Managing Value at Risk Using Put Options

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Managing Value at Risk Using Put Options

Maciej J. Capi
May 18, 2009
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied Mathematics
al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland

A natural approach to reducing the risk of a position in stock, is by
buying put options on the underlying. We consider a model where the
Value at Risk is taken as measure of risk, in the framework of the BlackScholes model. We show a method for the choice of the optimal strike price
of the options, and provide an analytic formula for the optimal Value at
Risk, for arbitrary hedging expenditure. We show that hedging with put
options is more effective than hedging with forward contracts. We also
investigate the impact of the position on Value at Risk if one is to terminate the investment prior to the maturity of the options. We demonstrate
that American options do not provide better protection throughout the
life span of the investment than European options.

Key Words: Value-at-Risk, risk management


The Value at Risk (VaR), which is the worst case scenario of loss an investment
might incur at a given confidence level, has established its position as one of the
standard measures of risk, and is widely used throughout the field of finance
and risk management. Even though VaR does have some undesirable properties
due to its lack of coherence (see the work of Artzner, Delbaen, Eber and Heath
[4]), the fact that in numerous cases it is straightforward and easy to compute
has not diminished its popularity.
One of the most natural ideas to reduce the VaR of a position in stock is
to buy European put options. By doing so one can cut off the undesirable
scenarios, while leaving oneself open to the positive outcomes. A choice of a
high strike price of the put option does cut off more of the unfavorable states,
but at the same time produces higher hedging costs. The question of how to

balance the two trends so that the level of VaR is minimized was discussed by
Ahn, Boudoukh, Richardson and Whitelaw [1, 2], under the assumptions of the
Black-Scholes model. There it has been shown, that under the assumption that
one considers a sufficiently small hedging expenditure, the optimal strike price
of the put can be found. It also turned out that the strike price is independent
of the level of hedging cost, and that the VaR under the optimal position has a
closed-form analytic solution.
In recent years various generalizations of the problem turned in the direction
of dynamic programming and utility maximization methods. For some of the
examples see the work of Basak and Shapiro [5], Cuoco, He and Issaenko [6],
and also Yiu [14]. There, instead of simply buying European put options, the
investor engages in a self financing strategy, which maximizes the utility of
terminal wealth, while keeping the level of VaR in check throughout the time of
the investment. Such methods produce better results, though in many cases they
require having to numerically solve PDEs or dynamic programming problems.
A second drawback, with comparison to simple hedging with put options, is the
fact that the investor constantly needs to rebalance the portfolio to follow the
optimal strategy, which in practice is usually time consuming and costly. An
advantage of hedging with put options that still remains, is the simplicity of the
In this paper we come back to the model of Ahn et al. We will provide an
extension of the result, so that it allows for an arbitrary hedging expenditure.
The extension was highlighted in [1], but no proof of the result has been given
(The claim was only backed up by numerical evidence). We will show that if an
investor has a single share and wishes to incur a cost exceeding the one necessary
for the assumptions of Ahn et al. [1, 2], then he should choose the strike price
of the put option so that its price is equal to the hedging expenditure. In other
words, he should buy a single put option. The result seems quite natural if one
imagines that the investor spends a large amount on hedging. Intuitively it
is evident that it would not make much sense to buy more than one option per
single share, since options are riskier than the underlying. On the other hand,
buying less than one option would leave a part of the share exposed to risk,
which when one spends enough on hedging looks to be a natural case to be
avoided. The tools used for the proof of the result are quite elementary. The
major obstacle that needs to be overcome is the ruling out of the case of over
hedging. If one decides to buy more options than stock, then one does not have
a closed form solution for the VaR. In order to optimize the strike price in such
case it is therefore impossible to simply differentiate the VaR over the strike
(as is done by Ahn [1, 2] under more stringent assumptions), since we have no
formula for VaR.
Having found the optimal strike price, we will show that in the case of an
arbitrary hedging expenditure we still have a simple analytic formula for the
optimal VaR. We will show that allowing for arbitrary hedging expenditure
significantly reduces the VaR in comparison with the constrained case. We will
prove also that hedging with put options is more efficient than hedging with
forward contracts or by investing in the risk free asset, and also demonstrate

