Krawietz Sabine Anna Kuesioner Konsentrasi

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Sabine Anna Krawietz
B.A., The University of West Florida, 2004

A thesis submitted to the Department of Psychology

College of Arts and Sciences
The University of West Florida
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Masters of Arts

The thesis of Sabine Anna Krawietz is approved:

William L. Mikulas, Ph.D., Committee Chair


Stephen J. Vodanovich, Ph.D., Committee Member


Accepted for the Department:

Douglas D. Friedrich, Ph.D., Chair


Accepted for the College:

Jane S. Halonen, Ph.D., Dean


Accepted for the University:

Richard S. Podemski, Ph.D., Dean of Graduate Studies Date



Special thanks to Dr. William Mikulas for his guidance and continuous support on
this thesis project. I have learned far more from him than is presented in this thesis. He
has influenced me in many ways and has provided me with diverse opportunities to grow.
I admire his work in and commitment to psychology.
The manuscript would never have come together without the expertise and close
correspondence of Dr. Stephen Vodanovich whom I thank for his time and interest in the
construct of concentration.
I am also very grateful for the support from The University of West Florida and
the Psychology Department. Special thanks go to Dr. Thomas Westcott who has
constantly created opportunities for me and enriched my overall college experience.
Ich moechte hiermit auch meinen Eltern danken, die mich auf meinem Weg in
den USA stets unterstuetzt haben, auch wenn es fuer sie nicht einfach gewesen ist, mich
so weit weg gehen zu lassen. Diese Erfahrung wird mein Leben in vieler Weise zum
Guten veraendern, und ich danke Ihnen dafuer, dass sie mir die Moeglichkeit gegeben
haben, diesen Traum zu verwirklichen.
I also thank my boyfriend for listening to my ideas and for challenging them when
needed. My thesis wouldnt have been the same without his continuous support and
compassion. Finally, I thank my friends here and in Germany for their unconditional
support and thoughtfulness.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................ iii
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ vi
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... vii
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
A. The Construct of Concentration ...................................................... 3
1. Mindfulness/Awareness .............................................................. 5
2. Boredom Proneness .................................................................... 7
3. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) .................... 9
B. Proposed Definition of Concentration .......................................... 10
C. Assessment of Concentration ........................................................ 13
ITEM GENERATION AND PILOT TESTING ............................................................. 14
STUDY 1 ......................................................................................................................... 15
A. Method .......................................................................................... 15
1. Participants ............................................................................... 15
2. Materials and Procedures .......................................................... 15
B. Results ........................................................................................... 16
STUDY 2 ......................................................................................................................... 23
A. Method .......................................................................................... 23
1. Participants ................................................................................ 23
2. Materials ................................................................................... 23
a. Concentration Scale (CS) ................................................... 23
b. Mindfulness Questionnaire (MQ) ...................................... 23
c. Boredom Proneness Scale (BPS) ....................................... 24
d. Adult Behavior Checklist (ABC) ....................................... 24
3. Procedure ................................................................................... 25
B. Results ........................................................................................... 25
DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................. 32
A. Conclusions ................................................................................... 37

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 39
APPENDIXES ................................................................................................................. 47
A. Institutional Review Board Approval ........................................... 48
B. Concentration Scale Items ............................................................. 51
C. Informed Consent Form ................................................................ 56
D. Self-Report Measures .................................................................... 58
E. Copyright Permission Letter.......................................................... 65




1. Results of Factor Analysis Using Varimax Rotation .............................................. 18

2. Means and Standard Deviations of CS, MQ, BPS, and ABC Scales
and Subscales........................................................................................................... 26
3. Results of Correlations Between CS, MQ, BPS, and ABC Scores ......................... 27
4. Results of Regression Analysis of MQ, BPS, and ABC Subscales
Predicting CS Scores ............................................................................................... 30
5. Results of Regression Analysis of MQ, BPS, and ABC Subscales
Predicting CS Subscale Scores ................................................................................ 31




Sabine Anna Krawietz

The construct of concentration was refined and a 49-item self-report scale was
developed. The development of the Concentration Scale (CS) included factor analysis,
reliability, and construct validity testing. In Study 1, 202 college students completed the
preliminary CS. An exploratory factor analysis yielded four factors which accounted for
46% of the variance in CS scores. The reliability of CS was found to be .93 (Cronbachs
alpha). In Study 2, 130 college students completed the revised CS, the Mindfulness
Questionnaire (MQ; Mikulas, 1990), the Boredom Proneness Scale (BPS; Farmer &
Sundberg, 1986), and the Adult Behavior Checklist (ABC; Barkley & Murphy, 1998). As
expected, significant positive correlations were observed between CS total scores and the
measure of mindfulness, while significant negative relationships were found between CS
scores and the measures of boredom proneness and attention-deficit hyperactive disorder
(ADHD). The subscales scores of MQ, BPS, and ABC together were found to be
significant predictors (R2 = .54) of CS scores. The findings are discussed in terms of how
CS provides a measure of the construct, and how CS can be used in a variety of applied
settings (e.g., counseling, academia, and industry).



Throughout the field of psychology, many researchers have stressed the

importance of concentration skills (James, 1890/1950; Mikulas, 2002; Moran, 1996;
Schweizer, 2006). For example, James once said, Concentration is the very root of
judgment, character, and will and an education which should improve this faculty
would be the education par excellence (p. 424). Sports scientists have identified
concentration to be a significant factor for successful performance (Jackson &
Csikszentmihalyi, 1999; Moran). For example, Jackson and Csikszentmihalyi associated
concentration with absorption and included concentration as one of the nine components
of the flow experience, which signifies a state of peak (athletic) performance. Moreover,
concentration is a prerequisite for common daily behaviors such as reading and listening.
Whether an individual reads the newspaper, listens to the radio, or watches the news
channel, he or she needs to stay focused in order to understand the information. Most jobs
involve reading and listening in one form or another, and concentration deficits can cause
severe accidents on the job. Furthermore, sleep disorders such as insomnia have been
linked to the lack of attentional control (Kass, Wallace, & Vodanovich, 2003). Even
though researchers agree that concentration skills are valuable in human performance,
they have not yet established a clear consensus on a common definition (Mikulas;
Schweizer, 2006) and have not yet generated an effective general self-report measure of
concentration skills (Greher & Mahoney, 2001).

A definition that researchers can agree upon is key to the establishment of a
theoretical foundation for a construct, to the building of consistency and clarity among
the constructs components, and to the creation of standards for measuring it. Therefore, a
self-report measure of concentration has the potential to become important in clinical,
organizational, academic, sports, and research-oriented settings. For instance, a
concentration scale can diagnose concentration-related deficits, select workers with
superior concentration skills, help enhance athletic performance, track cognitive
development over time, and measure the effects of an intervention on concentration
The manuscript begins with a review of definitions, theories, and self-report
measures of concentration and is followed by the proposed definition of the construct.
Next, the development of the concentration scale, which included item generation, pilot
testing, and two empirically based studies, is described. The first of these two empirical
studies, Study 1, describes the assessment of the scales internal consistency and the
factors that emerged via the factor analysis. Subscales were formed based on these
emergent factors. The second empirical study, Study 2, demonstrates the test of the
scales construct validity, in which the revised concentration scale was administered with
three construct-related (mindfulness, boredom proneness, and attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder) self-report measures. The results of correlational and regression
analyses are illustrated following the description of the methods. Finally,
recommendations for future development of the scale and practical applications are

