Design and Development of A Project-Based Embedded System Laboratory Using LPC1768

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American Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications

2013; 1(2): 46-53

Published online December 20, 2013 (
doi: 10.11648/j.ajesa.20130102.13

Design and development of a project-based embedded

system laboratory using LPC1768
Aruna Kommu, Raghavendra Rao Kanchi*
VLSI and Embedded System Laboratory, Department of Physics, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Ananatapuram, 515003, A.P., India

Email address: (R. R. Kanchi)

To cite this article:

Aruna Kommu, Raghavendra Rao Kanchi. Design and Development of a Project-Based Embedded System Laboratory Using LPC1768.
American Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications. Vol. 1, No. 2, 2013, pp. 46-53. doi: 10.11648/j.ajesa.20130102.13

Abstract: In this paper, we propose project-based experiments useful in setting up an embedded system design laboratory.
It is an outcome of the authors experience in teaching computer architecture and embedded systems in theory. The
experiments and projects described herein are useful for the students to learn the building blocks of embedded system and can
be implemented as one third semester laboratory course. Further, they are built around ARM based RISC processorLPC1768 architecture, which supports modular programming. The components including the microcontroller with
programmer are inexpensive. It gives a hands-on experience to the undergraduate student of Electronics and Communication
Engineering (ECE) and Computer Science Engineering (CSE), or Post-Graduate students with electronics major. The salient
feature of this module is that each experiment is explained by its hardware description, software algorithm which includes
dumping the hex file of the program on to the microcontrollers flash memory. Our experience with the conduct of a 120
min-end of semester practical examination show that, with the chronological increase in hardware design, the students
exhibited the confidence in designing new stand-alone systems with fairly complicated hardware and software. Setting up a
training laboratory of this type is easy with the material described in this paper.
Keywords: Embedded System Laboratory, Low-Power Microcontroller, LPC1768microcoontroller, Stand-alone System,
Hands-on Experiments

1. Introduction
The impact and presence of embedded systems is felt
directly in our daily walk of life. Starting with cellular
phones, digital cameras, home appliances, space
applications, up to the ubiquitous networking and sensor
networking, embedded systems are used [1]. Applications of
embedded systems are increasing exponentially and is
pervading in to the various branches of science and
technology. Further, the development of low-power mixed
signal controllers from various manufacturers particularly
from NXP Semiconductors has paved path for the
percolation of embedded systems in to mobile, industrial,
automobile, space, agricultural and robotic environments.
In global scenario, embedded system courses are
introduced in to the existing science and engineering
curricula [2, 3]. Presently, in majority of Indian Universities,
embedded system is included in the curriculum at the
under-graduate level of Science and Engineering with
electronics as major. In any of the engineering or science
curriculum, a balance between theory course and practical

training is always essential. In such a scenario, a relevant

practical training is essential, particularly, while teaching a
course on embedded systems in the disciplines: Computer
Science, Electrical Engineering or an Applied Science
Electronics course. Several papers have appeared in
literature, stressing on such a need [4-6]. Further, the area of
embedded systems and their interconnection is of paramount
importance nowadays. This is because such systems are
widely used in several fields, and the demand for trained
personnel in this field is increasing fast. However, the
teaching methods and laboratory training in embedded
systems is lagging behind [7]. Existing problems in graduate
teaching is well explained by Jiang Xiaoluo and Li Han [8].
Experiments on embedded system training are continuously
monitored and improved basing on the changes taking place
in the architecture of microcontrollers. Further, the industry
and R&D department needs the new technological design
but wont rely on old ones; since the newer controllers draw
less power, occupy less space and provide advanced on-chip

American Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications 2013; 1(2): 46-53

