Esteva SeismicityModels

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Luis Esteva

1. On seismicity models
Rational formulation of engineering decisions in seismic areas requires quantitative descriptions of seismicity. These descriptions should conform with their intended
applications: in some instances, simultaneous intensities during each earthquake have to
be predicted at several locations, while in others it suffices to make independent evaluations of the probable effects of earthquakes at each of those locations.
The second model is adequate for the selection of design parameters of individual
components of a regional system (the structures in a region or country) when no significant interaction exists between response or damage of several such individual components, or between any of them and the system as a whole. In other words, it applies
when the damage -or negative utility- inflicted upon the system by an earthquake can be
taken simply as the addition of the losses in the individual components.
The linearity between monetary values and utilities implied in the second model is
not always applicable. Such is the case, for instance, when a significant portion of the
national wealth or of the production system is concentrated in a relatively narrow area,
or when failure of life-line components may disrupt emergency and relief actions just
after an earthquake. Evaluation of risk for the whole regional system has then to be
based on seismicity models of the first type, that is, models that predict simultaneous
intensities at several locations during each event; for the purpose of decision making,
nonlinearity between monetary values and utilities can be accounted for by means of
adequate scale transformations. These models are also of interest to insurance companies, when the probability distribution of the maximum loss in a given region during a
given time interval is to be estimated.
Whatever the category to which a seismic risk problem belongs, it requires the
prediction of probability distributions of certain ground motion characteristics (such as
peak ground acceleration or velocity, spectral density, response or Fourier spectra, duration) at a given site during a single shock or of maximum values of some of those characteristics in earthquakes occurring during given time intervals. When the reference
interval tends to infinity, the probability distribution of the maximum value of a given
characteristic approaches that of its maximum possible value. Because different systems
or subsystems are sensitive to different ground motion characteristics, the term intensity
characteristic will be used throughout this chapter to mean a particular parameter or set
of parameters of an earthquake motion, in terms of which the response is to be predicted. Thus, when dealing with the failure probability of a structure, intensity can be
alternatively measured with different degrees of correlation with structural response by the ordinate of the response spectrum for the corresponding period and
damping, the peak ground acceleration, or the peak ground velocity.
In general, local instrumental information does not suffice for estimating the probability distributions of maximum intensity characteristics, and use has to be made of
data on subjective measures of intensities of past earthquakes, of models of local seismicity, and of expressions relating characteristics with magnitude and site-to-source
distance. Models of local seismicity consist, at least, of expressions relating magnitudes

First published as Chapter 6 in Seismic Risk and Engineering Decisions, Eds. C. Lomnitz and E. Rosenblueth, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1976)


of earthquakes generated in given volumes of the earth's crust with their return periods.
More often than not, a more detailed description of local seismicity is required, including estimates of the maximum magnitude that can be generated in these volumes, as
well as probabilistic (stochastic process) models of the possible histories of seismic
events (defined by magnitudes and coordinates).
This chapter deals with the various steps to be followed in the evaluation of seismic risk at sites where information other than direct instrumental records of intensities
has to be used: identifying potential sources of activity near the site, formulating mathematical models of local seismicity for each source, obtaining the contribution of each
source to seismic risk at the site and adding up contributions of the various sources and
combining information obtained from local seismicity of sources near the site with data
on instrumental or subjective intensities observed at the site.
The foregoing steps consider use of information stemming from sources of different nature. Quantitative values derived there from are ordinarily tied to wide uncertainty
margins. Hence they demand probabilistic evaluation, even though they cannot always
be interpreted in terms of relative frequencies of outcomes of given experiments. Thus,
geologists talk of the maximum magnitude that can be generated in a given area, assessed by looking at the dimensions of the geological accidents and by extrapolating the
observations of other regions which available evidence allows to brand as similar to the
one of interest; the estimates produced are obviously uncertain, and the degree of uncertainty should be expressed together with the most probable value. Following nearly
parallel lines, some geophysicists estimate the energy that can be liberated by a single
shock in a given area by making quantitative assumptions about source dimensions,
dislocation amplitude and stress drop, consistent with tectonic models of the region and,
again, with comparisons with areas of similar tectonic characteristics.
Uncertainties attached to estimates of the type just described are in general extremely large: some studies relating fault rupture area, stress drop, and magnitude
(Brune, 1968) show that, considering not unusually high stress drops, it does not take
very large source dimensions to get magnitudes 8.0 and greater, and those studies are
practically restricted to the simplest types of fault displacement. It is not clear, therefore,
that realistic bounds can always be assigned to potential magnitudes in given areas or
that, when this is feasible, those bounds are sufficiently low, so that designing structures
to withstand the corresponding intensities is economically sound, particularly when
occurrence of those intensities is not very likely in the near future. Because uncertainties
in maximum feasible magnitudes and in other parameters defining magnituderecurrence laws can be as significant as their mean values when trying to make rational
seismic design decisions, those uncertainties have to be explicitly recognized and accounted for by means of adequate probabilistic criteria. A corollary is that geophysical
based estimates of seismicity parameters should be accompanied with corresponding
uncertainty measures.
Seismic risk estimates are often based only on statistical information (observed
magnitudes and hypocentral coordinates). When this is done, a wealth of relevant geophysical information is neglected, while the probabilistic prediction of the future is
made to rely on a sample that is often small and of little value, particularly if the sampling period is short as compared with the desirable return period of the events capable
of severely damaging a given system.
The criterion advocated here intends to unify the foregoing approaches and rationally to assimilate the corresponding pieces of information. Its philosophy consists in
using the geological, geophysical, and all other available non-statistical evidence for

Luis Esteva
producing a set of alternate assumptions concerning a mathematical (stochastic process)
model of seismicity in a given source area. An initial probability distribution is assigned
to the set of hypotheses, and the statistical information is then used to improve that
probability assignment. The criterion is based on application of Bayes theorem, also
called the theorem of the probabilities of hypotheses. Since estimates of risk depend
largely on conceptual models of the geophysical processes involved, and these are
known with different degrees of uncertainty in different zones of the earth's crust, those
estimates will be derived from stochastic process models with uncertain forms or parameters. The degree to which these uncertainties can be reduced depends on the limitations of the state of the art of geophysical sciences and on the effort that can be put into
compilation and interpretation of geophysical and statistical information. This is an
economical problem that should be handled, formally or informally, by the criteria of
decision making under uncertainty.
2. Intensity attenuation
Available criteria for the evaluation of the contribution of potential seismic
sources to the risk at a site make use of intensity attenuation expressions that relate
intensity characteristics with magnitude and distance from site to source. Depending on
the application envisaged, the intensity characteristic to be predicted can be expressed in
a number of manners, ranging from a subjective index, such as the Modified Mercalli
intensity, to a combination of one or more quantitative measures of ground shaking (see
Chapter 1).
A number of expressions for attenuation of various intensity characteristics with
distance have been developed, but there is little agreement among most of them (Ambraseys, 1973). This is due in part to discrepancies in the definitions of some parameters, in the ranges of values analyzed, in the actual wave propagation properties of the
geological formations lying between source and site, in the dominating shock mechanisms, and in the forms of the analytical expressions adopted a priori.
Most intensity-attenuation studies concern the prediction of earthquake characteristics on rock or firm ground, and assume that these characteristics, properly modified in
terms of frequency-dependent soil amplification factors, should constitute the basis for
estimating their counterparts on soft ground. Observations about the influence of soil
properties on earthquake damage support the assumption of a strong correlation between types of local ground and. intensity in a given shock. Attempts to analytically
predict the characteristics of motions on soil given those on firm ground or on bedrock
have not been too successful, however (Crouse, 1973; Hudson and Udwadia, 1973; Salt,
1974), with the exception of some peculiar cases, like Mexico City (Herrera et al.,
1965), where local conditions favor the fulfillment of the assumptions implied by usual
analytical models. The following paragraphs concentrate on prediction on intensities on
firm ground; the influence of local soil is discussed in Chapter 4.
2.1 Intensity attenuation on firm ground
When isoseismals (lines joining sites showing equal intensity) of a given shock are
based only on intensities observed on homogeneous ground conditions, such as firm
ground (compact soils) or bedrock, they are roughly elliptical and the orientations of the
corresponding axes are often correlated with local or regional geological trends (Figs. 13). In some regions -for instance near major faults in the western United States- those

trends are well defined and the correlations are clear enough as to permit prediction of
intensity in the near and far fields in terms of magnitude and distance to the generating
fault or to the centroid of the energy liberating volume. In other regions, such as the
eastern United States and most of Mexico, isoseismals seem to elongate systematically
in a direction that is a function of the epicentral coordinates (Bollinger, 1973; Figueroa,
1963). In that case, intensity should be expressed as a function of magnitude and coordinates of source and site. For most areas in the world, intensity has to be predicted in
terms of simple -and cruder- expressions that depend only on magnitude and distance
from site to instrumental hypocenter. This stems from inadequate knowledge of geotectonic conditions and from limited information concerning the volume where energy is
liberated in each shock.

