DEBATE SchoolCalendarShift
DEBATE SchoolCalendarShift
DEBATE SchoolCalendarShift
and honestly, a 4-day break is simply not enough time for the students to rest. It
would be much more practical and efficient if the academic calendar would start
in August and end at May. Here, the semestral break and the Christmas break
are combined giving the students a longer rest and a better placement of the
breaks. As a result, the pattern would then be 5 months for the first semester, a
2-week break and then 6 months for the second semester. Having combined the
semestral break and the Christmas break, the academic calendar pattern is not
anymore as inefficient, time consuming and confusing as the previous pattern.
Change is needed in order to progress. Education is also needed in
order to progress. By simply reforming the academic calendar, our educational
system can start progressing and eventually, our countrys educational system
could be at par with those aboard. As George Bernard Shaw said: The
reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in
trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the
unreasonable man.