Brownian Motion Goes Ballistic: Perspectives
Brownian Motion Goes Ballistic: Perspectives
Brownian Motion Goes Ballistic: Perspectives
To create tight binders (dissociation constant < 50 nM) from their initial hits (apparent affinities of >2000 nM and >5000 nM),
Fleishman et al. performed affinity maturation
with yeast display. An examination of the stabilizing mutations suggested ways of improving their computational methods; for instance,
the authors concluded that future modeling
efforts should try to take into account subtle
movements of sequence backbones, attractive forces known as long-range electrostatics, and the energy costs associated with protein interactions (such as the desolvation cost
for burying polar atoms). Optimizing a protein energy function, however, presents a challenge, and the insights gained from this single
study will need to be combined with results
from other design and modeling studies in
order to identify robust improvements.
Although Fleishman et al. have produced
a landmark result, it is evident that computational protein interface design is not a solved
problem. Researchers should not be satisfied
with one or a few successes in solving these
astronomically complex molecular puzzles.
Each new puzzle is different from the last; for
example, the region of hemagglutinin targeted
in this work was hydrophobic and -helical.
Will the computational protocol developed by
Fleishman et al. also be effective for designing binders for polar surface patches, or targeting alternative secondary structures (see
the figure) such as sheets, strands, or loops?
Creating many of these interfaces will require
accurate modeling of protein conformations
and accurate evaluation of desolvation, electrostatics, and hydrogen bonding.
The endeavor to understand protein interactions will undoubtedly continue for decades
to come. And the pursuit should remain persistent, as the impacts of rational design and
manipulation of protein-protein interactions
can hardly be overstated.
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itself and fed the two parts to two photodiode detectors. Lateral motion of a particle in
the trap increases the intensity at one detector
but decreases it at the other. The difference
between the two signals measures one component of the particles position. Coupled to
fast electronics, this system can measure displacements as small as 0.3 in time intervals
as short as 0.01 s.
In a vacuum, a particle in an optical trap
would oscillate indefinitely. Gas molecules
both dampen the oscillations and introduce random impulses that induce Brownian motion. Li et al. determined the time
evolution of the position and velocity of a
3-m-diameter silica sphere trapped in air
at about 1/36 of atmospheric pressure (see
the second figure, panel A). The underlying
oscillatory motion, with a period of about
300 s, is evident, as is a degree of randomness induced by the gas molecules. Einstein (24) estimated the duration of ballistic Brownian motion to be the time p = m/
tion, avoiding gene-cloning steps, and investigators can obtain initial measures of binding affinity while the protein is displayed on
the yeast surface. This obviates the need to
individually purify 73 different proteins. And
after biophysical characterization of the two
binders, the yeast are then used for a selection
process called affinity maturation. The effectiveness of this experimental workflow may
pave the way for future efforts to test computationally designed protein interactions.
Another possible reason for their achievement involves the computational design protocol. Previous modest-affinity binders were
developed by focusing first on the placement of the two proteins, and then on highresolution all-atom side chain design (9, 10).
Fleishman et al. took a different approach.
They first focused on all-atom placement of
disembodied side chains to establish critical
hot spot interactions, and then on docking
the designed protein to its target. This strategy is reminiscent of a previous approach that
involved grafting key residues from a known
interaction onto a new protein scaffold to
generate a new binding pair (13). If there are
no known hot spot binding motifs, however,
these hot spot interactions must be designed
de novo (1).
Velocity (mm/s)
Position (nm)
VOL 328
25 JUNE 2010
2w1 tp
where w0 is the resonant frequency of the trap
and w1 w20 1/(2tp )2 . The normalized velocity autocorrelation function (VACF) of the particle is (14)
sin w1 t
y(t) et=2tp cos w1 t
2w1 tp
Fig. 2. One-dimensional trajectories of a 3-mm-diameter silica bead trapped in air at 99.8 kPa (A) and
2.75 kPa (B). The instantaneous velocities of the bead corresponding to these trajectories are shown in (C)
and (D).
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) and
momentum relaxation time are much larger than 5 s. These conditions are satisfied here since
the trapping period is about 320 s,