Figure 1. Isoseismals of an earthquake in Mexico. (After Figueroa, 1963)

A comparison of the rates of attenuation of intensities on firm ground for shocks
on western and eastern North America has disclosed systematic differences between
those rates (Milne and Davenport, 1969). This is the source of a basic, but often unavoidable, weakness of most intensity-attenuation expressions, because they are based
on heterogeneous data, recorded in different zones, and the very nature of their applications implies that the less is known about possible systematic deviations in a given zone,
as a consequence of the meagerness of local information, the greater weight is given to
predictions with respect to observations.
2.1.1 Modified Mercalli intensities
An analysis of the Modified Mercalli intensities on firm ground reported for earthquakes occurring in Mexico in the last few decades leads to the following expression
relating magnitude M, hypocentral distance R (in kilometers) and intensity I (Esteva,
I = 1.45M 5.7 log 10 R + 7.9


Luis Esteva

Figure 2. Elongation of isoseismals in the southeastern United States.

(After Bollinger, 1973)
The prediction error, defined as the difference between observed and computed intensity, is roughly normally distributed, with a standard deviation of 2.04, which means
that there is a probability of 60 % that an observed intensity is more than one degree
greater or smaller than its predicted value.
2.1.2 Peak ground accelerations and velocities
A few of the available expressions will be described. Their comparison will show
how cautiously a designer intending to use them should proceed.
Housner studied the attenuation of peak ground accelerations in several regions of
the United States and presented his results graphically (1969) in terms of fault length (in
turn a function of magnitude), shapes of isoseismals and areas experiencing intensities
greater than given values (Fig. 4 and 5).
He showed that intensities attenuate faster with distance on the west coast than in
the rest of the country. This comparison is in agreement with Milne and Davenport
(1969), who performed a similar analysis for Canada. From observations of strong
earthquakes in California and in British Columbia, they developed the following expression for a, the peak ground acceleration, as a fraction of gravity:
a g = 0.0069 e1.6 M /(1.1 e1.1M + R 2 )


Here, R is epicentral distance in kilometers. The acceleration varies roughly as

e1.64M R-2 for large R, and as eO.54M where R approaches zero. This reflects to some extent
the fact that energy is released not at a single point but from a finite volume. A later
study by Davenport (1972) led him to propose the expression:


Figure 3. Isoseismals in California. (After Bolt, 1970)

a g = 0.279 e 0.8 M / R1.64


The statistical error of this equation was studied by fitting a lognormal probability
distribution to the ratios of observed to computed accelerations. A standard deviation of
0.74 was found in the natural logarithms of those ratios.
Esteva and Villaverde (1973), on the basis of accelerations reported by Hudson
(1971, 1972a,b), derived expressions for peak ground accelerations and velocities, as
a g = 5.7 e 0.8 M /( R + 40) 2


Luis Esteva

Figure 4. Idealized contour lines of intensity

Figure 5. Area in square miles
of ground shaking. (After Housner, 1969)
experiencing shaking of
x % g or greater for
shocks of different
magnitudes. (After
Housner, 1969.)
v = 32 e M /( R + 25)1.7


Here v is peak ground velocity in cm/sec and the other symbols mean the same as
above. The standard deviation of the natural logarithm of the ratio of observed to predicted intensity is 0.64 for accelerations and 0.74 for velocities. If judged by this parameter, eqs. 3 and 4 seem equally reliable. However, as shown by Fig. 6, their mean
values differ significantly in some ranges.
With the exception of eq. 2, all the foregoing attenuation expressions are products
of a function of R and a function of M. This form, which is acceptable when the dimensions of the energy-liberating source are small compared with R, is inadequate when
dealing with earthquake sources whose dimensions are of the order of moderate hypocentral distances, and often greater than them. Although equation errors (probability
distributions of the ratio of observed to predicted intensities) have been evaluated by
Davenport (1972) and Esteva and Villaverde (1973), their dependence on M and R has
not been analyzed. Because seismic risk estimates are very sensitive to the attenuation
expressions in the range of large magnitudes and short distances, more detailed studies
should be undertaken, aiming at improving those expressions in the mentioned range,
and at evaluating the influence of M and R on equation error. Information on strongmotion records will probably be scanty for those studies, and hence they will have to be
largely based on analytical or physical models of the generation and propagation of
seismic waves. Although significant progress has been lately attained in this direction
(Trifunac, 1973) the results from such models have hardly influenced the practice of
seismic risk estimation because they have remained either unknown to or imperfectly
appreciated by engineers in charge of the corresponding decisions.


Figure 6. Comparison of several attenuation expressions

2.1.3 Response spectra
Peak ground acceleration and displacement are fairly good indicators of the response of structures possessing respectively very high and very small natural frequencies. Peak velocity is correlated with the response of intermediate-period systems, but
the correlation is less precise than that tying the former parameters; hence, it is natural
to formulate seismic risk evaluation and engineering design criteria in terms of spectral
Response spectrum prediction for given magnitude and hypocentral or site-to-fault
distance usually entails a two-step process, according to which peak ground acceleration, velocity and displacement are initially estimated and then used as reference values
for prediction of the ordinates of the response spectrum. Let the second step in the process be represented by the operation ys = yg, where ys is an ordinate of the response
spectrum for a given natural period and damping ratio, and yg is a parameter (such as peak

Luis Esteva
McGuire's attenuation expressions y = b1 10b2M(R + 25)-b3


a gals
v cm/sec
d cm
Undamped spectral pseudovelocities
T = 0.1 sec
5% damped spectral pseudovelocities
T = 0.1 sec

V(y) = coeff. of
var. of y











ground acceleration or velocity) that can be directly obtained from the time history
record of a given shock regardless of the dynamic properties of the systems whose response is to be predicted. For given M and R, yg is random and so is ys / yg = ; the mean
and standard deviation of ys depend on those of yg and and on the coefficient of correlation of the latter variables. As shown above, yg can only be predicted within wide
uncertainty limits, often wider than those tied to ys (Esteva and Villaverde, 1973). The
coefficient of variation of ys given M and R can be smaller than that of yg only if and
yg are negatively correlated, which is often the case: the greater the deviation of an observed value of yg with respect to its expectation for given M and R, the lower is likely
to be . In other words, it seems that in the intermediate range of natural periods the
expected values of spectral ordinates for given damping ratios can be predicted directly
in terms of magnitude and focal distance with narrower (or at most equal) margins of
uncertainty than those tied to predicted peak ground velocities. For the ranges of very
short or very long natural periods, peak amplitudes of ground motion and spectral ordinates approach each other and their standard errors are therefore nearly equal.
McGuire (1974) has derived attenuation expressions for the conditional values
(given M and R) of the mean and of various percentiles of the probability distributions
of the ordinates of the response spectra for given natural periods and damping ratios.
Those expressions have the same form as eqs. 4 and 5, but their parameters show that
the rates of attenuation of spectral ordinates differ significantly from those of peak
ground accelerations or velocities. For instance, McGuire finds that peak ground velocity attenuates in proportion to (R + 25)-1.20, while the mean of the pseudovelocity for a
natural period of 1 sec and a damping ratio of 2 % attenuates in proportion to
(R + 25)-0.59. These results stem from the way that frequency content changes with R and
lead to the conclusion that the ratio of spectral velocity should be taken as a function of
M and R.

Table 1 summarizes McGuire's attenuation expressions and their coefficients of
variation for ordinates of the pseudovelocity spectra and for peak ground acceleration,
velocity and displacement. Similar expressions were derived by Esteva and Villaverde
(1973), but they are intended to predict only the maxima of the expected acceleration
and velocity spectra, regardless of the periods associated with those maxima. No analysis has been performed of the relative validity of McGuire's and Esteva and Villaverde's
expressions for various ranges of M and R.
3. Local seismicity
The term local seismicity will be used here to designate the degree of seismic activity in a given volume of the earth's crust; it can be quantitatively described according
to various criteria, each providing a different amount of information. Most usual criteria
are based on upper bounds to the magnitudes of earthquakes that can originate in a
given seismic source, on the amount of energy liberated by shocks per unit volume and
per unit time or on more detailed statistical descriptions of the process.
3.1 Magnitude-recurrence expressions
Gutenberg and Richter (1954) obtained expressions relating earthquake magnitudes with their rates of occurrence for several zones of the earth. Their results can be
put in the form:

= e M


where is the mean number of earthquakes per unit volume and per unit time having
magnitude greater than M and and are zone-dependent constants; varies widely
from point to point, as evidenced by the map of epicenters shown in Fig. 7, while
remains within a relatively narrow range, as shown in Fig. 8. Equation 6 implies a distribution of the energy liberated per shock which is very similar to that observed in the
process of microfracturing of laboratory specimens of several types of rock subjected to
gradually increasing compressive or bending strain (Mogi, 1962; Scholz, 1968). The
values of determined in the laboratory are of the same order as those obtained from
seismic events, and have been shown to depend on the heterogeneity of the specimens
and on their ability to yield locally. Thus, in heterogeneous specimens made of brittle
materials many small shocks precede a major fracture, while in homogeneous or plastic
materials the number of small shocks is relatively small. These cases correspond to
large and small -values, respectively. No general relationship is known to the writer
between and geotectonic features of seismic provinces: complexity of crustal structure
and of stress gradients precludes extrapolation of laboratory results; and statistical records for relatively small zones of the earth are not, as a rule, adequate for establishing
local values of . Figure 8 shows that for very high magnitudes the observed frequency
of events is lower than predicted by eq. 6. In addition, Rosenblueth (1969) has shown
that cannot be sm.aller than 3.46, since that would imply an infinite amount of energy
liberated per unit time. However, Fig. 8 shows that the values of which result from
fitting expressions of the form 6 to observed data are smaller than 3.46; hence, for very
high values of M (above 7, approximately) the curve should bend down, in accordance
with statistical evidence.