how hedging with put options compares with optimal portfolios introduced by
Emmer, Kl
uppelberg and Korn [10]. What is more, we will show that even
though we hedge with European type options, the method also reduces the VaR
if one is to terminate the investment prior to their maturity date. This follows
from the fact that prior to maturity the put options can be sold at their market
value, which turns out to have a desirable effect on the VaR of the position.
From this perspective immunizing against risk using European options is not as
static as it seems at first glance. It turns out that for the optimal choice of the
strike price we also have an analytic formula for the VaR if we wish to terminate
the investment at any time prior to the maturity of the option. Finally we show,
that due to their lower prices, European puts are just as effective in immunizing
as American put options.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we give preliminary results
and notations. In Section 3 we first recall the main results of Ahn, Boudoukh,
Richardson and Whitelaw [1, 2], then in Section 3.2 we turn to the generalization
of the method to an arbitrary hedging expenditure. In Section 3.3 we compare
the results of constrained and unconstrained hedging on a numeric example.
In Section 3.4 we show that hedging with put options is an effective tool for
the reduction of VaR. We prove that hedging with put options is more efficient
than hedging with forward contracts and compare it with results attainable by
investments into portfolios of several assets. Then in Section 4 we move to the
computation of the VaR for investments terminated before the maturity of the
option. In Section 4.2 we demonstrate that hedging with European options
produces similar results to hedging with American puts. We finish off with
conclusions in Section 5.


In this section we introduce the necessary notations and give basic results, which
will be used throughout the paper. We work under the assumptions of the
Black-Scholes model. The behavior of the underlying asset St is governed by
the stochastic equation
dSt = St dt + St dWt ,
where and are the drift and the volatility, and Wt is a Wiener process. The
equation (1) has a closed form solution

St = S0 e



The Black-Scholes formula for the price of a European put option purchased
at time t, with the exercise time T and a strike price K, is given by the formula
P (t, K, St ) = Ker(T t) N (d2 (t, K, St )) St N (d1 (t, K, St )),



ln( K
) + r + 2 (T t)

d1 (t, K, x) =
T t

d2 (t, K, x) = d1 (t, K, x) T t.


When the choice of t and St will be evident from the context we will sometimes
simplify the above notations to P (K), d1 (K) and d2 (K).
Now we will turn to the definition of the value at risk. Let us first introduce
some notations. We will assume that investments are made at time zero and
are terminated at time t. We will denote the value of a given portfolio at time
t as Vt . When computing a loss on a given investment we will take into account
the time value of money, and therefore the present value of the loss at time t is
computed as
L = V0 ert Vt .
Throughout the paper we will use the value at risk as our risk measure.
Definition 1 Value at risk at confidence level is the smallest number V aR ,
such that the probability that the loss of our portfolio exceeds this value is smaller
than . i.e.

V aR = inf Y | P (V0 ert Vt > Y ) < .
In some cases the condition (6) can be simplified. The value at risk is a
number VaR which satisfies
P (V0 ert Vt > V aR ) = ,


if such a number exists. If not then the condition (6) needs to be applied.
Sometimes the computation of VaR for a given investment does not present
a problem.
Remark 2 If the loss of the portfolio can be expressed as f (Z), where f is a
decreasing function and Z is a variable with a standard normal distribution,
then VaR of such a portfolio is determined by the formula
V aR = f (c()),


where c() is the cut off point for the standard normal distribution at (i.e.
P (Z < c()) = ).

VaR of a position in stock hedged by an investment in put options

In the first part of the section we are going to take a brief look at the results of
Ahn, Boudoukh, Richardson and Whitelaw [1, 2], where the problem of hedging

the value at risk of a position in a single share is considered. The hedging strategy involves buying European put options for a fixed amount C. The question
is how to find the optimal strike price of the put options which we should use
in order to perform our hedge, so that the VaR computed for the expiry date
T of the options is as small as possible. Let us note that for the result to hold
it is important that the amount C is small in comparison to the stock price S0 .
The second task of the section is to investigate what happens when the C is
relatively large. In the third part we are going to compare the two results on a
numerical example.


The case of small hedging expenditure

In this section we recall the results of Ahn et al. The following Theorem is the
main tool used for finding the optimal strike price.
Theorem 3 The value at risk at confidence level of a position consisting of
a single share and h 1 put options with a strike price K and an expiry date
T is equal to
V aR (K) = S0 + hP (K) erT ST (c()) erT h(K ST (c()))+


where c() R is the cut off point for the standard normal distribution at
(i.e. P (Z < c()) = ) and ST (c()) = S0 e(


)T + T c()

We can see from the formula (9) that if we chose K smaller than ST (c()),
then the value at risk of our position is higher then the value at risk of a single
position in stock, given by
V aR = S0 erT ST (c()).


