TDS 11103400 EN EN Chrome-Silver-Spray PDF

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Technical Datasheet

Chrome-Silver Spray

Create Date: 06.06.2016 - Page 1/1

approx. 15 minutes, fully hardened after 10-12 hours.

Pressurized container: protect from sunlight and do not expose to
temperatures exceeding +50C.

The specifications and recommendations given in this technical data
sheet must not be seen as guaranteed product characteristics. They
are based on our laboratory tests and on practical experience. Since
individual application conditions are beyond our knowledge, control and
responsibility, this information is provided without any obligation.
We do guarantee the continuously high quality of our products.
However, own adequate laboratory and practical tests to find out if the
product in question meets the requested properties are recommended.
A claim cannot be derived from them. The user bears the only
responsibility for non-appropriate or other than specified applications.
high-brilliance anticorrosive surface coating on aluminium basis

Health and Safety

Chrome-Silver Spray is a high-brilliance surface coating. The special
formulation and highest purity of the metal pigments create a high
gloss finish.
WEICON Chrome-Silver Spray can be used for prototypes and
samples, mirror applications (e.g. reflectors), trade show and exhibition
construction, effective decorative work and for the optical refinement of
the most diverse materials.

Technical data

aluminium, glossy



Binding agent

natural resin


Flaky aluminium pigments

Pigment purity

about 99,5 % Al

Percentage of metal in dry film

ca. 15 %


400 ml

Specific weight

0,8 - 0,9 g/cm

Recommended primer
Processing temperature

Zinc Spray
+5 to +35, optimum temperature from +18 to + 25 C

Consumption at 1.5 cross coats

ca. 150 ml/m

Layer thickness at 1.5 cross coats

ca. 10-20 m

dust dry after

ca. 10 Min.

Hardened after

ca. 4 h


Cannot be painted over h

Cross cutting DIN 53151 / ISO 2409

not abrasion-resistant
Cross cut characteristic value GT 0 to
GT 1

Salt spraying test ISO 9227


Mandrel bend test DIN EN ISO 1519

no hair cracking

Top coating
Temperature resistance after complete hardening

not required
about -50 to +400 C

Storage stability

24 months

Pretreatment of the surface

Clean and degrease surfaces with WEICON Cleaner S.

Shake can before use till the mixing ball can be heard. Spray on evenly
and crosswise at room temperature (approx. +20C (+68F)) and at
about 25 cm distance from the surface crosswise. Dust-dry after

When using WEICON products, the physical, safety technical,

toxicological and ecological data and regulations in our EC safety data
sheets ( must be observed.

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