Lecture 9 Dynamic RP Link State
Lecture 9 Dynamic RP Link State
Lecture 9 Dynamic RP Link State
This does not make configuring OSPF easier, but more elaborate
and difficult. Figure bellow shows a typical OSPF simple design.
Notice how each router connects to the backbone, called area 0, or
the backbone area. OSPF must have an area 0, and all routers
should connect to this area, but routers that
connect other areas to the backbone within an AS are called Area
Border Routers (ABRs). Still, at least one interface must be in
area 0.
OSPF runs inside an autonomous system, but can also connect
multiple autonomous systems together. The router that connects
these ASes together is called an Autonomous System Boundary
Router (ASBR).
OSPF Terminologies
OSPF Terminologies
OSPF Terminologies
OSPF Terminologies
OSPF Terminologies
OSPF Terminologies
OSPF Terminologies
Configuring OSPF
Configuring OSPF
Enabling OSPF
Lab_A(config)#router ospf ?
Configuring OSPF
So heres the Lab_A routers configuration:
Lab_A#config t
Lab_A(config)#no router rip
Lab_A(config)#router ospf 132
Lab_A(config-router)#network area 0
Lab_A(config-router)#network area 0
The Lab_B router is directly connected to networks 20, 30,
and 40. Instead of typing in each
interface, I can use one network command and still make it work:
Lab_B#config t
Lab_B(config)#no router igrp 10
Lab_B(config)#no router rip
Lab_B(config)#router ospf 1
Lab_B(config-router)#network area 0
Lets give the Lab_C router thats directly connected to
networks 40 and 50 some attention:
Lab_C#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Lab_C(config)#no router eigrp 10
Lab_C(config)#no router igrp 10
Lab_C(config)#no router rip
Lab_C(config)#router ospf 64999
Lab_C(config-router)#network area 0
Lab_C(config-router)#network area 0
Interface IP address
Area assignment
Process ID
Router ID
Network type
DR/BDR election information (if applicable)
Hello and Dead timer intervals
Adjacent neighbor information
Lets say that you are not using loopback interfaces and the
serial interface of your router is the RID of the router
because it has the highest IP address of active interfaces. If
this interface goes down, then a re-election must occur on
who is going to be the DR and BDR on the network.
Not necessarily a big deal, but what happens if this is a
flapping link (going up/down)? The routers will not
converge because the election is never completed. This is
obviously a problem with OSPF. Loopback interfaces
solve this problem because they never go down and the
RID of the router never changes
Configuring Loopback