria or a history of diabetic foot disease.
The group without retinopathy included participants without evidence of retinopathy on ophthalmologic evaluation.
All patients had normal renal function (glomerular filtration rate > 60 ml/min). None of the study groups included
patients with cardiovascular diabetic complications, which
was confirmed by anamnesis and a review of patients
medical history to verify the lack of heart failure, cerebrovascular disease, ischemic heart disease, or peripheral arterial disease. The recruitment of all the patients was primarily
performed through the Department of Ophthalmology of
the hospital and the enrollment of the patients was
intended to include a similar number of subjects in terms
of age and sex groups. This department is the main public
referral center for our health care district and is responsible
for conducting the screening, assessment and treatment of
all DR cases. The study was discussed with all patients, and
their written informed consent was obtained. The study
was approved by the Ethics Committee of Hospital Arnau
de Vilanova.
Clinical variables

Clinical variables that were obtained are shown in Table 1.

These variables were chosen for their relevance in relation
to diabetes and/or for their potential impact on quality of
life and treatment satisfaction. Laboratory tests were performed on blood and urine samples that were collected
after a 12-hour fast using standard laboratory methods.
Blood pressure was measured in the sitting position after
resting for 10 minutes. Medical records were reviewed to
rule out any known cardiovascular events. Hypertension
or dyslipidemia was considered present when the patient
was being treated with antihypertensive or lipid-lowering
drugs, respectively. The use of antiplatelet agents and
psychotropic drugs was also recorded. None of the patients had renal failure, defined as a glomerular filtration
rate < 60 ml/min according to the Modification of Diet in
Renal Disease formula. The glycosylated hemoglobin concentration is expressed in National Glycohemoglobin
Standardization Program/Diabetes Control and Complications Trial units. To determine the level of physical
activity, the concept of active leisure time that was

Page 3 of 12

developed by Bernstein et al. was used, which defines a sedentary person as one who spends less than 10% of his/her
daily energy expenditure performing any physical activity
that requires at least 4 METs (The Metabolic Equivalent)
(equal or greater physical activity expenditure than brisk
walking for 30 minutes) [20]. MET is the ratio of a persons
working metabolic rate relative to his/her resting metabolic rate and is equivalent to a caloric consumption of
1 kcal/kg/hour [21]. Visual acuity was measured using
the Snellen chart. For statistical analysis, Snellen acuities
were converted to equivalent values using logarithm of
the minimum angle of resolution [22].
All the questionnaires were administered individually by
personal interview by a single trained interviewer (N.A.),
after the diagnostic assessment at the Department of
Ophthalmology. The response rate was 99.3%.
Quality of life

At the time of study design in 2009, an instrument to

measure quality of life in diabetic patients that was
properly validated for Spain was sought. The Audit of
Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQoL-19) was
specifically designed to measure the individuals perspective
regarding the impact of diabetes and its treatment on quality of life [23]. The first two items are general in nature and
are scored separately: the first measures current quality of
life, scoring from 3 (extremely poor) to +3 (excellent), and
the second assesses the overall impact of diabetes on quality
of life, scoring from 3 (maximum negative impact of
diabetes) to +1 (maximum positive impact of diabetes).
Individual items ask about 19 specific areas of life, as
indicated in Table 2. Each question is rated on a 5-point
scale (3 to 1), which is later weighted by the importance
attributed to the particular dimension by the patient
(03). In addition, five of the items that may not be
relevant for some people have a preliminary question
that determines the relevance of the dimension, and it
is ignored if it is not applicable. A final score is then
obtained that ranges from 9 (maximum negative impact)
to +3 (maximum positive impact) for each dimension.
This questionnaire allows for the calculation of a final
weighted score of the effects of diabetes and its treatment
on the quality of life of patientsthe average weighted
impactranging from 9 (maximum negative impact
of diabetes) to +3 (maximum positive impact of diabetes)
[24]. The ADDQoL has been validated in studies of
Spanish patients with type 2 diabetes [25,26].
Treatment satisfaction

The Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire

(DTSQ), designed to assess the degree of treatment satisfaction, was used [27]. This instrument has been validated
for the Spanish population [28]. It consists of eight questions, two of which are scored separately (frequency of

Alcubierre et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2014, 12:131


Page 4 of 12

Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study groups


No retinopathy (n = 149)

Retinopathy (n = 148)


Sex (men)

78 (52.3%)