The Construct of Concentration

When referring to cognitive processes that relate to focusing attention, the AngloAmerican literature and the German literature use different terms, attention and
concentration, respectively (Schweizer, 2006). Overall, attention has been more widely
researched than concentration. Researchers in cognitive science have debated over the
relationships between concentration and attention (Mikulas, 2002; Schweizer), and I
identified three variations of this relationship (a) concentration as a subprocess of
attention (Brickenkamp & Karl, 1986; Enns, 1990; Kinchla, 1992; LaBerge, 1990;
Mierke, 1957; Mikulas; Moray, 1969; Rapp, 1982), (b) concentration as a process
independent from attention (Schmidt-Atzert, Buettner, & Buehner, 2004; Westhoff &
Hagemeister, 2005) and (c) concentration as a combination of two or more types of
attention (Moosbrugger, Goldhammer, & Schweizer, 2006; Moran, 1996; Schweizer).
Many researchers call concentration a unique or special type of attention and
agree that it is a subprocess of attention (Brickenkamp & Karl, 1986; Mikulas, 2002;
Rapp, 1982). Moreover, concentration is seen as a skill that can be learned and unlearned
(Mierke, 1957; Mikulas). In the current literature, the terms closest to the construct of
concentration are focused attention, sustained attention, controlled attention, and
vigilance (Mikulas, p. 92). However, Mikulas explains that these terms reflect the
readiness and/or ability to detect critical signals only and that they are not sufficient in
describing the construct in its entirety. Instead, he clarifies that these definitions lack the
component of maintaining a desired focus of attention (p. 92). Mikulas defined
concentration as the learned control of the focus of ones attention and further explains
that it is the behavior of keeping ones awareness, with varying degrees of one-

pointedness, on a particular set of contents of the mind (p. 90). Other like-minded
researchers describe concentration as the allocation of attentional resources together with
the focusing of attention on targeted objects, while withdrawing from unrelated and/or
less relevant stimuli (Brickenkamp & Karl; Mierke).
A different group of researchers argues that concentration is a construct
independent from attention (Schmidt-Atzert, Buettner, & Buehner, 2004; Westhoff &
Hagemeister, 2005). They relate attention to conscious awareness and concentration to
the process that precedes and facilitates this awareness. Concentration is sometimes
described as a cognitive effort (Schmidt-Atzert et al.) or working (Westhoff &
Hagemeister) that is said to facilitate the speed and accuracy of a persons performance
on the task.
A third group of researchers does not describe concentration as part of attention;
instead, they combine two or more types of attention to define concentration
(Moosbrugger et al., 2006; Moran, 1996; Schweizer, 2006). For example, Schweizer
describes concentration as the ability to control, divide and switch ones attention, while
Moran divides concentration into selective attention, divided attention, and maintaining
alertness. Whether or not these researchers view concentration as a subprocess of
attention is not clear.
Concentration has also been associated with sustained attention. Dember and
Warm (1979) define sustained attention as the ability of observers to maintain their
focus of attention and remain alert to stimuli over prolonged periods of time (p. 148).
Individuals who score low on tests of sustained attention tend to have difficulties staying
focused in diverse situations such as reading, listening, and analyzing (Brumback, 2000).

Moreover, many researchers found similarities between processes of concentration and
processes of sustaining attention (Cahn & Polich, 2006; Dunn, Hartigan, & Mikulas,
1999; Gevins, Smith, McCoy, & Yu, 1997; Kubota et al., 2001; Mizuki, Tanaka, Isozaki,
Nishijima, & Inanaga, 1980; Pan, Zhang, & Xia, 1994). For example, meditation
practices that utilize concentration (Dunn et al., 1999; Pan et al., 1994) and mental tasks
that require sustained attention (Kubota et al., 2001; Mizuki et al., 1980) have been
associated with increased frontal midline theta activity.
Besides the relationship between concentration and attention, researchers have
found relationships between concentration and other constructs. Some of the more
common constructs are mindfulness (Dunn et al., 1999; Mikulas, 1990), boredom
(Farmer & Sundberg, 1986), and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (Richards, Rosen
& Ramirez, 1999).

Mindfulness, or awareness, is defined as the subjective conscious experience of
noticing (Mikulas, 1990, p. 3) which may lead to an open receptivity and awareness of
all stimulation (Dunn et al., 1999, p. 148). In other words, being mindful means to be
aware of all stimulation including internal (e.g., thoughts, body sensations) and external
(e.g., noise, movement in the environment) stimuli without being attached to paying
attention to one particular stimulus more than to another. Likewise, while one is aware of
all stimulation, one does not evaluate, analyze, or classify the stimuli (Dunn, et al.);
instead, one only notices them. Because mindfulness and concentration are highly
interrelated, some researchers do not understand their differences (Mikulas, 2002).

Concentration is the ability to keep ones attention on a particular object, or
domain (Mikulas, 1990, p. 3). The two constructs are interrelated in that focusing on
different stimuli, or different aspects of a stimulus, may increase ones awareness of the
object (Feddon, 1996). In other words, one utilizes concentration to become mindful of
an object. Meditation enhances concentration and mindfulness skills (Blackmore, 2004;
Goleman, 1988; Mikulas, 2002). Since concentration and awareness are interrelated,
awareness is present even during states of intensive concentration. In fact, one cannot
concentrate, or focus, on an object without being aware of the object, or certain aspects of
the object (e.g., when listening to a talk, one must be aware of what the speaker is saying
while simultaneously being aware of how the speaker is saying it.). Even when an
individual is completely absorbed, or highly focused, on an object (e.g., being absorbed
in a story), he or she is consciously or unconsciously aware of internal and/or external
stimuli (e.g., ones breathing, noise and movement in the environment).
Mindfulness meditation (e.g., zen, vipassana) has been described as open
meditation leading to a perfectly open state known as bare awareness or bare attention
(Blackmore, 2004, p. 389). Such attention leads to increased awareness of both internal
and external stimuli (Dunn et al., 1999). Concentration meditation (e.g., the majority of
Transcendental and yoga meditations) cultivates the focusing of ones awareness on a
stimulus, or certain aspects of a stimulus (Dunn et al.). Research on different types of
meditation (i.e., mindfulness and concentration meditation) provides evidence for the
qualitative differences in the constructs of mindfulness and concentration.
Dunn and his colleagues (1999) investigated the relationship between mindfulness
and concentration by comparing electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings from 10

volunteers. Wave activity was recorded before and 8 weeks after the volunteers received
instructions on mindfulness and concentration meditation. After receiving the
instructions, the volunteers practiced concentration and mindfulness meditation on a
regular basis. The researchers then measured wave activity during mindfulness and
concentration meditation and found significant differences in wave activity between the
two types of meditation. Specifically, mindfulness meditation produced relatively more
slow (delta and theta) and relatively more fast (alpha and beta 1) wave activity than
concentration meditation (p. 163). Mindfulness, therefore, was expected to positively
correlate with concentration in this study.

Boredom Proneness
Boredom can be described as a negative, dissatisfying emotional state that is
mitigated by individual cognitive capabilities or tendencies (Kass et al., 2003, p. 83).
For example, boredom has been defined as a state of relatively low arousal and
dissatisfaction which is attributed to an inadequately stimulating environment (Mikulas
& Vodanovich, 1993, p. 3) and as an affective experience associated with cognitive
attentional processes (Leary, Rogers, Canfield, & Coe, 1986).
The relationship between boredom proneness and concentration has not yet been
investigated in depth. However, a few studies of sustained attention suggest possible
relationships. Boredom has been found to be negatively related to sustained attention
(Kass, Vodanovich, Stanny, & Taylor, 2001; Sawin & Scerbo, 1995). Kass and his
colleagues showed that boredom-prone individuals performed less well on the
Mackworth Clock task than individuals who were not prone to boredom. Similarly,

Sawin and Scerbo found that boredom proneness was negatively related to scores on a
flicker detection task that measured sustained attention. Boredom proneness has been
associated with other constructs as well.
Boredom has been associated with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) and sleep disorders (Kass et al., 2003) and cognitive failures (Wallace, Kass, &
Stanny, 2002). Kass and his colleagues found that scores on the Boredom Proneness
Scale (BPS; Farmer & Sundberg, 1986) and scores on the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS;
Soldatos, Dikeos, & Paparrigopoulos, 2000), a measure of sleep disorders, significantly
correlated with a measure of ADHD, the Adult Behavior Checklist (ABC; Barkley &
Murphy, 1998). Moreover, these researchers obtained evidence that boredom-prone
individuals have cognitive/attentional shortcomings and an inability to be absorbed in
their activities (p. 86). In addition, Wallace and his colleagues found a close
relationship between the scores on the BPS and the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire
(CFQ; Broadbent, Cooper, Fitzgerald, & Parkes, 1982). Cognitive failures are mistakes
(e.g., throwing away a new pen and keeping an old pen) that occur during undemanding
tasks (Manly, Robertson, Galloway, & Hawkins, 1999; Martin, 1983).
In addition, boredom has been associated with many other constructs such as
diminished performance ability; life dissatisfaction; health problems (OHanlon, 1981);
high rates of accidents (Branton, 1970); poor academic achievement and psychological
development (Watt & Vodanovich, 1999); diminished need for cognition (Seib &
Vodanovich, 1998; Watt & Blanchard, 1994); negative emotional states such as
depression and anger (Ahmed, 1990; Farmer & Sundberg, 1986; Rupp & Vodanovich,
1997; Vodanovich, Verner, & Gillbride, 1991); addictive behaviors, sensation-

seeking/risk-taking, and impulsivity (Kass & Vodanovich, 1990; Watt & Vodanovich;
Zuckermann, 1979); difficulties in interpersonal activities such as higher social
dependency and alienation and less sociability (Leong & Schneller, 1993; McGiboney &
Carter, 1988; Tolor, 1989); reduced job satisfaction (OHanlon); and, more specifically,
dissatisfaction with work, pay, promotion, coworkers, and supervisors (Kass,
Vodanovich, & Callendar, 2001).

