Types of Cancer

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Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell

growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts
of the bodyEvery year an estimated 150,000 200,000 new
patients are diagnosed with cancer in Pakistan. A staggering
figure which translates to roughly 500 people per day.
Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital (SKMCH) can
only accommodate a fraction of them.

Cancer does not discriminate between age, background or

gender. So, when it comes to cancer care, neither do we.
Being diagnosed with cancer can be frightening. But
understanding whats going on inside your body can help
you feel more in control. Over the years, ongoing research
and more effective treatment has increased the survival
rate in cancer patients. The better we get at knowing what
were up against, the higher our chances to beat cancer.

Cancer can occur in any organ or part of the body. Were all familiar with
the most common cancers like skin cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer,
breast cancer and colon cancer. These are categorized according to the
place the cancer first started. Medically, cancer is also categorized

according to the type of cells it started in. There are four main types cancer
which occurs in the most common types of cells in our bodies.

The majority of cancers (about 85%) are carcinomas. They start in
epithelial tissue, which is the tissue that makes up our skin; covered
our inner organs and line cavities in our body. The most common
forms of cancer like breast, lung, prostate and bowel cancer are
all carcinomas. There are four different types of epithelial cells and
four sub-categories of carcinoma cancer which correspond to them.

Squamous cell carcinoma is a cancer which develops in those flat,

surface covering cells that line different parts of the body, such as the skin,
throat, and esophagus.

Adenocarcinoma forms in adenomatous cells. These are the cells in

our glands which produce fluids. They are found in organs like the kidneys,
stomach, ovaries, and prostate.

Transitional cell carcinoma develops in transitional cells, which

compose stretchy tissue in organs that expand. They are found in the lining
of organs like the bladder and other parts of the urinary system.

Basal cell carcinoma is less common. It occurs in cells, which form

the deepest layer of the skin.

Leukemia is a cancer which develops in blood forming tissue, like bone
marrow. It causes abnormally formed white blood cells that cannot function
properly. Too many of these are produced, so they build up in the blood.
Leukemia is one of the less common cancers.

Similar to leukemia, lymphoma is also characterized by the formation of
abnormal white blood cells. It occurs anywhere in the lymphatic system,
which is responsible for filtering body fluid and fighting infection. Lymphoma
is also a relatively rare form of cancer.

Sarcoma develops in connective or supportive tissue, which make up
muscles, bones, cartilage, tendons, etc. This is the tissue which supports
the body and its organs. There are normally two main types of sarcoma:
bone sarcoma, also known as osteosarcoma; and soft tissue sarcomas.


Cancer can often be treated more successfully when it is
diagnosed in the early stages. In order to spot changes that
could be caused by cancer, its important to know your body
and what is normal for you. If something doesnt feel right, its
sensible to get it checked with your doctor.
With over 200 different types of cancer, all with different signs, it is
difficult to compile a comprehensive list of cancer symptoms. There
are, however, some common cancer signs & symptoms we can be
aware of. These are listed below.

Cancerous lumps are often, but not always, painless. If you discover a
lump anywhere on your body, you should see a doctor, even if its not
causing you discomfort. It can be useful to make a note of how long its
been there and if you think its growing. It isnt always easy to tell if a lump
or a swelling is cancerous just by feeling it, but if your doctor thinks it is
necessary, he/she will refer you to a specialist for further tests and/or a
biopsy. Also, note that lumps and bumps often occur on the body and most
are harmless. However, if youre worried, its always worth getting it
checked out.

Changes in your bowel habits

Changes in bowel habits

Can be caused by any number of things, including a change in diet;
medication you may have started taking; and even anxiety. But, if
symptoms come on suddenly without an obvious cause or have lasted
longer than six weeks, you should see your doctor. Common symptoms of
bowel cancer can include:

A change in your usual bowel habits

A feeling of not fully emptying out the bowels after passing stools

Diarrhea, constipation or passing mucus with your stools

Abdominal pains or pain in the back passage

Blood mixed in with your stools. This is caused by a bleeding of the

tumor if there is one. Normally the blood is dark in color, but it can also be
bright red. It should be noted that bright red blood is also, and more often, a
sign of hemorrhoids.

Coughing ,Breathlessness ,and hoarseness

Coughing, Breathlessness, and Hoarseness
All of the above are common signs of lung cancer or larynx cancer, but
these symptoms are also caused by many other illnesses like infections
and inflammations. Its worth seeing a doctor if youve found blood in your
sputum. Similarly, get your symptoms checked if a cough, breathlessness
or hoarseness has lasted more than two weeks.

Any unexplained bleeding is a sign that there is something wrong and
should always be checked out by your doctor. Weve already mentioned
that coughing up blood or passing blood in your stools might be caused by
cancer. Here are some other common cases where bleeding can be a
cancer symptom:

Vomiting blood can be a sign of stomach cancer. Of course it can

also be caused by a stomach ulcer, but let your doctor decide.

