Homework: 1. Autobiography
Homework: 1. Autobiography
Homework: 1. Autobiography
In this segment of my portfolio, folder two, I want to show the Learning from my mistakes,
that I have had in the following homework:
1. Autobiography
1.1 Original autobiography
Botte -> bottles
was with Flu
2. ES
Dish -> dishes
With my sister I haven a deal, while she cooks, I wash
the dishes.
Waltz -> Waltzes
Between Ballroom dancing he Waltz is my favorite
3. IES
Party -> Parties
I love the since I was 13 years old. Eveyone told me that
this was, because I was young and later when I was 25 or 27 years old my interests
changed. But all were wrong, because now Im 29 and I love hanging out with Friends
in Parties.
5. S
3. Diagnostic Test
3.1 Original writing
4. Ensay
4.1 Outline
SUPPORTING DETAIL ONE: We spend more time in internet and not with
real people.
We spend more time speaking with our Friends or Partners through
Whatsapp, facebook, chats, etc. than sharing with them in live and
often, when we are with them in live-, we spend that time speaking
through the Technology with other Friends, who are not there
Counter Argument: the technology is in our lives and we can not deny that if not exist,
our lives are harder. Today we have medicines, machines, medical equipment, means
of transport and the list is longer. And without technology we are again in the century
Bibliographic References:
ASPA NATIONAL WEBLOG. (s/f). Technology Use and Misuse. Extracted from:
Jgibby. (2010). The Misuse of Technology and the Furute Toward Wich its
Heading. Extracted from: http://technologymisuse.blogspot.cl/
Lara, F., Fuentes, M., De la Fuente, R., Prez, R., Rodrguez, M y Garrote, G.
(2010). Uso y abuso de las nuevas tecnologas. Transtornos adictivos, 12 (01).
Extrated from: http://www.elsevier.es/es-revista-trastornos-adictivos-182articulo-uso-abuso-las-nuevas-tecnologias-13154177