Jessica Lal Trial Court Judgement
Jessica Lal Trial Court Judgement
Jessica Lal Trial Court Judgement
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12 Raja Chopra
r/o E-29-Am Lajpat Nagar III, New Delhi
SC -105/2001
FIR NO.: 287/99
PS : Mehrauli
U/s. 302/201/212/120B/34IPC
& 27 Arms Act
against license.
12. PW8 Sardar Gurnam Singh is a
formal witness.
13. PW9 is Dr. R.K.Sharma who has
conducted post mortem on the body of
deceased Jessica. As per PW9 the cause of
death was head injury due to fire arm
injury which was ante mortem in nature.
The report prepared by Pw9 is Ex.PW9/B.
He has further deposed that injuries no.3
to 6 are consequential injuries to injury
no.3 and injury no.3 was sufficient to
cause death, in the ordinary course of
14. PW10 Dr. Jasvinder Singh is the
Doctor posted at Ashlok hospital who has
taken injured Jessica Lal to Apollo
hospital on the asking of Dr. Ashok
Chopra, owner of Ashlok hospital as there
was no arrangement for neuro surgery in
Aaslok hospital.
15. PW11 ASI Veer Singh is a
formal witness.
16. PW 12 HC Santosh is a formal
17. PW13 ASI Kartar Singh is a
formal witness.
18. PW 14 Shri Surinder Singh is a
State Vs. Sidhartha Vashisht etc.
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formal witness.
19. PW15 Sumitabh Bhatnagar was the
Manager in Hindustan Coca Cola Breweries
Limited. He has identified accused
Amardeep Singh Gill @ Tony Gill and Alok
Khanna as both were employees of Hindustan
Coca Cola Breweries Limited.
20. PW16 Shri Raj Narain Singh is a
formal witness.
21. PW17 Sh. Mohd. Zafar is a formal
22. PW18 Manvir Singh is a formal
23. PW19 Shri Andleep Sehgal has
deposed that he had attended the Thursday
party on 29th April, 1999 along with his
wife. He has further deposed that he
knows accused Amardeep Singh Gill @ Tony
Gill, Sidhartha Vashisht @ Mannu Sharma
and Mr. and Mrs. Aman Gill, Parikshat
Sagar. He also found Mr. and Mrs. Aman
Gill, Pariksat Sagar at the party but he
had not met accused Sidhartha Vashisht @
Mannu Sharma and Amardeep Singh Gill @
Tony Gill on that day in the party.
24. PW 20 Smt. Bina Ramani is the
owner of Qutub Colonnade. She has deposed
that on 29th April 1999 the Thursday party
State Vs. Sidhartha Vashisht etc.
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47. PW 43 Shri CN Kumar is a formal
48. PW 44 Shri Shankar Mukhia is a
formal witness.
49. PW45 Sanjay Garg is a formal
136. Counsel for accused has further
submitted that even PW2 Shyan Munshi has
deposed before the court that two persons
had fired shots at the time of incident
from two different pistols. One person
had fired a shot in the roof while the
other person fired a shot at Jessica Lal.
He has denied that the accused Sidhartha
Vashisht @ Mannu Sharma has fired both the
shots one in the roof and another at
Jessica Lal. The theory put forward by
PW2 Shyan Munshi that two persons had
fired from two different weapons stands
corroborated from the evidence of
Ballistic Experts. The prosecution had
sent two fired cartridges recovered from
the spot to CFSL New Delhi and the CFSL
New Delhi had opined that both the fired
cartridges were different in size and they
were having different characteristics and
from these characteristics they opined
that these two cartridges were fired from
two different weapons. The prosecution
then sent these two cartridges to FSL
Jaipur and even the Ballistic expert at
Jaipur also opined that both these
cartridge were of different size and they
State Vs. Sidhartha Vashisht etc.
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Delhi police.
148. Ld. Counsel for accused has
further submitted that in view of the
foregoing discussions it has become
evident that the story of presence of
Black Tata Safari at the spot was
introduced by the police and the story of
removal of Black Tata Safari by the
accused persons has also been introduced
by the police in order to falsely
implicate the accused persons in this
149. Ld. Counsel for accused has
further submitted that PW86 Jagan Nath Jha
was working as a waiter at Qutub Colonnade
restaurant on the night of incident. He
has deposed before the court that he was
working as a waiter at the time of
incident. He had not seen any Black Tata
Safari at Qutub Colonnade on the night of
29-30/4/99. There is no mention of Black
Tata Safari even in his statement u/s 161
Cr.PC. He has further deposed that on the
night of 29/4/99 there was no police
official available on duty at Qutub
Colonnade and there was only guard of the
restaurant who was on duty at the spot.
evidence as to identification
of accused must be
sufficient to exclude with
reasonable certainty the
possibility of mistake.''
(vi) AIR 1995 SC 2128, Andhra Pradesh
in Re A. Jayaram and Another Vs. State of
Andhra Pradesh, wherein it has been held as
'' ....Conviction cannot be based
on circumstances indicating
that the prosecution case is
quite likely to be true. For
basing the conviction in a case
governed by circumstantial
evidence, the facts established
must rule out any likelihood of
innocence of the accused.''
the spot.
State Vs. Sidhartha Vashisht etc.
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version of prosecution.