Energy Department Discusses Stranger Things
Energy Department Discusses Stranger Things
Energy Department Discusses Stranger Things
Washington, DC 20585
Yout request was assigned to the Office of Public Affairs (PA) to conduct a search of its files for
responsive documents. PA started its search on August 11, 2016, which is the cut-off date for
responsive records . PA has identified fifty-three (53) documents responsive to your request.
Upon review , DOE has determined that portions of five (5) documents originated from DOE ' s
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA); Oak Ridge Office (ORO) for Oak Ridge
National Laboratory (ORNL) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) equities; and the
Chicago Field Office (Chicago), for Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) equities. Those
portions are being transferred to NNSA, ORNL , and Chicago , respectively , for review and
releasability determination. NNSA , ORNL , and Chicago will respond to you directly regarding those
The documents are being provided to you as described in the accompanying index. Upon review,
DOE has determined that certain information should be withheld in the documents pursuant to
Exemptions 5 and 6 of the FOIA , 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5) and (b)(6).
Exemption 5 protects "inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or letters which would not be
available by law to a party .. . in litigation with the agency." 5 U.S.C. 552(b )(5) . This exemption
has been construed to exempt those documents normally privileged in the civil discovery context,
such as attorney-client communications, attorney-work product documents, and deliberative process
The information being withheld under Exemption 5 has been deemed pre-decisional and deliberative
in nature, including discussions between DOE staff regarding issues that are not available in the
public realm. DOE may consider these preliminary views as part of the process that will lead to the
agency's final decision about these matters. The information does not represent a final agency
position, and its release would compromise the deliberative process by which the government makes
its decisions. Withholding this information protects against the premature disclosure of proposed
policies regarding personnel matters, protects the candor of intra-agency communications, and
prevents confusion to the public that could result from disclosing alternative rationales for agency
With respect to the discretionary disclosure of deliberative information, the quality of agency
decisions would be adversely affected if frank, written discussion of policy matters were inhibited by
the knowledge that the content of such discussion might be made public. For this reason, DOE has
determined that discretionary disclosure of the deliberative material is not in the public interest
because foreseeable harm could result from such disclosure.
Exemption 6 generally is referred to as the "personal privacy" exemption; it provides that the
disclosure requirements of FOIA do not apply to "personnel and medical files and similar files the
disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." 5 U.S.C.
552(b)(6). In applying Exemption 6, DOE considered: 1) whether a significant privacy interest
would be invaded; 2) whether the release of the information would further the public interest by
shedding light on the operations or activities of the Government; and 3) whether in balancing the
privacy interests against the public interest, disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of privacy.
The information withheld under Exemption 6 consists of personal email addresses, mobile telephone
numbers, personal health information, and personal identifying information. This information
qualifies as "similar files" because it is information in which an individual has a privacy interest.
Moreover, releasing the information could subject individuals to unwarranted or unsolicited
communications . Since no public interest would be served by disclosing the information, and since
there is a viable privacy interest that would be threatened by such disclosure, Exemption 6 authorizes
withholding the information. Therefore, we have determined that the public interest in the
information's release does not outweigh the overriding privacy interests in keeping it confidential.
This satisfies the standard set forth in the Attorney General's March 19, 2009, memorandum that
when a FOIA request is denied, agencies will be defended and justified in not releasing the material
on a discretionary basis "if (1) the agency reasonably foresees that disclosure will harm an interest
protected by one of the statutory exemptions, or (2) disclosure is prohibited by law." The Attorney
General's memorandum also provides that whenever full disclosure of a record is not possible,
agencies "must consider whether they can make a partial disclosure." Thus, we have determined
that, in certain instances, a partial disclosure is proper. This also satisfies DOE' s regulations at 10
C.F.R. 1004.1 to make records available which it is authorized to withhold under 5 U.S.C. 552
when it determines that such a disclosure is in the public interest. Accordingly, we will not disclose
this information.
Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. 1004.7(b )(2), I am the individual responsible for the determination to
withhold the information described above. The FOIA requires that "any reasonably segregable
portion of a record shall be provided to any person requesting such record after deletion of the
portions which are exempt." 5 U.S.C. 552(b). As a result, redacted versions of the documents are
being released to you in accordance with 10 C.F.R. 1004.7(b)(3).
This decision, as well as the adequacy of the search, may be appealed within 90 calendar days from
your receipt of this letter pursuant to 10 C.F.R. 1004.8. Appeals should be addressed to Director,
Office of Hearings and Appeals, HG-1, L'Enfant Plaza, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20585-1615. The written appeal, including the
envelope, must clearly indicate that a FOIA appeal is being made. You may also submit your appeal
to, including the phrase "Freedom oflnformation Appeal" in the subject
line. The appeal must contain all of the elements required by 10 C.F.R. 1004.8, including a copy of
the determination letter. Thereafter, judicial review will be available to you in the Federal District
Court either: 1) in the district where you reside; 2) where you have your principal place of business;
3) where DO E's records are situated; or 4) in the District of Columbia.
You may contact DO E's FOIA Public Liaison, Alexander Morris, Acting Director, Office of
Information Resources, at 202-586-5955, or by mail at MA-90/Forrestal Building
1000 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20585 for any further assistance and to discuss
any aspect of your request. Additionally, you may contact the Office of Government Information
Services (OGIS) at the National Archives and Records Administration to inquire about the FOIA
mediation services they offer. The contact information for OGIS is as follows: Office of Government
Information Services, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road-OGIS,
College Park, Maryland 20740-6001, e-mail at; telephone at 202-741-5770; toll free
at 1-877-684-6448; or facsimile at 202-741-5769.
The FOIA provides for the assessment of fees for the processing ofrequests. See 5 U.S.C.
552(a)(4)(A)(i); see also 10 C.F.R. 1004.9(a). In our August 11, 2016 letter, you were advised that
your request was placed in the "news media" category for fee purposes. Requesters in this category
are charged fees for duplication only and are provided 100 pages at no cost. At this time, DOE's
processing costs have not exceeded $15.00, the minimum amount at which DOE assesses fees. Thus,
no fees will be charged for processing the request at this time.
If you have any questions about this letter, you may contact myself or Ms. Elizabeth Sullivan at:
MA-90/Forrestal Building
1000 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585
(202) 287-6733
I appreciate the opportunity to assist you with this matter.
Request#: HQ-2016-01292-F
Final response for request from Mr. Lachlan Markay for:
Copies of all internal communications- including but not limited to electronic
messages and emails- to, from, or among employees of DO E's Office of Public
Affairs, sent or received between July 10, 2016, and August 9, 2016, and
discussing or pertaining to the Netflix television series 'Stranger Things.' The
series, which premiered last month, was discussed in an August 5, 2016, post on
DO E's website by Paul Lester, a digital content specialist in the Office of Public
The Office of Public Affairs (PA) has identified fifty-three (53) documents responsive to your
Nineteen (19) documents are being released in part pursuant to Exemptions (b)(5) and
(b)(6). Exemption 5 information consists of discussions between DOE staff regarding issues
that are not available in the public realm. Exemption 6 information consists of personal
email addresses and mobile telephone numbers.
o One (1) of the nineteen (19) documents partially fall under the jurisdiction ofDOE's
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and were transferred for review
and release determination. NNSA will respond to you in a separate letter. If you have
any questions regarding the portions transferred to NNSA please contact Ms. Jane
Summerson, NNSA Albuquerque Complex, Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box
5400, Albuquerque, NM 87185, or on (866)747-5994.
o One (1) of the nineteen (19) documents partially falls under the jurisdiction ofDOE's
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and were transferred for review and release
determination. ORNL will respond to you in a separate letter. If you have any
questions regarding the portions transferred to ORNL, please contact Ms. Linda
Chapman, U.S. Department of Energy-Oak Ridge Office, P.O. Box 2001, Oak Ridge,
TN 37831, or on (865) 576-1216.
Ten (10) documents are being released in part pursuant to Exemption (b)(6). Exemption 6
information consists of personal email addresses and mobile telephone numbers.
Twelve (12) documents are being released in part pursuant to Exemption (b)(5). The
withheld Exemption 5 information consists of discussions between DOE staff regarding
issues that are not available in the public realm.
o One (1) of the twelve (12) documents partially fall under the jurisdiction of DOE's
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and were transferred for review
and release determination. NNSA will respond to you in a separate letter. If you have
any questions regarding the portions transferred to NNSA please contact Ms. Jane
Summerson .
One (1) of the twelve (12) documents partially falls under the jurisdiction of DOE's
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and were transferred for review and release
determination. ORNL will respond to you in a separate letter. If you have any
questions regarding the portions transferred to ORNL, please contact Ms. Linda
One (1) of the twelve (12) documents partially falls under the jurisdiction of DOE's
Chicago Field Office and were transferred for review and release determination.
DOE's Chicago Field Office will response to you in a separate letter. If you have any
questions regarding the portion transferred to DOE's Chicago Field Office, please
contact Ms. Miriam Bartos , U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science-Chicago ,
Office of Chief Counsel , 9800 S. Cass Avenu e, Argonne , IL 60439, or on (630) 2522041.
Herron, Vernon
Bartol, Brfdget
From: Nolan,Jamie(CONTR)
Sent: Friday,July22, 2016 1:49 PM
To: Bartol,Bridget<>
Subject: RE:StrangerThings
February 12!
.. I
From~Bartol, Bridget
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 12:53 PM
To: Nolan, Jamie (CONTR)
Dozier,Matt <>
Subject: RE:StrangerThings
Hasit started? I'll Netflix some of it this weekend!
From: Bartol, Bridget
Sent: Friday,July 22, 2016 12:48 PM
To: Nolan,Jamie(CONTR)<Jamie.Nolan@EE.Doe.Gov>;
Dozier,Matt <>
I don't know what you're talking about but I would be super open to learning@l'm free around 3:30 going into back to
back meetings
From: Nolan,Jamie(CONTR)
Sent: Friday,July 22, 2016 12:47 PM
To; Dozier, Matt <>; Bartol, Bridget <>
Subject:Stranger Things
Guys,any plans to do anything around the Netflix show StrangerThings?Please!et me know if you do not know why l
ask thls and I will happllyenlighten you. I think there are some fun comms possibilitiesaround it!
Jamie M. Nolan
The Hatu1on GJ:oup I U.S. Department of Energy
SunShot Initiative
(o) 202.287.1760
Herron, Vernon
Wednesday,August 03, 2016 6:03 PM
Edick,Cole (INTERN};Burnham-Snyder,Eben;Sullivan,Sean;Adams, Patrkk; Lester,Paul;
Sorry for the delayed response, but this is great. Paul's Stranger Thingspost should be up tomorrow, l think, and we
would love for you to include it!
11 <>
On 8/3/16, 3:27 PM, "Edick,Cole (INTERN)
Herron, Vernon
Thursday,August 04, 2016 11:43AM
Automatic reply: FORAPPROVAL:StrangerThings blog post
I am out of the office from 3~5Aug. I willbe checkingemail sporadically.if thei-eis an urgent matterplease
contact Sean Sullivanor Matt Schaub.Please call 202-586-4940during businesshours for assistance.- Sherley
I am out of the office August 4-5, probably swimming in a glacial pond now taken over by frogs, turtles , and
children.When dry, I may check this email. ff your situation is fluid enough to require immediateattention,I'd
call main PA at 202-586-4940and someonewill help you.
Herron, Vernon
Thursday1 August 04, 201611:43AM
Newhall,Marissa;Larue,John; Sullivan,Sean; Burnham-Snyder,Eben;Sanders,Joshunda;
Adams,Patrick;Dozier;Matt;lantero, Amson
Stranger Things blog post
Hi all! Here's the draft of the StrangerThings post that I was talking about on Monday.
I'm out of the office so sendingthis via Good since outlookvia VPN doesn't seem to be workingfor me. Edit
.. .. . .
1 :: I:--~-:~
-.;:- i
PS I tried to includethe blog post text in.this email but got an error messagefi:omthe Goodapp that I ''reached
the character limit for this field'' ,
Herron, Vernon
lester, Paul
Thursday,August 04, 201612:00 PM
Sanders, )oshunda; Gumbiner,Andrew;Burnham-Snyder,Eben;Sullivan,Sean; Laver,
RE:Interview Request
Thereporter literallysaid to me 'this show is obviouslyfictional. but tell me what the nationallabs
ACTUALLYdo in a fun piece.'
I took this descriptionfrom the show here: "Strangerthings is a love letter to the supernatural classicsof the 80's,
StrangerThingsis the story of a youngboy who vanishesinto thin alr.Asfriends,family and localpolicesearchfor
answers, they are drawn into an extraordinary mystery involving top-secret government experiments, terrifying
supernatural forces and one very strange little girl."
lt is essentially exactly like the Goonies but the four kids in the story are science nerds and 'Hawkins National Lab' (signs
that says it is a 'Department of Energy' lab multiple times) is in their town. In the first episode, the Lab {which is
portrayed as a SciFi/evil classified government research facility) experiences a paranormal event where some type of
'monster' (we don't actually see it) escapes or overpowers a worker at the lab and then is out in the town and abducts
one of the four kids. The other three kids then go on an adventure to find him.
This is the first 8 minutes of the show -will give you a sense of what we're talking
about: -bZgS8I
My name is Corey Mueller, I'm a reporter for Popular Science magazine. The DOE is prominently featured in a
new Netflix show, Stranger Things, and if possible I was hoping to speak to someone who has seen part or all of
the show. It would be a quick interview, as I'm looking for their reaction to the show and some insight as to
how the DOE would actually operate if this were real, not science fiction.
Please let me know if anyone is available to talk! Thanks,
Larue, John
Lester, Paul
First reaction
From:tester, Paul
Sent:Thursday,August 4, 2016 11:49:40AM
To: Lantero,Allison;Larue,John
Subject: RE:Stranger things
HiJohn!Thanksfor the heads up! I totallyforgot about the Christmaslights.The blog is focused on the DOEreferences but I
think we can work it in. Just sent over the link for review. Let me know what ou think:
Herron, Vernon
lester, Paul
Awesome! Thanks,all!
Cc:Adams, Patrick<Patrick.Adams@Hq.Doe.Gov>;
Dozier,Matt <>;
lantero, Alllson
Sent: Friday,August 05, 2016 2!01 PM
To:Sanders,Joshunda <>i
lester, Paul<Paul.Lester@Hq.Doe.Gov>;Metzger, Thomas
Israeli, Francie<>;Harris, Francie
Newhall, Marissa
Dozier,Matt <>;
lantero, Allison
Subject: RE:FORAPPROVAL:StrangerThingsblog post
From: Lester,Paul
Sent: Friday, August 05; 2016 11:33 AM
To: Israeli,Francie<Frande.lsraefi@NNSA.doe
.gov>;Larue,John <John.larue@Hg.Doe.Gov>;Harris,Francie
<Joshunda.Sanders@hq>; Laver,Michelle <M!chelle.Laver@Hg.Doe.Gov>
Cc:Adams,Patrick <Patrick.Adams@Hg.Doe.Gov>;
Dozier, Matt <matt.doz!>i
Lantero, Allison
Metzger, Thomas <Thomas.Metzger@NNSA.D0E.,_GQ.>
Stranger Thingsblog post
11 Didn't
Last weekend I binge-watcheda new Netflix sci-fi horror series called "StrangerThings." It's set in fictional
1980s Hawkins, Indiana, a small town where a boy named Will Byers (Noah Schnapp)mysteriouslygoes
missing. His mother Joyce (Winona Ryder) is desperateto find him, and Hawkins police chief Jim Hopper
(David Harbour) launches his own investigationinto the matter. A glrl with supernaturalabilities shows up. She
knows where to find him, but the search leads them to an alternatedimension, gruesome monstersand ...
(b) (5)
In the show, Hawkins National Laboratory is a tightly secured Energy Departmentfacility in the middleof a
deep, dark forest. The truth is Hawkins National Laboratory-- Justlike the fictional town of Hawkins- doesn't
exist. However,one of the National Laboratorieshas a forest connection!Argonne NationalLaboratoryin
Illinois is named after the surroundingArgonne Forest Established in 1946, Argonne is America's first
designated National Lab and was founded to continue Enrico Fermi's work on nuclear reactors. Argonneis
now a multidisciplinaryscience and engineeringresearch center that focuses on importantenergy,
environment,technologyand national security issues. Learn more about the Energy Degartment's 17 National
There are several scenes in the show where Hawkins Laboratory researchersdon full body suits and
protectivegear to walk through a peculiar portal, which transports them to an alternate dimension known as
'The UpsideDown."While the Energy Departmen1doesn'tchart parallel universes, it does help power the
exploration of new worlds. We're talking outer space, not the bizarrecosmos in "Stranger Things." For
instance, the EnergyDepartment makes nuclearbatteriescalled Multi-MissionRadioisotopeThermoelectric
Generatorsfor NASA. These batteries convert heat generated by the decay of p!utonium-238into electric
power and were used in deep space missions like the Viking mission to Mars in the 1970s, the Voyager
interplanetaryspacemissions, Curiosity Mars Rover, and New Horizons -- which flew by Pluto last year. For
the first time in 30 years, researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory recently produced 50 grams of new
plutonium~238,which could be used in future space missions. Check out this cool infographlc to learn more
about the Energy Department's role in space exploration.
From: Larue,John
Sent: Thursday,August 04, 2016 1:28 PM
To: Lester, Paul<PauLLester@Hg.Doe.Gov>;Harris;Francie<Frande.Harrls@Hg.Doe.Gov>;sumvan,Sean
Sanders, Joshunda <>; Laver,Michelle
Dozier, Matt <>;
Lantero, Allison
Israeli, Francie
StrangerThingsblog post
Yep,I put the flagsandthe suggestionsin the document now for a look.
Sent: Thursday,August 04, 2016 12:44 PM
To: Harris, Francie<Francie.Harris@Hg.Doe.Gov>;Sullivan,Sean<Sean.Sullivan@Hg.Ooe.Gov>;
Newhall, Marissa
Larue, .lohn <John.Larue@Hg.Doe.Gov>;
Burnham-Snyder,Eben <>;
Laver, Michelle
Dotler, Matt <>;Lantero,Allison
----- ________
_ __ ,____..........
-- .-.....'- -.....................
..1------- ---
From: Sullivan,Sean
Sent: Thursday,August 04, 2016 11:53 AM
To: Lester, Paul<Paul.Lester@Hg.Doe.Gov>;
Newhall, Marissa <Marlssa.Newhall@Hg.Doe.Gov>
; Larue, John
Doe.Gov>; Burnham-Snyder,Eben<Eben
.Burnham-Snyder@hc,.doe>; Sanders1 Joshunda
Cc: Adams, Patrick <Patrlck.Adams@Hq.Doe.Gov>; Dozier,Matt <>; Lantero, Allison
Harris, Francie<Francie.Harris@Hq.Doe.Gov>; Metzger,Thomas
: Stranger Thingsb!og post
+the NNSAteam
copied and pasted below.
From: Lester,Paul
Sent: Thursday,August 04, 2016 11:43 AM
To: Newhall, Marissa <Marissa.Newhall@Hg.Ooe.Gov>; Larue, John <John.tarue@Hq.Doe.Goy>; Sullivan, Sean
.gov>; Sanders, Joshunda
<>; Laver, Michelle <Michelte .taver@Hq. Doe.Gov>
Cc:Adams, Patrick <Patrick.Adams@Hq.Doe.Gov>;Dozier, Matt <matt.dozfer@hC1.cloe
.gov>; lanteroJ Allison
StrangerThings blog post
Hi all! Here's the draft of the StrangerThings post that I was talking about on Monday.
I'm out of the office so sendingthis via Good since outlookvia VPN doesn1t seem to be working for me. Edit
Google doc link for editing:
What "Stranger Things 11 Didn't Get Quite-So-Right About the Energy Department
Last weekend I binge-watched a new Netflixsci-fi horror series called "StrangerThings." It's set in fictional
1980s Hawkins,Indiana,a small town where a boy namedWill Byers (Noah Schnapp)mysteriouslygoes
missing. His motherJoyce (Winona Ryder) is desperateto find him, and Hawkinspolice chief Jim Hopper
(David Harbour)launcheshis own investigationinto the matter.A girl with supernaturalabilitiesshows UP..iillr.,
knowswhere to find him but the search leadsthem to an alternatedimension,gruesomemonstersand .._
Yes, that's right, the Departmentof Energy,where I *:.and
of my closest friends -- work. And
while I really enjoyed"StrangerThings" as a mashup of Gooniesand X-Files with some amazing80s music
mixed in, the show's ortra al of the Ener De artmentwas a little less than accurate.Here'swhy (spoiler
1: Hawkins National Laboratory Doesn't Exist.
On the show, HawkinsNationalLaboratoryis a tightly secured Departmentof Energy facility In the middle of a
deep, dark forest. The truth is Hawkins NationalLaboratory- just like the fictional town of Hawkins doesn't
exist. However,one of the National Laboratorieshas a forest connec1ionlArgonne NationalLaboratoryin
Illinoisis namedafter the surroundingArgonne Forest.Establishedin 1946,Argonne Is America'sfirst
designatedNationalLab and was foundedto continueEnricoFermi'swork on nuclear reactors.Argonne is now a
multidisciplinaryscience and engineering research centerthat works on importantenergy, environment,
technologyand national security issues. Learn more about the Departrnentof Energy's 17 National
4: National Laboratory Scientists Aren't Evil -- They're Actually Really Nice (and Smart}J
Herron, Vernon
From! Davis,Christopher
Sent: Monday, August 08, 201612:11 PM
To: Gumbrner,Andrew <Andrew.Gumbiner@HQ.Doe.Gov>;Burnham-Snyder,Eben<>;Sullivan, Sean <Sean.Sullivan@Hq.Doe.Gov>;
Newhall, Marissa <Marissa.Newhall@Hq.Doe.Gov>
Subject:RE:Stranger Things
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2016 12:04 PM
To: Davis;Christopher <Christopher.Oavls@Hq.Doe.Gov>;Burnham-Snyder,Eben <>;Sullivan, Sean <~ullivan@Hg.Doe.Gov>;
Newhall, Marissa <Marissa.Newhal!@Hq.Doe__,Goy>
Subject: RE:StrangerThings
Great, let me know when you want to chat-can come by or next time you swing down here.
Sent: Monday, August08, 2016 11:45 AM
To: Gumbiner,Andrew<Andrew.Gurnbiner@HQ.Doe.Gov>;
Burnham-Snyder, Eben<Eben.Burnham>;
Subject: RE:Stranger Things
From: Gumbiner,Andrew
Sent: Monday, August 08, 201611:39 AM
To: Davis,Christopher<Christopher.Davis@Hg.Doe.Gov>;Burnham-Snyder,
Eben <>;
Newhall, Marissa<Marissa.Newhall@Hq.Doe.Gov>
I actuallyhavean inquiry from Popular Sciencefrom this that we needto moveon in one way or another. Heliterally
askedme in the context of StrangerThings~sowhat do the National labs actually do?'
