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Homework: 1. Autobiography

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Carrera Pedagoga en Ingls

Introduccin a la Escritura Inglesa

Prof.: Juan Carlos Torres.

In this segment of my portfolio, folder two, I want to show the Learning from my mistakes,
that I have had in the following homework:

1. Autobiography
1.1 Original autobiography

Valeska Pilar Muoz Gonzlez

Carrera Pedagoga en Ingls

Introduccin a la Escritura Inglesa
Prof.: Juan Carlos Torres.

Valeska Pilar Muoz Gonzlez

Carrera Pedagoga en Ingls

Introduccin a la Escritura Inglesa
Prof.: Juan Carlos Torres.

1.2 Corrected autobiography

Valeska Pilar Muoz Gonzlez

Carrera Pedagoga en Ingls

Introduccin a la Escritura Inglesa
Prof.: Juan Carlos Torres.

2. Common and Proper Nouns

2.1 Original Sentences (23.03.2016)

Valeska Pilar Muoz Gonzlez

Carrera Pedagoga en Ingls

Introduccin a la Escritura Inglesa
Prof.: Juan Carlos Torres.

Valeska Pilar Muoz Gonzlez

Carrera Pedagoga en Ingls

Introduccin a la Escritura Inglesa
Prof.: Juan Carlos Torres.

Valeska Pilar Muoz Gonzlez

Carrera Pedagoga en Ingls

Introduccin a la Escritura Inglesa
Prof.: Juan Carlos Torres.

2.1 Corrected Homework

Common Noun

Botte -> bottles
was with Flu

I have drunk two watterbottles yesterday, because I

Biscuit -> biscuits

biscuits every day.

My aunt has a bakery. Therefore she cooks so many

2. ES
Dish -> dishes
With my sister I haven a deal, while she cooks, I wash
the dishes.
Waltz -> Waltzes
Between Ballroom dancing he Waltz is my favorite
3. IES
Party -> Parties
I love the since I was 13 years old. Eveyone told me that
this was, because I was young and later when I was 25 or 27 years old my interests
changed. But all were wrong, because now Im 29 and I love hanging out with Friends
in Parties.
5. S

Sheriff -> Sheriffs

In the middle west the Sheriff was a very important

life -> lives

Elf -> elves

I live my life whatever I want and can

My sister told me, when she was a child, she saw an Elf

Valeska Pilar Muoz Gonzlez

Carrera Pedagoga en Ingls

Introduccin a la Escritura Inglesa
Prof.: Juan Carlos Torres.

3. Diagnostic Test
3.1 Original writing

3.2 Corrected writing

Valeska Pilar Muoz Gonzlez

Carrera Pedagoga en Ingls

Introduccin a la Escritura Inglesa
Prof.: Juan Carlos Torres.

4. Ensay
4.1 Outline

TOPIC: Misuse of technology

THESIS: The society misuses the technology today

ARGUMENT ONE: Over dependence on technology.

Does technology connect us to disconnect us?. The technology was created, in
part, to connect the people. But today the technology separates us.

SUPPORTING DETAIL ONE: We spend more time in internet and not with
real people.
We spend more time speaking with our Friends or Partners through
Whatsapp, facebook, chats, etc. than sharing with them in live and
often, when we are with them in live-, we spend that time speaking
through the Technology with other Friends, who are not there

Supporting detail two: the eternal workday.

The most of us have in our cellphone synchronized our E-mail or other
Apps. With they we can send and receive immediately very important
information of our Job. But When begins or ends our workday? and
When we can relax and sharing time with our families?

Supporting detail three: technology as backup

many time we not pay so much attention to the moment, either events,
talks or even people, for many reasons. But the surprising is we are calm
because we know than later we can see to video, speak by spyke, write
by Whatsapp / Facebook and read by e-mail all the things, that we

Argument two: Too Exposed

Where is the limit between meet other people and interact with the World
and to expose your life to the strange and dangerous World?

Supporting detail one: danger is near.

Scammers, stalkers, psychopaths, murderers, etc., also they use social
networks and we show them our whole life. Trafficking child

Valeska Pilar Muoz Gonzlez

Carrera Pedagoga en Ingls

Introduccin a la Escritura Inglesa
Prof.: Juan Carlos Torres.

pornography, million dollar scams, hackeo government interfaces,

Cloning of interbank identities, Premediated kidnapping through
pages custom profiles (facebook, etc.).


Supporting detail two: Privacy violation

Internet is the easier and faster way to share to the World our creations,
either music, papers, etc. But what about piracy, copyright
infringement and privacy violation?

Supporting detail three: trust with strangers

The people does not see the technology like a wall between them and
the rest, and that is not bad. But we really know a person only
because we write and maybe speak with them? can we really trust?
many people meet with people, who do not know at all.

Argument three: The Misuse of Technologies in the Classroom

Supporting detail one: encounter between two looks

The teachers and the students are from different generations.
Therefore, while the Students think than the traditional Class is slow and
boring, accordingly they play with their cell phones, computers, tablet,
etc.; the teacher think that the students only want play. What if I tell
you than there is a way, where both are happy? The teacher can plan
the Class and later replacing traditional materials by the technological
materials. And the student can, finally, learn while still using technology.

Supporting detail two: update teachers.

The most teachers seem to be afraid to show less dominance than their
student in certain areas. Therefore, there is an imposition of teachers to
students to use as material support only the known software. That is to
say, make a dissertation only with power point, perhaps Prezi, but
nothing more. What if the students know a better Software, Web,
Apps? Why the teacher can not learn from they and later used in the /
to the Class?

Supporting detail three: The incorporating of Cell phone in Classroom

If we know - thanks to the research Cell phone use and concentration
during class, 2010 University of New Hampshire that the 50% of
students use phones in class, the 70% check their cell phones between 3
and 10 times during class and, finally, the 26% admit cheating using
mobile technology in Tests, if we know all that, Why we not change it?

Valeska Pilar Muoz Gonzlez

Carrera Pedagoga en Ingls

Introduccin a la Escritura Inglesa
Prof.: Juan Carlos Torres.

Why we not convert this weakness in to an ally? Why we not

incorporated the cellphone into our Class like a tool or a support

Counter Argument: the technology is in our lives and we can not deny that if not exist,
our lives are harder. Today we have medicines, machines, medical equipment, means
of transport and the list is longer. And without technology we are again in the century

Bibliographic References:


ASPA NATIONAL WEBLOG. (s/f). Technology Use and Misuse. Extracted from:

Jgibby. (2010). The Misuse of Technology and the Furute Toward Wich its
Heading. Extracted from: http://technologymisuse.blogspot.cl/

Lara, F., Fuentes, M., De la Fuente, R., Prez, R., Rodrguez, M y Garrote, G.
(2010). Uso y abuso de las nuevas tecnologas. Transtornos adictivos, 12 (01).
Extrated from: http://www.elsevier.es/es-revista-trastornos-adictivos-182articulo-uso-abuso-las-nuevas-tecnologias-13154177

Staff, T. (2013). How technology is Misused in Classrooms. Extracted from:


Valeska Pilar Muoz Gonzlez

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