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Individuals diagnosed with ADHD may not be able to concentrate well. The
typical symptoms of this disorder are inattention, the inability to sustain attention, and
hyperactivity, a deficit in a persons ability to inhibit behavior (Barkley & Murphy,
1998). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders IV (DSM-IV)
describes three types of the disorder: predominantly inattentive, predominantly
hyperactive-impulsive, and combined (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). The
focus of the present study is predominantly on the inattention symptoms; however,
hyperactivity aspects of ADHD will also be examined.
Whereas college students who have been diagnosed with ADHD show
comparable deficits in inattention and hyperactivity (Richards et al., 1999), adults are
more prone to inattention than to hyperactivity deficits (Millstein, Wilens, Biederman, &
Spencer, 1997). For instance, Millstein and his colleagues found that 93% of 149 adults
diagnosed with ADHD displayed symptoms of inattentiveness, whereas only 3%
displayed hyperactive symptoms.

In addition, ADHD has been associated with boredom proneness and sleep
disorders (Kass et al., 2003). Kass and his colleagues found that scores on the BPS
subscale of Internal Stimulation (indicative of boredom from the inability to create
appealing activities) significantly correlated with the ABC subscale of Inattention, while
BPS External Stimulation (representing boredom resulting from the lack of sufficient
environmental stimuli) significantly correlated with the ABC Hyperactivity scale.
Moreover, the researchers concluded that daytime sleepiness and insomnia highly
correlated with the Inattention subscale of the ABC, whereas only daytime sleepiness
significantly correlated with Hyperactivity scores of the ABC. Furthermore, Shaw and
Giambra (1993) found that ADHD negatively affected performance on a sustained
attention task and that ADHD individuals experienced higher rates of task-unrelated
thoughts. ADHD has been related to lower academic achievement, poor social skills,
anxiety and depression, conduct and delinquency problems, substance abuse, and driving
accidents (Barkley, 1997; Nadeau, 1995), lower job performance (Murphy & Barkley,
1996), and impulsivity (Richards et al., 1999). Although, the relationship between
concentration and ADHD has not yet been investigated, studies of sustained attention
suggest a highly negative relationship between the two constructs. ADHD is expected to
correlate highly and negatively with concentration.

Proposed Definition of Concentration

Concentration is the ability to intentionally sustain and shift ones attention while
minimizing involuntary shifts of attention. In particular, sustaining attention is the ability
to maintain ones attention on an object despite internal and external stimuli distractions

(e.g., continuing to read while people are talking). Moreover, shifting attention is the
ability to disengage, move, and engage ones attention from one object to another without
unintentionally losing and/or misplacing ones attention (e.g., skillfully directing ones
attention from one speaker to another in a group conversation). Furthermore,
concentration corresponds more to a behavior, or skill, than to a state.
Concentration is a behavior superordinate to focusing and corresponds to the
maintenance of the desired focus (Mikulas, 2002). Mikulas describes concentration as a
behavior of the mind that selects and constructs what are called contents of the mind
(p. 88). In other words, concentration is the mechanism that manipulates the focus in a
desired way and can be seen as a metacognition. Moreover, concentration involves not
only focusing on an object but also disregarding those stimuli that are not part of the
focus. Furthermore, there is a sense of intentionality associated with this manipulation of
focus. In general, the better ones concentration skills, the better one is at using ones
focus intentionally. For example, individuals with superior concentration skills can better
shift their focus from one speaker to another than individuals with inferior concentration
Nideffer (1976) said that the focus of ones attention can be narrow or broad and
internal or external, depending on the object of ones focus. For example, paying
attention to the sensation of ones breath requires a narrow and internal focus whereas
watching a football game normally requires a broad and external focus. Concentration is
required in order to continue to observe ones breath (or the game).
The object of focus can also change. During group conversations, for example, as
speakers change, so does the object of focus (i.e., the person talking). Therefore, staying

focused in a group conversation requires the ability to shift ones attention according to
who speaks. In cognitive science, the spotlight metaphor is often used to compare and
illustrate such shifts in attention. Furthermore, individuals shift attention in more
complex ways and usually without conscious awareness (e.g., when they change from
talking to thinking or when they narrow their focus from many stimuli to few). For
example, individuals may narrow their focus before going to bed. At first, they may focus
on, or be aware of, a large number of stimuli, internal and external. Then, they may
slowly decide to withdraw from external stimuli, narrow our focus to internal stimuli, and
finally withdraw from most stimuli to fall asleep. Even though individuals generally
sustain and shift their attention unconsciously, concentration can use the ability to the
focus in an intentional way.
When a novel and/or salient stimulus (e.g., loud noise) emerges, it becomes very
difficult, if not impossible, to stay focused on ones activity. However, one can learn to
keep ones focus on a desired object for most of the time and minimize involuntary shifts
of attention. For example, one can learn to refocus when ones attention drifts away; one
can learn to sustain ones focus in the presence of less salient stimuli; and one can learn
to skillfully shift ones attention from one object to another without getting stuck or
caught up in irrelevant objects. Consequently, concentration skills may dramatically
affect ones life.
Poor concentration skills may lead to difficulties when studying, difficulties
falling asleep, losing control over disturbing and/or intruding thoughts, and poor listening
skills (Mikulas, 2002). In addition, poor concentration skills may lead to higher
occurrences of absent-minded events such as misplacing ones car keys. Concentration

has been associated with relaxation, as effects of meditation indicate (Mikulas), and may
result in superior mental performance and emotional control. For example, some people
may have difficulties controlling their focus before going to sleep and may stay up late
because they are unable to withdraw from thoughts and/or noise. However, one can learn
to disengage ones attention from intruding thoughts or distractions.

Assessment of Concentration
Nideffers (1976) Test of Attentional and Interpersonal Style (TAIS) has
commonly been used as a measure of concentration (Bergandi, Shryock, & Titus, 1990;
Greher & Mahoney, 2001); however, many researchers found that the TAIS did not
accurately measure all facets of concentration (Greher & Mahoney; Mikulas, 2002,
Moran, 1996) and others have criticized the tests internal consistency and validity (Van
Schoyck & Grasha, 1981). A number of sport-specific concentration self-report measures
have appeared in the literature the Basketball Concentration Survey (Bergandi et al.), the
Golf Performance Survey (Thomas & Over, 1994), and the Tennis Test of Attentional and
Interpersonal Styles (Van Schoyck & Grasha). However, these measures are limited in
their applicability to other domains. The present study has generated a new self-report
measure for general concentration skills. Its purpose is to measure all facets of
concentration and to reach high internal consistency and validity.


The literature on the construct of concentration was used to develop an initial pool
of 83 concentration items that reflected the factors of sustaining attention, shifting
attention, volition, immersion/absorption, and absent-mindedness (Cahn & Polich, 2006;
Jackson & Csikszentmihalyi, 1999; Mikulas, 1990; Moran, 1996; Schweizer, 2006;
Tellegen & Atkinson, 1974). Both positive and negative concentration items were
constructed for each factor. The items reflected a persons engagement in commonplace
behaviors (e.g., reading and listening). The initial concentration scale utilized a 5-point
Likert-type response format ranging from never to always.
A total of 20 masters students and 5 psychology professors from The University
of West Florida volunteered to review the initial scale items. These reviewers were asked
to comment on, delete and/or add items to the questionnaire. After the reviews were
completed, all reviewers were interviewed regarding face validity of the scale.
After taking these recommendations into consideration, the initial item pool was reduced
to 56 items (see Appendix B for Concentration Scale Items). In addition, the scale was
expanded to a 7-point Likert format.




