CFOs Weigh In on
Earnings Wizardry
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(CURRENT ACCOUNT | By Francesco Guernera
Earnings Wizardry
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Boyou maw What percentage of companies,
Wereyour thr exec, ue ae
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Sek orferareet on Oct, "The answer. around 20%.
{Salvays win Akos we) Taen it sabon, hs find
Sut what early have hey ing st ht sup 13
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‘ecu acideme sty one” play areand wih “caeiejar™
fitorfve US fnance chats Feserves acral and ether
Iv ben scrambling fdde Scouting istrient to fat
frit he companies carne fervor een depres eninge
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Severed ieeaenpists; defor avany dey o rome
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‘hoe Unie and deen” What sore supsing
‘Gram of Dake Unter. dugh is CPOs beet tat
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Tater shan coking them fant nar gn compan Te
voulbe Bored profs and loses.
‘The Sources of ths la. ‘hen ste sat the mage
thomsses Last yan these one rrmtathont pags
Cooking the Books?
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