Paulfrom Energy.Gov<>
on behalf of
New Media
Monday, August 08, 2016 3:58 PM
"StrangerThings"and Other Things
SETTING THINGS STRAIGHT Watching the Netflix show "Stranger Things"?
FUSION FACTS -- Fusion is the energy source of the sun and stars, and
someday it could provide your electricity! Check out our latest infographlc to
learn how Princeton Plasma Physics laboratory scientists at are hard at work
j 0 -----------------LOT OF DAM POWER -~ Hydropower is the nation's oldest and largest source
of clean, renewable electricity. But what could its role look Hke in the year
2050? That's the focus of our new Hydropower Vision report, which takes an
unprecedented look at the future of water power in America. Read the
highlights here.
10-------------------ZAPPING ZIKA -- With the Rio Olympics and new cases cropping up in Florida,
the Zika virus is on our minds. There's no vaccine or drug treatment yet, but .
Argonne National Laboratory is helping us get there. University of Michigan and
Purdue University researchers have been using Argonne's Advanced Photon
Source, with its superpowered x-rays, to analyze the structure of the virus,
getting them one step closer to tackling it. Learn more from this cool video.
10--------------SCORCHING SOLAR MYTHS --Are you considering going solar, but think it's
too expensive or worry that it might lower the value of your home? Our SunShot
Initiative debunks these and other common myths about real estate and this
clean energy source here.
AND FINALLY ... learn about the new technology: that can dry clothes using
ultrasonic vibrations rather than heat, resulting in big time energy savings.
0 ------------
Was this email forwarded to you? Sign up for future ones here.
Herron, Vernon
Thanks Katie!!
Lester, Paul
Monday, Augllst 08, 2016 10:23 PM
RE:"StrangerThings"newsdip roundup
(b) (5)
Have a great night!
From: Lester,Paul
Sent: Monday, August08, 2016 6:18 PM
To: DL-PA-All<DL-PA-All@hq.doe.goV>
Subject:"StrangerThings"news clip roundup
Looks like we are gelling some decent press on the "Stranger Things~blog post includingGlzmodo, CNET and Molherboard.Also looks
like MSN produced a quick video about Jt as well. Good stuff!
Paul Lester
LA trlp
Sent with.Good(wvr,
Herron, Vernon
Director, Office of Public Affairs
USDepartmentof Energy
(b) (6)
Herron, Vernon
Conklin, Meghan
Meghan Conklin
De1mtyAssistant Secretary
Office of Electricity Delivul'y & Energy Reliability (OE)
U.S. Uepartntent of Energy
202"586-0334 (office)
meghan., (e-inail)
DOE'S ON NETFLIX:You may have received a call from friends and family asking if you've
encountered dimensional rifts or children with ESP at work. If you don't understand what they're
talking about, you should watch "Sl1anger Thingsv on Netflix because A) it's awesome,. and B)
features DOE. Also, share this blog (spoilers) with your buddies to set the record straight
FLYING ON SUNSHINE: Last month, the !Jrst fuel-free plane to fly around tru~world finished its
epic journey. You might remember the Solar Impulse team from a couple prior appearances with
Secretary Moniz -- in D.C in 2013 when they were breaking barriers with a coast-to-coastjottrney,and
at the Paris UN Climate Change Conference in 2015. Congratulations again to Bertrand and Andre
for showing the sky's no limit for solar power!
A LOT OF DAM POWER:Did you know that U.S. hyclropower could grow nearly 50 gigawatts in
the next 35 years? And that's not all that's in store fol' the country's oldest source of renewable
electricity. The Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy released a full analysis on the future
of hydropower at the end of July, called HydropowerVision.A key part of the report is new advances
in pumped-storage teclu10Iogy 1 which could create an additional 36 gigawattsJ mote than doubling
current capacity. Read the full report here, or catch the highlights in this blog.
STARSON EARTH:Clear up any fusion confusion you may have with this new and stj:lish
info graphic on nuclear fusion, the process that gives the sun its nearly limitless dean energy. DOE' s
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is working on mastering this pmcess for human use. So ...
they' re kind of building a star on Earth .
ZAPPING ZIKA:With the Olympics underway and new cases cropping up in Florida, the Zika virus
is on the minds of many. And while there isn't a vacdne or drug heal:ment yet, Argonne National
Laborato1:.yis helping us get there. Researchers of the University of Michigan and Purdue University
have been using Argonne's Advanced Photon Source, with its superpowered x-rays, to analyze the
structure of the virus, getting them one step closer to dealing with Zika. Learn !II.Ore from this sweet
LITTLEBIOME ON THE PRAIRIE:Dirt genes sounds a little like a mess in denim, but actually it's
sel'ious science. A research team at Pacific Northwest National Laboratm:y.has reconstructed the
genomes of an unprecedented 129 species of microbes found in a soil sample from the Kansas prairie.
Turns ot.1t1this "soil microbiome 1' is a big factor Jn how carbon is stored and released planehvide, so
understanding how it works can help us fight climate change that much better.
WIDENINGTHE FRONTIER:The Office of Science added four new Energy Research Frontier
Centers (EPRCs) in July. The EFRC suppotts fundamental research that paves the way for new
frontiers in energy technology. These new centers at the lJniversitx ofSouth Carolina1 Floric:laState,
Ohio State, and DOE' s own Pacific Northwest National Laboratory will focus on environmental
management and nuclear cleanup. You can learn more about EFRCs her~.
NEUTRON NEWS: A portion of the Savannah River Site that has gone unused for mote than two
decades has gotten a big makeover, including a first~of-its~kind neutron source, which is three times
more powerful than its predecessor. The newly renovated facility will support nuclear defense
research, the Site's radiochemistry program, and may eventually be used for nuclear physics work
Read more here.
Herron, Vernon
Sheppard, Catherine
Tuesday,August 09, 2016 12:03 PM
The cat video is a hoot, but thereis another video next to it with a guywith a potty mouth whose cat caught a bat. FYI
DOE'S ON NETFLIX:You may have received a call from friends and family asking if you've
encountered dimensional rifts or children with ESP at wol'k. If you don't understand what they're
talking about, you should watch "Stranger Things" on Netflix because A) it's awesome, and B)
features DOE. Also, share tWs blog (spoilers) with your buddies to set the record straight.
FLYINGON SUNSHINE: Last month, the first fuel-free plane to fly aro11nd the world finished its
epic journey. You might remember the Solar Impulse team from a couple prim appearances with
Secretary Moniz --in D.C in 2013 when they wel'e breaking baniers with a coast-to-coast journey, and
at the Paris UN Climate Change Conference in 2015. Congratulations again to Bertrand and Andre
for showing the sky's no limit for solar power!
A LOT OF DAM POWER: Did you know that U.S. hydropower could grow nearly 50 gigawatts in
the next 35 years? And that's not all that's in store foi-the countty' s oldest source of renewable
elechicity. The Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy released a full analysis on the future
of hydropower at the end of July, called Hydropower
Vision.A key part of the report is new advances
in pumped"storage technology, which could create an additional 36 gigawatts, more than doubling
current capacity. Read the full report here; or catch the highlights in this blog.
STARS ON EARTH:Clear up any fusion confusion you may have with this new and stylish
infographic on nuclear fusion, the process that gives the sun its nearly limitless dean energy. DOE' s
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is working on mastering this process for human use. So ...
they're kind of building a star on Earth.
ZAPPING ZIKA:With the Olympics underway and new cases cropping up in FIOl'ida, the Zika virus
is on the minds of many. And while the1eisn't a vaccine or drug treatment yet, Argom1eNational
Laboratory: is helping us get there. Researchers of the University of Michigan attd Purdue Unive1'Sity
have been using Argonne's Advanced Photon Source, with its superpowered x..:ra.ys,to analyze the
shucture of the virus, getting them one step closer to dealing with Zika. Lea1nm.ore from fliis sweet
LITTLEBIOME ON THE PRAIRIE:Dirt genes sounds a little like a mess in denim, but actually it1s
sedous science, A research team at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has reconstructed the
genomes of an unprecedented 129 species of microbes found in a soil sample from the Kansas prairie.
Turns out, this "soil microbiome" is a big factor in how cai;bon is stored and released planctwide, so
understanding how it works can help us fight climate change that much better.
V\7IDENINGTHE FRONTIER:The Office of Science added four new Energy Research Frontier
Centers (EFRCs) in July. The EFRC supports fundamental research that paves the way for new
frontiers in energy technology. These new centers at the University of Sottth Carolina. Florida State,
Ohio State, and DOE's own Pacific Northwest National Laboratory will focus on erwirorunental
managementand nuclear cleanup. You cru.1.
lea1n more about EFRCshere.
NEUTRON NEWS: A portion of the Savannah River Site that has gone unused for more than two
decades has gotten a big makeover, including a first-of-its-kind neutron source, which is three limes
more powerful than its predecessol'. The newly renovated facility will support nuclear defense
researcli, the Site's radiochemistry program, and may eventuafly be used for nuclear physics work.
Read more here.
DROP US A LINE: Got a story idea for PluggedIn!? Birthstones or milestones? Shoot an email to .
Note:This emailcontains links to websites that will take you outside the energy.govdomnin.Including them in this email
does not imply an endorsement of any particular entity, servke or product.
Great job!
From: Larue,John
0 dopartmont-slranger-U1ings-statemenl/
Looks like we are getting some decent press on the "Stranger Things" blog post including Gizmodo, CNET and Motherboard. Also looks
like MSN produced a quick video about it as well. Good stuff!
Paul Lester
Digital Content Specialist
US Department of Energy
Herron, Vernon
Tuesday,August09, 2016 1:18 PM
Also, thanks againfor the great edits and suggestions
hlto:/NNN{ hings-show-hawkins-lab-doe-facts-2016-8
h!tp.://vwrw .pol~lico. co m/!ipsh eetsf rnornin g -ene rqy/20t 6/08/the-once-a nd-fut u re-e nerqv-secrela ry-2 15750
Paul Lester
Digital Content Specialist
US Department of Energy
Herron, Vernon
Tuesday,August09, 20163:03PM
DOENEWS;Lester,Paul;Sullivan,Sean; Gumbiner,Andrew;Schaub,Matthew
RE;WIRED- Inquiryabout 'Stranger Things' post
(b) (6)
My cell ls:
Sent: Tuesday,August 09, 2016 3:02 PM
Sent: Tuesday,August09, 2016 2:50 PM
To: Laver,Michelle<M]chelle.Laver@Hq.Ooe.Gov>;
Subject: RE:WIRED.. Inquiry about 'StrangerThings'post
Sent:Tuesday,August09, 20162:34 PM
To; Lester,Paul<Patd.Lester@Hg.Ooe.Gov>;
Sullivan,Sean <Sean,Sulllvan@Hq.Ooe.Gmi>;
Subject: FW:WIRED- tnqulry ~bout 1StrangerThings1 post
a quickmeet/callon this
Canpeopledo 3 or 3:30?
Shelley,we cancallyou.
Sent: Tuesday,August09, 2016 2.:24PM
Subject:WIRED Inquiryabout 'StrangerThingspost
Hope this note finds you well! I'm a writer andeditorfor WIREDand Pm doinga story on your postcorrecting
and I'm wo.ndetittgif someone-ptohabJy Paul Lester himself-might be willingto comment
for it. Wouldanyonehave some time to talk today?
Thanksso much!
_- ..I ..-.. .....
-. I ............
I ,..........
Angela Watercutter
""'" .
Herron, Vernon
From: Laver,Michelle
Sent:Tuesday,August 09, 2016 3:47 PM
To: Burnham-Snyder,Eben<>;
Lester, Paul<Paul.Lester@Hq.Doe.Gov>;
Matthew <Matthew.Schaub@Hq.Doe.Gov>
Subject: APBfor 11StrangerThings11 watchers
Lab Communicators,
We have national media interest based on
Shelley Laver
D!rector, lab Outreach
Office of PublicAffairs
Department of Energy
Office: 202~586-4316
Lester, Paul
FW:APBfor ''StrangerThings"watchers
Office of PublicAffairs
Department ofEnergy
Office: 202-586-4316
Herron, Vernon
Tuesday,August 09, 2016 4:17 PM
OK, cool
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2016 4:13 PM
To: Burnham-Snyder,Eben<Eben.Bumham,>;
Laver,Michelle <Michelle.laver@Hq.Doe.Gov>;
Schaub, Matthew <Matthew.Schaub@Hq.Doe.Gov>
Subject: Re:APBfor "Stranger Things" watchers
(b) (5)
{around the 1:18 mark}
99 out of a hundredtimes, the missing kid_is with a parent or relative. What about the other time?
A love letter to the supernaturalclassics of the 80's1 Stranger Thingsis the story of a young boy who
vanishesinto thin air. As friends, family and local police search for answers, they are drawn into an
extraordinarymystery involving top-secretgovernmentexperiments,tetrifying supernaturalforces and one
ve1ystrange little gjrl
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2016 3:47 PM
To: Burnham-Snyder,Eben<Eben.Burnham-Snyder@hg.doe.goY.>;
Lester,Paul <Paul.Lester@Hq.Doe.Gov>;Schaub,
Matthew <Matthew .Schaub!@Hg.Doe
Director, LabOutreach
Office of PublicAffairs
Department of Energy
Office: 202~586-4316
Lester, Paul
Tuesday,August 09, 2016 5:27PM
Re:"StrangerThings"newsclip roundup
Hana thanks; buddy! Have you seen the show yet? lt's crazy!:)
To: PaulLester<Paul.Lester@Hg.Doe.Gov>
Subject: Re: 11Stranger Things" news clip roundup
Good job man, keep it up :)
from: Paul lester <Paul.Lester@Hg.Doe.Gov>
Date: Tuesday,August 91 2016 at 12:26 PM
To: Dl-PA-All <>
Looks like we are gettingsome decenl press on the "StrangerThingsblog post includingGizmodo,CNETand Motherboard.Also looks
liko MSNproduceda quick video about it as well. Good stuff!
Paul lester
Digital ContentSpecialist
US Department of Energy
Tuesday,August09, 2016 5:51 PM
RE:memo for Sl/2
the research. At several points,the kidssearchingfor their friend turn to their scienceteacher for assistancewith ham
radio equipment and an improvised sensory-deprivation pool. They locate the portal within Hawkins lab using
-----Original Message-----
Frorn:lester, Paul
Sent: Tuesday,August 09, 2016 5:11 PM
To: Burnham-Snyder,Eben<Eben.Burnham-Snyder@hq.doe
.gov>; Larue,John <John.larue@Hq.Doe.Gov>
Subject: Re: memo for S1/2
Sure, l can take the first crack and include linksof the coverage so far.
>I can plugin what our near-term plan is and talk to Davisabout some longerterm ideas.
>Director,Officeof PublicAffairs
>USDepartmentof Energy
Great,thanksfor the quicktum on this. Letus get our ducksfullyIna row here and get backto you.
ORNL Equity
Sent; Tuesday,August09, 20164:06 PM
To: Laver1 Michelle;Schaub,Matthew
Subject: APBfor "StrangerThlngs11 watchers
lab Communicators,
We havenationalmediaInterestbasedon the NetflixSeriesstrangerThings
Director, lab Outreach
Officeof PublicAffairs
Departmentof Energy
...and Matt
Herron, Vernon
Director, Office of Public Affairs
US Department of Energy
Wednesday,August 10, 2016 7:40AM
Nerzig, Matt
I will followup, since I will have to flag this report for the boss this AM anyways.
Sent: Tuesday,August09, 2016 9:53:01 PM
To: Nerzig,Matthew D
Subject: RE: LANL'snuclearbombtrigger productionquestioned- LocalNews- SantaFeNew Mexican
I don't have access. Can you send me ful] text? I will :reviewand follow up \Vithyou tomorrow.
Doing importantwork stuff""bingingon StrangerThings.
thinkwe can workit in.Just sent over the linkfor review.let me knowwhat you thlnk:
So, full confession,l haven't seen the show...but I don't see why not!
From: "Larue,John11 <John.Larue@Hg.Doe.Gov>
Date: Wednesday,August 3, 2016 at 9:41AM
To: 0 Lantero, Allison"<Allison.lantero@Hg.Doe.Gov>,
Lester1 Paul11 <Paul.lester@Hg.Doe.Gov>
From: Kusnezov,Dimitri
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 201610:38 AM
To:laver, Michelle<Michelle.Laver@Hq.Doe.GoV>;
Cc:Metzger, Thomas<Thomas.Metzger@NNSA.OOE.Gov>;
Subject: RE:Netflix Serles"StrangerThings"
Can It be at 5pm or do you need it sooner? Later is better for me today.
-----OriginalMessage---From: Laver,Michelle
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 10:33 AM
To; Kusnezov,Dimitri <O!>;
Cc:Metzger, Thomas <Thomas.Metzger@NNSA.DOE.Gov>; Burnham-Snyder, Eben<>
Subject: RE:Netflix Series "Stranger Things"
Dimitri, ls there any way you can participate in a quick call today? I know your time is tight but even if you can sit in for a
Subject: RE:Netflix Series"Stranger Things"
. For the most part the reporters are wanting to discuss the real work DOEdoes and debunk the myth the show presents.
I will get further clarification from the reporters before we put you on the phone with anyone. What is your availability
the next 2 days?
Sent: Tuesday,August 09, 2016 3:58 PM
To: Kusnezov,Dimitri <>
Israeli, Francie<Francle.!>
Subject: NetflixSerles"StrangerThings"
I am touching baseto see if you watch the NetfllxSeries 0 StrangerThings.11 We have had national media interest on the
show and would like to have reporters from Wired ,md PopularSciencespeakto a senior scientistabout the premiseof
the show and what DOEREALLY
We published a blog on it earlier in the week and it has gotten really good coverage and sparkedthese queries. articles/what-stra nger-things-didn-t-get-quite-so-right-abo ut-energy-departme nt
Pleaselet me know today if you have seen it and would be willing to talk to these reporters.
Thanks- Shelley
Shelley Laver
Director, lab Outreach
Office of PublicAffairs
Department of Energy
Office: 202-586-4316
Herron, Vernon
Herron, Vernon
Trump Camp Pushes Back On "Second Amendment" Remark As Republican Worries Grow,
As More Emails Surface, Trump Accuses Cllnton Of Quid Pro Quo At State.
Latest National Polls Show Clinton Leads Ranging From One To Seven Points.
In Deseret News Op-Ed, Clinton Woos Utah Voters, Bashes Trump.
In Iowa Clinton Contrasts Her Economic Plan With Trump's.
Trump's Economic Team Draws Fire.
WPost Analysis: Trump "Caught" In 30 Falsehoods Durlng 2007 Deposition.
Pence Suggests Trump's Muslim Ban Could Be Extended To Other Religions.
Gallup: Americans View Pence More Favorably Than Kafne.
Libertarian Gary Johnson's Ohio Ballot Status Still Uncertain.
Pence Crltlclzes Strlcl<.land For Saying Scalla's Death Came At "Good Time."
Report: Democrats Have Fundraising Advantage In Senate Races.
GOP Senators Hope Ticket-Splitting Will Spare Them From Trump Backlash.
Ryan Wins Wisconsin Primary.
Kirk WIii Write In Colin Powell For President.
Labor Department Grants Encourage State, local Paid Family Programs.
Report: DEA Agents Use Information From Travel Company Informants To Seize Cash.
WSJournal Analysis: Housing Market's Recovery Unbalanced,
Court Puts Ruling On Wisconsin Voter ID law On Hold.
Chlcago Teachers Union President Threatens Strike.
Baltimore Officials Promise Reforms Following DOJ Report.
US-Backed Libyan MIiitias Say They Captured JSIL 1s Sirte Headquarters.
NATO: Turkey Is "Valued Ally" Whose Membership "Is Not In Question."
Putin Accuses Ukraine Of Plotting Terrorist Attacks In Crimea.
More Than 13,000 Families Remain Displaced In Gaza Two Years After War.
Israeli Olympic Delegation Facing Animosity.
Brazil's Senate Votes To Indict Suspended President.
Headlines From Today's Front Pages.
US, India Announce Expansion Of Energy Partnership.
SRS Advisory Board Discusses Mercury Management, Nuclear Fuel.
Hanford Contractor Augers 80 Vertical Pipe Units.
SRS Advisory Board Weighs In On Worker Illness Compensation.
Natural Gas Prices Move Slightly Higher On Weather Forecasts.
Oil Prices Fall After EIA Data Shows Higher Inventory Build.
EIA: US Crude Inventories Rise By More Than Expected.
New York Subsidy Plan Seen As Breathing New Life Into FitzPatrick Plant .
Florida Regulators Approve $51.7 Million Cost Recovery For Closed Crystal River Plant.
Judge Orders DOE To Release Nuclear Waste Documents.
Exelon Uncertain About Three Mile Island's Future.
I ..
- . ....-.,NEWS
. ....
, .......
. ....... ,
:;, .
.- ,,
Remark As Republican
Continuing coverage of Donald Trump's remark in North Carolina Tuesday that "Second
Amendment people" might be able to prevent Hillary Clinton from appointing judges focuses on
pushback from the Trump camp, which faulted the media for reading into the candidate's words .
Reports also indicate even Trump supporters within the GOP are growing increasingly nervous
about their nominee. An emerging sub-story is that the National Rifle Association has become the
biggest booster of Trump's campaign outside of the official Republican apparatus.
ABC World News Tonight~ (8/10 1 story 2, 2:45, Muir, 14.63M) said Trump is "standing firm
after the controversy caused by his remarks." ABC's Tom Llamas: "Trump seeming to blame the
press for the backlash over that comment." Trump: "Because they can take a little story that isn't
a story and make it into a big deal - happens so much. We have to protect our Second
Amendment, which is under siege."
On NBC Nightly News I (8/10, story 4, 2: 15, Holt, 16.61M) 1 Katy Tur reported, "Trump is
on defense .... Trump isn't making life easy for himself, forced to clarify his own words again,
denying he was inciting physical harm against Hillary Clinton, [instead] ... saying he was talking
about votes, not violence." Trump: "You look at power they have in terms of votes, and that's
what I was referring to, obviously that's what I was referring to. And everybody knows it." Tur:
"The campaign took to the airwaves to push back." Rudy Giuliani: "With a crowd like that, if that's
what they thought he meant, they'd have gone wi!d." Similarly, Newt Gingrich said on Fox News'
On The Record i1@4(8/10, 6541<), "Every Republican should learn this will be the most decisively
one-sided news coverage in American history. And that you assume every day that people are
going to take Trump on and they are going to try to distort what he said."
