OPC UA Part 2 - Security Model 1.03 Specification
OPC UA Part 2 - Security Model 1.03 Specification
OPC UA Part 2 - Security Model 1.03 Specification
Release 1.03
Industry Standard
OPC Unified
Release 1.03
OPC UA Part 2 - Security Model
1.03 Specification.docx
OPC Foundation
Release 1.03
FOREWORD .......................................................................................................................... vi
AGREEMENT OF USE ........................................................................................................... vi
Revision 1.03 Highlights ....................................................................................................... viii
Scope .............................................................................................................................. 1
Release 1.03
Overview .............................................................................................................. 25
Multi Cast Discovery ............................................................................................. 25
Global Discovery Server Security .......................................................................... 26
7.3.1 Overview ................................................................................................... 26
7.3.2 Rogue GDS ............................................................................................... 26
7.3.3 Threats against a GDS .............................................................................. 27
7.3.4 Certificate management threats ................................................................ 27
Certificate management ................................................................................................. 27
Overview ................................................................................................... 27
Self signed certificate management ........................................................... 28
CA Signed Certificate management ........................................................... 28
GDS Certificate Management .................................................................... 29
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Figure 1 - OPC UA network model .......................................................................................... 8
Figure 2 OPC UA security architecture .............................................................................. 12
Figure 3 Simple Servers .................................................................................................... 16
Figure 4 Aggregating Servers ............................................................................................ 17
Figure 5 Aggregation with a non-auditing Server ............................................................... 18
Figure 6 Aggregate Server with service distribution ........................................................... 19
Figure 7 - Manual Certificate handling .................................................................................. 28
Figure 8 - CA Certificate handling ........................................................................................ 29
Figure 9 Certificate handling.............................................................................................. 30
No table of figures entries found.
Release 1.03
This specification is the specification for developers of OPC UA applications. The specification is a result of an analysis
and design process to develop a standard interface to facilitate the development of applications by multiple vendors that
shall inter-operate seamlessly together.
Copyright 2006-2014, OPC Foundation, Inc.
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The OPC Foundation strives to maintain the highest quality standards fo r its published specifications, hence the y undergo
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Release 1.03
Certificate generation
Discovery - Security
Include a discussion of
keylength ranges
Release 1.03
2 Reference documents
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) ap plies.
Part 1: OPC UA Specification: Part 2 Seurity Model
Part 4: OPC UA Specification: Part 4 Services
Part 5: OPC UA Specification: Part 5 Information Model
Part 6: OPC UA Specification: Part 6 Mappings
Part 7: OPC UA Specification: Part 7 Profiles
Part 12: OPC UA Specification: Part 12 Discovery
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For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in Part 1 as well as the following
Application Instance
individual installation of a program running on one computer.
Note 1 to entry: There can be several Application Instances of the same application running at the same time on several
computers or possibly the same computer.
Application Instance Certificate
Digital Certificate of an individual Application Instance that has been installed in an individual host.
Note 1 to entry:
Different installations of one software product would have different Application Instance Certificates.
Asymmetric Cryptography
Cryptography method that uses a pair of keys, one that is designated the Private Key and kept
secret, the other called the Public Key that is generally made available.
Note 1 to entry:
Asymmetric Cryptography, also known as "public -key cryptography". In an Asymmetric Encryption
algorithm when an entity A requires Confidentiality for data sent to entity B, then entity A encrypts the data with a
Public Key provided by entity B. Only entity B has the matching Private Key that is needed to decrypt the data. In an
asymmetric Digital Signature algorithm when an entity A requires message Integrity or to provide Authentication for data
sent to entity B, entity A uses its Private Key to sign the data. To verify the signature, entity B uses the matching Public
Key that entity A has provided. In an asymmetric key agreement algorithm, entity A and entity B each send their own
Public Key to the other entity. Then each uses their own Private K ey and the other's Public Key to compute the new key
value. according to IS Glossary.
Asymmetric Encryption
the mechanism used by Asymmetric Cryptography for encrypting data with the Public Key of an
entity and for decrypting data with the associated Private Key
Asymmetric Signature
the mechanism used by Asymmetric Cryptography for signing data with the Private Key of an entity
and for verifying the datas signature with the associated Public Key
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security objective that assures that any actions or activities in a system can be recorded
the tracking of actions and activities in the system, including security related activities where Audit
records can be used to review and verify system operations
security objective that assures that the identity of an entity such as a Client, Server, or user can be
the ability to grant access to a system resource
security objective that assures that the system is running normally. That is, no services have been
compromised in such a way to become unavailable or severely degraded
Certificate Authority
entity that can issue Digital Certificates, also known as a CA
Note 1 to entry: The Digital Certificate certifies the ownership of a Public Key by the named subject of the Certificate.
