Network Model
Network Model
Network Model
The network model can handle the one-to-many and many-to-many relationships.
Ease of data access
In the network database terminology, a relationship is a set. Each set comprises of two types of
records.- an owner record and a member record, In a network model an application can access an
owner record and all the member records within a set.
Data Integrity
In a network model, no member can exist without an owner. A user must therefore first define the
owner record and then the member record. This ensures the integrity.
Data Independence
The network model draws a clear line of demarcation between programs and the complex physical
storage details. The application programs work independently of the data. Any changes made in the
data characteristics do not affect the application program.
System complexity
In a network model, data are accessed one record at a time. This makes it essential for the database
designers, administrators, and programmers to be familiar with the internal data structures to gain
access to the data. Therefore, a user friendly database management system cannot be created
using the network model
INTRODUCTIONThe network model is a database model conceived as a flexible way of representing
objects and their relationships. Its distinguishing feature is that the schema, viewed as
a graph in which object types are nodes and relationship types are arcs, is not
restricted to being a hierarchy or lattice.
The network model replaces the hierarchical model with a graph thus allowing more
general connections among the nodes.The main difference of the network model from
the hierarchical model is its ability to handle many to many relationships.In other words
it allow a record to have more than one parent.
ADVANTAGES OF NETWORK MODELThe major advantage of network model are1.) Conceptual simplicity-Just like the hierarchical model,the network model is also
conceptually simple and easy to design.
2.) Capability to handle more relationship types-The network model can handle
the one to many and many to many relationships which is real help in modeling the real
life situations.
3.) Ease of data access-The data access is easier and flexible than the hierarchical
4.) Data integrity- The network model does not allow a member to exist without an
5.) Data independence- The network model is better than the hierarchical model in
isolating the programs from the complex physical storage details.
6.) Database standards
DIS-ADVANTAGE OF NETWORK MODEL1.) System complexity- All the records are maintained using pointers and hence the
whole database structure becomes very complex.
2.) Operational Anomalies- The insertion,deletion and updating operations of any
record require large number of pointers adjustments.
3.) Absence of structural independence-structural changes to the database is very
Network Database
Definition - What does Network Database mean?
A network database is a type of database model wherein multiple member records or
files can be linked to multiple owner files and vice versa. The model can be viewed as
an upside-down tree where each member information is the branch linked to the
owner, which is the bottom of the tree. Essentially, relationships are in a net-like form
where a single element can point to multiple data elements and can itself be pointed to
by multiple data elements.
This property of having multiple links applies in two ways: the schema and the
database itself can be seen as a generalized graph of record types that are connected
by relationship types. The main advantage of a network database is that it allows for a
more natural modeling of relationships between records or entities, as opposed to the
hierarchical model. However, the relational database model has started to win over
both the network and the hierarchical models because its added flexibility and
productivity has become more evident as hardware technology has become faster.
Related Terms
The network database model was invented by Charles Bachman in
1969 as an enhancement of the already existing database model, the
hierarchical database model. Because the hierarchical database model was
highly flaw, Bachman decided to create a database that is similar to the
hierarchical database but with more flexibility and less defaults. The original
and existing hierarchical database has one owner file linked strictly to one
member file, creating a ladder affect that restricted the database to find
relationships outside of its category.
Network Database vs. Hierarchical Database Model
Many-to-many relationship
One-to-many relationship
The Network model replaces the hierarchical tree with a graph thus allowing more general
connections among the nodes. The main difference of the network model from the hierarchical
model, is its ability to handle many to many (N:N) relations. In other words, it allows a record to
have more than one parent. Suppose an employee works for two departments. The strict
hierarchical arrangement is not possible here and the tree becomes a more generalized graph - a
network. The network model was evolved to specifically handle non-hierarchical relationships.
As shown below data can belong to more than one parent. Note that there are lateral
connections as well as top-down connections. A network structure thus allows 1:1 (one: one), l:
M (one: many), M: M (many: many) relationships among entities.
Network data model is the use of graph to represent object and their relationship within an organization.
The advantages of network data model are that is it simple and easy to implement, it can handle many
relationships within the organization, and it has better data independence compared to hierarchical model.
The disadvantages of network data model are more complex system of database structure and lack of
structural dependence.
