The Secrets of Strong Chess Players
The Secrets of Strong Chess Players
The Secrets of Strong Chess Players
Part I
Today we have a very interesting topic: The Secrets of Strong Chess
During a game of chess you demonstrate your way of thinking.
Obviously there is a difference in the way of thinking between strong
and not-so-strong players, but what is it about their way of thinking
that makes these players stronger and helps them to gain more
If you have pondered such questions before, you may have
discovered that finding the answer is not that easy. Perhaps you
have found that many of these strong players are unwilling to share
these insider secrets with you.
Im pretty sure that most players would just take Blacks queen on e5.
Generally, when you have a material advantage it is good to
exchange pieces. However, in this position it is not the best move
because if White takes Blacks queen on e5, he will only have
succeeded in helping Black to activate his knight and bring it to a
good central square.
So what to do instead? If you have studied my previous lessons you
will know already that to take is a mistake and that in such positions it
is far better that you maintain the tension and let your opponent be
the one who releases this tension.
Part I |Remote Chess Academy | 2009-2015 |
Accordingly, White played 30. Kh2 and now you can see this idea
clearly. If White takes Blacks queen on e5 Black will activate his
knight and put it on a good central square. The opposite situation is
applicable for Black. If Black takes Whites queen on g3, it will help
White to activate his king and bring it closer to the center.
In the actual game, Black took Whites queen (30Qxg3+) and after
the recapture (31. Kxg3) White achieved an easily winning position.
Notice that White can bring his king to f4 and then push e5, he has
an extra pawn and Black has a lot of weaknesses. This is totally
winning for White.
So now you know one secret of strong players: they understand the
rule that to take is a mistake. It may sound rather simple but most
players do not follow this rule or do not know about it. What they
actually do is the opposite thing and they take whenever they can.
Why do so many players make this mistake? Its actually quite easy
to explain. Consider for a moment the following example:
Diagram 2
Black to move
Now, imagine that you are playing Black and you are considering
the move 10d5. Which variations do you need to check before you
can play this move?
Part I |Remote Chess Academy | 2009-2015 |
Obviously you need to be sure that you dont lose any material and
so maybe you start your calculation and think to yourself, Okay, Ill
play d5 and after cxd5 Ill take with my knight (Nxd5), hell recapture
with his knight (Nxd5), Ill take on d5 again with my bishop (Bxd5),
hell take with his bishop (Bxd5), Ill take with my queen (Qxd5). And
then you see that everything is fine and say to yourself, Okay, I can
play d5.
This is the usual method of calculating variations and after some
practice it becomes a habit. Thats why most chess players follow this
way of thinking automatically. When they see that they can take
something they start their calculations right from that move. Stronger
players, on the other hand, know that to take is a mistake and that
they should look for something better.
Before we move on, let me just clarify something. Of course Im not
saying that you should never take. Sometimes you can win an
opponents material and sometimes you are forced to recapture in
order to keep the material balance. In such cases of course you will
naturally take. To give you an example, lets go back a few moves in
this game.
If after Black plays 10d5 White responds with 11. cxd5, then of
course Black must recapture. If he does not he will lose material and
so there is nothing to think about. He has no other option but to take.
However, in the subsequent position after 11Nxd5 (see Diagram 3
below) White should not take on d5. This would be a mistake and
White should refrain from making this move because of the rule: to
take is a mistake.
Diagram 3
White to move
Now that you know the rule that to automatically take is a mistake,
and that you should always try to maintain the tension, lets move on
a little.
Okay. Lets continue our exploration of the way strong players think
with another example. Below is a theoretical position from the Sicilian
defense, Najdorf variation.