features and better code optimization. Training the student at

the entry level of embedded system course gives a double
benefit besides the theoretical knowledge. It gives a scope to
modern teaching practices, international project
collaboration, and cooperative learning processes [9-11].
Also microcontroller based embedded system design with
different controllers are available in the literature [12].
Keeping these facts in view point, we have developed
more than a dozen of interfacing experiments using NXP
Semiconductor low-power mixed signal controller LPC1768
(ARM Cortex M3). These experiments will cover one-third
of semester. Of course, microcontrollers with advanced
architecture are also available. Our aim is to start humbly,
with a simple microcontroller and then move to complex
The experiments presented in this paper start with LED
interfacing and goes up to the projects with interfacing of
sensors and can be extended to sensor networking. The
systematic approach of learn-while-doing, not only
increases confidence in the student, but lights up the spark of
innovation by thinking new ways of using the
microcontroller. Further, because of the use of low-cost
components for interfacing, student can afford to purchase
them and hence it will be like a take-home experiments [13].
The set of experiments, described here, can also be useful for
an electronics hobbyist having basic knowledge on
electronics and to a fresh research student who wants to
work in the direction of microcontroller instrumentation. In
general, the embedded system design should qualify the
The microcontroller/CPU should posses high
processing power and present sufficient on-chip
The total embedded system hardware should consume
less power, facilitating battery powered operation.
The total hardware should occupy less space and
function properly in real-time, fault tolerant and
reliable modes
Further, all the above features are met with LPC1768
mixed signal controller. Performing the exercises described
here, while learning the theory of LPC1768, the student
acquires a partial skill in the embedded system design.
This paper is organized as: Section-II gives brief
description of the architectural details of ARM Cortex M3
(LPC1768) mixed signal controller and programming
procedure of the controller using KEIL vision4. Section III
gives the details of hardware and software, developed in the
present study. Conclusions and scope for future work are
included in Section IV.

embedded systems such as mobiles, automobiles, industrial

control etc. LPC1768 Xplorer board was purchased from
NGX Technologies, Bangalore, which cost about 35$ [14].
It consists of ARM Cortex M3 as its core with 512kB flash
memory and 64kB data memory, which offers high level of
integration and low power consumption. Other important
features include:
Operates at a frequency up to 100MHz
It incorporates a 3 stage Pipeline architecture of
0.91MIPS/MHz (fetching, decoding and running)
Harvard architecture with separate instructions, local
data buses and a third bus for Peripheral
The on-chip peripheral components of the LPC1768
include: Ethernet MAC, a USB interface that can be
configured as either Host, Device, or OTG, 8 channel
general purpose DMA controller, 4 UARTs, 2 CAN channels,
2 SSP controllers, SPI interface, 3 I2C interfaces, 2-input
plus 2-output I2S interface, 8 channel 12-bit ADC, 10-bit
DAC, motor control PWM, Quadrature Encoder interface, 4
general purpose timers, 6-output general purpose PWM,
ultra-low power RTC with separate battery supply, and up to
70 general purpose I/O pins [15].
It supports the operating systems such as WINDOWS CE,
LINUX, Palm OS and so on. The block diagram of ARM
cortex M3 is shown in fig. 1(a), fig. 1(b) shows the internal
architecture and fig. 1(c) shows the LPC1768 Xplorer board.


2. Architecture and Programming

Procedure using Keil Vision 4
2.1. Architecture of LPC1768
The LPC1768 is a 32-bit mixed signal processor from
NXP semiconductor, is most widely used in a number of




Aruna Kommu and Raghavendra Rao Kanchi: Design and Development of a Project-Based
Embedded System Laboratory Using LPC1768

Step 3: To start entering the code, select new file from file
drop down menu, on right side Editor will be displayed
where the code can be written. After typing C program, Save
the file and configure the file with extension to be .C. The
command used here is File Save as.... The screen shot is
shown in fig. 4.

Fig 1. (a). Block diagram of ARM CortexM3. (b). Internal architecture of
ARM CortexM3. (c). LPC1768 Xplorer board

2.2. Programming procedure using Keil Vision 4

ARM offers the Keil Microcontroller Development kit
(MDK-ARM) for ARM powered microcontrollers. It
features the industry standard compiler; the Kiel vision
IDE, sophisticated debugger and data trace capabilities. Keil
Vision4 is open source software which provides best
development tool and technical support [16]. Features such
as free development tools and compilers plus the ability to
integrate a low cost In Circuit Debugger (ICD) in to the
ARM CPU module made the ARM an excellent choice for
the new advances.
Programming steps involved in the development of a
project are given below:
Step 1: To create a NEW project, go to PROJECT drop
down menu and select New Project. Input a file name and
save it. The screen shot of Step 1 is shown in fig.2.

Fig 4. Screen shot for step 3

Step 4: In this step, add files in to project file using the

commands Project Components, Environment, Books,
then select the desired Add file to add to project file. The
screen shot of which is shown in fig. 5.

Fig 5. Screen shot for step 4

Step 5: After completion of Step 4, right click on target in

project workspace, select options for Target and click on
output to create HEX FILE and finally click on OK, the
screen shot of which is shown in fig. 6.

Fig 2. Screen shot for creating a New Project.