Figure.7. Map showing epicenters for the interval 1961-1967. (After Newmark and Rosenblueth, 1971)

Luis Esteva



Figure 8. Seismicity of macrozones. (After Esteva, 1968)

Expressions alternative to eq. 6 have been proposed, attempting to represent more
adequately the observed magnitude-recurrence data (Rosenblueth, 1964; Merz and Cornell, 1973). Most of these expressions also fail to recognize the existence of an upper
bound to the magnitude that can be generated in a given source. Although no precise
estimates of this upper bound can yet be obtained, recognition of its existence and of its
dependence on the geotectonic characteristics of the source is inescapable. Indeed, the
practice of seismic zoning in the Soviet Union has been based on this concept
(Gzovsky, 1962; Ananiin et al., 1968) and in many countries design spectra for very
important structures, such as nuclear reactors or large dams, are usually derived from
the assumption of a maximum credible intensity at a site; that intensity is ordinarily
obtained by taking the maximum of the intensities that result at the site when at each of
the potential sources an earthquake with magnitude equal to the maximum feasible
value for that source is generated at the most unfavourable location within the same
source. When this criterion is applied no attention is usually paid to the uncertainty in
the maximum feasible magnitude nor to the probability that an earthquake with that
magnitude will occur during a given time period. The need to formulate seismic-riskrelated decisions that account both for upper bounds to magnitudes and for their probabilities of occurrence suggests adoption of magnitude recurrence expressions of the

Luis Esteva

= L G * ( M )
= L

for M L M M U
for M < M L


for M > M U

where ML = lowest magnitude whose contribution to risk is significant, MU = maximum

feasible magnitude, and G*(M) = complementary cumulative probability distribution of
magnitudes every time that an event (M ML) occurs. A particular form of G*(M) that
lends itself to analytical derivations is:
G * ( M ) = A0 + A1 exp( M ) A2 exp [ ( 1 ) M ]


A0 = A1 exp [ (M U M L )]

A1 = A( 1 ) exp (M L )

A2 = A exp ( 1M U + M L )
A = [ {1 exp [ 1 (M U M L )] } 1 {1 exp [ (M U M L )] }]

As M tends to ML from above, eq. 7 approaches eq. 6. Adoption of adequate values of

MU and 1 permits satisfying two additional conditions: the maximum feasible magnitude and the rate of variation of in its vicinity. When 1 , eq. 8 tends to an expression proposed by Cornell and Vanmarcke (1969).
Yegulalp and Kuo (1974) have applied the theory of extreme values to estimating
the probabilities that given magnitudes are exceeded in given time intervals. They assume those probabilities to fit an extreme type-III distribution given by:

FM max (M | t ) = exp C (M U M ) t

for M M U


for M > M U


Here FMmax (M | t) indicates the probability that the maximum magnitude observed
in t years is smaller than M, MU has the same meaning as above, and C and K are zone
dependent parameters. This distribution is consistent with the assumption that earthquakes with magnitudes greater than M take place in accordance with a Poisson process
with mean rate equal to C (MU M)k. Equation 9 produces magnitude recurrence
curves that fit closely the statistical data on which they are based for magnitudes above
5.2 and return periods from 1 to 50 years, even though the values of MU that result from
pure statistical analysis are not reliable measures of the upper bound to magnitudes,
since in many cases they turn out inadmissibly high.
For low magnitudes, only a fraction of the number of shocks that take place is detected.
As a consequence, -values based on statistical information lie below those computed
according to eqs. 6 and 8 for M smaller than about 5.5. In addition, Fig. 9, taken from
Yegulalp and Kuo (1974), shows that the numbers of detected shocks fit the extreme
type III in eq. 9 better than the extreme type-I distribution implied by eq. 6, coupled
with the assumption of Poisson distribution of the number of events. It is not clear what
portion of the deviation from the extreme type-I distribution is due to the low the low
values of the detectability levels and what portion comes from differences between the
actual form of variation of with M and that given by eq. 6.


Figure 9. Magnitude statistics in the Aleutian Islands region.

(After Yegulalp and Kuo, 1974)
The problem deserves attention because estimates of expected losses due to nonstructural damage may be sensitive to the values of for small magnitudes (say below
5.5) and because the evaluation of the level of seismic activity in a region is often made
to depend on the recorded numbers of small magnitude shocks and on assumed detectability levels, i.e. of ratios of numbers of detected and occurred earthquakes (Kaila and
Narain 1971; Kaila et al., 1972, 1974).
None of the expressions for presented in this chapter possess the desirable property that its applicability over a number of non-overlapping regions of the earth's crust
implies the validity of an expression of the same form over the addition of those regions, unless some restrictions are imposed on the parameters of each . For instance,
the addition of expressions like 6 gives place to an expression of the same form only if
is the same for all terms in the sum. Similar objections can be made to eq. 8. In what
follows these forms will be preserved, however, as their accuracy is consistent with the
amount of available information and their adoption offers significant advantages in the
evaluation of regional seismicity, as shown later.

Luis Esteva
3.2 Variation with depth
Depth of prevailing seismic activity in a region depends on its tectonic structure.
For instance, most of the activity in the western coast of the United States and Canada
consists of shocks with hypocentral depths in the range of 20-30 km. In other areas,
such as the southern coast of Mexico, seismic events can be grouped into two ensembles: one of small shallow shocks and one of earthquakes with magnitudes comprised in
a wide range, and with depths whose mean value increases with distance from the
shoreline (Fig. 10). Figure 11 shows the depth distribution of earthquakes with magnitude above 5.9 for the whole circum-Pacific belt.
3.3 Stochastic models of earthquake occurrence
Mean exceedance rates of given magnitudes are expected averages during long
time intervals. For decision-making purposes the times of earthquake occurrence are
also significant. At present those times can only be predicted within a probabilistic context.
Let ti (i = 1,..., n) be the unknown times of occurrence of earthquakes generated in
a given volume of the earth's crust during a given time interval, and let Mi be the corresponding magnitudes. For the moment it will be assumed that the risk is uniformly distributed throughout the given volume, and hence no attention will be paid to the focal
coordinates of each shock.
Classical methods of time-series analysis have been applied by different researchers attempting to devise analytical models for random earthquake sequences. The following approaches are often found in the literature:
a) Plotting of histograms of waiting times between shocks (Knopoff, 1964; Aki,
b) Evaluation of Poisson's index of dispersion, that is of the ratio of the sample variance of the number of shocks to its expected value (Vere-Jones, 1970; Shlien and
Toksz, 1970). This index equals unity for Poisson processes, is smaller for nearly
periodic sequences, and is greater than one when events tend to cluster.
c) Determination of autocovariance functions, that is, of functions representing the
covariance of the numbers of events observed in given time intervals, expressed in
terms of the time elapsed between those intervals (Vere-Jones, 1970; Shlien and
Toksz, 1970). The autocovariance function of a Poisson process is a Dirac delta
function. This feature is characteristic for the Poisson model since it does not hold
for any other stochastic process.
d) The hazard function h(t), defined so that h(t) dt is the conditional probability that
an event will take place in the interval (t, t + dt) given that no events have occurred before t. If F(t) is the cumulative probability distribution of the time between events:
h(t ) = f (t ) /[1 F (t )]


f (t ) = F (t ) / t .

For the Poisson model, h(t) is a constant equal to the mean rate of the process.