Buying a put option with such a K does not decrease VaR of our position. This
makes sense since there is no point in buying a put option with a strike price
which is so low, that the event of ever having to use it is very unlikely. Such an
option will not protect us from the loss at confidence level.
Let us note that if we intend to use a fixed amount C for hedging our position
with put options, we have the following constraint
C = hP (0, K, S0 ).
From this formula we can see that h is not fixed, but depends on the choice of
the strike price K.
The formula (9) is used to compute the optimal strike price K0 of a put
option, which we should buy in order to minimize the VaR of our position. To
find the optimal K0 we simply compute the derivative of (9) with respect to K
and equate it to zero

S0 + C e
ST (c()) e
(K ST (c())) = 0.
P (K)

The above derivative is equal zero for K = K0 which satisfies the following
N (d1 (0, K0 , S0 ))
ST (c()) = S0 rT
N (d2 (0, K0 , S0 ))
Even though the expression (12) does not provide an analytical formula for the
optimal K0 , it can be used to solve the problem numerically.


The case of arbitrary hedging expenditure

Let us now consider the case when it turns out that the amount used for hedging
C exceeds the price of the put option P (K0 ), where K0 is the optimal strike
price suggested by (12). In such a case we can no longer rely on the choice
of the strike price K0 , since then h = C/P (K0 ) is greater than one and the
result of the Theorem 3 no longer holds. Thus (12) does no longer refer to the
minimization of the VaR.
To state our result let us first introduce some notations. Let K be the strike
price such that the price of the put option is equal to C
P (K ) = C.


Let us also denote by Y the value at risk of a portfolio consisting of a single

stock and a single put with the strike price K . Since in this case h = 1 we can
apply (9) and compute Y analytically
Y = V aR (K ) = S0 +P (K )erT ST (c())erT (K ST (c()))+ . (14)
Using the above notation we have the following generalization of Theorem 3.
Theorem 4 If we buy a single share and wish to spend an amount C on hedging
our position by buying put options, then we should buy put options with the strike
K0 if P (K
Kopt =

if P (K0 ) > 1
where K0 and K is given by (12) and (13) respectively. The value at risk of
our position at confidence level is
V aR (C) = V aR (Kopt )


= S0 + C erT ST (c()) erT

(Kopt ST (c()))+ .
P (Kopt )

Remark 5 The above principle (15) has been already indicated in [1], but due to
the fact that there is no analytic formula for VaR in case of h > 1, the conjecture
has not been proved (It has been only backed up by numerical examples). The
main difficulty in the proof of Theorem 4, is to obtain the result without a
formula for VaR.

L ( ST )




Figure 1: The loss function L for the portfolio consisting of a single stock and
h > 1 put options.

Proof of Theorem 4. The first case in (15) follows from Theorem 3.

First we will consider a situation when we choose C and K such that P (K)

1 and K < K . We will show that for such K the value at risk of the investment
is greater than Y . Let us first consider the loss function LK with respect to
the future value of stock
LK (ST ) = S0 + C erT ST erT

(K ST )+ .
P (K)


If we choose a certain loss level Y, then it is not difficult to compute the probability that the loss will exceed this given value. In order to do this we can first
compute the values x1 and x2 (see Figure 1)
erT (Y S0 C) + P (K)
x1 (Y ) = max
,0 ,
P (K) 1
x2 (Y ) = erT (S0 + C Y ).
To find our probability P (LK > Y ) all we need to compute now, is the probability that ST is in the interval (x1 (Y ), x2 (Y )). Since ST is given by (2) this
probability is equal to
P (LK > Y ) = P (ST (x1 (Y ), x2 (Y ))) = N (g(x2 (Y ))) N (g(x1 (Y ))), (19)
g(x) =





Let us now define a function q(K) as the probability that the loss LK is
greater than Y
q(K) = P (LK > Y ).

Let us show that the function q(K) is a decreasing function on the interval
(0, K ). We have
q(K) =
[N (g(x2 (Y ))) N (g(x1 (Y )))]
g(x2 (Y ))2 dg
) (x2 (Y ))
x2 (Y )
= exp(
g(x1 (Y ))2 dg
) (x1 (Y ))
x1 (Y ).
We note that x2 is independent from K, which means that the first term in our
> 0, which means that in
equation is equal to zero. It is easy to check that dx
order to show that dK q(K) < 0 it is enough to show that
x1 (Y ) > 0.
We have
erT (Y S0 C) +

x1 (Y ) =



P (K)

P (K) K

erT (Y S0 C) + C

C P (K) +

erT (Y S0 C) + K
C P (K)


dK (e (Y

S0 C) + K)
(C P (K))2

Since we are only interested whether the above expression is positive, we can
drop the term (CPC(K))2 . Using the formulas (3) and the fact that dK
erT N (d2 (K)), we obtain
dP rT
(e (Y S0 C) + K)
= C KerT N (d2 (K)) + S0 N (d1 (K))