The Naples (FL) Daily News (8/10, Batten, 120K) reports that Trump himself took his antimedia message to Florida Wednesday night, telling a Broward County crowd, "Look at the way
they covered that story yesterday. Was that disgusting? The media is incredibly dishonest ... almost
as crooked as crooked Hillary Clinton." The Miami Herald (8/10, Mazzei, 776K) says Trump "has
accused reporters of misinterpreting his meaning." He said at the Florida event, "We have our
Second Amendment. We need our Second Amendment protected."
USA Today (8/10, Jackson, 6.54M) writes, "So much for focusing on the economy." Trump,
"who had planned to fo!!ow up Monday's major economic address with a series of events this week
highlighting the jobs issue, now finds himself under attack over another off-the-cuff comment."
The Secret Service "put out a unique statement Tuesday, saying that it is \aware of the comments'
. . ..-I
by Trump," and "some Republicans are openly wondering whether they can somehow drop Trump
from the top of their ticket."
The New York Daily News (8/10, Edelman, 3.83M) says "even Trump-backing Republicans
appeared to be growing antsy," and two moderate former GOP representatives, Connie Morella of
Maryland and Chris Shays of Connecticut, said Wednesday that they will back Clinton. In addition,
E.J. Dionne writes in his Washington Post (8/10, Dionne, 10;14M) column that Trump's continued
run of controversial remarks is costing him support from usually Republican-leaning voters in
Pennsylvania, a state he has made central to his campaign strategy.
Politico (8/10, Nelson, 1.95M) writes that "Republican lawmakers and even Donald Trump
allies were squirming" over the controversial remark, offering "mostly explanations instead of
defenses." Trump campaign co-chair Sam Clovis told CNN, "A lot of times when Mr. Trump speaks,
it is not as artful as a lot of people might think .... I've been around Mr. Trump a long time ... so I
didn't have any issue with it at all. I could understand how people leap to this, and certainly, the
USA Today (8/10, 6.54M) says in an editorial, "Not surprisingly, Republicans are finding it
ever more difficult to sustain the argument that Clinton would be as bad or worse than Trump ....
Those who care about their country and their party's future would be well advised to sprint, not
walk, away from the runaway Trump train." But Sen. Jeff Sessions writes in an opposing USA
Today (8/10, Sessions, 6 .54M) op-ed that Trump "accurately explained that if Hillary Clinton were
president, her Supreme Court nominee would reverse the critical 5-4 Heller case," allowing "any
city or state in America" to "completely ban firearms." Sessions blames the media for pushing
"biased Information In order to negatively influence" the election.
Rem Rieder writes in his USA Today (8/10, Rieder, 6.54M) column, "Shooting the
messenger, of course, is a practice as time-honored as it is lame .... But Trump has raised
blaming the media to a new level." Rieder writes, "Rather than constantly complaining about the
press, Trump might be better off if he stopped making offensive statements so often."
Trump Says He Was Referring To "Political Power," Not Violence. Jim Acosta said on
CNN's Situation Room @l (8/10, 554K) that Trump is "once again trying to dig himself out of
trouble," and is "pushing back on any notion that his jaw-dropping remark was encouraging gun
activists to take up arms against her." Politico (8/10, Pager, 1.95M) reports Trump "sought to
clarify his comments' 1 in a Wednesday interview with Fox News, saying "he was referring to the
'tremendous political power' of strong backers" of the Second Amendment.
NPR (8/10, McCammon, 1.83M) writes on its website that Trump "has repeatedly made
public comments that have seemed to many observers to push or violate the boundaries of
acceptable political discourse/' including his seeming invitation to Russian hackers to expose
C!inton 1s emails, his urging of violence against protesters, and "double entendre and innuendo."
Politico (8/10, Crowley, 1.95M) looks at "Trump 1s Long Dalliance With Violent Rhetoric.,,
The Ae (8/10, Colvin, Peoples, Lederman) writes in an analysis that while it has become "an
article of faith'' that "the rules of political gravity don't apply" to Trump, "maybe now they do ." The
same sort of "how-long speeches [delivered] largely without notes - and never with a
teleprompter" - that helped Trump in the GOP primaries are now working against him as he tries
to appeal to the broader electorate. Victoria McGraine of the Boston Globe said on MSNBC's
Hardball~ (8/10, 713K), "These off-the-cuff statements, sarcastic remarks ... they used to kind of
slide off of Trump, and even when he did backtrack on all of this, it wasn1t a problem. But now we
are in the general election."
William Kennedy Smith and Jean Kennedy Smith, the nephew and sister of President
Kennedy and Sen. Robert Kennedy, write in a Washington Post (8/10, 10.14M) op-ed, "In the
white-hot cauldron of a presidential campaign, it is still the words delivered extemporaneously, off
the cuff, in the raw pressure of the moment that matter most. They say most directly what is in a
candidate's heart." They write, "Political violence is the greatest of all civic sins. It is not to be
encouraged. It is not funny. It is not a joke."
Ron Fournier of The Atlantic (8/10, 5.12M) writes, "If Trump meant to incite violence, he
should be in jail. If this was an accident - if Trump doesn't understand the danger he loaded into
his language; if he doesn't know how to measure his words - he should not be president."
Trump Disputes Report That Secret Service Spoke With His Campaign. Roll Call
(8/10 1 Garcia1 67K) and People (8/10, McAfee, 5.21M) report that the Secret Service has spoken
with the Trump campaign about the remarks. However, Politico (8/10, Pager, 1.95M) reports
Trump said he did not talk with the Secret Service about the remark, tweeting Wednesday
afternoon, "No such meeting or conversation ever happened - a made up story by 'low ratings'
@CNN". The Hill (8/10, Fabian, 651K) also reports that Trump "disputed" the CNN report .
Dickinson College political scientist James Hoefler writes in the Washington Post (8/10,
Hoefler, 10.14M) that Trump's remarks, and previous threatening remarks by Trump supporters,
probably do not "cross the line of protected speech under the First Amendment" due to the lack of
"a real and imminent threat." However, Trump's past encouragement of violence against
protesters at his campaign events may have crossed a legal line.
NRA Launches $3 Million Anti-Clinton Ad Buy. The Washington Times (8/10, Miller,
280K) reports that the National Rifle Association launched a new TV ad Wednesday that depicts
Clinton "as a wealthy and powerful elite who is protected by armed guards while opposing gun
rights for average Americans." The ad's narrator says, "She's one of the wealthiest women in
politics. Combined income: $30 million . Tours the world on private jets. Protected by armed
guards for 30 years . But she doesn't believe in your right to keep a gun at home for self-defense."
Salon (8/10, Tesfaye, 608K) says the $3 million expenditure is "the biggest single ad buy for
Trump of this entire campaign cycle."
The New York Times (8/10, Corasaniti, Burns, Subscription Publication, 13.29M) writes that
though Trump "has driven away throngs of Republican elected officials, donors and policy
experts," he maintains the staunch backing of the NRA, which has become "the institution on the
right most aggressively committed to his candidacy, except for the Republican National Committee
itself." The Daily Beast (8/10 1 Michaelson, 1.11M) writes that Trump "wasn't talking about
assassination, he was pandering to gun nuts" like the NRA "and their paranoia that believes an
armed population is the only defense against government tyranny. The NRA understood loud and
clear, tweeting its agreement with what Trump said" and launching the new spot.
The Washington Post (8/10, 10.14M) says in an editorial that claims that Clinton wants to
"abolish the Second Amendment" are "absurd." Clinton "plays up her opposition to the National
Rifle Association, but her positions are, if anything, too modest." The Post says Trump is just the
"latest mouthpiece" for the NRA. Bloomberg News (8/10, Barrett, 2.49M) columnist Paul Barrett
similarly writes that Trump's statements on Clinton's gun policies are merely "dark imaginings."
Clinton Uses Controversy To Woo Republicans. The CBS Evening News~ (8/10, lead
story, 2: 15, Pelley, 11.17M) reported in Its lead story, "One day after Donald Trump used the
Second Amendment to shoot himself in the foot, Hillary Clinton used her First Amendment right to
speak out against him." Clinton : "Yesterday, we witnessed the latest in a long line of casual
comments from Donald Trump that cross the line."
The AP (8/10, Lucey) reports that Clinton, campaigning in Iowa, warned that Trump's
remarks "are just another example of how his words could have 'tremendous consequences.' ...
She then noted her growing list of Republican supporters, saying they were backing her ' not as
Republicans, but as Americans .,,, Clinton said, "We may not agree on everything, but this is not a
normal election. I will work hard for the next three months to earn the support of anyone willing
to put our country first.,, Reuters (8/10, Becker, Oliphant) reports Clinton also said, "Words
matter, my friends. And if you are running to be president or you are president of the United
States, words can have tremendous consequences."
The Washington Post (8/10, Wagner, 10.14M) also says Clinton "argued the episode is
another reason Republicans should support her." The Washington Times (8/10, Wolfgang, 280K),
Politico (8/10, Pager, 1.95M), and Salon (8/10, Gauthier, 608K) also report on Clinton's
Daily Caller Recalls Biden's 2008 Comments On His Guns. The Dally Caller (8/10,
Picket, 576K) recalls then-Democratic vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden's remarks on the
campaign trail in September 2008 that Barack Obama "had better not take his Beretta or there
would be \a problem. 111 Biden said, "I guarantee ya' Barack Obama ain't takin' my shotgun, so
don't buy that malarkey .... I've got two. If he tries to fool with my Beretta he's got a problem."
As More Emails Surface, Trump Accuses Clinton Of Quid Pro Quo At State.
Donald Trump has accused Hillary Clinton of "engaging in quid pro quo" while serving as secretary
of state, citing one of the 296 pages of emails released Tuesday which showed Doug Band, a Bill
Clinton aide who also oversaw Clinton Foundation employees, "interacting with top Hi!lary Clinton
aides to request a meeting between a Clinton Foundation megadonor and a US ambassador,"
Politico (8/10, McCaskill, 1.95M) reported. Addressing a rally in Virginia on Wednesday, Trump
argued, "A couple of very bad [emails] came out, and it's called pay for play .... And some of
these were really, really bad and illegal. If it's true, it's illegal. You're paying and you're getting
things." Politico noted that Trump \\repeatedly hammered Clinton on the email saga," saying, "Very
big stories today . The problem is it'll be big stories for about two minutes and then they're gonna
drop it because the media is so totally dishonest. So totally dishonest." Kristen Welker said on
NBC Nightly News BlX(8/10, story 5, 2:00, Holt, 16,61M) the Clinton campaign told NBC News that
the "new emails don't relate to the foundation's work, and they say the donor never met with the
The Washington Post (8/10, Hamburger, 10.14M) says Clinton campaign and foundation
officials "portray the email communications as innocuous, in some cases even helpful to US foreign
policy goals," and the New York Times (8/10, Lipton, Eder, Subscription Publication, 13.29M)
reports that a spokesman for the donor in question, Gilbert Chagoury, "said in a statement
Wednesday that Mr. Chagoury had been seeking to contact someone in the State Department to
offer his insight into the coming elections that June in 2009 in Lebanon, where he has deep ties
and experience," and "had not been seeking official action by the State Department."
Trump's comments come as Republicans are a!so "seizing on" the emails, "which they say
show signs of corruption between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation," The Hill
(8/10, Hattem, 651K) reported. Clinton critics argue that "the steady drip of revelations suggests
that the Democratic presidential nominee was trying to hide her discussions by deleting roughly
30,000 emails from the private server housed at her New York home." RNC spokesman Michael
Short said in a statement "that the Clinton Foundation was calling in favors barely three months
into Hillary Clinton's tenure at the State Department is deeply troubling and it is yet another
reminder of the conflicts of interest and unethical wheeling and dealing she'd bring to the White
House." The CBS Evening News~ (8/10, story 2, 2:05, Pelley, 11.17M) said that "whether the
messages expose corruption or just mundane government business depends on which campaign
you're listening to." Nancy Cordes added that while the Trump campaign "says the new emails
show Clinton Foundation donors got special treatment at the State Department," the Clinton
campaign "argues Trump is hyping underwhelming emails to distract from her growing list of
Republican endorsements."
Meanwhile, Politico (8/10, Gerstein, 1.95M) reported in its "Under The Radar" blog that in
"testimony made public Wednesday in connection with a pending lawsuit," Clinton aides "worried
about the potential impact on her private email system after a hacker gained access to the email
account of one of her longtime advisers in early 2013." In written answers to questions from
Judicial Watch, former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills acknowledged that "when emails from
Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal began appearing online via a Romanian hacker called Guccifer,
Mills discussed the issue with Bryan Pagliano, a tech specialist who worked both at the State
Department and for the Clintons."
A Wall Street Journal (8/10, Subscription Publication, 6.51M) editorial argues that Clinton
has left herself open to an October surprise by failing to turn over 33,000 emails. Citing this
week's release, the Journal says Clinton's claim that the emails she did not provide dealt with
personal matters gets more suspect each time new emails are discovered. In his column for the
Wall Street Journal (8/10, Rove, Subscription Publication, 6.51M), Karl Rove questions whether
Clinton, in her July 2 interview with the FBI, said the same thing she had been saying publicly
about the matter, and noting that Director Corney told Congress the Bureau did not put her under
oath or have a stenographer in the meeting, calls on Clinton to ask the Bureau to release its list of
prepared questions and its report on the interview.
NYTimes Analysis: Clinton Can Be "Blind" To Perceptions Of Her Financial Dealings .
A more than 2,500-word analysis from the New York Times (8/10, Chozick, Subscription
Publication, 13.29M) examines Hillary Clinton's effort to secure her family finances, noting that
while she "has appeared eager to make money," she "can seem blind to how her financial
decisions are viewed, and has suffered repeated political damage and accusations of conflicts of
interest as a resu!t. 1' As an example, the "T:imescites her "collection of more than $21 million in
speaking fees from a range of groups, including Wall Street firms and other interests," which "led
to one of the most potent attacks against her in this election cycle ." While some Clinton allies
"privately say they are mystified by her choice to make the Wall Street speeches/ and some say
her "financial moves clash with the selfless Methodist credo to do good for others," her "longtime
friends say the contradiction is rooted in Mrs. Clinton's practicality and the boom-and-bust cycles
that have characterized her life with Bill Clinton.' 1
Couple Mentioned In Hacked DNC Emails To Host Fundraiser For Clinton Featuring
Obama. The Washington Times (8/10, Boyer, 2801<)reports that "Democratic power couple" Hank
and Carol Goldberg, who "featured in" the hacked DNC emails released by Wikileaks, on Monday
"will host a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton with President Obama next week on Martha's Vineyard,
Massachusetts." The couple will host the event, "which seeks up to $33,400 per couple, at their
home in Chilmark, a wealthy enclave where the president and his family are in the midst of a two week vacation."
WTimes Analysis: Email, Threat Controversies Throw Clinton, Trump "Off Course."
In an analysis, the Washington Times (8/10, Dinan, Wolfgang, 2801<) describes the presidential
campaign as "veer[ing] far off course Wednesday as Donald Trump's political opponents called for
him to be investigated over inciting violence against" Hillary Clinton, and Clinton "faced her own
questions about corruption during her time in the State Department." While Trump and Clinton
"intended to use this week to talk about their economic plans," his "runaway mouth and her
murky dealings during her time as the country's top diplomat knocked both off-message." The
Times says Trump "continued to grab the !ion's share of headlines" as his opponents said his
comment "appeared to be a veiled threat against" Clinton, who Republicans cast as "too beholden
to wealthy special interests to claim the White House after emails released Tuesday showed
contacts between a top official at the Clinton Global Initiative and Mrs. Clinton's aides at the State
.. I
Officials Say Hack Of Democrat Emails Was Wider Than It First Appeared. The New
York Times (8/10, Uchtblau, Schmitt, Subscription Publication, 13.29M) reports that "officials with
knowledge" of the "Russian cyberattack that targeted Democratic politicians" said Wednesday that
the attack "was bigger than it first appeared and breached the private email accounts of more
than 100 party officials and groups." While officials "have acknowledged that the Russian hackers
gained access" to the DCCC and the DNC, "the hack now appears to have extended well beyond
those groups, and organizations like the Democratic Governors 1 Association may also have been
affected, according to Democrats involved in the investigation." According to the Times, the
attack's "widening scope" has "prompted the FBI to broaden its investigation, and agents have
begun notifying a long list of Democratic officials that the Russians may have breached their
personal accounts."
Slain DNC Aide's Family: Conspiracy Theories Are Impeding Investigation. The Hill
(8/10 1 Vladimirov, 651K) reported in its "Blog Briefing Room" that the family of DNC aide Seth
Rich, who was murdered in Washington in July, issued a statement Wednesday in which they
decried "politicized conspiracy theories" surrounding Rich's death, saying they are "'doing more
harm than good' and are getting in the way of the ongoing investigation into his death." The
statement comes after Wikileaks "said it will offer a $20,000 reward for information leading to the
conviction of Rich's killer, and its founder, Julian Assange, seemed to suggest he was a potential
source for the anti-secrecy group." A spokeswoman for the DC police "dismissed the conspiracy
theories that connect Rich's death. 11
Latest National Polls Show Clinton Leads Ranging From One To Seven Points.
According to the Los Angeles Times (8/9, 4.52M), the latest USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times
national tracking poll of "roughly 300-400 [voters] per day" shows Hillary Clinton leading Donald
Trump 45%-44% as of Aug. 9.
Bloomberg Politics (8/10, McCormick, 375K) reported that a new Bloomberg Politics
nationwide survey of 749 likely voters (8/5-8) shows Clinton leading Trump 44%-40%, with
Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson at 9% and Green Party nominee Jil! Stein at 4%. Headto-head, Clinton leads Trump 50%-44%.
The Hill (8/10, Hensch, 651K) reported that a Red Oak Strategies national survey of 926
likely voters (8/3-9) shows Clinton leading Trump 37%-30% 1 with Johnson at 10%; 24% "chose
'other' or 'don1t know. The Hill described Red Oak Strategies as a "right-leaning" firm.
Wisconsin Poll: Clinton 47%; Trump 34%; Johnson 9%; Stein 4%. The Milwaukee
Journal Sentinel (8/10, Giauber, 631K) reports that a Marquette University Law School survey of
683 likely Wisconsin voters (8/4-7) shows Clinton leading Trump 47%-34%, with Johnson at 9%
and Stein at 4%. In a head-to-head matchup, Clinton leads Trump 52%-37%. Politico (8/10,
McCaskill, 1.95M) reported that Clinton held a four-point lead over Trump "in July before both
parties convened their nominating conventions last month."
Reuters/Ipsos National Poll: 19% Of GOP Voters Says Trump Should Drop Out Of
Race. Reuters (8/10, Smith) reports that in a Reuters/Ipsos national tracking poll of 396 GOP
voters (8/5-8), about 19% of those surveyed said Trump "should drop out1' of the presidential
race, while 70% said "he should stay in 1' the contest; 10% said "they 'don't know. 111 Among the
larger sample of 1,162 voters, 44% of those surveyed said Trump should \'drop out. 11
Poll: 47% Of Voters Say 11American Way Of Life" Under "Great Deal" Of Threat. USA
Today (8/10, Collins, 6.54M) reports that a Monmouth University national poll of 803 voters (8/47) shows that "a majority of' 1 those surveyed \'feel the nation's \way of life' is under some degree
of threat." In the poll, 47% of those surveyed "said the 'American way of life' is under 'a great
deal' of threat, while 31 % said they believed it faced 'some' threat"'; ''13% didn1t feel much of a
threat, and 7% said they felt no threat at all. 11 USA Today adds, "What do Americans feel
threatened by? Islamic terrorists concerned 61 % of those surveyed, while the prospect of Donald
Trump as president worried 54%. A potential Hillary Clinton presidency concerned 42%."
Twenty Women In Focus Groups Have Dim View Of Trump. The Los Angeles Times
(8/10, Lauter, 4 .52M) reports, "Twenty women, mostly swing voters," on Tuesday were
"participants in focus groups convened by pollsters Neil Newhouse, a Republican, and Margie
Omero, a Democrat ... in Columbus, Ohio, and Phoenix." The meetings "were part of a project
sponsored by Wal-Mart that for eight years has examined the attitudes of what the company calls
Wal-Mart moms, women who shop at one of the giant retailer's stores." The Times says the
women had a dim view of Donald Trump, with opinions on his "image 1' following along "two tracks :
foolish or frightening." The Times says "18 of the 20 participants" predicted Hillary Clinton will win
November's election.
Cohn Examines Trump's Struggles In Some Red States . In "the Upshot" blog on the
website of the New York Times (8/10, Cohn, Subscription Publication, 13.29M), Nate Cohn
discusses Donald Trump's bid, saying, "Polls show him trailing or barely ahead in reliably
Republican states like Georgia, Arizona and Utah, even Kansas." Cohn said that Trump's electoral
strategy is aimed at "do[ing] much better than Mitt Romney did in 2012 among white voters
without a degree so that he can make up the margin of Mr. Romney's four-point defeat and
overcome the additional losses he's likely to absorb among well-educated voters and Hispanic
voters." Cohn added that the plan "doesn't work so well" in states where "there aren't many white
working-class Democrats for Mr. Trump to win over, or" where "there are a lot of well-educated
voters for him to lose," which is "more or less the situat ion in Georgia 1 and across many red
In Deseret News Op-Ed, Clinton Woos Utah Vo t ers, Bashes Trump .
In a Deseret (UT) News (8/10, Clinton, 375K) op-ed, Hillary Clinton sought to appeal to Utah
voters, writing, "As Americans, we hold fast to the belief that everyone has the right to worship
however he or she sees fit . I've been fighting to defend religious freedom for years." Clinton blasts
Donald Trump, saying he "showed us his true colors early on, when he proposed banning all
Muslims from our shores." Clinton points out that Mitt Romney, who is popular in Utah, criticized
Trump's proposal, and current Utah Gov. Gary Herbert (R) viewed Trump's "statement as a
reminder of President Rutherford B. Hayes' attempt to limit Mormon immigration to America in
On its website, KUTV-TV Salt Lake City (8/10, Woodruff, 123K) reported that in the piece,
"Clinton made multiple references to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and
Republican politicians in an effort to persuade Utah voters to dump ... Trump and look to her
instead ." The Washington Times (8/10, Miller, 280K) reports that Clinton "presented herself as a
champion of religious freedom in" the "op-ed published in the Desert News, a Utah news outlet
which is owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."
