Do You Love Me?
Do You Love Me?
Do You Love Me?
(John 21:15-17)
I. Introduction.
A. Orientation.
Last time,
We saw Jesus third appearance
To seven of His disciples
As they were fishing on the Sea of Galilee.
To take care of their current needs
And provide them with the means
To travel to Jerusalem
Which they would shortly do
As they would wait for the Spirit
He also continued to care for them
By serving them a meal of fish and bread.
B. Preview.
But now we see
There was another reason for Jesus appearance:
There was still some outstanding business
He had to take care of with Peter
That had to do with his denials.
As there also is in our own
Whenever we fall into sin.
II. Sermon.
A. First, we see when this conversation took place:
After they had finished their meal.
We read in verse 15, So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon
Peter, Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?
We should note
That while Peter was kicking himself
For his failure to stand up for his Lord
During His time of suffering,
Jesus never scolded him for what he had done,
Or even spoke directly to him about it.
Even now He will speak to him indirectly
Since He knew Peter had repented
Not only to let him know that He had forgiven him,
But that He loved Peter as much as He ever had.
1. Jesus asks the first time, Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than
Notice Jesus calls him, Simon, son of John, or Barjona
The same name Jesus called him by
When He warned him about Satans impending temptation.
We read in Luke 22:31, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded
permission to sift you like wheat.
He doesnt call him, Peter
The name He had given him
Because he had lost that strength and stability
That the name Cephas or Peter represented.
He didnt take this name away,
But He didnt use it here either.
Jesus asks this question:
Because of Peters denials
How can you say you love Me,
When just a short time ago
You denied three times
That you even know Me?
When we do things
That are the opposite of what we say we believe,
We shouldnt be offended
If our sincerity is called into question.
But notice again Jesus gentleness
He doesnt accuse him directly,
But questions him indirectly.
Then all that youve done is forgiven,
And we will say nothing more about it.
It doesnt matter what we might do
To try to make up for what weve done
We cant make it up
All that matters is if we love Him:
If we do, we are forgiven.
That He will only entrust their care
To those who love Him
If they love Him,
They will love what belongs to Him.
2. But notice,
Jesus doesnt merely ask Peter if he loves Him,
He asks, Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?
If we dont love Him far more
Than our most intimate friends.
On one occasion,
Jesus said to the crowd following Him,
If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife
and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be
My disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot
be My disciple (Luke 14:26-27).
Jesus could also have been asking Peter,
Do you love Me more than these love Me?
C. This brings us to our third point: how Peter answers Jesus questions.
As we just saw,
Jesus had prayed that Peters faith would not fail (Luke 22:32),
And the Father answered that prayer:
And because his faith didnt fail,
Neither did his love
Genuine faith works by love (Gal. 5:6).
Was he grieved because Jesus asked him this question three times?
Was it because it reminded him of the three times he denied his Lord?
Its possible that this had something to do with it.
But its more likely he was grieved
Because Jesus changed the question the third time.
He uses the word phileo,
Which means to be fond of,
Or to have a brotherly love for someone.
It is a lesser kind of love.
And serve Him in His kingdom.
He works to bring us back
To the place where He can use us again,
Because He loves us.
If you do, you will find
That He has been seeking you.