73 (49.3%)


Age (years)

57.9 (19.26)

60.5 (8.77)


Not even primary

13 (8.7%)

25 (16.9%)

Complete primary

79 (53.1%)

90 (60.8%)

Secondary high cycle

39 (26.1%)

30 (20.3%)

Graduate or higher

18 (12.1%)

3 (2.0%)

5 (3.3%)

6 (4.0%)


31 (21.1%)

31 (21.1%)


65 (44.2%)

74 (50.3%)

Former smoker

51 (34.7%)

42 (28.6%)

Diabetes duration (years)

6.0 [3,10]

11.0 [7.2,9.1]


HbA1c (%)

7.1 [6.5,7.9]

8.1 [7.2,9.1]



74 (49.7%)

94 (63.5%)




66 (44.6%)


Antiplatelet agents


68 (45.9%)


Psychotropic drugs

35 (23.5%)

48 (32.4%)


Serum creatinine (mg/dl)

0.80 (0.2)

0.81 (0.2)


Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

134.4 (15.5)

144.4 (20.1)




Non caucasian



Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)

76.5 (10.4)

77.1 (11.0)


Waist (cms)

104.1 (12.1)

107.26 (11.3)


BMI (kg/m2)

31.25 (5.1)

31.92 (5.5)


Diabetes treatment

96 (64.4%)

65 (43.9%)

OAD + insulin

13 (8.7%)

62 (41.9%)


4 (2.7%)

18 (12.2%)


36 (24.2%)

3 (2.0%)

< = 0.2

3 (2.0%)

30 (20.4%)


11 (7.4%)

8 (5.4%)


17 (11.4%)

24 (16.3%)


44 (29.5%)

36 (24.5%)


74 (49.7%)

49 (33.4%)

More than 25 minutes/day

87 (58.4%)

96 (64.9%)

Less than 25 minutes/day

62 (41.6%)

52 (35.1%)


Visual acuity


Physical activity

Values are shown as mean SD or median interquartile range for age, diabetes duration, HbA1c, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, waist and BMI; frequency
(%) for all other variables. HbA1c: glycated haemoglobin; BMI: body mass index; OAD: oral antidiabetic agents. The p-values correspond to the unadjusted univariate analysis
that compares the difference for each variable between patients with and without retinopathy.

hyper- and hypoglycemia). All items have seven possible

responses, and the score ranges between 0 and 6. Overall
satisfaction is expressed with an overall score of 0 to 36, with
higher values indicating higher treatment satisfaction. This

questionnaire has been recommended by the World Health

Organization and the International Diabetes Federation as a
valid instrument that enables the accurate measurement of
treatment satisfaction for type 1 or 2 diabetic patients [29].

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Table 2 Summary of Audit of Diabetes Dependent Quality

of Life (ADDQoL) measures

Table 2 Summary of Audit of Diabetes Dependent Quality

of Life (ADDQoL) measures (Continued)

Life domains

No retinopathy*


Present QoL

0.99 (1.00)

0.39 (1.19)

Average weighted
impact score

1 [0,2]

1 [ 0,1]

Diabetes specific

0.50 (0.74)

1.08 (1.00)

0 [1,0]



0.42 (1.29)

1.06 (2.01)

0 [0,0]

0 [2,0]

0.38 (1.19)

1.05 (2.02)


0 [0,0]

0.41 (1.33)

0.79 (1.78)

0 [0,0]

0 [0,0]

0.29 (1.13)

0.46 (1.56)

0 [0,0]

0 [0,0]

0.63 (1.60)

1.74 (2.54)

0 [0,0]

0 [3,0]

0.34 (1.13)

0.92 (2.18)

0 [0,0]

0 [0,0]


0.11 (0.51)

0.47 (1.44)

0 [0,0]

0 [0,0]


0.18 (1.10)

1.04 (2.31)

0 [0,0]

0 [0,0]

Sex life

0.64 (1.63)

2.05 (2.60)

0 [0,0]

1 [4,0]

0.16 (0.92)

0.47 (1.58)

0 [0,0]

0 [0,0]

Work life



Physical ability

Family life


0.36 (1.25)

0.92 (1.99)

0 [0,0]

0 [0,0]

0.51 (1.65)

1.33 (2.33)

0 [0,0]

0 [2,0]


0.10 (0.53)

0.38 (1.40)

0 [0,0]

0 [0,0]


1.51 (2.59)