Summary of features
Examples of relations
Compiled with assistance from Gerald White, California State University, Sacramento
very early attempts to build GIS began from scratch, using very limited tools like
operating systems and compilers
more recently, GIS have been built around existing database management systems
o purchase or lease of the DBMS is a major part of the system's software cost
o the DBMS handles many functions which would otherwise have to be
programmed into the GIS
the GIS adds geographical access to existing methods of search and query
such systems require very fast response to a limited number of queries, little analysis
in these areas it is often said that GIS is a "database problem" rather than an algorithm,
analysis, data input or data display problem
implies separation of physical storage from use of the data by an application program, i.e.
program/data independence
o the user or programmer or application specialist need not know the details of how
the data are stored
o such details are "transparent to the user"
changes can be made to data without affecting other components of the system. e.g.
o change format of data items (real to integer, arithmetic operations)
o change file structure (reorganize data internally or change mode of access)
o relocate from one device to another, e.g. from optical to magnetic storage, from
tape to disk
avoidance of inconsistencies
o data must follow prescribed models, rules, standards
security restrictions
o database includes security tools to control access, particularly for writing
the internal data representation (internal view) is normally not seen by the user or
applications programmer
the conceptual view or conceptual schema is the primary means by which the DBA builds
and manages the database
the DBMS can present multiple views of the conceptual schema to programmers and
users, depending on the application
o these are called external views or schemas
overhead - Water district database
real (decimal)
o more advanced systems may include pictures and images as data types
e.g. a database of buildings for the fire department which stores a picture
as well as address, number of floors, etc.
Standard operations
o network
o relational
the hierarchical, network and relational models all try to deal with the same problem with
tabular data:
o inability to deal with more than one type of object, or with relationships between
o e.g. database may need to handle information on aircraft, crew, flights and
passengers - four types of records with different attributes, but with relationships
between them (e.g. "is booked on" between passenger and flight)
database systems originated in the late 1950s and early 1960s largely by research and
development of IBM Corporation
trend through time has been increasing separation between the user and the physical
representation of the data - increasing "transparency"
early 1960s, IBM saw business world organizing data in the form of a hierarchy
rather than one record type (flat file), a business has to deal with several types which are
hierarchically related to each other
o e.g. company has several departments, each with attributes: name of director,
number of staff, address
each department requires several parts to make its product, with attributes:
part number, number in stock
each part may have several suppliers, with attributes: address, price
certain types of geographical data may fit the hierarchical model well
o e.g. Census data organized by state, within state by city, within city by census
the database keeps track of the different record types, their attributes, and the hierarchical
relationships between them
the attribute which assigns records to levels in the database structure is called the key
(e.g. is record a department, part or supplier?)
Summary of features
a set of links connecting all record types in one data structure diagram (tree)
at most one link between two record types, hence links need not be named
o for every record, there is only one parent record at the next level up in the tree
e.g. every county has exactly one state, every part has exactly one
data access is easy via the key attribute, but difficult for other attributes
o in the business case, easy to find record given its type (department, part or
o in the geographical case, easy to find record given its geographical level (state,
county, city, census tract), but difficult to find it given any other attribute
DBMSs based on the hierarchical model (e.g. System 2000) have often been used to store
spatial data, but have not been very successful as bases for GIS
objective of network model is to separate data structure from physical storage, eliminate
unnecessary duplication of data with associated errors and costs
network DBMSs include methods for building and redefining linkages, e.g. when patient
is assigned to ward
while a record can be owned by several records of different types, it cannot be owned by
more than one record of the same type (patient can have only one doctor, only one ward)
the network model has greater flexibility than the hierarchical model for handling
complex spatial relationships
it has not had widespread use as a basis for GIS because of the greater flexibility of the
relational model
flexible approach to linkages between records comes closest to modeling the complexity
of spatial relationships between objects
note the potential confusion - a "relation" is a table of records, not a linkage between
Examples of relations
o nonredundancy
in the normal phone directory the key attributes are last name, first name,
street address
if street address is dropped from this key, the key is no longer unique
(many Smith, John's)
concerned with finding the simplest structure for a given set of data
o deals with dependence between attributes
o avoids loss of general information when records are inserted or deleted
overhead - Normalization
the relationship between ranch and 50000 is lost when the last of the ranch
records is deleted
a new relationship (triplex costing 75000) must be inserted when the first
triplex record occurs
several formal types of normalization have been defined - this example illustrates third
normal form (3NF), which removes dependence between non-prime attributes
a relational join is the reverse of this normalization process, where the two relations
HOMES2 and COST are combined to form HOMES1
no obvious match of implementation to model - model is the user's view, not the way the
data is organized internally
most RDBMS data manipulation languages require the user to know the contents of
relations, but allow access from one relation to another through common attributes
Example: Given two relations: PROPERTY(ADDRESS,VALUE,COUNTY_ID)
to answer the query "what are the taxes on property x" the user would:
o retrieve the property record
o link the property and county records through the common attribute COUNTY_ID
o compute the taxes by multiplying VALUE from the property tuple with
TAX_RATE from the linked county tuple
Standard database texts:
Date, G.J., 1987. An Introduction to Database Systems, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.
Howe, D.R., 1983. Data Analysis for Data Base Design, Arnold, London.
Kent, W., 1983. "A simple guide to five normal forms in relational database theory,"
Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery 26:120.
Tsichritzis, D.C. and F.H. Lochovsky, 1977, Database Management Systems, Academic Press,
New York.