Two hundred and two introductory psychology students (mean age = 20.2 years,
SD = 3.8) from The University of West Florida completed the 56-item preliminary
concentration scale (74 males; 128 females). Seventy-three percent of the participants
were Caucasian, 9% were Hispanics, 7% were African American, and 11% were
categorized as other. Participation was anonymous and voluntary. Upon participation,
students received class credit and their names were entered in a lottery that gave them the
chance to win a prize (a $20.00 gift certificate).

Materials and Procedure

The Concentration Scale (CS) and demographic sheet were made available to
participants via an online site ( The survey included a
welcome page, the informed consent form, a demographic questionnaire, a description of
the concentration scale, an instructions page for the concentration scale, the items of the
concentration scale, and a debriefing page. All pages were linked together sequentially
and could be navigated by clicking Next on the bottom of each page. The welcome
note included a preview of the surveys components and a description of the incentives.

The informed consent page described the purpose of the study and assured the anonymity
and confidentiality of participant responses. Participants indicated their informed consent
by clicking Next on the informed consent page (see Appendix C for Informed Consent
Form). The last page of the survey was a debriefing page where participants were
thanked for their contribution.
The researchers recruited participants by briefly explaining the study during class
sessions and requesting e-mail addresses of those willing to participate. E-mail addresses
were entered into the ( online database. An e-mail, including a
brief description of the study and a link to the online survey, was sent to all potential
participants. The link connected participants directly to the welcome page of the survey.
Finally, lists of participants were sent to instructors so that participants could
receive extra course credit for their participation. Five participants were randomly
selected through a lottery drawing and awarded a $20.00 gift certificate.


A reliability analysis was performed on the 56-item Concentration Scale. A total

of seven items were shown to have low item-total score correlations and/or resulted in an
increase in the alpha if the item was removed; therefore, seven items were removed from
the scale. The reliability of the revised 49-item scale was found to be .93.
A principal components factor analysis with a varimax rotation was computed on
the responses to items on the CS. Items were considered to belong to a factor if they had
loadings of .40 or greater. All but one item (Item 5) met this criterion, and this item was
excluded from further analyses. If an item loaded significantly on more than one factor,

the larger of the two factor loadings was used to categorize the item. An initial factor
analysis indicated the existence of eleven factors that accounted for 66% of the variance
on CS scores. Based on the concentration literature, and the conceptual basis for item
development, a factor analysis requesting five factors was performed. This solution
accounted for altogether 49.4% of the variance. The fifth factor contained only two items
and their content conceptually overlapped with another factor (Factor 2). Consequently, a
four-factor solution was performed and found to be most appropriate for the current
study. The four factors that emerged accounted for 46% of the variance in CS scores (see
Table 1).
The first factor consisted of 17 positively phrased items. It included all initial
volition and absorption items and the sustaining and shifting attention items that related
to listening (i.e., to a talk or friend), group conversations/meetings, and writing letters.
This factor was labeled Control of Focus and assessed the ability to stay focused among
distracters or to refocus ones attention. The factor accounted for 14.9% of the variance in
CS scores and showed high internal consistency with a coefficient alpha of .91.
The second factor consisted of 15 negatively phrased items and included all initial
absent-mindedness items and the sustaining and shifting attention items that related to
watching TV, writing e-mails/letters, talking on the phone, and group conversations. It
was named Uncontrolled Focus and assessed the lack of control over ones attention in
the above mentioned daily situations. All items in this factor were reverse scored. The
Uncontrolled Focus factor accounted for 13.4% of the variance in CS scores and the
internal consistency was .87.

Table 1
Results of Factor Analysis Using Varimax Rotation
Varimax rotation factors

2. I can easily focus on a talk and immerse

myself into what the speaker says.





6. When talking to someone, I disregard

thoughts in my mind so that I can listen to what
the other person is saying.





9. When listening to a friend, I am able to ignore

everything else that goes on around us to focus
on the conversation.





10. If I run into someone I know I have no

trouble breaking out of my train of thought and
focusing on the conversation.





21. When I notice that my attention drifts away

during a talk, I bring it back to the speaker right
after I realize that I got sidetracked.





22. Whenever I get distracted while reading, I

make an effort to redirect my focus back to the





25. When involved in a group conversation, I

tend to focus on one speaker at a time and direct
my attention accordingly.





26. When sitting in a meeting, I can easily shift

my attention from one speaker to another.





30. While sitting in a talk, I tune out unrelated

thoughts that come up in my mind.





36. When talking to someone at a social

gathering, I can listen to him or her while
disregarding the conversations around us.





(Table continues)s

((Table 1 continued)
Varimax rotation factors

37. When writing a letter or email, I can simply

filter out all distractions and focus on what I
want to write.





39. Whenever I read a book, I get easily

immersed into the story.





41. As soon as I notice that I lost focus during a

conversation, I redirect my attention back to the





47. When I get distracted while talking on the

phone, I bring myself back to the conversation as
soon as I notice that I lost focus.





48. In group discussions, I remain focused on

what's being said even if the conversation goes
back and forth between several people.





49. Whenever I lose attention while I'm talking

to someone, I actively redirect my focus back to
the conversation.





52. In meetings, I can focus on the conversation

while not paying attention to the surrounding





1. When I watch TV, I cannot stay focused on

what I'm watching because I get distracted by
things going on around me.





3. I get so sidetracked that I get lost in familiar






4. After returning from the store, I realize I

forgot to buy the important items that I wanted
to get.





8. When watching movies, I miss out on scenes

because I get distracted by things going on
around me.





(Table 1 continues)

(Table 1 continued)
Varimax rotation factors

13. I have problems shifting my attention from

one thing to another.





15. When walking into a room for something, I

lose track of what I was going into the room for.





16. While writing emails/letters, I get lost in

thoughts and I do not easily get back to finishing
the message.





23. When answering a question, I forget the

question and I do not know if my answer is at all
related to the question.





29. When watching a movie, I get so caught up

in thought that I can't seem to follow the story of
the movie.





32. When talking on the phone, my mind

wanders to things outside the conversation.





35. When I watch a movie, I miss out on parts of

the story because my attention tends to drift





38. I become preoccupied with certain thoughts

and find it difficult to direct my attention away.





40. I have to search for my keys because I can't

remember where I put them.





43. In group conversations, I find it difficult to

shift my attention from one speaker to the next
because my mind is occupied with thinking
about what I want to say next.









46. In group situations, I find it difficult to listen

to others because I think about what I want to
say next.

(Table 1 continues) )

((Table 1 continued)
Varimax rotation factors

14. While reading, I can disregard unrelated

thoughts with the intention of focusing on my





17. In a noisy environment, I can focus on

reading while paying no attention to the noise
around me.





24. It is difficult for me to listen to a lecture

without getting distracted by unwanted thoughts.





27. When listening to a talk, I seem to be caught

up in something else in the room although I want
to be listening to the speaker.





31. Whenever I read, I get distracted by things

going on around me.





34. Whenever I read, I have to reread passages

because I forget what I just read.





42. I don't get easily distracted when I read or






50. While listening to a speech, I lose focus and

my mind drifts away.





54. I have to have silence in order to read

effectively; otherwise, I get distracted and lose





55. When listening to a speech, I start looking

around the room and lose track of the talk.





7. When trying to sleep, my mind gets lost in

what I need to do the next day or what I did
earlier that day.





(Table 1 continues)

(Table 1 continued)
Varimax rotation factors

11. When I go to sleep, I become so sensitive to

sounds in the environment that I have difficulties
falling asleep.





















19. When trying to sleep, I can't stop my mind

from racing.
28. When I want to sleep, I can ignore noise
from my environment and immediately fall
33. I find my mind racing uncontrollably.
44. In bed, I am able to disregard the thoughts in
my mind so that I can more easily fall asleep.