Figure 10. Earthquake hypocenters projected onto a series of vertical sections through
Mexico (After Molnar and Sykes, 1969)

Luis Esteva

Figure 11. Variation of seismicity with depth. Circum-Pacific Belt

(After Newmark and Rosenblueth, 1971)
3.3.1 Poisson model
Most commonly applied stochastic models of seismicity assume that the events of
earthquake occurrence constitute a Poisson process and that the Mi's are independent
and identically distributed. This assumption implies that the probability of having N
earthquakes with magnitude exceeding M during time interval (0, t) equals:
p N = [exp ( vM t )(vM t ) ] / N !


where vM is the mean rate of exceedance of magnitude M in the given volume. If N is

taken equal to zero in eq. 11, one obtains that the probability distribution of the maximum magnitude during time interval t is equal to exp(vM t). If vM is given by eq. 6, the
extreme type-I distribution is obtained.
Some weaknesses of this model become evident in the light of statistical information and of an analysis of the physical processes involved: the Poisson assumption implies that the distribution of the waiting time to the next event is not modified by the
knowledge of the time elapsed since the last one, while physical models of gradually
accumulated and suddenly released energy call for a more general renewal process such
that, unlike what happens in the Poisson process, the expected time to the next event
decreases as time goes on (Esteva, 1974). Statistical data show that the Poisson assumption may be acceptable when dealing with large shocks throughout the world (BenMenahem, 1960), implying lack of correlation between seismicities of different regions;
however, when considering small volumes of the earth, of the order of those that can
significantly contribute to seismic risk at a site, data often contradict Poisson's model,
usually because of clustering of earthquakes in time: the observed numbers of short

intervals between events are significantly higher than predicted by the exponential distribution, and values of Poisson's index of dispersion are well above unity (Figs. 12 and
13). In some instances, however, deviations in the opposite direction have been observed: waiting times tend to be more nearly periodic, Poisson's index of dispersion is
smaller than one, and the process can be represented by a renewal model. This condition
has been reported, for instance, in the southern coast of Mexico (Esteva, 1974), and in
the Karmchatka and Pamir-Hindu Kush regions (Gaisky, 1966 and 1967). The models
under discussion also fail to account for clustering in space (Tsuboi, 1958; Gajardo and
Lomnitz, 1960), for the evolution of seismicity with time, and for the systematic shifting
of active sources along geologic accidents (Allen, Chapter 3 of this book). On account
of its simplicity, however, the Poisson process model provides a valuable tool for the
formulation of some seismic-risk-related decisions, particularly of those that are sensitive only to magnitudes of events having very long return periods.
3.3.2 Trigger models
Statistical analysis of waiting times between earthquakes does not favor the adoption of the Poisson model or of other forms of renewal processes, such as those that
assume that waiting times are mutually independent with lognormal or gamma distributions (Shlien and Toksz, 1970). Alternative models have been developed, most of them
of the 'trigger type' (Vere-Jones, 1970), i.e. the overall process of earthquake generation
is considered as the superposition of a number of time series, each having a different
origin, where the origin times are the events of a Poisson process. In general, let N be
the number of events that take place during time interval (0, t), m = origin time of the
mth series, Wm (t, m) the corresponding number of events up to instant t1 and nt the
random number of time series initiated in the interval (0, t). The total number of events
that occur before instant t is then:

N = Wm ( t , m )


If origin times are distributed according to a homogeneous Poisson process with

mean rate v, and all Wm's are identically distributed stochastic processes with respect to
(t - m), it can be shown (Parzen, 1962) that the mean and variance of N can be obtained

E (N ) = v E [W ( t , )] d


var (N ) = v E W 2 ( t , ) d


Parzen (1962) gives also an expression for the probability generating function

N (Z; t) of the distribution of N in terms of W (Z; t, ), the generating function of each

of the component processes:

N (Z ; t ) = exp vt + v W (Z ; t , ) d



Luis Esteva

Figure 12. Evaluation of Poisson process assumption. (After Knopoff, 1964)

Figure 13. Variance-time curve for New Zealand shallow shocks.

(After Vere-Jones, 1966)

W (Z ; t , ) = Z n P {W ( t , ) = n}


n =0

and the probability mass function of N can be obtained from N (Z; t) by recalling that:

N (Z ; t ) = Z n P { N = n}
n =0

expanding N in power series of Z, and taking P{N = n} equal to the coefficient of Zn in

that expansion. For instance, if it is of interest to compute P {N = 0}, expansion of
N (Z; t) in a Taylor's series with respect to Z = 0 leads to:


N (Z ; t ) = N (0 ; t ) + Z N' (0 ; t ) +

'N' (0 ; t ) + ...


where the prime signifies derivative with respect to Z. From the definition of
N, P{N = 0} = N (0; t).
Because the component processes of 'trigger'-type time series appear overlapped in
sample histories, their analytical representation usually entails study of a number of
alternative models, estimation of their parameters, and comparison of model and sample
properties -often second order properties (Cox and Lewis, 1966).
Vere-Jones models. Applicability of some general 'trigger' models to represent local seismicity processes was discussed in a comprehensive paper by Vere-Jones (1970),
who calibrated them mainly against records of seismic activity in New Zealand. In addition to simple and compound Poisson processes (Parzen, 1962), he considered NeymanScott and Bartlett-Lewis models, both of which assume that earthquakes occur in clusters and that the number of events in each cluster is stocastically independent of its
origin time. In the Neyman-Scott model, the process of clusters is assumed stationary
and Poisson, and each cluster is defined by pN, the probability mass function of its number of events, and (t), the cumulative distribution function of the time of an event
corresponding to a given cluster, measured from the cluster origin. The Bartlett-Lewis
model is a special case of the former, where each cluster is a renewal process that ends
after a finite number of renewals. In these models the conditional probability of an event
taking place during the interval (t, t + dt), given that the cluster consists of N shocks, is
equal to N(t)dt, where (t) = (t)/ t.
Because clusters overlap in time they cannot easily be identified and separated.
Estimation of process parameters is accomplished by assuming different sets of those
parameters and evaluating the corresponding goodness of fit with observed data.
Various alternative forms of Neyman-Scott's model were compared by Vere-Jones
with observed data on the basis of first and second order statistics: hazard functions,
interval distributions (in the form of power spectra) and variance time curves.

Figure 14. Smoothed periodogram for New Zealand shallow shocks.

(After Vere-Jones, 1966)

Luis Esteva

Figure 15. Hazard function for New Zealand shallow shocks. (After Vere-Jones, 1970)

Figure 16. Rupture zones and epicenters of large shallow Middle American earthquakes
of this century. (After Kelleher et al. 1973)
The statistical record comprises about one thousand New Zealand earthquakes
with magnitudes greater than 4.5, recorded from 1942 to 1961. Figures 13-15 show
results of the analysis for shallow New Zealand shocks as well as the comparison of
observed data with several alternative models. The process of cluster origins is Poisson
in all cases, but the distributions of cluster sizes (N) and of times of events within clusters differ among the various instances: in the Poisson model no clustering takes place
(the distribution of N is a Dirac delta function centered at N = 1) while in the exponential and in the power-law models the distribution of N is extremely skewed towards
N = 1, and (t) is taken respectively as 1 - e-t and 1 - [c/(c + t)] for t 0, and as zero

for t < 0, where , c, and are positive parameters. In Figs. 13-15, = 0.25, c = 2.3
days, and = 0.061 shocks/day. The significance of clustering is evidenced by the high
value of Poisson's dispersion index in Fig. 13, while no significant periodicity can be
inferred from Fig. 14. Both figures show that the power-law model provides the best fit
to the statistics of the samples. A similar analysis for New Zealand's deep shocks shows
much less clustering: Poisson's dispersion index equals 2, and the hazard function is
nearly constant with time.
Still, data reported by Gaisky (1967) have hazard functions that suggest models
where the cluster origins as well as the clusters themselves may be represented by renewal processes. Mean return periods are of the order of several months, and hence
these processes do not correspond, at least in the time scale, to the process of alternate
periods of activity and quiescense of some geological structures cited by Kelleher et al.
(1973), which have led to the concept of 'temporal seismic gaps', discussed below.
Simplified trigger models. Shlien and Toksz (1970) proposed a simple particular
case of the Neyman-Scott process; they lumped together all earthquakes taking place
during non-overlapping time intervals of a given length and defined them as clusters for
which (t) was a Dirac delta function. Working with one-day intervals, they assumed
the number of events per cluster to be distributed in accordance with the discrete Pareto
law and applied a maximum-likelihood criterion to the information consisting of 35 000
earthquakes reported by the USCGS from January 1971 to August 1968. The model
proposed represents reasonably well both the distribution of the number of earthquakes
in one-day intervals and the dispersion index. However, owing to the assumption that no
cluster lasts more than one day, the model fails to represent the autocorrelation function
of the daily numbers of shocks for small time lags. The degree of clustering is shown to
be a regional function, and to diminish with the magnitude threshold value and with the
focal depth.
Aftershock sequences. The trigger processes described have been branded as reasonable representations of regional seismic activity, even when aftershock sequences
and earthquake swarms are suppressed from statistical records, however arbitrary that
suppression may be. The most significant instances of clustering are related, however,
to aftershock sequences which often follow shallow shocks and only rarely intermediate
and deep events. Persistence of large numbers of aftershocks for a few days or weeks
has propitiated the detailed statistical analysis of those sequences since last century.
Omori (1894) pointed out the decay in the mean rate of aftershock occurrence with t, the
time elapsed since the main shock; he expressed that rate as inversely proportional to
t + q, where q is an empirical constant. Utsu (1961) proposed a more general expression,
proportional to (t + c) where is a constant; Utsu's proposal is consistent with the
power-law expression for (t) presented above.
Lomnitz and Hax (1966) proposed a clustering model to represent aftershock sequences; it is a modified version of Neyman and Scott's model, where the process of
cluster origins is non-homogeneous Poisson with mean rate decaying in accordance
with Omori's law, the number of events in each cluster has a Poisson distribution, and
(t) is exponential. All the results and methods of analysis described by Vere-Jones
(1970) for the stationary process of cluster origins can be applied to the nonstationary
case through a transformation of the time scale. Fitting of parameters to four aftershock
sequences was accomplished through use of the second-order information of the sample
defined on a transformed time scale. By applying this criterion to earthquake sets having
magnitudes above different threshold values it was noticed that the degree of clustering
decreases as the threshold value increases.

