What People Think About TV
What People Think About TV
What People Think About TV
loved one.(Fargeau)
Finding an Alzheimer's disease caregiver is not hard. There are
many people that work directly with the hospice service that are
qualified to take care of a person with Alzheimer's disease. They are
specially trained to give these patients love and respect and at the
same time make sure that they are given the proper medications
and exercise that they need to stay motivated.
It will take a person that has patience; love, understanding and
determination to work with those that are affected with Alzheimer's
disease. These Alzheimer's disease caregivers are people that are
ready to deal with the hard work and special care that is needed to
take care of the patients and help the families as well.
When a family feels that it is time for a patient to have an
Alzheimer's disease caregiver, they can turn to the hospice for help.
There are many professionals that are available to take on this type
of situation. You may also find that there are volunteers that are
trained as well to come to the homes of the patients and keep them
company and give them special quality time that they deserve.
1. Fargeau, M. N., Jaafari, N., Ragot, S., Houeto, J. L., Pluchon, C. and
Gil, R. [Department of Neurology, CHU of Poitiers, University of
Poitiers, France]. "Alzheimer's disease and impairment of the Self."
Consciousness & Cognition 19, no. 4 (Dec 2010): 969-976.
2. Higgins, P., Allen, R., Karamat, S., and Lawrence, R. "Candlelight
Group: a pilot project for people with dementia." (2004). Paper
published online by the Spirituality and Psychiatry Special Interest
Group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists:
3. www.rcpsych.ac.uk/college/specialinterestgroups/spirituality.aspx