% of Variance





Cumulative %






Note: Items are sorted by factor; Item 5 excluded due to inadequate factor loadings.
The third factor (10 items) was composed of the initial sustaining attention items
that involved reading and listening to a talk or speech. This factor assessed the tendency
to lose focus or get distracted while reading or listening to a talk. This factor was named
Reading and Listening Focus. It accounted for 10.4% of the variance and demonstrated
adequate reliability with an internal consistency estimate of .87.
The fourth factor included 6 shifting attention items that concerned an
individuals ability to willingly withdraw from internal and external stimuli in order to go
to sleep. It was called Control of Focus before Sleeping, accounted for 7.3% of the
variance, and had a coefficient alpha of .84.



One hundred and thirty undergraduate student volunteers (mean age = 24.44
years; SD = 6.2 years) from The University of West Florida participated in Study 2 (80
females; 50 males). Seventy-eight percent of the participants were Caucasian, 9% African
American, 4% Hispanics, and 9% were classified as other. As in Study 1, participation
was anonymous and voluntary and volunteers received class credit and were entered into
a lottery to win a prize (a $20.00 gift certificate).


Concentration Scale (CS). CS was developed in Study 1 and was revised to a 49item scale that assesses the ability to concentrate across common, daily behaviors (e.g., I
can easily focus on a talk and immerse myself into what the speaker says and I get so
sidetracked that I get lost in familiar environments). Items are arranged on a 7-point
Likert scale ranging from 1 (never) to 7 (always). High scores on the scale reflect
high-level concentration abilities.
Mindfulness Questionnaire (MQ). The Mindfulness Questionnaire (Mikulas,
1990) includes 45 items arranged on a 5-point Likert scale from 1 (never or almost

never true of me) to 5 (always or very often true of me). Two other choices are
included. One response reflects the answer does not apply to me and the other indicates
the meaning of the statement is unclear. Only the answer choices from the Likert scale
(i.e., 1 through 5) were used in the current study. Negative items were reverse scored and
the answer choices were added together. MQ consists of four subscales named Mind,
Feelings, Body, and General (see Appendix D for Self-Report Measures).
Boredom Proneness Scale (BPS). The Boredom Proneness Scale (Farmer &
Sundberg, 1986) consists of 28 items using a 7-point Likert scale ranging from 1
(strongly agree) to 7 (strongly disagree). The internal consistency of the BPS has
ranged from .79 to .84 across numerous studies (Kass & Vodanovich, 1990; Seib &
Vodanovich, 1998; Vodanovich & Kass, 1990; Vodanovich et al., 1991; Watt &
Vodanovich, 1992). A recent factor analysis of the BPS (Vodanovich, Wallace, & Kass,
2005) proposed two BPS factors, Internal Stimulation, or the perceived ability to
generate sufficient stimulation, and External Stimulation, or the need for a variety and
change (p. 300). Scores on these two factors were used in this study (see Appendix D for
Self-Report Measures).
Adult Behavior Checklist (ABC). The Adult Behavior Checklist (Barkley &
Murphy, 1998) is an 18-item scale that assesses symptoms of ADHD as identified by the
DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). The items are arranged on a 4-point
scale, ranging from 0 (never or rarely) to 3 (very often). The ABC consists of two
subscales with 9 items each. Odd-numbered items assess inattention and even-numbered
items assess hyperactivity. Possible scores range from 0 to 27 for each subscale (see
Appendix D for Self-Report Measures; see Appendix E for Copyright Permission Letter).

Past research (Smith & Johnson, 1998) has reported the reliability of the subscales to be
adequate, ranging from .74 to .78.


The procedure of Study 2 resembled the procedure of Study 1. Participants were

recruited from undergraduate classes at The University of West Florida and participated
voluntarily through an online site (
Study 2 started with a welcome page, an informed consent form, and a
demographic questionnaire. Pages were linked together sequentially and could be
navigated by clicking Next on the bottom of each page. A survey description page and
an instructions page were created for each of the four surveys utilized in this study. The
survey description and instructions pages preceded the respective survey. In the
debriefing page, the study was explained in detail and participants were thanked for their


Means and standard deviations for each of the scales and subscales are included in
Table 2. Pearson correlation coefficients were computed between measures of
concentration, mindfulness, boredom proneness, and attention-deficit hyperactivity
disorder. As expected, significant positive correlations were observed between CS total
scores and a measure of mindfulness, while significant negative relationships were found
between CS scores and measures of boredom proneness and ADHD.

Table 2
Means and Standard Deviations of CS, MQ, BPS, and ABC Scales and Subscales







CS controlled focus





CS uncontrolled focus





CS reading and listening focus





CS control of focus before sleeping





MQ total





MQ body




MQ mind





MQ feeling




MQ general





BPS total





BPS internal




BPS external








ABC inattention




ABC hyperactivity




CS total

ABC total


Note: N = 130; CS = Concentration Scale, MQ = Mindfulness Questionnaire, BPS =

Boredom Proneness Scale, ABC = Adult Behavior Checklist.
*p < .05, **p < .01;

Table 3
Results of Correlations Between CS, MQ, BPS, and ABC Scores
1. CS








2. CS1

.85** 1.00

3. CS2

.87** .65** 1.00

4. CS3

.85** .60** .66** 1.00

5. CS4

.70** .45** .56** .49** 1.00

6. MQ

.41** .38** .33** .37** .21* 1.00

7. MQ1

.36** .28** .32** .31** .27** .74** 1.00

8. MQ2


9. MQ3

.43** .32** .41** .27** .44** .52** .42** .28** 1.00

10. MQ4


.22** .12

.26** .08

.86** .51** 1.00

.56** .44** .60** .42** .38** .43** .36** .05

.43** 1.00
(Table 3 continues)

(Table 3 continued)






11. BPS

-.56** -.50** -.44** -.42** -.48** -.37** -.33** -.23* -.46** -.44** 1.00

12. BPS1

-.48** -.45** -.42** -.37** -.28** -.37** -.25** -.31** -.31** -.35** .60** 1.00

13. BPS2

-.42** -.35** -.29** -.37** -.37** -.18* -.21* -.03

-.31** -.33** .71** .14

14. ABC

-.60** -.41** -.58** -.48** -.54** -.30** -.30** -.10

-.46** -.53** .46** .37** .34** 1.00




15. ABC1 -.58** -.40** -.62** -.47** -.41** -.28** -.23* -.08

-.36** -.58** .45** .44** .27** .86** 1.00

16. ABC2 -.48** -.32** -.41** -.38** -.53** -.25** -.30** -.09

-.44** -.37** .36** .22** .32** .89** .54** 1.00

Note: N = 130; CS = Concentration Scale, CS1 = Controlled Focus, CS2 = Uncontrolled Focus, CS3 = Reading and Listening Focus, CS4 =
Control of Focus before Sleeping, MQ = Mindfulness Questionnaire, MQ1 = Body, MQ2 = Mind, MQ3 = Feeling, MQ4 = General, BPS =
Boredom Proneness Scale, BPS1 = Internal Stimulation, BPS2 = External Stimulation, ABC = Adult Behavior Checklist, ABC1 =
Inattention, ABC2 = Hyperactivity.
*p < .05, **p < .01

Specifically, all of the CS subscales were significantly related to all Mindfulness
subscales, with the exception of the Mindfulness Mind subscale. Furthermore, all four CS
subscales were significantly related to all of the BPS and ABC subscales (see Table 3).
A regression analysis was performed to assess the extent to which the measures of
mindfulness, boredom proneness, and ADHD were predictive of CS total scores. The
scores on the subscales MQ, BPS, and ABC were found to be significant predictors of
scores on CS (R2 = .54), F(8, 121) = 17.7, p < .001. Specifically, the findings indicated
that the ABC subscale of Inattention, as well as scores on both of the BPS subscales
(Internal and External) and the MQ subscale General were significant predictors of CS
total scores. Results of this regression analysis are presented in Table 4.
In addition, regression analyses were performed to assess the extent to which
subscales of MQ, BPS, and ABC were predictive of each CS subscale. These results are
presented in Table 5. All CS subscales were significantly predicted by two or three of the
predictor subscales. The variance accounted for in CS subscales ranged from 36% to
51%. Specifically, BPS External scores significantly predicted all but one CS subscale
(the Uncontrolled Focus subscale).
MQ General scores significantly predicted scores on two CS subscales, namely,
Control of Focus and Uncontrolled Focus, while scores on ABC Inattention significantly
predicted scores on Uncontrolled Focus and Reading and Listening Focus. Finally, BPS
Internal and MQ Mind significantly predicted the CS subscales of Control of Focus and
Reading and Listening Focus, respectively.