Step 2: In this step select the chip to be programmed. Here

choose LPC1768 from NXP (Philips). After the selection of
the chip, a message box will be displayed and asks for to
load the start up code in to the project, click on OK. The
screen shot is shown in fig. 3.
Fig 6. Screen shot for step 5

Step 6: In this step build the project using project drop

down menu. Click on Build target.
Step 7: Upload the Hex File using the Flash Magic. In
this browse the hex file, click on START to upload to flash.
The screen shot is shown in fig. 7.
Fig 3. Screen shot for Step 2

American Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications 2013; 1(2): 46-53


Figure 8 shows the photograph of the experiment.

Fig7. Screen shot for step 7

3. Details of Individual Experiments

Before describing the projects in Module C, a few
experiments are developed and described in modules: A and
B. The first module explains the hardware and software
details of the experiments specific to the exploitation of
GPIO pins, which comes under the category of basic
input/output interfacing. Module B pertains to the hardware
and software description of experiments for exploitation of
on-chip peripherals. A project based embedded application
with sensor interfacing and their applications are described
in Module C. In all these modules, the student is expected to
use theoretical knowledge in assembling the hardware
interface circuit and the practical aspect is fulfilled by the
successful software development, and verifying the result by
powering up the circuit.
Module A: Basic I/O Interfacing
This part will help the student in the first step of learning
embedded system with simple interfacing such as LED,
Seven segment display, Stepper Motor, Relays and LCD
Ex .A 1: LED Blinking
The first experiment is LED toggling. This experiment is
generally named as Hello Program in embedded systems.
Light Emitting Diode (LED) is the most commonly used
component, usually for displaying the digital status of I/O
pins. At this juncture, the student is asked to refer to the user
manual of LPC1768 [13]. This is for the reason that certain
port pins are declared as open drain. To get acquainted with
GPIO pins, LEDs are connected to port pins P0.4 to P0.7
with current limiting resistors (220), mounted on a bread
board. The embedded C program is developed using Keil
Vision software.
The software is developed based on the following
Initialize the board
Set the IODIR register to configure the GPIO pins as
output pins.
Manipulate the I/O pins using IOSET register and
IOCLR register.
Build the target
Upload the resulting hex file using Philips Flash utility.
Press the RESET button and
Observe the shifting of LEDs in the form of nibbles
connected to PORT pins

Fig 8. LPC1768 interfaced with LEDs

Ex A 2: Seven Segment Display

A seven segment display is the most basic electronic
display device that can display the digits from 0-F
(hexadecimal numbers). The seven segment pins
(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) plus the decimal point of a common anode
display are connected to port pins of LPC1768 via current
limiting resistors (220). The program is developed using
Keil software to display hexadecimal numbers 0-F on the
display. The software is developed based on following
Initialize the board
Initialize the seven segment display with variables.
Set the control direction register IODIR to configure
the GPIO port pins as output pins.
Display the hex numbers on seven segment display in
up counter manner.
Figure A.2 shows the photograph of the experiment

Fig 9. LPC1768 interfaced with seven segment display, Hex value F is

displayed on the seven segment display

A.3. Stepper Motor Interfacing Experiment

In this experiment the stepper motor is interfaced with
LPC1768 using port pins P0.10, P0.11, P1.25, and P1.26. As
the port outputs of the controller cannot drive the stepper
motor directly, the power amplifier IC ULN2003 is used. It
provides the necessary current to drive the motor. Collect a
stepper motor from the junked floppy drive mechanism, IC
ULN2003, RESET components, connecting wires and bread
board. Assemble the circuit shown in figure 19, on the bread
board. The stepper motor is rotated in steps continuously, by
developing the software basing on the following algorithm:
Initialize the board
Initialize the variables to rotate the stepper motor
Configure the GPIO pins as output pins, using IODIR


Aruna Kommu and Raghavendra Rao Kanchi: Design and Development of a Project-Based
Embedded System Laboratory Using LPC1768

Send the data sequence to rotate the stepper motor in

clock wise direction by manipulating the port pins
using IOSET and IOCLR register.
Give a delay
Stop the motor in low-power mode.
Ex.A.4. Push button interface, debouncing and Toggling
The main aim of the experiment is to debounce a
mechanical switch by software while counting the number
of times the button is pressed. The decimal number
corresponding to the number of pushes after debouncing is
observed using LED connected to P0.10. Push button is
connected to P1.25 pin. Collect a mechanical switch, LEDs,
RESET components, bread board and connecting wires.
Assemble the circuit shown in figure 23.
Program is developed to observe the number of toggles of
LED after software debouncing, using the following
Initialize the board
Configure pin P1.25 as input using IOPIN register.
Configure P0.10 as output which is connected LED to
observe the debouncing.
Figure 11 shows the photograph of the experiment.