2.53 (3.03)

0 [2,0]


0.13 (0.72)

0.56 (1.84)

0 [0,0]

0 [0,0]

0.08 (0.60)

0.25 (1.03)

0 [0,0]

0 [0,0]

0.15 (0.66)

0.96 (2.00)

0 [0,0]

0 [0,0]

3.00 (3.25)

3.85 (3.78)

2 [6,0]

2.5 [9,0]

1.48 (2.73)

1.91 (3.04)

0 [1,0]





Living conditions


Freedom to eat

Freedom to drink











0.58 (0.74)

1.22 (1.17)

0.35 [0.78,-0.06]

0.88 [1.76,-0.38]


*mean (standard deviation) in first line, and median [P25,P75] in second line.
The p-values correspond to the unadjusted univariate analysis that compares
the difference for each variable between patients with and
without retinopathy.

Assessment of diabetic retinopathy

DR and macular edema were classified according to the

International Clinical Classification System [30]. This classification is widely used and determines the degree of retinopathy, including macular edema, by objective criteria. The
classification categories are as follows: 1) no diabetic retinopathy, 2) mild non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy,
3) moderate non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, 4) severe
diabetic retinopathy, and 5) proliferative diabetic retinopathy. For the diagnosis of macular edema, the Early
Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group
criteria were used as reference, and the concept of
macular edema was applied in those cases where it was
clinically significant [31]. If the eyes were not equivalent, the participant was classified according to the eye
with more severe stage.
Sample size












To determine the sample size, an estimation of the

standard deviation for the ADDQoL domains was obtained from previous studies [32]. We used the highest
reported SD (value 3.37) and predefined a statistical
power of 80% and a significance level of 5%. In order to
detect a predefined mean difference of at least 1.2 in the
ADDQoL score between the study groups and expecting
no more than 15% of individuals being lost to follow-up,
a minimum sample size of 146 per group was required.
Statistical analysis

Comparative analyses between groups of diabetic patients

with and without retinopathy were performed using the
MannWhitney U test for quantitative variables and the
chi-squared test or Fisher test, as appropriate, for qualitative variables. Graphical analyses of smoothed trends
(using a span of 0.95) were performed to explore the possible interactions between the groups and treatment with
insulin and diabetes duration, as well as the non-linear
relationship of diabetes duration with the ADDQoL
and DTSQ scores. Afterwards, two multivariate linear
regression models were fit in order to assess whether
retinopathy remained a significant contributor to the
differences in ADDQoL and DTSQ scores after accounting for treatment with insulin, diabetes duration,
and all other variables that had a significant contribution,
according to the likelihood ratio test (LR test), to explain

Alcubierre et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2014, 12:131


changes in each score. Each of the demographical and

clinical variables were tested for contribution to the main
outcome measures, starting from a model only with the
DR identifier adding the variable with the most significant
contribution (lower LR test p-value) to the previous
model, and so on by refitting the significance of the contribution of each of the remaining variables to the model
until no statistical contribution was obtained. A final
multivariate linear regression model was fit to assess the
association of the reported satisfaction with diabetes treatment and the perceived quality of life, using the same
methodology. Additionally, a subanalysis in the group with
retinopathy was performed to assess the association of the
level of retinopathy, the severity of macular edema, and
previous photocoagulation treatment with the ADDQoL
and DTSQ scores using a Kruskal-Wallis test and a quantile regression model for median trend for the first two
variables and the MannWhitney test for the photocoagulation treatment. A significance level of 0.05 was used.
The analyses were performed using R statistical software.

The primary clinical and sociodemographic characteristics
and their comparison between the two groups are shown
in Table 1. Patients with retinopathy had a slightly higher
average age because fewer patients with DR were identified between 40 and 50 years of age. Patients with DR had
less schooling, a longer duration of diabetes, greater glycosylated hemoglobin levels, and greater frequency of arterial hypertension. As expected, patients with DR had
higher urinary albumin concentrations and higher systolic
blood pressure. Although body mass was not different,
patients with retinopathy had a higher waist circumference.
Patients with DR also received more complex treatment
which is related to the longer duration of diabetes.
The distribution of each degree of retinopathy was as follows: 40.7% with mild nonproliferative DR, 35.9% with
moderate nonproliferative DR, and 23.4% with severe
proliferative DR. Diabetic macular edema was present
in 52 patients (35.9% of those with DR). Of this percentage,
edema was clinically significant in 21.4% and not clinically
significant in 14.5%. For the DR group, a significant association between the degree of DR and the presence of clinically significant macular edema was observed (p < 0.0001). A
significant association was also observed between the
degree of DR and previous photocoagulation treatment
(p < 0.0001).