Luis Esteva
The magnitude of the main shock influences the number of aftershocks and the
distribution of their magnitudes and, although the rate of activity decreases with time,
the distribution of magnitudes remains stable throughout each sequence (Lomnitz, 1966;
Utsu, 1962; Drakopoulos, 1971). Equation 6 represents fairly well the distribution of
magnitudes observed in most aftershock sequences. Values of range from 0.9 to 3.9
and decrease as the depth increases. Since values of for regular (main) earthquakes are
usually estimated from relatively small numbers of shocks generated throughout crust
volumes much wider than those active during aftershock sequences, no relation has
been established among -values for series of both types of events. The parameters of
Utsu's expression for the decay of aftershock activity with time have been estimated for
several sequences, for instance those following the Aleutian earthquake of March 9,
1957, the Central Alaska earthquake of April 7, 1958, and the Southeastern Alaska
earthquake of July 10, 1958 (Utsu, 1962), with magnitudes equal to 8.3, 7.3, and 7.9,
respectively; c (in days) was 0.37, 0.40, and 0.01, while was 1.05, 1.05 and 1.13, respectively. The relationship of the total number of aftershocks whose magnitude exceeds a given value with the magnitude of the main shock was studied by Drakopoulos
(1971) for 140 aftershock sequences in Greece from 1912 to 1968. His results can be
expressed by N (M) = A exp (- M), where N (M) is the total number of aftershocks with
magnitude greater than M, and A is a function of M0, the magnitude of the main shock:
A = exp (3.62 + 1.1 M 0 3.46 )


Formulation of stochastic process models for given earthquake sequences is feasible once this relationship and the activity decay law are available for the source of interest. For seismic-risk estimation at a given site the spatial distribution of aftershocks may
be as significant as the distribution of magnitudes and the time variation of activity,
particularly for sources of relatively large dimensions.
3.3.3 Renewal process models
The trigger models described are based on information about earthquakes with
magnitudes above relatively low thresholds recorded during time intervals of at most ten
years. The degrees of clustering observed and the distributions of times between clusters
cannot be extrapolated to higher magnitude thresholds and longer time intervals without
further study.
Available information shows beyond doubt that significant clustering is the rule, at
least when dealing with shallow shocks. However, there is considerable ground for
discussion on the nature of the process of cluster origins during intervals of the order of
one century or longer. While lack of statistical data hinders the formulation of seismicity models valid over long time intervals, qualitative consideration of the physical processes of earthquake generation may point to models which at least are consistent with
the state of knowledge of geophysical sciences. Thus, if strain energy stored in a region
grows in a more or less systematic manner, the hazard function should grow with the
time elapsed since the last event, and not remain constant as the Poisson assumption
implies. The concept of a growing hazard function is consistent with the conclusions of
Kelleher et al. (1973) concerning the theory of periodic activation of seismic gaps. This
theory is partially supported by results of nearly qualitative analysis of the migration of
seismic activity along a number of geological structures. An instance is provided by the
southern coast of Mexico, one of the most active regions in the world. Large shallow
shocks are generated probably by the interaction of the continental mass and the sub33

ductive oceanic Cocos plate that underthrusts it and by compressive or flexural failure
of the latter (Chapter 2). Seismological data show significant gaps of activity along the
coast during the present century and not much is known about previous history (Fig.
16). Along these gaps, seismic-risk estimates based solely on observed intensities are
quite low, although no significant difference is evident in the geological structure of
these regions with respect to the rest of the coast, save some transverse faults which
divide the continental formation into several blocks. Without looking at the statistical
records a geophysicist would assign equal risk throughout the area. On the basis of
seismicity data, Kelleher et al. have concluded that activity migrates along the region, in
such a manner that large earthquakes tend to occur at seismic gaps, thus implying that
the hazard function grows with time since the last earthquake. Similar phenomena have
been observed in other regions; of particular interest is the North Anatolian fault where
activity has shifted systematically along it from east to west during the last forty years
(Allen, 1969).
Conclusions relative to activation of seismic gaps are controversial because the
observation periods have not exceeded one cycle of each process. Nevertheless, those
conclusions point to the formulation of stochastic models of seismicity that reflect plausible features of the geophysical processes.
These considerations suggest the use of renewal-process models to represent sequences of individual shocks or of clusters. Such models are characterized because
times between events are independent and identically distributed. The Poisson process is
a particular renewal model for which the distribution of the waiting time is exponential.
Wider generality is achieved, without much loss of mathematical tractability, if interevent times are supposed to be distributed in accordance with a gamma function:
f T (t ) =

(k 1) !

(v t ) k 1 e t


which becomes the exponential distribution when k = 1. If k < 1, short intervals are
more frequent and the coefficient of variation is greater than in the Poisson model; if
k > 1, the reverse is true. Shlien and Toksz (1970) found that gamma models were
unable to represent the sequences of individual shocks they analyzed; but these authors
handled time intervals at least an order of magnitude shorter than those referred to in
this section.
On the basis of hazard function estimated from sequences of small shocks in the
Hindu-Kush, Vere-Jones (1970) deduces the validity of 'branching renewal process'
models, in which the intervals between cluster centers, as well as those between cluster
members, constitute renewal processes.
Owing to the scarcity of statistical information, reliable comparisons between alternate models will have to rest partially on simulation of the process of storage and
liberation of strain energy (Burridge and Knopoff, 1967; Veneziano and Cornell, 1973).
3.4 Influence of the seismicity model on seismic risk
Nominal values of investments made at a given instant increase with time when
placing them at compound interest rates, i.e. when capitalizing them. Their real value
-and not only the nominal one- will also grow, provided the interest rate overshadows
inflation. Conversely, for the purpose of making design decisions, nominal values of
expected utilities and costs inflicted upon in the future have to be converted into present
or actualized values, which can be directly compared with initial expenditures. Descrip34

Luis Esteva
tions of seismic risk at a site are insufficient for that purpose unless the probability distributions of the times of occurrence of different intensities -or magnitudes at
neighbouring sources- are stipulated; this entails more than simple magnituderecurrence graphs or even than maximum feasible magnitude estimates.
Immediately after the occurrence of a large earthquake, seismic risk is abnormally
high due to aftershock activity and to the probability that damage inflicted by the main
shock may have weakened natural or man-made structures if emergency measures are
not taken in time. When aftershock activity has ceased and damaged systems have been
repaired, a normal risk level is attained, which depends on the probability-density functions of the waiting times to the ensuing damaging earthquakes.
For the purpose of illustration, let it be assumed that a fixed and deterministically
known damage D0 occurs whenever a magnitude above a given value is generated at a
given source. If f(t) is the probability-density function of the waiting time to the occurrence of the damaging event, and if the risk level is sufficiently low that only the first
failure is of concern, the expected value of the actualized cost of damage is (see Chapter

D = D0 e - t f (t ) dt


where is the discount (or compound interest) coefficient and the overbar denotes expectation. If the process is Poisson with mean rate v, then f (t) is exponential and
D D0 v/; however, if damaging events take place in clusters and most of the damage
produced by each cluster corresponds to its first event, the computation of D should
make use of the mean rate v corresponding to the clusters, instead of that applicable to
individual events. Table 2 shows a comparison of seismic risk determined under the
alternative assumptions of a Poisson and a gamma model (k = 2), both with the same
mean return period, k/v (Esteva, 1974).
Comparison of Poisson and gamma processes

t0 v/k

T 1 v/k Poisson process, k = 1 hk/v

T1 v/k Gamma process, k = 2


k/v = 10





k/v = 100




k/v = 10

bk/v = 100




Three descriptions of risk are presented as functions of the time t0 elapsed since
the last damaging event: T1, the expected time to the next event, measured from instant