IODIR register.
Give a delay
Make P0.10 low using IOCLR and high using IOSET
Toggle the LED when the relay goes high state.
Figure 11shows the photograph of the experiment.

Fig 11. LPC1768 interfaced with Relay

With the description of the above experiments, Module A

comes to an end. Thus Module A has focused more on basic
input/output (I/O) programming. Performing these
experiments, gives confidence in programming and working
with the LPC1768 microcontroller, in standalone mode. The
hardware circuit of all the I/O interfacing experiments
described above is shown in figure 12.


Fig 12. Total hardware for experiments A.1 to A.5.

Module B: Interfacing Experiments to Exploit the on-Chip


Fig 10. (a). LPC1768 interfaced with Push button. (b). Push button
debouncing, LED toggling

A.5. Relay Interfacing Experiment with LPC1768

In this experiment a Relay is interfaced with LPC1768
using port pins P0.10. As the port outputs of the controller
cannot drive the Relay directly, the power amplifier IC
ULN2003 is used. It provides the necessary current to drive
the Relay. IC ULN2003, RESET components, connecting
wires and bread board are the required components.
The software is developed based on the following
Initialize the board.
Configure the GPIO pin P0.10 as input pin, using

One of the interesting features of LPC1768 (ARM

CortexM3) is that each pin of LPC1768 can perform up to
four different functions, which are selectable. This module
gives the information about interfacing of the on-chip
peripherals (Analog to digital converter (ADC), Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM), Serial Communication using USART,
Ethernet (EMAC), Timers, Watch Dog Timer (WDT)) with
the outside world.
Ex B1: Measurement of Analog Voltage Using On-Chip
The ADC present on LPC1768 is a 12-bit successive
approximation converter, with a conversion rate of 200 kHz.
The on-chip ADC0: Channel 5 (ADC0.5) is chosen in the
present experiment to measure the analog input voltage.
The software is developed based on the following algorithm:
Initialize the board.
Configure GPIO pin P1.31 as AD0.5 using PINSEL

American Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications 2013; 1(2): 46-53

register and power up ADC using PCONP register.

Select AD0.5, CLKDIV, CLKS and PDN functions
using ADCR0.
Select ADDR5 register to read the digital equivalent of
the analog input.
A linear 10k / 10 turn (Bourns, USA), potentiometer is
connected to AD0.5 as shown in the circuit diagram. Fig. 13
shows the photograph of the experiment.

Fig 13. Photograph of the Analog input voltage.

Ex B2: Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

The PWM modulator of LPC1768 is capable of producing
six channels of single edge controlled PWM or three
channels of dual edge controlled PWM.
The PWM module is used to generate a single channel of
symmetrically modulated PWM signal. Software is
developed based on the following algorithm:
Initialize the board.
Configure P0.7 as PWM2 output using PINSEL
register and power up PWM using PCONP register.
Load the Prescaler to 30 MHz
Configure Match 0 register to reset the counter when a
match event occurs.
Configure all PWM related Match registers to toggle on
Reset the counter to start the PWM program using
PWMTCR register.
Figure 14 shows the photograph of the experiment.

RESET components, capacitors and conecting wires.

Program is developed on LPC1768 to send the characters to
personal computer using the following algorithm:
1. Initialize the board.
2. Power up UART1 using PCONP register.
3. Configure peripheral clock for UART1 using PCLK
SEL1 register.
4. Select P0.15 and P0.16 as TXD and RXD pins
5. Enable UART1 Transmit and Receive
6. Select 8 bit data length, no parity,1 stop bit using
U0LCR register
7. Character LPC1768 UART1 Done is sent through
LPC1768 to desktop hyper terminal, continuously.
Ex B4: Easy Web Application with on-Chip Ethernet
Ethernet block of LPC1768contains a full featured
10Mbps or 100Mbps Ethernet MAC (Media access
controller) designed to provide optimized performance
through the use of DMA hardware. It has many application
areas [17]. LPC1768 Ethernet standard has the following
Supports 10 or 100 Mbps PHY devices including 10
Base-T, 100 Base-TX, 100 Base-FX, and 100 Base-T4.
Fully compliant with IEEE standard 802.3.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet
The software is developed based on the following
Initialize the system.
Set the Ethernet power/clock control bit using PCONP
Set the PINSEL2&3 register to configure Ethernet
Set the MAC configuration register 1to pass all receive
frames, set MAC register2 to append CRC and pad out
Enable Reduced MII interface
Set the receive and transmit descriptor base address
Initialize TCP, clear HTTP servers flag register.
Configure pin P0.10 as output pin using IODIR
The program developed is uploaded to the flash memory
of LPC1768; browse the webpage using IP address, observe
the LED on, off which is connected to P0.10.
Figure 15 shows the Photograph of easy web application.

