Physics For Scientists and Engineers Ii: Megha Agarwal, Wenbassign: Doug Baird

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Physics 2220

(Subject to Change)

Summer 2016

Physics for Scientists and Engineers II

Course: 6 June 3 August, M W F, 8.00 9.50 a.m., JFB 103. Each student must also be registered for
a discussion section (meeting T H, 8.00 9.50 a.m.)
Instructor: Dr. Christopher Stone, Associate Professor ( Lecturer)
Office: 124 JFB, 801 585 9850
Office Hours: M W F, 10.15 11.15 a.m., or by appointment. Also, you may leave a message in my
Physics Department mailbox: 201 JFB (801 581 6901), or use e-mail: ,
Secretary: Mary Ann Woolf, 205 JFB, 801 581 4246,
Course Web Page:
Course Marshal:

Megha Agarwal,

WenbAssign: Doug Baird, Consult him, not the instructor, if you have any
difficulties using WebAssign.
Physics for Scientists and Engineers (with Modern Physics), 9th edition, by Raymond A. Serway and
John W. Jewett, Jr. Homework will be from the book but handled through WebAssign. The actual
homework sets are accessed individually by each student when they enter the WebAssign website, at a cost of $47 for homework only or $94 for both the
homework and ebook for the semester. Students are responsible for their own WebAssign access on-line.
Payment can be made by credit card or by using a checking account that is linked to a Paypal account.
This is explained when you first log into WebAssign.

Course Description
The course covers most of Chapters 23 38 of the textbook, some sections in more detail than others.
The lectures will follow the book fairly closely, but supplemental information may also be discussed in
class, and you will be held responsible for it as well as for textbook material on the exams. Therefore,
regular class attendance and participation are strongly encouraged.
Discussion Sections
2220- 002

WEB L110
LCB 225
LCB 215

Jessica Frew
Anthony Garcia
Rohit Kumar

For this course we use a web-based homework system provided by WebAssign. To log on to WebAssign,
use the same log-in and password you use for the Campus Information System (CIS). You will complete
all homework assignments over the web and get immediate feedback (scoring). For most problems, you
will be given up to five opportunities to enter the correct answer.
Typically, there will be two WebAssign homework sets due each week (see schedule). Each homework
set must be submitted electronically by noon the day after its nominal due date for example, a Tuesday
homework set is due by noon on Wednesday; a Thursday homework set is due by noon on Friday. If you
wish, you may work together on homework. You may find that you learn more by discussing concepts
and collaborating with other students than you would by simply working alone. When submitting your
answers, remember that the numbers given in red on a homework problem are randomized by person, so

do not submit the same answer as your friend. Solutions are available for each problem after the due date
time has passed. For help with WebAssign, contact Doug Baird at
Tto get the most you can from this course, study the textbook and your lecture notes carefully, and
participate actively in your discussion section. If the material does not seem to make sense to you, talk to
one of the TAs, Jessica Galbraith-Frew, Anthony Garcia, Rohit Kumar, Megha Agarwal (the
course marshal) or Dr. Stone. We shall be glad to help you. Please seek assistance as soon as you have
a significant problem, so as not to fall behind in a subject that is unavoidably cumulative in nature. You
are urged to read the relevant sections of your textbook at least once before we get to them in the lectures
(and again afterwards), as we shall not have enough time to discuss in class all the textbook material that
is relevant to the course. Also, feel free to ask questions or raise points of concern during the lectures.
That way we can use the class time as efficiently as possible by concentrating on those parts of the subject
that you find most difficult.
Optional Homework Assignments
Each WebAssign homework set consists of eight problems, most often even-numbered ones. To
understand the course material more thoroughly, you should also try as many additional odd-numbered
problems as you have time for, since their answers are given at the back of the textbook. A list of
recommended problems can be found at
Examinations and Course Grades
There will be three examinations during the semester, in addition to a comprehensive final exam.
Exam 1: Friday, 24 June
Exam 2: Friday, 8 July
Exam 3: Friday, 22 July

2.00 4.00 p.m.

2.00 4.00 p.m.
7.50 9.50 a.m.

JFB 103
JFB 103
JFB 103

Chapters 23 26
Chapters 27 30
Chapters 31 34

Final Exam (comprehensive):

Friday, 5 August, 7.30 9.50 a.m. in JFB 103.

The examinations will test you on material in the textbook and the homework problems, and also that
discussed in class. You may use one standard sheet of paper (both sides) with notes and formulas during
each exam. The lowest one of your first three exam scores will be dropped when computing your total
marks for the course. Your two lowest homework scores will also be dropped. The final exam (for which
you may use four note sheets) is on Friday, 5 August and will be comprehensive but weighted towards
chapters 35 38, which will not have been covered on the previous three exams. The total for the term
will consist of 25 per cent for homework, 45 per cent for the sum of the best two of the first three exams,
and 30 per cent for the final exam. The grading scale for the course will be approximately as follows:















below 50

An Additional Resource
Professor George Williamss 2220 web page from the autumn term of 2010 has many useful past exam
problems and solutions: .
Final Exam Paper
Beginning Tuesday, 9 August, you may pick up your Final Exam paper from my secretary, Mary Ann
Woolf (205 JFB, 801 581 4246). Be prepared to show some form of picture identification.

Cheating of any kind on an exam is a very serious violation of University rules and is unethical. Students
caught cheating will receive a failing grade for the course and will be referred to the University of Utah
Disciplinary Committee for further action. All teaching assistants, including the course marshal, are to be
considered proxies for Professor Stone when you are dealing with them regarding this course. They are to
be listened to and treated with respect at all times.
Important Dates
Adding and Dropping: Miscellaneous Courses (classes with irregular start and end dates): You may drop
(delete) workshops, miscellaneous courses, and short term courses without tuition penalty according to
the following schedule: Classes 11+ days in length: Through the third day of class.
Tuition payment due Wednesday,25 May.
NOTE: It is now University of Utah policy that your courses will be irrevocably DROPPED if tuition is
not paid on time!
Monday, 4 July, Independence Day
Monday, 25 July, Pioneer Day (observed)
Students with Disabilities
The University of Utah and the Department of Physics and Astronomy seek to provide equal access to
their programs, services, and activities for people with disabilities. If you are going to need
accommodations in this course, reasonable prior notice must be given to the instructor and to the Center
for Disability Services, 162 Olpin Union Building, 801 581 5020 (V/TDD) in order to make the
required arrangements. You are strongly encouraged to talk to the instructor about your disability and
any necessary accommodations within the first two weeks of the term.

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