Jagged Alliance 2
Jagged Alliance 2
Jagged Alliance 2
From: bcr19374@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu (Brian C Robinson)
Date: 13 Aug 1999 17:00:23 GMT
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic
This is the very preliminary version of the Jagged Alliance 2 FAq
I've been working on. Right now the text version is very poorly
formatted. I wrote it in Word and when I save it to text it came out very
poorly. If you'd like to look at the Word version, check it out at:
Since this is the first version of the FAQ, I know there will be
inaccuracies. Please let me know if you see anything that is wrong or
questionable in the FAQ. The section on generating custom mercs is
completely untested (at least by me), so if you have results either way,
let me know about them.
Finally, I got most of my material from this newsgroup, from
posters with questions and those with answers. I gave credit where I
could, but I admit I didn't keep very good track of who wrote what.
Anyways, I don't really claim authorship of this document, so if you see
something you wrote in here, don't think i was trying to steal it from
you. Send me an email and I will properly credit you.
Well, withou further ado (I really reccomend trying the .doc
Jagged Alliance 2 FAQ v1.0
Brian Christopher Robinson
Section 1: Interface
How can I deposit cash that my merc's are carrying into my account?
Simply get the money and click it on the "$" icon in your merc's invento
on the tactical screen.
Is it possible to unload weapons? As in, remove the current ammunition
from them without putting a new clip in?
Sure. Right click on the gun to get the info screen. Under the picture
of the gun you will see a bullet that has a number like "10/15". That means the
gun can hold 15 bullets, and currently has 10. If you click the bullet, you
will get the ammo out
of your gun. Comes in real handy when you have to convert between pistol and
rifle clips. Remember that putting in the wrong kind of ammunition (pistol to
machine gun or vice versa) costs ten APs in combat.
I heard that the random number generator saves some value so that you ge
the same results every time you reload a save. Sometimes this is true, but
other times it is not. Why is that?
In turn based mode, if you reload a save and make exactly the same
actions, you will get exactly the same results. But if you make different
actions, you will get different results because the random numbers are being
used in a different order. In
real time, however, the random numbers are constantly consumed to check on
various things, so although the seed is saved, a very small amount of time will
make a difference.
I can't get this damn door/crate open! What should I do?
A1: Use a merc with high strength to try and force it open.
A2: Get a merc with lockpicking or expert lockpicking, such as Gasket, Dynamo,
or Maddog to try to open the lock, or a merc with very high mechanical skill.
Preferably both.
A3: Try a crowbar on it until your merc says it is useless. Then kick the door
until merc says it's useless. Then crowbar again. Then kick again. Rest. Then
repeat all actions again. Do this until the door is opened. You can pass crowbar
to another merc and try this with him. Sometimes it takes 30-40 attempts.
You can use a shaped charge on the lock (little bomb that blows it up).
However, you may still need to pry the door open.
Is there a way to close doors after opening them?
Yes. Hold down the control (Ctrl) key while hovering the mouse cursor
over the open door. The hand will go red and will say, "Opened door." Click,
and you will get the option to close the door.
The manual says pressing the 'E' key will cycle through all of the enemi
my currently selected merc can see, but it doesn't seem to do anything. What's
up with that?
It doesn't work. You can hit enter to cycle through all enemies visible
to all mercs, and the ones that aren't blackened will be the ones that your merc
can see. Also, if you click on the number box in a merc's portrait, it will
cycle through all th
e opponents visible to the selected merc.
I have a grenade launcher attached to a rifle, but I can only make regul
shots with it. What do I have to do to get it to fire grenades?
You can only fire the grenade ammo that was meant for the grenade
launcher, not regular grenades. You have to "arm" the launcher for each shot by
loading a grenade into one of the rifle's attached slots. This means that you
have to have 2 slots free
, one for the Talon (launcher) and one for the grenade.
you get
Okay, but is there a key I should hold down to make the gun fire the
instead of the bullets?