Table 4
Results of Regression Analysis of MQ, BPS, and ABC Subscales Predicting CS Scores


ABC inattention



ABC hyperactive


BPS internal




BPS external






MQ body




MQ mind




MQ feelings




MQ general




Note: N = 130; ABC = Adult Behavior Checklist; BPS = Boredom Proneness Scale;
MQ = Mindfulness Questionnaire.
*p < .05, **p < .01

Table 5
Results of Regression Analysis of MQ, BPS, and ABC Subscales Predicting CS Subscale Scores
CS Subscales
Control of focus

Uncontrolled focus

Reading and listening focus

Control of focus before







MQ body













MQ mind













MQ feeling













MQ general













BPS internal













BPS external













ABC inattention













ABC hyperactivity













Note: N = 130; CS = Concentration Scale, MQ = Mindfulness Questionnaire, BPS = Boredom Proneness Scale, ABC = Adult Behavior
Checklist; B = standardized regression weights; Beta = Unstandardized regression weights.
*p < .05, **p < .01;


The results of this study indicate that concentration may be best considered a
multidimensional construct and that a four-factor model may be present. A factor analysis
found three factors (Control of Focus, Uncontrolled Focus, and Reading and Listening
Focus) that represent key factors of concentration. Indeed, several authors have discussed
the importance of the role of concentration in common daily situations, such as listening,
reading, and watching TV (Brumback, 2000; Mikulas, 2002). In contrast, the last factor
found in the factor analysis (Control of Focus before Sleeping) reflects a specific
situation that requires one to concentrate in order to withdraw from stimuli and fall
asleep. The role of concentration has not yet been experimentally addressed in this
instance of attentional withdrawal. However, the presence of this factor in this studys
analysis suggests that concentration may play an important role in filtering and/or
ignoring unwanted information. Additionally, the patterns of correlations and regression
analyses suggest that each of the four Concentration Scale (CS) factors tap into somewhat
different aspects of concentration.
The positive correlations between CS and the Mindfulness Questionnaire (MQ),
along with negative correlations between the Adult Behavior Checklist (ABC) and the
Boredom Proneness Scale (BPS), offer support for the construct validity of CS.
Specifically, high concentration scores were associated with greater mindfulness scores,
while BPS and ABC scores were negatively related to scores on the CS scale. It is

reasonable, therefore, to find that individuals who are good at concentrating are also able
to be mindful. According to Mikulas (2002), concentration and mindfulness are
interconnected, and concentration may be seen as a prerequisite to mindfulness. For
example, when learning meditation, Mikulas recommends that one learns to control ones
focus before practicing mindfulness meditation.
Moreover, boredom prone individuals are generally less likely to have high
concentration skills (Kass et al., 2001). Interestingly, the correlations of the Internal and
External subscales of BPS with CS are about equally high; that is, individuals with low
CS scores are unable to generate sufficient stimulation but they also express a need for
variety and change. Jackson and Csikszentmihalyi (1999) explained that boredom is the
result of high skill level and low task difficulty. For example, if a tennis player is much
better than his opponent, he may get bored during the competition. This boredom may
then interfere with the better players performance, potentially causing him to lose the
match. Research supports, then, the idea that learning to stay focused can prevent such
performance lapses.
Significant correlations were also found between CS and ABC scores. The current
study collected only self-report data on ABC inattention and hyperactivity scores in order
to place individuals on a continuum for ADHD symptomology. A full diagnosis of
ADHD, which was not the purpose of the current study, typically includes additional
information such as age of onset and behavioral indicators. The negative relationship
found in this study was especially strong between ABCs Inattention subscale and the CS.
Contrary to the findings in other studies (Kass et al., 2003), hyperactivity was more
highly correlated with insomnia type symptoms than with the inattention subscale of

ABC. That is, the Control of Focus before Sleeping subscale was more highly correlated
with ABC Hyperactivity than with ABC Inattention. Overall, the patterns of correlations
among the CS factors and other scale factors varied, suggesting that each CS factor taps
into somewhat different aspects of concentration and other mechanisms associated with
uncontrolled focus.
Additional information was provided by the multiple regression analysis. The
subscales of the mindfulness, boredom proneness, and attention-deficit hyperactive
disorder measures were significant predictors of scores on CS. Four of these subscales
(i.e., ABC Hyperactivity, MQ Mind, MQ Feelings, and MQ Body) did not significantly
predict CS scores independently.
Even though mindfulness requires concentration, mindfulness of cognitive
processes, mindfulness of bodily sensations, and mindfulness of feelings did not serve as
significant predictors for concentration in this study. This outcome is not surprising
considering that the Mind, Body, and Feelings subscales measure awareness of thoughts,
bodily sensations and feelings, while CS assesses concentration skills in daily activities
such as reading, listening, and watching TV. However, the MQ subscale titled General
subscale assesses daily activities and serves as a significant predictor of CS scores.
Similarly, MQ General significantly predicted scores on the Control of Focus and the
Uncontrolled Focus subscales. These results make sense as MQ General highly relates to
the volition items in the Control of Focus subscale and to the absent-mindedness items in
the Uncontrolled Focus subscale.
Both BP subscales (Internal and External Stimulation) were significant predictors
of CS scores. Generating stimulation for oneself requires concentration. For example,

designing and planning a project requires an individual to be focused while completing
the task. Consequently, it makes sense that the Internal BP subscale predicts CS scores.
Concentration, which is a skill that requires practice, is not cultivated during quickly
changing and relatively short-term activities. Consequently, it is understandable that BPS
External subscale scores are negatively correlated with CS scores.
ABCs subscale Inattention is a higher predictor of CS scores than the
Hyperactivity subscale, probably because inattention is conceptually more closely related
to concentration than hyperactivity. Barkley and Murphy (1998) write that hyperactive
individuals engage in excessive motor and vocal activity (e.g., restlessness; fidget
behavior; and gross, purposeless body movement), whereas inattentive individuals lack
the ability to sustain their attention and are said to have great difficulties with repetitive
or dull tasks such as homework. Concentration, as measured by CS, is the control of
ones focus or attention and is not so much the control of motor or vocal movements;
therefore, inattention should be more strongly related to concentration than hyperactivity.
Moreover, this study found that the CS subscale of Control of Focus before Sleeping is
more closely related to hyperactivity than to inattention. This result provides supporting
evidence that such control may reflect processes of concentration different from those of
other factors.
The newly developed scale can be applied as a measure of concentration skills to
a wide range of situations such as health and safety, job performance, academia, clinical
settings, sports performance, and relationships. Concentration abilities can be an
important part of insuring safety at the workplace. Several jobs require workers to sustain
attention in the performance of job tasks. Numerous jobs involve maintaining focus in

boring tasks (e.g., lifeguards) and others require filtering out information in complex
situations (e.g., air traffic controllers). Recently, there have been several airplane
accidents due to air-traffic controller mistakes. These and similar accidents may possibly
be prevented by the assessment and monitoring of concentration skills. While some jobs
require a high level of concentration abilities, all jobs require some level of
concentration. In 2005, more than 5,000 US employees died, and approximately 4.2
million were injured due to work-related accidents (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2005).
Steps taken to improve the concentration of employees in the workplace can have
significant positive effects on the safety of those employees. Screening for concentration
abilities and/or selecting employees based on such cognitive abilities is one way to make
these improvements. In addition to safety, concentration can also affect job performance.
Employees with superior concentration skills may work more efficiently; that is, they
may work faster and make fewer mistakes than employees with inferior concentration
skills. Overall, many jobs require the ability to extract information, and it is difficult to
find a job where reading and listening are not important.
Similarly, concentration skills are important components in academia. Students
need to acquire shifting and sustaining attention skills to be successful in college. For
instance, when reading textbooks and listening to lectures, students need to be able to
focus their attention in order to extract information. Moreover, they need to be able to
disregard distractions when studying in a noisy environment or going to bed in a noisy
dormitory. Research has found that children with attention and/or executive function
deficits have lower grade point averages and lower retention rates than healthy
individuals (Biederman et al., 2004).