This allows others (relying parties) to rely upon signatures or assertions made by the Private Key that corresponds to the
Public Key that is certified. In this model of trust relationships, a CA is a trusted third party that is trusted by both the
subject (owner) of the Certificate and the party relying upon the Certificate. CA s are characteristic of many Public Key
infrastructure (PKI) schemes
persistent location where Certificates and Certificate revocation lists (CRLs) are stored
Note 1 to entry:
It may be a disk resident file structure or on Windows platforms it may be a Windows registry location.
security objective that assures the protection of data from being read by unintended parties
transforming clear, meaningful information into an enciphered, unintelligible form using an algorithm
and a key
Cyber Security Management System
program designed by an organization to maintain the security of the entire organizations assets to
an established level of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability, whether they are on the business
side or the industrial automation and control systems side of the organization
Digital Certificate
structure that associates an identity with an entity such as a user, a produc t or an Application
Instance where the Certificate has an associated asymmetric key pair which can be used to
authenticate that the entity does, indeed, possess the Private Key
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Digital Signature
value computed with a cryptographic algorithm and appended t o data in such a way that any
recipient of the data can use the signature to verify the datas origin and Integrity
Hash Function
algorithm such as SHA-1 for which it is computationally infeasible to find either a data object that
maps to a given hash result (the "one-way" property) or two data objects that map to the same hash
result (the "collision-free" property) , see IS Glossary
Hashed Message Authentication Code
MAC that has been generated using an iterative Hash Function
security objective that assures that information has not been modified or destroyed in an
unauthorized manner, see IS Glossary
Key Exchange Algorithm
protocol used for establishing a secure communication path between two entities in an unsecured
environment whereby both entities apply a specific algorithm to securely exc hange secret keys that
are used for securing the communication between them
Note 1 to entry:
A typical example of a Key Exchange Algorithm is the SSL Handshake Protocol specified in SSL/TLS.
Message Authentication Code
short piece of data that results from an algorithm that uses a secret key (see Symmetric
Cryptography) to hash a Message whereby the receiver of the Message can check against
alteration of the Message by computing a MAC that should be identical using the same Message
and secret key
Message Signature
Digital Signature used to ensure the Integrity of Messages that are sent between two entities
Note 1 to entry: There are several ways to generate and verify Message Signatures however they can be categorized as
symmetric (See Clause 3.1.34) and asymmetric (See Clause 3.1.5) approaches.
strong and substantial evidence of the identity of the signer of a Message and of Message Integrity,
sufficient to prevent a party from successfully denying the original submission or delivery of the
Message and the Integrity of its contents
random number that is used once typically by algorithms that generate security keys
OPC UA Application
OPC UA Client, which calls OPC UA services, or an OPC UA Server, which performs those services
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Private Key
the secret component of a pair of cryptographic keys used for Asymmetric Cryptography
note: Public Key and Private Key are always generated as a pair, if either is updated the other must
also be updated
Public Key
the publicly-disclosed component
Cryptography, see IS Glossary
a pair
used for
note: Public Key and Private Key are always generated as a pair, if either is updated the other must
also be updated
Public Key Infrastructure
the set of hardware, software, people, policies, and procedures needed to create, manage, store,
distribute, and revoke Digital Certificates based on Asymmetric Cryptography
Note 1 to entry: The core PKI functions are to register users and issue their public-key Certificates, to revoke Certificates
when required, and to archive data needed to validate Certificates at a much later time. Key pairs for data Confidentiality
may be generated by a Certificate authority (CA); it is a good idea to require a Private Key owner to generate their own
key pair as it improves security because the Private Key would never be transmitted according to IS Glossary. See PKI
and X509 PKI for more details on Public Key Infrastructures.
algorithm for Asymmetric Cryptography, invented in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard
Adleman, see IS Glossary
Secure Channel
in OPC UA, a communication path established between an OPC UA Client and Server that have
authenticated each other using certain OPC UA services and for which security parameters have
been negotiated and applied
Symmetric Cryptography
branch of cryptography involving algorithms that use the same key for two different steps of the
algorithm (such as encryption and decryption, or Signature creation and signature verification), see
IS Glossary
Symmetric Encryption
the mechanism used by Symmetric Cryptography for encrypting and decrypting data with a
cryptographic key shared by two entities
Symmetric Signature
the mechanism used by Symmetric Cryptography for signing data with a cryptographic key shared
by two entities
Note 1 to entry: The signature is then validated by generating the signature for the data again and comparing these two
signatures. If they are the same then the signature is valid, otherwise either the key or the data is different from the two
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list of Certificates that an application has been configured to trust
Transport Layer Security
standard protocol for creating Secure Channels over IP based networks
X.509 Certificate
Digital Certificate in one of the formats defined by X.509 v1, 2, or 3
Note 1 to entry:
An X.509 Certificate contains a sequence of data items and has a Digital Signature computed on that
3.2 Abbreviations
Release 1.03
hosts in the same operations network and might be protected by the security boundary protections
that separate the operations network from external connections. Some OPC UA Applications run in
relatively open environments where users and applications might be diffic ult to control. Other
applications are embedded in control systems that have no direct electronic connection to external
OPC Client
Enterprise Network
OPC Server
OPC Client
OPC Client
Operations Network
OPC Client
OPC Server
OPC Client
OPC Server
OPC Client
OPC Server
= Security
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grained as allowing or disallowing a Client to access a Server or it could be much finer grained such
as allowing specific actions on specific information items by specific users.
4.2.4 Confidentiality
Data is protected from passive attacks such as eavesdropping, whether the data is being
transmitted, in memory, or being stored. To provide Confidentiality, data encryption algorithms
using special secrets for securing data are used along with Authentication and Authorization
mechanisms for accessing that secret.
4.2.5 Integrity
Receivers receive the same information that the original sender sent, without the data being
changed during transmission.
4.2.6 Auditability
Actions taken by a system must be recorded in order to provide evidence to stak eholders:
that attempts to compromise the system were denied (unsuccessful actions are tracked).