C P (K) +

+ erT N (d2 (K))(erT (Y S0 C) + K)

= C + S0 N (d1 (K)) + N (d2 (K))(Y S0 C).
Using (14) and (13) we have
C + S0 N (d1 (K)) + N (d2 (K))(Y S0 C)
= P (K ) + S0 N (d1 (K)) erT K N (d2 (K))
= P (K ) + S0 N (d1 (K)) erT KN (d2 (K))
erT (K K)N (d2 (K))
= P (K ) P (K) (K K)
> 0.


LK (ST )

V aR (K)

P (LK > Y ) >


Figure 2: The loss function LK and VaR for K < K .

The last inequality is a result of the fact that the price function P (K) is convex
with respect to K.
Since q(K) = P (LK > Y ) is a decreasing function, for K < K we
have P (LK > Y ) > P (LK > Y ) = . This and the fact that P (LK >
V aR (K)) = , gives us
V aR (K) > Y = V aR (K ),
for all K < K (see Figure 2).
We have so far shown that if we consider the strike prices equal to or smaller
than K , then the smallest value at risk for our portfolio is obtained by spending
C on a single put option with the strike price K . What is left now is to show
that if we choose K > K then V aR (K) will be greater than V aR (K ). In
this case the proportion h of the put options, which we can buy for our amount
C is smaller than one
= 1,
P (K)
P (K )
and therefore to compute the value at risk we can apply the formula (9)
V aR (K) = S0 + C erT ST (c()) erT

(K ST (c()))+ .
P (K)


We know that this function takes the smallest value at K0 and that it is increasing on the interval [K0 , +). We also have K > K0 . We want to find
the smallest value of V aR (K) on the interval [K , +). It is clear that this is
attained at K = K . This finishes our proof.
As a finishing remark for this section, let us notice that spending a large
amount C on the hedge, gives us the ability to reduce the value at risk of our
position arbitrarily close to zero.
Remark 6 The value at risk can be reduced arbitrarily close to zero
lim V aR (C) = 0.

Proof. From (16), (3) and (4) we can compute

lim V aR (C) = lim [S0 + C erT ST (c()) erT (K (C) ST (c()))+ ]

= lim [S0 + C erT K (C)]


= lim [S0 + P (K) erT K]



= lim [S0 (1 N (d1 (K))) + erT K(N (d2 (K)) 1)]



lim [K(N (d2 (K)) 1)]

= 0.
This fact does not mean that we are decreasing the VaR of our position for
free. This is reflected by the expected rate of return on our investment for high
values of C. The higher we choose C, the closer the return gets to the risk free
rate r

ST (K (C) ST )+
E [ST (K ST )+ ]
lim E
= lim
S0 + C
S0 + P (K)

= lim
P (K)
= ln(erT )
= r,
and therefore as C increases, the investment becomes less and less profitable.


Comparison of the results with limited and unlimited

hedging expenditure

In this section we are going to present some numerical results. We will follow
the initial data considered by Ahn, Boudoukh, Richardson and Whitelaw [2],
and examine what impact the extension onto arbitrary hedging expenditure has
on VaR reduction. We will also demonstrate the dependence of the VaR on the
choice of the strike price.
The following parameters were considered: S0 = 100, = 0.10, = 0.15,
r = 0.05, T = 1 and = 2.5%. From (10) we find that the VaR of an unhedged
position in a single share is equal to 22.53. If one wishes to hedge the position
by buying European put options then from (12) the optimal strike price K0 is
equal to 87.59. The maximal hedging expenditure for which the results of Ahn
et al. hold (i.e. for which h = C/P (K0 ) 1) is C = 0.74. With such maximal
hedging, using (9), we find that the VaR is reduced to 17.43. If we choose to
hedge with C > C then K0 is no longer the optimal choice. In such case we
have to choose the strike price using (15), and invest the C into a single option
with, the strike price Kopt such that P (Kopt ) = C. The choice of the strike

Figure 3: The optimal strike price Kopt for various levels of hedging expenditure

price for various hedging expenditures is shown in Table 1. We can see that
for C up to C (depicted in bold font) we have a constant optimal strike price.
Above C the optimal strike price depends on the choice of C. We can see that
choosing higher C significantly reduces the VaR of our position. These results
are also graphically depicted in Figures 3 and 4, where the black dot represents

the result for C.



