What People Think About TV

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What people think about TV

In my opinion this topic is too broad. I dont understand completely what is the
purpose of this research. Its just many TV companies have a lot of employers
who perform market researchers. So I guess there is really no need to perform
another research, because it will hardly improve what has already been done
by large TV companies with their big budgets. I suppose it is better to chose
one TV show and focus on this particular TV show. For example, nowadays, TV
shows about Health Care are very popular.
Research example
Effect of entertainment television on viewers' health-related thoughts
In recent years respected studies have shown that entertainment television
has a clear and powerful effect on viewers' health-related thoughts--and
actions. In the wake of this evidence, to argue that shows likeGrey's Anatomy
and Househave no effect on the real world of health care is simply untenable.

Research has documented the role that entertainment TV

plays as source of personal health information. But beyond
providing specific information about topics such as cancer,
heart disease, or HIV, the 'cultivation theory' of media studies
suggests that entertainment media are also likely to play a
role in shaping viewers' broader conceptions of the health
care system.(Turow and Gans, "As Seen on TV: Health Policy
Issues in TV's Medical Dramas," Report to the Kaiser Family
Foundation, 2002, p. 1)
In particular,research suggests that fictional TV shows may also
have an impact on viewers' perceptions of issues such as the quality
of managed care, the rights of patients under current law, whether
insurance companies are providing sufficient coverage, and end-oflife decisions. (Turow and Gans, p. 1(citing five studies dating from
1996-2001, )
Thus, in 2002, Turow and Gans directed a study in which every
single prime time U.S. hospital drama episode in the 2000-2001
season was reviewed in order to analyze the discussion of health
policy issues (not surprisingly, they found that physicians dominated
discussions of such issues, while nurses and other health care team
members hardly existed in policy scenes).(Id. at 22-23)

1. Kaiser Report(pdf) at 4, citing "The Impact of TV's Health Content:

A Case Study of ER Viewers," Survey Snapshot, June 2002. Available
2. Joseph Turow and Rachel Gans-Boriskin. (2002). "As Seen on TV:
Health Policy Issues in TV's Medical Dramas," Report to the Kaiser

2. Research into Alzheimers disease

Again, here I have some objections. The most important objection is
how a researcher is going to perform his studies. Almost anywhere
in the world, all researches on social premises like Health and Care
come under the jurisdiction of special commitees. It means that a
researcher has to get the approval from the commitee Board. All
information about patients is confidential and researcher must think
how he can overcome this obstacle. So a researcher must think
twice before commiting himself to the research dealing with health
and care issues, especially with those that regard confidential

If a researcher finally got the approval from the Committee the

research could look like that:
Alzheimer s disease is relentlessly destroying the brains and lives of
our nation s older adults, robbing them of memory, the ability to
reason, and affecting their emotions and behavior. Alzheimer s
disease is a degenerative disorder of the brain. The longer we live
the greater the risk: one out of every two Americans aged 85 and
older and one out of every 10 aged 65 and older are afflicted with
the disease. It affects two groups of people: those with the disease
and the loved ones who care for them. By the year 2050, an
estimated 14 million Americans will be in its grip. (Higgins)
It is hard to sit back and watch your loved ones deal with the painful
disease of Alzheimer's. It is devastating to learn that they are no
longer the same anymore. Sure they look the same, but inside they
are slowly loosing touch with their lives and piece-by-piece of it is
diminishing. This is a hard fact to realize and one that an
Alzheimer's disease caregiver is necessary to take care of your

loved one.(Fargeau)
Finding an Alzheimer's disease caregiver is not hard. There are
many people that work directly with the hospice service that are
qualified to take care of a person with Alzheimer's disease. They are
specially trained to give these patients love and respect and at the
same time make sure that they are given the proper medications
and exercise that they need to stay motivated.
It will take a person that has patience; love, understanding and
determination to work with those that are affected with Alzheimer's
disease. These Alzheimer's disease caregivers are people that are
ready to deal with the hard work and special care that is needed to
take care of the patients and help the families as well.
When a family feels that it is time for a patient to have an
Alzheimer's disease caregiver, they can turn to the hospice for help.
There are many professionals that are available to take on this type
of situation. You may also find that there are volunteers that are
trained as well to come to the homes of the patients and keep them
company and give them special quality time that they deserve.
1. Fargeau, M. N., Jaafari, N., Ragot, S., Houeto, J. L., Pluchon, C. and
Gil, R. [Department of Neurology, CHU of Poitiers, University of
Poitiers, France]. "Alzheimer's disease and impairment of the Self."
Consciousness & Cognition 19, no. 4 (Dec 2010): 969-976.
2. Higgins, P., Allen, R., Karamat, S., and Lawrence, R. "Candlelight
Group: a pilot project for people with dementia." (2004). Paper
published online by the Spirituality and Psychiatry Special Interest
Group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists:
3. www.rcpsych.ac.uk/college/specialinterestgroups/spirituality.aspx

3. Play scheme for children

Here, in my opinion, we need to decide what a researcher really

wants : its either to simply find out the number of interested
residents or point out those residents who would actually use that
For this purpose I would prepare a questionnaire.

Possible questions for residents:

1. What kind of games do children prefer?
2. Are parents ok that their children will spend time outside their
3. Who will run the scheme?
4. How much does it cost?
5. Can parents build something by themselves so to spend less
money etc

Another good idea is to run a panel interview: invite parents, their

children and some representatives of the Play Scheme. The meeting
could help in finding out hot spots.
Finally, we can use focus group method.

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