Page 6 of 12

future, and dependence (Table 2). The average weighted

impact score showed a median value of 0.35 (95% CI:
0.78-0.06) in the group without DR and 0.88 (95% CI:
1.76-0.38) in the group with DR (p < 0.001). This indicates
a negative impact of diabetes on quality of life in both
groups, with a greater negative impact in the group with
DR. The first two items that assess the current quality of
life and overall impact of diabetes on quality of life also
had significantly lower outcomes in patients with DR
(p < 0.001; Table 2).
In patients with DR, the observed median quality of
life scores were 0.65, 0.94, and 1.03 for mild, moderate, and severe DR grades, respectively, and quality of
life decreased significantly in relation to the degree of
DR (the estimated trend for the median was 0.22
[0.36, 0.03]), but not in relation to the severity of
macular edema (estimated trend for the median of 0.09
[0.23, 0.02]).
The multivariate analysis revealed a second-order interaction between diabetes duration, the presence of DR, and
insulin therapy (p = 0.005, Table 3). Quality of life was significantly associated with three factors that interacted with
each other: diabetes duration, treatment with insulin, and
the presence or absence of DR (Figure 1a, electronic supplementary material). Therefore, the differences in quality
of life attributable to retinopathy cannot be quantified
without taking into account the impact of diabetes duration and insulin therapy. Besides, the association with
diabetes duration is not linear and there is a general

Table 3 Multivariate linear regression for the audit of

diabetes dependent quality of life

Estimate Standard p-value






Diabetes duration (years)




Diabetes duration-squared (years2)












Age >65








Waist (centimetres)




Diabetes duration* DR




Diabetes duration-squared * DR




Diabetes duration * insulin




Health-related quality of life using ADDQoL scores

Diabetes duration-squared* insulin




Scores representing diabetes-related quality of life were

significantly lower in patients with DR in the following
specific domains: leisure, work, freedom to travel, physical
ability, family and social life, emotional and sexual relationships, self-confidence, personal finances, motivation,

DR * insulin




Diabetes duration * DR * insulin


Diabetes duration-squared* DR * Insulin 0.0394





Multiple R-squared: 32.69%. *stands for the existence of interactions between

variables. DR: diabetic retinopathy.

Alcubierre et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2014, 12:131


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Figure 1 Relationship between ADDQoL and duration of diabetes by groups defined by the presence of diabetic retinopathy (DR) or
absence of retinopathy (nRD), and insulin treatment (Ins) or not (nIns). Panel a shows the smoothed relationship while panel b shows the
fitted trend assuming a linear relationship. a. Smoothed relationship between Audit Diabetes Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQoL) and duration
of diabetes. b. Linear relationship between ADDQoL and duration of diabetes.

decrease in quality of life during the initial years of the

disease that smoothes and reverts for patients with a
long duration of diabetes, especially those with insulin
therapy. Quality of life improved with increasing duration of the disease, especially in those patients without
DR who were being treated with insulin, which consisted of 17 patients and was smaller than the other
groups, consisting of 68, 80 and 132 patients (Figure 1b,
electronic supplementary material). When quantitative
variables in the multivariate model were kept constant,
quality of life had an association with the duration of
diabetes that depended on the presence or absence of
DR or insulin therapy. Regarding the effect of the quantitative variables on quality of life, patients over 65 years
rated their quality of life higher (p = 0.016) than younger
patients. Waist circumference had an inverse relationship,
and therefore a negative slope, with the assessment of
quality of life (p = 0.010).

Table 4 Summary of the Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction

Questionaries (DTSQ) measures
DTSQ items

No retinopathy


frequency perception

2.46 (2.23)

3.58 (2.19)

2 [0,4]

0 [2,6]

0.99 (1.63)

1.64 (2.12)

0 [0,2]

0 [0,3]

frequency perception

Current treatment




Treatment satisfaction using DTSQ

The DTSQ median score was not different between patients with or without retinopathy (mean score: 26 vs 27,
respectively; p = 0.236) (Table 4). However, differences were
found in some of the specific questionnaire items. There
was a greater perception of having suffered hyper- and
hypoglycemic episodes in patients with DR, with a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001 and p = 0.008, respectively). These patients also expressed greater discomfort
regarding treatment and its results (p < 0.001).

