"My Short " Entry Form: (Ver.1, Panaji, Goa)
"My Short " Entry Form: (Ver.1, Panaji, Goa)
"My Short " Entry Form: (Ver.1, Panaji, Goa)
Short Film
Movie Genre:
Awards/Prizes if any:
Contact Number:
(Preferably Whatsapp/Hike number as this number will be added to our group where you will get
notifications/updates/certificates for the Bazaar)
Fee Details:
Cheque/DD/Online Transaction No:
Bank Name:
I accept responsibility for the accuracy of information supplied above and authorize Rupesh
Studio Frames Pvt. Ltd. to reproduce the same to facilitate management and administration of
its activities and responsibilities while screening the show in the Bazaar.
Authorize person Name:
Signature: _____________________
Company Stamp:
1 CD with the following on it:a. Directors video giving brief about the film story and how it was made (video
not more than 1 min)
b. Synopsis of the film
c. Crew & Cast List
d. Biography & Filmography of the Director.
e. Photograph of Director & Producer
f. 2 A4 size film Posters and Still Photographs
(All documents to be made in PDF format)
1 Flex Movie Poster (3 x 1.5 feet)
All entries to be submitted through speed post/courier to:
Rupesh Gurudas Halarnakar
Rupesh Studio Frames Pvt. Ltd.
3-B, Type-C
Near Sati Temple
Bhatlem Panaji
Goa 403001