Fig 14. Photograph of the PWM output

Ex B3: Implementation of UART

Serial communication is easy and efficient protocal for
tranferring data for long distances [15]. The LPC1768 has
four on-chip USARTs with fractional baud rate generation,
internal FIFO, IrDA, and DMA support. One UART has
modem control I/O and RS-485/EIA-485 support.
The clock frequency for the USART is selected using
software and baudrate 9600bps is set with USART Prescalar
registers. Components required: MAX232, DB-9 connector,


Fig 15. Photograph of the Easy web application.


Aruna Kommu and Raghavendra Rao Kanchi: Design and Development of a Project-Based
Embedded System Laboratory Using LPC1768

The hardware circuit of all the peripheral interfacing

experiments described above and project based sensor
interfacing experiments is shown in figure 16.

sensor. Software is developed based on the following

1. Start.
2. Initialize Analog channel AD0.5 using PINSEL
and power up ADC using PCONP register.
3. Initialize port pin for LCD.
4. Display Humidity on first line.
4. Start the ADC conversion for reading analog input from
HSM 20G sensor.
5. Convert the analog data into humidity and display on
second line of LCD.
Figure 17 shows the photograph of the experiment

Fig 16. Hardware Schematic of Peripheral interfacing and sensor


Module: C: Project Based Embedded Application with

Sensor Interfacing Experiments
Ex C1: LM35 Interfacing with LPC1768
The LM35 is internal signal conditioned temperature
sensor [17]. Analog input channel of AD0.5 P1.31 is
selected for reading LM35. Components required: LM35,
LCD, RESET components and connecting wires. The
software is developed based on the following algorithm.
1. Start.
2. Initialize Analog channel AD0.5 using PINSEL
and power up ADC using PCONP register.
3. Initialize port pin for LCD.
3. Display Temperature in C on first line.
4. Start the ADC conversion for reading analog input from
5. Convert the analog data into temperature and display on
second line of LCD.
Ex C2: HSM-20G Interfacing with MSP430F149
The HSM 20G module is interfaced with LPC1768 analog
input channel of (A5) ADC0.5 to measure the relative
humidity present in air. Components required: HSM-20G,
LCD, RESET components, and connecting wires. The
software is developed based on the following algorithm:
1. Start.
2. Initialize Analog channel AD0.5 using PINSEL
and power up ADC using PCONP register.
3. Initialize port pin for LCD.
4. Display Humidity on first line.
4. Start the ADC conversion for reading analog input from
HSM 20G sensor.
6. Convert the analog data into humidity and display on
Ex C3: Soil Moisture Sensor interfacing with LPC1768
The analog input channel (A5) of ADC0.5 is selected for
measurement of analog output voltage from soil moisture

Fig 17. Photograph of Soil moisture sensor interfaced with LPC1768.

Ex C4: RFID Sensor Interfacing with LPC1768

In this experiment RFID reader is interfaced with
LPC1768. The RFID proximity OEM Reader Module has a
built in antenna in minimized form factor. It is designed to
work with the frequency of 125 kHz [18, 19].
The software is developed based on the following
1. Initialize the board.
2. Power up UART1 using PCONP register.
3. Configure peripheral clock for UART1 using PCLK
SEL1 register.
4. Select P0.16 as RXD pins
5. Enable UART1 RXD and receive FIFO
6. Select 8 bit data length, no parity,1 stop bit using
U0LCR register
7. Display the read data from RFID tag on the LCD
display module.
Figure 18 shows the photograph of the experiment.

Fig 18. Photograph of RFID (125 kHz) interfaced with LPC1768

American Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications 2013; 1(2): 46-53

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Education Conference, Vol.2, Pages SIC/1-SIC/5, Kasas city,
Missouri, USA, october 2000.

4. Conclusions
This paper presents pedagogical hands-on experiments
for improving students learning in embedded systems and
preparing students to be useful in industry. Majority of the
components used are inexpensive. Our experience with the
conduct of a 120 min-end of semester practical examination
show that, with the chronological increase in hardware
design, the student exhibited the confidence in designing
new stand-alone systems with fairly complicated hardware
and software.

K.Aruna is thankful to the University Grants Commission
(UGC), New Delhi, for sanctioning Junior Research
Fellowship (F.4-1/2006 (BSR)/11-23/2008(BSR JRF).







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