Recommend to others

Continue with

Final score


5.00 (1.48)

4.8 (1.53)

5 [5,6]


4.99 (1.63)

4.41 (1.82)

6 [5,6]

5 [4,6]

3.34 (2.49)

2.91 (2.36)

4 [0,6]

3 [0,5]

4.37 (1.89)

4.45 (1.85)

5 [3,6]

5 [3,6]

3.19 (2.23)

3.00 (2.27)

3 [1,5]

3 [0.75,5]

5.81 (0.85)

5.76 (1.00)

6 [6,6]

6 [6,6]

26.73 (5.61)

25.43 (6.70)

27 [23,30]

26 [21.75,31]








Mean (standard deviation) in first line, and median [P25,P75] in second line.
The p-values correspond to the unadjusted univariate analysis that compares
the difference for each variable between patients with and without retinopathy.

Alcubierre et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2014, 12:131


In the group of patients with DR, the subanalysis

showed how treatment satisfaction was significantly affected by the severity of macular edema (medians of 28.0,
25.0, and 25.0; trend for the median 1.50 [4.17, 0.08]).
Multivariate analysis revealed that patients with DR had
lower treatment satisfaction in relation to the duration of
diabetes (p = 0.016, Table 5). This relationship was influenced by two factors: insulin therapy and the presence of
DR. An approximately linear relationship was seen with
diabetes duration, which differs significantly between
patients with and without DR (Figure 2a, electronic
supplementary material). In the group of patients without
DR who were not receiving insulin therapy, treatment satisfaction increased as the duration of diabetes increased
(Figure 2b, electronic supplementary material). Physically active patients had greater treatment satisfaction
(p = 0.001), and former smokers had lower satisfaction
compared with the group of smokers (p = 0.044) (Table 5).
Relationship between quality of life and treatment

The same interaction between DR, insulin therapy and

diabetes duration was significant when adding treatment
satisfaction for explaining the variability observed in the
quality of life assessment (Table 6). Treatment satisfaction
shows a significant relationship with quality of life that is
dependent on insulin therapy but not on DR. Relationship
between treatment satisfaction and the assessment of
quality life was only significant in patients treated with insulin, regardless of whether they had DR or not (Figure 3a
and b, electronic supplementary material).

We have shown that patients with type 2 diabetes with
DR and no other advanced late complications report a
Table 5 Multivariate linear regression for the diabetes
treatment satisfaction questionaries


Standard deviation





< 2e 16





Diabetes duration








activity > 20 minutes








Former smoker




Diabetes duration
* DR




Tobacco use:

Multiple R-squared: 11.45%. *stands for the existence of interactions between

variables. DR: diabetic retinopathy.

Page 8 of 12

lower quality of life. The inclusion of only patients without

other complications that may have a significant clinical
impact on quality of life is a particularly noteworthy element of this study. To our knowledge, this is the first study
designed with this specific objective. The results revealed
lower ADDQoL scores in the group of patients with DR.
Quality of life was affected by the presence and degree of
DR, insulin therapy and the duration of the disease. Although the DTSQ showed no statistically significant
difference in the final score between study groups, the
two specific items that assess perceived glycemic control showed significantly worse scores in patients with
DR. Treatment satisfaction was affected over time by
the presence of DR, insulin therapy and the severity of
macular edema.
The results show the clearly negative impact of DR on
quality of life in a large sample with enough statistical
power that comprised only subjects with type 2 diabetes
mellitus who did not have any other advanced diabetic
complications that could exert important confounding
or modifying effects on the main study outcome variables. Additionally, the assessment of quality of life and
treatment satisfaction using instruments specifically designed and validated for this purpose strengthens these
results [25,26,28].
The first approaches to health-related quality of life in
the field of diabetes were made through the assessment of
health status. However, it is important to note that even if
health status is an area of health-related quality of life, there
are other domains to consider (e.g., emotional well-being,
personal care, physical, social, and cognitive functioning).
Quality of life is a recent construct that is conceptually
complex and composed of objective and subjective domains. Assessing only health status is unlikely to convey a
precise picture of health-related quality of life [33]. With
this approach, an optimal health outcome may not be
considered an excellent result in terms of quality of life
or perceived health status of the patient.
Tung et al. analyzed the impact of the different stages of
DR in type 2 diabetic patients with associated nephropathy in Taiwan using utility values [18]. This approach
allows the quantification of the level of impairment of
the person and the level of functioning in everyday life
that is affected by the disease. It allows for an assessment
of quality of life by determining health status and is useful
for obtaining quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). The results illustrated the influence of the severity of DR and age
on utility values. Older age and different degrees of DR
had a strong impact on the QALYs after adjusting for
other possible non-ophthalmologic health-related factors.
Such instruments have demonstrated their validity in
cost-utility or economic evaluation studies; however, we
do not consider an index that was developed to measure
health status suitable for the assessment of quality of life.