You need to cycle through the guns firing modes. Hit the 'B' key until
the grenade cursor.
I order equipment from Bob's page, and I get the Email that it arrives.
must have a flat roof. You can check this by hitting tab to see the upper
level. Once that is set, you can move your cursor over your merc and pull up
until the arrow changes
to a long arrow with lines. You can also hit the ladder button on your merc's
inventory screen. To get down, pull the arrow down or hit the ladder button.
Section 2: Militia
How can you assign militia to guard SAM sites?
While you can't transfer the militia from a city into a SAM site, you ca
train militia directly at a SAM site.
Do I have to train militia in each sector of a town?
No. You can train in only one sector. Once you have some guys, right
click on any sector in the town in the militia view of the strategic portion,
and you will get a screen that will allow you to reassign the militia to
different sectors within th
e town.
Is it better to autoresolve the fights that my militia have, or to
supervise them?
Although the autoresolve should result in about the same as a full battl
many people believe that autoresolve produces much better results. However, the
same is not true of battles mainly consisting of your mercs.
Section 3: Program Bugs
After my helicopter is "being hit for good", the game throws me out to
Windows. Why?
There is a file missing, and when the game can't find it, it crashes.
You'll just have to avoid getting your chopper hit until the patch.
Section 4: Items
Why should I use knives? They seem to suck.
If the enemy does not see you and you throw a knife with full aiming, yo
have a chance for an instant kill. Very good to use in combination with
It fires caseless 4.7mm through a floating breech, and the cyclic rate o
fire is so godawful high that every bullet from a 3-round burst clears the
barrel before you feel the recoil. Which means you can put bursts into a 2"
circle at 200 yards. It
costs only 1 extra AP to fire a 3 round burst over the cost of a single shot.
The fact that you don't feel the recoil between shots in the burst is also
reflected in the game.
5: Mercs
When you make your custom merc, how do you view the stats to see if you
the critical ones? Do you have to rely on that silly e-mail. I can't
find the special abilities listed for any of the guys.
Just look at the personnel section of your laptop. It will give you
information about your mercs, including the custom. It shows the skills
You can choose for your mercs to practice them while not fighting.
In general, your stats are raised through normal use. So, if you shoot
lot, you will gain marksmanship. If you mess with bombs a lot, you will gain
explosives skill. However, there are some specific ways of increasing them that
verge on cheatin
g, but are possible in the game. Both types are listed below:
Train militia. If you have two people in the same sector training, some of the
leadership may rub off from the higher skilled merc to the lower.
Punching things, opening crates. You can increase strength rapidly by finding
something you can punch indefinitely without penalty. These things include the
crows that appear on rotting bodies, vehicles you don't own, cows, and the robot
(if you don't o
wn it).
Punching (see strength), throwing knives, repairing.
Travelling, especially with heavy equipment (ie, your merc's weight percentage
is over 100).
Getting interrupts, crawling with stealth mode in the presence of enemies.
Someone suggested an easy way to raise this was to crawl around in front of the
bugs while you are using the elixir.
Combine TNT and a detonator. Plant the bomb and disarm it. After doing this
about 15 times your wisdom should increase. However, there is a chance that the
bomb will explode as you try to disarm it. Another way to increase wisdom is
using a merc as doct
or. It takes a very long time to increase the stat this way, but it happens.
Goes up by firing weapons and throwing knives. Can be raised by throwing knifes
at crows (they are not consumed), or shooting off otherwise useless .38 ammo
later in the game.
By repairing things, picking locks, repairing
Do first aid or doctoring. Someone suggested that if you beat up your militia
and then heal them you can gain points easily.
Setting and disarming explosives. To gain this skill quickly, set and disarm a
mine over and over in real-time.
Gain points in other areas. Rack up kills.
I have not tested any of these, but if you do, let me know how it comes out.