Clinton Camp Launches Effort To Target Republicans. The New York Times (8/10,
Chozick, Subscription Publication, 13.29M) reports that in a bid to "turn the drip-drip-drip of
Republican defectors abandoning Donald J . Trump into a deluge," Hillary Clinton 's campaign on
Wednesday "introduced an official outreach effort to target Republicans," and a group ca!!ed
"Together for America," which comprises "nearly 50 Republican and independent former cabinet
secretaries, House and Senate members, ambassadors, national security leaders and business
executives who are supporting Mrs. Clinton." However, the Washington Post (8/10, Weigel,
10.14M) says liberals are not entirely comfortable with Clinton's outreach to Republicans. Citing
the Clinton team's examination into "whether former secretaries of state, such as Henry Kissinger ,
..... 1
might back her,'1 the Post says "liberals warned" that would be "a step too far ," and "the prospect
fed a perception that, with a contentious primary behind her, the Democratic nominee has
returned to her old, hawkish ways and is again taking progressives for granted."
In Iowa Clinton Contrasts Her Economic Plan With Trump's.
The Des Moines (IA) Register (8/10, Noble, 310K) reports that Hillary Clinton on Wednesday made
her first visit to Iowa since winning the state's caucuses in February, visiting a Des Moines t-shirt
shop and "holding a rally at Lincoln High School on the city's south side." The events, which
revolved around her economic proposals," provided 11sharp contrasts with Republican rival Donald
Trump's record as a businessman and employer." Clinton told the rally, "I believe in small
businesses. That's why I want to be a small business president .... That1s a big contrast with
Donald Trump, who has spent his career stiffing small businesses." Clinton, the Quad-City (IA)
Times (8/10, Murphy, 221K) reports, "said she wants to make it easier for young entrepreneurs to
start businesses and she wants to encourage businesses to invest in American-made products ,"
and accused Trump "of outsourcing much of his businesses' work to other countries."
Iowa State Daily (8/10, Connor, 37K) says Clinton "proposed that the middle class of
America is what makes America work and that the American labor movement helped create the
middle class through unionizing and collective bargaining." In addition , she "discussed making the
economy 'fairer,' raising the minimum wage and promoting small businesses." Clinton also sought
to "negate" Trump, noting that "under her plans, a Clinton presidency will create 10.4 million jobs,
while a Trump presidency will result in the loss of 3.5 million jobs."
Clinton also prom ised that she will "run an aggressive campaign in Iowa for the General
Election," Radio Iowa (8/10, Henderson, 223) reported on its website. Clinton said 1 "We are
organizing across Iowa. We're going to be helping people vote early so they can make sure their
vote will count," adding, "We're going to be reaching into every part of this state." Politico (8/10,
Debenedetti, 1. 95M) said that Iowa, which "derailed her 2008 campaign, and nearly did it again in
the February caucuses," continues to "bedevll her, remaining well within Donald Trump's reach."
Although its "six electoral votes aren't essential to Clinton's path to 270," Iowa is "a place that
Obama won comfortably twice and Democrats are loath to lose, especially with a competitive
Senate race on the ballot."
ABC World News Tonight~ (8/10, story 3, 2: 15, Muir, 14.63M) reported there was "a scare"
for Clinton "as the Secret Service rushed the stage." ABC (Vega) added that the Secret Service
"tackl[ed] an animal rights protester who tried to rush the stage," and noted that the incident
occurred 11just 24 hours after Trump made those controversial comments about the Second
Clinton To Present Economic Plan In Detroit Thursday. The Detroit Free Press (8/11,
Gallagher, Gray, 971K) reports that in a speech in the Detroit area on Thursday, Clinton will
present a "plan to boost jobs and the economy" that is "replete with detailed programs and policy
prescriptions." The speech "is expected to draw heavily on her $125-billion Economic Revitalization
Initiative plan, available at her website"
Trump's Economic Team Draws Fire.
Politico Magazine (8/10, Clarke, Parker) reports that Donald Trump's 13-member economic
advisory team has come "under fire for a Jack of diversity in gender and economic status," and has
drawn "questions about just who these figures were." The more than 2,400-word piece goes on to
profile members of the group, which includes "real-estate titans" as well as "several prominent
hedge-fund managers and bankers."
The Washington Post (8/10, Fahrenthold, O'Harrow, 10.14M) reports on a December 2007
deposition in which Donald Trump was caught "many times ... saying something that wasn't true."
During the deposition, which was related to a lawsuit Trump filed against a reporter, the reporter's
attorneys "asked Trump question after question that touched on the same theme: Trump's
honesty," confronting him "with his past statements - and with his company's internal documents,
which often showed those statements had been incorrect or invented." Noting that the lawyers
"caught him" 30 times, the Post says the deposition "offers extraordinary insights into Trump's
relationship with the truth," add ing that his "falsehoods were unstrategic - needless, highly
specific, easy to disprove."
Pence Suggests Trump's Muslim Ban Could Be Extended To Other Religions.
During an interview Monday with Wisconsin talk radio host Charlie Sykes, Mike Pence "suggested"
that Donald Trump's "proposed ban on Muslims from entering the country could be broadened to
include other religions, not just Muslims," the New York Times (8/10, Parker, Subscription
Publication, 13.29M) reports. Pence, "seeming to go beyond even the policy proposed by Mr.
Trump, did not rule out barring immigrants from other religions, if they were coming from nations
or territories that support terrorism." Pence said, "I think what you heard in the convention speech
from Donald Trump, what we've talked about out on the stump, is that we would temporarily
suspend from countries, or territories if you will - the caliphate of ISIS obviously expands beyond
one country .... But to say that individuals that come from regions or countries that have been
compromised by terrorism would, that we would suspend that immigration, I think that's
appropriate until we develop a new vetting system."
David Saperstein, the US ambassador at large for religious freedom said Wednesday the
Trump's proposed ban "does not tarnish the US commitment to religious freedom in the eyes of
foreigners," Reuters (8/10, Chiacu, Mohammed) reports. As he presented the State Department
annual report on religious freedom, Saperstein was asked if Trump's comments "made his job of
promoting religious tolerance in foreign nations harder." Saperstein said, "Countries across the
globe ... they see clearly the basic constitutional, institutional constraints against violations of
religious freedom in the United States, and I think see clearly and believe deeply in America's
promise to be a model about treating al! people equally without regard to religion .... That is clear
and that is not tarnished by the statements here."
Muslim Parents Struggle With Discussing Election With Their Kids. McClatchy (8/10,
Allam, 60K) reports that the "sweeping primary victory this month" of Abdullah Hammoud, a
Muslim Democrat running for the Michigan legislature, "is giving Muslims across the country a
pick-me-up at a time when Republican nominee Donald Trump's anti-immigrant, anti-Islam
proposals dominate the presidential campaign." Hammoud's success "provides one answer to a
question that Muslim parents are asking themselves every day: How do I talk to my kids about
this election," McClatchy notes, adding that for Muslim parents, the race "is a positive aside in an
otherwise wrenching election -year conversation." Noting how Muslim parents are dealing with the
election, McClatchy says some "have opted to tune out election talk altogether," while others have
"urg[edJ their children to volunteer at phone banks so that they learn the importance of political
participation," and "many more ... are caught somewhere in the middle, still unsure of how and
when to have the dreaded Trump talk."
Los Angeles "Little Persia" Community Divided Over Presidential Race. USA Today
(8/10, Manoochehri, 6.54M) reports that the presidential race "is still divided" in Los Angeles'
"Little Persia" community, which is the largest Persian community in the country. While the
community is "traditionally ... left-teaning," Donald Trump "has found a surprising advantage
among Iranian-American voters USA TODAY spoke to here." This, as his "perceived strength and
assertiveness in dealing with the Middle East is resonating with the generation of Iranians who
came to the United States as refugees,"
Gallup: Americans View Pence More Favorably Than Kaine.
The Huffington Post (8/10, Sparks, 224K) reported on a Gallup survey which was released
Wednesday showing that Mike Pence "is gaining more popularity" than Tim Kaine "in the wake of
the party conventions." While Pence's favorable rating has climbed 18 points to 36 percent among
adults since a July poll conducted before the GOP convention, Kaine "has struggled to pick up as
much momentum from the Democratic Convention," gaining just nine points and \'placing his
favorable rating at 33 percent." Moreover, "impressions of Pence have been more positive than
those of Kaine." Kaine's unfavorable rating is 30 percent, while Pence's is 25 percent.
The AP (8/10, Sanner) reports that Ohio supporters of Libertarian presidential candidate Gary
Johnson submitted thousands of signatures Wednesday on behalf of another candidate, Charlie
Earl, who they say is a stand-in "who will be replaced with Johnson and his running mate once the
petitions are certified by the state's elections chief." However, Johnson's ballot status in Ohio
remains uncertain, because Libertarians are not recognized as a political party there . The Ohio
Secretary of State's office said it had not seen a name-swap used before in a presidential election
in Ohio, and its legal team will review the situation.
Pence Criticizes Strickland
Politico (8/10, Nussbaum, 1.95M) reports Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence said
Wednesday that former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland's comment that Justice Antonin Scalia's death
came "at a good time" was "appalling," adding that Scalia's death was "an American tragedy."
Pence said that Strickland's comments "are one more reminder why Ohio must reelect Sen. Rob
Portman." USA Today (8/10, Collins, 6.54M) reports that Strickland on Wednesday apologized for
the remark, saying his comment about Scalia had been "insensitive."
Report: Democrats Have Fundraising Advantage In Senate Races.
USA Today (8/10, Kelly, 6.54M) reports a recent analysis by the Campaign Finance Institute
shows that Democrats have a substantial fundraising advantage over Republicans in Senate races
across the country, The average Democratic senator has raised more than $8 million, compared to
slightly less than $6 million raised by the average Republican senator . However, "the fundraising
picture was more mixed in the House/ where average receipts for Republican incumbents were
$1.3 million, compared to $1 million for Democratic incumbents.
GOP Senators Hope Ticket-Splitting
Will Spare
The Washington Post (8/10, Tumulty 1 Jordan, 10.14M) reports, "Split-ticket voting, once
commonplace, has in recent elections grown rare ." However, with "both parties have nominated
relatively unpopular candidates for president/ and "that could disrupt what has become the
typical straight-ticket dynamic." The Post says that with Donald Trump sporting "higher negative
ratings than any standardbearer in history," GOP senators seeking reelection this fa!! are hoping
ticket-splitting voters will help them retain their seats.
Ryan Wins Wisconsin Primary.
The CBS Evening Newsm-i(8/10, story 4, 0:15, Pelley, 11.17M) reported that House Speaker Ryan
"easily beat back a Republican primary challenge," defeating businessman Paul Nehlen "by 70
Kirk Will Write In Colin Powell For President.
Politico (8/10, Nelson, 1.95M) reports that Sen. Mark Kirk said Wednesday during a CNN interview
that he would write in Colin Powell's name on his presidential ballot. Kirk urged his fellow
Republicans to show voters that "you are backing the national interest and not going to drive off
the cliff with Trump."
Labor Department
In an attempt to encourage local efforts to establlsh paid family leave programs, the Labor
Department "announced Tuesday that it will grant $1.1 million" to Denver, Colorado; Franklin,
Ohio; Madison, Wisconsin; and Hawaii, Indiana, and Pennsylvania to "research how much it would
cost to open the public aid to [their] residents," the Washington Post (8/10, Paquette, 10.14M)
reports. The grants "are the latest installment of the Paid Leave Analysis Grant Program that has
allocated more than $3 million to 17 states and municipalities over the past two years to support
research on how to create local paid leave programs that fit a particular area's needs." The Post
quotes Labor Secretary Perez as saying, "Our nation has increasingly recognized we are far behind
the world on this critical issue .... We live in a modern family world, and we need to stop living by
'Leave It To Beaver' rules."
To Seize Cash.
USA Today (8/10, Heath, 6.54M) reports that DEA agents have built a network of travel industry
informants who have helped the agency '1seize a small fortune in cash/' although agents "almost
never use what they learn to make arrests or build criminal cases." The informants, often
administrative employees working for Amtrak and most major airlines, help agents "profile
passengers ... often without the companies' consent" in exchange for a percentage of any money
seized. The remaining funds are then "passed on to local police departments that lend officers" to
the DEA operations, with one former DEA agent saying "they count on this as part of the
budget. .. basically you've got to feed the monster." USA Today says that DEA agents often knew
that the couriers had not "committed a crime for which they could be arrested" but instead
"investigated the couriers after they were released in the hopes of finding a toehold that would let
them identify bigger trafficking organizations."
WSJournal Analysis: Housing Market's Recovery Unbalanced.
The Wall Street Journal (8/10, Kusisto, Subscription Publication, 6.51M) reports that the housing
market's recovery has not been shared equally . Banks chastened by the losses sustained during
the financial crisis are unwilling to extend mortgage loans to millions of people with imperfect
credit scores; student or credit card debt; and first time buyers, forcing these groups to rent for
much longer than previous generations. Additionally, the slow pace of new home construction has
caused a supply crunch, contributing to record low homeownership rates.
Court Puts Ruling On Wisconsin Voter ID Law On Hold.
In "a blow to activists concerned that many in Wisconsin will be blocked from voting," the
Washington Post (8/10, Zapotosky, 10.14M) reports that an appeals court on Wednesday put on
hold a federal ruling that Wisconsin residents "without a photo ID could still vote if they attested
to their identity in an affidavit." Asked whether "requiring ID could tip the election in favor of the
Republicans who support the law," Dale Ho, director of the Voting Rights Project for the American
Civil Liberties Union, said, "Obviously, the people behind these laws think it can help them.
Whether or not it can, from our perspective, it really doesn't matter. We're just trying to make
sure everyone can vote."
Chicago Teachers Union President Threatens Strike.
The Chicago Sun-Times {8/10, Spielman, 873K) reports Chicago Teachers Union president Karen
Lewis threatened to call for a second teachers strike in four years after Mayor Rahm Emanuel
signed a $5.4 billion school budget despite not reaching agreement on pension payments with
union negotiators. While Emanuel urged the teachers union to be "part of the solution" to the
problem, Lewis said that she did not think Emanuel could handle the political fallout of "another
teachers' strike, especially at a time when confidence in his leadership is at an all-time low."
Baltimore Officials Promise Reforms Following DOJ Report.
ABC World News Tonight1'YA(8/10, story 5, 0:20, Muir, 14.63M) reported that Baltimore police
officials "are promising reforms after a scathing report now in from the Justice Department." The
~CBS Evening News (8/10, story 6, 2:30, Pelley, 11.17M) reported the DOJ analysis shows that
"of 300,000 pedestrian stops from January 2010 to May 2015, federal investigators found that
roughly 44 percent were made in two small, predominantly African-American neighborhoods.
African-Americans accounted for 82 percent of all traffic stops, despite being only 60 percent of
the driving age population," and that officers "frequently resorted to physical force when a person
did not immediately respond to verbal commands, even when the person was posing no
immediate threat to the officers or other[s]."
USA Today (8/10, Bacon, Eversley, 6.54M) says Wednesday's DOJ report "claims officers
routinely conducted unlawful stops and used excessive force often targeting black residents in lowincome, African-American neighborhoods." Vanita Gupta, head of the Justice Department's Civil
Rights Division, said the Baltimore Police Department's "zero tolerance" strategy had little impact
on crime-solving while severely damaging community relations.
The Washington Post (8/10, Bui, Hermann, 10.14M) reports Baltimore Mayor Stephanie
Rawlings- Blake said that while the findings of the report are "challenging to hear," the
investigation creates a "crucial foundation" that wlll allow the city to change the department. "It's
so very important that we get this right," Rawlings-Blake said. "The report and its follow-up will
help to heal the relationship between the police and our communities." Baltimore Police
Commissioner Kevin Davis said he has already fired officers as a result of the Justice Department's
investigation. ~NBC Nightly News (8/10, story 7, 1:50, Holt, 16.61M) reported that Baltimore
officials "say it could cost up to $10 million a year to change the way police are trained, equipped,
and supervised, but they say they are willing to make the changes this blistering report calls for."
The Baltimore Sun (8/10, Marbella, 8211<)says that reaction to the report "often mixed
anger with sadness," and that "there was little surprise, especially among blacks who have had
first-hand experiences with the police, but even less joy in their experiences being validated by
federal investigators.'' Still, activists and civic leaders remain optimistic that the DOJ report will
spur the city toward greater reform. DeRay McKesson, a Black Lives Matter activist who is now
chief human capital officer for Baltimore City public schools, said, "This report uncovers what so
many people already knew to be true/ but added, "Commissioner Davis' comments so far
highlighted the need and understanding for deep, systemic change, and now we have to see what
that means in practice."
The Huffington Post (8/10, Reilly1 Craven, 224K) lists a catalog of "some of the most
damning findings" in the Justice Department's report.
WPost, NYTimes Weigh In. The Washington Post (8/10, 10.14M) editorializes that the
Justice Department report on the Baltimore Police Department shows that "Baltimore has long has
two enforcement regimes: one for African Americans, which is often unlawful and unconstitutional,
and another for everyone else." The Post argues that the problems in the city's police force "are
cultural, institutional and legal," and "real change will encounter massive resistance, especially
from the union representing police." The Post concludes that Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin
Davis' "recent ruling that officers under investigation could view police footage of the incident in
question ... cast[s] doubt on whether he and other community leaders have the spine to effect a
culture shift that includes real accountability."
The New York Times (8/10, Subscription Publication, 13.29M) editorializes that "the scathing
federal report this week on the reality of racist abuse by the police In Baltlmore was hardly news
to the African-American neighborhoods most victimized by ironhanded law enforcement." The
Times says that "it is no coincidence that the Baltimore report was issued just as the Justice
Department began moving forward with a plan to better track killings of civilians by police
officers," adding that investigations similar to the one in Baltimore have begun "in nearly a dozen
cities, Including Chicago, Cleveland and Ferguson." However, the Times concludes that the result
of the presidential election will determine whether "the Justice Department in the next
administration will maintain this pressure for reform."
US-Backed Libyan Militias Say They Captured ISIL's Sirte Headquarters.
The AP (8/10) reports US-backed Libyan militias said Wednesday they have seized ISIL's
headquarters in Sirte in what the New York Times (8/10, Nordland, Subscription Publication,
13.29M) says "would be a severe blow to the militant organization's expansion into North Africa."
The Wall Street Journal (8/10, Morajea, Abl-Hablb, Subscription Publication, 6.51M) reports that
the militias captured the Ouagadougou center - the compound that !SIL used as its control center
for the city - but the militants still control the main residential areas. Government fighters
indicated !SIL placed land mines throughout the city, making it hard for pro-government forces to
take complete control.
NATO: Turkey Is "Valued Ally 11 Whose Membership "Is Not In Question."
The Washington Post (8/10, Deyoung, 10.14M) reports NATO "went out of its way Wednesday to
insist that Turkey ... remains a 'valued ally' whose alliance membership 'is not in question."' The
statement said Turkey makes "substantial contributions" to NATO's efforts and "takes full part in
the Alliance's consensus-based decisions as we confront the biggest security challenges in a
generation.1' The Post says the statement "highlighted the West's growing nervousness over the
fallout from last month's coup attempt1' and comes during a week when Turkish President Recep
Tayyip Erdogan visited Moscow and "promised a new level of cooperation" with Russian President
Vladimir Putin.
Turkey Says PKK Attacks Killed 12 In Country's Southeast. The AP (8/10, Press)
reports attacks targeting police and soldiers in the southeast region of Turkey killed at least 12
people on Wednesday. Turkish officials said Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) members carried out
simultaneous bombings against police vehicles, killing eight in the cities of Diyarbakir and
Kiziltepe. Four soldiers were killed in an earlier attack near the Iraqi border.
I- .
WSJournal, Experts: Erdogan, Putin Meeting Highlights Turkey Moving Away From
US. The Wal! Street Journal (8/10, Subscription Publication, 6.51M) editorializes that the meeting
this week between Erdogan and Putin is an effort by Moscow to expand its influence in the Middle
East. The Journal adds that Erdogan could use the coup attempt as an excuse to forge greater
cooperation with Russia. The Journal argues the growing relationship between Russia and Turkey
shows that President Obama's retreat from the region has left it open to a competition for
In a Wall Street Journal (8/10, Cook, Koplow, Subscription Publication, 6.51M) op-ed,
Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow Steven Cook and Israel Policy Forum policy director
Michael Koplow say the meeting highlights the worsening US-Turkish relations since the coup
attempt. The authors say the countries at this point agree on very little and the failed coup has led
to a previously unseen level of anger in Turkey about the US. Cook and Koplow argue that the
recent events should show US policy-makers that Washington should seek more reliable allies,
because the countries no longer share values and interests
WPost: Counter Erdogan, Other Strongmen's Efforts With Truth. The Washington Post
(8/10, 10.14M) editorializes that Erdogan's tactic of blaming his country's problems on outside
enemies highlights "one of the enduring rules of autocracy," which is "that a strongman must not
admit something is amiss inside the kingdom." The Post highlights that Erdogan has responded to
the July coup attempt "by looking for enemies abroad," but also arresting journalists and military
officers. The Post says the only "remedy" to such efforts is "to call out illiberal strongmen on their
fictions and, wherever possible, counter them with the truth.
always be part of Ukraine. We condemn and call for an immediate end to the Russian occupation
of Crimea."
More Than 13,000 Families Remain Displaced In Gaza Two Years After War.
USA Today (8/10, Ayyoub, 6.54M) reports more than 13,000 families remain displaced in Gaza as
the result of the SO-day war with Israel that ended two years ago. USA Today says less than
4,500 of the 18,000 destroyed or damaged homes have been reconstructed. Palestinian Housing
and Public Works Minister Mofeed AI-Hasayneh "said delays in international aid are partly to
blame," with only 30 percent of the $5.4 billion pledged being delivered. USA Today indicates that
most of the fulfilled aid promises came from Europe, while Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia and
Qatar "have delayed billions in payments" as the result of low oil prices, and the US "has been
slow to disperse aid to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank because of concerns the money
could reach Hamas,"
Israeli Olympic Delegation
Facing Animosity.
The Washington Times (8/10, Richardson, 280K) reports that while the Olympics "have been billed
an opportunity" for the international community to "put politics aside," it is "not necessarily how
it's working for Israeli athletes." The Times says "animosity toward" the country's delegation has
led to a "reprimand from the International Olympic Committee and alarm from Jewish groups like
the Anti-Defamation League." The Times says "the confrontations with delegations of nations
traditionally hostile to Israel have marred an otherwise successful Olympics for Israel. 11
Brazil's Senate Votes To Indict Suspended President.
USA Today (8/10, Gomez, 6.54M) reports that, following almost 17 hours of debate, Brazil's
Senate voted 59-21 to try suspended president Dilma Rousseff for al!egedly breaking fiscal ru!es.