Alcubierre et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2014, 12:131


Page 9 of 12

Figure 2 Relationship between Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire status version (DTSQ-s) and duration of diabetes mellitus by
groups defined by the presence of diabetic retinopathy (DR) or absence of diabetic retinopathy (nRD), and insulin treatment (Ins) or not (nIns).
Panel a shows the smoothed relationship while panel b shows the fitted trend assuming a linear relationship. a. Smoothed relationship between
Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire status version and duration of diabetes in patiens with and without diabetic retinopathy. b. Linear
relationship between Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire status version and duration of diabetes in patiens with and without diabetic

Assessing DR using a patients health status would explain

the differences between this and our study regarding age.
Furthermore, the presence of diabetic nephropathy in a
significant proportion of patients, as in the study by Tung
et al. [18], can exert a confounding effect on the results. In
another study, the Los Angeles Latino Eye Study [16], a
large sample of Hispanic patients with type 2 diabetes
mellitus and a high burden of comorbidities was studied.
The impact of DR and its severity on quality of life was

studied using a generic health questionnaire and a visionspecific functioning and quality of life questionnaire designed for people with visual disabilities. The results of the
study showed that patients with DR had lower scores on
both the Medical Outcomes study 12-Item Short Form
Health Survey and the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire [16]. This association was influenced
by both the severity and the laterality of DR. However, the
presence of other comorbidities may have had an additive

Table 6 Relationship between treatment satisfaction and quality of life



Standard deviation






Treatment satisfaction (DTSQ) total score








Retinopathy (DR)




Diabetes duration (years)




Diabetes duration-squared (years2)




Age >65








Insulin * DR




DR * Diabetes duration




DR * Diabetes duration-squared




Insulin * Diabetes duration




Insulin * Diabetes duration-squared




DR * Insulin * Diabetes duration




DR * Insulin * Diabetes duration-squared




DTSQ total score * insulin




Multiple R-squared: 38.49%. *stands for the existence of interactions between variables. DTSQ: diabetes treatment satisfaction questionnire; DR: diabetic retinopathy.

Alcubierre et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2014, 12:131


Page 10 of 12

Figure 3 Relationship between Audit Diabetes Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQoL) and Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire
(DTSQ) by groups defined by the presence of diabetic retinopathy (DR) or absence of retinopathy (nDR), and insulin treatment (Ins) or not
(nIns). Panel a shows the smoothed relationship while panel b shows the fitted trend assuming a linear relationship. a. Smoothed relationship
between Audit Diabetes Dependent Quality of Life and Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire. b. Linear relationship between Audit Diabetes
Dependent Quality of Life and Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire.

effect on the outcome variables. Chung et al. explored the

factors associated with quality of life in a large cohort of
Korean patients with type 2 diabetes using the ADDQoL
without cardiovascular disease or end-stage renal disease,
although patients may have had peripheral neuropathy,
retinopathy, and/or diabetic nephropathy [14]. They found
that insulin therapy, depressive symptoms, and family history of diabetes were associated with lower quality of life,
especially in younger patients. We also found lower
ADDQoL scores in younger patients receiving insulin
therapy. However, in contrast to our results, the Korean
study did not show a significant impact of microvascular
complications on quality of life.
Fenwick et al. investigated the impact of DR and macular
edema on quality of life in type 1 and 2 diabetic patients
using the EuroQoL-5D as a generic utility measure and
demonstrated the inadequacy of the instrument and its low
sensitivity for the assessment of vision-related quality of life
[19]. Moreover, the same authors also assessed the impact
of DR with the Vision and Quality of Life Index as a specific
instrument for vision and established its validity for
measuring the impact that this complication can have
on the quality of life of type 1 and 2 diabetic patients.
This index, however, did not appear sufficiently sensitive
for assessing the impact of the severity of diabetic macular
edema, the severity of DR, or the level of visual acuity [34].
However, the coexistence of other diabetic complications