V aR (Kopt )

Table 1: The optimal strike price Kopt and the resulting optimal V aR for
various hedging expenditures C.
Let us now briefly discuss how the VaR of our position depends on the choice
of the strike price of the put option. The results are given in Figure 5. For C < C
we can use (9) to compute VaR (K). An example of this case is for C = 0.5.
For C > C the formula (9) holds only for K above Kopt , and for smaller K one
has to use (19) to find VaR (K). The kink in the graph at the minimum is the
result of the fact that the formula (9) brakes down for K < Kopt , since for such
K the fraction h = C/P (K) invested in the put options is greater than one. In

Figure 4: The optimal V aR for various hedging expenditure C.

Figure 5 we draw the results from C = 0.75, which is just above the boundary
C = 0.74, up to C = 1.5. For higher C the kink in the graph is more evident.
Also the minimal attainable VaR is clearly lower than for small C.


VaR / expected income analysis

A natural question to ask is whether hedging with put options is justified. At

first glance one might argue that options are relatively expensive and therefore
would probably not be very efficient. The simplest, cheapest and most natural
idea for hedging of a position in stock is signing a forward contract on it (or on
a part of it), or investing part of the money risk free. In this section we will
show that put options perform far better. We will also compare how hedging
with put options compares with diversifying the investment into various assets.
Let us start with considering what will happen when we sign a forward
contract on a portion [0, 1] of a single unit of stock. We have V0F = S0 ,
VTF () = (1 )ST + S0 erT and the loss for our investment will be

L = S0 erT (1 )ST + S0 erT .
This means that we can apply Remark 2 to obtain
V aR
() = (1 ) S0 erT ST (c())


(Note also that investing (1 S0 ) in stock and S0 risk free will give us an
identical result to (23)).
If on the other hand we invest (1)S0 into stock and spend S0 on hedging


Figure 5: The dependence of V aR on the choice of the strike price K when

the hedging expenditure is fixed at various levels.
with put options then applying Theorem 4 gives us

V aR
() = S0 erT (1 )ST (c()) +
(Kopt ST (c()))+ ,
P (Kopt )
with Kopt = max(K0 , K ) and
Proposition 7 For any hedging fraction (0, 1) we have
P (K ) =


V aR
() < V aR

Proof. From (22) and (23) we know that

V aR
(1) = V aR
(1) = 0.

Let be such that



= K0 . For [ , 1) using (23), (24), (25) we have

V aR
() V aR
() = erT (1 ) (K ST (c())) S0 erT .

) and
The fact that K = P 1 ( 1

dK P (K)

V aR
() V aR
() =

(K ST (c())) +

= erT N (d2 ) gives

S0 erT
erT N (d2 ) (1 )

(1 )
< 0,


Figure 6: V aR for various hedging fractions .

which together with (26) gives V aR
() > V aR
() for [ , 1).

For (0, ) we have Kopt = K0 and

K0 ST (c())
V aR () V aR () = S0
1 .
erT P (K0 )

Using (12) gives us

erT P (K0 ) = K0 N (d2 ) S0 erT N (d1 )
= K0 N (d2 ) ST (c())N (d2 )
< K0 ST (c()),
hence V
for (0, ).
We can continue the example from Section 3.3 to compare the results obtained with (23) and (24). It turns out (see Figure 6) that hedging with put
options is by far more effective. In comparison with buying bonds or signing
forward contracts, buying put options requires far less hedging expenditure and
also has an imiediete efect even with a very small fraction spent on hedging.
One might wonder whether the VaR reduction performed with put options
does not signifficantly reduce the expected proceeds. To answer this question
let us note that
E(VTF ()) = (1 )S0 eT + S0 erT .


Using the fact that

E(K ST )+ = eT P (K) = KN (d2 ) eT S0 N (d1 )
(where di is computed identically to di , but with substituted instead of r) we
E(VTput ()) = (1 ) S0 eT +
eT P (K).
P (Kopt )

Figure 7: V aR / expected income results for different types of hedging.

Definition 8 We say that an investment with expected income E1 and value at

risk V aR1 dominates an investment with E2 and V aR2 if
E1 E2

V aR1 V aR2 .


Proposition 9 If > r then investments obtained by hedging with put options

dominate investments obtained by hedging with forwards.
Proof. We start by observing that
(V aR
(), E(VTput ())) = (V aR
(), E(VTF ()))

for {0, 1}.