"The impeachment movement is gaining support"; in May, the vote to move forward with the
impeachment process was 55-22. The current vote is greater than the super-majority (at least 54
votes) needed to impeach Rousseff. Her defenders accuse right-wing legislators of "using an
accounting error to end 13 years of rule by Rousseff's Worker's Party." The Washington Post
(8/10, Schemm, 10.14M) reports Rousseff says she didn't do anything wrong "and that the
budgetary tactics have been a standard practice of Brazilian presidents."
US Summons Philippine Envoy Over Comments About Kerry, Ambassador.
The Washington Times (8/10, Chasmar, 280K) reports the US summoned the Philippine envoy this
week over "inflammatory comments" by President Rodrigo Duterte. The Times says Duterte was
recounting a visit with l<erry that came as the Philippine leader was upset with Goldberg over what
he considered interference in his country's election. The Times specifies the remarks and reports
Duterte also called Kerry "crazy 11 and "suggested that he 'offend' him more to get more US aid."
State Department's
The Washington Post (8/10, Morello, 10.14M) reports the State Department "singled out
Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, Pakistan and Mauritania" for their harsh laws against
blasphemy and apostasy in its annual religious freedom report. Punishment for those found guilty
can include "imprisonment and death," especially for women and religious minorities. The AP
(8/10, Lee) reports that the Administration is "highlighting concerns" over limits on religious
freedom with the report, "notably in Muslim countries ."
The New York Times (8/10, Stack, Subscription Publication, 13.29M) reports that a police
crackdown on Egyptian gay and transgender individuals since Gen. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi took power
in 2013 has "shattered what had been an increasingly vibrant and visible community ." The Times
says that "the return of an aggressive approach by the morality police division" has led to the
arrest of "at least 250 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people," with many more fleeing the
country or hiding from scrutiny. The report says that police often use online dating apps such as
Grindr to "entrap" LGBT victims and then "torture (those arrested] to produce lists of gay friends
and former sex partners. 11
WPost Analysis: Middle East Heat Wave Could Become New Norm, Spark Conflict.
The Washington Post (8/10, Naylor, 10. 14M) reports that sweltering temperatures that have
reached nearly 130F across the Middle East "could be a harbinger of worse to come." The Post
quotes UN officials and climate scientists as saying that "the region's mushrooming populations
will face extreme water scarcity" and "temperatures almost too hot for human survival" that could
lead to "conflicts and refugee crises far greater than those now underway ."The current heat wave
has led to a spike in heat-related Illness, such as dehydration, and taken a toll on economic
output, with an Iraqi economist estimating that Iraq's GDP has "probably contracted 10 to 20
percent during the summer heat" as crops have wilted and worker productivity falls. If current
trends continue, UN experts predict that many Middle Eastern countries will "face acute water
crises because of dry climates, surging consumption and wasteful agricultural practices.' 1
Tokyo's First Female Governor Faces Challenges.
The Washington Post (8/10, Fifield, 10.14M) reports that Yuriko Koike, Tokyo's new conservative
governor, will face a series of daunting tasks during her term. Koike will try to reign in costs of the
2020 Olympic preparations, make government more transparent, and restore Tokyo 1s position as
a global financial center, while "do[ing] It all against the wishes of an old boys' dub that did not
want her _elected in the first place." The Post explores Koike's past, Including her education in
Egypt, career in government, and her penchant to follow the advice of her role model, Margaret
Thatcher, to act "on conviction, not by consensus."
Chinese Capital Forcing Some Of Population To Leave City.
The Wall Street Journal (8/10, Subscription Publication, 6.51M) reports the city of Beijing Is
forcing some of its population to leave the city center in an effort that involves closing some
businesses and relocating others. The Journal says the moves are an effort to stem urban growth,
which has led to more congestion, pollution, and problems with water supplies.
Poll: Catalans' Support For Independence
The Christian Science Monitor (8/10, Liana, 382K) reports "Catalan secessionists are not cowed"
despite the "great shake-up of the European Union, via rising nationalism and Brexit. 11 Instead, the
Monitor says, "They are barreling forward with plans to create an independent state ." A Center for
Opinion Studies poll found that following Brexit, support for Catalan Independence grew to 48
percent, compared with 42 percent opposition.
. . - -- . I
Network TV At A Glance:
2016 Politics-Trump - 7 minutes, 15 seconds
Civilian Death-Police Training - 7 minutes, 5 seconds
Trump Tower Climber - 6 minutes, 25 seconds
2016 Politics-Clinton - 6 minutes, 20 seconds
Rfo Olympics-Update - 5 minutes, 45 seconds
Baltimore-Justice Department Report - 4 minutes, 40 seconds
Story Lineup From This Morning's Radio News Broadcasts:
ABC: New Study-Road Debris Crashes; 2016 Politics-Trump; 2016 Politics-Clinton; Trump Tower
CBS: Baltimore-Justice Department Report; Canada-Suspected Terrorist Shot; Rio Olympics-l<atie
Ledecky; 2016 Politics-Clinton; 2016 Politics-Trump; Trump Tower Climber; Guantanamo Bay;
Wall Street.
FOX: 2016 Politics-Trump; 2016 Politics-Clinton; Investigation-Female Jogger Deaths; Rio
Olympics-Katie Ledecky; Grim Sleeper Serial Killer-Death Penalty; California-Wildfires; PortugalWildfires; Wall Street.
NPR: 2016 Politics-Trump; 2016 Politics-Clinton; Grim Sleeper Serial Killer-Death Penalty; ISILFighter Decline; Rio Olympics-Katie Ledecky; Canada-Suspected Terrorist Shot; France-Epilepsy
Drug Report; Wall Street.
us, India
The "Morning Energy" blog of Politico (8/10, 1.95M) reported the US and India on Tuesday
announced "an expansion of its energy research partnership," that is "dedicated to research into
smart grids and energy storage." Each country "will supply $7.5 million in funding over five years,
and each country's private sector will provide equal matching funds, for a total of $30 million, to
launch a new research collaborative with the new focus." In a statement Energy Secretary Ernest
Moniz said, "Smart grid and storage technology will transform how we produce and consume
electricity, which has the potential to decrease carbon pollution by scaling up renewable energy
deployment .... Working collaboratively with India will accelerate solutions to drive down
technology costs and improve grid resilience and reliability in both countries." The HIii (8/10,
Henry, 651K) reports the two countries "launched the clean energy research project in 2009 and
announced a $50 million investment in solar power, energy efficiency and biofuels research in
2012." The energy storage and smart grid "research represents a new front in the countries'
energy push."
Energy Summit.
The Idaho Falls (ID) Post Register (8/10, Ramseth) reports that at the Intermountain Energy
Summit yesterday, "National Public Radio host Steve Curwood told attendees ... that climate
change is about to become a 'runaway reaction."' The host of "Living on Earth" urged "the 250
power executives and researchers in the room to prioritize zero-carbon energy sources - though
he stopped short of endorsing nuclear energy as part of the solution." Top officials with the Energy
Department "and even two Republican lawmakers ... weighed in on the topic" of climate change.
DOE acting assistant secretary for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy said that
emissions must be reduced "by 80 percent by 2050" in order to stabilize the effects of global
warming. Friedman "praised massive growth of wind and solar development in the U.S. in recent
years as part of the solution." Of the DOE, Friedman said, "When it comes to clean energy in
general, we're just getting warmed up."
"Global Cooling" Scientist Feels Critics Trying To Silence Her.
The Washington Times (8/10, Richardson, 280K) reports a UK scientist who forecasts a "30-year
period of global cooling" based on sun spot activity was offended when critics asked that a press
release explaining her research be withdrawn following a meeting of the Royal Astronomical
Society. The press release was made public on July 9, the same day the conference was held .
Study: Lower Ozone, Particulate
U.S. News & World Report (8/10, 7591<) reports on research by the American Thoracic Society
finding that "reduced airborne levels of ozone and fine particles would also prevent many serious
illnesses and significantly reduce missed days of school and work." The ATS recommended an
eight-hour ozone standard of 0.060 parts per million and a fine particle annual standard of 11
micrograms per cubic meter, both lower than current EPA standards. The ATS said 9,320 lives
could be saved each year by the lower levels. The Los Angeles Times (8/10, Barboza, 4.52M)
reports that the analysis indicated that "reducing ozone and fine particle pollution levels beyond
current federal limits would prevent many thousands of heart attacks' 1 and other serious health
consequences nationwide.
NBC News (8/10, Carroll, 5.08M) provides similar coverage on its website along with
coverage of the local Implications by the Salt Lake (UT) Tribune (8/10, Penrod, 415K), the
Louisville (KY) Courier-Journal (8/10, Bruggers, 349K), the New Orleans Times-Picayune (8/10,
Lipinski, 564K), the Hartford (CT) Courant (8/10, Hladky, 414K), the Cleveland Plain Dealer (8/10,
McCarty, 905K), Mlive (MI) (8/10, Mack, 609K), the Charlotte (NC) Observer (8/10, Henderson,
SSOK), and the Philadelphia Inquirer (8/10, Wood, 586K).
TIME (8/10, 6.62M) reports that 55 groups representing 10 million scientists on Wednesday called
on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to address key science-related policy issues, such as climate
change, vaccinations and public health, in advance of the November election. "This year's election
comes at a pivotal moment for many issues of concern for the scientific community/ TIME
reports, noting that the White House sets funding priorities and directs agencies llke the EPA and
Trump Tells Miners Election ls Their "Last Shot."
During an appearance before miners in Abingdon, Virginia Wednesday, Donald Trump said they
"have one 'last shot,"' and "caution[ed] that the coal industry will be nonexistent if Hillary Clinton
is elected, The Hill (8/10, Hagen, 651K) reported in its "Ballot B0x blog. Trump argued, "It is the
last shot for the miners .... Hillary wi ll be a horror show, and I'll be an unbelievable positive ....
The miners will be gone if she's elected." While Trump "said he wants to focus on all forms of
energy," he said Clinton '"will be worse' than the Obama administration when it comes specifically
to the coal industry."
The AP (8/10, Lederman) reports that at the rally in Abingdon, Trump lamented that coa!
workers don't vote in larger numbers, saying, "You just don't vote. I think it's because you've
been beaten so badly as an industry/' but "you have absolutely nothing to lose."
The Guardian (UK) (8/10, Aldred, 4.42M) reports that research published in the journal Nature on
Wednesday found nearly three-quarters of the world's threatened species faced threats related to
agriculture and over-exploitation, compared to just 19 percent affected by climate change . The
findings come a month ahead of the International Union for Conservation of Nature's annual
summit in Hawaii to set future priorities for conservation . The Washington Post (8/10, Harvey,
10.14M) quotes James Watson at the University of Queensland saying, "When thinking about
climate change, it became obvious to me that we've got to sort out the current problems first ."
For Vox (8/10, 1.08M), David Roberts writes that "the US, along with the other major nations of
the world, has agreed to a simple climate target: Restrain global average temperature rise to no
more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels." According to Roberts, "if the US
government were serious about the 2 degree target, the moratorium on coal leasing would be
total and permanent. No new !eases." In fact, "limiting temperature to 2 degrees entails such a
steep decline in coal that we would have to stop burning it entirely before the coal now leased is
even fully mined."
II .
Analysts: California Should Replace Cur rent Climate Change Legislation With Simple
Carbon Tax.
In an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times (8/10, Wara, Morris, Taylor, 4.52M), Stanford Law associate
professor of energy and environmental law Michael Wara, Brookings Institution senior fellow Adele
Morris, and Niskanen Center president Jerry Taylor, point to the "major roadblock" facing SB 32,
which would extend California's current climate change policy, in particular noting that "many legal
and policy analysts believe the state's cap-and-trade regime is functionally a tax, and that
reauthorizing and extending it requires a two-thirds majority vote of legislators or voters." They
note that there is "off-the-record openness" on the part of some Republicans to support
Democratic carbon tax bills that would replace current climate-change legislation, and argue that
California's state leaders should encourage bipartisan support of such a "simple straight-up carbon
- .!
Galveston Bay Health Graded "C" Due To Pollution, Climate Change Impacts.
The Houston Chronicle (8/10 1 McGuire, 2.53M) reports that the Galveston Bay Foundation and the
Houston Advanced Research Center on Wednesday released the Galveston Bay Report Card, which
for the second consecutive year assigned an overall grade of "C" to the health of the bay. The
Galveston Bay's ecosystem "continues to face monumental challenges from pollution, climate
change and invasive species."
California State Lawmakers
The Los Angeles Times (8/11, Dillon, 4.52M) reports that over the last two weeks 1 a bipartisan
group of California state lawmakers have pushed to the California Air Resources Board's spending
and held an oversight hearing "to see if its greenhouse gas reduction programs are meeting
emission targets. 11 A bill from Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia," would create a formal legislative
committee to vet climate policies and force greater transparency in the agency's decision-making
among other changes."
The Philadelphia Inquirer (8/10, 586K) reports Jersey Central Power & Light on Tuesday "formally
petitioned a state regulatory agency to approve a 10-mile-long high-voltage power line in
Monmouth County that has sparked widespread opposition among residents." JCP&L, in a filing
with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, "said the $111 million project, most of it to be built
along an existing New Jersey Transit rail line, would improve reliability for nearly a quarter million
of its customers in the county." The Inquirer added that the project "largely revives a proposal
made in the early 1990s that was later dropped."
Duke Energy Warns Customers About Scams.
The Orlando (Fl) Sentinel (8/10, 1.1M) reports that on Wednesday 1 Duke Energy cautioned "that
customers are being targeted this summer by scams aimed at collecting payments for monthly
utility bills." A spokesman for Duke "said those behind scams are posing as utility representatives,
setting up bogus automated calling systems and are fooling customer caller identification Into
displaying the number for Duke customer service." Customers that have been targeted
"homeowners, renters, bars and restaurants."
North Carolina Toxicologist Responds To Criticisms From State Officials.
The AP (8/10) reports top North Carolina officials "are telling a string of misleading half-truths
about the safety of well water containing a cancer-causing chemical near Duke Energy coal ash
pits, a veteran state toxicologist said Wednesday," and he went on to charge "that they are the
ones responsible for any resulting fear and confusion." The comments made by toxicologist Ken
Rudo "issued through his attorney came a day after high-ranking state environmental and health
officials blamed Rudo for sowing fear about dangerous chemicals near Duke Energy sites with
'questionable and inconsistent scientific conclusions.'" The "back-and forth" is the most recent
development "in a longstanding dispute over whether water in the affected wells is safe to drink."
Duke Energy Asks South Carolina Customers To Pay Cleanup Costs For Coal Ash.
The Charlotte (NC) Business Journal (8/10, Subscription Publication, 53K) reports, "Duke Energy Is
asking for the first $1.5 mi!lion installment on what to date is a $500 million coal-ash cleanup bill
as part of Duke Energy Progress' proposed 14.5% rate increase in South Carolina." The utility
"filed the $79 million rate case last month with the S.C. Public Service Commission" marking "the
first time Duke has sought regulatory approval to charge customers for the costs of cleaning up
the 34 coal ash ponds it has in the Carolinas, says spokesman Ryan Mosier."
High Temperatures
The Austin (TX) American Statesman (8/10, Subscription Publication, 478K) reports "the
combination of high humidity and extreme temperatures" was so severe yesterday "that the
National Weather Service issued a heat advisory for the Austin metro area for several hours
Wednesday afternoon, when the mercury peaked at 101 degrees at 4 p.m. with a heat index
reading of 109.1' The "persistent heat" impacting "Central Texas this week helped drive recordsetting energy usage across the state, according to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which
manages most of the Texas power grid." According to ERCOT, "the statewide demand for
electricity reached record levels Wednesday, when usage spiked to 70,572 megawatts between 4
p.m. and 5 p.m."
San Bruno Officials Plan To Ask Judge To Appoint Special Monitor To Oversee PG&E.
The San Jose (CA) Mercury News (8/10, Avalos, 922K) reports San Bruno officials warned
Wednesday that Pacific Gas & Electric's criminal conviction on six counts for their actions before
and after the 2010 San Bruno explosion "doesn't mean the embattled utility has learned its
lessons from the catastrophe." City officials plan to ask US District Court Judge Thelton Henderson
to appoint an independent monitor to supervise the utility at the sentencing hearing. San Bruno
City Manager Connie Jackson said, "It's not enough to leave it to PG&E corporate executives to act
appropriately ... We thlnk that PG&E needs independent supervision to oversee its actions."
Column: PG&E Conviction Fails To Hold Anyone Accountable For San Bruno
Explosion. In a column for the Los Angeles Times (8/10, Hiltzik, 4.52M), Michael Hiltzik argues
that the criminal conviction of Pacific Gas & Electric related to the 2010 San Bruno pipeline
explosion "feels like a waste of time and effort,,, as the utility "faces a maximum fine of $3 million,
which is about as much as its parent company collects in revenue every 90 minutes." Hiltzik points
out that none of PG&E's executives were named as defendants in the case, meaning that none can
be jailed, and says the company did not "exude much more than a lip-service level of remorse or
shame." Rather, Hiltzik writes, "the real lesson of the PG&E case is that criminal prosecution of a
corporation is usually a meaningless exercise" as no individuals have been held accountable.
Hiltzik concludes, "even with six criminal convictions on its record, PG&E is almost certain to
continue in business as if nothing has changed."
Editorial: PG&E's Criminal Conviction Is Inadequate. In an editorial, the San Jose (CA)
Mercury News (8/10, 922K) says that while PG&E's criminal conviction over its role in the San
Bruno explosion is "gratifying," it would be better "if the utility showed more actual remorse and
accepted the decision instead of fighting it at every turn" and "admitted at what level the
executive decision was made to put profits before safety." The Mercury-News argues ratepayers
and San Bruno residents "deserve to know what factors were considered and who made the final
Platts (8/10, 2K) reports that ERCOT could set a new all-time peak demand record Wednesday
with forecasts projecting load as much as 950 megawatts above the current record set Monday of
70,169 megawatts. High temperatures across Texas are forecast about 6 degrees above normal
throughout the week.
PGE, Pacific Power "Scrambling"
The Portland {OR) Tribune (8/11, Pahl, 104K) reports that extended federal tax breaks and
Oregon's new law to replace coal with renewable energy "have combined to put new pressure on
local electric utilities to procure more wind and solar power." Portland General Electric and Pacific
Power are "scrambling" to meet the state's higher renewable energy mandates and leverage
federal tax breaks before they expire. "Pacific Power is moving faster on the new mandates than
California Town Considers To Approach To Launching CCA.
E&E Publishing (8/10, Mulkern, Subscription Publication) reports that Solana Beach, California,
"seen as a progressive stronghold" that has "jumped ahead of others regionally on environmental
causes," is considering community choice aggregation. Solana Beach is considering having a
private company put up money to help launch the program and in return pay the investor group
part of the revenues from CCA. Solana Beach "would be the first in the county, and potentially the
first in the state, to do so."
Explosion, Gas-fueled Fire Leaves 24 Injured
In Maryland.
The USA Today (8/11, 6 .54M) reports that a three-alarm fire in Silver Spring, Maryland left 24
people injured and 90 displaced. The fire was fed by natural gas and an explosion was evident.
. .
' ,.
' ... ,.
. ... --
The "Morning Energy" blog of Politico (8/10, 1.95M) reported that in a filing with the SEC, NRG
Energy said the "federally backed Ivanpah solar project in California" during the last quarter,
,- produced "enough electricity to Pacific Gas and Electric under a performance extension state
regulators gave the project in March." The blog reported that "until recently, the world's largest
solar thermal plant had failed to live up to its expectations since coming online in 2014."
Nevada's Move Could Lead To Shift Away From Government Support For Solar Energy.
Fox News (8/10, 10.99M) reports taxpayers in Nevada "have spent millions subsidizing
homeowners who install rooftop solar panels - but that's about to end." The state, in a
controversial decision, "is phasing out that subsidy over the next 12 years, a move being met with
protests, lawsuits and even a failed bid to put the issue before voters." The state supreme court
last week "ruled that a referendum from solar activists challenging the decision would not be
allowed on the November ballot." The "changes and challenges" are ''now being watched carefully
by other states and the solar industry as a whole - as it could signal a shift away from
government support for solar energy."
The Washington Examiner (8/10, 356K) reports green groups claimed victory yesterday "over a
Southwest power company that tried to push up rates for customers who use rooftop solar
panels." The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission granted approval to "a settlement between
solar customer advocates and a subsidiary of Minnesota-based utility giant Xcel Energy that would
cap the fees the company can charge customers with solar panels." The environmental groups
said that under the agreement the "solar surcharge 11 by Southwestern Public Service Co.'s "will be
stopped or reduced."
Sierra Club Highlights Cities Leading Clean Energy Transition.
TIME (8/10, 6.62M) reports on a new Sierra Club report highlighting large and small cities "leading
the charge on the country's transition to clean energy, 11 motivated by concerns that range from air
pollution to job creation. Addressing climate change "is often not the reason that cities accelerate
their push to clean energy, according to the Sierra Club/' which points out that San Diego
committed to clean energy to boost the city's clean tech sector, while Georgetown 1 Texas cited
cheap wind and solar power prices. Jodie Van Horn, director of the Sierra Club's Ready for 100
campaign said that "no two cities will do this for the same reasons or get there the same ways.'
Reuters (8/10) reports that bankrupt SunEdison yieldcos TerraForm Power and TerraForm Global
said they would delay filing their Q2 earnings reports. Both yieldcos also have yet to file their
annual reports for the year 2015 and Q1 of 2016. TerraForm Power and TerraForm Global said in
their regulatory filings that they had Identified "material weaknesses' 1 in their internal controls
over financial reporting due to SunEdison.
Maryland Solar Co-op Aims To Promote Solar Installations.
The Washington Post (8/10, Lerner, 10.14M) reports that the Montgomery County Solar Co-op, a
group organized by the Community Power Network and MD Sun, aims to help educate residents
about solar panels and organize group solar installations. "Homeowners can also receive a 30
percent tax credit for installing solar energy. 11
China's LeEco To Invest $1.8 Billion To Build Electric Car Plant.
The Wall Street Journal (8/10, Subscription Publication, 6.51M) reports that China's LeEco plans to
invest 12 billion yuan ($1.8 billion) to build a plant in China to produce "smart, internet-connected
electric cars." The plant will have an annual production capacity of 400,000 battery-powered
vehic!es1 according to a company statement Wednesday. LeEco did not say when construction
would start or production would commence.
Tesla Owner In China Blames Autopilot For Collision.
USA Today (8/10, Berney, 6.54M) reports that the owner of a Tesla Motors Model S sedan in
Beijing told Reuters his vehicle crashed into a parked car on the side of a highway while the
vehicle's Autopilot system was engaged. Luo Zhen criticized Tesla for allegedly describing the
vehicle as "self-driving." Tesla saic:IWednesday in a statement that the driver, "whose hands were
not detected on the steering wheel, did not steer to avoid the parked car and instead scraped
against its side," adding that "Autosteer is an assist feature that requires the driver to keep his
hands on the steering wheel at all times."