Concentration has been shown to be an important factor in athletic performance
for a variety of sports (Jackson & Csikszentmihalyi, 1999; Moran, 1996; Sanchez &
Torregrosa, 2005). For example, athletes need to be able to concentrate on game strategy
and technique while disregarding disturbing spectators and/or intruding thoughts. These
and other kinds of distractions can harm concentration and hinder successful
performance. In some cases, (e.g., mountain climbing) losing concentration can lead to
severe accidents. In all high-risk sports, one should screen for and monitor an
individuals concentration skills in order to prevent injuries.
Finally, the ability to focus ones attention during a conversation can be
particularly meaningful in clinical work and relationships. Clinicians and counselors
require superior concentration skills in order to listen, diagnose, and treat a person.
Similarly, relationships are perceived as more satisfactory when partners can effectively
listen to the each other.


In short, this study provides preliminary evidence that the Concentration Scale is
a valid and reliable scale to determine concentration skills. However, these results need to
be treated tentatively until more research further identifies the underlying dimensions of
the construct of concentration. For example, one area of concern is that the four factors
only account for 46% of the variance in CS scores.
Future research should investigate whether the CS factors reflect true dimensions
of concentration and should ask certain questions: (a) Why did reading and listening
items, as well as sleeping items, load on independent factors?; (b) Do reading and

listening require a different type of concentration than watching TV or writing a letter?;
(c) Does resting your mind and disengaging your attention from stimuli (e.g., before
going to sleep) require a different type of concentration than other situations? In other
words, are loadings based on the contents of items or the activity assessed, or do they
involve true differences in processes?
Furthermore, future research should investigate whether the absent-mindedness
items in the second factor and the items in the last factor (Control of Focus before
Sleeping) truly relate to concentration. It is possible that absent-mindedness may be
highly related to concentration but is still a separate construct that relates to mindfulness
more than to concentration. Similarly, the items in this last factor highly relate to
hyperactivity; therefore, there is a possibility that these do not correspond to a dimension
of concentration. A validity study involving a more direct measure of concentration, such
as a behavioral concentration performance test, should be conducted to answer these
Another recommendation for future development of CS is the generation of
additional items; specifically, future studies should include negatively phrased volition
and absorption items, positively phrased absent-mindedness items, and positively phrased
items involving watching TV. Moreover, additional items should be generated that
involve other activities such as walking, driving, and staying focused while eating a meal.
Finally, the scale should be tested with additional samples to assess its generalizability to
groups other than college students.


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Appendix A
Institutional Review Board Approval




Dr. Keith Whinnery, Chair

IRB for Human Research
Participant Protection
Cc: Dr. William L. Mikulas

Ms. Sandra VanderHeyden, Director

Research and Sponsored Programs

Appendix B
Concentration Scale Items


1. When I watch TV, I cannot stay focused on what I'm watching because I get
distracted by things going on around me.
2. I can easily focus on a talk and immerse myself into what the speaker says.
3. I get so sidetracked that I get lost in familiar environments.
4. After returning from the store, I realize I forgot to buy the important items that I
wanted to get.
5. When writing a letter or an email, it seems as though the right words just flow right
out of my fingers.
6. When talking to someone, I disregard thoughts in my mind so that I can listen to what
the other person is saying.
7. When trying to sleep, my mind gets lost in what I need to do the next day or what I
did earlier that day.
8. When watching movies, I miss out on scenes because I get distracted by things going
on around me.
9. When listening to a friend, I am able to ignore everything else that goes on around us
to focus on the conversation.
10. If I run into someone I know I have no trouble breaking out of my train of thought
and focusing on the conversation.
11. When I go to sleep, I become so sensitive to sounds in the environment that I have
difficulties falling asleep.
12. When writing an email or a letter, I catch myself being so focused on what I write that
I forget about everything else happening around me.
13. I have problems shifting my attention from one thing to another.
14. While reading, I can disregard unrelated thoughts with the intention of focusing on
my reading.
15. When walking into a room for something, I lose track of what I was going into the
room for.
16. While writing emails/letters, I get lost in thoughts and I do not easily get back to
finishing the message.

17. In a noisy environment, I can focus on reading while paying no attention to the noise
around me.
18. While driving, I don't remember the last few miles I traveled.
19. When trying to sleep, I can't stop my mind from racing.
20. I can get so involved into group conversations that I feel as though I lose myself in
the group.
21. When I notice that my attention drifts away during a talk, I bring it back to the
speaker right after I realize that I got sidetracked.
22. Whenever I get distracted while reading, I make an effort to redirect my focus back to
the book.
23. When answering a question, I forget the question and I do not know if my answer is
at all related to the question.
24. It is difficult for me to listen to a lecture without getting distracted by unwanted
25. When involved in a group conversation, I tend to focus on one speaker at a time and
direct my attention accordingly.
26. When sitting in a meeting, I can easily shift my attention from one speaker to another.
27. When listening to a talk, I seem to be caught up in something else in the room
although I want to be listening to the speaker.
28. When I want to sleep, I can ignore noise from my environment and immediately fall
29. When watching a movie, I get so caught up in thought that I can't seem to follow the
story of the movie.
30. While sitting in a talk, I tune out unrelated thoughts that come up in my mind.
31. Whenever I read, I get distracted by things going on around me.
32. When talking on the phone, my mind wanders to things outside the conversation.
33. I find my mind racing uncontrollably.
34. Whenever I read, I have to reread passages because I forget what I just read.

35. When I watch a movie, I miss out on parts of the story because my attention tends to
drift away.
36. When talking to someone at a social gathering, I can listen to him or her while
disregarding the conversations around us.
37. When writing a letter or email, I can simply filter out all distractions and focus on
what I want to write.
38. I become preoccupied with certain thoughts and find it difficult to direct my attention
39. Whenever I read a book, I get easily immersed into the story.
40. I have to search for my keys because I can't remember where I put them.
41. As soon as I notice that I lost focus during a conversation, I redirect my attention
back to the speaker.
42. I don't get easily distracted when I read or study.
43. In group conversations, I find it difficult to shift my attention from one speaker to the
next because my mind is occupied with thinking about what I want to say next.
44. In bed, I am able to disregard the thoughts in my mind so that I can more easily fall
45. When I watch a movie, I get so involved that I forget about everything else going on
around me.
46. In group situations, I find it difficult to listen to others because I think about what I
want to say next.
47. When I get distracted while talking on the phone, I bring myself back to the
conversation as soon as I notice that I lost focus.
48. In group discussions, I remain focused on what's being said even if the conversation
goes back and forth between several people.
49. Whenever I lose attention while I'm talking to someone, I actively redirect my focus
back to the conversation.
50. While listening to a speech, I lose focus and my mind drifts away.
51. When I listen to music, I pay attention to the music for the entire length of the song.

52. I meetings, I can focus on the conversation while not paying attention to the
surrounding noise.
53. When listening to a song, I never really hear the whole of the song because my mind
starts thinking about other things.
54. In have to have silence in order to read effectively; otherwise, I get distracted and lose
55. When listening to a speech, I start looking around the room and lose track of the talk.
56. When filling out an online survey, I answer my emails and/or surf on the Internet.

Appendix C
Informed Consent Form


Dear Participant:
This stage of the research project involves the development of a survey on mental
processing. You will be given series of statements and need to indicate how often the
behavior in the statement occurs. There are no potential risks associated with completing
this study and there will be no harm if you do not participate or discontinue your
participation. Information obtained from this study may provide a better understanding of
the cognitive processes in everyday behaviors.
Please note:
Any information that you provide to us will be kept strictly confidential. If you have any
questions or concerns regarding this project, please contact Sabine Krawietz at The
University of West Florida at (850) 474-2108 or by email at
If you wish to participate in this study, click on Next below. The submittal of the
completed survey will indicate your consent to participate.