t0; the expected value of the present cost of failure computed from eq. 20, and the hazard function (or mean failure rate). Since clustering is neglected, risk of aftershock occurrence must be either included in D0 or superimposed on that displayed in the table.
This table shows very significant differences among risk levels for both processes.
At small values of t0, risk is lower for the gamma process, but it grows with time, until it
outrides that for the Poisson process, which remains constant. The differences shown
clearly affect engineering decisions.
4. Assesment of local seismicity
Only exceptionally can magnitude-recurrence relations for small volumes of the
earth's crust and statistical correlation functions of the process of earthquake generation
be derived exclusively from statistical analysis of recorded shocks. In most cases this
information is too limited for that purpose and it does not always reflect geological
evidence. Since the latter, as well as its connection with seismicity, is beset with wide
uncertainty margins, information of different nature has to be evaluated, its uncertainty
analyzed, and conclusions reached consistent with all pieces of information. A probabilistic criterion that accomplishes this is presented here: on the basis of geotectonic data
and of conceptual models of the physical processes involved, a set of alternate assumptions can be made concerning the functions in question (magnitude recurrence, time,
and space correlation) and an initial probability distribution assigned thereto; statistical
information is used to judge the likelihood of each assumption, and a posterior probability distribution is obtained. How statistical information contributes to the posterior
probabilities of the alternate assumptions depends on the extent of that information and
on the degree of uncertainty implied by the initial probabilities. Thus, if geological
evidence supports confidence in a particular assumption or range of assumptions, statistical information should not greatly modify the initial probabilities. If, on the other
hand, a long and reliable statistical record is available, it practically determines the form
and parameters of the mathematical model selected to represent local seismicity.
4.1 Bayesian estimation of seismicity
Bayesian statistics provide a framework for probabilistic inference that accounts
for prior probabilities assigned to a set of alternate hypothetical models of a given phenomenon as well as for statistical samples of events related to that phenomenon. Unlike
conventional methods of statistical inference, Bayesian methods give weight to probability measures obtained from samples or from other sources; numbers, coordinates
and magnitudes of earthquakes observed in given time intervals serve to ascertain the
probable validity of each of the alternative models of local seismicity that can be postulated on the grounds of geological evidence. Any criterion intended to weigh information of different nature and different degrees of uncertainty should lead to probabilistic
conclusions consistent with the degree of confidence attached to each source of information. This is accomplished by Bayesian methods.
Let Hi (i = 1, ..., n) be a comprehensive set of mutually exclusive assumptions
concerning a given, imperfectly known phenomenon and let A be the observed outcome
of such a phenomenon. Before observing outcome A we assign an initial probability
P(Hi) to each hypothesis. If P(A/Hi) is the probability of A in case hypothesis Hi is true,
then Bayes' theorem (Raiffa and Schlaifer, 1968) states that:

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P ( H i | A) = P ( H i )

P( A | H i )
j P( H i ) P( A | H j )


The first member in this equation is the (posterior) probability that assumption Hi
is true, given the observed outcome A.
In the evaluation of seismic risk, Bayes' theorem can be used to improve initial estimates of (M) and its variation with depth in a given area as well as those of the parameters that define the shape of (M) or, equivalently, the conditional distribution of
magnitudes given the occurrence of an earthquake. For that purpose, take (M) as the
product of a rate function L = A(ML) by a shape function G*(M, B), equal to the conditional complementary distribution of magnitudes given the occurrence of an earthquake
with M ML, where ML is the magnitude thereshold of the set of statistical data used in
the estimation, and B is the vector of (uncertain) parameters B,, Br that define the
shape of (M). For instance, if (M) is taken as given by eq. 8, B is a vector of three
elements equal respectively to , 1, and MU; if eq. 9 is adopted, B is defined by k and
The initial distribution of seismicity is in this case expressed by the initial joint
probability density function of L and B: f'(L, B). The observed out come A can be
expressed by the magnitudes of all earthquakes generated in a given source during a
given time interval. For instance, suppose that N earthquakes were observed during time
interval t and that their magnitudes were m1, m2, , mN. Bayes' expression takes the
f ' ' (L , B | m1 ,..., m N ; t ) = f ' (L , B )

P [ m1, m2 ,..., mN ; t | L , B ]

P [m1, m2 ,..., mN ; t | l , b] f ' (l , b) dl db


where f" (.) is the posterior probability density function, and l and b are dummy variables that stand for all values that may be taken by L and B, respectively. Estimation of
L can usually be formulated independently of that of the other parameters. The observed fact is then expressed by NL, the number of earthquakes with magnitude above
ML during time t, and the following expression is obtained, as a first step in the estimation of (M):
f ' ' ( L | N L ; t ) = f ' ( L )

P ( N L ; t | L )

P ( N L ; t | l ) f ' (l ) dl


4.1.1 Initial probabilities of hypothetical models

Where statistical information is scarce, seismicity estimates will be very sensitive
to initial probabilities assigned to alternative hypothetical models; the opinions of geologists and geophysicists about probable models, about the parameters of these models,
and the corresponding margins of uncertainty should be adequately interpreted and
expressed in terms of a function f', as required by equations similar to 22 and 23. Ideally, these opinions should be based on the formulation of potential earthquake sources
and on their comparison with possibly similar geotectonic structures. This is usually
done by geologists, more qualitatively than quantitatively, when they estimate MU. Initial estimates of L are seldom made, despite the significance of this parameter for the
design of moderately important structures (see Chapter 9).

Analysis of geological information must consider local details as well as general
structure and evolution. In some areas it is clear that all potential earthquake sources can
be identified by surface faults, and their displacements in recent geological times measured. When mean displacements per unit time can be estimated, the order of magnitude
of creep and of energy liberated by shocks and hence of the recurrence intervals of
given magnitudes can be established (Wallace, 1970; Davies and Brune, 1971), the
corresponding uncertainty evaluated, and an initial probability distribution assigned.
The fact that magnitude-recurrence relations are only weakly correlated with the size of
recent displacements is reflected in large uncertainties (Petrushevsky, 1966).
Application of the criterion described in the foregoing paragraph can be unfeasible
or inadequate in many problems, as in areas where the abundance of faults of different
sizes, ages, and activity, and the insufficient accuracy with which focal coordinates are
determined preclude a differentiation of all sources. Regional seismicity may then be
evaluated under the assumption that at least part of the seismic activity is distributed in
a given volume rather than concentrated in faults of different importance. The same
situation would be faced when dealing with active zones where there is no surface evidence of motions. Hence, consideration of the overall behavior of complex geological
structures is often more significant than the study of local details.
Not much work has been done in the analysis of the overall behavior of large geological structures with respect to the energy that can be expected to be liberated per unit
volume and per unit time in given portions of those structures. Important research and
applications should be expected, however, since, as a result of the contribution of platetectonics theory to the understanding of large-scale tectonic processes, the numerical
values of some of the variables correlated with energy liberation are being determined,
and can be used at least to obtain orders of magnitude of expected activity along plate
boundaries. Far less well understood are the occurrences of shocks in apparently inactive regions of continental shields and the behavior of complex continental blocks or
regions of intense folding, but even there some progress is expected in the study of
accumulation of stresses in the crust.
Knowledge of the geological structure can serve to formulate initial probability
distributions of seismicity even when quantitative use of geophysical information seems
beyond reach. Initial probability distributions of local seismicity parameters L, B in the
small volumes of the earth's crust that contribute significantly to seismic risk at a site,
can be assigned by comparison with the average seismicity observed in wider areas of
similar tectonic characteristics, or where the extent and completeness of statistical information warrant reliable estimates of magnitude-recurrence curves (Esteva, 1969). In
this manner we can, for instance, use the information about the average distribution of
the depths of earthquakes of different magnitudes throughout a seismic province to
estimate the corresponding distribution in an area of that province, where activity has
been low during the observation interval, even though there might be no apparent geophysical reason to account for the difference. Similarly, the expected value and coefficient of variation of L in a given area of moderate or low seismicity (as a continental
shield) can be obtained from the statistics of the motions originated at all the supposedly
stable or aseismic regions in the world.
The significance of initial probabilities in seismic risk estimates, against the
weight given to purely statistical information, becomes evident in the example of Fig.
16: if Kelleher's theory about activation of seismic gaps is true, risk is greater at the
gaps than anywhere else along the coast; if Poisson models are deemed representative of
the process of energy liberation, the extent of statistical information is enough to sub38

Luis Esteva
stantiate the hypothesis of reduced risk at gaps. Because both models are still controversial, and represent at most two extreme positions concerning the properties of the actual
process, risk estimates will necessarily reflect subjective opinions.

4.1.2 Significance of statistical information

Estimation of L. Application of eq. 23 to estimate L independently of other parameters will be first discussed, because it is a relatively simple problem and because L
is usually more uncertain than MU and much more so than .
A model as defined by eq. 19 will be assumed to apply. If the possible assumptions concerning the values of L constitute a continuous interval, the initial probabilities of the alternative hypotheses can be expressed in terms of a probability-density
function of L. If, in addition, a certain assumption is made concerning the form of this
probability-density function, only the initial values of E(L) and V(L) have to be assumed. It is advantageous to assign to v = k/E(T) a gamma distribution. Then, if and
are the parameters of this initial distribution of v, if k is assumed to be known, and if the
observed outcome is expressed as the time tn elapsed during n + 1 consecutive events
(earthquakes with magnitude ML), application of eq. 23 leads to the conclusion that
the posterior probability function of v is also gamma, now with parameters + nk and
+ tn. The initial and the posterior expected values of v are respectively equal to /,
and to ( + nk)/ ( + tn). When initial uncertainty about v is small, and will be large
and the initial and the posterior expected values of v will not differ greatly. On the other
hand, if only statistical information were deemed significant, and should be given
very small values in the initial distribution, and E(v), and hence L, will be practically
defined by n, k, and tn. This means that the initial estimates of geologists should not only
include expected or most probable values of the different parameters, but also statements about ranges of possible values and degrees of confidence attached to each.
In the case studied above only a portion of the statistical information was used. In
most cases, especially if seismic activity has been low during the observation interval,
significant information is provided by the durations of the intervals elapsed from the
initiation of observations to the first of the n + 1 events considered, and from the last of
these events until the end of the observation period. Here, application of eq. 23 leads to
expressions slightly more complicated than those obtained when only information about
tn is used.
The particular case when the statistical record reports no events during at least an
interval (0, t0) comes up frequently in practical problems. The probability-density function of the time T1 from t0 to the occurrence of the first event must account for the corresponding shifting of the time axis. Furthermore, if the time of occurrence of the last
event before the origin is unknown, the distribution of the waiting time from t = 0 to the
first event coincides with that of the excess life in a renewal process at an arbitrary value
of t that approaches infinity (Parzen, 1962). For the particular case when the waiting
times constitute a gamma process, T1 is measured from t = 0, T is the waiting time between consecutive events, and it is known that T1 t0, the conditional density function
of 1 = (T1 t0)/E(T) is given by eq. 24 (Esteva, 1974), where 0 = t0/E(T):

f1 (u | T1 t0 ) =

[k (u + u0 )]m 1

m 1 ( m 1)!