4.2.7 Availability
Availability is impaired when the execution of software that needs to run is turned off or when the
software or communication system is overwhelmed by processing input. Impaired Availability in
OPC UA can appear as slowing down of Subscription performance or the inability to add Sessions
for example.
4.3 Security threats to OPC UA systems
4.3.1 Overview
OPC UA provides countermeasures to resist threats to the security of the information that is
communicated. The sub clauses 4.3.2, 4.3.3, 4.3.4, 4.3.5, 4.3.6, 4.3.7, 4.3.8, 4.3.9, 4.3.10, and
4.3.11 list the currently known threats to environments in which OPC UA will be deployed, and Subclause 5.1 reconciles these threats against the OPC UA functions.
4.3.2 Message flooding
An attacker can send a large volume of Messages, or a single Message that contains a large
number of requests, with the goal of overwhelming the OPC UA Server or dependent components
such as CPU, TCP/IP stack, Operating System, or the File System. Flooding attacks can be
conducted at multiple layers including OPC UA, SOAP, [HTTP] o r TCP.
Message flooding attacks can use both well-formed and malformed Messages. In the first scenario,
the attacker could be a malicious person using a legitimate Client to flood the Server with requests.
Two cases exist, one in which the Client does not have a Session with the Server and one in which
it does. Message flooding may impair the ability to establish OPC UA Sessions, or terminate an
existing Session. In the second scenario, an attacker could use a malicious Client that floods an
OPC UA Server with malformed Messages in order to exhaust the Servers resources.
In general, Message flooding may impair the ability to communicate with an OPC UA e ntity and
result in denial of service.
Message flooding impacts Availability.
See 5.1.2 for the reconciliation of this threat.
4.3.3 Eavesdropping
Eavesdropping is the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information that might result directly in a
critical security breach or be used in follow-on attacks.
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If an attacker has compromised the underlying operating system or the network infrastructure, then
the attacker might be able to record and capture Messages. It may be beyond the capability of a
Client or Server to recover from a compromised operating system.
Eavesdropping impacts Confidentiality directly and indirectly threatens all other security objectives.
See 5.1.3 for the reconciliation of this threat.
4.3.4 Message spoofing
An attacker may forge Messages from a Client or a Server. Spoofing may occur at multiple layers in
the protocol stack.
By spoofing Messages from a Client or a Server, attackers may perform unauthorized operations
and avoid detection of their activities.
Message spoofing impacts Integrity and Authorization.
See 5.1.4 for the reconciliation of this threat.
4.3.5 Message alteration
Network traffic and application layer Messages may be captured or modified and forwarded to OPC
UA Clients and Servers. Message alteration may allow illegitimate access to a system.
Message alteration impacts Integrity and Authorization.
See 5.1.5 for the reconciliation of this threat.
4.3.6 Message replay
Network traffic and valid application layer Messages may be captured and resent to OPC UA
Clients and Servers at a later stage without modification. An attacker could misinform the user or
send a valid command such as opening a valve but at an imprope r time, so as to cause damage or
property loss.
Message replay impacts Authorization.
See 5.1.6 for the reconciliation of this threat.
4.3.7 Malformed Messages
An attacker can craft a variety of Messages with invalid Message structure (malformed XML, SOAP,
UA Binary, etc.) or data values, and send them to OPC UA Clients or Servers.
The OPC UA Client or Server may incorrectly handle certain malformed Messages by performing
unauthorized operations or processing unnecessary information. It might result in a denial or
degradation of service including termination of the application or, in the case of embedded devices,
a complete crash. In a worst-case scenario an attacker could use malformed Messages as a prestep for a multi-level attack to gain access to the underlying system of an OPC UA Application.
Malformed Messages impact Integrity and Availability.
See 5.1.7 for the reconciliation of this threat.
4.3.8 Server profiling
An attacker tries to deduce the identity, type, software version, or vendor of the Server or Client in
order to apply knowledge about specific vulnerabilit ies of that product to mount a more intrusive or
damaging attack. The attacker might profile the target by sending valid or invalid f ormatted
Messages to the target and try to recognize the type of target by the pattern of its normal and error
Server profiling impacts all of the security objectives indirectly.
See 5.1.8 for the reconciliation of this threat.
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security solution that meets its security and economic requirements using a combination of
mechanisms available within the OPC UA specification and external to OPC UA.
The security requirements placed on the OPC UA Clients and Servers deployed at a site are
specified by the site CSMS, not by the OPC UA specification. The OPC UA security specifications,
however, are requirements placed upon OPC UA Client and Server products, and recommendations
of how OPC UA should be deployed at a site in order to meet the security requirements that are
anticipated to be specified at the site.
OPC UA addresses some threats as described in 4.3. The OPC Foundation recommends that Client
and Server developers address the remaining threats, as detailed in Clause 6. Threats to
infrastructure components that might result in the compromise of Client and Server operating
systems are not addressed by OPC UA.
4.5 OPC UA security architecture
The OPC UA security architecture is a generic solution that allows implementation of the required
security features at various places in the OPC UA Application architecture. Depending on the
different mappings described in Part 6, the security objectives are addressed at different levels. The
OPC UA Security Architecture is structured in an Application Layer and a Communication Lay er
atop the Transport Layer as shown in Figure 2.