Since > r we have eT P (K) < erT P (K). For (0, 1), using (27), (28),
Proposition 7 and (26) this gives us
0 T
(1 ) S0 eT (1)S
P (Kopt )
E put () E put (1)
P (Kopt ) e
V aR ()
V aR () V aR (1)
(1 ) S0 e (1 )S0 erT
V aRF ()
E F () E F (1)
F (1)
V aRF () V aR

Continuing our example, combining (23) with (27) and also (24) with (28)
allows us to plot the results on the VaR / expected income plane (see Figure
7). Looking at the graph we can see that portfolios constructed with the use of
put options dominate the ones attainable with forward contracts. Hedging with
put options clearly outperforms hedging with forwards.

We should now ask whether our hedging with put options is not in some
sense artificial. From Figure 6 we can see that the VaR reduction is substancial,
but we do not see what strike prices are required for particular parameters .
If it turned out that the required strike prices are too high, then our use of
the Black-Scholes model would be unjustified since we would be in the fat-tail
region of the true future stock price distribution. Looking at Figure 8 we can
see that the required strike prices for [0, 0.3] remain within a reasonable
range. For [0, 0.1] the required strike prices certainly seem quite natural.
For these parameters the use of the Black-Scholes model should be a reasonable
approximation. In any case the nature of Figure 6 should remain the same for
more general (say with stochastic volatility or jump diffusion) setting.
Another method of optimizing risk is by diversification. We will now compare how the reduction of VaR with put options compares with the optimal
portfolio selection developed by Emmer, Kl
uppelberg and Korn [10]. There the
folowing situation is considered. We have one risk free and d risky assets with
the following dynamics
dSt0 = St0 dt,

S00 = 1,

dSti = Sti i dt +


ij dWtj

for i = 1, . . . , d.


Where Wt = (Wt1 , . . . , Wtd ) is a d-dimensional Wiener process. We will use

notations = (ij )i,j=1,...,d , m = (1 , . . . , d ) , 1 = (1, . . . , 1) . We consider
portfolios = (1 , . . . , d ) where i is a fraction (constant in time) of the initial
wealth which is invested into an asset i. The wealth at time t of the protfolio is
Vt = (1


i )St0 +



i Sti .


The initial wealth is x and the following problem investigated

max E(VT )

subject to V aR (VT ) C


Theorem 10 [10] Let = || (m r1)|| and assume that i 6= r for at least

one i {1, . . . , d}. Assume furthermore that C satisfies

0 C xerT if T < c(),

xerT 1 e( 2 ( T )|c()|) C xerT if T c().
Then problem (29) is solved by

( 0 )1 (m r1)
|| 1 (m r1)||

=+ +






Figure 8: Optimal strike prices for different hedging fractions .

where c = ln 1 Cx . The corresponding maximal expected terminal wealth under the VaR constraint is

E(VT ) = xe(r+


In our case x = S0 , and using the above Theorem we can easily obtain a
curve of VaR optimal portfolios obtained by investments into a single share
and a risk free asset. The plot of this curve (for our numerical example) on
the VaR - expected income and on the - VaR plane is given in Figures 7
and 6 respectively. It turns out that such portfolios are outperformed by both
simple hedging with forwards and by hedging with put options. Let us note that
such portfolios also require constant change in time of the investment strategy
in order to keep the proportions invested in stock and risk free asset constant.
From this perspective we can see that portfolios which only consider single stock
and the risk free asset are clearly undesirable.
The nature of Theorem 10 though is not to consider just a single asset. To
exploit it one should consider at least several stocks combined with a risk free
asset. Depending on the matrix the results of Theorem 10 in comparison to
hedging with put options vary. In Figure 7 we have considered three uncorrelated stocks with identical coefficients i = 0.1, i = 0.15 for i = 1, 2, 3 (we
take ij = 0 for i 6= j) together with a risk free asset. In such setting in some
cases hedging with put options will outperform optimal portfolios. An example
of this would be for V aR = 5 (see Figure 7).
This by no means is a typical picture. The optimal portfolios strongly depend
on . Taking for example 12 = 21 = 0.01 and keeping the rest of parameters
we obtain optimal portfolios as in Figure 9. In fact this is a more typical scenario
than Figure 7 and in many cases optimal portfolios will outperform simple

Figure 9: V aR / expected income results for portfolios with correlated .

