Mix Idioms For CSS
Mix Idioms For CSS
Mix Idioms For CSS
We have been going through a severe budget squeeze at our company and must begin to stop
spending money in a wasteful manner.
Buy off; use a gift or money to divert someone from their duty or purpose
The land developer tried to buy off the politician but he was not successful.
Buy out; buy the ownership or a decisive share of something
The company was bought out by another large company in the textile industry.
By a long shot; by a big difference, by far
The soap company was able to beat out the bids of the other companies by a long shot.
Calculated risk; an action that may fail but has a good chance to succeed
They took a calculated risk when they introduced the new computer screen onto the market.
Captain of industry; a top corporation officer
The president of our company was a captain of industry and after he retired he was appointed to
many government boards.
Carry over; save for another time; transfer (a figure) from one column or book to another
We were forced to carry over the sale to the Monday after the national holiday.
Our company is still facing difficult times and we will have to carry over last year's losses to this
Carry the day; win completely
The president's new idea carried the day and everyone supported him energetically.
Carry through; put into action
The steel company carried through their plan to restructure all of their operations.
Close out; sell the whole of something, sell all the goods
They decided to close out the store and sell all of the remaining stock very cheap.
Close the books; stop taking orders, end a bookkeeping period
They usually close the books at the end of February every year.
Cold call; call a potential customer from a list of persons one has never seen
When he first started to work at his company he was asked to make cold calls using the
telephone book.
Come on strong; overwhelm with excessively strong language or personality
The salesman came on too strong at the meeting and angered the other members of the team.
Company man; a person who always works hard and agrees with his employees
My father was a true company man and was always putting in an extra effort for his company.
Company town; a town dominated by one industry or company
When the coal mine closed down the company town faced severe economic times.
Cut back; use fewer or use less
The company has been cutting back on entertainment expenses for over a year now.
Cut corners; economize
We have been forced to economize on stationary expenses during these severe economic times.
Cut off; interrupt or stop
The speech of the president was cut off when the electricity went off in the building.
Cut one's losses; do something to stop losing money or something
We should sell the old machinery as soon as possible and try and cut our losses.
Deliver the goods; succeed in doing well what is expected
The new owner of the company is not very popular but he is able to deliver the goods.
Double-check; check something again to confirm
We were unable to double-check the costs of the new products before the price list was printed.
Face value; the official worth or trust of something
Although the face value of the postage stamp was very low it sold at the auction for much
Fair play; justice, equal and right action to someone
The company is very good to work for as they always use fair play when they are bargaining
with their employees.
Figure out; find an answer by thinking about something
Everyone in our company is trying to figure out what our boss is going to do with the new
Fill the bill; be just what is needed
That new machine should fill the bill as to what we need to finish the job.
Finger in the pie; involved in what is happening, receiving money for something
The new manager has his finger in the pie in all aspects of our company's business.
Gain ground; go forward, make progress
Our company has been gaining ground in our attempt to be the best in the industry.
Get a break; get an opportunity or good deal
We were able to get a break on the price of the paint and saved a lot of money.
Get off the ground; make a successful beginning, go ahead
We were unable to get the new product off the ground and will have to wait until next year.
Give someone the green light; give permission to go ahead with a project
Our boss gave us the green light to begin work on the new sales promotion.
Go public; sell shares of a privately owned company to the public
The stock of the Internet company rose very quickly when they went public.
Go through with; finish, do as planned or agreed
We have decided not to go through with our plans to launch the new product until we have
solved all of its problems.
Hard sell; sell something by being very aggressive
The car salesman gave us a hard sell so we decided to go to another dealer.
Heads will roll; someone will be punished
Heads will roll when our boss learns about the money that we have lost recently.
In black and white; in writing
The company refused to deal with the customer's complaints until they saw them in black and
In charge of; in control of, responsible for
My sister has been in charge of buying supplies at her company for many years.
In short supply; not enough, in less than the amount or number needed
Experienced computer programmers are in short supply at our company.
In stock; have something ready to sell or use
They didn't have any computer printer ribbons in stock at the store.
In the black; successful or making money
The new company has been in the black for over a year now.
In the long run; in the final result
The company has been losing money recently but in the long run they should do very well.
In the market for; ready to buy something
We have been in the market for a new computer for a long time but still we haven't bought one.
In the red; losing money, unprofitable
The company began to go into the red when the price of oil began to rise rapidly.
The computer manufacturing company has been in a tight spot since the shortage of computer
chips appeared.
Turn over; to buy and then sell something to customers
The turn-over at that discount store is very rapid.
Work out; plan, develop
I spent the weekend trying to work out the budget estimates for next year.
Write off; remove from a business record, cancel a debt
It was impossible for the bank to collect the money so they were forced to write off the loan.
Don't give up the day job; to be not very good at that
I really like the way you sing but don't give up your day job.
A cash cow; an easy way to earn money regularly
Income tax is a real cash cow for the government.
Clear the air; discuss something that was causing people to feel upset
There seems to have been a misunderstanding. I'd like to explain what happened, just to clear the
Turn your back on; give up on, or abandon
I need your help but you just turned your back on me.
Not cut out for; not suitable for something
He tried mountain climbing but he simply was not cut out for it.
A class act; sophisticated, above average
He offered to help, even though he doesn't know me. He's a real class act.
Clean up your act; improve your behavior
If you are ever going to improve your English skills, you must start getting to class on time and
doing your homework. Why don't you clean up your act?
Get your act together; get more organized
You have been late for work every day this week. if you want to keep this job, you must get your
act together.
In the air; being discussed; generally obvious
The days are getting longer and the flowers are blooming. Spring is in the air.
Up in arms; angry
The crowd was agitated. Everyone was up in arms over the government decision.
Scratch the surface; examine only a part of something; uncover only a few facts about
Cancer research is a very long-term process. so far, we have just begun to scratch the surface.
Spill the beans; tell a secret
I won't be the one to spill the beans.
Give the benefit of the doubt; believe someone's statement without proof
The teacher's explanation did not seem logical, but i gave her the benefit of the doubt.
Black and blue; bruised
He was beaten until he was black and blue.
By the book; doing something according to the rules
He is a good cop. he does everything by the book.
In the clear; out of trouble
His innocence has been proven. He is in the clear.
Steer clear of; avoid
She is not very nice. I think we should steer clear of her.
Round the clock; all day
He is a very hard worker. He usually works round the clock.
Turn back the clock; go back in time
I feel old. I wish I could turn back the clock.
Like clockwork; with mechanical efficiency
He is very predictable. He always eats at the same time, like clockwork.
To cry over spilt milk; to feel sorry for what has happened
To hit the nail on the head; to do the right thing at the right time
To have too many irons in the fire; to have too many things in hand
With a grain of salt; to accept a statement with doubt as to its complete true
To give the devil his due; to allow even a bad man the credit due
Hush money; money given as a bribe to hush or make one keep silent
Pay one back in ones own coin; to treat in the same way as one has been treated
Between the devil and the deep sea; between two dangers equally harmful
To play truant;
To turn turtle;
To play down;
Under a cloud;
Horse trading;
To cap it all;
To beggar description;
A mug's game;
Close fisted;
Evil genius;
Expose to Odium;
Pecuniary Aid;
A cry in Wilderness;