OPC UA Client
Application Layer
User Authorization
User Authentication
Communication Layer
App Authentication
OPC UA Server
Secure Channel
Application Layer
User Authorization
User Authentication
Communication Layer
App Authentication
Transport Layer
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The choice of SecurityPolicy is normally made by the administrator typically when the Client and
Server products are installed. The available security policies are specified in Part 7. The
Administrator can at a later time also change or modify the selection of SecurityPolicies as
circumstances dictate.
The announcement of security policies is handled by special discovery services specified in Part 4.
More details about the discovery mechanisms and policy announcement strategies can be found in
Part 12.
If a Server serves multiple Clients then it maintains separate policy selections for each Client. This
allows a new Client to select policies independent of the policy choices that other Clients have
selected for their Secure Channels.
Since computing power increases every year, s pecific algorithms that are considered as secure
today can become insecure in the future, therefore, it makes sense to support different security
policies in an OPC UA Application and to be able to adopt more as they become available. NIST or
other agencies even make predictions about the expected lifetime of algorithms (see NIST 800-57).
The list of supported security policies will be updated based on recommendation such as those
published by NIST. From a deployment point of view it is important that the periodic site -review
checks that the currently selected list of security profiles still fulfil the required security objectives
and if they do not, then a newer selection of Security Profiles is selected
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There is also the case that new security policies are composed to support new algorithms that
improve the level of security of OPC UA products. The application architecture of OPC UA Clients
and Servers should be designed in a way that it is possible to update or add additional
cryptographic algorithms to the application with little or no coding changes.
Part 7 specifies several policies which are identified by a specific unique URI. To improve
interoperability among vendors products, Server products implement these policies rather than
define their own. Clients support the same policies.
4.7 Security Profiles
OPC UA Client and Server products are certified against Profiles that are defined in Part 7. Some of
the Profiles specify security functions and others specify other functionality that is not related t o
security. The Profiles impose requirements on the certified products but they do not impose
requirements on how the products are used. A consistent minimum level of security is required by
the various Profiles. However, different Profiles specify different details such as which encryption
algorithms are required for which OPC UA functions. If a problem is found in one encrypti on
algorithm then the OPC Foundation can define a new Profile that is similar, but that specifies a
different encryption algorithm that does not have a known problem. Part 7 is the normative
specification of the Profiles.
Policies refer to many of the same security choices as Profiles; however the policy specifies which
of those choices to use in the Session. The policy does not specify the range of choices that the
product offers, they are described in the Profiles that it supports.
These policies are included in Certification Testing associated with OPC U A Client and Servers.
The Certification Testing ensures that the standard is followed and that the appropriate security
algorithms are supported.
Each security mechanism in OPC UA is provided in Client and Server products in accordance with
the Profiles with which the Client or Server complies. At the site, however, the security mechanisms
may be deployed optionally. In this way each individual site has all of the OPC UA security
functions available and can choose which of them to use to meet its securit y objectives.
4.8 User Authorization
OPC UA provides a mechanism to exchange user credentials but does not specify how the
applications use these credentials. Client and Server applications may determine in their own way
what data is accessible and what operations are authorized. Profiles exist to indicate the support of
user credentials to restrict or control access to data.
4.9 User Authentication
User Authentication is achieved when the Client passes user credentials to the Server as specified
via Session Services (described in Part 4). The Server can authenticate the user with these
The owner (user) of a Session can be changed using the ActivateSession Service in order to meet
needs of the application.
4.10 Application Authentication
OPC UA uses a concept conveying Application Authentication to allow applications that intend to
communicate to identify each other. Each OPC UA Application Instance has a Digital Certificate
(Application Instance Certificate) assigned that is exchanged during Secure Channel establishment.
The receiver of the Certificate checks whether it trusts the Certificate and based on this check it
accepts or rejects the request or response Message from the sender. This trust check is
accomplished using the concept of TrustLists. TrustLists are a CertificateStore designated by an
administrator. An administrator determines if the Certificate is signed, validated and trustworthy
before placing it in a TrustList. TrustLists usually also include Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs).
OPC UA makes use of these industry standard concepts as defined by other organizations.
In OPC UA HTTPS can be used to create Secure Channels, however, these channels do not
provide Application Authentication. If Authentication is required, it is based on user credentials.
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parameters. Other information models may extend the audit definitions. Part 7 defines Profiles
which include the ability to generate Audit Events and use these parameters, including the Client
audit record id.
Because the audit logs are used to prove that the system is operating securely, the audit logs
themselves are also secured from unauthorized tampering. If someone without authorization were
able to alter or delete log records, this could hide an actual or attempted security breach. Because
there are many different ways to generate and store audit logs (e.g. files or database), the
mechanisms to secure audit logs are outside the scope of this specification.
In addition, the information in an audit record may contain sensitive or private information, thus the
ability to subscribe for Audit Events is restricted to appropriate users and/or applications. As an
alternative, the fields with sensitive or private information can instead contain an error code
indicating access denied for users that do not have appropriate rights.
The clauses 4.12.2, 4.12.3, 4.12.4 and 4.12.5 illustrate the behaviour of OPC UA Servers and
Clients that support Auditing.
4.12.2 Single Client and Server
Figure 3 illustrates the simple case of a Client communicating with a Server.
OPC Client
Client A creates an audit log entry for a given operation, and issues an OPC UA
service request as part of that operation. The service request contains the clients
audit entry id Z.
OPC Server
Server D creates an audit log entry for the service request, cross
referencing it to the corresponding audit log entry of Client A.