Nuclear Fuel.
The Aiken (SC) Standard (8/9, 42K) reports, in continuing coverage, that the Savannah River Site
Citizens Advisory Board "convened Tuesday evening to discuss spent nuclear fuel processing and
mercury use in waste management processes on the Savannah River Site."
Hanford Contractor Augers 80 Vertical Pipe Units.
The Tri-City Herald (WA) (8/10, Cary, 104K) reports that Washington Closure Hanford has
exceeded DOE expectations, "finishing its contract by chewing through 80 waste-filled, vertically
buried pipes" at the 618-10 burial ground on the Hanford nuclear reservation. Mark French,
Department of Energy project director, said, "It could not have gone any better."
SRS Advisory Board Weighs In On Worker Illness Compensation.
Columbia (SC) State (8/10, Fretwell, 316K) reports the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker
Health "expressed frustration Wednesday that the government has failed for years to decide
whether many ex-Savannah River Site employees should be compensated "for illnesses related to
work-relates radiation exposure. At issue is a federal program "many say is so complicated that
deserving workers can't get compensation" due .
Natural Gas Prices Move Slightly Higher On Weather Forecasts.
The Wall Street Journal (8/10, Friedman, Subscription Publication, 6.51M) reports that on
Wednesday, natural gas prices moved slightly higher with weather forecasts for the next two
weeks indicating hot temperatures along the East Coast and Mid-Atlantic, although gains were
capped by an anticipated drop in consumption at the end of summer . Natural gas for September
delivery climbed 0.3 percent, or 0.8 cent, to settle at $2.623 per million Btu on the New York
Mercantile Exchange.
WSJ Survey: EIA Expected To Report 21 Bcf Rise In Gas Inventories.
The Wall Street Journal (8/10, Friedman, Subscription Publication, 6.51M) reports that accordlng
to a Wall Street Journal survey of 17 analysts; traders, and brokers, the EIA is expected to report
a 21 bcf rise in natural gas inventories during the week ending August 5. The average "estimate
for Aug. 5 is lower than the 57 bcf added to storage for the same week last year and a five-year
average build of 53 bcf for that week." If the estimate is correct, inventories would be 12 percent
higher than at the same point one year ago, and 15 percent higher than the five-year average for
the week.
Report: Hedge Funds Overly Bearish On WTI.
The Wall Street Journal (8/10, Sindreu, 6.51M) reports that according to a report by Ned Davis
Research Group, current Inventories of WTI of petroleum products for this time of year are roughly
in line with their average over the past ten years, despite the fact that hedge funds bearish bets
are at their highest levels since January. Ned Davis suggests that this indicates hedge funds are
overly pessimistic regarding oil prices. Ned Davis energy strategist Warren Pies said, "I don't see
the data to support that extreme bearishness," adding, "We have yet to see massive cuts from
refineries ."
Texas Oil Commissioner Sitton Forecasts $60 Oil In 2017, At NAPE Expo.
The Houston Chronicle (8/10, Hunn, 2.53M) reports the North American Prospect Expo, "the
nation's premier conference for buying and selling oil and gas land, opened Wednesday in Houston
to sparse crowds and sweeping discussions of the changing industry." Pine Book Partners
managing director Richard Stoneburner "outlined the evolution of at least a dozen shale plays, and
remained bullish on the future of oil and gas." He sa!d1 "There is risk in every play 1 but much of it
is 'attractively priced."'
The Houston Chronicle (8/10 1 Hunn, 2.53M) reports Texas oil commissioner Ryan Sitton said
Wednesday at the NAPE expo for buying and selling oil and gas land, that oil prices will increase to
$60 per barrel in 2017. Sitton "lauded the historic rise in Texas oil production and the state's role
in the global oil economy/ saying that Texas produces one-third of US oil and "production in the
state grew faster than that of Russia and Saudi Arabia combined during recent years." Sitton also
said 1 "We can move product around this state quicker and more dynamically than anywhere .
.. .Texas can do that better than anyone else in the world.1' Fuel Fix (TX) also carries the article.
Gadfly: "Massive Stress" In Global Oil Supply Chain.
In a "Gadfly" column for Bloomberg Business (8/10 1 Denning, 2.49M) Liam Denning writes about
oil service companies' $110 billion debt wall! saying, "Just as investors are now willing to take
negative yields on trillions of dollars in developed-economy sovereign debt, the premium they
demand for bonds from riskier parts of the globe has shrunk to almost nothing." Denning says,
"There is massive stress throughout the global oil-supply chain, from the likes of relatively small
E&P companies ... to supermajors borrowing to fund massive dividend payments." The oilfield
services industry "faces a $110 billion debt wall in the next five years," according to Moody's, and
"is saying it can't afford to cut prices for its E&P clients any further." He concludes that "For oil
bulls focused on supply," this is hopeful in the short term given that emerging markets which rely
heavily on oil receipts, "account for all of the expected net growth in oil demand next year."
US Clean Fuel Standards Hurt Refiners' Profits, Companies Look To Exports To Escape
Reuters (8/10, Renshaw) reports major refiners including Valero "are on track to pay record
amounts this year for credits to comply with U.S. renewable fuel rules/' blending 10 percent of
biofuel into gasoline and diesel, according to corporate filings, in "a trend that hurts profits and
has some looking to export more to avoid the cost." The rising costs of RINs "have hurt a sector
already struggling with huge global fuel stockpiles." The S&P 1500 index of refining and marketing
companies has decreased 18 percent in 2016, "compared with a 6.5 percent gain for the broader
market. ",The "price of credits has fuel makers like PBF Energy Inc and Valero looking to increase
exports, which are not subject to the regulations, as a way to escape the costs."
Hallador CEO Says Uncertainty
Platts (8/9, 2K) reports Hallador Energy President and CEO Brent Bilsland signaled on Tuesday
that coal producers in the US "have faced a 'perfect storm' of challenges that explain the rash of
bankruptcies in the markets today, including low natural gas pricing, mild winter weather and an
appreciating US dollar." And with "those problems at least partly ebbing away, the number one
problem facing producers is uncertainty" according to Bilsand, who made the comments at the
American Coal Councit's Coal Market Strategies conference.
3rd Circuit Rejects Challenge To State Transcontinental
Reuters (8/10, Bailey) reports on Monday, the 3rd US Circuit Court of Appeals denied "petitions
filed by four environmental groups challenging permits issued by New Jersey and Pennsylvania for
the expansion of a natural gas pipeline." The states "did not act arbitrarily or capriciously in
issuing the permits needed for Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Co to expand its connections
between gas wells in central Pennsylvania with its main pipeline running from Texas to New York
City," according to the court ruling.
Houston Home Sales Decline Nearly Nine Percent In July, Reflecting Oil Industry
The Houston Chronicle (8/10, Sarnoff, 2.53M) reports HoustonMarea home sales decreased 8.8
percent in July, "the most severe decline since last winter and a sign that the economic slump may
finally be catching up with the housing market/' according to the Houston Association of Realtors
on Wednesday. Although the association ''did not pin the decline on one thing, the Houston
economy has been stressed under the weight of low oil prices and employers have cut tens of
thousands of workers." While "still low by historical standards," inventory reached four months in
July, "the highest it's been since the fall of 2012."*
Arkansas Officials Celebrate Start Of New Magellan Midstream Partners Pipeline .
Using information from the Washington Times, The AP (8/10) reports Arkansas Governor Asa
Hutchinson and other top elected officials celebrated the opening of a $200 million Magellan
Midstream Partners pipeline system on Wednesday which "will transport gasoline, diesel and jet
fuel into the state ." The pipeline "became operational on July 5 ... has a capacity to transport
75,000 barrels a day."
Whatcom County, Washington Approved 60-Day Moratorium On Unrefined Fossil Fuel
The AP (8/10) reports the Washington state 1 s Whatcom County Council unanimously approved a
60Mday moratorium on new permit applications Tuesday, for "projects that ship crude oil and other
unrefined fossil fuels out of Cherry Point." The council "says it's needed to protect the public while
the county weighs changes to its landMuse plan that may restrict future crude oil and other exports
out of Cherry Point." Supporters "applauded the move, saying it will protect the public from
dangerous fuel shipments," but, "Others say potential changes to the industrial could hurt jobs
and economic development."
AP Interview:
The AP (8/10, Eggert) reports Michigan's Department of Environmental Quality head Heidi Grether
"says she isn't defined by her past" as a BP lobbyist and she will make decisions with no
"'particular bent' other than protecting the environment and human health." Governor Rick
Snyder's recent appointment of Grether to lead the Department in "the wake of Flint's water crisis
has drawn criticism because of her ties to BP, the company responsible for the disastrous 2010
Gulf of Mexico oil spill." But, Grether told The AP Wednesday that "who I am is a whole lot more
than just my last job," adding "people who 'make assumptions' should first evaluate how she runs
the agency and makes decisions."
Swift Energy CEO, CFO Retire After Company Bankruptcy.
The Houston Chronicle (8/10, Blum, 2.53M) reports Swift Energy's CEO Terry Swift and CFO Alton
Heckaman are "retiring almost four months after the company emerged from Chapter 11
r,- . .bankr~~t-~:."..T~e two "said they will stay in their roles until their replacements are found." Swift
said in a statement, "After over 35 years with Swift Energy, 15 as CEO, I believe now is the right
time for a transfer in leadership .... We have built an Incredibly strong team at Swift Energy, and I
believe the company is better positioned today to drive long-term value than ever before."
Hedge Funds Double Bets Against Oil, Amid Supply Glut Concerns.
The New York Post (8/10, English, 3.28M) reports oil bears are "betting the recent rally is over,1'
with hedge funds "nearly doubled their bets against West Texas Intermediate crude oil over the
last month as prices fell from their June highs in the low $50s," according to Bloomberg data.
Bearish bets "likely reflect traders 1 belief that the supply glut will continue weighing on the
market," despite OPEC's prediction that crude demand would pikcup and talk of "setting new limits
on production to pump up prices." OPEC President Mohammed Bin Saleh Al-Sada said, "The
economies of major oil consuming countries are expected to improve which in turn would augment
oil demand in the coming quarters , especially in preparation for the approaching winter season in
the Northern Hemisphere."
Kansas Commission Institutes
The Wichita (KS) Business Journal (8/10, Subscription Publication) reports the Kansas Corporation
Commission ruled Tuesday that oil drillers in south central Kansas are limited to using only
16,000-barrels per day of saltwater they can inject Into the Arbuckle formation. The Topeka
Capital-Journal "reports that at the KCC updated a March 2015 order in which saltwater
injections ... were limited to 8,000 barrels per day in five specific areas of Harper and Sumner
counties." With information from the Wichita Eagle, the AP (8/10) reports similarly. Commissioner
Pat Apple said, "We've taken action to see that we don1t have the seismic activity we've seen
south of Kansas (mostly in Oklahoma)." The commission's order "said it found that increased
seismic activity is an immediate danger to the publfc health, safety, and welfare."
Louisiana Industry
Platts (8/10, 2K) reports that about 10 lawsuits have been filed against dozens of oil and gas
operators in southern Louisiana alleging that the energy companies have violated the federal
Coastal Zone Management Act by allowing erosion to eliminate Louisiana coastline acreage.
Louisiana Oil and Gas Association President Don Briggs said Wednesday that with weak oi( and gas
prices, the lawsuits are "the kiss of death for drilling in South Louisiana." When drillers consider
operations in Louisiana, "Why would they risk being sued over the various permits that they would
acquire?" Briggs questioned. The story goes on to detail the state and parish lawsuits at issue.
Crestwood Midstream Proposes Downsizing Seneca Gas Storage Project, Opponents
The AP (8/10) reports that a proposal by Crestwood Midstream Partners to downsize a proposed
propane storage facility in the Finger Lakes has not assuaged opponents of the project. Crestwood
Midstream Partners proposed changes to the Seneca Lake project that "include elimination of rail
and truck shipment facilities, no butane storage, and resources to monitor and improve water
quality in the lake." The opposition group Gas Free Sen~ca said in a statement that it is resolved
to stop the project completely, saying it's unsafe and inconsistent with the character of Seneca
Lake communities.
Earthquake With 4.0 Magnitude Hits Central Oklahoma.
The AP (8/1 .0) reports, "Another earthquake has rattled central Oklahoma, but there have been no
reports of damage or injuries." The US Geological Survey "says the earthquake had a preliminary
magnitude of 4.0," and struck Wednesday morning in Luther, roughly 23 miles northeast of
Oklahoma City. The USGS "says the earthquake was widely felt in central Oklahoma and as far
north as Wichita, Kansas.'' The "number of magnitude 3.0 or greater earthquakes has skyrocketed
In Oklahoma, from a few dozen in 2012 to more than 900 last year," and scientists have "linked
the increase to the underground disposal of wastewater from oil and gas production and state
regulators have asked producers to reduce wastewater disposal volumes."
Increased Regulation Could Be Reducing 01</ahoma Earthquakes. USA Today (8/10,
Miller, 6.54M) reports Oklahoma "has been shaken by 448 magnitude-3.0 and greater quakes so
far this year 1 down from the 558 it experienced in the same time frame in 2015,'1 according to
USGS data. USGS geophysicist Robert Williams said, "Increased regulation on wastewater disposal
related to oil and gas extraction could be one reason behind the decline." Although there is "no
one clear answer why Oklahoma experiences more earthquakes than other states," Williams
"thinks the location of many of the wastewater disposal sites, which lay on top of ancient seismic
fault lines, contributes to the trend."
Kemp: Hot Weather,
In a column for Reuters (8/10, Kemp) John Kemp writes that, "Unusually hot weather coupled
with cheap fuel prices caused U.S. power producers to burn a record volume of gas last month to
meet soaring demand for electricity for airconditioning." The heatwave during the second half of
July "sent daily gas burn surging to a record and resulted in a highly unusual summer-time
drawdown in gas stocks in the week ending on July 29." US power producers "generated 4,950
gigawatt-hours from gas-fired units in July, an increase of 9 percent from the previous record set
in Ju!y 2015," according to the EIA. The record gas burn reflects a combination of a structural shift
from coal-fired power to gas-fired, weather and "fuel prices (gas is currently competitive with
other sources of generation)."
Iowa Landowners Ask Court To Stop Dakota Access Pipeline Construction.
The AP (8/10) reports a dozen Iowa landowners are asking a judge to "stop construction on the
four-state Dakota Access oil pipeline until their constitutional challenges are heard," according to
state court documents filed Tuesday in Des Moines. Their attorney, Bill Hanigan, "says the Iowa
Utilities Board misinterpreted a 2006 state law that bans agricultural land from being taken for
private projects via eminent domain." Hanigan adds that "the board's finding that the pipeline
benefits Iowa residents and makes them safer is 'cover to facilitate the naked transfer of private
property from Iowa's politically disfavored farmers to favored big oil companies.m
Rincon Island LP Files For Bankruptcy To Avoid Paying For Remediation
Of Its Wells.
The Wall Street Journal (8/10, Gleason, Subscription Publication, 6.51M) reports oil and gas
company Rincon Island filed for bankruptcy protection Monday block the emergency order from
California's Natural Resources Agency which would have forced forcing the company to pay for
extensive remediation on its idle properties amid environmental concerns. In a letter, California
Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson urged her state to close Rincon's facility completely and criticized
the company's lack of progress in addressing safety concerns. The Natural Resources Agency also
said Rincon hasn't shown meaningful progress.
1 ..
. . . . .. . . .
Bloombe:g ~e~s (8/10, Carroll, 2.49M) reports Chesapeake Energy agreed to give its Barnett
Shale holdings to a First Reserve-backed Saddle Operating, according to a statement, "exiting the
birthplace of the shale revolution to escape almost $2 bil!ion in onerous pipeline contracts."
Leaving the gas fields will "slash Chesapeake's shipping and processing costs by $715 million
between now and the end of 2017 and eliminate a total of $1.9 billion in long-term pipeline
agreements" Company shares "jumped more than 6 percent."
Continuing Coverage: Energy East Pipeline Requires First Nations Consent, Saint John
Mayor Neutral Towards TransCanada's Project.
CBC (CAN) (8/10, 305K) reports TransCanada says it will "strive to reach consent" with First
Nations on the proposed Energy East pipeline, according to company VP John Van der Put in a
statement Wednesday, during the third day of the National Energy Board public hearings in Saint
John. Van der Put said, "Energy East respects the legal and constitutional rights of aboriginal
communities." said Van der Put. A three-member NEB panel, "tasked with deciding the fate of the
controversial proposal that would see Alberta crude shipped 4,500 kilometres to a marine terminal
in Saint John, is holding public hearings across the country." Mayor Don Darling told CBC's
Information Morning Saint John on Wednesday the city is "not saying we're against it and we're
not saying we're 100 per cent for it ... we have many questions to ask ... and once we've heard all of
the answers that TransCanada makes, we'll make an informed decision."
Continuing Coverage: Saskatchewan
Husky Oil Spill Into River.
Town Improvises
CBC {CAN) (8/10, Heroux, 305K) reports the city of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan "has partially
lifted water restrictions in the city, after a Husky Energy pipeline leaked roughly 200,000 litres of
oil and diluting agents into the North Saskatchewan River" in July. In the days after the spill,
Prince Albert city officials decided to install a 30-kilometer hose as an alternative water source to
the city. Although there is less than 90 days before the waterlines may be susceptible to freezing
from temperature drops, City Manager Jim Toye says he is not worried, "I think we're also going
to try and be as innovative as we can when it comes to the winter source."
Shell Declares Force Majeure On Gas Supplies To Nigeria LNG Facility.
Reuters (8/10, Vukmanovic) reports that a Shell spokesman said that the company declared force
majeure on gas supplies to its Nigeria Liquefied Natura! Gas export facility on Bonny Island on
August 8. According to the spokesman, the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria, a
joint venture with Nigeria's NNPC, made the decision after discovering a leak in a pipeline used to
supply "the bulk of its gas to NLNG." NLNG "is owned by NNPC, Shell, Total and Eni." Bloomberg
News (8/10, Burkhardt, Bala-Gbogbo, 2.49M) reports Shell spokeswoman Natasha Obank said,
"The pipeline has been shut down for a joint investigation visit into the cause of the leak and
repairs." Spokesman Charles Okon added that "alternative sources of gas supply have enabled
Nigeria LNG to continue production and loading" at its Bonny Island plant.
Nigerian Protesters Block Escravos Entrance, Demand Jobs, Housing.
Reuters (8/10) reports that on Wednesday, Nigerian protesters blocked the entrance to Chevron's
Escravos tank farm in the country's Niger Delta region, demanding jobs and housing. Collins
Edema, a youth and protest leader in the Ugborodo Itsekiri community in Delta state,
"said ... [Chevron] previously promised to create jobs for young people from the impoverished area
and also provide new accommodation after housing next to the depot had been 'destroyed' due to
Chevron's activities." Edema said the "protest will continue until Chevron listens to our demands.
We at Ugborodo are urging other Itsekiri communities to follow suit and shut down Chevron
activities in our communities." Reuters said it is unclear if production had been affected. Chevron
confirmed that a protest had occurred, "but did not say whether oil production had been affected.
Chevron said in a statement, "We continue to engage with the protesters and other key
community leaders and stakeholders, including the Delta State Government, and hope for a
resolution of the situation shortly."
Refinery Strikes Caused French Industrial
Reuters (8/10) reports that on Wednesday, figures from France's INSEE official statistics agency
showed that industrial production in the country unexpectedly fell 0.8 percent from May to June,
largely as a result of nationwide strikes that !ed to a decline in refinery activity . 22 economists
polled by Reuters had forecast French industrial production to rise by an average of 0.1 percent.
France's refinery sector fell by 12.4 percent, "INSEE said, following a 21 percent decrease the
previous month, as strikes at Total's refineries disrupted production."
OPEC: Saudi Oil Production Rises To July Record, Global Demand Forecast Unchanged.
The Wall Street Journal (8/10, Said, Subscription Publication, 6.51M) reports that on Wednesday,
OPEC published data showing its Saudi Arabia's oil output rose to a July record of 10.67 milfion
bpd in the month as the kingdom continued to resist pressure to ratchet down production as it
continues to bet low oil prices will force other oil exporters to cut their output. In its monthly
report, OPEC said Saudi production was 30,100 bpd higher than at the same point one year
earlier. Meanwhile, total OPEC also increased its forecast for global oil demand growth for 2016 by
30,000 bpd from last month 1 raising it to 1.22 million bpd. The cartel left its 2017 oil demand
forecast unchanged at growth of 1.15 million bpd. Non-OPEC production is expected to fall 79,000
bpd this year and 150,000 bpd in 2017. Bloomberg News (8/10, Wilkin, Smith, 2.49M) adds that
Iranian production "has risen to 3.85 million barrels a day - the highest since 2008 - according to
comments from Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh reported by the Fars news agency." Natixis
SA analyst Abhishek Deshpande said that the surge in Saudi production "only gives one signal to
the markets, that the Saudis are not here to scale back, especially in the face of Iranians bringing
more oil to the market."
Meanwhile, Reuters (8/10 1 Lawler) reports that OPECsaid in its report that "the short-term
outlook for non-OPEC supply in 2016 is being revised up due to the recovery in Canadian oil
production following the vast wildfire in Alberta and rising rig counts In the U.S. for four
consecutive weeks ." Using figures collected from secondary sources, "OPEC pumped 33.11 million
bpd in July, up 46,000 bpd from June/' and the highest level since at least 2008, according to a
review of past reports. OPEC also "backtracked from earlier predictions supply and demand would
rebalance in 2016." Bloomberg News (8/10, Smith, 2.49M) reports that "consumption will pick up
in the Northern Hemisphere as winter approaches, reversing some of the discount on oil prices for
immediate delivery and whittling away the excess in inventories, OPECforecast."
Saudi Aramco Appoints Sovereign Wealth Fund Head To Board.
Reuters (8/10) reports that Saudi Aramco has appointed Yasir al-Rumayyan, managing director of
Saudi Arabia's top sovereign wealth fund, to its board "in a sign .that the two institutions plan to
cooperate closely to restructure the economy in an era of low oil prices." Aramco's website was
updated to show Rumayyan was a new board member, but did not provide explanation, while "two
sources familiar with the matter told Reuters that Rumayyan had replaced telecommunications
minister Mohammed al-Suwaiyal on the board,"
Iran Expects $25 Billion In Deals With Foreign Firms Within Two Years.
