Cape Notes Unit 2 Database Management
Cape Notes Unit 2 Database Management
Cape Notes Unit 2 Database Management
At the end of the handout students should be able to:
1. Explain the terms Database management system and database
2. Define terms associated with a database (table, entity, tuple, attribute, primary key,
secondary key, composite key, candidate key, alternate key, foreign key)
3. Distinguish among terminologies associated with files and databases (Row, column, key)
4. List at least four advantages and disadvantages of using a computerized database
5. Outline at least four steps that can be taken to design a database.
Before the widespread use of computers, student information was kept on index cards in boxes or filing cabinets. If
you and a small group of friends each put your personal details such as name, addresses and date of birth, on a record
card, then it might not take too long to find those of you whose birthday is in April. However, if everyone in your
school filled out a card, then it would take very much longer! Furthermore, changing information, such as addresses,
could also take a long time. Other common paper database include telephone books, dictionaries, recipe cards and
television guides. Nowadays, computerized databases are in widespread use, as they help people quickly to find
information that they want. They also vary in size and use depending on what is required. Small databases, such as
one that keeps information about a CD collection, can be run on a personal computer at home. Larger databases now
play an important part in how our society works. Industrial, commercial and public organizations use databases to
maintain their businesses and services.
Other computerized databases include flight information systems and database systems in public libraries.
Examples of how we use these large databases included:
Using directory enquiries to search a database of millions of customers for a telephone number in a
few seconds
Accessing a police computer database, with requests from a police officers who want information
about criminal suspects or stolen cars.
All of the information of an entity should be closely related. For example, in a videotape rental system, you might
have one table for the name of tape, type of tape and its rating, one for customers which stores the customer name,
address and telephone number, and another which stores data about the rentals. In this example there are three
entities: the tape entity, the customer entity and the rental entity
Skeete, Kelvin, skeete, Kyle (2007). Information Technology for CSEC. United Kingdom: Cambridge
University press
Gay, Glenda, Blades, Ronald (2009). Oxford Information Technology for CSEC. Great Clarendon street,
Oxford OX2 6DP: Oxford University press
Campbell, Howard, Wood, Alan (2010). Information Technology for CSEC examinations. Between towns
road, Oxford, Ox4 3PP: Macmillan Publishers Limited