and the use of data from patients with either type 1 or type
2 diabetes does not allow for the comparison of these results with our results.
Our results also illustrate the impact of insulin therapy
on quality of life and treatment satisfaction. We could not
identify any studies specifically designed to assess the issue
of treatment satisfaction in patients with type 2 diabetes
and retinopathy. Mozaffarieh et al. observed an influence
of age on treatment satisfaction in a mixed sample of type
1 and 2 diabetic patients with retinopathy who were
treated with photocoagulation [17]. Younger patients had
lower DTSQ scores. Using the same instrument, Redekop
et al. investigated the clinical and sociodemographic
characteristics associated with treatment satisfaction in
a sample of Dutch patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus [35]. Lower levels of satisfaction were observed in
univariate analyses of patients with diabetic complications, but this association was not maintained after adjustment for age, insulin, and glycated haemoglobin
levels. In our study, treatment satisfaction was significantly affected by the patients perceived glycemic control,
the duration of the disease, the degree of physical activity
and smoking.
Regarding the limitations of this study, the study design
inherently allows us to study only associations and not
causality. Additionally, the fact that diabetes duration is a
major factor in the development of DR caused a discrete

Alcubierre et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2014, 12:131


bias in age distribution, with a lower proportion of younger patients in the retinopathy group. While other major
complications that could affect quality of life and treatment satisfaction have been ruled out, potential symptoms
of peripheral neuropathy that might influence these aspects were not assessed. However, none of the patients
had advanced neuropathy leading to serious complications
such as diabetic foot disease. The representativeness of
the study groups is partially limited and the conclusions
may not be generalized to all the population of patients
with type 2 diabetes. The results may be applicable to
patients with or without retinopathy in the absence of
other advanced late diabetic complications that is an important proportion of patients in the Spanish population
according to recent reports [36].
In conclusion, in type 2 diabetic patients, the presence of
DR is associated with poorer quality of life. Although satisfaction with the overall treatment is not different between
the two groups of patients, it is influenced by other clinical
variables. The results of this study are relevant because they
demonstrate for the first time the negative influence of DR,
regardless of the presence of other complications, on the
quality of life of type 2 diabetic patients in a study specifically designed for that purpose. Clinicians should be aware
that quality of life is one of the primary objectives of diabetes treatment. In addition, these findings should be taken
into account in clinical practice when treating patients with
DR and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Apart from the benefits in
terms of visual outcomes, early identification and treatment
of patients with DR would have a positive impact on the
different dimensions of the patients quality of life. However,
the potential impact of the early diagnosis and treatment of
DR on quality of life deserves the performance of specific
intervention studies to address this issue. We also believe
that there is a need for additional studies to conduct a linguistic and psychometric validation of new measures of
quality of life and treatment satisfaction and to develop
measurement tools that would allow the assessment of the
impact of DR treatments on the patient.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors contributions
NA and DM designed the study. NA, ER, AT, MH and CJ collected the data. NA,
MM-A and DM analyzed the data. All authors contributed to the interpretation of
the data. NA drafted the manuscript. DM contributed to the writing, reviewing
and final editing of the manuscript. NA and DM take full responsibility for
the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. All authors
critically revised and approved the final manuscript.
This study was supported by grant PS09/01035 from Instituto de Salud
Carlos III. N.A holds a predoctoral fellowship (FI11/0008) from Instituto de
Salud Carlos III, Spain.
Author details
Institut de Recerca Biomdica de Lleida, University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain.
Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition, University Hospital Arnau de

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Vilanova, Lleida, Spain. 3Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital

Arnau de Vilanova, Lleida, Spain. 4Biostatistics Unit, Institut de Recerca
Biomdica de Lleida, University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain. 5Department of
Endocrinology and Nutrition, Hospital Germans Trias Pujol, Carretera Canyet,
S/N, 08916 Badalona, Spain.
Received: 14 April 2014 Accepted: 12 August 2014
Published: 20 August 2014
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Cite this article as: Alcubierre et al.: A prospective cross-sectional study
on quality of life and treatment satisfaction in type 2 diabetic patients
with retinopathy without other major late diabetic complications. Health
and Quality of Life Outcomes 2014 12:131.

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