What Has Happened To Lulu
What Has Happened To Lulu
What Has Happened To Lulu
The persona and his mother cannot find Lulu in her room
in the morning.
They only see an old rag doll and a shoe.
The persona asks about his missing sister.
The window is open and the curtain is flapping.
A circle on the dusty shelf indicates the money-box is
The persona wants to know why his mother is shaking her
head crying.
She has crumpled up a note and thrown it into the fire.
She says it is not of any importance.
The persona hears people talking and
the sound of engine late at night
But he is told it was all part of a dream
He also heard someone cry either in pain or anger
but the mother tells him it was a gust of rain
Grief & love
over a lost
Feelings of
Running away
from home/
Appreciation of
family love &
No one is
exempted from
having problems
We should be
concerned about our
parents feelings