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OPC Server
-------------OPC Client
OPC Server
Server D creates an audit log entry for the service request, cross
referencing it to the corresponding audit log entry X of Client C,
which acts as the client to this server.
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OPC Server
-------------OPC Client
Server B does does NOT support auditing and, therefore,
does NOT generate audit log entries. It issues an OPC UA
service request in support of the request it received. The
service request contains the audit entry id Z that was
received from the client.
OPC Server
-------------OPC Client
OPC Server
Server D creates an audit log entry for the service request, cross
referencing it to the corresponding audit log entry X of Server C, which
acts as the client to this server.
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OPC Server
Server C creates an audit log entry for the
service request, cross referencing it to the
corresponding audit log entry Y of Server
B, which acts as the client of this server.
OPC Server
Server D creates an audit log entry for the service
request, cross referencing it to the corresponding
audit log entry Y of Server B, which acts as the
client of this server.
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5 Security reconciliation
5.1 Reconciliation of threats with OPC UA security mechanisms
5.1.1 Overview
The sub-clauses 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.1.5, 5.1.6, 5.1.7, 5.1.8, 5.1.9, 5.1.10, and 5.1.11 reconcile the
threats that were described in 4.3 against the OPC UA functions. Compared to the reconciliation
with the objectives that will be given in 5.2, this is a more specific reconciliation that relates OPC
UA security functions to specific threats.
5.1.2 Message flooding
See 4.3.2 for a description of this threat.
OPC UA minimizes the loss of Availability caused by Message flooding by minimizing the amount of
processing done with a Message before the Message is authenticated. This prevents an attacker
from leveraging a small amount of effort to cause the legitimate OPC UA Application to spend a
large amount of time responding, thus taking away processing resources from legitimate activities.
GetEndpoints (specified in Part 4) and OpenSecureChannel (specified in Part 4) are the only
services that the Server handles before the Client is authenticated. The response to GetEndpoints
is only a set of static information so the Server does not need to do much processing. The response
to OpenSecureChannel consumes significant Server resources because of the signature and
encryption processing. OPC UA has minimized this processing, but it cannot be eliminated.
The Server implementation could protect itself from floods of OpenSecureChannel Messages in two
First, the Server could intentionally delay its processing of OpenSecureChannel requests once it
receives more than some minimum number of bad OpenSecureChannel requests. It should also
issue an alarm to alert plant personnel that an attack is underway that could be blocking new
legitimate OpenSecureChannel calls.
Second, when an OpenSecureChannel request attem pts to exceed the Servers specified maximum
number of concurrent channels the Server replies with an error response without performing the
signature and encryption processing. Certified OPC UA Servers are required to specify their
maximum number of concurrent channels in their product documentation as specified in Part 7.
OPC UA user and Client Authentication reduce the risk of a legitimate Client being used to mount a
flooding attack. See the reconciliation of Authentication in 5.2.3.
OPC UA Auditing functionality provides the site with evidence that can h elp the site discover that
flooding attacks are being mounted and find ways to prevent similar future attacks (see 4.12). As a
best practice, Audit Events should be monitored for excessive connection requests.
OPC UA relies upon the site CSMS to prevent attacks such as Message flooding at protocol layers
and systems that support OPC UA.
5.1.3 Eavesdropping
See 4.3.3 for a description of this threat.
OPC UA provides encryption to protect against eavesdropping as described in 5.2.5.
5.1.4 Message spoofing
See 4.3.4 for a description of this threat.
As specified in Part 4 and Part 6, OPC UA counters Message spoofing threats by providing the
ability to sign Messages. Additionally Messages will always contain a valid Session ID, Secure
Channel ID, Request ID, Timestamp as well as the correct sequence number.
5.1.5 Message alteration
See 4.3.5 for a description of this threat.
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OPC UA counters Message alteration by the signing of Messages that are specified in Part 4. If
Messages are altered, checking the signature will reveal any changes and allow the recipient to
discard the Message. This check can also prevent unintentional Message alteration due to
communication transport errors.
5.1.6 Message replay
See 4.3.6 for a description of this threat.
OPC UA uses Session IDs, Secure Channel IDs, Timestamps, Sequence Numbers and Request IDs
for every request and response Message. Messages are signed and cannot be changed without
detection, therefore it would be very hard to replay a Message, such that the Message would have a
valid Session ID, Secure Channel ID, Timestamp, Sequence Numbers and Request ID. (All of which
are specified in Part 4 and Part 6).
5.1.7 Malformed Messages
See 4.3.7 for a description of this threat.
Implementations of OPC UA Client and Server products counter threats of malformed Messages by
checking that Messages have the proper form and that parameters of Messages are within their
legal range. Invalid Messages are discarded. This is specified in Part 4 and Part 6.
5.1.8 Server profiling
See 4.3.8 for a description of this threat.
OPC UA limits the amount of information that Servers provide to Clients that have not yet been
identified. This information is the response to the GetEndpoints service specified in Part 4.
5.1.9 Session hijacking
See 4.3.9 for a description of this threat.
OPC UA counters Session hijacking by assigning a security context (i.e. Secure Channel) with each
Session as specified in the CreateSession Service in Part 4. Hijacking a Session would thus first
require compromising the security context.
5.1.10 Rogue Server
See 4.3.10 for a description of this threat.