hedging with put options on a single stock. Taking into consideration Figure
7 though, we can see that put options can improve the position. A natural
question to address at this point is the problem of Markowitz type return-VaR
optimization (in the spirit of Emmer, Kl
uppelberg and Korn [10], or Alexander
and Baptista [3]), which would also include put options. The answer to this is
not straightforward and will be the focus of forthcoming work.
Even though hedging Value at Risk with portfolios is in many cases more
efficient, in the case when we have a given position in a single type of stock,
hedging with portfolios might not be most favourable. This is due to the fact
that we wolud need to take a given position on different types of stocks. For
optimal portfolios, most often the position in each type of stock is just a fraction of the overall investment. This would mean that we either have to buy a
substancial ammount of new stocks (most likely exceeding in value the value of
stock which we want to hedge) or sell our stock and rebalance our position. This
in many cases might be undesirable. Hedging with put options in such a case
seems to be an attractive alternative since it does not require a large capital

Hedging of VaR for times smaller than the

maturity of the option

The aim of this section is to show that taking a position in stock and put options
not only reduces the value at risk of the position at the terminal date of the
options, but also immunizes if the investor is to terminate the position prior to
the maturity. A natural idea when one thinks of reducing the risk throughout the
entire time interval of an investment, is to do so using American put options. We
will demonstrate that immunization using European put options produces better

results than with American options. We will adopt the following approach. We
will assume that the investor chooses his position in order to minimize the
VaR at the terminal date. As a by-product the position is also immunized for
earlier dates. We will show how this immunization compares, when hedging
with European and American options.


Hedging with European put options

If we buy a European put option with a maturity date T > 0, then this reduces
the Value at Risk of a position in stock, if we were to terminate our investment
at an earlier date than the maturity. This follows from the fact, that even
though the options considered are European, we can always sell them at their
market price. In the case when we decide to buy less options than stock the
result turns out to be quite elementary.
Proposition 11 Let us consider a position in a single stock and h = C/P (K)
1 European put options with the strike price K and maturity date T. Then the
value at risk at the date t of the position is equal to
V aR,t (K) = S0 + C ert St (c()) ert

P (t, K, St (c())),
P (K)


where P (t, K, x) is the time t price of the put option given by (3).
Proof. Let us consider the loss function for the investment computed at the
time t
LK (St ) = S0 + C ert St ert
P (t, K, St ).
P (K)
Computing the partial derivative with respect to x = St and using the fact that
N () < 1 and P (K)
1 we obtain

= ert 1 +
P (t, K, x)
P (K) x

N (d1 (t, K, x))
= ert 1
P (K)
< 0.
This means that the function LK (x) is decreasing. Defining f (Z) = LK (St (Z))
where St (Z) is given by (2) and applying Remark 2 we obtain our claim.
In this section we work under the assumption that the investor chooses the
strike price so so that the value at risk is minimized at the terminal date. In
this case the Proposition 11 proves a sufficient result, since from Theorem 4 we
have C/P (Kopt ) 1, regardless of the hedging expenditure level.
Remark 12 Let us note that the optimal choice of the strike price for the terminal date, is not optimal for all the earlier times. It turns out that for different


times, different strike prices optimize the value at risk. A global approach to
minimization over the entire time interval might prove problematic. This is due
to the fact, that for some earlier dates, the optimal strike price surprisingly results in a position in which we have more puts than stock. These cases are not
tractable analytically. Since they also defy economic common sense we will not
not enter into the discussion.
Now let us turn to a numerical example. We follow the example from the
Section 3.3, using the same initial data as before. Using Proposition 11 we can
compute the value at risk of the position in stock and European put options.
We choose a given hedging expenditure C from zero up to one, and examine
VaR,t for the optimal strike price Kopt using (30). The results are given in
Table 2 and Figure 10. From the results we can see that even though we were
aiming to hedge our position at the expiry date T = 1, by doing so we are also
reducing VaR for times t < T.


V aR,t (Kopt )
C = 0.5


Table 2: The VaR,t for dates t prior to the expiry of the option for various
choices of the hedging expenditure.


Comparison of the results for hedging with European

and American options

We will now turn to the hedging with American options. Let PAt (K, St ) denote
the time t price of an American option with the terminal date T, the price
of the underlying stock St and strike price K. If an investor decides to hedge
the position in single stock by buying C/PA0 (K, S0 ) 1, then if he terminates
the investment at time t T then he can either realize or sell the put. Since
PAt (K, St ) is decreasing with respect to St , using the fact that PAt (K, St )
(K St )+ , the resulting value at risk of the investment, terminated at time
t T , has a similar form to (9)
V aR,t (K) = S0 + C ert St (c()) ert

P t (K, St (c())).
PA0 (K) A


In the case of the American options simple analytic optimization of the value at
risk using (32) is impossible, since we have no formula for PAt (K, St ). The only

