Design and Development of A Project-Based Embedded System Laboratory Using LPC1768
Design and Development of A Project-Based Embedded System Laboratory Using LPC1768
Design and Development of A Project-Based Embedded System Laboratory Using LPC1768
Email address: (R. R. Kanchi)
Abstract: In this paper, we propose project-based experiments useful in setting up an embedded system design laboratory.
It is an outcome of the authors experience in teaching computer architecture and embedded systems in theory. The
experiments and projects described herein are useful for the students to learn the building blocks of embedded system and can
be implemented as one third semester laboratory course. Further, they are built around ARM based RISC processorLPC1768 architecture, which supports modular programming. The components including the microcontroller with
programmer are inexpensive. It gives a hands-on experience to the undergraduate student of Electronics and Communication
Engineering (ECE) and Computer Science Engineering (CSE), or Post-Graduate students with electronics major. The salient
feature of this module is that each experiment is explained by its hardware description, software algorithm which includes
dumping the hex file of the program on to the microcontrollers flash memory. Our experience with the conduct of a 120
min-end of semester practical examination show that, with the chronological increase in hardware design, the students
exhibited the confidence in designing new stand-alone systems with fairly complicated hardware and software. Setting up a
training laboratory of this type is easy with the material described in this paper.
Keywords: Embedded System Laboratory, Low-Power Microcontroller, LPC1768microcoontroller, Stand-alone System,
Hands-on Experiments
1. Introduction
The impact and presence of embedded systems is felt
directly in our daily walk of life. Starting with cellular
phones, digital cameras, home appliances, space
applications, up to the ubiquitous networking and sensor
networking, embedded systems are used [1]. Applications of
embedded systems are increasing exponentially and is
pervading in to the various branches of science and
technology. Further, the development of low-power mixed
signal controllers from various manufacturers particularly
from NXP Semiconductors has paved path for the
percolation of embedded systems in to mobile, industrial,
automobile, space, agricultural and robotic environments.
In global scenario, embedded system courses are
introduced in to the existing science and engineering
curricula [2, 3]. Presently, in majority of Indian Universities,
embedded system is included in the curriculum at the
under-graduate level of Science and Engineering with
electronics as major. In any of the engineering or science
curriculum, a balance between theory course and practical
Aruna Kommu and Raghavendra Rao Kanchi: Design and Development of a Project-Based
Embedded System Laboratory Using LPC1768
Step 3: To start entering the code, select new file from file
drop down menu, on right side Editor will be displayed
where the code can be written. After typing C program, Save
the file and configure the file with extension to be .C. The
command used here is File Save as.... The screen shot is
shown in fig. 4.
Fig 1. (a). Block diagram of ARM CortexM3. (b). Internal architecture of
ARM CortexM3. (c). LPC1768 Xplorer board
Aruna Kommu and Raghavendra Rao Kanchi: Design and Development of a Project-Based
Embedded System Laboratory Using LPC1768
IODIR register.
Give a delay
Make P0.10 low using IOCLR and high using IOSET
Toggle the LED when the relay goes high state.
Figure 11shows the photograph of the experiment.
Fig 10. (a). LPC1768 interfaced with Push button. (b). Push button
debouncing, LED toggling
Aruna Kommu and Raghavendra Rao Kanchi: Design and Development of a Project-Based
Embedded System Laboratory Using LPC1768
4. Conclusions
This paper presents pedagogical hands-on experiments
for improving students learning in embedded systems and
preparing students to be useful in industry. Majority of the
components used are inexpensive. Our experience with the
conduct of a 120 min-end of semester practical examination
show that, with the chronological increase in hardware
design, the student exhibited the confidence in designing
new stand-alone systems with fairly complicated hardware
and software.
K.Aruna is thankful to the University Grants Commission
(UGC), New Delhi, for sanctioning Junior Research
Fellowship (F.4-1/2006 (BSR)/11-23/2008(BSR JRF).