Contact Stress Analysis of Spur Gear Teeth Pair PDF
Contact Stress Analysis of Spur Gear Teeth Pair PDF
Contact Stress Analysis of Spur Gear Teeth Pair PDF
W(1 12 ) / E1 + (1 2 2 ) / E 2
F(1/ R 1 + 1/ R 2 )
W(1/ R 1 + 1/ R 2 )
F[(1 12 ) / E1 + (1 2 2 ) / E 2 ]
contact takes place at point 1, and then the respective radii are
equal to:
R1= rp1 sin
R2= rp2 sin
For some period of time one tooth mesh carries the load and
for another period of time two tooth meshes share the load. At
contact ratio CR of (1.0) it would mean that one tooth is in
contact (100%) of the time. Contact ratio of (1.6) means two
pairs of teeth are in contact (60%) of the time and one pair
carries the load (40%) of the time. Contact ratios for
conventional gearing are generally in the range (1.41.6). The
zone of action of meshing gear teeth shows in Fig. 4, that
tooth contact begins and ends at the intersections of the two
addendum circles with the pressure line (line of action). In
Fig. 4 initial contact occurs at A and B, respectively. As
shown, the distance aP is called the arc of approach qa, and
the distance Pb, the arc of recess qr. The sum of these is the
arc of action qt.
W(1 + rp1 / rp 2 )
rp1F[(1 1 ) / E1 + (1 2 2 ) / E 2 ]sin
Where rp1 and rp2 are the pitch radii of the pinion and gear and
is the pressure angle. The stress correlations derived
heretofore and Eq. (3) are based on a number of simplifying
assumptions, such as pure bending of short beam and elliptic
distribution of stresses at tooth contact. A question therefore
arises concerning their accuracy [12]. The elastic compression
of two-dimensional bodies in contact can not be calculated
solely from the contact stresses given by the Hertz theory.
Some account must be taken for the shape and size of the
bodies themselves and the way in which they are supported. In
most practical circumstances such calculations are difficult to
perform, which have resulted in a variety of approximate
formulae for calculating the elastic compression of bodies in
line contact such as gear teeth and roller bearings in line
contact [10]. The pitting problems, design needs and safety
requirements make far in depth and complicated study of this
contact. The current project aims to arriving at these very
contact, one in the vicinity of (a) and another near (b). As the
meshing proceeds, the pair near (b) must cease contact,
leaving only a single pair of contacting teeth, until the
procedure repeats itself. Because of the nature of this tooth
action, since either one or two pairs of teeth are in contact, it
is convenient to define the term contact ratio CR as:
CR =
Where, qt is the arc of action. In other words, contact ratio is a
number which indicates the average number of pairs in
contact. Note that this ratio is also equal to the length of the
path of contact divided by the base pitch. Gears should not
generally be designed having contact ratios less than about
1.2, because inaccuracies in mounting might reduce the
contact ratio even more, increasing the possibility of impact
between the teeth as well as an increase in the noise level. An
easier way to obtain the contact ratio is to measure the line of
action AB instead of the arc distance ab. Since AB in Fig. 4 is
a tangent to the base circle when extended, the base pitch Pb
must be used to calculate CR instead of the circular pitch Pc
[11], as in Eq. (4). But for corrected gears (non standard
gears) the corrected values of outer radii of pinion and gear
(ra1 and ra2 respectively) and the center distance C are to be
inserted. Also, will be replaced by the operating (working)
pressure angle op [8], hence:
in v o p =
A pp =
Re c =
c = App + R e c
So, AB = SA SB
AB = (ra1 ) 2 (rb1 ) 2 + (ra 2 ) 2 (rb 2 ) 2 (rb1 + rb 2 ) tan op
AB = ( ra 1 ) 2 ( rb 1 ) 2 +
( ra 2 ) 2 ( rb 2 ) 2 ( r p 1 + r p 2 ) sin op
rb1 + rb 2
Where rb1 and rb2 are the base radii of pinion and gear and ra1
and ra2 are the outer radii of pinion and gear respectively.
Another useful equation to obtain the value of working
pressure angle op is:
cos( op ) =
So, the rolls angle c (the angle corresponding to the arc of
action or to the length of path of contact) from the first point
of contact A to the last point of contact B of one pair of teeth
at contact operation is:
Where Cf1 and Cf2 are the profile shift factor of pinion and
gear, and Z1 and Z2 are pinion and gear number of teeth
respectively. Referring to Fig. 3, the positions of the end
points of the path of contact are then as follows [4]:
2 ( C f 1 + C f 2 ) ta n
+ in v
Z1 + Z 2
(ra1 ) 2 (rb1 ) 2 + (ra 2 ) 2 (rb 2 ) 2 (rb1 + rb 2 ) tan op
ANSYS supports three contact models: node-to-node, nodeto-surface, and surface-to-surface [2]. Each type of model uses
a different set of ANSYS contact elements and is appropriate
for specific types of problems. To model a contact problem,
10 Contact model grids.
Fig. 16 Curve of maximum von Mises stress for the selected cases
The presentation dealt with contact stress, considering
contact ratio, approach angle, recess angle, contact and length
of contact. The stress was more than the correct value of
contact stress obtaining from approximating tools. This search
was certainly not easy and cannot be carried out without the
use of finite element analysis. To apply finite element method
in contact stress a special technique was used rather the
regular elements, to distinguish between the contact regions
which were in two parts. One was the first body named target
region and the other body was named contact region. For
target region, target elements were used and in contact region
contact elements were used. ANSYS software presents a
significant technique for this purpose which was used here. A
computer program was developed to plot one pair of teeth in
contact at different positions of contact depending on the
formulation as shown in section 5. The selected angular
interval value was 3, the progress of contact was studied at
each 3 interval, which means that there were 10 cases of
contact under consideration. These 10 cases were used to
build 10 finite element contact models and contact finite
element analysis was done under the load and material
conditions were named. The maximum stress result obtained
from AGMA stress calculation method was 587MPa while the
maximum contact stress obtained from the finite element
contact analysis was 595MPa (case five) under the same
conditions, it is clear that the agreement is good. The ultimate
stress of steel (C45) is 630-710MPa and the yield stress is
360MPa, therefore, the analysis is at elasticplastic range, but
by considering the very small area of contact region, it will be
very natural to obtain high contact stress, which will be for
very limited period of time. The results shows a high value of
contact stress in the beginning of the contact, and then it starts
to reduce until it reaches the location of single tooth contact,
here it increased to the maximum value of the contact, but
exactly after exceeding this single contact region it was
reduced. At the end of the contact, the stress increased
suddenly to a high value almost close to the maximum value,
at this stage a sliding was occurred in the contact region at the
maximum stress points as shown in Fig. 15.