Figure 10: The V aR , when hedging with European options, for the optimal
choice of the strike price Kopt and for times t prior to the maturity T .
attainable investigation is numerical, and an example of such is given later on
in the section.
A tractable case for the value at risk optimization can be made, when we
investigate a perpetual put instead of a standard American put option. In this
case we have the following formula for the price of the option (see for example
Elliott and Kopp [9] for more details on the perpetual put)
if K < K

PA (K, St ) =
K St
if K K ,
where K = K (St ) = St (1+)
and = 2r2 . We will work under an assump
tion that ST (c()) < S0 , which is natural when working with real life (or just
reasonable) data. We have the following result.
Proposition 13 If we wish to immunize our position at time T > 0 against
VaR by buying perpetual put options, then if we invest C ST (c())

hedging, then it is optimal to buy put options with a strike price ST (c()) 1+

or smaller. The resulting optimal VaR is

2 T + T c()
. (34)
V aR,T = S0 + C e
ST (c()) e
C e
What is more, if we were to terminate the investment at time t < T, then the
resulting VaR is
V aRt = S0 + C ert St (c())

ert C(ST (c()) 1+

St (c()))+
ST (c()) (1 + )


Proof. If we buy perpetual put options with a strike price K K (ST (c()))
then from (32) and (33) we have

ST (c())
V aR,T (K) = S0 + C erT ST (c()) erT C
When K [K (ST (c())), K (S0 )] then
C (K ST (c()))
V aR,T (K) = S0 + C erT ST (c()) erT 


and dK
V aR,T (K) = 0 for K = K (ST (c())). The case of K > K (S0 ) does
not interest us, since in such case it is not optimal to hold on to the perpetual
option (see for example [9] and [13]). The assumption that C < ST (c())
ensures that we have h 1, which means that our use of (32) was justified. The
formula (35) follows from (32).
Now we turn to the comparison of results between hedging with European
and American options on a numerical example. We follow the same initial data
as in Sections 3.3 and 4.1. For our example we choose the hedging expenditure
C = 0.5. To find the optimal strike price for VaR hedging for the expiry date,
when using American put options, one has to consider numerically (32), with
t = T, for various strike prices. For finding the price of the American put, we use
the method of approximation of the Black Scholes model by a binomial model.
We then price the put using the method of super hedging by Snell envelope of
the puts payoff (For the details on the method see Lamberton and Lapeyre [13],
and for the proof of the convergence in the case of American options see Kushner
[12]). For this particular example, we have used a binomial tree model with four
steps per day for our approximation. Down to a one cent accuracy, the optimal
strike price for the American option turns out to be Kopt = 87.61. The price of
the American option is PA (Kopt ) = 0.81, which is slightly higher than the price
of the European put 0.74. When hedging with a perpetual American option, by
Proposition 13, the optimal strike price is 99.77, which from (33) results in the
price of the put equal to 7.36. Using (32) and (35), we can now draw a graph of
the value at risk for the case of the American option and the perpetual put, for
various termination dates t < T , and compare with the results for the European
options. This is done in Figure 11.
The fact that the perpetual put proves to be the least effective is not surprising, since the high price of the option allows only for a small fraction of the
stock to be hedged. When comparing the American and the European cases,
for times close to the maturity of the options, the European option turns out
to be better (see Figure 12). This is because the European option is cheaper,
which allows us to buy more options per share of stock. The overall difference
between the results obtained by hedging with European and american options
turns out to be negligible.


Figure 11: The VaR at termination dates t T for hedging with various types
of options, for the hedging expenditure C = 0.5.

Figure 12: The difference between the V aR t when hedging withe American
and European options.



In this paper we have given an extension of the results of Ahn, Boudoukh,

Richardson and Whitelaw [1, 2], for the reduction of VaR using European put
options. The results of Ahn et al. hold only for a relatively small hedging
expenditure and reduce the VaR of the position in stock down to a certain
limit. We have shown that if one chooses a larger hedging expenditure, then the
optimal strategy is to choose the strike price of the option so that its price is
equal to the hedging expenditure. In other words, it is optimal to buy a single
put option with an appropriate strike price. We have shown that such a strategy
can be used to reduce the VaR arbitrarily close to zero. We have demonstrated
that put options are more effective at reducing VaR than hedging with forward
contracts. We have also investigated the impact on the VaR of the optimal
position, if the investor wishes to terminate the investment prior to the expiry
date of the option. It turns out that buying a European put also reduces the
VaR before the terminal date since the put can be sold on the market. What is
more hedging with European options produces just as good results as the ones
attainable with American options.


I would like to express my thanks for their hospitality to the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Muizenberg, South Africa, where the work was

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