(ku0 ) n1


m=1 n =1


e ku


Consider now the implications of Bayesian analysis when applied to one of the
seismic gaps in Fig. 16, under the conditions implicit in eq. 24. An initial set of assumptions and corresponding probabilities was adopted as described in the following. From
previous studies referring to all the southern coast of Mexico, local seismicity in the gap
area (measured in terms of for M 6.5) was represented by a gamma process with
k = 2. An initial probability density function for v was adopted such that the expected
value of (6.5) for the region coincided with its average throughout the complete seismic province. Two values of were considered: 2 and 10, which correspond to coefficients of variation of 0.71 and 0.32, respectively. Values in Table 3 were obtained for
the ratio of the final to the initial expected values of v, in terms of 0.
The last two columns in the table contain the ratios of the computed values of
E"(T1) and E'(T) when v is taken as equal respectively to its initial or to its posterior
expected value. This table shows that, for = 10, that is, when uncertainty attached to
the geologically based assumptions is low, the expected value of the time to the next
event keeps decreasing, in accordance with the conclusions of Kelleher et al. (1973).
However, as time goes on and no events occur, the statistical evidence leads to a reduction in the estimated risk, which shows in the increased conditional expected values of
T1, For = 2, the geological evidence is less significant and risk estimates decrease at a
faster rate.

4.1.3 Bayesian estimation of jointly distributed parameters

In the general case, estimation of B will consist in the determination of the posterior Bayesian joint probability function of its components, taking as statistical evidence
the relative frequencies of observed magnitudes. Thus, if event A is described as the
occurrence of N shocks, with magnitudes m1, ..., mN, and bi (i = 1, ..., r) are values that
may be adopted by the components of vector B being estimated, eq. 21 becomes:
f 'B' (b1 ,..., br | A) =

f B' (b1 ,..., br ) P( A | b1 ,..., br )

... f B' (u1 ,..., ur ) P( A | u1 ,..., ur ) du1 ,..., dur


where P(A u1, , ur) is proportional to:


g(mi | u1 ,..., u r )
i =1

and g(m) = - G* (m) / m.

Closed-form solutions for f" as given by eq. 25 are not feasible in general. For the
purpose of evaluating risk, however, estimates of the posterior first and second moments
of f" can be obtained from eq. 25, making use of available first-order approximations
(Benjamin and Cornell, 1970; Rosenblueth, 1975). Thus, the posterior expected value of
Bi is given by f f"Bi.(u) u du, where f"Bi (ui) = f ... f f"B (u1,..., ur) du1,..., dun and the
multiple integral is of order r - 1, because it is not extended to the dominion of Bi.
E ' ' ( Bi ) =

E 'B [ Bi P ( A | B1 ,..., B r )]
E 'B [ P ( A | B1 ,..., B r )]



Luis Esteva
Bayesian estimates of seismicity in one seismic gap

u0 = t0/ E'(T)

E"(T1T1 t0)/E'(T)




= 10


= 10





where E' and E" stand for initial and posterior expectation, and subscript B means that
expectation is taken with respect to all the components of B. Likewise, the following
posterior moments can be obtained:
Covariance of Bi and Bj

Cov' ' ( Bi , B j ) =

E 'B [ Bi B j P( A | B1 ,..., B r )]
E B' [ P ( A | B1 ,..., B r )]

E ' ' ( Bi ) E ' ' ( B j )


Expected value of (M)

E ' ' [ ( M )] = E ' ' (1 ) E ' ' [G * ( M ; B )]
= E ' ' (1 )

E B' [G * ( M ; B) P ( A | B1 ,..., Br )]
EB' [ P ( A | B1 ,..., Br )]


Marginal distributions. The posterior expectation of (M) is in some cases all that
is required to describe seismicity for decision-making purposes. Often, however, uncertainty in (M) must also be acounted for. For instance, the probability of exceedance of
a given magnitude during a given time interval has to be obtained as the expectation of
the corresponding probabilities over all alternative hypotheses concerning (M). In this
manner it can be shown that, if the occurrence of earthquakes is a Poisson process and
the Bayesian distribution of L is gamma with mean L and coefficient of variation VL,
the marginal distribution of the number of earthquakes is negative binomial with mean
L . In particular, the marginal probability of zero events during time interval t
equivalently, the complementary distribution
function of the waiting time between
events is equal to (1 + t/t")r", where r" = VL and t" = r"/ L . The marginal probability-density function of the waiting time, that should be substituted in eq. 20, is
L (1 + t/t") , which tends to the exponential probability function as r" and t" tend to
infinity (and VL 0) while their ratio remains equal to L .
Bayesian uncertainty tied to the joint distribution of all seismicity parameters (L,
Bl, ..., Br) can be included in the computation of the probability of occurrence of a given
event Z by taking the expectation of that probability with respect to all parameters:

P( Z ) = E L , B [ P ( Z ); L , B1 ,..., Br )]


When the joint distribution of L, B stems from Bayesian analysis of an initial distribution and an observed event, A, this equation adopts the form:
P" ( Z ) =

E 'L , B[ P( Z | L , B ) P( A | L , B)]
E ' L , B [P( A | L , B)]


where ' and " stand for initial and posterior, respectively.
Spatial variability. Figure 17 shows a map of geotectonic provinces of Mexico,
according to F. Mooser. Each province is characterized by the large-scale features of its
tectonic structure, but significant local perturbations to the overall patterns can be identified. Take for instance zone 1, whose seismotectonic features were described above,
and are schematically shown in Fig. 18 (Singh, 1975): the Pacific plate underthrusts the
continental block and is thought to break into several blocks, separated by faults transverse to the coast, that dip at different angles. The continental mass is also made up of
several large blocks. Seismic activity at the underthrusting plate or at its interface with
the continental mass is characterized by magnitudes that may reach very high values and
by the increase of mean hypocentral depth with distance from the coast; small and moderate shallow shocks are generated at the blocks themselves. Variability of statistical
data along the whole tectonic system was discussed above and is apparent in Fig. 10.

Figure 17. Seismotectonic provinces of Mexico. (After F. Mooser)


Luis Esteva

Figure 18. Schematic drawing of the segmenting of Cocos plate
as it subducts below American plate. (After Singh, 1974)
Bayesian estimation of local seismicity averaged throughout the system is a matter
of applying eq. 21 or any of its special forms (eqs. 22 and 23), taking as statistical evidence the information corresponding to the whole system. However, seismic risk estimates are sensitive to values of local seismicity averaged over much smaller volumes of
the earth's crust; hence the need to develop criteria for probabilistic inference of possible patterns of space variability of seismicity along tectonically homogeneous zones.
On the basis of seismotectonic information, the system under consideration can
first be subdivided into the underthrusting plate and the subsystem of shallow sources;
each subsystem can then be separately analyzed. Take for instance the underthrusting
plate and subdivide it into s sufficiently small equal-volume subzones. Let vL be the rate
of exceedance of magnitude ML throughout the main system, vLi the corresponding rate
at each subzone, and define pi as vL/vL, with pi independent of vL (pi is equal to the probability that an earthquake known to have been generated in the overall system originated
at subzone i). Initial information about possible space variability of vLi can be expressed
in terms of an initial probability distribution of pi and of the correlation among pi and pj
for any i and j. Because vLi = vL, one obtains pi = 1. This imposes two restrictions on
the initial joint probability distribution of the pi s: E'(pi) = 1, var' pi = 0. If all pi s are
assigned equal expectations and all pairs pi, pj, i j are assumed to possess the same
correlation coefficient ij = ', the restrictions mentioned lead to E' (pi) = 1/s and
' = -1/(s - 1). Posterior values of E(pi) and ij are obtained according to the same principles that led to eqs. 25-28. Statistical evidence is in this case described by N, the total
number of earthquakes generated in the system, and ni (i = 1, ..., s) the corresponding
numbers for the subzones. Given the pis, the probability of this event is the multinomial
P[ A | p1 ,..., p s ] =

p1n1 ... p sns
n1 ! ,..., n s !


