What Do We Mean by Cinematic Story and Form?
What Do We Mean by Cinematic Story and Form?
What Do We Mean by Cinematic Story and Form?
A movie story is told in the cut, or in the editing process. The film
will be composed of many short fragments of action that come
multi-track, telling its story in many ways. For example, we will
see the action, but we can also hear speech in the story world and
hear it as voice over.
Its an external form, so we see what characters say and do, but
we arent privy to their thoughts and feelings, as you might be in a
novel. Its up to the screenwriter to create action that implies the
characters inner life, to make that inner life accessible to us.
Developing stories
Stories happen because somebody wants something and has
trouble getting it.
The Somebody gives us a character. Not just a name,
but a person in a specific place, at a specific time, living a
specific life.
The Wants Something gives us a goal, the story
question that will be what this film is about.
And Has Trouble Getting It gives us the conflict. It
provides obstacles that the character must overcome to
achieve their goal. These obstacles will ask difficult
questions, and the response will come to change and define
the character.
Whats great about it? Whats exciting about this? Thats the
key. Why is this material compelling? To You.
Developing a basic storyline
George Abbott: In the first act, your hero gets stuck in a tree. In
the second act, you throw stones at him. In the third act, you get
him out of the tree. Dont write a story to match with the structure.
20-50-25 Rythm
1. Intruduce the main carachter with some action that explains
him also the world of the carachter. Climax at the end of
act one. How to watch these film: tell the language of the