Remember to be focused on the skills you choose, though. Chris Camfield (JA2
programmer) had thi
s to say, "AFAIK, the game randomly picks between all skill choices made through
the questionnaire."
|A 1
Q |==========|==========|==========|==========|==========|==========|
1 | martial | loner | H2H
| lock
| throw | optimist |
2 | teach | stealth | psycho | friendly |==========|==========|
3 | lock
| arrogant | stealth | normal |==========|==========|
4 | auto
| friendly | normal |unfriendly| loner |==========|
5 | coward |aggressive|==========|==========|==========|==========|
6 | coward |night ops |==========|==========|==========|==========|
7 | elec. | knife | night |
8 | ambidex |
| optimist | psycho |==========|==========|
9 |
|pessimist |pessimist |
|pessimist |unfriendly|
| teach |aggressive| normal |==========|==========|
12| martial | knife |
| auto | H2H
| elec. |
| normal | normal |==========|==========|==========|
| normal |
15| throw | ambidex | arrogant |==========|==========|==========|
When you have answered the first question and are on the screen for the
second, you will see that the "prev" and "next" buttons are lit up. You can
*SKIP* questions to get your desired results. I can get Stealthy and Throwing
*EVERY* time by JUST answering the questions that make sense to that type of
character and hitting "next" to avoid the irrelevant ones.
Question 1:
1: Martial Arts
2: None
3: Hand to Hand combat
4: Lock Picking
5: Throwing
6: Optimism
Question 2
1: Teaching
2: None
3: Psycho Personality
4: Friendly personality
Question 3
1: Lock Picking
2: None
3: Stealth
4: Normal personality
Question 4
1: Automatic Weapons
2: Friendly Personality
3: Normal Personality
4: None
5: None
Question 5
1: None
2: None
3: Aggressive Personality
4: None
Question 6
1: None
2: Night Ops
3: None
4: None
5: None
Question 7
1: Electronics
2: Knifing
3: Night Ops
4: None
Question 8
1: Ambidextrous
2: None
3: Optimistic Personality
4: Psycho Personality
Question 9
The answers to this question have no effect on skills/personality.
Question 10
The answers to this question have no effect on skills/personality.
Question 11
1: None
2: Teaching
3: Aggressive Personality
4: Normal Personality
5: None
Question 12
1: Martial Arts
2: Knifing
3: None
4: Automatic Weapons
5: Hand to Hand combat
6: None
7: None
Question 12
1: Martial Arts
2: Knifing
3: None
4: Automatic Weapons
5: Hand to Hand combat
6: Electronics
7: None
8: None
Question 13
1: None
2: Normal Personality
3: Normal Personality
4: None
Question 14
1: None
2: Normal Personality
3: None
4: None
Question 15
1: Throwing
2: Ambidextrous
3: None
4: None
Question 16
The answers to this question have no effect on skills/personality.
You may have to run this a couple of times, every now and then it will
turn up Stealthy(Expert) instead of Stealthy/Night Ops.
works as well
Here are some other useful combinations:
6232-1332-2243-3441 Stealth(Expert)
If you answer the fight question as NRA vs. Congress
and the truck question as #1, you should end up with
Auto Weapons/Stealthy
2234-1333-2333-3441 Night Ops(Expert)
Here is a 50 point stealthy(expert):
I've seen some posts here asking for the stealth/night ops combo, and to
the best of my memory, here it is...
(in the order that I can best remember, for a female custom)
Wish to be Catwoman.
Throw darts from where the punk cant' see you.
Follow the guy and mug him.
Steal the night vision goggles and book.
Barney is a Role Model. :)
Your Redneck truck has a peace sticker.
The slow driver should have your curses on his stereo.
Baseball fame is from the salary.
When I attack him, he just says, "What is wrong with you!" I can't seem
That Pablo guy says I killed the pilot! What can I do now?
You killed the pilot that worked for Deidrianna. Not Skyrider. He shou
be fine.