*By starting this survey I signify that I agree to participate in the present study

Appendix D
Self-Report Measures


Mindfulness Questionnaire
NAME: _________________________________________

Instructions: On the line before each statement put a number from 1 to 5, using the code below,
to indicate how often the statement is true for you. Put an NA (not apply) on the line if the
statement doesnt apply to you. Put an X if the statement is unclear.
5 = always or very often true of me
4 = often true of me
3 = occasionally true of me
2 = seldom true of me
1 = never or almost never true of me
NA = does not apply to me
X = the meaning of the statement is unclear

I get anxious or angry before I realize why.


When listening to people, I miss part of what they say because I am thinking about what
they said, what I will say, or other things.


After leaving home I wonder about something I may have forgotten to do, such as turning
off the coffee pot, closing the windows, or locking the doors.


When I am in a particular mood, my mind contains related music or images.


If I put my attention on a physical pain, the pain will increase or decrease.


When I am sitting down, I am aware of the sensations of sitting.


When I am influenced by desire or anger, I observe how it affects my mind.


I notice a difference between sounds and the hearing of the sounds.


I lose track of time.


I unconsciously move my body when it is uncomfortable without noticing the discomfort.


Before becoming anxious I notice thoughts and feelings that lead to the anxiety.


I eat much of a meal without really noticing the tastes.


I experience muscle tension I do not see coming on.


I get depressed without knowing why.


I notice how my beliefs often influence what I see and how I feel.

5 = always or very often true of me
4 = often true of me
3 = occasionally true of me
2 = seldom true of me
1 = never or almost never true of me
NA = does not apply to me
X = the meaning of the statement is unclear


When I am thinking, I am aware of the thoughts and the fact that I am thinking.


I dont pay attention to my breathing, such as whether it is shallow or deep.


I forget where I have left things, such as my glasses or where I parked the car.


I notice sensations of pleasure or pain before I label them.


I notice how thoughts and feelings gradually arise in my consciousness.


I know the difference between eating when I am hungry and eating for other reasons.


I am aware of when I am seeking sensual pleasure.


I catch myself viewing other people in terms of stereotypes or preconceptions.


I will say or do something without actually intending to do it.


I know when I am in a situation that will lead to my being angry.


I am aware of my body positions when talking with others.


I notice how much I am involved in what is currently happening or how much I am lost in
thought and fantasy.


By the end of the day I don remember some of the snacks I have eaten.


I am basically aware of how distracted or focused my mind is.


I get severe headaches before noticing them coming on.


I am aware of the effects on my mind when I feel worry, uncertainty, or ill-will.


I suddenly find myself eating or drinking something or lighting up a cigarette without

having given any thought to doing it.


I feel there is a part of me that just watches my life.

5 = always or very often true of me
4 = often true of me
3 = occasionally true of me
2 = seldom true of me
1 = never or almost never true of me
NA = does not apply to me
X = the meaning of the statement is unclear


When listening to music I enjoy, my mind runs off in directions other than music.


I get particularly happy and cheerful without knowing just why.


I loose track of money I spend.


I dont respond so much to what I perceive, but more to how I label or categorize what I


I notice how feelings, sensations, and thoughts gradually weaken and leave my


I know when it is inevitable that I will become angry or anxious before I actually feel the


Part of my mind is filled with thoughts, visual images, and/or music.


I miss appointments because I have gotten lost in other activities.


I notice the effects on my body and mind of what I have eaten or drunk.


When I am looking at something, I am aware of what I see and the process of seeing


I am aware of an intent to do something before I actually do it.


I feel that I am an observer watching my mind.

Boredom Proneness Scale
The statements can be answered using a true-false response (the original format used) or
with a 7-point format from "1" (highly disagree) to "7" (highly agree) used in recent
_____ 1. It is easy for me to concentrate on my activities.
_____ 2. Frequently when I am working I find myself worrying about other things.
_____ 3. Time always seems to be passing slowly.
_____ 4. I often find myself at "loose ends", not knowing what to do.
_____ 5. I am often trapped in situations where I have to do meaningless things.
_____ 6. Having to look at someone's home movies or travel slides bores me
_____ 7. I have projects in mind all the time, things to do.
_____ 8. I find it easy to entertain myself.
_____ 9. Many things I have to do are repetitive and monotonous.
_____ 10. It takes more stimulation to get me going than most people.
_____ 11. I get a kick out of most things I do.
_____ 12. I am seldom excited about my work.
_____ 13. In any situation I can usually find something to do or see to keep me
_____ 14. Much of the time I just sit around doing nothing.
_____ 15. I am good at waiting patiently.
_____ 16. I often find myself with nothing to do, time on my hands.
_____ 17. In situations where I have to wait, such as a line, I get very restless.
_____ 18. I often wake up with a new idea.
_____ 19. It would be very hard for me to find a job that is exciting enough.
_____ 20. I would like more challenging things to do in life.
_____ 21. I feel that I am working below my abilities most of the time.
_____ 22. Many people would say that I am a creative or imaginative person.
_____ 23. I have so many interests, I don't have time to do everything.
_____ 24. Among my friends, I am the one who keeps doing something the longest.

_____ 25. Unless I am doing something exciting, even dangerous, I feel half-dead and
_____ 26. It takes a lot of change and variety to keep me really happy.
_____ 27. It seems that the same things are on television or the movies all the time; it's
getting old.
_____ 28. When I was young, I was often in monotonous and tiresome situations.


A d u lt B e h a v i o r C h e c k lis t - S e l f R e p o rt F o r m
I n s t r u c t io n s : P le a s e c i r c le t h e n u m b e r n e x t to e a c h it e m t h a t b e s t d e s c r ib e s y o u r b eh a v io r
d u r in g t h e p a s t 6 m o n t h s .
N ever

Ite m s :

F ail to g iv e clo se atten tio n to d etails o r

o r rarely

V er y
S o m etim es

O ften

o ften

5 . D o n t listen w h en d irectl y sp o k en to

6 . F eel R estless

7 . D o n t f o l lo w t h r o u g h o n i n s t r u c t i o n s a n d

9 . H av e d ifficu lt y o rg an izin g tas k s a n d activ ities

1 0 . F eel o n th e g o o r d riv e n b y a m o to r

1 2 . T alk ex cessiv el y

1 3 . L o se th in g s n eces sar y fo r task s o r activ ities

1 5 . A m easil y d istracte d

1 6 . H av e d ifficu lty a w aitin g tu rn

m ak e careles s m istak es in m y w o rk

F id g et w ith h an d s o r feet o r sq u irm in c h air

3 . H av e d ifficu lt y su stain in g m y atten tio n in task s o r

fu n activ ities

4 . L eav e m y seat i n situ atio n s in w h ich seatin g is

e x p ecte d

fail to fin ish w o rk

8 . H av e d ifficu lt y en g a g in g i n leisu re activ ities

o r d o in g fu n th in g s q u ietl y

1 1 . A v o id , d islik e , o r am relu ctan t to en g ag e in

w o rk th at req u ires su stain ed m en t al effo rt

1 4 . B lu r t o u t a n s w e r s b e f o r e q u e s t i o n s h a v e b e e n
co m p leted

1 7 . A m fo rg etfu l in d ail y a ctiv ities

1 8 . In t e r r u p t o r i n t r u d e o n o t h e r s

Appendix E
Copyright Permission Letter


Email Response from Dr. Russell Barkley about the Permission to Use the ADHD
Symptom Checklist for this Study

You have my permission to use the scale. As long as you are not selling it or distributing
it to other professionals and are only using it with your participants in your research you
are free to use it.
Best wishes
Russ Barkley
>-----Original Message---->From: Sabine Krawietz []
>Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 12:51 PM
>Subject: Inquiry from Guilford website
>To whom it may concern:
>I'm Sabine Krawietz, a graduate student from the University of West Florida,
>and would like to use the Adult Behavior Checklist (ABC)
>for a research project. I'm developing a self-report scale
>measuring the construct of concentration and would like to use the ABC
>1.1 to test my newly developed scale's construct validity. Do you have a
>program that allows using this instrument for research purposes without the
>need for purchasing the whole package under licensure? I would be very glad
>to send you the test results of my research if they can be of use for you.
>Sabine Krawietz.
>Psychology Department
>University of West Florida
>Cc: <>

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