OPC UA Client applications counter the use of rogue Servers by validating Server Application
Instance Certificates. There would still be the possibility that a rogue Server provides a Certificate
from a certified OPC UA Server, but since it does not possess the appropriate Private Key (because
this will never be distributed) to decrypt and verify Messages secured with the correct Public Key
the rogue Server would never be able to read and misuse secured data sent by a Client.
5.1.11 Compromising user credentials
See 4.3.11 for a description of this threat.
OPC UA protects user credentials sent over the network by encryption as described in 5.2.5.
OPC UA depends upon the site CSMS to protect against other attacks to gain user credentials,
such as password guessing or social engineering.
5.2 Reconciliation of objectives with OPC UA security mechanisms
5.2.1 Overview
The sub clauses 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.2.5, 5.2.6, 5.2.7 and 5.2.8 reconcile the objectives that were
described in 4.2 with the OPC UA functions. Compared to the reconciliation against the threats of
5.1, this reconciliation justifies the completeness of the OPC UA security archit ecture.
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Some attacks on Availability involve opening more Sessions than a Server can handle thereby
causing the Server to fail or operate poorly. Servers reject Sessions that exceed their specified
maximum number. Other aspects of OPC UA such as OPC UA Secure Conversation or WS Secure
Conversation can also affect availability and are discussed in Part 6
Denial of service: Denial of service conditions may exist when a Client does not reset a
Session, if the timeouts are very large.
Resource consumption: When a Client is idle for long periods of time, the Server keeps the
Clients buffered Message or information for that period, leading to resource exhaustion.
The implementer should use reasonable timeouts for each connection stage.
6.3 Strict Message processing
The specifications often specify the format of the correct Messages and are silent on what the
implementation should do for Messages that deviate from the specification. Typically, the
implementations continue to parse such packets, leading to vulnerabilities.
The implementer should do strict checking of the Message format and should either drop the
packets or send an error Message as described below.
Error handling uses the error code, defined in Part 4, which most precisely fits the
condition and only when returning an error code is appropriate. Error codes can be used
as an attack vector, thus their uses should be limited as described in Part 4. Part 4
describes that a single generic error is returned before and during the establishment of a
secure channel. Once the secure channel has been establ ished then appropriate
specific error codes are returned.
Another attack vector that can be used is timing variations; this is minimized by the
description in Part 4 that requires the closing of the socket for any errors when
establishing a secure channel. Vendors should be careful in their implementation to
ensure that all paths that result in the closure of the socket do not provide a timing hint
indicating which failure path was encountered. This can be accomplish ed by having a
random delay before closing the socket or before returning a generic error code.
All arrays lengths, string lengths and recursion depth should be strictly enforced and
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use several individual pieces of information (hardware ids like CPU, Mac, addresses, USB devices,
screen resolution, installed software ...) to generate entropy, but embedded devices are built
completely identically. Often only the time and maybe a MAC address is left for entropy. These
sources of entropy can be guessed or discovered. This makes the embedded devices very
A common mistake is to generate cryptographic keys during the first boot. Thus even the time
information is predictable (creation time is stor ed e.g. in a certificate). Some alternate solutions a
vendor might want to consider:
Add specific entropy generator hardware when designing embedded devices.
Do not generate certificates on embedded devices. Use an external tool or the GDS to
generate the certificate and load it onto the device. A problem could still remain for the
symmetric keys, as these are normally not created directly during the boot phase; rather
they are created when a client connects.
Wait long enough until enough entropy information is available. Some operating systems
provide hints when they have reached this point .
For embedded systems without a good entropy source it may help to store the cryptographic
pseudo-random number generator (CPRNG) state, so that it will not produce the same
random numbers after every boot.
Vendor should ensure that cryptographic functions they use are initialized with suitable entropy and
that the generated certificates are not created in a predictable manner.
6.5 Special and reserved packets
The implementation understands and correctly interprets any Message types that are reserved as
special (such as broadcast and multicast addresses in IP specification). Failing to understand and
interpret those special packets may lead to vulnerabilities.
6.6 Rate limiting and flow control
OPC UA does not provide rate control mechanisms, however an implementation can incorporate
rate control.
6.7 Administrative access
OPC UA describes that certain functionality, such as the management of CertificateStores, should
be restricted to administrators. This Multi-part standard does not describe the details associated
with administrative access. The nature of administrative access varies from platform to platform.
Some platforms only have a single administrator. Other platforms provide mu ltiple levels of
administrative access such as backup administrator, network administrator, configuration
administrator etc. The deployment site should make appropriate selections for administrator access
and the implementer should allow for the configurat ion of appropriate administrator account access.
6.8 Cryptographic Keys
Security Profiles defined in Part 7 describe required algorithms and required key lengths. Key
length requirements may be specified as a range, i.e. 1024-2048. It is important that an application
supports the entire range for its Application Instance Certificate. This allows an end user to
generate a key (Application Instance Certificate) that meets their security requirements. This may
extend the period of time for which the given Security profile can be used. For example key lengths
less than 2048 are already considered insecure, but if an end user generates certificates for the
high end of the range (2048), the application might still be considered secure (depe nding on the
other algorithms).
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the running environment are able to generate Audit Events and are to be restricted to appropriate
The disabling of Alarms is one such function that should be restricted to personnel with appropriate
access rights. Furthermore, any action that disables an alarm, whether it be initiated by personnel
or some automated system, should generate an Audit Event indicating the action.