So, where can I find Skyrider?
His location is random in each game, but he is never far from Drassen.
There are two houses directly NE and SE of Drassen in the swamps; he's usually
in either of those two. If he isn't, the peasants in Drassen will give you a
Who is this girl?
She's a sweatshop manager. Everyone in Drassen hates her. Deal with he
and Drassen's loyalty should go up.
How do I "deal" with her?
Although it is possible to peacefully resolve things with her (use
"Threaten"), there's no compelling reason not to just drop a cap in her ass.
Either way she is taken care of.
Hey! Last time I played I found a key/MP5K in the sweatshop and it isn'
here this game. What gives?
It appears these items are random.
Who is this guy?
A drunk priest. He will help you with the rebels, though. Talk to him
and he'll provide food for Omerta.
I haven't found him yet and its day xx! Will my game be screwed up?
Nope. You don't actually ever have to talk to him. The only real benef
is getting Dmitri and possible some more loyalty in Drassen.
building). You may not find him on your first attempt, though. Its a good idea
to leave a cheap merc in Drassen and check every so often until you find him.
Who is this guy?
He's a criminal. You can steal his money. However, if you do, he will
send guys after you.
a mustard gas canister near him (but NOT right on him). The gas will eventually
kill him and you can take all his stuff without ever angering anyone. From
there you can go
in the mine and get his buried money. Remember to exit from the main entrance
and not the trapped ladder.
Who are these people?
Tourists in Arulco.
Where is he?
In the back room of the San Mona porn shop.
But I can't get back there! How can I get the shopkeeper to let me in?
You need to get rid of the pesky customer for him. Look around town unti
you find an X rated videotape and give it to the "lady" in the shop. Then talk
to him again. You can just kill her.
Who is this guy?
He will sell you explosives, but won't buy anything.
Who is this guy?
Mike was the top mercenary in the previous two Jagged Alliance games.
Apparently he was hired by Deidranna this time.
How do I know if Mike is around?
Once the queen has had her little speech where she says something like
"I'll give them a surprise they will not soon forget," you will encounter Mike
in one of your battles.
Where is he?
His location is random.
Who is this kid?
His Mom in Cambria will ask you to find him for her.
Where is he?
In San Mona, looking in the front window of the brothel.
Who is this guy?
He will buy and sell bug parts, and also an elixir to make your mercs
invisible to them.
Where is he?
It's random. Another said "between Alma and Tixa." Yet another said
H15. He's been found in I4. He's generally on the lower half of the map.
Carmen: See bounties.
Who are the bounties?
In one of the bars in Arulco, you should meet a man named Carmen. He wi
give you a disk which contains information on some suspected criminals within
Arulco. If you meet any of them, kill them and cut off their heads, then bring
the heads to Car
men. He will give you money for them.
How can I cut off their heads?
Use either a machete or a combat knife. Put it in your main hand and
right click to bring up the knife cursor. Click on the dead body of the bounty.
You may have to try a few times because only one of the squares will let you cut
off the heads in
some circumstances.
Who are the bounties, what are their pseudonyms, and where can I find
Chris, ?? (Has bad Canadian accent)
??, Bartender in Grumm
Joe, in factory in Grumm
Annie, ??
Terry, Cambria University sector (in wheelchair)
Hirable NPCs:
What is special about hirable NPCs?
They will join your team from one of the sectors rather than being hired
over the web. Many of them are free or very cheap, although some are quite
require you to go through some of their other dialogue first, though.
Who are they, where do I find them, and how much do they cost?
Omerta rebel base. She will join as soon as you talk to Miguel. Free.
Omerta rebel base. He will join after you have found the Father and arranged
for food for Omerta. Free.
Omerta rebel base. They will join after you take five cities. Free.
Alma training building. He will ask for 5500, but if you refuse he will drop
his price to 3300.
Tixa prison dungeon. You must hear all of his "Friendly" speeches before he
will join. $50/day.