Bloomberg News (8/10, Wilkin, 2.49M) reports on Tuesday, Iranian oil ministry news service
Shana, reported that National Iranian Oil Co managing director Ali Kardor expects foreign oil firms
to sign more than $25 billion in deals within the next two years under the terms of Iran's recently
approved contract model. 34 foreign firms have been identified by NIOC as suitable bidders
through its new mode!, while "also seeking investments under existing models, he said." Kardor
said that 12 to 13 fields have been identified as a priority for the first round of investment. Eni and
Total are among major European oil firms that "have expressed an interest in developing Iran's oil
and gas fields."
Northern Iraq Oil Well Blown Up, North Oil Says Likely Sabotage.
Reuters (8/10, Chmaytel!i) reports, "A wel! that pumps oil from the Kirkuk fields in northern Iraq
was blown up on Wednesday, setting some production facilities on fire/ according to an official
from Iraq's North Oil Company, Firefighters "were still at work to contain the fire at the well that
pumps 2,500 barrels per day" and the explosion "happened in the early hours of Wednesday, most
likely caused by sabotage/ the official added. The well is under Kurdish peshmerga fighters
control "that are taking part in the war on Islamic State."
Gazprom Reports Decline In First Quarter Profit.
The Wall Street Journal (8/10, Marson, Subscription Publication, 6.51M) reports that Gazprom
announced Wednesday that its net profit fell five percent in the first quarter of this year, falling to
$5.6 billion, or 362 rubles, amid falling prices in its lucrative European contracts and rising
expenses. Compared to last year, the company's sales volumes to Europe rose by 49 percent in
the quarter, but revenues from those sales climbed just 22 percent, as average prices fell. Reuters
(8/10) reports that despite the decline, Gazprom's net profit slightly outperformed "the average
analyst forecast of 361.2 billion rubles." Gazprom's first-quarter revenue climbed five percent
year-over-year to reach $26.9 billion, or 1.74 trillion rubles. Separately, Reuters (8/10) adds that
the firm "may exceed its 2016 European gas export plan due to strong demand, a fall in Dutch
output and slow U.S. gas exports to Europe, an official with the company told a conference call on
The Financial Times (8/10 1 Seddon, Subscription Publication, 1.38M) reports similarly.
Serbian Oil Firm NIS Reports First Half Decline In Net Profit.
Reuters (8/10) reports that on Wednesday, Serbian oil firm NIS reported that its first-half net
profit fell 38 percent, dropping to 3.1 billion dinars from five billion dinars in the same period last
year. NIS, majority owned by Gazprom Neft, "operates two refineries and produces oil and gas
totaling 1. 7 million tonnes of oil equivalent per year, operating fields in Serbia, Angola and
Bosnia." The firm reported its market share rose to 43 percent, a one percent rise.
US, Four European Countries Urge Libya To Implement
The Wall Street Journal (8/10, Dalton, Subscription Publication, 6.51M) reports that the US,
France, Germany, the UK, and Italy have signed a statement urging Libyan militants to implement
a cease-fire near the Zueitina oil facility and three other facilities, warning that damage to the
facilities could threaten efforts to stabilize Libya's economy. Conflicts over Libya's oil have grown
since the National Oil Co, controlled by the country's UN-backed government, merged with a rival
oil company from the east in July, The country's Petroleum Facilities Guard had prepared to
resume exports from the facilities, but commanders aligned with eastern factions have threatened
to attack tankers arriving to accept oil shipments authorized by the UN-backed government. The
Western governments said, "Control of all installations must return without preconditions,
reservations or delay to legitimate national authorities."
Reuters (8/10) reports that "In a statement released by the French foreign ministry, the six
Western powers expressed their support for efforts by the GNA to 'find a peaceful solution to the
disruptions affecting energy exports in Libya. 111 The Western countries added that "the Government
of National Accord must work with the National Oil Corporation to relaunch oil production in order
to rebuild Libya's economy." The AP (8/10) adds that "Libya announced last month the reopening
of the country's vital oil terminals after 18 months of closure, despite threats by a rival military
commander that his forces could target tankers entering Libya's territorial waters."
Libyan Oil Production Falls To 207,000 Bpd. The Financial Times (8/10, Raval,
Subscription Publication, 1.38M) reports that Mustafa Sanalla, chairman of Libya's national oil
company, announced Libyan oil production has fallen to 207,000 bpd, down from 1.6 million bpd
before Muammar Gaddafi was disposed in 2011.
Turkey, Russia Discuss Working To Resolve Conflict In Syria.
Reuters (8/10) reports that in a Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Turkey is
working to build a "strong mechanism" with Russia to develop a solution to the ongoing conflict in
Syria and was set to send a delegation of foreign ministry, military, and intelligence officials to
Russia for talks on Wednesday. He "also said that President Vladimir Putin had said Russia would
lift embargos on Turkish products and that, if needed, additional agreements would be signed to
ensure work goes ahead on the TurkStream gas pipeline project."
Venezuela Crude Production Down 0.25 Pct In June From Prior Month.
Reuters (8/10 1 Gupta) reports Venezuelan crude output "was down 0.25 percent in June,
compared to the previous month, at 2.364 million barrels per day," according to OPEC's
Venezuelan data. Venezuelan crude production has fallen 11 percent since the end of 2015,
"exacerbating an economic crisis in a country that relies on crude for 94 percent of foreign
income." The decline in Venezuela's production contrasts with OPEC's, which in July hit a record
high. PDVSA President and Venezuelan oi! minister Euioglo del Pino "said last month that the
production decline was a result of electrical problems and failures in some upgraders."
Venezuela's Maduro Says He Discussed Boosting Oil Prices With Saudi Arabia's King.
Bloomberg News (8/10, Nussbaum, 2.49M) reports Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro "said he
spoke to Saudi Arabia's king about boosting oil prices and is reaching out to the heads of state of
fellow producers Russia, Iran and Qatar as his country reels under the crude crash." On state-run
televslon Tuesday night, Maduro said the county is looking to stabilize prices with the long term
goal of having crude oil prices at $70 per barrel.
Analysis: Argentina "Making Strides" In Opening Up To Foreign Investment.
Reuters (8/10, Misculin, Otaola) reports Argentina is "making strides in opening up its economy to
foreign investment after years of hostility to free enterprise but still has a way to go to catch up to
some of its market friendlier neighbors," according to investors. President Mauricio Macri "told a
Reuters Summit event on Argentina this week that progress is being made, pointing to
multinationals that he said were kicking off capital spending plans after economic uncertainty
during the ~res;d~ncy of Cristina Fernandez." Reuters writes, "There is no question that Macri's
moves to cut a deal with holdout bondholders from the country's 2002 default, ditch capita!
controls, let the peso float and even depoliticize the government's infamously unreliable economic
statistics agency, have won applause from many investors and attracted a tide of short-term
foreign Inflows."
UK's Theresa May Calls On Argentina To Lift Falklands Oil Exploration Restrictions.
The Guardian (UK) (8/10, Editor, Goni, 4.42M) reports, in a letter to Argentina President Mauricio
Macri, UK Prime Minister Theresa May has "called on Argentina to discuss running more flights to
the Falkland Islands and lifting its restrictions on oil exploration in the area." In the letter "largely
welcomed in Argentina," May wrote: "It is my sincere hope that, where we have differences, these
can be acknowledged in an atmosphere of mutual respect .... This includes making progress
towards new air links between the Falkland Islands and third countries in the region and the
removal of restrictive hydrocarbons measures." Argentina's foreign minister Susana Malcorra "said
later that London and Buenos Aires had been discussing the issue of flights for three months," in
addition to the hydrocarbons issue.
BHP Hits Gas At First Deepwater
Upstream Online (8/10, 20K) reports BHP Billiton "hit natural gas at the first deep-water well ever
drilled offshore Trinidad & Tobago and is now drilling ahead on a second deep wildcat." Trinidad
and Tobago's Newsday (8/10) reports BHP Billiton President Petroleum Steve Pastor said, "While
the focus of our program is a commercial oil discovery, we are encouraged by the results of the
first well in our TT exploration campaign, Le- Clerc." Pasto added, "The results will help BHP
Billiton's plans to further appraise the basin, as part of our extensive TT exploration program." The
Leclerc well is the "first of three deep water wells in the southern region of TI and forms part of
the BHP's planned eight well deep water program in this area."
Oil Prices Fall After EIA Data Shows Higher Inventory
The Wal! Street Journal (8/10, Friedman, Subscription Publication 1 6.51M) reports that on
Wednesday, oil prices fell following the release of EIA data showing a 2.5 million barrel rise in
crude oil and refined products inventories in the week ending August 5, rising to 1.39 billion
barrels. Crude inventories rose 1.1 million barrels, compared to forecasts of an 800,000 barre!
decline, according to analysts surveyed by the Wall Street Journal. WTI for September delivery fell
2.5 percent, or $1.06, to settle at $41.71 per barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, while
Brent fell 2.1 percent, or $1.03, to settle at $44.05 per barrel.
EIA: US Crude Inventories
Reuters (8/10) reports that on Wednesday, the EIA said that US crude inventories rose by 1.1
million barrels last week, compared to analysts' forecasts of a one million barrel decrease. While
crude inventories rose, "gasoline stocks fell 2.8 million barrels, the second-biggest weekly draw
since mid-April, compared with expectations in a Reuters poll for a 1.1 rnil!ion-barrel drop." Fuel
Fix (TX) (8/10, Blum, 7K) reports that the EIA said, "U.S. crude oil inventories are at historically
high levels for this time of year," while "total motor gasoline inventories decreased by 2.8 million
barrels last week, but are well above the upper limit of the average range." Now that the busiest
part of the summer driving season has pa~-sed,-refineries are slowing production and "the amounts
of refined gasoline and other fuel products in storage are beginning to fall."
New York Subsidy Plan Seen As Breathing New life Into FitzPatrick Plant.
E&E Publishing (8/10, Behr, Rahim, Subscription Publication, 705) reports that the sale of
Entergy's FitzPatrick power reactor in upstate New York to Exelon for $110 million, "is the first
time the price tag of a U.S nuclear power plant has explicitly included a value for its carbon-free
electricity output." Analysts were uncertain about how valuable the deal may be for Exelon, saying
it depended on what happens to wholesale electricity prices in New York and reactor operating
costs over the next dozen years, or so. The sale's value to New York residents is even harder to
quantify, since it hinges "on how the public values the carbon-free electricity FitzPatrick produces,
and the upstate jobs and investment that would have been lost had FitzPatrick been shuttered."
Paul Patterson, an analyst with Glenrock Associates LLC, said the deal, "clearly shows the power of
the subsidy/' noting that FitzPatrick, "without the subsidy, was heading for the graveyard. And it's
been given a reprieve."
The Rochester (NY) City Newspaper (8/10, Maule, 154K) reports that the $110 million sale
would mean that Exelon would own all three of Upstate nuclear plants, even as "all three are
struggling.If All three have "been losing money, though the dual-reactor Nine Mile Point in Oswego
has reportedly fared better than Ginna and FitzPatrick." The financial losses are "owed to fracking
and New York's competitive electricity market" after it has "generated a glut of inexpensive fuel
for the state's natural gas-fired power plants, and new plants have been coming online." The
plants are driving down the prices and Upstate's nuclear plants "haven't been able to charge
enough to cover operating costs, let alone turn a profit."
The Washington Examiner (8/10, Adams, 356K) adds that Exelon said it will remain focused
on "advancing policy and market reforms to preserve nuclear plants facing economic challenges as
a result of sustained low natural gas prices and policies that do not value nuclear for its reliability
and zero-carbon benefits." Exelon CEO Chris Crane also "said the company will begin investing
$25 billion on critical infrastructure, smart grid technology and other improvements to enhance
grid reliability and customer service."
Florida Regulators Approve $51.7 Million Cost Recovery For Closed Crystal River Plant.
The Tampa Bay (FL) Times (8/10 1 Stockfisch, 840K) reports in its "The Buzz" Florida politics blog
that the "average Duke Energy customer in Florida will pay roughly $1.57 a month next year in
costs relating to the shuttered Crystal River nuclear power plant." The state Public Service
Commission "agreed at its annual Nuclear Cost Recovery Clause hearing Tuesday that a request
for $51.7 million by the utility was 'reasonable and prudent."' The money was "spent on planned
upgrades to the plant before damage was discovered in 2009 and the plant was shut down in
2013." Duke customers are currently "paying $1.76 on the average 1,000-kilowatt-hour bill for
Crystal River costs," after the PSC last year approved cost recovery of $56.5 million. "Next year,
customers will be paying about 19 cents a month less."
Judge Orders DOE To Release Nuclear Waste Documents.
The AP (8/10) reports that a federal judge has "ordered the U.S. Department of Energy to make
available to the court documents sought by former Idaho Gov. Cecil Andrus involving nuclear
waste shipments to eastern Idaho." Monday, US District Court Judge B. Lynn Winmlll ordered DOE
to produce the documents "within a week so Winmill can determine whether to make them
public." Andrus filed a \'lawsuit in September" after DOE officials responded to his previous
Freedom of Information Act request with pages of blacked out documents. Andrus is seeking
information about "several hundred pounds" of spent commercial nuclear fuel shipped to the Idaho
National Laboratory that "require a waiver to a nuclear waste agreement the Energy Department
and Idaho signed in 1995."
Exelon Uncertain About Three Mile Island's Future.
Bloomberg News (8/10, Polson, 2.49M) reports that amid Exelon's negotiations to keep \\some of
its nuclear reactors" while planning to close others due to competition from cheap natural gas, '\its
most notorious plant remains in limbo: Three Mile Island." After Three Mile Island failed to win
contracts in the last two regional auctions for electric generating capacity, Exelon CEO Chris
Crane, said the company is considering steps that might stem losses at the plant, where only one
reactor has operated since 1979, "when Unit 2 partially melted down during the worst accident in
the history of U.S. commercial nuclear energy."
Oak Ridge {TN) Today (8/11) reports that BES Technologies LLC recently received DOE's ServiceDisabled Veteran-Owned Small Business of the Year award. BES Technologies is in its fourth yec;1r
as a protege to Consolidated Nuclear Security which was recognized at last year's awards
ceremony as DOE's Small Business Mentor of the Year.
Things' as a mashup of Goonies and X~Files with some amazing 80s music mixed in, the show's
portrayal of the Energy Department was a little less than accurate." Lester's "first issue was that
the Hawkins National Laboratory in the fictional television show didn't actually exist" and he "also
complained that the show inaccurately had department scientists exploring parallel universes,
which isn't possible." He said, "While the Energy Department doesn't chart parallel universes, it
does help power the exploration of new worlds. We're talking outer space, not the bizarre cosmos
in 'Stranger Things."'
The Washington Examiner (8/10, 356K) reports Lester went on to say, '"Stranger Things'
depicts the Energy Department as a federal agency confronting terrifying monsters lurking in
different dimensions .... We don't mess with monsters, but the Energy Department is in the
business of detecting invisible dangers ."
Chicago To Launch New Center For Upstart Manufacturers.
The Chicago Tribune (8/10, Marotti, 2.54M) reports that the city of Chicago, in partnership with
maker haven Catalyze Chicago, is launching a new hub for manufacturers. The center will be
equipped with everything a maker needs to create and prototype a product and "eventually will
bring industry experts, mentors, universities and other incubators under one roof." Catalyze
founder Bill Fienup said that the goal is to "really lower the barrier of entry to physical product
development, and give entrepreneurs the tools, the equlpment, the mentorship, the
manufacturing connection they need to turn their ideas into businesses." Additional partners
include Chase, GE Ventures, Argonne National Laboratory, and UI Labs.
Fortune (8/10, 7.04M) reports that Varentec, a developer of algorithms and smart grid equipment
for utilities, has raised millions of dollars from billionaire Bill Gates, Silicon Valley investor Vinod
Khosla, and the venture capital arm of conglomerate 3M. Power grid companies and utilities such
as Opower and Hawaiian Electric "have been looking to add computing technology, software,
sensors, and wireless networks to all aspects of power grid infrastructure." Varentec received a $5
million grant from DOE's ARPA-E program several years ago.
Boston Sports Roundup.
Red Sox. The Boston Globe (8/10, 1.14M) reports the Red Sox bullpen allowed five runs in the
seventh and two in the eighth in a 9-4 loss to the Yankees on Wednesday night. The Sox were
up 4-1 through five innings .... The Boston Herald (8/10, 452K) reports knuckleballer Steven
Wright has been replaced by Clay Buchholz for Thursday's start after Wright injured his
throwing shoulder "following a pinch-running adventure Sunday ... against the Dodgers."
Patriots. The Boston Herald (8/10, 452K) reports special teamer Nate Ebner will leave Rio
without an Olympic medal after the US men's rugby team was eliminated from medal
contention following a 24-19 loss to Fiji. The loss came despite Ebner scoring "late in the
- .
PRESIDENTOBAMA - The First Family continues vacation on Martha's Vineyard, MA, with no
public events scheduled.
VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN - In Southampton, NY, with no public events scheduled.
MICHELLEOBAMA - The First Family continues vacation on Martha's Vineyard, MA, with no
public events scheduled.
DR. JILL BIDEN - In Southampton, NY, with no public events scheduled.
US Senate: 1 :30 PM Senate Transportation Committee field hearing on Surface Transportation
Board reauthorization - Field hearing on 'Freight Rail Reform: Implementation of the Surface
Transportation Board Reauthorization Act of 2015', with testimony from POETVice President of
Distribution and Business Development Michael Skuodas; South Dakota Corn Growers Association
Vice President Troy Knecht; Missouri River Energy Services CEO Tom Heller; CHS Vice President of
Transportation and Terminal Operations Dan Mack; and Surface Transportation Board Chairman
Daniel Elliott III, Vice Chairman Deb Miller, and member Ann Begeman. Location: Carnegie Town
Hall, 235 W 10th St, Sioux Falls, SD Sioux Falls , Contacts: Senate
Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation press 1 202 224 4546.
US House: House Ethics Committee self-imposed deadline to announce update on GOP Rep.
Roger Williams - House Committee on Ethics due to announce its course of action on the matter
regarding Republican Rep. Roger Williams - which was referred to the Committee by the Office of
Congressional Ethics in May - on or before today* Matter was extended in June, although with
the Committee noting that the extension 'does not Itself indicate that any violation has occurred,
or reflect any judgment on behalf of the Committee' * Reasons for investigations are generally
I kept secret, although he has reportedly been accused of a conflict of interest over his ownership of
an auto dealership and his involvement in an amendment to a bill on car recalls. Location : TBD
. Contacts: House Ethics Committee 1 202 225 7103 .
Othe r: 10:00 AM Democratic Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton hosts annual Job Fair. Location:
Washington Convention Center, 800 Mount Vernon Place NW, Washington, DC
Contacts: Ana Sylvia Berrios-Vasquez
Office of Rep. Holmes Norton 1 202 408 9041.
Copyright 2016 by Bullet in Intelligence LLC Reproduction or redistribution without permission prohibited.
Content is drawn from thousands of newspapers, national magazines, national and local television programs, radio
broadcasts, social-media platforms and additional forms of open-source data. Sources for Bulletin Intelligence
audience-size estimates include Scarborough, GfK MRI, comScore, Nielsen, and the Audit Bureau of Circulation.
Services that include Twitter data are governed by Twitters' terms of use. Services that include Factiva content are
governed by Factiva's terms of use. The Department of Energy News Briefing is publishe'd seven days a week by
Bulletin Intelligence, which creates custom briefings for government and corporate leaders. We can be found on
the Web at, or called at (703) 483-6100.
Herron, Vernon
Newhall, Marissa
Alas, I still haven't watched it. So I'm not sure how helpful I can be!
From: Gumbiner,Andrew
From: Sullivan,Sean
Sent:Thursday,August 11, 20168:29 AM
To: Burnham-Snyder,Eben <>;
Newhall, Marissa <Marissa.Newhall@Hq.Doe.Gov>;
Gumbiner, Andrew <Andrew.Gumblner@HQ.Doe.Gov>
Subject: And S1 now knows about Stranger Things
Sean Sullivan
Thursday, Augi.1st11, 2016 9:28 AM
I take umbrageat the notionthat you thinkyou'retheexpertas I havealso seen the wholeshow. Howcvetyou
are our designee for things that arc 11hip 11 and 11cool' 1 and that 11the kids are into," so I'll allow it.
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 9:00:27 AM
To: Sullfvan,Sean;Burnham-Snyder,Eben
Cc: Davis,Christopher
Subject: RE:StrangerThlngs
Soundsgood, I also gavehim a little verbal info and background-0nthe tone ofthe VanityFair article too (as someonewhosseen the
entire sl1owas weU).
I'm proclaimingmyselfthe front offii:eStrangerThingsexpert currently.
From: SulHvan,Sean
Sent; Thursday, August 11, 2016 8:59 AM
To: Fitzmaurice,Kevin<Kevin.Fitzmmirice@Hq.Doe.Gov>;
Bumhum-Snyder,Eben <>
Cc: Davis, Chrislopl1er<Christopher.Davis@Hq.Doe.Gov>
Subject:RE: StrangerThings
----Original Message---
From: Fitzmaurice,Kevin
Sent: Thursday,August l l, 2016 8:58 AM
To: Sullivan,Sean <Sean.Sumvan@Hq.Doe.Gov>;
Burnham-Snyder,Eben <>
Cc: Davis, Christopher<Christopher.Davis@Hq.Doe.Gov>
FYI I just gave S1 the Paul LesterDOE piece as well as the VanityFair short article on StrangerTI1ings.Not sure ifym.tguysare
workinganythingelse up for S {, since S2 asked for a bunch of arddes alreadybut I think he's all set on this end.
Kevin Fitimnuriee
SpecialAssistantto tbeSecretary
Herron, Vernon
From: Lester,Paul
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 12:29:16 PM
Here's the S-l memo. Kudosto J-0Jmfor putting togetherthe show description.
On 8/9116,4:18 PM, "Bumlmm-Snyder,Eben" <>
>Could you twojust do a quick explaineron StrangerThingsfor them? LaRue,Paul was going to give him the trallerlink,and then
maybe additionalinfo on DOE references.
>I can plug in what our near-termplan is and talk to Davis about some longer tenu ideas.
>Eben Burnham-Snyder
>Director,Officeof PublicAffairs
>US Departmentof Energy
Herron, Vernon
Edick,Cole (INTERN}
Sl_Stranger ThingsMemov2
DigitalContent Specialist
usDepartment of Energy
on ABC7& NewsChannel
I @ColbyAnn
1 VA 22209
Hi Colby! Thanks so much for calling earlier today about the Energy Department and the "Stranger Things11
blog post! Sony 1 missed it.
l know you are busy but can you describe what you are planning for your piece and what the deadline is'l '.I11e
reason I ask is we may want to bring in other experts from the Energy Department who could speak more about
the science andwork the agency does as it relates to "StrangerThings."Also, arc youplanningthisas a TV
news segment or is it just for the website'?Thanks for any feedback!