Vaginal bleeding between periods or after intercourse can be a sign

of cervical cancer or that of the womb. Women who experience vaginal
bleeding after they have had their menopause should see a doctor or

Blood in your urine is commonly caused by infection, but it can also

be a sign of bladder or kidney cancer. In either case, you should see your

Recurrent nosebleeds or easy bleeding and bruising are

symptoms of leukemia, though leukemia comes with many other signs too.

The first sign of malignant melanoma, otherwise known as skin
cancer, is related to a change in the skin. This can appear in the
form of a new mole or an existing mole which may grow; change the
shape or color; become itchy or painful; and even bleed or start to
crust. Often it can be difficult to tell the difference between an
ordinary mole and a melanoma. The ABCDE guide below might

Asymmetrical: Moles are usually symmetrical in shape, melanomas

are likely to be asymmetrical.

Border: Melanomas have a noticeably irregular border with ragged

edges, whereas moles usually have a well-defined border.

Color: Melanomas will often be a mix of more than one color like
brown and black with varying shades; or red and pink, while moles are a
single, solid (brown) color.

Diameter: Melanomas are usually larger than 6mm (1/4 inches),

while moles tend to be no bigger than the blunt end of a pencil.

Enlargement: A mole that changes size or becomes elevated over

time is more than likely a melanoma.

Different cancers are treated in different ways. When deciding
treatment, doctors will take into account a patients general
health as well as the stage the cancer is in.
There are six main types of treatment for cancer. It is fairly common
for a patient to undergo a combination of cancer treatments to get
the best results.

Surgery is a common treatment for many cancers. It involves cutting
away the effected body tissue or cancerous tumor. Surgery is
usually performed if the cancer is in one area of the body. In rare
cases, surgery can be performed if the cancer has spread to
another area. However, this is less common because if a cancer
has spread surgery usually cannot cure it.
The type of surgery a patient depends on the type of cancer they
have; the affected area of the body; as well as the size and position.

Radiotherapy treatment is when high energy x-ray beams (radiation)is used
to destroy cancer cells. Radiotherapy is very carefully planned and beams
are only aim at the affected area of the body to prevent healthy cells from
being harmed. It can cause long-term and short-term side effects which will
vary depending on the part of the body that is being treated. Most side
effects are temporary and can be treated with medicine.

Chemotherapy is the use of cytotoxic (cell-killing) drugs to destroy
cancer cells. There are over 100 different chemotherapy drugs
available and a treatment may involve the use of a single drug or a
combination of two or more different types. Some chemotherapy
drugs are given as tablets or capsules, but most are given through
an infusion (by drip) into a vein. Chemotherapy can be given
alongside other cancer treatments like radiotherapy, surgery,
hormone therapy, etc. Doctors will assess your situation and decide
if chemotherapy is suitable for you. This will depend on various
things, including:

The type of cancer you have

Where in your body the cancer started

The grade of cancer cells (how different they are from normal cells
and how rapidly they are growing/spreading. A biopsy will reveal this.)

Whether the cancer has spread to other parts of your body

Your general health

Chemotherapy has side effects. These will depend on which drug(s)

is used. There are now very good ways of preventing or reducing
the side effects of chemotherapy.

Hormones Therapy
Hormones are natural substances our body (the endocrine system)
produces. Hormones carry messages throughout the body,but they

also have other functions like affecting the growth and function of
cells and organs. Some cancer cells also need hormones to grow.
To prevent this, hormone therapy works by altering the production of
a certain type(s) of hormone in the body. When hormones are
reduced or prevented from attaching to the cancer cells, the cancer
can be controlled.
Hormone therapy is normally used to treat patients suffering from
cancers, which are hormone sensitive. These include:

Prostate cancer

Breast cancer

Ovarian and womb cancer

Kidney cancer

Biological Therapy
Biological therapy is also known as targeted therapy. It involves
drugs which are similar to the substances that occur naturally in our
body. These drugs do what those substances would, to specifically
fight cancer. Biological therapy works in different ways like:
stimulating the bodys immune system to fight the cancer; finding
cancer cells and destroying them; or inhibiting the growth of cancer
cells. There are several types of biological therapy, some of these

Monoclonal antibodies, which can be designed to find cancer cells

and destroy them.

Cancer growth inhibitors, which prevent cancer cells from using

hormones that help them grow.

Angiogenesis inhibitors, which prevent the development of blood

vessels that feed tumors.

Vaccines and gene therapy are still in development. Researchers

are trying to develop vaccines that could cure cancer which has spread or
come back.

Active surveillance
Some types of cancer grow very slowly and may not cause problems for
many years. In this type of situation a patient wont need to have any
treatment for some time. Nonetheless, doctors will continue to monitor the
patient closely,so that if the cancer does start to grow, they can begin
treatment at that time.

The best way to fight cancer is to prevent it. While doctors
have some idea of what can put you at risk of cancer, every
case of cancer often has many factors involved, which

suggests that there is no single cause for any one type of

Furthermore, cancer can occur in people who dont have any known
risk factors. With that said, to prevent cancer it is important to
maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid factors known to increase the
risk of cancer. Some of these can be found below.

Done By: Rahaf Essam

Sara Fareed
Al Joud Bassaj
Waad Barabbaa

Resourse: www.ikca.org.uk

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