Tixa prison dungeon. 20/day.
Estoni. Free.
To the west off Cambria, in a farmhouse. You need to get a rifle and a video
camera to the scientist here, and then the robot is yours. ??
San Mona bar. 1500/day.
Random, but typically between Cambria and Drassen. Has the ice-cream truck.
Section 7: Mining
Q: How does mining work?
A: From: DAU@uni-muenster.de (Peter Quebec)
Well, here are some tips on mining income. At the start of a
new game 50 points (normal; easy will get more, hard will get
less overall points) will be distributed on the five mines. The
range goes from 6 points to 14 points for each mine (The exact
values may be a little off, but I think, this is the way it works.).
The distributed points are then multiplied with the base income
for each mine (400$ (Chitzena), 800$ (Drassen), 1200$ (Alma and
Cambria), 1600$ (Grumm)) to give you the maximum income of
a mine. So the maximum income for the Drassen mine will range
from 4800$ to 11200$ per day.
To get the actual income you have to multiply max. income with
town control and loyalty. So if you control 2 sectors of Drassen
(66% town control) and have a loyalty of 45%, while the mine has
a max. income of 8000$/day, your actual income will be:
8000$/day x .66 x .45 = 2376$/day
The daily income will be paid in four shares at 9.00, 12.00, 15.00
and 18.00.
You can check the maximum income of all mines at the start of
a game. Just click on the mine (?) tab in the map screen and then
right click on the mine sector itself. An information window should
pop up and tell you, among other things, the max. income of the
mine (This is from memory, so if it doesn't work, try similar things).
About two weeks into the game, one of the mines may run out of
ore. A miner will pop up and tell you about it. The income of the
mine will be increased significantly and then drop to zero during
the next four or five days. AFAIK this will only happen to one mine
and in my first game it never happened to me at all in 70 days.
If you're playing sci-fi mode, you will eventually get the message
that the Drassen mine is overrun by bugs. The income will drop to
zero until you clear the mine. To do this, enter the mine and
proceed to the second screen. You should notice a hole in the
ground. Enter it and go down further, killing all the bugs. If the new
levels are empty, then you have encountered a (computer) bug.
This happened to me the first time I played sci-fi mode. I went to the
final room without meeting any bugs. But when I went back one
room, all the bugs were suddenly there. So try this, if it happens
to you.
AFAIK the bugs will always appear in the Drassen mine first.
There is a small bug, if the Drassen mine has run out of ore.
If this has happened, you won't be notified by the miner about
the bug plague. But soon after the start of the bug plague, city
sectors of Drassen are attacked by bugs. In order to end the
attacks you have to clear the mine and kill the bug queen.
Section 8: Vehicles
Q: What are the vehicles and where do I find them?
A: Here's a list:
Northern Drassen, find pilot before (pilot is randomly placed to one of swamp
sector somewhere around Drassen).
Ice-cream truck.
You can also hire its driver Hamous and use him as common merc (asking $250 per
day). Placed randomly on road.
Somewhere North from Balime. Its price is $10000.
Section 9: The Queen
Where is she?
You have to go to the Meduna-sector with the garden. there is a small
house in the bottom left corner. in this house is a switch, that open a door at
on of the three statues. you can go in there and you will find her there.
Fireplace is an entrance
to her underground levels or there is one in the garden maze but it is harder to
find and needs a key card.
Section 10: Tips
[This section is just some newsgroup postings that contain tips and various
information on how to play the game. When I have time, I may try to put this
stuff in a FAQ format.]
->Is there any way to tell what your % chance of making a particular shot is?
>I'd really like to be able to figure out tradeoffs of whether taking extra
>time for aiming, what the impact of kneeling is, etc.... but I can't find
>any way to tell other than just experimentation!
It's part of the fun of the game, to figure out the various combos in
absence of hard figures. I'm sure it's intentional that the various
Sir-Tech personnel didn't blurt out answers when asked of them.