+ Shelley Laver and Matt Schaub in our press office who handle media inquiries.
Thanks again for your interest!
Paul Lester
Digital ContentSpecialist
US Departmentof Energy
Herron, Vernon
FW:Talkabout StrangerThings
Rebecca Kern
Energy Reporter
Cell: -
Twitter: @rebeccamkern
Sent:Wednesday,August 10, 20167:11 PM
To: DOf NEWS<>
Cc: Burnham-Snyder,
Eben <>;Lester>Paul<Paul.Lester@Hg.Doe.Gov>
Subject! Re:Talkabout Stranger Things
Yes- tmrw at 10 arn worksfor me. I can callyou or you can call me at 703-341-3715,
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Eben,
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 4:35 PM
Twitter: @rebeccamkem
I wantedto talk with Paul Lester,or anotherDOE press officer if he's unavailable
today, about the Stranger Things blog post Paul wrote. I'd like to !earn whether
DOE has been getting any emails or calls relatedto the show - and askingabout
whetherHawkinsis an actual lab, as well as other topics broughtup in the show
I'd like to write a blog about this today, if you're able to get back to me by 5 p.m.
Energy Reporter
Herron, Vernon
Thursday,August 11, 2016 11:22AM
Adams, Patrick;Anna, David (NETL);8arendsen,Eric;'Bauer,SusanJ'; Behrmann,David;
Bernard, L; Bonee,Pam;Borchelt,Rick;Boyette, Amy (SRS};Brennan,ShannonA (NE-ID};
Burnham-Snyder, Eben;Callicott,Will; Calvin Ozaki;Cane,Chris;Carter,John (BNl);
Carter,Kandice;Chiri,Toni K.;Danneskiold,Jim; Escudero, Eric(CONTR);Fickel,Louise;
fields, D DrAnn;Geib,Sandra;Genzer,Peter;Giusti,JamesR;Gumbiner,Andrew; Horst;
John; Howard, Matt (ANL;Israeli,Francie;Jackson,Timothy B (NE-ID);Karsjen,Steve;
Keim, David;Khadem,Famaz;Kolter,Greg L; Krauss,Becky;Lammers,Heather (NREL};
Lana Patterson;Larson,Seth; Lee,Melinda; lientz, Amy (LAB);Manning, D; Martinez,
Lauren;Maune, ErnestJ; Metzger, Thomas;Miller, Danielle;Miller, Jeff (tBL); Milone,
Lauren;Moore, Tami L~Morgan, Darwin J; Nerzig, Mat~ Quirke, Brian;Richards,Andrew;
Schaub,Matthew; Seaver,Lynda;Sinclair,Claire;Skeels,JacobA; Sloan,Sarah(NREL);
Stites,Thomas;Stotts, Al; Sullivan,Sean;Taylor,Stephanie;Trunzo,Alisa {CONTR);
Walsh, Kathryn;Warren, John;Wyatt, Steven;Yurkewicz,Katle
localize Stranger ThingsStories
Happy Thursday! Some of you may have noticed the continued interest by the media in the comparison between the
t ,
(b) (5)
t I
I I f
Shelley Laver
Director, LabOutreach
Department of Energy
, ,
t I
i:"t !
f ::",\
Herron, Vernon
From: Burnham-Snyder,Eben
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 11:45 AM
From:Sent: ~,
We'll have a more detailed explanation of what we're doing to leverageInterest arollnd the show ln your book tonight.
To: Sullivan,Sean<Sean.Sul!ivan@Hg.Doe.Gov>
Subject: Stranger Things
It's not true that "the Energy Department doesn't explore parallel universes". We support theoretical physicists/cosmologists
through the Office of Science High Energy Physics program, some of whom almost certainly are doing a fair amount of
research on parallel universes.
Herron. Vernon
Thursday1 August 11, 2016 12:35PM
Sl_Stranger ThingsMemov3.docx
Sullivan,Sean; Larue,John
Director,Officeof Public Affairs
USDepartmentof Energy
Herron, Vernon
Halmha.David Higgins. He's an intelligence analyst. He used do counterintelligenceon nuclear terrorism but
now he focuses 011 one cotmtry. I don't know whic~ one. He also works closely w physicists & travels to the
Jabs & the Vegas desert a lot.Everyone thinks we do the same thing but not even remotely! That's how come I
know that DoE really is the Dept of Stranger Things...
Coral Davenport
Energyand Environment Correspondent
The New York Times
Washington Bureau
1627 I St. NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20006
0 202-862-0359
Twitter @Coralf\.1Davenpol't
Ofcoursel Fut1fact
Energyand EnvironmentCorrespondent
TheNewYork Times
1627I St N\'V,Suite700
Washington,DC 20006
0 202-862-0359
> I preferOverlord.
> Yeah, this is a ftm one. Found out we actually DO have theoreticalphysicistswho work on parallel universe
research!Tryingto figureout a funwayto correct that.
> You watchedthe show? It's awesome.
> -'--OriginalMessage----> From:CoralDavenport[]
> Sent: Thursday,August l I, 2016 12:36 PM
> To: Bumham-Snyder,
> Subject:"Haplesslackey for the dark arts"
> Is probablyhow I shld have describedyou in that old NJ
> profile...(this is prettaygreat!)
> 6/08/energydeP-artment
> CoralDavenport
> Energyand EnvironmentCorrespondent
> TI1eNew York Times
> WashingtonBureau
> 1627I St. NW, Suite 700
> Washington,DC 20006
> 0 202-862-0359
> Twitter@ComlMDavenpo1t
Walsh, Kathryn
Thursday,August 11, 2016 1:04 PM
Edick,Cole (INTERN);
Sanders,Joshunda; Bartol,Bridget;Gumbiner,Andrew;Larue,
SmaUedits but seemslike this should be the final. rusend in shortly unless I hear otherwise.
-----Original Message---From: Edick,Cole (INTERN}
Sent: Thursday,August 11, 2016 11:33 AM
To: Sanders,Joshunda<>;
Walsh, Kathryn <>;Bartol,.Bridget
<>;Gumbiner, Andrew <Andrew.Gumbiner@HQ.Doe.GoV>;
Schaub, Matthew <Matthew.Schaub@Hq.Ooe.Gov>;Geisler, Lindsey
Laver, Michelle <Michelle.Laver@Hq.Doe.Gov>;Sullivan, Sean
Gov>; Burnham-Snyder,Eben<>
Subject; RE:EDITS-WH Report 8/11
Definitely. Reattached.
----Original Message----~
From: Sanders, Joshunda
Sent: Thursday,August 11, 2016 11:28 AM
To: Edick,Cole (INTERN)<Co!>;Walsh, Kathryn <>;Bartol, Bridget
<Bridget>;Gumbiner, Andrew <Andrew.Gumbiner@HQ.Ooe.Gov>;Larue,John
Schaub, Matthew <Matthew .Schaub@Hq.Doe.Gov>;Geisler, Lindsey
Laver,Michelle <Michel!e.Laver@Hq.Doe.Gov>;Sullivan, Sean
Doe.Gov>;Burnham-Snyder,Eben <Eben,>
Subject : RE:EDITS
- WH Report 8/11
No edits from me. It looks like you've got enough good stories, but this one would be good to include in caseyou can fit
one more.
From: Edick,Cole (INTERN)
Subject:RE:EDITSWH Report8/11
Seereattachedwith Shellytsedits and the WIREDpieceon StrangerThings.
-Original Message----From: Walsh1 Kathryn
(b) (5)
http://www.wash! -spokesman-debunks-ne/
Sent: Thursday,August 11, 2016 10:44 AM
To: Walsh,Kathryn<>;
Bartol, Bridget<>;
Gumbiner1 Andrew
larue, John
Schaub,Matthew <Matthew.Schaub@Hq.Doe.Gov>;Geisler, Lindsey
Laver, Michelle <Michelle.Laver@Hq.Doe.Gov>;Sultivan,Sean
ivan@Hq.Doe.Gov>; Burnham-Snyder,Eben <>
Subject: EDITS-WHReport 8/11
Hey all,
Pleasesee the White House report, attached. Edits due by 3 pm.
Herron, Vernon
Thursday, August 11, 2016 2:02 PM
fW: Comment on "StrangerThings"blog post
From: Carr, Rachel(Feinstein)[}
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 1:02 PM
Subject:.Comment on "Stranger Things" blog post
I enjoyed Paul Lester's lively and Informative blog post on the Netflix series ,,Stranger Things," but I must quibble with
the statement that "the Energy Department doesn't explore parallel universes." As a high energy physicist, I know that
there are indeed many DOE-supported projects explorlng theories of multiverses, hidden sectors, extra dimensions, and
so on. The depiction may be a little off, but I'd say the show got this one right!
Best regards,
AAAS Congressional Science Fellow
Office of Senator Dianne Feinstein
Herron, Vernon
lester, Paul
Re: RebeccaKemon StrangerThings
>Andrew Gumbiner
>Press Secretary IOffice of Public Affairs I Department of Energy
>P: 202 -586-8097 IC:
Herron, Vernon
Eben Burnham-Snyder
Director,Officeof PublicAffairs
US Department of Energy
Departmentof Energy
Washington,DC 20585
Eben Burnham-Snyder
Director, Public Affairs
Using Netfiix's "Stranger Things" to highlight work of DOE and its Labs
(b) (5)
Newsweek: h!miLF'-~Y,
Vanity 1air:
Marie Claire:
Cnet http://W\vw,!news/t'ea1-depru1ment-of-energy-spealcs-out-on-stra11gerthings/
Business Inside!':
!' Politico:http:/
Page 2 of2
Herron. Vernon
Director,Officeof PublicAffairs
us Department of Energy
Herron, Vernon
Eben Burnham-Snyder
Director, Office of Public Affairs
US Department of Energy
Herron, Vernon
Thursday,August 11, 2016 5:30 PM
Re:"Stranger Things"newsclip roundup
Subject: 11Stranger Things 11 news dip roundup
looks likewe are gettingsomedecentpresson the "StrangerThingsblogpostincludingGizmodo,CNETand Motherboard
. Also looks
like MSN produceda quick video about it as well. Good sluffl
htto:// /the-ac tual-department-of-energy -spoi ls-stranger- things
http :1/WMv
.busi nessinsider .com/stranger-thi ngs-show-hawkins-lab-doe-facts-2016-8
http:l/www /momi ng-ene rgy/2016/08/the-once-a nd-f uture-energy-secretary-215750
Paul Lester
Digital Content Specialist
US Department of Energy
202-586 -4524
Thursday,August 11, 2016 5:34 PM
Re:Stranger Things
Environment & EnergyPublishing
Desk: 202-446-0410
Mobile: (b)(6)
You're probably sick ofqueries about this show, but can you tell me whether Secretary Moniz has
watched the show? If so, can I interview him about it?
Figured it was wo rth a shot. Thanks!
Enterprise Reporter
Environment & Energy PublTshing,LLC
122 C Street, NW,Suite 722, Washington, DC20001
EnergyWire,C!imateWire,E&EDaily,Greenwlre, E&ENewsPM, E&ETV
Thursday,August 11,20168:19 PM
From:Burnham-Snyder, Eben
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 7:10:11 PM
To: Quinteror Charles; Gumbiner, Andrew; Maas, Carrie
Subject: RE:Photo
From: Gmribiner,Andrew
Subject: RE:Photo
From: Burnham-Snyder,Eben
Sent: Thursday,August 11, 2016 6:34 PM
To: Quintero, Charles<>;Maas,Carrie <Carrie.Maas@Hq;Doe.Gov>
Cc:Gumbiner,Andrew <Andrew.Gumbiner@HQ.Doe.Gov>
Subject: RE:Photo
MINDMA DV 20140905130702.ipg
Subject: RE:Photo
I 3/l 1/l 5/7-ap040727010312-1t 160.Jpg
From: Burnham-Snyder,Eben
To: Maas,Carrie
Cc: Burnham-Snyder, Eben
Subject: RE:Photo
from: Maas,Carrie
Sent: Thursday,August 11, 2016 5:38:38 PM
To: Quintero, Charles
Subject: FW: Photo
Herron, Vernon
Friday,August 12, 2016 12:28 PM
RE:Moniz on 3rd?
Sent: Friday,August 12, 2016 12:25 PM
To: Burnham-Snyder,Eben<Eben.Bumham-Snyder@hq>
Cc:Sullivan,Sean <Sean.Sullivan@Hq.Doe.Gov>
Subject:Re:Monizon 3rd?
is doable?
What'sthe best phone number for you so I have it on hand. I'm workingon moving this to October3rd.
Yes, of course I will gladly check. Is the 3rd 100% doable on your end?
From:Michele Tasoff<>
Sent : Thursday, August 11, 2016 3:55:41 PM
To: Burnham-Snyder,Eben
Subject: Re: Moniz on 3rd?
Hi Eben,
Just so that I have clarity, does October 4th definitely not work for Secretary Moniz now?
I'll check to see ifwe still have October 3rd as a possibility.
Chat soon.
I Michele2
wrote :
Something has come up, as it always does. Any chance we could tape on October 3rdinstead
4th?Hopefullywith this much leadtime that can work?
CulverCity,Ca. 90232
Michele Tasoff
Senior Talent Producer
c/ o SonyStudios
10202 W. Washington Blvd.;David Lean Bldg.
CulverCity,Ca. 90232
Michele Taso
Senior Talent Producer
(b)"(6} ... -~
Michele Tasoff
Senior Talent Pl'oducer
c/ o Sony Sh1dios
Herron, Vernon
Tl1cContractornmstcooperatewith the Departmentin releasingunclassifiedinfomrntionto the public and news media
regardingDOE policies,programs,atHi activitiesrelatingto its effortunderthe contract. The respons1bilitiesunder this clausemust
be accomplishedthroughcoordinationwith the ContractingOfficeraud appropriateDOE publicaffairspersonnelin accordancewith
proceduresdcfmed by the ContractingOfficer.
Tbe Contractoris 1:esponsible
for the development,planning,and coordinationof proactiveapproachesfor the timely
disseminationofunclassifiedinformationregardingDOE activitiesonsite and offsite, including,but not limitedto, operationsand
programs. Proactivepublicaffairs programsmay utilize a varietyof communicationmedia, includingpublic workshops,meetingsor
bearings,open houses,newsletters,press rleases,conferences,audio/visualpresentations,speeches,forums,tours, and other
(c.) The Contractor'sinternalproceduresmust ensure that all releasesofinfonnation to the publicand news mediaare coordinated
through,and approvedby, a marmgementofficialat an appropriatelevelwithinthe Contractor'sorganization.
(e} Unlessprohibitedby law, and in accordancewith proceduresdefinedby the ContractingOfficer,the Contractormust notifythe
ContractingOfficerand appropriateDOE public affairspersonnelof cot11111uuications
or contactswith Membersof Congressrelating
to the effmtperfol'me<l
under the contract.
(g) In releasesof informationto the public and news media,the Contractormust futly and accuratelyidentifythe Contractor's
relationshipto the Departmentand folly and acci1ratelycredit the Departmentfor its role in fundingprogramsand projectsresultingin
scientific,technical,andother achievements,
Clause I.125 DEAR 970.5:2263CommunityCommitment{DEC2000) It is the policy of the DOE to be n consttuctive partnerin the
geographicregion i11which DOEconducts its business. The basicelementsof this policy include: (1) tecognizingthe diverse
interestsoflhe regionand its stakel1olders,(2) engagingregionalstakeholdersin issues and concernsof mutualinterest,and (3)
--------Original message-
Date: 8/12/1611:48 (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: PA would like help ASAPon getting contacts for "Stranger Things" Direct Current Podcast
Thanksso much for trying Peter! It's a bit of a stab in the dark! It's tough finding theoretical physicistsgenerally,and even
tougher to find oneswho haveseen "StrangerThings!"
--------Originalmessage -----
Date: 8/12/1610:54 (GMT-05:00}
DigitalContent Specialist
USDepartment of Energy
u!ckwork everyone!
The internet has dramatlcallyshortened the news cyclethe last few yearsI
Thanksagain for allyour help on this I
Paul lester
USDepartment of Energy
Senti Thursday,August11,2.0163:52PM
JohnT (BHSO);Siebach,Peter;Maune,EmesU
Subject: RE:PAwouldlike helpASAPon gettingcontactsfor "StrangerThings'
From: Lester,Paul{mailto:Paul.tester@Hg.Doe.Gov]
Sent:Thursday,August11, 20163:45 PM
(HQ);Shea, Shannon <>;Eckhardt,Allison<>;
Matthew (HQ)<>
Subject: Re: PAwould !Ikehelp ASAPon getting contacts for nstrangerThlngs0 Direct Current Podcast
Make sense?
USDepartment of Energy
From:"Glynn,Patrick" <Patrick,>
Date:Thursday, August 11, 2016 at 1:55 PM
To: 11Borchelt, Rick11 <>, 11laver, Michelle (HQ)11 <IMCEAEX11
Non e cn=Recipients. cn;;michelle+2Elaver+2Enns5+>, "Shea,Shannon
<>,*'Eckhardt,Allison <>,
n Laver,Michelle
(HQ}"' <IMCEAEX-None cn=Recipients cn=micheUe+2Elaver+2Ennsa+2Edm~+2Egov@Sclence,>,
"Schaub, Matthew" <MaUhew.Schaub@Hg.Doe.Gov>
Cc: PaulLester<Paul.Lester@Hg.Ooe.Gov>
Subject: RE:PA would like help ASAPon getting contacts for "Stranger Things' Direct Current Podcast
Sentwith Good(
-Original Message-----
From: Borchelt,Rick
Sent: Thursday1 August111 2016 01:34 PM EasternStandardTime
To: Laver,Michelle {HQ);Shea,Shannon;Eckhardt,Allison;I.aver,Michelle (HQ);Schaub,Matthew (HQ);Glynn,Patrick
Cc:lester, Paul (HQ)
Subject: RE:PAwould llke help ASAPon getting contactsfor "StrangerThlngs1' Direct Cmrent Podcast
From:Laver,Michelle (mailto:Michelle.taver@Hg.Doe.Gov]
Sent: Thursday,August11, 20161:06 PM
To: Borchelt, Rick<>jShea,Shannon<>;
Allison <Alllson.Eckhardt@science.doe.go'{>;
Laver,Michelle (HQ)j Schaub,Matthew (HQ)
Cc:Lester1 Paul (HQ) <>
Subject: RE:PAwould like help ASA?on getting contacts for "Stranger Things" Direct Current Podcast
Rick/ Shannon,
Shelley Laver
Director, LabOutreach
Sent: Thursday,August 11, 2016 12:48 PM
To: Shea,Shannon<>;
Eckhardt,Allison <>;Laver,
Michelle (HQ} <lMCEAEX~Nonecn=Recipients cn=mkhelle+2Elaver+2Ennsa+2Edoe+2Egov@S~if;!>;
Matthew <Matthew.Schaub@Hq.Ooe.Gov>
Subject: RE:PAwould l!ke help ASAPon getting contacts for "Stranger Things" Direct Current Podcast
This request is being handled directlythrough Matt and Shelleyper the email I shared earlierthis week and per
Kate's note yesterdayabout the PA meeting.We should not be trippingover their toes.
From: Shea,Shannon
To: Borchelt,Rick;Eckhardt,Allison
Subject: PA would like help ASAP on getting contactsfor 11StrangerThings11 Direct CurrentPodcast
HelloPaul Lesterjust emailed me looking for contacts from High EnergyPhysicsto talk on the next Direct Current podcast
about the work on parallel universesor something similar. Thoughtson the opporwnity and/or potential Interviewees?
From:Lester,Paul [mailto:Paul.Lester@Hq.Doe.Gov]
Sent: Thursday,August 111 2016 12:40 PM
To: Shea,Shannon<>
Subject: "StrangerThings"
Importance: High
Hi Shannon!
So you've probablyseenthe buzz around "StrangerThingsnand the EnergyDepartmentand nmvthe Secretary is interested!
Paul Lester
Digital ContentSpecialist
US Departmentof Energy
Tuesday.August16, 20169:52AM
Fw:APBfor "StrangerThings"watchers
Sent: Wednesday,August10, 2016 2:55 PM
To:Schaub,Matthew;taver, Mlchelle
Subject~Re:APBfor "StrangerThings"watchers
Hi Matt andShelly,
from: Schaub,Matthew
Officeof PublicAffairs
Departmentof Energy
...and Matt
Herron, Vernon
Dozier, Matt
Hahal Thanks1 Bridget andJamiel Yes, it's been fun! Didn't real!ze it would
to talk about some of the great stuff the agency does.
Subject: Re:StrangerThings
Cc:nMurley,Susanna (CONTR}"
from: Lester,Paul
Sent: Thursday, Jufy 28, 2016 11:11 AM
To: Nolan,Jamle (CONTR)<Jamle.Notan@EE.Doe.Gov>i
Dozier, Matt <>; Bart6t
, Bridget
Cc:Mur ley, Susanna (CONTR)<Spsanna.Murley@EE.DOE.Gov>
Subject: Re:Stranger Things
Cc: 11Murley1 Susanna (CONTR)
subject: RE:StrangerThings
From: Lester,Paul
Sent:Wednesday,July27, 201612:04 PM
To: Nolan, Jamie(CONTR)<Jamie.Nolan@EE.Doe.Gov>;
Dozier, Matt <>; Bartol, Bridget
Cc: Murley, Susanna (CONTR}
Subject; Re:StrangerThings
If you haveany suggestionsother than what's been mentioned on what could go in the blog post, send them my way!
Paul Lester
USDepartmentof Energy
Subject: RE:.StrangerTh!ngs
From: Dozier,Matt
Sent: Tuesday,July26, 2016 3:53 PM
To: Bartol, Bridget <>;Nolan,Jamie {CONTR)<Jamie.Nolan@EE.Doe.Gov>
Cc:Murley,Susanna (CONTR)<~usanna.Murley@Ef.OOE.Gov>;
lester, Paul <Paul.Lester@Hq.Doe.Gov>
Loopingin Paulbecausehe brought it up at the meeting yesterdaymomlngl What do you think, Paul?
r thinkthe show is about to take off. l must haveseen8 friends post about it over the weekend,and it's hitting
Buzzfeed... https:flwww.
g/st:ranger things
Subject: Re:StrangerThings
It's kind of a campy show, set in the 80s, dearly fantasy and not based in reality in even the slightest.
From: Bartol, Bridget
Guys,any plans to do anything around the Netflix show Stranger Things?Please let me know if you do not knowwhy I
ask this and I will happily enlighten you. I think there are some fun comms possibilitiesaround it!
Jamie M. Nola1t
The H}lnnon Group
_ _______