If the correlation coefficients among seismicities of the various subzones can be

neglected, each pi can be separately estimated. Because pi has to be comprised between
0 and 1, it is natural to assign it a beta initial probability distribution, defined by its
parameters n'i and N'i, such that E' (pi) = n'i/N'i and var'(pi) = n'i (N'i - n'i)/[ N'i2 (N'i + 1)]
(Raiffa and Schlaifer, 1968). The parameters of the posterior distribution will be:

n' ' = n'i + n i ,

N 'i ' = N 'i + N

Take for instance a zone whose prior distribution of L is assumed gamma with
expected value l'L and coefficient of variation V'L. Suppose that, on the basis of geological evidence and of the dimensions involved, it is decided to subdivide the zone into
four subzones of equal dimensions; a-priori considerations lead to the assignment of
expected values and coefficients of variation of pi for those subzones, say E'(pi) = 0.25,
V'(pi) = 0.25 (i = 1,..., 4). From previous considerations for s = 4 take 'ij = -1/3 for i j.
Suppose now that, during a given time interval t, ten earthquakes were observed in the
zone, of which 0, 1, 3, and 6 occurred respectively in each subzone. If the Poisson process model is adopted, 'L and V'L can be expressed in terms of a fictitious number of
events n' = V' L occurred during a fictitious time interval t' = n'/ 'L ; after observing n
earthquakes during an interval t, the Bayesian mean and coefficient of variation of L
will be 'L' = (n' + n) / (t' + t), V"L = (n' + n) (Esteva, 1968). Hence:

'L' = (V L' 2 +10) /(V L' 2 'L1 +t ),

V L' ' = (V L' 2 +10) 1 / 2

Local deviations of seismicity in each subzone with respect to the average L can
be analyzed in terms of pi (i = 1, ..., 4); Bayesian analysis of the proportion in which the
ten earthquakes were distributed among the subzones proceeds according to:
E ' ' ( p i | A) =

E ' [ p i P( A | p i ,..., p 4 )]
E ' [ P( A | p i ,..., p 4 )]


The expectations that appear in this equation have to be computed with respect to
the initial joint distribution of the p'is. In practice, adequate approximations are required.
For instance, Benjamin and Cornells' (1970) first-order approximation leads to
E"(p1) = 0.226, E"(p4) = 0.294.
If correlation among subzone seismicities is neglected, and statistical information
of each subzone is independently analyzed, when the p'is are assigned beta probabilitydensity functions with means and coefficients of variation as defined above, one obtains
E"(p1) = 0.206, E"(p4) = 0.311, which are not very different from those formerly obtained; however, when E'(pi) = 0.25 and V'(pi) = 0.5, the first criterion leads to E"(pi) =
0.206, E"(p4) = 0.314, while the second produces 0.131 and 0.416, respectively. Part of
the difference may be due to neglect of 'ij, but probably a significant part stems from
inaccuracies of the first-order approximation to the expectations that appear in eq. 32;
alternate approximations are therefore desirable.
Incomplete data. Statistical information is known to be fairly reliable only for
magnitudes above threshold values that depend on the region considered, its level of
activity, and the quality of local and nearby seismic instrumentation. Even incomplete
statistical records may be significant when evaluating some seismicity parameters; their
use has to be accompanied by estimates of detectability values, that is, of ratios of the
numbers of events recorded to total numbers of events in given ranges (Esteva, 1970;
Kaila and Narain, 1971).
5. Regional seismicity

The final goal of local seismicity assessment is the estimation of regional seismicity, that is, of probability distributions of intensities at given sites, and of probabilistic
correlations among them. These functions are obtained by integrating the contributions

Luis Esteva
of local seismicities of nearby sources, and hence their estimates reflect Bayesian uncertainties tied to those seismicities. In the following, regional seismicity will be expressed
in terms of mean rates of exceedance of given intensities; more detailed probabilistic
descriptions would entail adoption of specific hypotheses concerning space and time
correlations of earthquake generation.
5.1 Intensity-recurrence curves

The case when uncertainty in seismicity parameters is neglected will be discussed

first. Consider an elementary seismic source with volume dV and local seismicity (M)
per unit volume, distant R from a site S, where intensity-recurrence functions are to be
estimated. Every time that a magnitude M shock is generated at that source, the intensity
at S equals:

Y = Y p = b1 exp (b2 M ) g ( R)


(see eqs. 4 and 5), where is a random factor and Y and Yp stand for actual and predicted intensities, b1 and b2 are given constants, and g(R) is a function of hypocentral
distance. The probability that an earthquake originating at the source will have an intensity greater than y is equal to the probability that Yp > y. If Yp is expressed in terms of
M and randomness in is accounted for, one obtains:

( y ) = p ( y / u ) f (u ) du


where v and vp are respectively mean rates at which actual and predicted intensities
exceed given values, U = y/yU, L = y/yL, yU, and yL are the predicted intensities that
correspond to MU and ML, and f the probability-density function of . If eq. 33 is assumed to hold:
v p ( y ) = K 0 + K1 y r K 2 y r


K i = [b1 g ( R )]r Ai L dV

(i = 0,1, 2)


r2 = ( 1 ) / b2


r0 = 0,

r1 = / b2 ,

Substitution of eq. 35 into 34, coupled with the assumption that ln is normally
distributed with mean m and standard deviation leads to:

( y ) = c0 K 0 + c1 K1 y r c2 K 2 y r


ln L u i
c i = exp(Qi )

ln U u i


is the standard normal cumulative distribution function, Qi = 1/2 a2ri2 + mri, and
ui = m + 2ri. Similar expressions have been presented by Merz and Cornell (1973) for
the special case of eq. 8 when 1 and for a quadratic form of the relation between

magnitude and logarithm of exceedance rate. Closed-form solutions in terms of incomplete gamma functions are obtained when magnitudes are assumed to possess extreme
type-III distributions (eq. 9).
Intensity-recurrence curves at given sites are obtained by integration of the contributions of all significant sources. Uncertainties in local seismicities can be handled by
describing regional seismicity in terms of means and variances of v(y) and estimating
these moments from eq. 34 and suitable first- and second-moment approximations.
Influence of these uncertainties in design decisions has been discussed by Rosenblueth
(in preparation).
5.2 Seismic probability maps

When intensity-recurrence functions are determined for a number of sites with

uniform local ground conditions the results are conveniently represented by sets of
seismic probability maps, each map showing contours of intensities that correspond to a
given return period. For instance, Figs. 19 and 20 show peak ground velocities and
accelerations that correspond to 100 years return period on firm ground in Mexico.
These maps form part of a set that was obtained through application of the criteria described in this chapter. Because the ratio of peak ground accelerations and velocities
does not remain constant throughout a region, the corresponding design spectra will not
only vary in scale but also in shape (frequency content); in other words, seismic risk
will usually have to be expressed in terms of at least the values of two parameters (for
instance, as in this case, peak ground accelerations and velocities that correspond to
various risk levels (return periods)).
5.3 Microzoning

Implicit in the above criteria for evaluation of regional seismicity is the adoption
of intensity attenuation expressions valid on firm ground. Scatter of actual intensities
with respect to predicted values was ascribed to differences in source mechanisms.
propagation paths, and local site conditions; at least the latter group of variables can
introduce systematic deviations in the ratio of actual to predicted intensities; and geological details may significantly alter local seismicity in a small region, as well as energy radiation patterns, and hence regional seismicity in the neighbourhood. These
systematic deviations are the matter of microzoning, that is, of local modification of risk
maps similar to Figs. 19 and 20.
Most of the effort invested in microzoning has been devoted to study of the influence of local soil stratigraphy on the intensity and frequency content of earthquakes (see
Chapter 4). Analytical models have been practically limited to response analysis of
stratified formations of linear or nonlinear soils to vertically traveling shear waves. The
results of comparing observed and predicted behavior have ranged from satisfactory
(Herrera et al., 1965) to poor (Hudson and Udwadia, 1972).
Topographic irregularities, as hills or slopes of firm ground formations underlying
sediments, may introduce significant systematic perturbations in the surface motion, as
a consequence of wave focusing or dynamic amplification. The latter effect was probably responsible for the exceptionally high accelerations recorded at the abutment of
Pacoima dam during the 1971 San Fernando earthquake.
Present practice of microzoning determines seismic intensities or design parameters in two steps. First the values of those parameters on firm ground are estimated by

Luis Esteva

Figure 19. Peak ground velocities with return period of 100 years (cm/sec)

Figure 20. Peak ground accelerations with return period of 100 years (cm/sec2)

means of suitable attenuation expressions and then they are amplified according to the
properties of local soil; but this implies an arbitrary decision to which seismic risk is
very sensitive: selecting the boundary between soil and firm ground. A specially difficult problem stems when trying to fix that boundary for the purpose of predicting the
motion at the top of a hill or the slope stability of a high cliff (Rukos, 1974).
It can be concluded that rational formulation of microzoning for seismic risk is
still in its infancy and that new criteria will appear that will probably require intensity
attenuation models which include the influence of local systematic perturbations.
Whether these models are available or the two-step process described above is acceptable, intensity-recurrence expressions can be obtained as for the unperturbated case,
after multiplying the second member of eq. 34 by an adequate intensity-dependent corrective factor.

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