NB-AR-0610 Anger at Goldman

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Anger At Goldman Mustn’t Drive Reform

Investors.com June 3, 2010
Bob Atwell Text

Public anger at Goldman Sachs is the vehicle being used In this environment, what passes for a public debate is
to force through sweeping financial reform legislation. a bunch of talking points spouted by people who don’t
know finance and haven’t read the bill. The public fury
In the public’s mind, Goldman has come to symbolize over Goldman was the vehicle used to ram through this
the self-interested corruption at the heart of modern financial reform bill of flawed intent.
finance. The legal discussion about Goldman seems to
center on whether Goldman had a conflict of interest. The premise of the bill was that systemic risk must be
Goldman doesn’t have a conflict of interest; Goldman is a managed by more and tougher regulators. The systemic
conflict of interest. risk of the “Too Big to Fail” institutions is not a naturally-
occurring market phenomenon. It is the unintended
The company is not unique among major financial consequence of the conflicting goals of federal financial
institutions. It is in the spotlight because it is widely policy.
respected as the most intelligent and influential financial
market player. Goldman creates markets, moves markets, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Federal Reserve and
shorts markets and participates heavily in the regulation Goldman Sachs all played a role in this, but the problem
of these markets through an influential network of past, is both simpler and more challenging than an angry
future and wannabe employees. public would like to believe.

The basic facts of Hank Paulson’s transition from We already have a large and complex regulatory
chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs to U.S. secretary of apparatus. This is designed to:
the Treasury are mind-boggling.
• Protect depositors (the FDIC).
He ran Goldman during the build-up of the bubble,
earning $38.5 million in 2005. In 2006, he went to • Implement federal monetary and fiscal policy (the
Treasury as the bubble was peaking. He was “forced” Treasury).
to redeem his ownership in Goldman before becoming • Maintain the safety and soundness of the system
Treasury secretary. He therefore sold his stock for $485 (the Fed, the FDIC, the Officer of Comptroller of the
million on a tax-free basis saving more than $100 million Currency and the state regulators).
in taxes because he was entering “public service.”
• Stimulate low-income housing and community
We will be assessing Paulson’s actions for many years, investment (Fannie and Freddie and all the
but it is very clear that he was presiding over the regulatory agencies).
resolution of the financial crisis his firm played a pivotal • Provide funding mechanisms (the Fed and Federal
role in creating. There is nothing illegal about any of this, Home Loan Banks).
but there is a lot wrong with it.
• Protect investors (the Securities and Exchange
The regulatory reform bill passed by Congress is almost
2,000 pages. I have not read it. Neither have most — if not • Provide consumer protection (multiple agencies).
all — of the congressman who voted for it. I don’t have to
read it to know the foundational premise is fatally flawed. Understanding and navigating this regulatory complexity
I also haven’t read the bill because legislation that long has displaced credit underwriting as the most important
isn’t written to illuminate, simplify and solve problems. core competency in finance. This regulatory dynamic is

Page 1 of 2 Anger At Goldman Mustn’t Drive Reform | Investors.com June 3, 2010

Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender


what drives centralization and causes systemic risk. This We don’t want systemic risk managed; systemic risk must
centralizing dynamic tilts the competitive landscape be eliminated. The best way to eliminate systemic risk is
away from community-based players using local to stop using the policy approaches that create it. It can
financial resources to responsibly serve people in the be eliminated very simply by imposing higher capital
decentralized manner personalism requires. standards on those institutions that pose systemic risk.
Taxation of systemic risk would also reverse the implied
Regulatory complexity favors the large players in any public subsidy that creates it. We will solve only the
industry. The big firms have the volume over which to problems we sincerely intend to fix.
spread the fixed costs of compliance, and they inevitably
provide heavy input into the formation of regulatory Atwell is chairman of Nicolet National Bank in Green Bay, Wis.
policy and practice. They also have the resources to hire
the necessary lobbyists.

We are all sickened by the current state of affairs. But no

one is going to stop the seamless flow of people between
the public and private sectors. So the notion that anyone
outside of Wall Street and Capitol Hill will be helped
and protected by more powerful “financial wizards” in
Washington has no reasonable basis in practice.

Their current proposition is if we just further centralize

financial markets under Washington’s control, they will
fix things for us. The problem is the new law does not
eliminate any of the ineffective agencies currently in
existence and likely will create new ones.

Centralized finance is too profitable for politicians to

want the nonsense stopped. In the end, we are likely to
have a modified version of the same game with some
different names. Financial Disneyland will reopen
with more and tougher security, but the fundamental
dynamic of centralized and politicized finance will be
even stronger. Security will talk tough and penalize a few
players, but the games will resume. The primary impact
of enhanced security will be to keep small players off the
field of play.

The financial machinations on display in the

congressional hearings caused severe economic pain.
Politicians have successfully harnessed the public anger
at New York to support a more muscular Washington.

There is, however, a better way, and we can have a much

healthier and more stable outcome. We just need to grow
up and process our anger like adults. We are currently
allowing our anger to be used against us.

Page 2 of 2 Anger At Goldman Mustn’t Drive Reform | Investors.com June 3, 2010

Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender

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