Diagram 4
Black to move
Lets say that Black plays 12b4 attacking the knight, White retreats
the knight to e2 (13. Nce2), Black plays 13Qc7, White replies with
14. h4 (preparing an attack on the king-side) and Black answers with
14d5 (attacking Whites centre and more specifically, the pawn on
Diagram 5
Although we know that we should try to keep the tension and avoid
moves like exd5, here it is not so easy to find a suitable way to keep
the tension and somehow protect the e4-pawn:
White to move
Okay? Now, here is a question for you. How would you play here as
Ill be very glad if you decided not to take the d5 pawn. You know
already that to take is a mistake and in this position it is indeed not
the best option. After 15.exd5 Black will recapture with 16Nxd5.
With this move Black brings the knight into the centre, attacks
Whites bishop on e3 and gains more activity. As a result White needs
to find something better.
Perhaps now you are thinking that if you dont have a good way to
defend the e4-pawn then maybe you just have to take on d5. This is
certainly how most chess players think in such situations. However,
this way of thinking has one major drawback: everything that weve
been considering so far in this position has been focused on an
opponents threats and we completely forgot about our own plans.
Let me give you a quick analogy. It is rather like a tug-of-war
competition. Each side is trying to pull the rope in their own direction
and the side who does it stronger will win the competition. A similar
thing happens in chess. Each player is trying to pull the game in the
direction that he wants, and the one who does it more insistently will
win the game.
Having said that, let us take this new approach and apply it in the
above position. Our task is to see what other resources we can find
for White. We can do this by simply shifting our focus from Blacks
threats to Whites plans.
Okay, so what is Whites plan here? Obviously White wants to push
g5. That is why he played h4 and g4 on the previous moves.
However, he cannot play g5 immediately because after 15hxg,
White cannot recapture with 16.hxg because the h-pawn is pinned
to the undefended rook on h1. Therefore White needs to prepare this
move somehow. He just needs to solve this problem of the hanging
rook on h1.
We can find a couple of ideas for this purpose. For example:
White could play 15.Bh3 and cover the h-file. Then after 15dxe4
White can push g5 successfully. Also, the bishop on h3 attacks Blacks
e6-pawn. Maybe White will sacrifice a piece there or he could push
g6 and undermine this e6-pawn. All in all this position looks very
promising for White. So thats one interesting idea.
At the very least White can remove the rook from danger by playing
15.Rg1 with similar ideas of pushing g5 and then g6 and developing
an attack on the king-side. Thats another alternative.
In the actual game, White found another move with a similar idea.
He played 15.Bf4 (attacking Blacks queen) and after Black played
15e5 White played 16.Bh2. With this maneuver White has covered
the h-file with his dark-squared bishop and he is ready to push g5. Of
course Black cannot take the knight on d4 because the pawn is
pinned and so he took on e4 (16dxe4). After that, White pushed
17.g5 (see Diagram below).
Diagram 6
Black to move
As you can see, White is developing his attack. Of course it is still a
very complicated position but White has good chances to develop
a successful attack and Black should be really careful. For example,
if after 17hxg5, 18.hxg5 Black makes the natural move 18Nd5 he
is losing immediately as White can take with 19.Bxc5 (attacking
Blacks queen and unleashing a discovered attack on Blacks h8rook).
Okay, so lets now go back to the critical position (Diagram 5). The
important thing for you to take from this is that after we adopted a
new approach, we were able to find a lot of interesting and
powerful possibilities for White. This is a key difference between the
way strong players and weak players think.
without any real understanding of this idea the rule by itself is rather
Let me be clear that Im not talking about an active defense, or a
counter-attack, or anything like that. Im simply talking about
another approach for the game. What I mean is that you should
always try to push your own plan and try to lead the game in the
direction that you want. Its not about counter-blows or any kind of
tactical tricks. It relates more to your deep understanding of the
chess game and the adoption of the proper approach.
In this lesson we have been discussing the secrets of strong players.
You now know two powerful secrets of these strong players. Let us
review them quickly.
To take is mistake:
A major difference between strong and not-so-strong players is that
when there is the possibility for an exchange, weaker players will
usually just take automatically. Unlike them, strong players know that
to take is a mistake and that you should therefore look for a way to
keep the tension.