That said, there's a couple of good fan sites on the Sir-Tech JA2
page. One has a listing of all the tables on merc stats and activity
scores (Neil Fradkin posted this in one of his MSG's). The other is
Terra Virtua.
Some stuff I've found, mostly by experience:
Max aiming is a must, especially at early stages when you have crap
for weapons. If you can't get +3 or +4 aim and you're not 2 squares
away, don't bother.
Crouch/prone is enforced from the outset, as your mercs will get
dropped like flies if you don't use them.
I've found the formula for healing, mostly by using existing figures
on the above site's charts and applying some curve-fitting techniques
and fudges. It's
(Dexterity + Wisdom + (Level x 10)) x Medical / 485 = healing
(round to nearest integer)
This isn't the exact formula. I suspect the actual formula has
medical as a percentile, and some of the other attribs divided by 5 or
10, but the above is very close. It's accurate on the 6 samples I've
tried, and I think about .1 off (considering rounding) when applied to
a merc I had in the game.
The biggie is figuring out the formula for APs. If I'm sufficiently
motivated, I'd tackle that next. Some stuff can't be figured out
(e.g. picking locks) as the game doesn't provide a number for them.
I constantly hear this advice, and yet it never works for me.
>They always just wait for me. I can sit around all I want, and they never
>come. Once they are alert, if I try to sneak up on them, they just kill
Fight at night, with a night ops character, preferably your custom
merc if you can arrange it (see below). Crouch and sneak up on the
enemy. Kill those you can see then just hit done a couple of times to
go back into real time so you can get your interrupts with full AP
again. Repeat as needed.
Always crouch everyone in real time, make short moves, move from
cover to cover and wait a few seconds. If the enemy heard you he will
likely move towards you and you can get an interrupt.
->Finally (and my main reason for writing), how the hell are people
>doing so well? My main problem is that there's no freakin' cover.
You cannot rely on cover any more. The Culver bushes are native only to
metaveria. ;)
>JA had so many damn trees and buildings it was nearly impossible
>to not be behind *something*. In JA2 my stomach sinks as I enter
>a sector with enemies and all I see is a field of waist high grass
>that doesn't seem to provide any cover at all.
The key in this situation is to retreat. You don't have to fight every
combat. Fight the important ones on terms of your choosing (i.e. night
missions). Use a spotter (ideally a stealthy, camouflaged night operative
with good stats so he won't get interrupted). Don't give away your position
until you are damn good and ready to.
>I know grass won't
>protect me from bullets, but it should keep me from being visible.
Once you shoot from within visual range (and then some), you are
completely visible.
>I hear
>people touting hit and run tactics and stealth and all that, but
>I usually end up sneaking very silently right into the middle of
>an enemy's field of vision, whereupon after firing a shot 10-20'
>to either side of him from 10 spaces away, he calls for backup
>and brings 5 other guys down to start filling me full of holes.
Don't shoot with your spotter. When you spot the enemy, bring your team
into position. When choosing the position to bring the team up to, note the
direction the enemy is facing of what route he seems to take if he is
patrolling. While your team moves up, try and see if there are other enemies
close by so you can determine if this is a good opportunity or not. After
getting in your initial shots, run away, literally. Use one merc who's good
at getting interrupts to cover your troops as they disengage (put him prone
and/or behind cover a little in front of where your merc will be after
their first turn of running away). After you have successfully disengaged,
move all the way around to the flank of the area where you last engaged. You
should see some enemies crouched behind trees facing the area where you
previously were. Snap off a few rounds and repeat the process.
Until you have long range capability, have the shooting team crawl
stealthily up to just within visual range (keep your high interrupt cover
guy a couple of squares back) have everyone fire one max aim shot and use
the rest of their movement to crawl backwards (using the alt key). The key
in this technique is to break visual contact so they must move to find you
(hopefully giving your cover guy an interrupt).