The shelving of alarms should follow similar guideline as the disabling of alarms with regard to
access and Auditing, although it may be available to a wider range of users (operators, engineers).
Also the implementer should ensure that appropriate timeouts are configured for Alarm Shelving.
These timeouts should ensure that an Alarm cannot be shelved for a period of time that could cause
safety concerns.
Dialog Events could also be used to overload a Client. It would be a best practice for Servers that
support dialogs to restrict the number of concurrent dialogs that could be active. Also Dialogs
should include some timeout period to ensure that they are not used to create a DOS. Client
implementers should also ensure that any dialog processing cannot be used to overwhelm an
operator. The maximum number of open dialogs should be restricted and dialogs should be able to
be ignored (i.e. other processing should still be available).
6.10 Program access
OPC UA describes functionality that allows for programs to be executed as part of the OPC UA
Server. These programs can be used to perform advanced control algorithms or other actions. The
use of these actions should be restricted to personnel with appropriate access rights. Furthermore,
the definition of Programs should be carefully monitored. It is recommended that statistics be
maintained regarding the number of defined programs in addition to their execution frequency. This
information is available to administrative personnel. In no case should an unlimited number of
program executions be allowed.
6.11 Audit event management
The OPC UA specification describes Audit Events that are to be generated and the information that
these Audit Events include as a minimum, however, the specification does not describe how these
Audit Events are handled once they are generated. Audit Events can be subscribed to by multiple
Audit tracking systems or logging systems. The OPC UA specification does not describe these
systems. It is assumed that any number of vendor provided systems could provide this functionality.
As a best practice whatever system is used to store and manage , Audit Events should ensure the
That Audit Events are not tampered with once they are received.
The Subscription for Audit Events should be via a Secure Channel to ensure they are not
tampered with while in transition.
For Clients that log audit events; it is recommended that the logged audit events be
persisted in such a manner that the audit events can be authenticated and linked to the
original transaction.
An Audit event management system could have additional requirements based on the site CSMS.
7 Unsecured Services
7.1 Overview
OPC UA provides a number of services that do not require security to access. These service s
require special consideration from a security point of view. These services provide capabilities that
allow clients to discover servers and connect to them. The Discovery services are available as local
services or global services and can be multicast.
7.2 Multi Cast Discovery
OPC UA can be configured to support discovery in multiple manners. One of the options is a multi cast discovery. In this type of Discovery, Servers announce themselves on a subnet when they
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start. Application machines or an actual application can listen and build a list of the available
Multicast DNS operations are insecure because of their very nature; they allow rogue servers to
broadcast their presence or impersonate another host or server. Risks from Rogue Servers can be
minimized if OPC UA security is enabled and all applications use certificate trust lists to control
access. Also Clients should cache connection information, minimizing the lookup of Server
information. However, even if you use UA security, multicast DNS should be disabled in
environments where an attacker can easily access the network.
Applications (or discovery servers) are built to ensure that they cannot be overloaded or brought
down by high broadcast rates on the multi-cast discovery channel or by too large a list of server
7.3 Global Discovery Server Security
7.3.1 Overview
The Global Discovery Server (GDS) is a special OPC UA Server that provides Discovery services
for a plant or entire system. In addition it can provide certificate management functionality (See Part
There are multiple methods of accessing a GDS:
1) Servers can register with the Discovery Server
2) Clients can query the GDS for available Servers
3) Clients can pull certificates from the GDS
4) Servers can pull certificates from the GDS
5) The GDS can push certificates to a Server
6) The GDS can access other discovery Servers to build a list of available Servers.
Several types of threats need to be discussed with reg ard to the available access methods:
Threats against the GDS, including the presence of rogue Clients or Servers
It is important that Servers register with the Discovery Server they are configured to register
with and that Servers do not blindly register with a GDS that it has not been configured to
register with. Servers have to be aware that a Discovery Server might be a rogue Server.
A Server registers all endpoints that it provides, ensuring that the list provided by the
Discovery Server and the Server match. This ensures that Clients can determine if the
Discovery Server provided valid information.
Clients should be aware of rogue Discovery Servers that might direct them to rogue
Servers. Clients can use the SSL/TLS server certificate (if available) to verify that the
Discovery Server is a Server that they trust and/or ensure that they trust any Server
provided by the Discovery Server.
As described in Part 4, Clients always verify that they trusts the Server certificate and that
the EndpointUrl matches the HostNames specified in the certificate before it creates a
Session with a Server. After it creates a Session it looks at the EndpointDescriptions
returned by the Server and verifies that it used the best security possible and that the
Servers Certificate matches the one that the Client used to connect. The
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8 Certificate management
8.1.1 Overview
OPC UA applications typically have Application Instance Certificates to provide application level
security. They are used for establishing a secure connection using Asymmetric Cryptography.
These Application Instance Certificates are Digital Certificates which are X.509 Certificates and
contain a list of data items that are defined in Part 4 and completely described in Part 6. These data
items describe the Application Instance that the Digital Certificate is assigned to.
The Digital Certificates include a Digital Signature by the generator of the Certificate. This Digital
Signature can be self-signed (The signature is generated by the Private Key associated with X.509
Certificate that is the Application Instance Certificate) or can be signed by a Certificate Authority
(The signature is generated by the Private Key associated the X.509 Certificate of the CA). Both
types of Certificates provide the same level of security and can be used in Asymmetric
Cryptography. The Signatures can be generated using a variety of algorithms, where the alg orithms
provide different levels of security (128 bit, 256 bit, 512 bit ...). The algorithm that is required for
signing a certificate is specified as part of the Security Policy. Servers and Clients should be able to
support more than one certificate since more than one certificate may be required depending on the
Security Profiles that are being supported.
Asymmetric Cryptography makes use of two keys a Private Key and a Public Key. An application
will have a list of trusted Public Keys that represent the applications it trusts. This list of trusted
Public Keys is stored either in the Windows Registry or a file folder. It will also have a Private Key
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that corresponds to its Application Instance Certificate. The application can use a Public Key, from
its list, to validate that the signature on a received connection request was generated by the
corresponding Private Key. An application can also use the Public Key of the target application to
encrypt data, which can only be decrypted using t he Private Key of the target application.
8.1.2 Self signed certificate management
The major difference between CA signed and self -signed Digital Certificate is the effort required to
deploy and maintain the Digital Certificates. The choice of when to use a CA issued Digital
Certificate versus a self-signed Digital Certificate depends on the installation and site requirements.
Figure 7 illustrates the work that is required to maintain the trust list for self-signed Digital
Manual Certificate Handling
OPC UA Server
OPC UA Client
Certificate Store
Certificate Store
Certificate Store
Certificate Store
Export, Copy
and Install
Certificate Store
Certificate Store
Export, Copy
and Install
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OPC UA Server
Certificate Store
Certificate Store
CA Certificate Handling
OPC UA Client
Certificate Store
Certificate Store
CA Authority
Certificate Store
Certificate Store
CA Certificate
Client Certificate
Private Key
OPC UA Client
OPC UA Server
Certificate Store
Certificate Store
CA Certificate
Client Certificate
Private Key
Certificate Store
Certificate Store
CA Certificate
Server Certificate
Private Key
Certificate Store
Certificate Store
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signed from circulation. CRLs are provided by a CA and usually distributed in some automatic
manner; see Part 12 for additional details.
From a security point of view, it is essential that the Certificate stores used to store Private Keys
are protected and secured only allowing read/write access by an appropriate administrator and /or
by the application. Trust lists, CRLs, and trusted CA lists are secured allowing only write access by
an appropriate administrator and in the case of pull configuration by the applicat ion. Read access
may be granted to other valid users, but the list of users allowed read access would be a site
From an Installation point of view, it is a best practice that a standard tool to generate an
Application Instance Certificate is provided. This tool could be one provided by an OPC UA SDK
vendor or by the OPC Foundation. The standard tool ensures that the Application Instance
Certificates that are generated include all of the required fields and settings. A particular OPC UA
application shall be able to accept and install any valid Application Instance Certificates generated
by external tools. The choice of the actual tool is site specific. Figure 9 provides an overview of
some of the key points of Certificate handling.
Revocation List
Communicates with
Private Key
Trust List
Certificate Store
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Operator An Operator is person who uses the Application Instance. More than one Operator may
exist for any given application. An Operator may have User Creden tials which are used to
determine access rights and to track activities within the Application Instance.
User Credential A User Credential is a generic term for an electronic ID which identifies an
Operator/User. It may be passed to a Server after the Application Instance Certificate is used to
create a secure channel. It can be used to determine access rights and to track activities (auditing).
Certificate Authority (CA) A Certificate Authority (CA) is an administrator or organization which
is responsible for creating and managing Certificates (it is usually a partially automated software
product). The Certificate Authority verifies that information placed in the Application Instance
Certificate is correct and add a Digital Signature to the Certificate that is used to verify that the
information has not been changed. Each CA has its own Digital Certificate which is used to create
the Digital Signatures. A CA is also responsible for maintaining CRLs. In most cases it is a software
package that an administrator periodically reviews or accesses, usually when the software package
generates an alarm or notification that some review action is required.
Certificate A Certificate is an electronic ID that can be held by an application. The ID includes
information that identifies the holder, the issuer, and a unique key that is used to create and verify
Digital Signatures. The syntax of these Certificates conforms to the X509 specification, as a result,
these Certificates are also called X509 Certificates. Certificates also have a Private Key
associated with them.
Self-Signed Certificate A self-signed Certificate is a Digital Certificate which has no Certificate
Authority. These Certificates can be created by anyone and can be used in situations where the
administrators of UA Applications are able to verify the claims by reviewing the contents
themselves. A system that uses only self-signed Certificates would not have CA or CRL.
Private Key A Private Key is a secret number known only to the holder of a Digital Certificate.
This secret allows the holder to create Digital Signatures and decrypt data. If this secret is revealed
to unauthorized parties then the associated Digital Certificate can no longer be trusted or used. It is
replaced or in the case of a CA generated Certificate it is revoked.
Trust List A Trust List is a list of Certificates which are trusted by an Application Instance. When
security is enabled, UA Applications reject connections from peers whose Certificates are not in the
trusted list or if the Certificate is issued by a CA that is not in the Trust List.
Certificate Store A Certificate Store is a place where Certificates and Private Keys can be stored
on a file system. All Windows systems provide a registry based store call ed the Windows Certificate
Store. All UA systems can also support a directory containing the Certificates stored in a file which
is also called an OpenSSL Certificate Store.
Revocation List A Revocation List is a list of Certificates which have been revoked by a CA and
are not be accepted by an Application Instance.